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影响高中学生数学学习情感的因素分析 被引量:29
作者 苏玉国 傅海伦 《数学教育学报》 2003年第3期64-66,共3页
数学学习情感是人对数学学习活动的态度体验.关注学生在情感和态度上的发展是新一轮数学课程改革的基本目标.当前高中学生在数学学习上都能有较多的成功体验,对数学的价值有较高的认识,但仍有不少学生的学习动机是迫于升学压力,对数学... 数学学习情感是人对数学学习活动的态度体验.关注学生在情感和态度上的发展是新一轮数学课程改革的基本目标.当前高中学生在数学学习上都能有较多的成功体验,对数学的价值有较高的认识,但仍有不少学生的学习动机是迫于升学压力,对数学学习缺乏自信. 展开更多
关键词 高中 学生 数学学习情感 影响因素 自信 学习动机
社会资源动员研究 被引量:11
作者 乔世东 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期18-24,共7页
长期以来,资源动员论试图常态化社会运动,强调其理性、组织、策略等方面,使得社会运动的情绪、仪式与宗教这些非常态元素的分析受到压抑。本文分析了资源动员论的哪些预设排除了这些非常态元素的讨论,并使用涂尔干的观点来整合上述的研... 长期以来,资源动员论试图常态化社会运动,强调其理性、组织、策略等方面,使得社会运动的情绪、仪式与宗教这些非常态元素的分析受到压抑。本文分析了资源动员论的哪些预设排除了这些非常态元素的讨论,并使用涂尔干的观点来整合上述的研究发现。相对于集体行为理论的宣称,涂尔干并没有将社会运动视为是某种偏差行为。本文主张,涂尔干的宗教研究提供了一套文化分析策略,可以放在政治社会学的脉络下思考。因此,涂尔干的理论是解决当前集体行动研究困境的关键之一。 展开更多
关键词 集体行动 资源动员论 情绪 仪式 宗教 涂尔干
情礼相称:一项关于农村酒席的研究 被引量:4
作者 周飞舟 任春旭 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期65-74,共10页
本文结合历史文献、相关理论以及现实中的经验案例对农村酒席现象展开一个初步的讨论。文章追溯礼的起源和功能,并讨论了中国传统文献中礼与情的关系,指出礼作为社会中人与人之间情感表达的重要作用,以及由此发挥的社会秩序和价值观念... 本文结合历史文献、相关理论以及现实中的经验案例对农村酒席现象展开一个初步的讨论。文章追溯礼的起源和功能,并讨论了中国传统文献中礼与情的关系,指出礼作为社会中人与人之间情感表达的重要作用,以及由此发挥的社会秩序和价值观念方面的功能。经验部分以农村酒席为例,分析农民办酒席的形态、动机和情感表达的功能,将其放置在家庭人伦关系加以理解和分析。本文希望能够从社会学的角度加深对以酒席为代表的农村礼俗的认识,指出农村礼俗在情感表达、社会整合和乡风文明中的作用,也为遏制铺张浪费和大操大办之风提供具有参考价值的学理依据。 展开更多
关键词 情礼相称 酒席 仪式
《河岳英灵集叙》“神来、气来、情来”说考论 被引量:10
作者 张安祖 杜萌若 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期28-34,共7页
本文通过对《河岳英灵集》中具体的作家评论以及《河岳英灵集叙》“开元十五年后 ,声律风骨始备矣”等关键词句的考察 ,揭示出了殷“神来、气来、情来”
关键词 《河岳英灵集叙》 “神来、气来、情来”说 诗学理论 诗学史 唐代 文学研究
论情志因素与脾胃疾病的相关性 被引量:8
作者 谢晶日 张立宏 梁国英 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2012年第12期2601-2602,共2页
目的:分析总结情志因素与脾胃疾病的相关性。意义:通过讨论当今社会患者的情志因素与脾胃疾病的相关性,更好的指导临床辨证论治,治疗脾胃疾病。结论:现代社会随着人们生活水平的提高,物质日益满足的情况下,出现许多精神心理疾病,负面情... 目的:分析总结情志因素与脾胃疾病的相关性。意义:通过讨论当今社会患者的情志因素与脾胃疾病的相关性,更好的指导临床辨证论治,治疗脾胃疾病。结论:现代社会随着人们生活水平的提高,物质日益满足的情况下,出现许多精神心理疾病,负面情绪影响着人们的生活,脾胃疾病也随之而来。故情志因素与脾胃疾病密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 情志 脾胃 相关性
A Conceptual and Computational Framework for Aspect-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems 被引量:1
作者 Samin Poudel Marwan Bikdash 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2023年第3期110-130,共21页
Many datasets in E-commerce have rich information about items and users who purchase or rate them. This information can enable advanced machine learning algorithms to extract and assign user sentiments to various aspe... Many datasets in E-commerce have rich information about items and users who purchase or rate them. This information can enable advanced machine learning algorithms to extract and assign user sentiments to various aspects of the items thus leading to more sophisticated and justifiable recommendations. However, most Collaborative Filtering (CF) techniques rely mainly on the overall preferences of users toward items only. And there is lack of conceptual and computational framework that enables an understandable aspect-based AI approach to recommending items to users. In this paper, we propose concepts and computational tools that can sharpen the logic of recommendations and that rely on users’ sentiments along various aspects of items. These concepts include: The sentiment of a user towards a specific aspect of a specific item, the emphasis that a given user places on a specific aspect in general, the popularity and controversy of an aspect among groups of users, clusters of users emphasizing a given aspect, clusters of items that are popular among a group of users and so forth. The framework introduced in this study is developed in terms of user emphasis, aspect popularity, aspect controversy, and users and items similarity. Towards this end, we introduce the Aspect-Based Collaborative Filtering Toolbox (ABCFT), where the tools are all developed based on the three-index sentiment tensor with the indices being the user, item, and aspect. The toolbox computes solutions to the questions alluded to above. We illustrate the methodology using a hotel review dataset having around 6000 users, 400 hotels and 6 aspects. 展开更多
关键词 Recommender System Collaborative Filtering Aspect based recommendation Recommendation System Framework Aspect sentiments
情感与秩序:以儒家情礼关系为中心的讨论 被引量:1
作者 向维 《社会学评论》 北大核心 2023年第2期171-190,共20页
今天的情感社会学乃至整个社会学的大量研究已陷入过度微观化的狭隘格局,而要摆脱这种状况,就应该直面当今社会人类生存的根本处境并重新思考社会理论在古典时代提出的秩序根基这样的问题。儒家思想传统在这方面为我们提供了丰富的思想... 今天的情感社会学乃至整个社会学的大量研究已陷入过度微观化的狭隘格局,而要摆脱这种状况,就应该直面当今社会人类生存的根本处境并重新思考社会理论在古典时代提出的秩序根基这样的问题。儒家思想传统在这方面为我们提供了丰富的思想资源。本文围绕儒家关于情礼关系的叙述展开相关讨论。孔子为应对当时周礼虚浮空疏的危机,以“仁”这一有着重要情感内涵的道德范畴为礼奠基,由此产生了情礼关系问题。而情礼关系是双向的,一方面(合于“仁”的、中庸的)情感是礼的基础,另一方面礼又反过来调节(容易有偏的、具体的)情感,此即所谓“礼因人情而为之节文”。儒家情礼关系的思想对于我们思考各种有关秩序及其基础的现实困局仍然富有启发性。 展开更多
关键词 情感 秩序 情礼关系 儒家 文质之辩
论近代狭邪小说对“情”的表现 被引量:4
作者 杜志军 《河北学刊》 2003年第1期102-107,共6页
“情”是近代狭邪小说《花月痕》、《青楼梦》、《绘芳录》的中心观念之一,小说作者不仅以开篇的“情”论醒目地标出,而且借小说人物或叙述者之口反复予以强调。三部小说都较好地处理了情与欲的关系,在狭邪风月的描摹中表现出重情斥欲... “情”是近代狭邪小说《花月痕》、《青楼梦》、《绘芳录》的中心观念之一,小说作者不仅以开篇的“情”论醒目地标出,而且借小说人物或叙述者之口反复予以强调。三部小说都较好地处理了情与欲的关系,在狭邪风月的描摹中表现出重情斥欲、不涉淫亵的优雅风度,超赵了历来淫秽污臭的“风月笔墨”,但因对“情”的真正内涵的把握存在严重缺陷,不能摆脱自我中心主义倾向和用情资格论,因而难以达到《红楼梦》“将儿女之真发泄一二”的思想高度。 展开更多
关键词 狭邪小说 “情” 近代 《花月痕》 《青楼梦》 《绘芳录》 比较 《红楼梦》
From The Serenity Dwelling Collection to The Tea Smoke Pavilion Collection:ANew Discussion on the Guiding Principle behind Zhu Yizun's Object-Depicting Lyrics
作者 MIN Feng 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2024年第2期182-211,共30页
The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion is an anthology that Zhu Yizun compiled in his later years by carefully selecting object-depicting lyrics he composed throughout his life.Approximately 70 perc... The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion is an anthology that Zhu Yizun compiled in his later years by carefully selecting object-depicting lyrics he composed throughout his life.Approximately 70 percent of the works were created before he participated in the imperial examination in 1679.This indicates that this anthology does not fully reflect the characteristics of the lyrics he penned in his later years.The collection title"Tea Smoke Pavilion,"as revealed in The Lyric Collection of the Serenity Dwelling,reflects the poet's distinctive approach to expressing emotions through depicting objects.A detailed examination of Zhu's works from the perspectives of textual structure,language,tone pattern and rhyming demonstrates that Zhu has consistently adhered to the same guiding principle when composing object-depicting lyrics.He has elevated the technique of“objectification,”pioneered by the poets of the Southern Song Dynasty to a new realm,crafting a unique beauty in object-depicting lyrics,which is different from the beauty of Song lyrics.His success is rooted in his emotional experiences depicted in The Serenity Dwelling Collection.His relentless exploration in artistic forms has provided a source of inspiration for scholars of later generations to explore how to convey personal sentiments.It also offers an opportunity to reflect on the merits and demerits regarding the development of object-depicting lyrics during the Qing Dynasty. 展开更多
关键词 The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion Serenity Dwelling expressing emotions through depicting objects objectification conveying personal sentiments
抑郁理论研究现状及其预防策略 被引量:4
作者 刘珺 白乙拉 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第2期61-64,共4页
关键词 抑郁 情绪 病因学 社会支持
Fuzzy-Based Sentiment Analysis System for Analyzing Student Feedback and Satisfaction 被引量:5
作者 Yun Wang Fazli Subhan +2 位作者 Shahaboddin Shamshirband Muhammad Zubair Asghar Ikram UllahAmmara Habib 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2020年第2期631-655,共25页
The feedback collection and analysis has remained an important subject matter for long.The traditional techniques for student feedback analysis are based on questionnaire-based data collection and analysis.However,the... The feedback collection and analysis has remained an important subject matter for long.The traditional techniques for student feedback analysis are based on questionnaire-based data collection and analysis.However,the student expresses their feedback opinions on online social media sites,which need to be analyzed.This study aims at the development of fuzzy-based sentiment analysis system for analyzing student feedback and satisfaction by assigning proper sentiment score to opinion words and polarity shifters present in the input reviews.Our technique computes the sentiment score of student feedback reviews and then applies a fuzzy-logic module to analyze and quantify student’s satisfaction at the fine-grained level.The experimental results reveal that the proposed work has outperformed the baseline studies as well as state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers. 展开更多
关键词 Student feedback analysis sentiments opinion words polarity shifters lexicon-based
美育与当代艺术 被引量:5
作者 周星 《美育学刊》 2015年第5期1-7,共7页
美育的时代之变,既是一种需要对待的难题,也是需要调适的机会。观念认知最为重要,美育固然是学校教育的一项重要内容,也是一种特殊的人本精神教育,即通过催发人的本质情感而实现自发追求美善的目的。因此,审美教育是依赖熏染、沉... 美育的时代之变,既是一种需要对待的难题,也是需要调适的机会。观念认知最为重要,美育固然是学校教育的一项重要内容,也是一种特殊的人本精神教育,即通过催发人的本质情感而实现自发追求美善的目的。因此,审美教育是依赖熏染、沉浸和身心感悟引发对于美的向往感受。它不是知性的教育,而是感性的诱发,所以,对于灌输的疏远和对于感悟的亲近,是美育的基本精神。面对现实境遇和网络时代的影响,克服对美育的成见,开拓美育的新局面,需要复合措施。但美育实现的不是偏向技能而是靠近精神情感触发的教育,其高雅和神圣的性质,不可改变。 展开更多
关键词 美育 艺术课程体系 网络时代 情感 精神濡染
论宫体诗派的艺术贡献 被引量:2
作者 石观海 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 2003年第6期756-765,共10页
如果把宫体诗派置于中国古典诗歌发展衍变的历史长河中 ,给以历时性的扫描与意象建构的剖析 ,就会发现她的艺术贡献与历代批评家对她的蔑视之间存在着相当悬隔的落差。宫体诗派作家所创作的大量诗章并非一堆毫无价值的垃圾文件 ,它们“... 如果把宫体诗派置于中国古典诗歌发展衍变的历史长河中 ,给以历时性的扫描与意象建构的剖析 ,就会发现她的艺术贡献与历代批评家对她的蔑视之间存在着相当悬隔的落差。宫体诗派作家所创作的大量诗章并非一堆毫无价值的垃圾文件 ,它们“吟咏情性” ,传承了诗歌的永恒主题 ;变革求新 ,推进了古诗的律化进程 ;体物寓情 。 展开更多
关键词 宫体诗派 情性 律化
道德与情感的交融——从语料库文体学视角探讨伊芙琳的精神逃亡 被引量:4
作者 刘娟 《外国语文》 北大核心 2013年第4期48-52,共5页
语料库文体学借助语料库方法,以实证的手段对文本的文体特征进行定量描写和定性分析,降低了文学研究的主观任意性和循环论证。研究在语料库文体学视角下,基于功能语言学和伦理学的理论,对伊芙琳在小说三个阶段的心理活动进行定量和定性... 语料库文体学借助语料库方法,以实证的手段对文本的文体特征进行定量描写和定性分析,降低了文学研究的主观任意性和循环论证。研究在语料库文体学视角下,基于功能语言学和伦理学的理论,对伊芙琳在小说三个阶段的心理活动进行定量和定性分析,展现了伊芙琳逃离都柏林时内心复杂的变化过程。她最终的选择也诠释出乔伊斯的哲学态度:道德不应是情感的枷锁,而应是与情感和谐地交融。 展开更多
关键词 语料库文体学 伦理学 功能语言学 道德 情感
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Social Multimedia:A Hybrid Computational Framework
作者 Muhammad Rizwan Rashid Rana Saif Ur Rehman +4 位作者 Asif Nawaz Tariq Ali Azhar Imran Abdulkareem Alzahrani Abdullah Almuhaimeed 《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI 2023年第8期2415-2428,共14页
People utilize microblogs and other social media platforms to express their thoughts and feelings regarding current events,public products and the latest affairs.People share their thoughts and feelings about various ... People utilize microblogs and other social media platforms to express their thoughts and feelings regarding current events,public products and the latest affairs.People share their thoughts and feelings about various topics,including products,news,blogs,etc.In user reviews and tweets,sentiment analysis is used to discover opinions and feelings.Sentiment polarity is a term used to describe how sentiment is represented.Positive,neutral and negative are all examples of it.This area is still in its infancy and needs several critical upgrades.Slang and hidden emotions can detract from the accuracy of traditional techniques.Existing methods only evaluate the polarity strength of the sentiment words when dividing them into positive and negative categories.Some existing strategies are domain-specific.The proposed model incorporates aspect extraction,association rule mining and the deep learning technique Bidirectional EncoderRepresentations from Transformers(BERT).Aspects are extracted using Part of Speech Tagger and association rulemining is used to associate aspects with opinion words.Later,classification was performed using BER.The proposed approach attained an average of 89.45%accuracy,88.45%precision and 85.98%recall on different datasets of products and Twitter.The results showed that the proposed technique achieved better than state-of-the-art sentiment analysis techniques. 展开更多
关键词 ASPECTS deep learning LEXICON sentiments REVIEWS
Twitter Media Sentiment Analysis to Convert Non-Informative to Informative Using QER
作者 C.P.Thamil Selvi P.Muneeshwari +1 位作者 K.Selvasheela D.Prasanna 《Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing》 SCIE 2023年第3期3545-3555,共11页
The term sentiment analysis deals with sentiment classification based on the review made by the user in a social network.The sentiment classification accuracy is evaluated using various selection methods,especially thos... The term sentiment analysis deals with sentiment classification based on the review made by the user in a social network.The sentiment classification accuracy is evaluated using various selection methods,especially those that deal with algorithm selection.In this work,every sentiment received through user expressions is ranked in order to categorise sentiments as informative and non-informative.In order to do so,the work focus on Query Expansion Ranking(QER)algorithm that takes user text as input and process for sentiment analysis andfinally produces the results as informative or non-informative.The challenge is to convert non-informative into informative using the concepts of classifiers like Bayes multinomial,entropy modelling along with the traditional sentimental analysis algorithm like Support Vector Machine(SVM)and decision trees.The work also addresses simulated annealing along with QER to classify data based on sentiment analysis.As the input volume is very fast,the work also addresses the concept of big data for information retrieval and processing.The result com-parison shows that the QER algorithm proved to be versatile when compared with the result of SVM.This work uses Twitter user comments for evaluating senti-ment analysis. 展开更多
关键词 sentiments QER SVM bayes multinomial big data analysis simulated annealing
论艺术情感的特性 被引量:1
作者 蔡毅 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第1期57-61,共5页
认为艺术情感与日常生活中的自然情感有很大的区别,文章从四个不同方面对两者进行了区别。在确定了艺术情感是不同于自然情感的一种高级情感后,又专门提出了它与众不同的幻真性、情象性、情理性、创生性四种特征,从而对艺术情感作了创... 认为艺术情感与日常生活中的自然情感有很大的区别,文章从四个不同方面对两者进行了区别。在确定了艺术情感是不同于自然情感的一种高级情感后,又专门提出了它与众不同的幻真性、情象性、情理性、创生性四种特征,从而对艺术情感作了创造性的阐述。 展开更多
关键词 艺术 情感 自然情感 特征
亚当·斯密道德理论的核心是什么?——The Theory of Moral Sentiments题解 被引量:3
作者 罗卫东 张亚萍 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期97-109,共13页
亚当·斯密是一位特别注重修辞的学者,要想准确把握其道德理论核心,需要认真分析其代表作《道德情操论》的文本。The Theory of Moral Sentiments(TMS)标题中的moral sentiments是指人类在道德判断上的一种基本能力,是包含同情、良... 亚当·斯密是一位特别注重修辞的学者,要想准确把握其道德理论核心,需要认真分析其代表作《道德情操论》的文本。The Theory of Moral Sentiments(TMS)标题中的moral sentiments是指人类在道德判断上的一种基本能力,是包含同情、良知、审美以及道德推理等多方面内容的,其根源在于人类以自己同情共感的能力经验到各种道德实践,又通过归纳、反思和推理来将其一般化,最后上升为指导道德抉择和道德行为的原理。斯密道德论的核心绝非"道德情操"本身,而是各种道德情感得以形成的同情共感机制。现在被广泛接受的中文翻译书名《道德情操论》容易误导读者,而翻译成《道德情感论》更符合斯密道德理论的核心内涵。 展开更多
关键词 亚当·斯密 The THEORY of MORAL sentiments 《道德情操论》 《道德情感论》
论白居易对诗歌功能的体认 被引量:3
作者 周晓音 《南京广播电视大学学报》 2006年第1期29-32,50,共5页
关键词 白居易 诗歌功能 用世 性情 写实 娱乐
Similarity between Joyce and His Hero Gabriel:Comment on "The Dead"
作者 赵静 《海外英语》 2011年第9X期320-321,共2页
James Joyce's short story "The Dead was one of the most popular short stories in Modern English Literature.To a certain degree,the hero Gabriel is the maturity Joyce.Gabriel's epiphany to life and death i... James Joyce's short story "The Dead was one of the most popular short stories in Modern English Literature.To a certain degree,the hero Gabriel is the maturity Joyce.Gabriel's epiphany to life and death in the Christmas midnight is also the author's "the adventures of the mind".The paper attempts to explain the similarities between Gabriel and Joyce in terms of their complex national sentiments,political views and thei r relationship with their own wife.It also analysis the device of symbolism used in the short story. 展开更多
关键词 EPIPHANY life and death SYMBOLISM national sentiments
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