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元宇宙之治:未来数智世界的敏捷治理前瞻 被引量:118
作者 赵星 陆绮雯 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期52-61,共10页
在数据智能的基础上,虚拟世界与现实世界的快速融合可能成为未来三十年最大的社会变革之一。这一自信息时代就已开始的历史进程,将重塑几乎所有赛道的业态。对信息资源管理领域而言,是机遇,更是终极挑战。而业态优化与重塑,核心在于&qu... 在数据智能的基础上,虚拟世界与现实世界的快速融合可能成为未来三十年最大的社会变革之一。这一自信息时代就已开始的历史进程,将重塑几乎所有赛道的业态。对信息资源管理领域而言,是机遇,更是终极挑战。而业态优化与重塑,核心在于"先立后破""破立并举",治理是其中最关键的环节之一。元宇宙发展的现有风险中,脱实向虚、游戏为先、治理未预三大问题较为集中,本质上则是对于急速爆发的前沿领域、传统的管理和应对方式力有未逮。本文认为"敏捷治理"是塑造未来数智世界和元宇宙治理的重要选项。针对此领域,应从评价监管问责规范化、政务治理智能化、政产学创新集约化三个方向出发,向具有预见性、实时性和动态性的敏捷治理模式转型,并在数据智能的基础上构建敏捷反应模式,从法律规约、科技规制、教育规正三个方面推动未来数智世界治理的相关实践。 展开更多
关键词 元宇宙 虚拟空间 数智世界 敏捷治理 知识交流
基于实时交通信息的电动汽车路径规划和充电导航策略 被引量:73
作者 邢强 陈中 +2 位作者 冷钊莹 陆舆 刘艺 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期534-550,共17页
电动汽车兼具交通工具和移动负荷的特性,其充电行为和行驶特性会给交通系统和电网系统产生交互影响,为此提出一种实时交通信息的电动汽车路径规划和充电导航策略。该方法首先通过对动态路网模型的对比分析,确定了分时段动态交通路网模... 电动汽车兼具交通工具和移动负荷的特性,其充电行为和行驶特性会给交通系统和电网系统产生交互影响,为此提出一种实时交通信息的电动汽车路径规划和充电导航策略。该方法首先通过对动态路网模型的对比分析,确定了分时段动态交通路网模型的优势,并针对城市道路特点,提出考虑道路阻抗和交叉口节点阻抗的"时间–流量"路阻模型。其次,在交通路网模型、配电网模型以及单体电动汽车模型确立的基础上,建立融合道路通行时间、充电站负荷以及进站车辆数的多目标优化函数,通过改进的自适应Dijkstra动态搜索算法对该问题求解推荐最优行驶和充电路径。最后,以南京市某区域实际路网为例,根据交通流量状况以及居民出行规律分区域引入电动汽车规模,通过交通起止点方法模拟电动汽车出行行为,分析电动汽车充电和行驶对交通网和配电网的影响,结果表明所提方法有效可行。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 交通系统 电网系统 路径推荐 充电导航 自适应Dijkstra搜索算法
术后谵妄风险预测模型的构建及应用 被引量:72
作者 邢焕民 吕冬梅 +2 位作者 王晓慧 于思淼 范宇莹 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期8-13,共6页
目的探讨ICU术后谵妄风险预测模型预测患者发生ICU术后谵妄的效果。方法选取某三级甲等医院术后进入ICU治疗的患者240例,将ICU术后谵妄组(n=49)和非谵妄组(n=191)的各项指标进行对比,利用Logistic回归建立风险预测模型,应用ROC曲线下面... 目的探讨ICU术后谵妄风险预测模型预测患者发生ICU术后谵妄的效果。方法选取某三级甲等医院术后进入ICU治疗的患者240例,将ICU术后谵妄组(n=49)和非谵妄组(n=191)的各项指标进行对比,利用Logistic回归建立风险预测模型,应用ROC曲线下面积检验模型预测效果,并选取25例患者进行模型预测效果验证。结果本研究最终纳入病死率及并发症发生率的生理学和手术严重性评分系统(OR=4.259)、酸碱失衡(OR=28.731)、糖尿病(OR=2.699)、高血压(OR=2.055)、入院前一过性意识丧失(OR=10.719)5个危险因素构建出风险预测模型,模型公式:Z=0.121×用于计数病死率及并发症发生率的生理学和手术严重性评分系统的评分+2.519×入院前一过性意识丧失的赋值+1.157×高血压的赋值+1.004×糖尿病的赋值+0.260×酸碱失衡评分-6.957。本模型的ROC曲线下面积为0.832,灵敏度为0.639,特异度为0.886,Youden指数为0.526。模型验证结果:灵敏度为60%,特异度为100%,准确率为92%。结论本模型预测效果良好,适用于临床实际,患者进入ICU之初即可预测ICU术后谵妄的发生风险,为临床医护人员及时对高危患者采取预防性治疗和护理提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 重症监护病房 谵妄 风险预测模型
中国土地生态系统服务当量因子空间修正及价值评估 被引量:67
作者 薛明皋 邢路 王晓艳 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期81-88,共8页
研究目的:基于生态系统服务功能的地区差异,构建空间异质评估模型,并分析中国2000—2015年土地利用及生态服务价值变化规律。研究方法:数理统计和地理信息技术空间分析法。研究结果:(1)构建了中国地级层面空间异质评估模型;(2)自2000年... 研究目的:基于生态系统服务功能的地区差异,构建空间异质评估模型,并分析中国2000—2015年土地利用及生态服务价值变化规律。研究方法:数理统计和地理信息技术空间分析法。研究结果:(1)构建了中国地级层面空间异质评估模型;(2)自2000年以来草地和耕地面积减少最多,分别减少2.05×10~4 km^2和1.45×10~4 km^2,建设用地增长最多,增长4.94×10~4 km^2;(3)2015年中国生态系统服务价值为29.12万亿元,其中林地贡献最多,其次为草地和水域;15年间总价值先增后减,共增长7.42亿元;空间分布总体上从东南向西北逐渐降低。研究结论:空间异质生态服务价值评估模型能够为中国土地生态评估和保护提供更客观的参考。 展开更多
关键词 土地生态 当量因子修正 生态系统服务价值 全国地级层面
“天-空-地”协同滑坡监测技术进展 被引量:57
作者 许强 朱星 +5 位作者 李为乐 董秀军 戴可人 蒋亚楠 陆会燕 郭晨 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1416-1436,共21页
滑坡灾害是全球范围内发生频率最高、分布范围最广、造成损失最重的自然灾害之一,严重威胁着人类生命财产和重大工程设施的安全。科学监测是实现滑坡预警预报与主动防范的重要技术前提,经过多年的技术攻关,融合高分辨率光学遥感、卫星In... 滑坡灾害是全球范围内发生频率最高、分布范围最广、造成损失最重的自然灾害之一,严重威胁着人类生命财产和重大工程设施的安全。科学监测是实现滑坡预警预报与主动防范的重要技术前提,经过多年的技术攻关,融合高分辨率光学遥感、卫星InSAR、无人机摄影测量、无线传感网络(WSN)等多种新技术方法,滑坡监测已从传统点式人工监测逐步发展到“天-空-地”多维协同监测,在我国地质灾害风险识别与监测预警方面取得显著成效。本文结合多年来对滑坡发生机理与变形破坏过程的研究认识,从天(光学遥感和InSAR)、空(无人机摄影测量)、地(全球导航卫星系统、裂缝计等专业监测)三维立体角度对我国滑坡监测技术的最新研究进展进行了系统总结,分析讨论了不同技术在工程实践中的技术优势和适用性,构建了滑坡变形破坏全过程的“天-空-地”协同监测技术体系,为滑坡地质灾害的科学防范提供一种新的思维范式和经验指导。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 光学遥感 INSAR 无人机摄影测量 无线传感网络 “天-空-地”协同监测
钢铁行业烧结烟气多污染物协同净化技术研究进展 被引量:44
作者 闫伯骏 邢奕 +3 位作者 路培 苏伟 姜博 崔晓旭 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期767-775,共9页
基于我国钢铁行业烧结烟气排放标准、排放特征和现行污染物控制技术,分析了国内外先进的多污染物协同控制技术——活性炭(焦)吸附工艺、湿法脱硫除尘+选择性催化还原协同净化技术、循环流化床多组分污染物协同净化工艺、高性能烧结... 基于我国钢铁行业烧结烟气排放标准、排放特征和现行污染物控制技术,分析了国内外先进的多污染物协同控制技术——活性炭(焦)吸附工艺、湿法脱硫除尘+选择性催化还原协同净化技术、循环流化床多组分污染物协同净化工艺、高性能烧结废气净化工艺、新型密相半干法烟气集成治理技术等工艺的技术思路、特点和存在问题等,并针对钢铁行业的实际需求对多污染物协同控制技术的发展提出了建议. 展开更多
关键词 钢铁行业 烧结烟气 多污染物 协同净化 脱硫 脱硝
2019新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎医院工作人员防控培训方案、内容与标准 被引量:41
作者 黎尚荣 赵志新 +35 位作者 姚瑶 邓敬仪 陈昕 温小粤 邢帮荣 郭娜 张献玲 代群 刘剑戎 刘芳 罗利英 孔庆磊 冯丰 曾国芬 熊志勇 郑常龙 罗金妮 钟新华 阮莹 王乔凤 汪竹红 郑栩琪 符永玫 张欢 吴妙略 梁朝峰 吴元凯 李星 梁彩倩 彭燕 欧阳倩 黎婉斌 范秀平 唐紫兰 陈璐 顾琳 《新医学》 2020年第2期95-102,共8页
有效的员工全员培训是防控2019新型冠状病毒感染在医疗机构传播的重要措施。该文介绍将医院员工按岗位性质不同分为临床科室主任护长,隔离病房、发热门诊及预检分诊医护人员,标本检测技术人员,其他医师、护理及医技人员,行政、后勤及辅... 有效的员工全员培训是防控2019新型冠状病毒感染在医疗机构传播的重要措施。该文介绍将医院员工按岗位性质不同分为临床科室主任护长,隔离病房、发热门诊及预检分诊医护人员,标本检测技术人员,其他医师、护理及医技人员,行政、后勤及辅助人员等5个类别,进行分层次、分批次、针对性强、覆盖全员的防护培训。培训内容包括理论学习与考核、实践技能培训与考核。培训由教官组人员按统一的培训标准,使用客观结构化多站的形式开展。 展开更多
关键词 2019新型冠状病毒 医院工作人员 防控 培训方案 客观结构化多站
作者 Heng Guan Yong-jun Li +13 位作者 Zhang-rong XU Guang-wei Li Xiao-hui Guo Zhi-min Liu Da-jin Zou Hui-li xing Wei Liu Zheng-yan Sheng Hao-ming Tian Da-long Zhu De-min YU Wei-te Zhuang lu-lu Chen Jian-ping Weng 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期83-88,共6页
Objective To investigate the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in China type 2 diabetic patients and to demonstrate the relationships between putative risk factors and PAD. Methods In total 1 397 type 2 ... Objective To investigate the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in China type 2 diabetic patients and to demonstrate the relationships between putative risk factors and PAD. Methods In total 1 397 type 2 diabetic patients aged 50 years and older were enrolled and determined ankle-brachial index (ABI) and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) in 15 Class III Grade A hospitals in 7 major cities of China. Results Mean patient age was 63.7±8.2 years and mean duration of diabetes mellitus was 9.39±7.4 years. Two hundreds and seventy-two (19.47%) patients were diagnosed as PAD by ABI <0.9, 122 (18.37%) in male and 150 (20.46%) in female. PAD patients had a significantly longer duration of diabetes mellitus, higher hemoglobin Alc, and a significantly lower mean body mass index than non-PAD ones. Aging, smoking, and systolic blood pressure were found to be positively related with the prevalence of PAD. In terms of lipid profiles, no variable was found to relate with PAD. Notably, baPWV showed as the same significant guiding index for PAD, almost matched with ABI. Conclusions PAD is a common complication in China type 2 diabetic patients. Therefore, PAD screening and treatment should be emphasized for diabetic patients with high risk factors. 展开更多
关键词 peripheral arterial disease risk factor diabetes mellitus
四川盆地南缘昭通页岩气示范区构造变形特征及页岩气保存条件 被引量:37
作者 徐政语 梁兴 +8 位作者 鲁慧丽 张介辉 舒红林 徐云俊 武金云 王高成 卢文忠 唐协华 石文睿 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期22-31,共10页
四川盆地南缘昭通国家级页岩气示范区地处我国南方海相构造复杂区,页岩变形改造强烈、甜点控制因素复杂,保存条件对页岩气富集具有重要的影响。为了支撑该区页岩气甜点区的优选评价工作、提高钻探成功率,通过对野外露头的地质调查,利用... 四川盆地南缘昭通国家级页岩气示范区地处我国南方海相构造复杂区,页岩变形改造强烈、甜点控制因素复杂,保存条件对页岩气富集具有重要的影响。为了支撑该区页岩气甜点区的优选评价工作、提高钻探成功率,通过对野外露头的地质调查,利用钻井、录井和物性测试资料,分析了该示范区构造变形样式及区域变形特征,研究了地层节理及裂缝发育特点、页岩围岩封盖能力、气藏展布特征,探讨了上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组页岩气的保存条件。研究结果表明:①该区由南向北依次发育隔槽式、等幅式与隔档式等3种构造变形样式,依次分布黔中隆起剪切变形区、滇黔北坳陷压扭变形区与蜀南坳陷挤压变形区等3大区域;②五峰组—龙马溪组及其上覆地层发育与地层走向呈高角度、中—低角度及顺层相交关系的3类节理与裂缝,其产状特征与3大变形区基本一致;③五峰组—龙马溪组页岩北厚南薄,具备源储一体、自身封盖成藏的保存条件,外加上覆地层与顶底板的封盖能力,保存条件总体较好;④该区页岩气组分自北向南可划分为甲烷、甲烷+氮气混合、氮气等3个带,页岩气保存条件总体呈北好南差的格局。结论认为,该区中—北部(挤压变形区及其南缘)页岩厚度大、改造与变形弱、节理及裂缝顺层发育、封盖性能好、保存条件优越,为最有利区;中部滇黔北坳陷压扭变形区保存条件中等,为较有利区;南部黔中隆起剪切变形区保存条件差,为远景区。 展开更多
关键词 昭通国家级页岩气示范区 页岩气 保存条件 构造变形特征 裂缝 节理 排驱压力 晚奥陶世—早志留世
Cytological, physiological, and transcriptomic analyses of golden leaf coloration in Ginkgo biloba L 被引量:37
作者 Wei-xing Li Shun-bo Yang +5 位作者 Zhaogeng lu Zhi-chong He Yun-ling Ye Bei-bei Zhao Li Wang Biao Jin 《Horticulture Research》 SCIE 2018年第1期797-810,共14页
Ginkgo biloba is grown worldwide as an ornamental plant for its golden leaf color.However,the regulatory mechanism of leaf coloration in G.biloba remains unclear.Here,we compared G.biloba gold-colored mutant leaves an... Ginkgo biloba is grown worldwide as an ornamental plant for its golden leaf color.However,the regulatory mechanism of leaf coloration in G.biloba remains unclear.Here,we compared G.biloba gold-colored mutant leaves and normal green leaves in cytological,physiological and transcriptomic terms.We found that chloroplasts of the mutant were fewer and smaller,and exhibited ruptured thylakoid membranes,indistinct stromal lamellae and irregularly arranged vesicles.Physiological experiments also showed that the mutant had a lower chlorophyll,lower flavonoid and higher carotenoid contents(especially lutein).We further used transcriptomic sequencing to identify 116 differentially expressed genes(DEGs)and 46 transcription factors(TFs)involved in chloroplast development,chlorophyll metabolism,pigment biosynthesis and photosynthesis.Among these,the chlorophyll biosynthesis-related PPO showed down-regulation,while chlorophyll degradation-related NYC/NOL had up-regulated expression in mutant leaves.Z-ISO,ZDS,and LCYE,which are involved in carotenoid biosynthesis were up-regulated.Quantitative real-time PCR(RT-qPCR)further confirmed the altered expression levels of these genes at three stages.The alteration of PPO and NYC/NOL gene expression might affect chlorophyll biosynthesis and promote degradation of chlorophyll b to chlorophyll a,while the up-regulated genes Z-ISO,ZDS and LCYE enhanced carotenoid accumulation.Consequently,changes in the ratio of carotenoids to chlorophylls were the main factors driving the golden leaf coloration in the mutant G.biloba. 展开更多
Effect of in-hospital medical complications on case fatality post-acute ischemic stroke: data from the China National Stroke Registry 被引量:37
作者 WANG Peng-lian ZHAO xing-quan YANG Zhong-hua WANG An-xin WANG Chun-xue LIU Li-ping WANGYi-long WANG Xin-gao JU Yi CHEN Sheng-yun CHEN Qi-dong QU Hui lu Jing-jing ZHANG Jing MA Rui-hua ZHANG Yu-mei WANG Yong-jun 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第14期2449-2454,共6页
Background In-hospital medical complications are associated with poorer clinical outcomes for stroke patients after disease onset. However, few studies from China have reported the effect of these complications on the... Background In-hospital medical complications are associated with poorer clinical outcomes for stroke patients after disease onset. However, few studies from China have reported the effect of these complications on the mortality of patients with acute ischemic stroke. In this prospective work, the China National Stroke Registry Study, we investigated the effect of medical complications on the case fatality of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods From September 2007 to August 2008, we prospectively obtained the data of patients with acute stroke from 132 clinical centers in China. Medical complications, case fatality and other information recorded at baseline, during hospitalisation, and at 3, 6, and 12 months after stroke onset. Multivariable Logistic regression was performed to analyze the effect of medical complications on the case fatality of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Results There were 39741 patients screened, 14526 patients with acute ischemic stroke recruited, and 11 560 ischemic stroke patients without missing data identified during the 12-month follow-up. Of the 11 560 ischemic patients, 15.8% (1826) had in-hospital medical complications. The most common complication was pneumonia (1373; 11.9% of patients), followed by urinary tract infection and gastrointestinal bleeding. In comparison with patients without complications, stroke patients with complications had a significantly higher risk of death during their hospitalization, and at 3, 6 and 12 months post-stroke. Having any one in-hospital medical complication was an independent risk factor for death in patients with acute ischemic stroke during hospital period (adjusted OR=6.946; 95% CI 5.181 to 9.314), at 3 months (adjusted OR=3.843; 95% C/3.221 to 4.584), 6 months (adjusted OR=3.492; 95% CI 2.970 to 4.106), and 12 months (adjusted OR= 3.511; 95% CI 3.021 to 4.080). Having multiple complications strongly increased the death risk of patients. Conclusion Short-term and long-term outcomes of acute stroke patients 展开更多
关键词 medical complications ischemic stroke outcomes case fatality
深部开采动静载荷作用下复合动力灾害致灾机理研究 被引量:37
作者 尹光志 李星 +1 位作者 鲁俊 李铭辉 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期2316-2326,共11页
为研究深部开采动静载荷条件下冲击地压、突出两种灾害相互作用形成的复合动力灾害的发生条件与显现特征,利用重庆大学自主研发的"多功能真三轴流固耦合试验系统",以层状复合煤岩体为研究对象,进行了改变静应力组合、交变载... 为研究深部开采动静载荷条件下冲击地压、突出两种灾害相互作用形成的复合动力灾害的发生条件与显现特征,利用重庆大学自主研发的"多功能真三轴流固耦合试验系统",以层状复合煤岩体为研究对象,进行了改变静应力组合、交变载荷频率和幅值、应变率及气体压力等试验条件的系列真三轴试验。试验结果表明:中间主应力、气体压力、交变频率和幅值、应变率等对复合动力灾害的显现特征均有较大的影响;真三轴试验条件下,层状复合煤岩体在临空面一侧多以劈裂成板、板曲折断的层裂形式破坏;基于荷载类型,可将复合动力灾害分为高静载型、扰动型、冲击型复合动力灾害3种类型,且在各类复合型动力灾害中,高压气体对复合动力灾害的孕育和发生具有积极的作用。 展开更多
关键词 真三轴应力 深部开采 层状复合煤岩体 动静载荷 复合动力灾害
基于Bi-LSTM和特征关联性分析的日尖峰负荷预测 被引量:36
作者 李玉志 刘晓亮 +4 位作者 邢方方 温国强 卢楠滟 何慧 焦润海 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期2719-2730,共12页
近年来,负荷高峰时段电力供需不平衡问题日益突出,电网运行成本增加。为提高尖峰负荷预测准确度,提出了一种基于双向长短期记忆网络和特征关联性分析的日尖峰负荷预测方法。采用描述类、曲线类指标分析不同行业下的用户日峰值负荷特性,... 近年来,负荷高峰时段电力供需不平衡问题日益突出,电网运行成本增加。为提高尖峰负荷预测准确度,提出了一种基于双向长短期记忆网络和特征关联性分析的日尖峰负荷预测方法。采用描述类、曲线类指标分析不同行业下的用户日峰值负荷特性,并基于Copula函数定量分析多维时序数据之间的关联度,构建基于双向长短期记忆网络的幅值预测模型。由于多峰特性在用电规律中的普通存在,先将连续的历史发生时刻点转为离散的时间段中,再利用幅值模型的预测结果展开基于XGBoost分类器的日峰值负荷出现时段预测。在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法对高位负荷的预测具有较高预测精度,对提高电网削峰填谷和供电服务能力具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 尖峰负荷预测 双向长短期记忆网络 COPULA函数 相关性分析
华北地区谷子产量与农艺性状的综合评价分析 被引量:35
作者 魏萌涵 解慧芳 +6 位作者 邢璐 宋慧 王淑君 王素英 刘海萍 付楠 刘金荣 《作物杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期42-47,共6页
对华北夏谷区谷子农艺性状与产量性状进行灰色关联度分析,探讨主要农艺性状对产量的影响,为谷子优良种质资源利用及高产品种选育提供依据。以2016年全国谷子品种区域适应性联合鉴定华北夏谷区常规组参试的17个品种(系)为材料,采用相关... 对华北夏谷区谷子农艺性状与产量性状进行灰色关联度分析,探讨主要农艺性状对产量的影响,为谷子优良种质资源利用及高产品种选育提供依据。以2016年全国谷子品种区域适应性联合鉴定华北夏谷区常规组参试的17个品种(系)为材料,采用相关分析和灰色关联度分析相结合的方法,对产量相关8个农艺性状进行综合评价。结果表明,供试材料9个农艺性状均存在变异,变异幅度2.69%~11.71%;穗粒重、单穗重、出谷率与产量呈显著正相关;9个农艺性状对谷子产量影响大小依次为穗粗>单穗重>穗粒重>千粒重>株高>出谷率>穗长>生育期,穗粗、单穗重和穗粒重对产量的影响最大。说明谷子产量育种应重视大穗、大粒、穗粒重高的种质资源利用,并适当关注株高。 展开更多
关键词 谷子 灰色关联度分析 品种选育 农艺性状 产量
乳腺癌患者术后恐动症现状及影响因素研究 被引量:35
作者 张素兰 王佳琪 +4 位作者 赵娟 杨皓月 邢璐 范慧杰 马艳梅 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第19期24-27,共4页
目的调查乳腺癌患者术后恐动症现状,分析其影响因素。方法对169例乳腺癌术后患者,采用一般资料调查表、恐动症Tampa量表、简易应对方式问卷、视觉模拟评分法、焦虑自评量表进行调查,分析乳腺癌患者术后恐动症的影响因素。结果乳腺癌患... 目的调查乳腺癌患者术后恐动症现状,分析其影响因素。方法对169例乳腺癌术后患者,采用一般资料调查表、恐动症Tampa量表、简易应对方式问卷、视觉模拟评分法、焦虑自评量表进行调查,分析乳腺癌患者术后恐动症的影响因素。结果乳腺癌患者术后恐动症得分为(36.23±5.28)分,50例(29.59%)患者存在恐动症。多元线性回归分析显示,文化程度、家庭人均月收入、是否行淋巴结清扫、积极应对、疼痛程度、焦虑情绪是乳腺癌患者术后恐动症的影响因素(P<0.05,P<0.01),可解释恐动症总变异的38.30%。结论乳腺癌患者术后恐动症发生率较高,医护人员需采取针对性干预措施帮助患者降低术后恐动症水平,使患者早期开展功能锻炼,促进身体康复。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺癌 手术后 恐动症 功能锻炼 应对方式 疼痛 焦虑 淋巴结清扫 调查分析
Transarterial chemoembolization with PD-(L)1 inhibitors plus molecular targeted therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma(CHANCE001) 被引量:28
作者 Hai-Dong Zhu Hai-Liang Li +61 位作者 Ming-Sheng Huang Wei-Zhu Yang Guo-Wen Yin Bin-Yan Zhong Jun-Hui Sun Zhi-Cheng Jin Jian-Jian Chen Nai-Jian Ge Wen-Bin Ding Wen-Hui Li Jin-Hua Huang Wei Mu Shan-Zhi Gu Jia-Ping Li Hui Zhao Shu-Wei Wen Yan-Ming Lei Yu-Sheng Song Chun-Wang Yuan Wei-Dong Wang Ming Huang Wei Zhao Jian-Bing Wu Song Wang Xu Zhu Jian-Jun Han Wei-Xin Ren Zai-Ming lu Wen-Ge xing Yong Fan Hai-Lan Lin Zi-Shu Zhang Guo-Hui Xu Wen-Hao Hu Qiang Tu Hong-Ying Su Chuan-Sheng Zheng Yong Chen Xu-Ya Zhao Zhu-Ting Fang Qi Wang Jin-Wei Zhao Ai-Bing Xu Jian Xu Qing-Hua Wu Huan-Zhang Niu Jian Wang Feng Dai Dui-Ping Feng Qing-Dong Li Rong-Shu Shi Jia-Rui Li Guang Yang Hai-Bin Shi Jian-Song Ji Yu-E Liu Zheng Cai Po Yang Yang Zhao Xiao-Li Zhu Li-Gong lu Gao-Jun Teng 《Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期1198-1207,共10页
There is considerable potential for integrating transarterial chemoembolization(TACE),programmed death-(ligand)1(PD-[L]1)inhibitors,and molecular targeted treatments(MTT)in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).It is necessar... There is considerable potential for integrating transarterial chemoembolization(TACE),programmed death-(ligand)1(PD-[L]1)inhibitors,and molecular targeted treatments(MTT)in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).It is necessary to investigate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of TACE combined with PD-(L)1 inhibitors and MTT in real-world situations.In this nationwide,retrospective,cohort study,826 HCC patients receiving either TACE plus PD-(L)1 blockades and MTT(combination group,n=376)or TACE monotherapy(monotherapy group,n=450)were included from January 2018 to May 2021.The primary endpoint was progression-free survival(PFS)according to modified RECIST.The secondary outcomes included overall survival(OS),objective response rate(ORR),and safety.We performed propensity score matching approaches to reduce bias between two groups.After matching,228 pairs were included with a predominantly advanced disease population.Median PFS in combination group was 9.5 months(95%confidence interval[CI],8.4-11.0)versus 8.0 months(95%CI,6.6-9.5)(adjusted hazard ratio[HR],0.70,P=0.002).OS and ORR were also significantly higher in combination group(median OS,19.2[16.1-27.3]vs.15.7 months[13.0-20.2];adjusted HR,0.63,P=0.001;ORR,60.1%vs.32.0%;P<0.001).Grade 3/4 adverse events were observed at a rate of 15.8%and 7.5%in combination and monotherapy groups,respectively.Our results suggest that TACE plus PD-(L)1 blockades and MTT could significantly improve PFS,OS,and ORR versus TACE monotherapy for Chinese patients with predominantly advanced HCC in real-world practice,with an acceptable safety profile. 展开更多
Current status of diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer in China-Analyses of Chinese Bladder Cancer Consortium database 被引量:32
作者 Kaiwen Li Tianxin Lin +87 位作者 Wei Xue Xin Mu Enci Xu Xu Yang Fubao Chen Guangyong Li lulin Ma Guoliang Wang Chaozhao Liang Haoqiang Shi Ming Li Mao Tang Xueyi Xue Yisong Lv Yaoliang Deng Chengyang Li Zhiwen Chen Xiaozhou Zhou Fengshuo Jin Xudong Liu Jinxin Wei Lei Shi Xin Gou Weiyang He Liqun Zhou Lin Cai Baiye Jin Guanghou Fu Xiangbo Kong Hongyan Sun Ye Tian Lang Feng Tiejun Pan Yiyi Wu Dongwen Wang Hailong Hao Benkang Shi Yaofeng Zhu Qiang Wei Ping Han Changli Wu Dawei Tian Zhangqun Ye Zheng Liu Zhiping Wang Junqiang Tian Lin Qi Minfeng Chen Wei Li Jinchun Qi Gongxian Wang Longlong Fu Zhaolin Sun Guangheng luo Zhoujun Shen Zhaowei Zhu Jinchun xing Zhun Wu Dong Wei Xin Chen Yanqun Na Hongfeng Guo Chunxi Wang Zhihua lu Chuize Kong Yang Liu Jin Yang Jianyun Hu Xin Gao Jielin Li Changjun Yin Pu Li Shan Chen Zhen Du Jiongming Li Yongji Yan Xu Zhang Shuang Huang Fangjian Zhou Zhiling Zhang Yinghao Sun Shuxiong Zeng Song Cen Jiaquan Zhou Hanzhong Li Jin Wen Jian Huang 《Asian Journal of Urology》 2015年第2期63-69,共7页
Objective:To investigate current status of diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer in China.Methods:A database was generated by Chinese Bladder Cancer Consortium(CBCC).From January 2007 to December 2012,14,260 cases... Objective:To investigate current status of diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer in China.Methods:A database was generated by Chinese Bladder Cancer Consortium(CBCC).From January 2007 to December 2012,14,260 cases from 44 CBCC centers were included.Data of diagnosis,treatment and pathology were collected.Results:The average age was 63.5 year-old and most patients were male(84.3%).The most common histologic types were urothelial carcinoma(91.4%),adenocarcinoma(1.8%),and squamous carcinoma(1.9%).According to 1973 and 2004 WHO grading system,42.0%,41.0%,and 17.0% of patients were grade 1,2,and 3,and 16.0%,48.7%,and 35.3% of patients were papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential,low,and high grade,respectively.Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer(NMIBC)and muscle invasive bladder cancer(MIBC)were 25.2% and 74.1%,respectively(0.8% not clear).Carcinoma in situ was only 2.4%.Most patients were diagnosed by white-light cystoscopy with biopsy(74.3%).Fluorescence and narrow band imaging cystoscopy had additional detection rate of 1.0% and 4.0%,respectively.Diagnostic transurethral resection(TUR)provided detection rate of 16.9%.Most NMIBCs were treated with TUR(89.2%).After initial TUR,2.6%accepted second TUR,and 45.7%,69.9%,and 58.7% accepted immediate,induced,and maintenance chemotherapy instillation,respectively.Most MIBCs were treated with radical cystectomy(RC,59.7%).Laparoscopic RCs were 35.1%,while open RC 63.4%.Extended and standard pelvic lymph node dissection were 7% and 66%,respectively.Three most common urinary diversions were orthotopic neobladder(44%),ileal conduit(31%),and ureterocutaneostomy(23%).Only 2.3% of patients accepted neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and only 18%of T3 and T4 patients accepted adjuvant chemotherapy.Conclusion:Disease characteristics are similar to international reports,while differences of diagnosis and treatment exist.This study can provide evidences for revisions of the guideline on bladder cancer in China. 展开更多
关键词 Bladder cancer DIAGNOSIS Treatment
Immunostaining of PD-1/PD-Ls in liver tissues of patients with hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma 被引量:32
作者 Bao-Ju Wang Jun-Jie Bao +8 位作者 Jun-ZhongWang Yang Wang Min Jiang Ming-You xing Wan-Guang Zhang Jun-Ying Qi Michael Roggendorf Meng-Ji lu Dong-Liang Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第28期3322-3329,共8页
AIM: To investigate the expression of programmed death (PD)-1,PD ligand 1 (PD-L1) and PD-L2 in liver tissues in the context of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS: Liver biopsies and HCC speci... AIM: To investigate the expression of programmed death (PD)-1,PD ligand 1 (PD-L1) and PD-L2 in liver tissues in the context of chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS: Liver biopsies and HCC specimens from patients were collected and histologically examined.The expression of PD-1,PD-L1,and PD-L2 in biopsy specimens of chronic hepatitis and HCC specimens was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining.The association between the expression level of PD-1,PD-L1,and PD-L2 and clinical and pathological variables was analyzed statistically.RESULTS: Expression of PD-1 was found in liverinfiltrating lymphocytes.In contrast,PD-L1 and PD-L2 were expressed in non-parenchyma liver cells and tumor cells.The expression of PD-L1 was significantly correlated with hepatitis B virus infection (1.42 ± 1.165 vs 0.50 ± 0.756,P = 0.047) and with the stage of HCC (7.50 ± 2.121 vs 1.75 ± 1.500 vs 3.00 ± 0.001,P = 0.018).PD-1 and PD-Ls were significantly up-regulated in HCC specimens (1.40 ± 1.536 vs 5.71 ± 4.051,P = 0.000;1.05 ± 1.099 vs 4.29 ± 3.885,P = 0.004;1.80 ± 1.473 vs 3.81 ± 3.400,P = 0.020).CONCLUSION: PD-L1 may contribute to negative regulation of the immune response in chronic hepatitis B.PD-1 and PD-Ls may play a role in immune evasion of tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus Programmed death-1 Programmed death ligands HEPATITIS Hepatocellular carcinoma
Antidepressant-like effect of essential oil of Perilla frutescens in a chronic, unpredictable, mild stress-induced depression model mice 被引量:29
作者 JI Wei-Wei LI Rui-Peng +8 位作者 LI Meng WANG Shu-Yuan ZHANG Xian NIU xing-xing LI Wei YAN lu WANG Yang FU Qiang MA Shi-Ping 《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期753-759,共7页
Perilla frutescens(Perilla leaf), a garnishing vegetable in East Asian countries, as well as a plant-based medicine, has been used for centuries to treat various conditions, including depression. Several studies have ... Perilla frutescens(Perilla leaf), a garnishing vegetable in East Asian countries, as well as a plant-based medicine, has been used for centuries to treat various conditions, including depression. Several studies have demonstrated that the essential oil of P. frutescens(EOPF) attenuated the depressive-like behavior in mice. The present study was designed to test the anti-depressant effects of EOPF and the possible mechanisms in an chronic, unpredictable, mild stress(CUMS)-induced mouse model. With the exposure to stressor once daily for five consecutive weeks, EOPF(3, 6, and 9 mg·kg-1) and a positive control drug fluoxetine(20 mg·kg-1) were administered through gastric intubation to mice once daily for three consecutive weeks from the 3rd week. Open-field test, sucrose consumption test, tail suspension test(TST), and forced swimming test(FST) were used to evaluate the behavioral activity. The contents of 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) and its metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIAA), in mouse hippocampus were determined by HPLC–ECD. Serum interleukin(IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α levels were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The results showed that CUMS significantly decreased the levels of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in the hippocampus, with an increase in plasma IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α levels. CUMS also reduced open-field activity, sucrose consumption, as well as increased immobility duration in FST and TST. EOPF administration could effectively reverse the alterations in the concentrations of 5-HT and 5-HIAA; reduce the IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α levels. Moreover, EOPF could effectively reverse alterations in immobility duration, sucrose consumption, and open-field activity. However, the effect was not dose-dependent. In conclusion, EOPF administration exhibited significant antidepressant-like effects in mice with CUMS-induced depression. The antidepressant activity of EOPF might be related to the relation between alteration of serotonergic responses and anti-inflammatory effects. 展开更多
关键词 Perillafrutescens Essential oil ANTIDEPRESSANT ANTI-INFLAMMATION Chronic unpredictable mild stress
Practice guidelines for ultrasound-guided percutaneous microwave ablation for hepatic malignancy 被引量:29
作者 Ping Liang Jie Yu +9 位作者 Ming-De lu Bao-Wei Dong Xiao-Ling Yu Xiao-Dong Zhou Bing Hu Ming-xing Xie Wen Cheng Wen He Jian-Wen Jia Guo-Rong lu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第33期5430-5438,共9页
Primary liver cancer and liver metastases are among the most frequent malignancies worldwide,with an increasing number of new cases and deaths every year.Traditional surgery is only suitable for a limited proportion o... Primary liver cancer and liver metastases are among the most frequent malignancies worldwide,with an increasing number of new cases and deaths every year.Traditional surgery is only suitable for a limited proportion of patients and imaging-guided percutaneous thermal ablation has achieved optimistic results for management of hepatic malignancy.This synopsis outlines the first clinical practice guidelines for ultrasoundguided percutaneous microwave ablation therapy for hepatic malignancy,which was created by a joint task force of the Society of Chinese Interventional Ultrasound.The guidelines aim at standardizing the microwave ablation procedure and therapeutic efficacy assessment,as well as proposing the criteria for the treatment candidates. 展开更多
关键词 Practice GUIDELINES Microwave radiation CATHETER ablation LIVER cancer ULTRASOUND
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