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智能矿山技术架构与建设思路 被引量:43
作者 张元生 战凯 +3 位作者 马朝阳 金枫 刘旭 韩志磊 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2020年第3期1-6,共6页
当前,全球矿业发展进入全新历史阶段,也面临着产品价格、生产成本、作业安全、从业人员等诸多挑战,发展智能化、无人化开采技术,建设智能矿山,是我国资源开发尤其是深部资源开采的必然选择。通过概述智能矿山的发展现状,总结了智能矿山... 当前,全球矿业发展进入全新历史阶段,也面临着产品价格、生产成本、作业安全、从业人员等诸多挑战,发展智能化、无人化开采技术,建设智能矿山,是我国资源开发尤其是深部资源开采的必然选择。通过概述智能矿山的发展现状,总结了智能矿山的内涵,提出了两种典型智能矿山技术架构,对智能矿山建设的重点内容进行了梳理,并给出了建设思路与保障措施,为智能矿山建设提供了理论基础,对矿山进行智能化建设具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 智能矿山 技术架构 工业互联网 建设思路 信息技术
取食玉米不同组织对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及营养指标的影响 被引量:22
作者 唐庆峰 房敏 +4 位作者 姚领 邱坤 郑兆阳 金涛 李桂亭 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期24-27,33,共5页
草地贪夜蛾是2019年入侵我国的一种迁飞性害虫,已成为严重影响我国玉米生产的重要害虫。本试验在室内条件下研究了花丝、雌穂、心叶和功能叶对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及营养效应的影响。结果表明:玉米功能叶组在各发育阶段的死亡率显著高于... 草地贪夜蛾是2019年入侵我国的一种迁飞性害虫,已成为严重影响我国玉米生产的重要害虫。本试验在室内条件下研究了花丝、雌穂、心叶和功能叶对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及营养效应的影响。结果表明:玉米功能叶组在各发育阶段的死亡率显著高于其他几组,且幼虫期最长(23.29 d±0.49 d);心叶组蛹重最重(270.89 mg±3.87 mg),且成虫产卵量及卵孵化率最高,分别为973粒和97.82%;雌穂组及心叶组的相对取食量较高,分别为(1.680 mg±0.013 mg)和(1.690 mg±0.004 mg);花丝组、雌穂组及心叶组的食物转化率及食物利用率差异不显著,均高于功能叶组。上述结果表明,与玉米功能叶相比,雌穂及心叶等幼嫩组织更适合草地贪夜蛾生长发育及营养积累。 展开更多
关键词 草地贪夜蛾 玉米 生长发育 营养指标
卡介苗预防中、高危非肌层浸润性膀胱癌术后复发的有效性、安全性随机、对照、多中心临床试验中期报告 被引量:18
作者 于浩 林天歆 +29 位作者 李响 胡海龙 刘南 张坚 姚旭东 吴朝阳 孔祥波 周利群 陈家存 黎玮 杨锦建 王东文 张小东 曹友汉 魏少忠 田野 张会清 史本康 杨占坡 李庆文 邵晋凯 种铁 王小林 黄红星 李黎明 田建华 汪志民 杨进 齐琳 黄健 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期485-491,共7页
目的探讨卡介苗(BGG)膀胱灌注预防中、高危非肌层浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC)术后早期复发的有效性、安全性。方法2015年7月至2019年5月选取18~75岁的膀胱肿瘤患者纳入研究,均经病理检查确诊为NMIBC,均为中高危复发或进展风险患者,美国东部肿... 目的探讨卡介苗(BGG)膀胱灌注预防中、高危非肌层浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC)术后早期复发的有效性、安全性。方法2015年7月至2019年5月选取18~75岁的膀胱肿瘤患者纳入研究,均经病理检查确诊为NMIBC,均为中高危复发或进展风险患者,美国东部肿瘤协作组(ECOG)体力评分0~2分。排除标准:①有免疫缺陷或损害(如艾滋病)、正使用免疫抑制药物或放疗,有可能引起全身性BGG疾病反应者、对BGG或表柔比星或两药的辅料成分过敏者,患发热及急性传染病者,活动性结核者或正在接受抗结核治疗者,伴有严重的慢性心脑血管疾病或慢性肾病者;②合并其他泌尿生殖系统肿瘤或其他器官肿瘤者;③肌层浸润性膀胱尿路上皮癌(≥T2期)患者;④过去4周内接受过化疗、放疗、免疫治疗者(除外术后即刻膀胱灌注化疗);⑤妊娠或哺乳期妇女、未采取有效避孕措施的育龄期妇女、计划于试验期间受孕者(包括男性受试者伴侣受孕);⑥已知或怀疑术中发生膀胱穿孔;⑦入组前尚存在肉眼血尿,怀疑手术创面未愈合或尿路黏膜受损;⑧伴有膀胱炎,或曾经接受过其他膀胱灌注药物治疗且膀胱刺激征严重,预期影响本研究评估者;⑨入组前3个月内参加过其他药物临床试验者;⑩已知阿片类药物或酒精依赖者;?研究者认为可能存在增加受试者危险性或干扰临床试验执行的任何情况。纳入研究的患者行经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术(TURBT)或经尿道膀胱肿瘤激光剜除术,术后即刻灌注1次表柔比星50 mg。采用区组随机化方法产生随机表,将患者按2∶2∶1的比例随机纳入试验1组(BCG15次灌注)、试验2组(BCG19次灌注)及对照组(表柔比星18次灌注)。比较3组的复发情况及不良反应发生情况。结果本研究共纳入531例患者,其中有完整随访资料患者423例。试验1组167例,男143例,女24例;年龄(60.4±9.2)岁。试验2组172例,男141例,女31例;年龄(6 展开更多
关键词 高危 中危 非肌层浸润性膀胱癌 卡介苗 表柔比星 随机对照试验
四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症临床研究 被引量:13
作者 龚兆阳 金理柜 +1 位作者 胡思进 林建南 《新中医》 CAS 2018年第3期119-122,共4页
目的:观察四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法:选取70例血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症患者,随机分为试验组及对照组各35例。试验组采用四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗,对照组采用推拿手法治疗。观察2组治疗前后视觉... 目的:观察四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效。方法:选取70例血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症患者,随机分为试验组及对照组各35例。试验组采用四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗,对照组采用推拿手法治疗。观察2组治疗前后视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分、日本骨科协会评估治疗分数(JOA评分)、Oswestry功能障碍指数量表(ODI)评分的变化。结果:治疗前,2组VAS、JOA、ODI评分比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后,2组VAS评分及ODI评分均较治疗前下降,JOA评分均较治疗前升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组VAS评分及ODI评分均低于对照组,JOA评分高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。试验组临床疗效优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.045,P=0.041)。结论:四维牵引联合身痛逐瘀汤治疗血瘀型腰椎间盘突出症临床疗效显著,值得临床推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 腰椎间盘突出症 血瘀型 四维牵引 身痛逐瘀汤 视觉模拟评分法(VAS) 日本骨科协会评估治疗分数(JOA评分) Oswestry功能障碍指数量表(ODI)
杠杆定位与正脊手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的效果比较 被引量:7
作者 胡思进 龚兆阳 +5 位作者 金理柜 何新国 薛道义 陈志慧 金扬近 金增核 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2018年第24期75-78,共4页
目的比较杠杆定位手法与正脊手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的效果。方法选取2015年3月~2017年11月瑞安市中医院收治的腰椎间盘突出症患者302例,按照随机数字表法分为治疗组(152例)和对照组(150例)。治疗组采用杠杆定位手法联合牵引,对照组采... 目的比较杠杆定位手法与正脊手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的效果。方法选取2015年3月~2017年11月瑞安市中医院收治的腰椎间盘突出症患者302例,按照随机数字表法分为治疗组(152例)和对照组(150例)。治疗组采用杠杆定位手法联合牵引,对照组采用采用传统正脊手法配合牵引。两组的治疗时间与次数均相同,治疗结束后比较两组临床效果。结果治疗后,两组视觉模拟评分(VAS)较治疗前下降,日本骨科协会评估治疗分数(JOA)均较治疗前升高,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗后治疗组的VAS评分低于对照组,JOA评分高于对照组,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。治疗组临床效果优于对照组,差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论杠杆定位手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症效果确切,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 脊柱疾病 腰椎间盘突出症 杠杆定位 正脊
城市污水厂加盖除臭技术及现状 被引量:8
作者 徐遵主 陆朝阳 +3 位作者 金小贤 张纪文 刘东 李明 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2021年第5期60-65,共6页
文章介绍了污水厂臭气处理系统中臭气加盖工艺及其处理技术。臭气收集方式主要有密封式玻璃房加盖、混凝土加盖、玻璃钢加盖、反吊膜加盖和充气膜加盖,可结合污水处理工艺及构筑物特征选用最合适的收集方式;臭气处理技术有吸附法、吸收... 文章介绍了污水厂臭气处理系统中臭气加盖工艺及其处理技术。臭气收集方式主要有密封式玻璃房加盖、混凝土加盖、玻璃钢加盖、反吊膜加盖和充气膜加盖,可结合污水处理工艺及构筑物特征选用最合适的收集方式;臭气处理技术有吸附法、吸收法、光催化、等离子法和生物法等,相比单一工艺,组合工艺处理效果更佳。苏南地区污水厂的实地调研显示,73%的污水厂具有收集处理设施,相对未收集处理的污水厂,异味问题得到较大改善。未来,新型的地下式污水厂将会全面改善污水厂臭味扰民的问题。 展开更多
关键词 污水厂 除臭 加盖 异味扰民
基于转矩极限的改进风电机组虚拟惯量控制策略 被引量:5
作者 杨德健 许益恩 +3 位作者 金朝阳 高洪超 金恩淑 郑太英 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期80-86,共7页
为解决大规模风电并网带来的系统频率稳定性降低问题,风电机组通过虚拟惯量控制可为系统提供短期频率支撑,然而惯性响应期间风电机组转速收敛缓慢,导致一部分转子动能被无故浪费;转速恢复阶段的有功突变易造成频率二次跌落。为此,提出... 为解决大规模风电并网带来的系统频率稳定性降低问题,风电机组通过虚拟惯量控制可为系统提供短期频率支撑,然而惯性响应期间风电机组转速收敛缓慢,导致一部分转子动能被无故浪费;转速恢复阶段的有功突变易造成频率二次跌落。为此,提出基于转矩极限的改进风电机组虚拟惯量控制策略,实现在释放较少动能的前提下提供与传统策略相同的频率响应服务;并在频率步入准稳态时,借助时变功率函数开始转速恢复,实现转速快速恢复的同时缓解二次频率跌落。基于EMTP-RV仿真软件搭建包含风电场的电力系统模型,验证了所提策略的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 风力发电 频率响应 转子动能 二次频率跌落 转速恢复
Modelling the Effect of Initial Grain Size on Dynamic Recrystallization Using a Modified Cellular Automata and a Adaptive Response Surface Method 被引量:6
作者 zhaoyang jin Zhenshan Cui 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1063-1070,共8页
A modified cellular automata (CA) model of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and a flow stress-based nucleation parameter identification method have been developed. In the method, the modified CA model, which takes ... A modified cellular automata (CA) model of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and a flow stress-based nucleation parameter identification method have been developed. In the method, the modified CA model, which takes the role of deformation degree on nucleation behavior into consideration, is coupled with an adaptive response surface model (ARSM) to search for the optimum nucleation parameter. The DRX behavior of an oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) copper with different initial grain sizes has been taken as an example to validate the model. Good agreement is found between the simulated and the experimental results, which demonstrates that the new method can effectively improve the simulation accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic recrystallization Cellular automata method Nucleation model Response surface method Parameter identification
膀胱灌注国产卡介苗对比表柔比星预防中高危NMIBC复发的多中心、随机、对照研究2年疗效报告及复发风险因素分析 被引量:6
作者 于浩 李锴文 +33 位作者 胡海龙 李响 刘南 张坚 姚旭东 张小东 黎玮 周利群 孔祥波 杨锦建 曹友汉 魏俊利 陈家存 吴朝阳 王东文 张旭辉 邵晋凯 李庆文 张会清 王小林 魏少忠 田野 种铁 马洪顺 李珅 史本康 杨进 乔玉华 黄红星 李黎明 汪志民 田建华 林天歆 黄健 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期724-730,共7页
目的:探讨国产卡介苗(BCG)膀胱灌注预防中高危非肌层浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC)复发的有效性及安全性,并分析复发风险因素。方法:2015年7月至2020年6月选取32个研究中心的18~75岁且病理检查确诊为中高危NMIBC患者纳入研究,美国东部肿瘤协作组(... 目的:探讨国产卡介苗(BCG)膀胱灌注预防中高危非肌层浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC)复发的有效性及安全性,并分析复发风险因素。方法:2015年7月至2020年6月选取32个研究中心的18~75岁且病理检查确诊为中高危NMIBC患者纳入研究,美国东部肿瘤协作组(ECOG)体力评分0~2分。排除标准:①有免疫缺陷或损害(如艾滋病)、正使用免疫抑制药物或放疗,有可能引起全身性BCG疾病反应者、对BCG或表柔比星或两药的辅料成份过敏者,患发热及急性传染病者,包括活动性结核者或正在接受抗结核治疗者,伴有严重的慢性心脑血管疾病或慢性肾病者;②合并其他泌尿生殖系统肿瘤或其他器官肿瘤者;③肌层浸润性膀胱尿路上皮癌(≥T 2期)患者;④过去4周内接受过化疗、放疗、免疫治疗者(除外术后即刻膀胱灌注化疗);⑤妊娠或哺乳期妇女、未采取有效避孕措施的育龄期妇女、计划于试验期间受孕者(包括男性受试者伴侣受孕);⑥已知或怀疑术中发生膀胱穿孔;⑦入组前尚存在肉眼血尿,怀疑手术创面未愈合或尿路黏膜受损;⑧伴有膀胱炎,或曾经接受过其他膀胱灌注药物治疗且膀胱刺激征严重,预期影响本研究评估者;⑨入组前3个月内参加过其他药物临床试验;⑩已知阿片类药物或酒精依赖者;?研究者认为可能存在增加受试者危险性或干扰临床试验执行的任何情况。纳入研究的患者行经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术(TURBT)或经尿道膀胱肿瘤激光剜除术,术后即刻灌注1次表柔比星50 mg。入组患者采用区组随机化方法产生随机表,按2∶2∶1比例随机纳入试验1组、试验2组和对照组。试验1组灌注BCG 120 mg/次,共19次:诱导灌注期每周灌注1次,连续6次;然后每2周灌注1次,连续3次;然后每月灌注1次,连续10次。试验2组灌注BCG 120 mg/次,共15次:诱导灌注期每周灌注1次,连续6次;术后第3、6、12个月的每月前3周,每周灌注1次。对 展开更多
关键词 膀胱肿瘤 非肌层浸润性膀胱癌 中危 高危 卡介苗 表柔比星 复发
滚动轴承打滑蹭伤试验研究 被引量:4
作者 张庆 罗军 +3 位作者 陈超 曾昭洋 金前冲 徐进 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期64-69,76,共7页
基于高速滚动轴承试验机对滚动轴承打滑蹭伤展开试验研究,获得不同工况参数下滚动轴承打滑蹭伤的临界转速;研究滚动轴承在打滑蹭伤临界转速下不同运行时间对滚动轴承磨损程度的影响,以及滚动轴承打滑蹭伤后,继续以更高转速运行对滚动轴... 基于高速滚动轴承试验机对滚动轴承打滑蹭伤展开试验研究,获得不同工况参数下滚动轴承打滑蹭伤的临界转速;研究滚动轴承在打滑蹭伤临界转速下不同运行时间对滚动轴承磨损程度的影响,以及滚动轴承打滑蹭伤后,继续以更高转速运行对滚动轴承磨损程度的影响。结果表明:滚动轴承发生打滑蹭伤瞬间伴随着摩擦扭矩、温度及振动加速度的同步突增,且其在润滑不充分及轻载工况下出现打滑蹭伤时的临界转速更低;滚动轴承在打滑蹭伤临界转速下运转时间越长,磨损越严重,这可能是由于打滑蹭伤破坏滚动轴承表面光洁度,使摩擦因数增大从而导致磨损速度加快;滚动轴承打滑蹭伤后,继续以更高转速运转时易出现二次淬火烧伤,大大降低轴承使用寿命。 展开更多
关键词 滚动轴承 高速滚动轴承试验机 打滑蹭伤 工况参数 二次淬火烧伤
Thermal stability of different texture components in extruded Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy 被引量:5
作者 Lingyu Zhao Yunchang Xin +3 位作者 zhaoyang jin Jian Wang Bo Feng Qing Liu 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE 2019年第4期577-583,共7页
Grain growth can modify the texture orientation and the fraction of different texture component.The thermal stability of two texture component in an extruded magnesium AZ31 alloy was investigated.Three types samples w... Grain growth can modify the texture orientation and the fraction of different texture component.The thermal stability of two texture component in an extruded magnesium AZ31 alloy was investigated.Three types samples with different texture distribution were prepared.The results show that normal grain growth takes place in the magnesium AZ31 alloy during annealing at 300℃ and 450℃.But the grain growth does not lead to the strengthening of either texture component.Both the<0002>⊥ED texture and<0002>//ED texture components show good thermal stability,without influence of the texture volume fraction.The two different texture component possess comparable boundary migration ability,so grains of the two texture component consume indifferently the other grains,or are equally consumed during annealing. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy TEXTURE Thermal stability Grain growth annealing TWINNING
激光扫描共聚焦显微分析技术表征页岩亚微米级孔隙中的含油性——以准噶尔盆地芦草沟组页岩为例 被引量:4
作者 鲁锋 李照阳 +4 位作者 杨召 张刘平 刘金 李璐璐 刘向军 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期193-202,共10页
亚微米级孔隙及其含油性是页岩油勘探开发所需的重要信息。为应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜有效观测亚微米级孔隙的含油性,修改了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜主分光器和检测器的前置滤光片配置,使之能较好地进行反射光和荧光联合扫描,消除矿物所... 亚微米级孔隙及其含油性是页岩油勘探开发所需的重要信息。为应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜有效观测亚微米级孔隙的含油性,修改了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜主分光器和检测器的前置滤光片配置,使之能较好地进行反射光和荧光联合扫描,消除矿物所发荧光的干扰,实现了亚微米级孔隙及其含油性的精确观测。该方法在准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组页岩油研究中进行了应用,发现了大量的亚微米级含油孔隙;页岩油多呈不规则形状、斑块状和星点状。这套页岩的有机质成熟度Ro为0.6%~1.1%,平均约为0.9%,但轻、重质组分的分布具有显著的非均一性,不完全受成熟度控制。在有些部位,轻质组分含量及其与重质组分的比值均较高,但在成熟度相近甚至稍高的邻近部位,却存在以重质组分为主的情况。页岩层系内部的油气运移也是一个重要的控制因素。页岩中的轻质和重质组分的观测与分布规律研究,对于页岩油勘探开发十分重要,激光扫描共聚焦显微新技术可成为重要的观测手段。 展开更多
关键词 激光扫描共聚焦显微镜 轻质组分 重质组分 孔隙 亚微米 吉木萨尔凹陷 准噶尔盆地
Improved Removal Efficiency of Submicron Inclusions in Non-oriented Silicon Steel during RH Process 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Tianying jin Yan +3 位作者 CHENG zhaoyang YUAN Zexi BI Yunjie LIU jing 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2020年第6期1122-1127,共6页
To improve the removal efficiency of such submicron inclusions,we designed an argon blowing method for an RH facility based on mathematical simulations.The effect of the argon blowing on the liquid steel flow and the ... To improve the removal efficiency of such submicron inclusions,we designed an argon blowing method for an RH facility based on mathematical simulations.The effect of the argon blowing on the liquid steel flow and the movement of submicron inclusions was studied using the k-ε flow model coupled with the DPM model for inclusion movement based on fluid computational dynamics in FLUENT.It was found that a more uniform argon flow can be achieved in the up-leg snorkel with a new nozzle position and inner diameter,which resulted in a favorable up-lifting and mixing movement.The new design also increased the circulation rate of molten steel in the RH chamber.The increased turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dispersing rate enhanced the collision probability of submicron inclusions,which results in an improved removal for 0.5-1 μm inclusions.The proposed RH facility could increase the removal rate of submicron inclusions from the original 57.1% to 66.4%,which improves the magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel. 展开更多
关键词 RH treatment argon blowing method model optimization submicron inclusions numerical simulation
Engineering customized nanovaccines for enhanced cancer immunotherapy
作者 jinyu Guo Changhua Liu +3 位作者 zhaoyang Qi Ting Qiu jin Zhang Huanghao Yang 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期330-357,共28页
Nanovaccines have gathered significant attention for their potential to elicit tumor-specific immunological responses.Despite notable progress in tumor immunotherapy,nanovaccines still encounter considerable challenge... Nanovaccines have gathered significant attention for their potential to elicit tumor-specific immunological responses.Despite notable progress in tumor immunotherapy,nanovaccines still encounter considerable challenges such as low delivery efficiency,limited targeting ability,and suboptimal efficacy.With an aim of addressing these issues,engineering customized nanovaccines through modification or functionalization has emerged as a promising approach.These tailored nanovaccines not only enhance antigen presentation,but also effectively modulate immunosuppression within the tumor microenvironment.Specifically,they are distinguished by their diverse sizes,shapes,charges,structures,and unique physicochemical properties,along with targeting ligands.These features of nanovaccines facilitate lymph node accumulation and activation/regulation of immune cells.This overview of bespoke nanovaccines underscores their potential in both prophylactic and therapeutic applications,offering insights into their future development and role in cancer immunotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Nanovaccines Customized structure Tailored-ligand Enhanced cancer immunotherapy Prophylactic and therapeutic applications
作者 王露臻 钟丽 +4 位作者 游沐秋 徐朝阳 金永灿 李大纲 陈楚楚 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期209-217,共9页
以木材为原料,通过脱基质处理获得木材纤维骨架,在其多孔结构中利用原位聚合法构建以聚乙烯醇(PVA)/聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为双网络结构填充相的高强度木基复合凝胶。通过调控PVA及PAM在复合凝胶体系中的质量比,系统研究制备所得木基复合凝胶... 以木材为原料,通过脱基质处理获得木材纤维骨架,在其多孔结构中利用原位聚合法构建以聚乙烯醇(PVA)/聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为双网络结构填充相的高强度木基复合凝胶。通过调控PVA及PAM在复合凝胶体系中的质量比,系统研究制备所得木基复合凝胶的宏/微观形貌、力学性能、光学性能及表面化学性能等变化规律。结果表明:在聚丙烯酰胺/木材纤维骨架中引入少量PVA,通过构建双网络结构,能够有效提升木基复合凝胶的力学性能,其最大拉伸强度可达16.47 MPa,断裂伸长率约为11.61%。将木基复合凝胶作为柔性基材组装构建传感器件,电导率为1.8 S/m,发现木基传感器在多种形变下均表现出稳定可重复的相对电流信号变化。 展开更多
关键词 木材 聚乙烯醇 聚丙烯酰胺 凝胶 力学性能 柔性传感器
Finite element modelling on microstructure evolution during multi-pass hot compression for AZ31 alloys using incremental method 被引量:4
作者 zhaoyang jin Kai Yin +3 位作者 Kai Yan Defeng Wu Juan Liu Zhenshan Cui 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1255-1262,共8页
Based on the principle of piecewise linearization, the incremental forms of microstructure evolution models were integrated into the thermo-mechanical coupled finite element(FE) model to simulate nonlinear microstru... Based on the principle of piecewise linearization, the incremental forms of microstructure evolution models were integrated into the thermo-mechanical coupled finite element(FE) model to simulate nonlinear microstructure evolution during multi-pass hot deformation. This is an unsteady-state deformation where dynamic recrystallization(DRX), meta-dynamic recrystallization(MDRX), static recrystallization(SRX) and grain growth(GG) take place during hot deformation or deformation interval. The distributions of deformation and microstructure for cylindrical AZ31 sample during single-pass and double-pass hot compressions were quantitatively calculated and compared with the metallographic observation. It is shown that both the deformation and microstructure are non-uniformly distributed due to the presence of friction between the die and the flat end of sample. The average grain size and its standard deviation under the double-pass hot compression are slightly smaller than those under single-pass compression.The simulated average grain sizes agree well with the experiments, which validates that the developed FE model on the basis of incremental forms of microstructure evolution models is reasonable. 展开更多
关键词 Incremental method Microstructure evolution Multi-pass hot compression Finite element method Magnesium alloys
Grain size dependence of annealing strengthening of an extruded Mg-Gd-Zn alloy subjected to pre-compression deformation 被引量:4
作者 Qinghang Wang Siyuan Chen +6 位作者 Bin Jiang zhaoyang jin Lingyu Zhao Junjie He Dingfei Zhang Guangsheng Huang Fusheng Pan 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3576-3588,共13页
In this work, pre-strain annealing strengthening(PSAS) effect was investigated in an extruded Mg-1.0Gd-1.5 Zn(wt.%) alloy with respect to different grain sizes. The evolution of microstructures was provided by scannin... In this work, pre-strain annealing strengthening(PSAS) effect was investigated in an extruded Mg-1.0Gd-1.5 Zn(wt.%) alloy with respect to different grain sizes. The evolution of microstructures was provided by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy(HAADF-STEM) under the initial state, pre-compression, intermediate annealing and re-compression conditions. The obtained results showed a grain size-dependent PSAS effect in the alloy. The sample with larger grain sizes corresponded to a higher strengthening effect, which mainly resulted from a more remarkable hindrance for the growth of existing twins and a larger proportion of activation for the nucleation of new twins. This was closely associated with the increase of back stress and friction stress for twin boundary motion impeded by the larger restraint of dislocations, the higher stress field surrounding solutes and the more Zn segregation. In addition to twinning behavior, Guinier Preston(G.P.) zones on basaldislocations were found after intermediate annealing and provided an extra strengthening by inhibiting the motions of gilding pre-existing dislocations and newly formed ones, but it was independent on the grain size. 展开更多
关键词 Mg-Gd-Zn alloy Grain size Pre-compression Annealing strengthening TWINNING
Detwinning and Anneal-Hardening Behaviors of Pre-Twinned AZ31 Alloys under Cryogenic Loading
作者 Lingyu Zhao Wei Zhu +4 位作者 Chao Zhang Yunchang Xin Changjian Yan Yao Cheng zhaoyang jin 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期1551-1563,共13页
Detwinning behavior of a pre-twinned magnesium alloy AZ31 at cryogenic temperature was investigated,also with a focus on the annealing hardening behavior of samples with different fractions of pre-twins.Pre-compressio... Detwinning behavior of a pre-twinned magnesium alloy AZ31 at cryogenic temperature was investigated,also with a focus on the annealing hardening behavior of samples with different fractions of pre-twins.Pre-compression along the transverse direction with strains of 1.7%,3.0%,and 6.0% was applied to generated[1012]twins.Mechanical behavior,microstructure,and texture evolution during subsequent tension were examined.Our results show that low temperature did not change the fact that detwinning still pre-dominated in the pre-twinned samples under reverse loading.However,a relatively harder migration of twin boundaries was found at cryogenic temperature.An annealing hardening of 27-40 MPa was observed in the pre-twinned samples,and such a hardening effect shows a close relation with the fraction of pre-twins or the level of pre-strains.The annealing hardening effect disappeared if the matrix was consumed by twins along with the increased pre-compression strains.The corresponding reasons for the annealing hardening behavior were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloys Detwinning Annealing hardening Cryogenic temperature Mechanical property
作者 陆朝阳 金也 孙备 《中华普外科手术学杂志(电子版)》 2024年第4期363-366,共4页
解性肝切除是指完整切除荷瘤门静脉流域内的肝实质,在其理论与技术操作不断完善、丰富的过程中,对于其实际疗效的质疑与争议从未停歇。先进技术的应用与普及促进肝脏外科迎来新的发展机遇,也为充实并丰富解剖性肝切除理论创造新的契机,... 解性肝切除是指完整切除荷瘤门静脉流域内的肝实质,在其理论与技术操作不断完善、丰富的过程中,对于其实际疗效的质疑与争议从未停歇。先进技术的应用与普及促进肝脏外科迎来新的发展机遇,也为充实并丰富解剖性肝切除理论创造新的契机,有望更好实现肝细胞癌的治疗效果. 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞 解部性肝切除 门静脉流域 腹腔镜肝切除
Investigation of FRP and SFRC Technologies for Efficient Tunnel Reinforcement Using the Cohesive Zone Model
作者 Gang Niu zhaoyang jin +1 位作者 Wei Zhang Yiqun Huang 《Structural Durability & Health Monitoring》 EI 2024年第2期161-179,共19页
Amid urbanization and the continuous expansion of transportation networks,the necessity for tunnel construction and maintenance has become paramount.Addressing this need requires the investigation of efficient,economi... Amid urbanization and the continuous expansion of transportation networks,the necessity for tunnel construction and maintenance has become paramount.Addressing this need requires the investigation of efficient,economical,and robust tunnel reinforcement techniques.This paper explores fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)and steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC)technologies,which have emerged as viable solutions for enhancing tunnel structures.FRP is celebrated for its lightweight and high-strength attributes,effectively augmenting load-bearing capacity and seismic resistance,while SFRC’s notable crack resistance and longevity potentially enhance the performance of tunnel segments.Nonetheless,current research predominantly focuses on experimental analysis,lacking comprehensive theoretical models.To bridge this gap,the cohesive zone model(CZM),which utilizes cohesive elements to characterize the potential fracture surfaces of concrete/SFRC,the rebar-concrete interface,and the FRP-concrete interface,was employed.A modeling approach was subsequently proposed to construct a tunnel segment model reinforced with either SFRC or FRP.Moreover,the corresponding mixed-mode constitutive models,considering interfacial friction,were integrated into the proposed model.Experimental validation and numerical simulations corroborated the accuracy of the proposed model.Additionally,this study examined the reinforcement design of tunnel segments.Through a numerical evaluation,the effectiveness of innovative reinforcement schemes,such as substituting concrete with SFRC and externally bonding FRP sheets,was assessed utilizing a case study from the Fuzhou Metro Shield Tunnel Construction Project. 展开更多
关键词 Tunnel segment FRP SFRC cohesive zone model constitutive model fracture process
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