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关于沿海沙滩清理车的设计研究 被引量:5
作者 吴东军 张玉峰 +2 位作者 周睿杰 刘泓良 字天成 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2018年第3期45-47,共3页
为解决国内沿海沙滩垃圾污染问题,通过Solidworks等软件进行建模分析,设计了一款可对垃圾进行分类的高效沿海沙滩清理车.清理车主要由机架、铲沙机构、筛分机构、链条齿轮传送机构以及收集装置组成,可完成沿海沙滩垃圾的收集、筛除和分... 为解决国内沿海沙滩垃圾污染问题,通过Solidworks等软件进行建模分析,设计了一款可对垃圾进行分类的高效沿海沙滩清理车.清理车主要由机架、铲沙机构、筛分机构、链条齿轮传送机构以及收集装置组成,可完成沿海沙滩垃圾的收集、筛除和分类三项工作.并根据研究结果完成了模型样机的制作. 展开更多
关键词 沙滩垃圾清理 有效分类 垃圾收集
蛇麻草精油香薰法对氯苯丙氨酸诱导失眠大鼠的助眠作用研究 被引量:4
作者 田英姿 胡飞雪 +5 位作者 王文博 庄文会 杜思鸿 刘思瑶 陈朋杰 赵培源 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第21期39-45,共7页
目的探究蛇麻草精油香薰法对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)诱导失眠大鼠的行为学、部分神经递质含量及松果体的影响。方法腹腔注射PCPA复制失眠大鼠模型,随机分为模型组、薰衣草精油组(0.2%)、蛇麻草精油低浓度组(0.05%)、蛇麻草精油中浓度组(0.10%... 目的探究蛇麻草精油香薰法对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)诱导失眠大鼠的行为学、部分神经递质含量及松果体的影响。方法腹腔注射PCPA复制失眠大鼠模型,随机分为模型组、薰衣草精油组(0.2%)、蛇麻草精油低浓度组(0.05%)、蛇麻草精油中浓度组(0.10%)及蛇麻草精油高浓度组(0.20%),每组12只,另设空白组12只。模型复制后,各治疗组分别以相应浓度精油香薰治疗,空白组和模型组熏蒸馏水。每天8 h,连续5 d。观察并记录各组大鼠一般状况;戊巴比妥钠协同睡眠实验观察大鼠睡眠潜伏期和睡眠持续期;旷场实验检测大鼠自发活动;酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测各组大鼠血清褪黑素(MT)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、谷氨酸(Glu)含量;高效液相色谱仪测定各组大鼠下丘脑中去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)、五羟色胺(5-HT)含量;HE染色观察大鼠松果体病理学改变。结果与空白组比较,模型组睡眠潜伏期延长、睡眠持续期缩短(P<0.05);水平运动和垂直运动均减少(P<0.05)。与模型组比较,蛇麻草精油高浓度组睡眠潜伏期缩短、睡眠持续期延长(P<0.05);水平运动和垂直运动增加(P<0.05);血清MT、GABA含量上升,Glu含量下降,Glu/GABA下降(P<0.05);下丘脑中5-HT含量上升,NE和DA含量下降(P<0.05)。松果体细胞和神经胶质细胞形态结构正常、排列均匀、数目明显恢复。结论蛇麻草精油香薰法对失眠大鼠具有一定助眠作用,可能与改善松果体结构,促进MT、抑制性递质GABA及5-HT的分泌,以及抑制兴奋性递质Glu、NE、DA的分泌有关。 展开更多
关键词 失眠 蛇麻草精油 香薰 褪黑素
作者 訾天亮 徐立洲 《海河水利》 2024年第12期21-24,共4页
为构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系,风电、光伏等新能源电力将飞速发展。大规模新能源并网将对电力系统造成巨大冲击,新能源消纳将面临巨大压力。推动风光火储多能互补一体化发展是缓解新能源消纳压力,落实碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要... 为构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系,风电、光伏等新能源电力将飞速发展。大规模新能源并网将对电力系统造成巨大冲击,新能源消纳将面临巨大压力。推动风光火储多能互补一体化发展是缓解新能源消纳压力,落实碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要创新途径。以河曲电厂能源基地项目为例,研究技术经济可行的风光火储(抽水蓄能)多能互补能源基地实施方案,推荐方案在满足新能源消纳要求的前提下保证了企业的投资收益率,分析方法可为后续能源基地项目提供设计参考。 展开更多
关键词 多能互补 风光火储一体化 新能源消纳 河曲电厂能源基地 投资收益率
作者 訾天亮 魏建德 《海河水利》 2024年第10期30-32,共3页
多水源联合调度供水是充分挖潜地区供水水源调节能力,优化区域水资源配置的有效手段。以勃利县城区供水规划为例,明确了远期城区供水水源,研究并制定了多水源联合调度原则,开展长系列径流调节计算,合理确定了规划新建水库规模。结果表明... 多水源联合调度供水是充分挖潜地区供水水源调节能力,优化区域水资源配置的有效手段。以勃利县城区供水规划为例,明确了远期城区供水水源,研究并制定了多水源联合调度原则,开展长系列径流调节计算,合理确定了规划新建水库规模。结果表明,长系列径流调节计算过程中,已建及规划新建水库水位消落频率有所增加,实现了水库调节能力的充分挖潜。研究成果可为其他地区制定多水源联合调度方案提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 勃利县 多水源联合调度 区域水资源配置 径流调节计算 水库调节能力
作者 庞金龙 訾天亮 《海河水利》 2024年第10期55-58,共4页
水利工程管理是确保水利工程建设运行有效性和可持续性的重要环节。研究发现,当前水利工程管理存在管理体制不完善、信息共享不畅、协同联动不够紧密等问题。针对这些问题,提出了加强顶层设计、推动信息化建设、优化管理体制和加强协同... 水利工程管理是确保水利工程建设运行有效性和可持续性的重要环节。研究发现,当前水利工程管理存在管理体制不完善、信息共享不畅、协同联动不够紧密等问题。针对这些问题,提出了加强顶层设计、推动信息化建设、优化管理体制和加强协同联动等对策。通过这些措施的实施,可以提升水利工程管理的效率和质量,实现水利工程的可持续运营。 展开更多
关键词 水利工程管理 优化策略 管理体制
作者 魏建德 訾天亮 《海河水利》 2024年第11期27-30,共4页
基于庆元抽水蓄能电站工程所在河段的水文、地形和地质资料,开展了工程所在河段河道演变分析,进行了设计洪水、泥沙淤积、回水分析等计算,掌握了工程建设产生的回水情况,同时分析了工程建设对工程所在河段及下游河段的河势稳定影响、对... 基于庆元抽水蓄能电站工程所在河段的水文、地形和地质资料,开展了工程所在河段河道演变分析,进行了设计洪水、泥沙淤积、回水分析等计算,掌握了工程建设产生的回水情况,同时分析了工程建设对工程所在河段及下游河段的河势稳定影响、对河道行洪能力的影响、对工程下游4座小型水电站发电效益和防洪安全等第三者合法水事权益的影响,最后提出了综合评价意见和建议。 展开更多
关键词 抽水蓄能电站 洪水影响评价 壅水
中小学生饮食行为及其与营养素养、家庭食物环境的关系 被引量:1
作者 吴洪静 王佳佳 +6 位作者 汪璐 赵敬敬 訾天琪 屈佑明 高一歌 常利杰 李洁 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2023年第8期710-714,737,共6页
目的 了解中小学生的饮食行为现状,分析其与营养素养、家庭食物环境的关系,为中小学生养成健康的饮食行为提供科学依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,于2020年10月对北京市丰台区3至12年级学生及其照护者各629名进行问卷调查,两样... 目的 了解中小学生的饮食行为现状,分析其与营养素养、家庭食物环境的关系,为中小学生养成健康的饮食行为提供科学依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,于2020年10月对北京市丰台区3至12年级学生及其照护者各629名进行问卷调查,两样本t检验和方差分析比较学生的饮食行为差异,多重线性回归探索饮食行为与营养素养、家庭食物环境的关系。结果 中小学生每日蔬菜的摄入率为67.7%,高于水果(59.8%)、奶制品(56.8%)、粗粮(25.9%)和豆制品(10.7%);营养素养水平和家庭食物环境健康率分别为5.9%和79.5%。多重线性回归分析显示,营养素养(β=0.368)、家庭食物可获得性(β=0.150)是学生饮食行为的积极影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 中小学生每日蔬菜、水果、奶制品、粗粮和豆制品的摄入率有待提高,学生的营养素养、家庭食物可获得性可对其饮食行为产生积极影响,相关部门可针对家庭、学校环境开展形式多样的健康教育活动,帮助学生养成良好的饮食习惯。 展开更多
关键词 中小学生 饮食行为 营养素养 家庭食物环境 健康教育
作者 于立新 刘晓燕 +1 位作者 沈嘉权 字天文 《电脑知识与技术》 2008年第12期1687-1688,共2页
电子病历是医院信息化发展的趋势,专科病历系统更是必然产物。针对目前电子病历的不足之处,分析国内肾病专科医院对信息化产物的需求,设计出具有处方诊断功能的智能化的肾病专科电子病历系统。用户在B/S模式的平台上,能够快速准确... 电子病历是医院信息化发展的趋势,专科病历系统更是必然产物。针对目前电子病历的不足之处,分析国内肾病专科医院对信息化产物的需求,设计出具有处方诊断功能的智能化的肾病专科电子病历系统。用户在B/S模式的平台上,能够快速准确地查阅病人的临床检验信息,权限用户还可以管理患者信息;能够快速地处理大量的临床检验数据并且准确地得出解析结果;能够得出处方辅助医生诊断。该系统可以有效提高医生的工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 电子病历 数字化医院 处方诊断
Effect of Al on microstructure and mechanical properties of cast CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy 被引量:6
作者 Qiang Hu Fu-chu Liu +5 位作者 Qian-lu Fan Hui Du Gang Liu Guang-hua Wang zi-tian Fan and *Xin-wang Liu 《China Foundry》 SCIE 2018年第4期253-262,共10页
Cast CrCoNiAIx (x=0-1.2) medium-entropy alloys (MEAs) were produced by arc melting and flip cast to investigate the alloying effect of AI addition on the microstructure, phase constituent and mechanical properties... Cast CrCoNiAIx (x=0-1.2) medium-entropy alloys (MEAs) were produced by arc melting and flip cast to investigate the alloying effect of AI addition on the microstructure, phase constituent and mechanical properties. The crystal structure changes from an initial face-centered cubic (FCC) to duplex FCC and body-centered cubic (BCC) and finally a single BCC with increasing AI content. In the duplex region, FCC and BCC phases form under a eutectic reaction in the interdendrite region. In the single BCC region, the dendrites transform to ordered B2 and disordered A2 BCC phases resulting from spinodal decomposition. Corresponding to their phase constituents, yield strength increases accompanied with an elongation reduction with increasing AI addition. A very interesting phenomenon of very weak ordered FCC (001) spots appearing in AI-0.4 alloy was observed, indicating a local ordering of FCC phase. The changes of fracture surfaces after the tensile deformation are also corresponding to the variations in mechanical properties. 展开更多
关键词 medium-entropy alloy microstructure mechanical properties Al addition
Effect of vibration frequency on primary phase and properties of grey cast iron fabricated by lost foam casting 被引量:7
作者 Bo-tao Xiao zi-tian Fan +2 位作者 Wen-ming Jiang Jun-huai Xiang Xue-fang Yan 《China Foundry》 SCIE 2020年第1期1-7,共7页
The properties of gray cast iron(GCI)are affected by density of matrix,size of flake graphite and primary austenite.In this paper,the Y-type specimen of GCI was prepared by lost foam casting(LFC)with and without vibra... The properties of gray cast iron(GCI)are affected by density of matrix,size of flake graphite and primary austenite.In this paper,the Y-type specimen of GCI was prepared by lost foam casting(LFC)with and without vibration,and the influence of vibration frequency on the density of matrix,size of primary phase,and properties of the GCI was studied.The results show that the length of the flake graphite and the size of the primary austenite in GCI firstly decrease and then increase with the increase of the vibration frequency.With a vibration frequency of 35 Hz,the length of the flake graphite is the shortest,the primary austenite is the finest and the density of the matrix is the highest.In addition,the tensile strength,elongation and hardness of the GCI firstly increase and then decrease with the increase of the vibration frequency,due to the refinement of the primary phase and the increase of the matrix density.In order to analyze the refinement mechanism of the primary phase of the GCI fabricated by the LFC with vibration,the solidification temperature fields of the GCI fabricated by the LFC with the vibration frequency of 0 and 35 Hz were measured.The results show that the vibration reduces the eutectic point of the GCI and increases the supercooling degree during the eutectic transformation.As a result,the length of the flake graphite and the size of the primary austenite in GCI fabricated by LFC with the vibration frequency of 35 Hz decrease. 展开更多
关键词 vibration frequency lost foam casting grey cast iron flake graphite PROPERTIES
Effect of scanning speed during PTA remelting treatment on the microstructure and wear resistance of nodular cast iron 被引量:6
作者 Hua-tang Cao Xuan-pu Dong +3 位作者 Qi-wen Huang Zhang Pan Jian-jun Li zi-tian Fan 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期363-370,共8页
The surface of nodular cast iron (NCI) with a ferrite substrate was rapidly remelted and solidified by plasma transferred arc (PTA) to induce a chilled structure with high hardness and favorable wear resistance. T... The surface of nodular cast iron (NCI) with a ferrite substrate was rapidly remelted and solidified by plasma transferred arc (PTA) to induce a chilled structure with high hardness and favorable wear resistance. The effect of scanning speed on the microstructure, micro-hardness distribution, and wear properties of PTA-remelted specimens was systematically investigated. Microstructural characterization in-dicated that the PTA remelting treatment could dissolve most graphite nodules and that the crystallized primary austenite dendrites were transformed into cementite, martensite, an interdendritic network of ledeburite eutectic, and certain residual austenite during rapid solidifica-tion. The dimensions of the remelted zone and its dendrites increase with decreased scanning speed. The microhardness of the remelted zone varied in the range of 650 HV0.2 to 820 HV0.2, which is approximately 2.3-3.1 times higher than the hardness of the substrate. The wear re-sistance of NCI was also significantly improved after the PTA remelting treatment. 展开更多
关键词 nodular cast iron surface treatment plasma arc remelting scanning speed MICROHARDNESS wear resistance
Rapid casting technology based on selective laser sintering 被引量:6
作者 Li Yang Shi-yan Tang +2 位作者 zi-tian Fan Wen-ming Jiang Xin-wang Liu 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2021年第4期296-306,共11页
Selective laser sintering(SLS),as a kind of additive manufacturing technology,which uses a laser beam to scan and heat powder material layer by layer to form parts(models),is widely used in the field of casting,mainly... Selective laser sintering(SLS),as a kind of additive manufacturing technology,which uses a laser beam to scan and heat powder material layer by layer to form parts(models),is widely used in the field of casting,mainly for preparing casting coated sand cores,investment casting patterns,etc.The SLS technique facilitates rapid casting and shortens the casting production periods by eliminating mold preparation.In this study,we reached conclusions for the basic principles and characteristics of SLS methods,and focused on the research status,key technology and development trend of SLS in the fields of forming coated sand-casting molds and investment casting patterns. 展开更多
关键词 selective laser sintering additive manufacturing rapid casting coated sand investment casting pattern
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Cast Iron in Lost Foam Casting with Vibration 被引量:6
作者 Bo-tao XIAO zi-tian FAN +3 位作者 Wen-ming JIANG Xin-wang LIU Wei LONG Qiang HU 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期1049-1054,共6页
The microstructures and mechanical properties of the ductile cast iron (DI) specimens obtained by lost foam casting (LFC) with and without vibration were investigated. The results indicate that the number of the g... The microstructures and mechanical properties of the ductile cast iron (DI) specimens obtained by lost foam casting (LFC) with and without vibration were investigated. The results indicate that the number of the graphite nodule increases from 175 mm 2 of the specimens produced by LFC without vibration to 334 mm^-2 of the specimens produced by LFC with vibration, and the thickness of the ferrite shell increases. Meanwhile, the amount of the carbides decreases in the specimens produced by LFC with vibration and the granule structure then forms. These are mainly attributed to the "crystal shower" caused by the vibration. In addition, the tensile strength and elongation of DI specimens produced by LFC with vibration are improved due to the dispersion-strengthening of refined carbide and Dearlite colonv, uniform distribution of the graphite nodule, and increase of the amount of dimples and tearing edges. 展开更多
关键词 ductile cast iron (DI) MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical property mechanical vibration lost foam casting (LFC)
An improved sodium silicate binder modified by ultra-fine powder materials 被引量:5
作者 WANG Ji-na FAN zi-tian +2 位作者 WANG Hua-fang DONG Xuan-pu HUANG Nai-yu 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2007年第1期26-30,共5页
This paper presents a new method of modifying sodium silicate binder with ultra-fine powders. The sodium silicate binder modified by ultra-fine powder A and the organic B can reduce the addition amount of the binder. ... This paper presents a new method of modifying sodium silicate binder with ultra-fine powders. The sodium silicate binder modified by ultra-fine powder A and the organic B can reduce the addition amount of the binder. The results indicate that the 24 h strength has increased by 39.9% at room temperature and the residual strength has decreased by 30.7% at 800℃, compared to the conventional sodium silicate. An available material to improve the moisture resistance was also found by adding about 2% more inorganic C, and it can increase the moist strength by 20%. In the end, the microanalyses are given to explain the modifying machanism, i. e., the ultra-fine powder A can refine the sodium silicate binder to avoid holes in the binder bond, which can increase the 24 h strength at room temperture, and can lead to more cracks in the bond after the molding sand is heated to 800℃. This is because of the stress caused by the new eutectic complex of modified sodium silicate binder. 展开更多
关键词 sodium silicate binder modification ultra-fine powder materials bonding strength moisture resistance COLLAPSIBILITY
A review of additive manufacturing technology and its application to foundry in China 被引量:5
作者 Shi-yan Tang Li Yang +2 位作者 zi-tian Fan Wen-ming Jiang Xin-wang Liu 《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2021年第4期249-264,共16页
The application of additive manufacturing technology is one of the main approaches to achieving the rapid casting.Additive manufacturing technology can directly prepare casting molds(cores)with no need of patterns,and... The application of additive manufacturing technology is one of the main approaches to achieving the rapid casting.Additive manufacturing technology can directly prepare casting molds(cores)with no need of patterns,and quickly cast complex castings.The combination of additive manufacturing and traditional casting technology can break the constraint of traditional casting technology,improve casting flexibility,and ameliorate the working environment.Besides,additive manufacturing promotes the realization of"free casting",greatly simplifying the processing procedures and shortening the manufacturing cycle.This paper summarizes the basic principle of additive manufacturing technology and its development situation domestically and overseas,mainly focusing on the development status of several main additive manufacturing technologies applicable to the foundry field,including three-dimensional printing,selective laser sintering,stereolithography,layered extrusion forming,etc.Finally,the future development trend of additive manufacturing technology in the foundry field is prospected. 展开更多
关键词 additive manufacturing rapid prototyping 3D printing casting process rapid casting
Combined effects of ultrasonic vibration and FeCoNiCrCu coating on interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Mg bimetal by compound casting
作者 Yuan-cai Xu Wen-ming Jiang +3 位作者 Qing-qing Li Ling-hui Yu Xiao-peng Yu zi-tian Fan 《China Foundry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期588-598,共11页
In this work,a new treatment method combining ultrasonic vibration with FeCoNiCrCu high entropy alloy(HEA)coating was used to prepared Al/Mg bimetal through the lost foam compound casting.The effects of composite trea... In this work,a new treatment method combining ultrasonic vibration with FeCoNiCrCu high entropy alloy(HEA)coating was used to prepared Al/Mg bimetal through the lost foam compound casting.The effects of composite treatment involving ultrasonic vibration and HEA coating on interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Mg bimetal were studied.Results demonstrate that the interface thickness of the Al/Mg bimetal with composite treatment significantly decreases to only 26.99%of the thickness observed in the untreated Al/Mg bimetal.The HEA coating hinders the diffusion between Al and Mg,resulting the significant reduction in Al/Mg intermetallic compounds in the interface.The Al/Mg bimetal interface with composite treatment is composed of Al_(3)Mg_(2)and Mg_(2)Si/AlxFeCoNiCrCu+FeCoNiCrCu/δ-Mg+Al_(12)Mg_(17)eutectic structures.The interface resulting from the composite treatment has a lower hardness than that without treatment.The acoustic cavitation and acoustic streaming effects generated by ultrasonic vibration promote the diffusion of Al elements within the HEA coating,resulting in a significant improvement in the metallurgical bonding quality on the Mg side.The fracture position shifts from the Mg side of the Al/Mg bimetal only with HEA coating to the Al side with composite treatment.The shear strength of the Al/Mg bimetal increases from 32.16 MPa without treatment to 63.44 MPa with ultrasonic vibration and HEA coating,increasing by 97.26%. 展开更多
关键词 ultrasonic vibration FeCoNiCrCu HEA coating Al/Mg bimetal interfacial microstructure shear strength compound casting
Growth hormone improves insulin resistance in visceral adipose tissue after duodenal-jejunal bypass by regulating adiponectin secretion
作者 zi-tian Liu Guang-Wei Yang +9 位作者 Xiang Zhao Shuo-Hui Dong Yang Jiao Zheng Ge Ao Yu Xi-Qiang Zhang Xin-Zhen Xu Zhi-Qiang Cheng Xiang Zhang Ke-Xin Wang 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE 2024年第6期1340-1352,共13页
BACKGROUND The mechanism of improvement of type 2 diabetes after duodenal-jejunal bypass(DJB)surgery is not clear.AIM To study the morphological and functional changes in adipose tissue after DJB and explore the poten... BACKGROUND The mechanism of improvement of type 2 diabetes after duodenal-jejunal bypass(DJB)surgery is not clear.AIM To study the morphological and functional changes in adipose tissue after DJB and explore the potential mechanisms contributing to postoperative insulin sensitivity improvement of adipose tissue in a diabetic male rat model.METHODS DJB and sham surgery was performed in a-high-fat-diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model.All adipose tissue was weighed and observed under microscope.Use inguinal fat to represent subcutaneous adipose tissue(SAT)and mesangial fat to represent visceral adipose tissue.RNA-sequencing was utilized to evaluate gene expression alterations adipocytes.The hematoxylin and eosin staining,reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction,western blot,and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were used to study the changes.Insulin resistance was evaluated by immunofluorescence.RESULTS After DJB,whole body blood glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue improved.Fat cell volume in both visceral adipose tissue(VAT)and SAT increased.Compared to SAT,VAT showed more significantly functional alterations after DJB and KEGG analysis indicated growth hormone(GH)pathway and downstream adiponectin secretion were involved in metabolic regulation.The circulating GH and adiponectin levels and GH receptor and adiponectin levels in VAT increased.Cytological experiment showed that GH stimulated adiponectin secretion and improve insulin sensitivity.CONCLUSION GH improves insulin resistance in VAT in male diabetic rats after receiving DJB,possibly by increasing adiponectin secretion. 展开更多
关键词 Growth hormone Insulin resistance Bariatric surgery Adipose tissue ADIPONECTIN
Research,application and development of inorganic binder for casting process
作者 Xiao-long Gong Sheng-li Hu zi-tian Fan 《China Foundry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期461-475,共15页
Inorganic binder used in casting process has the advantages of low odor,labor-friendly conditions,and relatively low cost,which is one of the main development directions for casting molding materials in the future.How... Inorganic binder used in casting process has the advantages of low odor,labor-friendly conditions,and relatively low cost,which is one of the main development directions for casting molding materials in the future.However,compared to organic binders(such as resin binders),inorganic binders exhibit lower bonding strength and are more sensitive to environmental humidity.This sensitivity poses challenges,particularly in the reclamation of used sand,thus limiting their broader application.In this paper,the research and application status of inorganic binders(mainly silicate inorganic binders)and their curing methods are summarized.In addition,the research and application of phosphate inorganic binders and 3D printing inorganic binders that are being developed are introduced.Meanwhile,a detailed comparative analysis is conducted on the challenging issue of“reclamation for used sand”in the application of inorganic binders.Finally,the development direction of inorganic binders is clarified. 展开更多
关键词 inorganic binder silicate system phosphate system 3D printing used sand reclamation development trend
Use of a tissue clearing technique combined with retrograde trans-synaptic viral tracing to evaluate changes in mouse retinorecipient brain regions following optic nerve crush 被引量:2
作者 Zong-Yi Zhan Yi-Ru Huang +9 位作者 Lu-Wei Zhao Ya-Dan Quan zi-Jing Li Di-Fang Sun Ya-Li Wu Hao-Yuan Wu zi-tian Liu Kai-Li Wu Yu-Qing Lan Min-Bin Yu 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第4期913-921,共9页
Successful establishment of reconnection between retinal ganglion cells and retinorecipient regions in the brain is critical to optic nerve regeneration.However,morphological assessments of retinorecipient regions are... Successful establishment of reconnection between retinal ganglion cells and retinorecipient regions in the brain is critical to optic nerve regeneration.However,morphological assessments of retinorecipient regions are limited by the opacity of brain tissue.In this study,we used an innovative tissue cleaning technique combined with retrograde trans-synaptic viral tracing to observe changes in retinorecipient regions connected to retinal ganglion cells in mice after optic nerve injury.Specifically,we performed light-sheet imaging of whole brain tissue after a clearing process.We found that pseudorabies virus 724(PRV724)mostly infected retinal ganglion cells,and that we could use it to retrogradely trace the retinorecipient regions in whole tissue-cleared brains.Unexpectedly,PRV724-traced neurons were more widely distributed compared with data from previous studies.We found that optic nerve injury could selectively modify projections from retinal ganglion cells in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus,intergeniculate leaflet,ventral lateral geniculate nucleus,central amygdala,basolateral amygdala,Edinger-Westphal nucleus,and oculomotor nucleus,but not the superior vestibular nucleus,red nucleus,locus coeruleus,gigantocellular reticular nucleus,or facial nerve nucleus.Our findings demonstrate that the tissue clearing technique,combined with retrograde trans-synaptic viral tracing,can be used to objectively and comprehensively evaluate changes in mouse retinorecipient regions that receive projections from retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve injury.Thus,our approach may be useful for future estimations of optic nerve injury and regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 histology image analysis light-sheet imaging optic nerve crush pseudorabies virus retinal ganglion cells three-dimensional imaging tissue clearing viral tracing whole brain study
Brain organoids are new tool for drug screening of neurological diseases 被引量:2
作者 Jin-Qi Zhou Ling-Hui Zeng +5 位作者 Chen-Tao Li Da-Hong He Hao-Duo Zhao Yan-Nan Xu zi-tian Jin Chong Gao 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第9期1884-1889,共6页
At the level of in vitro drug screening,the development of a phenotypic analysis system with highcontent screening at the core provides a strong platform to support high-throughput drug screening.There are few systema... At the level of in vitro drug screening,the development of a phenotypic analysis system with highcontent screening at the core provides a strong platform to support high-throughput drug screening.There are few systematic reports on brain organoids,as a new three-dimensional in vitro model,in terms of model stability,key phenotypic fingerprint,and drug screening schemes,and particula rly rega rding the development of screening strategies for massive numbers of traditional Chinese medicine monomers.This paper reviews the development of brain organoids and the advantages of brain organoids over induced neurons or cells in simulated diseases.The paper also highlights the prospects from model stability,induction criteria of brain organoids,and the screening schemes of brain organoids based on the characteristics of brain organoids and the application and development of a high-content screening system. 展开更多
关键词 brain organoids disease modeling high-content system multiple omic analysis network pharmacology NEURODEGENERATION phenotypic fingerprint psychiatric diseases stem cells traditional Chinese medicine drug screening
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