半椎体(hemivertebra ,HV)是导致先天性脊柱侧凸畸形最常见的原因之一,约占所有致畸形因素的46%。平衡型半椎体( hemimetameric Segmental Shift,HMMS)定义为多个(≥2)半椎体对称分布于脊柱两侧,2个半椎体之间间隔至少1个正常椎体,且冠...半椎体(hemivertebra ,HV)是导致先天性脊柱侧凸畸形最常见的原因之一,约占所有致畸形因素的46%。平衡型半椎体( hemimetameric Segmental Shift,HMMS)定义为多个(≥2)半椎体对称分布于脊柱两侧,2个半椎体之间间隔至少1个正常椎体,且冠状面上2个半椎体之间相对平衡。目前国内外文献报道的半椎体畸形以单个节段居多,而HMMS鲜有报道。不同患者半椎体的分布和分节情况不尽相同,半椎体的分布部位、脊柱侧凸和后凸畸形进展程度都是影响治疗方案的重要因素。现将我院收治的1例平衡型半椎体脊柱侧凸畸形病例报道如下。关键词:先天性脊柱畸形;脊柱侧凸;平衡型半椎体中图分类号:R682.1A case of balanced hemivertebral deformity with scoliosisHE Sirui1 LIU Zhenxing1 XIAO Yaosheng2 ZHONG Yanchun2 LIU Wuyang21.Gannan Medical College,Jiangxi Ganzhou 3410002.The First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical College,Jiangxi Ganzhou 341000Abstract:Hemivertebra(HV)is one of the most common causes of congenital scoliosis,accounting for approximately 46%of all deformities.Hemimetameric Segmental Shift(HMMS)defined as multiple(≥2)hemivertebras symmetrically distributed on both sides of the spine,with at least one normal vertebral between the two hemivertebras,and the two hemivertebras on the coronal plane are relatively balanced.At present,the majority of hemivertebral deformities reported in domestic and foreign literature are single segments,while HMMS is rarely reported.The distribution and segmentation of the hemivertebra vary among different patients,the distribution of hemivertebra and the degree of progression of scoliosis and kyphosis are important factors that affect the treatment plan.A case of balanced hemivertebral scoliosis admitted to our hospital is reported as follows.展开更多
文摘半椎体(hemivertebra ,HV)是导致先天性脊柱侧凸畸形最常见的原因之一,约占所有致畸形因素的46%。平衡型半椎体( hemimetameric Segmental Shift,HMMS)定义为多个(≥2)半椎体对称分布于脊柱两侧,2个半椎体之间间隔至少1个正常椎体,且冠状面上2个半椎体之间相对平衡。目前国内外文献报道的半椎体畸形以单个节段居多,而HMMS鲜有报道。不同患者半椎体的分布和分节情况不尽相同,半椎体的分布部位、脊柱侧凸和后凸畸形进展程度都是影响治疗方案的重要因素。现将我院收治的1例平衡型半椎体脊柱侧凸畸形病例报道如下。关键词:先天性脊柱畸形;脊柱侧凸;平衡型半椎体中图分类号:R682.1A case of balanced hemivertebral deformity with scoliosisHE Sirui1 LIU Zhenxing1 XIAO Yaosheng2 ZHONG Yanchun2 LIU Wuyang21.Gannan Medical College,Jiangxi Ganzhou 3410002.The First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical College,Jiangxi Ganzhou 341000Abstract:Hemivertebra(HV)is one of the most common causes of congenital scoliosis,accounting for approximately 46%of all deformities.Hemimetameric Segmental Shift(HMMS)defined as multiple(≥2)hemivertebras symmetrically distributed on both sides of the spine,with at least one normal vertebral between the two hemivertebras,and the two hemivertebras on the coronal plane are relatively balanced.At present,the majority of hemivertebral deformities reported in domestic and foreign literature are single segments,while HMMS is rarely reported.The distribution and segmentation of the hemivertebra vary among different patients,the distribution of hemivertebra and the degree of progression of scoliosis and kyphosis are important factors that affect the treatment plan.A case of balanced hemivertebral scoliosis admitted to our hospital is reported as follows.