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金融发展与地区实体经济资本配置效率——来自省级工业行业数据的证据 被引量:282
作者 李青原 李江冰 +1 位作者 江春 kevin X.D.Huang 《经济学(季刊)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期527-548,共22页
本文基于实体经济运行的视角主要探讨了金融系统是否发挥了改善我国地区实体经济资本配置效率的功能。文章以1999—2006年间中国30个地区27个工业行业为样本,借助Wur-gler(2000)的资本配置效率估算模型,构建了非国有部门信贷比重等衡量... 本文基于实体经济运行的视角主要探讨了金融系统是否发挥了改善我国地区实体经济资本配置效率的功能。文章以1999—2006年间中国30个地区27个工业行业为样本,借助Wur-gler(2000)的资本配置效率估算模型,构建了非国有部门信贷比重等衡量金融发展程度的指标,并运用系统广义矩面板估计方法等进行实证检验。结果显示:金融发展促进了中国地区实体经济资本配置效率的提高,同时当进一步考虑地方政府对银行信贷决策干预的影响时,地方政府的干预却会妨碍金融系统对中国地区实体经济资本配置效率改善功能的有效发挥。 展开更多
关键词 金融发展 政府干预 地区实体经济资本配置效率
未破裂颅内动脉瘤患者管理指南美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会针对医疗专业人员的指南 被引量:147
作者 B. Gregory Thompson Robert D. Brown +19 位作者 Sepideh Amin-Hanjani Joseph P. Broderick kevin M. Cockroft E. Sander Connolly Gary R. Duckwiler Catherine C. Harris Virginia J. Howard S. Claiborne (Clay) Johnston Philip M. Meyers Andrew Molyneux Christopher S. Ogilvy Andrew J. Ringer James Torner 肖国栋 徐加平 石际俊 尤寿江 张霞 刘慧慧 曹勇军 《国际脑血管病杂志》 2015年第8期561-583,共23页
目的这份更新版指南旨在为未破裂颅内动脉瘤患者的管理提供全面的循证建议。方法写作组采用系统文献回顾(1977年1月至2014年6月),参考同期已发表的循证指南、个人文件和专家意见来总结现有的证据,指出现有知识的差距;如果合适,则... 目的这份更新版指南旨在为未破裂颅内动脉瘤患者的管理提供全面的循证建议。方法写作组采用系统文献回顾(1977年1月至2014年6月),参考同期已发表的循证指南、个人文件和专家意见来总结现有的证据,指出现有知识的差距;如果合适,则根据美国心脏协会( American Heart Association, AHA)标准做出推荐。本指南经过了包括卒中委员会领导层以及AHA科学声明监督委员会在内的广泛同行评议,然后由AHA科学咨询和协调委员会审批通过。结果本指南对未破裂颅内动脉瘤患者的医疗诊治提出了循证建议,涉及临床表现、自然史、流行病学、危险因素、筛查、诊断、影像学以及手术和血管内治疗的转归。 展开更多
关键词 AHA科学声明 脑动脉瘤 流行病学 影像学 自然病史 转归 危险因素 治疗
Nano-Graphene Oxide for Cellular Imaging and Drug Delivery 被引量:123
作者 Xiaoming Sun Zhuang Liu +4 位作者 kevin Welsher Joshua Tucker Robinson Andrew Goodwin Sasa Zaric Hongjie Dai 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2008年第3期203-212,共10页
Two-dimensional graphene offers interesting electronic,thermal,and mechanical properties that are currently being explored for advanced electronics,membranes,and composites.Here we synthesize and explore the biologica... Two-dimensional graphene offers interesting electronic,thermal,and mechanical properties that are currently being explored for advanced electronics,membranes,and composites.Here we synthesize and explore the biological applications of nano-graphene oxide(NGO),i.e.,single-layer graphene oxide sheets down to a few nanometers in lateral width.We develop functionalization chemistry in order to impart solubility and compatibility of NGO in biological environments.We obtain size separated pegylated NGO sheets that are soluble in buffers and serum without agglomeration.The NGO sheets are found to be photoluminescent in the visible and infrared regions.The intrinsic photoluminescence(PL)of NGO is used for live cell imaging in the near-infrared(NIR)with little background.We found that simple physisorption viaπ-stacking can be used for loading doxorubicin,a widely used cancer drug onto NGO functionalized with antibody for selective killing of cancer cells in vitro.Owing to its small size,intrinsic optical properties,large specifi c surface area,low cost,and useful non-covalent interactions with aromatic drug molecules,NGO is a promising new material for biological and medical applications. 展开更多
关键词 Graphene oxide PEGYLATION size separation cellular imaging drug delivery
交易费用与农户契约选择--来自浙冀两省15县30个村梨农调查的经验证据 被引量:87
作者 黄祖辉 张静 kevin Chen 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期76-81,共6页
本文利用327份入户调查数据,依据已有的理论研究成果及经验研究证据,首先采用数据包络分析方法(DEA)测算农户生产阶段和销售阶段的技术效率,在此基础上做出交易费用是影响农户选择不同契约模式的重要因素这一基础假定,建立计量模型并运... 本文利用327份入户调查数据,依据已有的理论研究成果及经验研究证据,首先采用数据包络分析方法(DEA)测算农户生产阶段和销售阶段的技术效率,在此基础上做出交易费用是影响农户选择不同契约模式的重要因素这一基础假定,建立计量模型并运用Multi-nomial Logit回归方法进行验证。研究结果显示:农户销售阶段技术效率普遍偏低,均低于生产技术效率,但不同销售渠道的技术效率有显著差异。相对于最为传统的农户自行零售方式而言,以信息成本、谈判成本和执行成本为代表的交易成本对农户选择不同的契约方式有显著的影响,农户特征对选择不同的交易渠道影响不显著。在农产品市场体制建立和完善的过程中,为逐步解决传统农产品的卖难问题,决策部门可以适度考虑农户的信息需求以降低农户的信息搜寻成本;提高农民的组织化程度以增强农户的谈判能力和提升产品质量水平;鼓励电子商务等现代化的交易手段以降低交易的执行成本;改善道路交通条件以降低农户实际承担的交通成本。 展开更多
关键词 梨农 交易费用 契约方式 销售渠道
氯吡格雷的使用与药物洗脱支架植入后远期临床结果 被引量:59
作者 Eric L Eisenstein, DBA kevin J. Anstrom, PhD +12 位作者 David F. Kong, MD Linda K. Shaw, MS Robert H. Tuttle, MSPH Daniel B. Mark, MD, MPH Judith M. Kramer, MD, MS Robert A. Harrington, MD David B. Matchar, MD David E. Kandzari, MD 1 Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH kevin A. Schulman, MD Robert M. Califf, MD 李呈亿(译) David E. Kandzari, MD 《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》 2007年第3期131-139,共9页
背景:近来的冠状动脉内药物洗脱支架研究提示,现行的抗血小板治疗方案可能并不足以预防后期支架内血栓形成。目的:于接受药物洗脱支架(drug-eluting stents,DESs)和裸金属支架(bare-metal stents,BMSs)治疗的冠状动脉病患者中... 背景:近来的冠状动脉内药物洗脱支架研究提示,现行的抗血小板治疗方案可能并不足以预防后期支架内血栓形成。目的:于接受药物洗脱支架(drug-eluting stents,DESs)和裸金属支架(bare-metal stents,BMSs)治疗的冠状动脉病患者中评估氯吡格雷使用与患者远期结果的关系。设计、地点及患者:于连续患者中进行观察性研究。患者于2000年1月1日至2005年7月31日在杜克心脏治疗中心(一家位于北卡罗来纳州达累姆市的三级治疗中心)接受冠状动脉内支架治疗。于6、12、24个月时进行随访,直至2006年9月7日。研究人群包括4666例最初接受BMS(n=3165)或DES(n=1501)经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的患者。对随访6和12个月没有事件(没有死亡、心肌梗死或血管重建手术)的患者进行界标分析(landmark analysis)。在这些时间点上根据支架类型以及自我报告之氯吡格雷的使用情况将患者分为4组:DES使用氯吡格雷组、DES不用氯吡格雷组、BMS使用氯吡格雷组以及BMS不用氯吡格雷组。主要观测指标:随访24个月时死亡、非致命性心肌梗死以及死亡或心肌梗死之复合终点。结果:在6个月时没有事件发生的DES组患者(637例使用、579例未使用氯吡格雷)中,氯吡格雷的使用是随访24个月校正死亡率较低(使用2.0%比未使用5.3%;差异,-3.3%;95%CI,-6.3%至-0.3%;P=0.03)以及死亡或心肌梗死发生率较低(3.1%比7.2%;差异,-4.1%;95%CI,-7.6%至-0.6%;P=0.02)的显著预测指标。然而,在BMS组患者中(417例使用、1976例未用氯吡格雷),死亡(3.7%比4.5%;差异,-0.7%;95%CI,-2.9%至1.4%;P=0.50)以及死亡或心肌梗死发生率(5.5%比6.0%;差异,-0.5%;95%CI,-3.2%至2.2%;P:0.70)没有差异。在12个月随访没有事件发生的DES组患� 展开更多
关键词 药物洗脱支架 氯吡格雷 临床结果 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 植入后 冠状动脉内 心肌梗死 支架内血栓形成
Carbon Nanotubes in Biology and Medicine:In vitro and in vivo Detection,Imaging and Drug Delivery 被引量:52
作者 Zhuang Liu Scott Tabakman +1 位作者 kevin Welsher Hongjie Dai 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第2期85-120,共36页
Carbon nanotubes exhibit many unique intrinsic physical and chemical properties and have been intensively explored for biological and biomedical applications in the past few years.In this comprehensive review,we summa... Carbon nanotubes exhibit many unique intrinsic physical and chemical properties and have been intensively explored for biological and biomedical applications in the past few years.In this comprehensive review,we summarize the main results from our and other groups in this field and clarify that surface functionalization is critical to the behavior of carbon nanotubes in biological systems.Ultrasensitive detection of biological species with carbon nanotubes can be realized after surface passivation to inhibit the non-specific binding of biomolecules on the hydrophobic nanotube surface.Electrical nanosensors based on nanotubes provide a label-free approach to biological detection.Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes opens up a method of protein microarray with detection sensitivity down to 1 fmol/L.In vitro and in vivo toxicity studies reveal that highly water soluble and serum stable nanotubes are biocompatible,nontoxic,and potentially useful for biomedical applications.In vivo biodistributions vary with the functionalization and possibly also size of nanotubes,with a tendency to accumulate in the reticuloendothelial system(RES),including the liver and spleen,after intravenous administration.If well functionalized,nanotubes may be excreted mainly through the biliary pathway in feces.Carbon nanotube-based drug delivery has shown promise in various In vitro and in vivo experiments including delivery of small interfering RNA(siRNA),paclitaxel and doxorubicin.Moreover,single-walled carbon nanotubes with various interesting intrinsic optical properties have been used as novel photoluminescence,Raman,and photoacoustic contrast agents for imaging of cells and animals.Further multidisciplinary explorations in this field may bring new opportunities in the realm of biomedicine. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon nanotubes biomedical applications surface functionalization BIOSENSOR drug delivery biomedical imaging
青岛近海沉积物PCBs的水平与垂直分布及贝类污染 被引量:32
作者 杨永亮 潘静 +4 位作者 李悦 石磊 殷效彩 李凤业 kevin Jones 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期515-520,共6页
利用13C 同位素内标法及气相色谱-质谱方法对青岛胶州湾内外8个表层沉积物,1个沉积物柱状岩心和2个贝类样品中包括14种共平面PCBs在内的50种PCBs同系物含量进行了测定,在所有样品中均检测出了PCBs化合物.讨论了PCBs的分布特征.表层样品... 利用13C 同位素内标法及气相色谱-质谱方法对青岛胶州湾内外8个表层沉积物,1个沉积物柱状岩心和2个贝类样品中包括14种共平面PCBs在内的50种PCBs同系物含量进行了测定,在所有样品中均检测出了PCBs化合物.讨论了PCBs的分布特征.表层样品以胶州湾东岸的含量最高,从北岸、西岸、胶州湾口及胶州湾外PCBBs含量逐渐降低.表层沉积物中总PCBs含量在0.65~32.9ng/g dw.PCBs总含量落在国内外海洋近岸表层沉积物含量范围的中值区.表明污染来源有城市污水排放及大气来源2种,而不属于工业污染类型.多氯联苯主要以低氯取代PCBs为主,大部分高氯取代PCBs的含量低于检出限.柱状样中共平面PCBs的含量及毒性当量浓度总的垂直变化趋势是从1951年到现在逐渐减少.贝类样品的总PCBs含量为4.9~8.4ngg/g dw,属低污染水平. 展开更多
关键词 多氯联苯 共平面多氯联苯 沉积物 贝类 胶州湾
New Trends in Olefin Production 被引量:44
作者 Ismael Amghizar Laurien A. Vandewalle kevin M. Van Geem Guy B. Matin 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2017年第2期171-178,共8页
Most olefins (e.g., ethylene and propylene) will continue to be produced through steam cracking (SC) ofhydrocarbons in the coming decade. In an uncertain commodity market, the chemical industry is investingvery li... Most olefins (e.g., ethylene and propylene) will continue to be produced through steam cracking (SC) ofhydrocarbons in the coming decade. In an uncertain commodity market, the chemical industry is investingvery little in alternative technologies and feedstocks because of their current lack of economic viability,despite decreasing crude oil reserves and the recognition of global warming. In this perspective, some of themost promising alternatives are compared with the conventional SC process, and the major bottlenecks ofeach of the competing processes are highlighted. These technologies emerge especially from the abundanceof cheap propane, ethane, and methane from shale gas and stranded gas. From an economic point of view,methane is an interesting starting material, if chemicals can be produced from it. The huge availability ofcrude oil and the expected substantial decline in the demand for fuels imply that the future for proventechnologies such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FFS) or methanol to gasoline is not bright. The abundance ofcheap ethane and the large availability of crude oil, on the other hand, have caused the SC industry to shiftto these two extremes, making room for the on-purpose production of light olefins, such as by the catalyticdehydrogenation of orooane. 展开更多
蛹虫草研究和开发过程中的一些问题和展望 被引量:36
作者 文庭池 查岭生 +1 位作者 康冀川 kevin D.HYDE 《菌物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期14-27,共14页
作为药食两用真菌资源,蛹虫草Cordyceps militaris已被广泛认识和接受。针对蛹虫草当前研究和产业化现状,文章指出了所面临的一些问题并加以分析和讨论,对今后的研究和发展方向做了预期和评价。文章着重强调了蛹虫草及相关虫草真菌的一... 作为药食两用真菌资源,蛹虫草Cordyceps militaris已被广泛认识和接受。针对蛹虫草当前研究和产业化现状,文章指出了所面临的一些问题并加以分析和讨论,对今后的研究和发展方向做了预期和评价。文章着重强调了蛹虫草及相关虫草真菌的一些常被忽视的问题,旨在为相关真菌资源的研究和开发提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 虫草 食药用真菌 寄主 生物学 活性物质 虫草产品
high-entropy silicide:(Mo_(0.2)Nb_(0.2)Ta_(0.2)Ti_(0.2)W_(0.2))Si_(2) 被引量:36
作者 Joshua Gild Jeffrey Braun +5 位作者 kevin Kaufmann Eduardo Marin Tyler Harrington Patrick Hopkins Kenneth Vecchio Jian Luo 《Journal of Materiomics》 SCIE EI 2019年第3期337-343,共7页
A high-entropy metal disilicide,(Mo_(0.2)Nb_(0.2)Ta_(0.2)Ti_(0.2)W_(0.2))Si_(2),has been successfully synthesized.X-ray diffraction(XRD),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX),and electron backscatter diffraction(E... A high-entropy metal disilicide,(Mo_(0.2)Nb_(0.2)Ta_(0.2)Ti_(0.2)W_(0.2))Si_(2),has been successfully synthesized.X-ray diffraction(XRD),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX),and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)collectively show the formation of a single high-entropy silicide phase.This high-entropy(Mo_(0.2)Nb_(0.2)Ta_(0.2)Ti_(0.2)W_(0.2))Si_(2) possesses a hexagonal C40 crystal structure with ABC stacking sequence and a space group of P6222.This discovery expands the known families of high-entropy materials from metals,oxides,borides,carbides,and nitrides to a silicide,for the first time to our knowledge,as well as demonstrating that a new,non-cubic,crystal structure(with lower symmetry)can be made into highentropy phase.This(Mo_(0.2)Nb_(0.2)Ta_(0.2)Ti_(0.2)W_(0.2))Si_(2) exhibits high nanohardness of 16.7±1.9 GPa and Vickers hardness of 11.6±0.5 GPa.Moreover,it has a low thermal conductivity of 6.9±1.1Wm^(-1) K^(-1),which is approximately one order of magnitude lower than that of the widely-used tetragonal MoSi_(2) and ~1/3 of those reported values for the hexagonal NbSi_(2) and TaSi_(2) with the same crystal structure. 展开更多
关键词 High-entropy ceramics High-entropy silicide Thermal conductivity HARDNESS C40 crystal structure
Chronic hepatitis B infection in pregnancy 被引量:34
作者 Jennifer R Lamberth Sheila C Reddy +1 位作者 Jen-Jung Pan kevin J Dasher 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2015年第9期1233-1237,共5页
There are no standard guidelines to follow when a patient with chronic hepatitis B infection becomes pregnant or desires pregnancy. Topics to consider include which patients to treat, when to start treatment, what tre... There are no standard guidelines to follow when a patient with chronic hepatitis B infection becomes pregnant or desires pregnancy. Topics to consider include which patients to treat, when to start treatment, what treatment to use and when to stop treatment. Without any prophylaxis or antiviral therapy, a hepatitis B surface antigen and E antigen positive mother has up to a 90% likelihood of vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus(HBV) to child. Standard of care in the United States to prevent perinatal transmission consists of administration of hepatitis B immune globulin and HBV vaccination to the infant. The two strongest risk factors of mother to child transmission(MTCT) of HBV infection despite immunoprophylaxis are high maternal HBV viral load and high activity of viral replication. The goal is to prevent transmission of HBV at birth by decreasing viral load and/or decreasing activity of the virus. Although it is still somewhat controversial, most evidence shows that starting antivirals in the third trimester is effective in decreasing MTCT without affecting fetal development. There is a growing body of literature supporting the safety and efficacy of antiviral therapies to reduce MTCT of hepatitis B. There are no formal recommendations regarding which agent to choose. Tenofovir, lamivudine and telbivudine have all been proven efficacious in decreasing viral load at birth without known birth defects, but final decision of which antiviral medication to use will have to be determined by physician and patient. The antivirals may be discontinued immediately if patient is breastfeeding, or within first four weeks if infant is being formula fed. 展开更多
新疆B型烟粉虱对不同类型杀虫剂的抗性与分析 被引量:31
作者 马德英 Ian Denholm +1 位作者 kevin Gorman 罗万春 《植物保护学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期311-315,共5页
应用浸叶法研究了新疆B型烟粉虱对4类不同作用机制杀虫剂的抗药性。结果表明,被测种群对氯氰菊酯和联苯菊酯的抗性指数分别为2100~6200和1000~2200,属于高抗性;对氯化烟酰类杀虫剂产生了低至中等抗性,对吡虫啉的抗性指数为4~86,且抗... 应用浸叶法研究了新疆B型烟粉虱对4类不同作用机制杀虫剂的抗药性。结果表明,被测种群对氯氰菊酯和联苯菊酯的抗性指数分别为2100~6200和1000~2200,属于高抗性;对氯化烟酰类杀虫剂产生了低至中等抗性,对吡虫啉的抗性指数为4~86,且抗性指数呈上升趋势,对噻虫嗪的抗性指数为10~22,对啶虫脒的敏感性最佳;对昆虫生长调节剂吡丙醚的抗性指数为22~54;对阿维菌素仍然表现敏感。由此认为,拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂在新疆已不再适用于烟粉虱的防治,而对受抗药性影响较小的氯化烟酰类杀虫剂(如吡虫啉、噻虫嗪和啶虫脒)、昆虫生长调节剂吡丙醚以及阿维菌素等新型杀虫剂,仍然可以限制性地在不同化合物间交替使用。 展开更多
关键词 B型烟粉虱 抗药性 治理策略 新疆
Drug resistance and new therapies in colorectal cancer 被引量:32
作者 kevin Van der Jeught Han-Chen Xu +2 位作者 Yu-Jing Li Xiong-Bin Lu Guang Ji 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第34期3834-3848,共15页
Colorectal cancer(CRC) is often diagnosed at an advanced stage when tumor cell dissemination has taken place. Chemo-and targeted therapies provide only a limited increase of overall survival for these patients. The ma... Colorectal cancer(CRC) is often diagnosed at an advanced stage when tumor cell dissemination has taken place. Chemo-and targeted therapies provide only a limited increase of overall survival for these patients. The major reason for clinical outcome finds its origin in therapy resistance. Escape mechanisms to both chemo-and targeted therapy remain the main culprits. Here, we evaluate major resistant mechanisms and elaborate on potential new therapies. Amongst promising therapies is α-amanitin antibodydrug conjugate targeting hemizygous p53 loss. It becomes clear that a dynamic interaction with the tumor microenvironment exists and that this dictates therapeutic outcome. In addition, CRC displays a limited response to checkpoint inhibitors, as only a minority of patients with microsatellite instable high tumors is susceptible. In this review, we highlight new developments with clinical potentials to augment responses to checkpoint inhibitors. 展开更多
关键词 COLORECTAL cancer Therapy resistance Antibody-drug CONJUGATES α-amanitin Tumor MICROENVIRONMENT Immunotherapy CHECKPOINT inhibitors MICROBIOME
Conceptualizing and Measuring Economic Resilience of Resource-based Cities: Case Study of Northeast China 被引量:31
作者 TAN Juntao ZHANG Pingyu +2 位作者 LO kevin LI Jing LIU Shiwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期471-481,共11页
This paper develops a conceptual model and an indicator system for measuring economic resilience of resource-based cities based on the theory of evolutionary resilience and the related concepts of persistence, adaptat... This paper develops a conceptual model and an indicator system for measuring economic resilience of resource-based cities based on the theory of evolutionary resilience and the related concepts of persistence, adaptation, and transformation. Nineteen resource-based cities in Northeast China were analyzed using the indicator system. The results showed that Liaoning and Jilin provinces had higher economic resilience than Heilongjiang Province. Panjin, Benxi, and Anshan in Liaoning Province were the top three cities, while Shuangyashan and other coal-based cities in Heilongjiang Province ranked last. Metals-and petroleum-based cities had significantly higher resilience than coal-based cities. The differences in persistence, adaptability, transformation, and resilience among resource-based cities decreased since the introduction of the Northeast Revitalization Strategy in 2003. Forestry-based cities improved the most in terms of resilience, followed by metals-based and multiple-resource cities; however, resilience dropped for coal-based cities, and petroleum-based cities falling the most. The findings illustrate the importance and the way to develop a differentiated approach to improve resilience among resource-based cities. 展开更多
关键词 resource-based cities economic resilience Northeast China
Pavement crack image acquisition methods and crack extraction algorithms:A review 被引量:29
作者 Weixing Wang Mengfei Wang +6 位作者 Hongxia Li Heng Zhao kevin Wang Changtao He Jun Wang Sifan Zheng Jiabin Chen 《Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition)》 CSCD 2019年第6期535-556,共22页
The extraction of pavement cracks is always a hard task in image processing.In airport and road construction,cracking is the main factor for pavement damage,which can decrease the quality of pavement and affect transp... The extraction of pavement cracks is always a hard task in image processing.In airport and road construction,cracking is the main factor for pavement damage,which can decrease the quality of pavement and affect transportation seriously.Cracks also exist in other artificial or natural objects,such as buildings,bridges,tunnels,etc.Among all the object images,pavement crack images are the most complex,so the image processing and analysis for them is harder than other crack images.From the early image acquisition based on photography technology to the current 3 D laser scanning technology,the pavement crack image acquisition technology is becoming more convenient and efficient,but there are still challenges in the automatic processing and recognition of cracks in images.From the early global thresholding to deep learning algorithms,the research for crack extraction has been developed for about 40 years.There are many methods and algorithms that are satisfactory in pavement crack applications,but there is no standard until today.Therefore,in order to know the developing history and the advanced research,we have collected a number of literature in this research topic for summarizing the research artwork status,and giving a review of the pavement crack image acquisition methods and2 D crack extraction algorithms.Also,for image acquisition methods and pavement crack image segmentation,more detailed comparison and discussions are made. 展开更多
PhaseStain:the digital staining of label-free quantitative phase microscopy images using deep learning 被引量:28
作者 Yair Rivenson Tairan Liu +3 位作者 Zhensong Wei Yibo Zhang kevin de Haan Aydogan Ozcan 《Light(Science & Applications)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期983-993,共11页
Using a deep neural network,we demonstrate a digital staining technique,which we term PhaseStain,to transform the quantitative phase images(QPI)of label-free tissue sections into images that are equivalent to the brig... Using a deep neural network,we demonstrate a digital staining technique,which we term PhaseStain,to transform the quantitative phase images(QPI)of label-free tissue sections into images that are equivalent to the brightfield microscopy images of the same samples that are histologically stained.Through pairs of image data(QPI and the corresponding brightfield images,acquired after staining),we train a generative adversarial network and demonstrate the effectiveness of this virtual-staining approach using sections of human skin,kidney,and liver tissue,matching the brightfield microscopy images of the same samples stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin,Jones’stain,and Masson’s trichrome stain,respectively.This digital-staining framework may further strengthen various uses of label-free QPI techniques in pathology applications and biomedical research in general,by eliminating the need for histological staining,reducing sample preparation related costs and saving time.Our results provide a powerful example of some of the unique opportunities created by data-driven image transformations enabled by deep learning. 展开更多
关键词 network IMAGE PHASE
Coarctation of the aorta:Management from infancy to adulthood 被引量:27
作者 Rachel D Torok Michael J Campbell +1 位作者 Gregory A Fleming kevin D Hill 《World Journal of Cardiology》 CAS 2015年第11期765-775,共11页
Coarctation of the aorta is a relatively common form of congenital heart disease, with an estimated incidence of approximately 3 cases per 10000 births. Coarctation is a heterogeneous lesion which may present across a... Coarctation of the aorta is a relatively common form of congenital heart disease, with an estimated incidence of approximately 3 cases per 10000 births. Coarctation is a heterogeneous lesion which may present across all age ranges, with varying clinical symptoms, in isolation, or in association with other cardiac defects. The first surgical repair of aortic coarctation was described in 1944, and since that time, several other surgical techniques have been developed and modified. Additionally, transcatheter balloon angioplasty and endovascular stent placement offer less invasive approaches for the treatment of coarctation of the aorta for some patients. While overall morbidity and mortality rates are low for patients undergoing intervention for coarctation, both surgical and transcatheter interventions are not free from adverse outcomes. Therefore, patients must be followed closely over their lifetime for complications such as recoarctation, aortic aneurysm, persistent hypertension, and changes in any associated cardiac defects. Considerable effort has been expended investigating the utility and outcomes of various treatment approaches for aortic coarctation, which are heavily influenced by a patient's anatomy, size, age, and clinical course. Here we review indications for intervention, describe and compare surgical and transcatheter techniques for management of coarctation, and explore the associated outcomes in both children and adults. 展开更多
2018年急性缺血性卒中患者早期管理指南美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会为医疗专业人员制定的指南 被引量:25
作者 William J. Powers Alejandro A. Rabinstein +26 位作者 Teri Ackerson Opeolu M. Adeoye Nicholas C. Bambakidis Kyra Becker José Biller Michael Brown Bart M. Demaerschalk Brian Hoh Edward C. Jauch Chelsea S. Kidwell Thabele M. Leslie-Mazwi Bruce Ovbiagele Phillip A. Scott kevin N. Sheth Andrew M. Southerland Deborah V. Summers David L. Tirschwell 徐加平 刘慧慧 张霞 石际俊 黄志超 尤寿江 郭志良 肖国栋 杜万良 曹勇军 《国际脑血管病杂志》 2018年第2期81-113,共33页
背景和目的本指南旨在在单个文件中为治疗成年急性动脉性缺血性卒中患者的临床医生提供最新全面的系列推荐意见。目标读者为院前急救人员、医生、综合医疗保健人员和医院管理人员。本指南将取代2013年版指南及其后续更新。方法写作组成... 背景和目的本指南旨在在单个文件中为治疗成年急性动脉性缺血性卒中患者的临床医生提供最新全面的系列推荐意见。目标读者为院前急救人员、医生、综合医疗保健人员和医院管理人员。本指南将取代2013年版指南及其后续更新。方法写作组成员由美国心脏协会卒中委员会的科学声明监督委员任命,代表各领域的医学专家。严格遵循美国心脏协会的利益冲突原则。不允许写作组成员对存在企业利益关系的相关议题进行讨论或投票。所有推荐意见必须得到写作组成员的一致通过,除非企业利益关系妨碍了成员投票。由4名同行评议专家以及卒中委员会的科学声明监督委员会和领导委员会成员对指南草案进行发布前评审。本指南采用了美国心脏病学学会/美国心脏协会2015年推荐意见分类和证据级别标准以及新版美国心脏协会指南格式。结果本指南详细介绍了院前医疗、紧急和急诊评估、静脉和血管内治疗以及院内管理,包括在发病后最初2周内启用的二级预防措施。本指南支持院前和院内卒中医疗系统的一体化概念。结论本指南基于目前可获得的最佳证据。然而,许多情况资料有限,迫切需要对急性缺血性卒中的治疗进行持续研究。 展开更多
关键词 AHA科学声明 二级预防 卒中 治疗
Helicobacter pylori associated gastric intestinal metaplasia:Treatment and surveillance 被引量:25
作者 kevin Sze-Hang Liu Irene Oi-Ling Wong Wai K Leung 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期1311-1320,共10页
Gastric cancer(GC) is one of the leading causes of cancer related death in the world, particularly in East Asia. According to the Correa's cancer cascade, noncardia GC is usually developed through a series of muco... Gastric cancer(GC) is one of the leading causes of cancer related death in the world, particularly in East Asia. According to the Correa's cancer cascade, noncardia GC is usually developed through a series of mucosal changes from non-atrophic gastritis to atrophic gastritis(AG), intestinal metaplasia(IM), dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. Atrophic gastritis and IM are therefore generally considered to be pre-neoplastic gastric lesions. Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) infection is an important initiating and promoting step of this gastric carcinogenesis cascade. Emerging long-term data showed that eradication of H. pylori reduced the risk of subsequent cancer development. It however remains confusing whether eradication of the bacterium in individuals with pre-neoplastic gastric lesions could regress these changes as well as in preventing cancer. Whilst H. pylori eradication could likely regress AG, the presence of IM may be a point of no return in this cascade. Hence, surveillance by endoscopy may be indicated in those with extensive IM or those with incomplete IM, particularly in populations with high GC risk. The optimal interval and the best tool of surveillance endoscopy remains to be determined in future studies. 展开更多
茶油挥发性成分的固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱分析 被引量:23
作者 龙奇志 黄永辉 +3 位作者 钟海雁 李忠海 Paul Prenzler kevin Robards 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期187-194,共8页
在建立茶油主要挥发性成分定量分析方法的基础上,采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用仪和50/30μm DVB/CAR/PDMS纤维头测定液压机榨茶油的挥发性成分。结果显示:13种茶油主要挥发物的浓度与峰面积间呈现良好的线性关... 在建立茶油主要挥发性成分定量分析方法的基础上,采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用仪和50/30μm DVB/CAR/PDMS纤维头测定液压机榨茶油的挥发性成分。结果显示:13种茶油主要挥发物的浓度与峰面积间呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数(R2)在0.9841~0.9999之间,检测限0.04~0.44μg/g,加标回收率91.83%~105.11%,并有较好的重现性,7次连续检测的相对标准偏差范围2.51%~8.00%。液压机榨茶油毛油中的挥发性成分主要为醛类、醇类、烯类、酮类、酯类、酸类等。挥发性物质含量在前10位的是壬醛、α-蒎烯、乙酸乙酯、戊醇、苯甲醛、辛醇、α-木罗烯、壬醇、癸醇、辛醛,其含量总和为21.26μg/g,占总量的68.40%。此法对茶油挥发性成分的分析快速、方便、准确。 展开更多
关键词 茶油 挥发性 固相微萃取 气相色谱 质谱
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