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基于多数据源的知识图谱构建方法研究 被引量:22
作者 吴运兵 阴爱英 +2 位作者 林开标 余小燕 赖国华 《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第3期329-335,共7页
针对多数据源的融合应用,构建了基于多数据源的知识图谱.首先,对不同领域内的数据源构建相应本体库,并将不同本体库通过数据融合映射到全局本体库;然后,利用实体对齐和实体链接方法进行知识获取和融合;最后,搭建知识图谱应用平台,提供... 针对多数据源的融合应用,构建了基于多数据源的知识图谱.首先,对不同领域内的数据源构建相应本体库,并将不同本体库通过数据融合映射到全局本体库;然后,利用实体对齐和实体链接方法进行知识获取和融合;最后,搭建知识图谱应用平台,提供查询和统计等操作.在实体对齐方面,利用传统的基于相似性传播实体对齐方法,获得良好的实体对齐效果;在实体链接方面,提出了基于约束嵌入转换的预测推理方法,实验结果表明,在预测准确率上取得较好的结果. 展开更多
关键词 知识图谱 本体构建 数据融合 实体对齐 实体链接
Coupling controls of neotec-tonism and paleoclimate on the Quaternary sediments of the Yangtze (Changjiang) coast 被引量:10
作者 WANG Zhangjiao CHEN Zhongyuan +2 位作者 WEI Zixin WANG Zhanghua WEI taoyuan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第16期1775-1784,共10页
Attempt has been made to discuss the coupling relation of neotectonism and paleoclimate that have played a critical role in controlling the Quaternary sediment distribu-tion and sedimentary facies evolution on the Yan... Attempt has been made to discuss the coupling relation of neotectonism and paleoclimate that have played a critical role in controlling the Quaternary sediment distribu-tion and sedimentary facies evolution on the Yangtze coast. On the basis of petrological analysis, up to six sedimentary cyclicities have been identified in the Quaternary sediment boreholes on the time scale of 0.4―0.5 Ma. The lower sedi-mentary cyclicities (Pliocene to Early Pleistocene) are char-acterized largely by thicker gravelly coarse sands, topped by thinner fine silt and silty clay. Gravels are very angular and clayey gravels prevail. Sediments are usually of poor sorting, rich in log fragments and have no microfossils. Bedload as denoted by C-M plot occurs throughout the section. This evidence represents the alluvial fan sedimentation which took place as the basin began to subside. The middle sedimentary cyclicities (often including Early to Middle Pleistocene) con-sist of basal gravelly sands and clayey silt at the middle and upper sediment sections. Sorting becomes relatively better, and foraminifer appears sporadically. C-M plot reveals the mixture of sediment transport media via bedload, saltation and suspension, representing sedimentation of braided river system at the early stage and subsequently, the sedimentation of meandering river pattern. The upper sedimentary cyclic-ities (including Late Pleistocene to Holocene) comprise basal gravelly sands (exclusive of the Holocene sediment) and thick fine sand and silty clay on the upper section. Sorting becomes fine and foraminifer appears throughout the sediment sec-tion. C-M plot shows that saltation and suspension serve as the main sediment transport media in the sediment section and bedload transport weakens. These evidence the sedi-mentation of meandering river pattern near coast during Late Pleistocene and Holocene time, when marine transgres-sion invaded into the paleoriver valleys, which often forms drowned-valley facies and shallow marine facies. Of note is the Recent delta f 展开更多
关键词 扬子江流域 地质气候 沉积物 谷物 生理特性
结构方程模型的应用准则:CB-SEM和PLS-SEM研究范式的比较与启示 被引量:8
作者 袁野 萧文龙 +2 位作者 于媛 王刊良 李一然 《信息资源管理学报》 CSSCI 2023年第3期6-22,共17页
结构方程模型(SEM)用于分析观察变量和潜在变量之间复杂的相互关系,分为基于协方差的结构方程模型(CB-SEM)和基于方差的偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM)两类。结构方程模型在组织管理、信息系统、营销管理等社会科学学科和其他学科中... 结构方程模型(SEM)用于分析观察变量和潜在变量之间复杂的相互关系,分为基于协方差的结构方程模型(CB-SEM)和基于方差的偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM)两类。结构方程模型在组织管理、信息系统、营销管理等社会科学学科和其他学科中应用广泛,特别是使用偏最小二乘结构方程模型方法的论文数量近年来稳步提升。CB-SEM和PLS-SEM在算法上和应用上有很大不同,选择不适合的方法可能导致研究结果不准确,因此,了解这两种方法的区别和报告指南十分必要。本文梳理了结构方程模型中CB-SEM和PLS-SEM方法的使用条件和适用情境,并以财富管理企业使用金融科技为例,比较了两种方法的分析过程和分析结果,强调了选择合适方法的重要性和必要性,为研究者们使用结构方程模型进行准确的数据分析提供了有价值的参考。 展开更多
关键词 结构方程模型 CB-SEM PLS-SEM 数据分析 方法比较
2017台湾重症患者之连续性肾脏替代治疗处置操作手册 被引量:8
作者 庄乔琳 洪芳明 +2 位作者 詹明澄 古世基 许翔浩 《华西医学》 CAS 2018年第7期816-823,共8页
急性肾损伤是重症患者常见之并发症,经常合并多重器官衰竭,一旦需要透析治疗,病死率相当高。连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)以缓慢而持续的治疗方式达到移除水分及毒素的目的,可同时兼顾血流动力学稳... 急性肾损伤是重症患者常见之并发症,经常合并多重器官衰竭,一旦需要透析治疗,病死率相当高。连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)以缓慢而持续的治疗方式达到移除水分及毒素的目的,可同时兼顾血流动力学稳定、体液平衡及营养的补充,已经逐渐成为重症透析治疗的主流方式,甚至成为多器官衰竭时的辅助支持治疗。然而,CRRT的操作技术繁琐,治疗时间冗长,极度耗费医疗资源与护理人力;重症患者的临床状况复杂且变化快速,重症医护团队对CRRT的处方考虑及操作需要娴熟精确,依据专业经验评估患者需求,因时因地制宜作最好的处置选择,才能提供患者安全且高质量的医疗。本手册以临床实务的观点着手,整合既有临床照护指南、最新的相关文献与专家经验,撷取最重要的具体建议,以表格及流程图呈现,达到精简易读的目标,提供医疗照护团队处理患者各种临床需要时,便利且原则性的指南。同时,协助重症医疗新进人员能快速熟悉CRRT相关技术的操作与故障排除,使医护人员能准确地掌握要领,提高临床技能,避免并发症,并传承临床经验。 展开更多
关键词 急性肾损伤 连续性肾脏替代治疗 重症患者 操作手册
循环荷载作用下原状花岗岩残积土动力特性 被引量:8
作者 陈志波 安亚洲 +2 位作者 谢永宁 吴明淏 王瑞斌 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2020年第11期25-30,共6页
研究目的:东南沿海地区高速公路、铁路和地铁迅速发展,深入研究该地区广泛分布的花岗岩残积土的动力特性尤为重要。本文对福州原状花岗岩残积土进行动三轴试验,揭示循环荷载作用下花岗岩残积土的动应力应变关系、动强度、动剪切模量和... 研究目的:东南沿海地区高速公路、铁路和地铁迅速发展,深入研究该地区广泛分布的花岗岩残积土的动力特性尤为重要。本文对福州原状花岗岩残积土进行动三轴试验,揭示循环荷载作用下花岗岩残积土的动应力应变关系、动强度、动剪切模量和阻尼比等动力特性。研究结论:(1)循环荷载作用下原状花岗岩残积土的动应变与振次的关系表现为稳定型、破坏型和临界型三种典型类型;(2)随着振次增加,原状花岗岩残积土的动强度值降低,动强度与振次的关系曲线呈半对数函数关系;(3)长期循环荷载作用后,花岗岩残积土的动黏聚力和动内摩擦角将产生大幅下降;(4)原状花岗岩残积土的动剪切模量随着振次及动剪切应变的增加而降低;动剪切模量与动应力幅值的相关关系可用线性模型来描述;(5)循环荷载作用下,原状花岗岩残积土的阻尼比随振次的发展表现出稳定型、临界型和破坏型三种典型类型;(6)本研究成果对认识花岗岩残积土的动力特性以及合理选择土的动强度指标具有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 原状花岗岩残积土 动三轴试验 临界动应力 动强度 动剪切模量
提高水稻种植效益的对策探讨 被引量:4
作者 官占军 阙兴贵 +3 位作者 宋丽华 张家喜 马彪 刘大锷 《作物研究》 2022年第5期478-482,共5页
对桃源县30个家庭农场2020—2021年连续2年种植水稻情况进行跟踪调查,统计分析种植水稻效益,在不计算政策性补贴时每公顷收入为:再生稻(11 062.8元)>双季稻(3 513.0元)>一季稻(3 339.0元);加上政策性补贴时每公顷收入为:双季稻(5 ... 对桃源县30个家庭农场2020—2021年连续2年种植水稻情况进行跟踪调查,统计分析种植水稻效益,在不计算政策性补贴时每公顷收入为:再生稻(11 062.8元)>双季稻(3 513.0元)>一季稻(3 339.0元);加上政策性补贴时每公顷收入为:双季稻(5 268.0元)>一季稻(4 126.5元),但也远低于再生稻。从粮食单产来看,种植双季稻单产12 945 kg/hm^(2),比种植一季稻高4 470 kg/hm^(2),高于再生稻750 kg/hm^(2),种植双季稻或再生稻可确保国家粮食安全。据此提出提高水稻种植效益的对策为:抓好农田基础设施建设,确保水旱无忧;发展订单生产,解决稻谷销路;引导农户购买水稻保险,防范种稻风险;建立村级土地流转托管中心、严防耕地撂荒;加大扶弱培强力度,支持适度规模经营等政策性保障。全程推广农业机械化,提高劳动生产率;合理安排种植模式,主推优质杂交水稻品种;确定好播种适期;科学管理肥水防止倒伏;搞好化学除草,防治好病虫害;多措并举综合降镉等技术性保障。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 种植 经济效益 对策 桃源县
Rice From Mercury Contaminated Areas in Guizhou Province Induces c-jun Expression in Rat Brain 被引量:5
作者 JIN-PINGCHENG WEN-HUAWANG +4 位作者 LI-YAQU JIN-PINGJIA MINZHENG XIU-LINGJI taoyuan 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期96-102,共7页
Objective Mercury (Hg), as one of the priority pollutants and also a hot topic of frontier environmental research in many countries, has been paid higher attention in the world since the middle of the last century. Gu... Objective Mercury (Hg), as one of the priority pollutants and also a hot topic of frontier environmental research in many countries, has been paid higher attention in the world since the middle of the last century. Guizhou Province (at N24°30′-29°13′, E103°1′-109°30′, 1 100 m above the sea level, with subtropical humid climate) in southwest China is an important mercury production center. It has been found that the mercury content in most media of aquatics, soil, atmosphere and in biomass of corns, plants and animals, is higher than the national standard.The present study aims to explore the influence of mercury pollution on the health of local citizens. Methods The effect of rice from two mercury polluted experimental plots of Guizhou Province on the expression of c-jun mRNA in rat brain and c-jun protein in cortex, hippocampus and ependyma was observed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunocytochemical methods. Results The results showed that the mercury polluted rice induced expression of c-jun mRNA and its protein significantly. Selenium can reduce Hg uptake, an antagonism between selenium and mercury on the expression of c-jun mRNA and c-jun protein. Conclusion c-jun participates in the toxicity process of brain injury by mercury polluted rice, the expression of c- jun mRNA in brain, and c-jun protein in rat cortex and hippocampus can predict neurotoxicity of mercury polluted rice. People should be advised to be cautious in eating any kind of Hg-polluted foods. To reveal the relationship between c-jun induction and apoptosis, further examinations are required. 展开更多
关键词 GUIZHOU Mercury polluted rice C-JUN Gene expression Early prediction Exposure
Fabrication of High Color Rendering Index White Light Emitting Diodes from Gold Nanoclusters
作者 Yeeu-Chang Lee Chieh Chen +2 位作者 Cheng-An J. Lin Cheng-Yi Huang Chia-Hui Lin 《Optics and Photonics Journal》 2023年第11期243-250,共8页
We demonstrated gold nanoclusters as color tunable emissive light converters for the application of white light emitting diodes (WLEDs). A blue LED providing 460 nm to excite gold nanoclusters mixed with UV curable ma... We demonstrated gold nanoclusters as color tunable emissive light converters for the application of white light emitting diodes (WLEDs). A blue LED providing 460 nm to excite gold nanoclusters mixed with UV curable material generates broad bandwidth emission at the visible range. Increasing the amount of gold nanoclusters, the correlated color temperature of WLEDs tuned from cold white to warm white, and also results in the variation of color rendering index (CRI). The highest CRI in the experiment is 92. 展开更多
关键词 Gold Nanocluster White Light Emitting Diodes Color Rendering Index Color Temperature
The Problems and Solutions of Enterprise Financial Management in the Perspective of Digital Economy
作者 taoyuan Wan 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第5期206-212,共7页
From the perspective of the digital economy,enterprise financial management is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.Traditional financial management models are no longer suited to current development need... From the perspective of the digital economy,enterprise financial management is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.Traditional financial management models are no longer suited to current development needs.Fine-tuning financial management is essential to support the modernization of enterprises,guard against operational risks,and promote coordination across the entire value chain for greater economic efficiency.With the help of digital technology,data-driven,highly interconnected,and intelligent decision-making processes are becoming more prominent,profoundly transforming the operational and financial management models of enterprises.This enables financial management to keep pace with modern developments.In light of this,the paper explores the connotations and mechanisms of the digital economy and enterprise financial management,clarifies relevant conceptual characteristics,and identifies problems in financial management under the digital economy.It also offers strategies for optimization and problem-solving,with the aim of providing valuable insights for educators and practitioners. 展开更多
关键词 Digital economy ENTERPRISE Financial management Existence problems Solution strategy
2-hydroxy-3-methyl anthraquinone promotes apoptosis and inhibits invasion of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by targeting nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1/cellular tumor antigen p53 signaling pathway
作者 WU Shuang LI Qiao +1 位作者 ZHU Xieying ZHANG taoyuan 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期1104-1110,共7页
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the anti-liver cancer effect of 2-hydroxy-3-methyl anthraquinone(HMA) and the specific mechanism based on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidedependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1(SIRT1)/cellu... OBJECTIVE: To investigate the anti-liver cancer effect of 2-hydroxy-3-methyl anthraquinone(HMA) and the specific mechanism based on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidedependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1(SIRT1)/cellular tumor antigen p53(p53) pathway. METHODS: Cell counting kit-8 method was used to observe the effect of HMA on the activity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells(Hep G2) cells. At 72 h and 80 μL HMA, the apoptosis rate of Hep G2 cells in each group was measured by flow cytometry. Transwell was used to assay for cell invasion. The protein expression levels of SIRT1, p53, B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2), Bcl-2 associated X protein(Bax), caspase-9(CASP9) and caspase-3(CASP3) were detected by Western Blot. RESULTS: HMA significantly inhibited the proliferation of Hep G2 cells, The half inhibiting concentration(IC50) of the HMA at 24, 48 and 72 h were examined and it were 126.3, 98.6, and 80.55 μM, respectively. Compared with the control group, the apoptosis rate of HMA, Selisistat(EX527), and HMA+ EX527 groups enhanced, while the apoptosis rate of SRT1720 diminished, demonstrating that inhibition of SIRT1 can lead to apoptosis of Hep G2 cells. HMA+ EX527 group had the highest apoptosis rate, the lowest expression of SIRT1 and Bcl-2, and the highest expression of p53, Bax, CASP9 and CASP3. The number of invasions of Hep G2 was significantly reduced after HMA and EX527 intervened. Western blot shows HMA could inhibit SIRT1, promote the expression of p53, and decrease the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax. CONCLUSIONS: HMA induced apoptosis in Hep G2 cells, while inhibiting proliferation and invasion. The mechanism of HMA against HCC may be related to the SIRT1/p53 pathway. 展开更多
关键词 2-hydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone carcinoma hepatocellular apoptosis INVASION sirtuin 1 genes p53
Assessment and Visualization of Ki67 Heterogeneity in Breast Cancers through Digital Image Analysis
作者 Chien-Hui Wu Min-Hsiang Chang +1 位作者 Hsin-Hsiu Tsai Yi-Ting Peng 《Advances in Breast Cancer Research》 CAS 2024年第2期11-26,共16页
The Ki67 index (KI) is a standard clinical marker for tumor proliferation;however, its application is hindered by intratumoral heterogeneity. In this study, we used digital image analysis to comprehensively analyze Ki... The Ki67 index (KI) is a standard clinical marker for tumor proliferation;however, its application is hindered by intratumoral heterogeneity. In this study, we used digital image analysis to comprehensively analyze Ki67 heterogeneity and distribution patterns in breast carcinoma. Using Smart Pathology software, we digitized and analyzed 42 excised breast carcinoma Ki67 slides. Boxplots, histograms, and heat maps were generated to illustrate the KI distribution. We found that 30% of cases (13/42) exhibited discrepancies between global and hotspot KI when using a 14% KI threshold for classification. Patients with higher global or hotspot KI values displayed greater heterogenicity. Ki67 distribution patterns were categorized as randomly distributed (52%, 22/42), peripheral (43%, 18/42), and centered (5%, 2/42). Our sampling simulator indicated analyzing more than 10 high-power fields was typically required to accurately estimate global KI, with sampling size being correlated with heterogeneity. In conclusion, using digital image analysis in whole-slide images allows for comprehensive Ki67 profile assessment, shedding light on heterogeneity and distribution patterns. This spatial information can facilitate KI surveys of breast cancer and other malignancies. 展开更多
关键词 Ki67 Heterogeneity Breast Cancer Digital Image Analysis
Fabrication of polyetheretherketone(PEEK)-based 3D electronics with fine resolution by a hydrophobic treatment assisted hybrid additive manufacturing method 被引量:3
作者 Liexin Wu Li Meng +4 位作者 Yueyue Wang Ming Lv taoyuan Ouyang Yilin Wang Xiaoyan Zeng 《International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期519-532,共14页
Additive manufacturing(AM)is a free-form technology that shows great potential in the integrated creation of three-dimensional(3D)electronics.However,the fabrication of 3D conformal circuits that fulfill the requireme... Additive manufacturing(AM)is a free-form technology that shows great potential in the integrated creation of three-dimensional(3D)electronics.However,the fabrication of 3D conformal circuits that fulfill the requirements of high service temperature,high conductivity and high resolution remains a challenge.In this paper,a hybrid AM method combining the fused deposition modeling(FDM)and hydrophobic treatment assisted laser activation metallization(LAM)was proposed for manufacturing the polyetheretherketone(PEEK)-based 3D electronics,by which the conformal copper patterns were deposited on the 3D-printed PEEK parts,and the adhesion between them reached the 5B high level.Moreover,the 3D components could support the thermal cycling test from-55℃ to 125℃ for more than 100 cycles.Particularly,the application of a hydrophobic coating on the FDM-printed PEEK before LAM can promote an ideal catalytic selectivity on its surface,not affected by the inevitable printing borders and pores in the FDM-printed parts,then making the resolution of the electroless plated copper lines improved significantly.In consequence,Cu lines with width and spacing of only60μm and 100μm were obtained on both as-printed and after-polished PEEK substrates.Finally,the potential of this technique to fabricate 3D conformal electronics was demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 PEEK fused deposition modeling hydrophobic treatment laser activation metallization integrated manufacturing of 3D electronics RESOLUTION
2-D Modeling and Calculations of Stratospheric Ozone and Influences of Convection, Diffusion, and Time
作者 Ibraheem Alelmi Laurie Wei Sen Nieh 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2024年第2期250-276,共27页
An engineering system approach of 2-D cylindrical model of transient mass balance calculations of ozone and other concerned chemicals along with fourteen photolysis, ozone-generating and ozone-depleting chemical react... An engineering system approach of 2-D cylindrical model of transient mass balance calculations of ozone and other concerned chemicals along with fourteen photolysis, ozone-generating and ozone-depleting chemical reaction equations was developed, validated, and used for studying the ozone concentrations, distribution and peak of the layer, ozone depletion and total ozone abundance in the stratosphere. The calculated ozone concentrations and profile at both the Equator and a 60˚N location were found to follow closely with the measured data. The calculated average ozone concentration was within 1% of the measured average, and the deviation of ozone profiles was within 14%. The monthly evolution of stratospheric ozone concentrations and distribution above the Equator was studied with results discussed in details. The influences of slow air movement in both altitudinal and radial directions on ozone concentrations and profile in the stratosphere were explored and discussed. Parametric studies of the influences of gas diffusivities of ozone D<sub>O3</sub> and active atomic oxygen D<sub>O</sub> on ozone concentrations and distributions were also studied and delineated. Having both influences through physical diffusion and chemical reactions, the diffusivity (and diffusion) of atomic oxygen D<sub>O</sub> was found to be more sensitive and important than that of ozone D<sub>O3</sub> on ozone concentrations and distribution. The 2-D ozone model present in this paper for stratospheric ozone and its layer and depletion is shown to be robust, convenient, efficient, and executable for analyzing the complex ozone phenomena in the stratosphere. . 展开更多
关键词 Stratospheric Ozone 2-D Model Ozone Layer Ozone Depletion CONVECTION DIFFUSION
作者 万勇军 王永华 +4 位作者 刘波 陈志军 李华平 聂仁勇 易镇邪 《作物研究》 2021年第4期364-367,共4页
桃源县是湖南省重要的粮食、棉花主产县,近年来,棉田改制使得玉米种植面积逐年扩大。介绍了桃源县玉米生产现状,分析了桃源县发展玉米生产的潜力与主要问题,从持续开展玉米高产高效栽培技术研究与示范、继续抓好宣传与培训、加强与市场... 桃源县是湖南省重要的粮食、棉花主产县,近年来,棉田改制使得玉米种植面积逐年扩大。介绍了桃源县玉米生产现状,分析了桃源县发展玉米生产的潜力与主要问题,从持续开展玉米高产高效栽培技术研究与示范、继续抓好宣传与培训、加强与市场对接积极培植种植大户、提升机械化生产水平等角度提出了发展对策。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 现状 对策 桃源县
作者 姜智钊 吕怡瑾 +3 位作者 吕绍仪 陈冠仁 陈怡斌 郑为仁 《成都中医药大学学报》 2020年第3期42-47,共6页
目的:甘露消毒丹是清代名医叶天士所创立之处方,至今运用有200多年历史经验,疗效优异而临床使用至今。中医师常开立甘露消毒丹用治湿热疾病,从现代医学观点来看,这类疾病常属感染性或炎性疾病范畴。然而,甘露消毒丹在台湾的临床使用时... 目的:甘露消毒丹是清代名医叶天士所创立之处方,至今运用有200多年历史经验,疗效优异而临床使用至今。中医师常开立甘露消毒丹用治湿热疾病,从现代医学观点来看,这类疾病常属感染性或炎性疾病范畴。然而,甘露消毒丹在台湾的临床使用时机缺乏研究资料的支持。因此,本研究通过调查台湾长庚医院接受过甘露消毒丹治疗的患者,分析甘露消毒丹治疗的适应症。方法:回溯研究台湾长庚医院2004年至2015年间,接受中医门诊且开立甘露消毒丹患者及前后一个月内中西医就诊情形,分析中医开立甘露消毒丹的疾病诊断码,推估其临床适应症。结果:本研究搜集2004至2015年共11年的数据,总共19682个患者,分析诊断码总笔数为3384990笔,中药药物码总笔数为4357852笔。结论:甘露消毒丹主要会被用于治疗皮肤及软组织系统疾病,其中又以感染性的皮肤疾病为主,细究疾病种类,甘露消毒丹多用治感染性或者免疫性疾病,符合湿热病的特征。甘露消毒丹的合并方药则显示出中医治疗急性疾病多用清热利湿法,治疗慢性疾病在缓解期多用清热利湿搭配补肾温阳或活血化瘀的特点。 展开更多
关键词 中药 甘露消毒丹 适应症 长庚医学研究数据库
“有无相生”思想在正负形标志设计中的转化效果 被引量:1
作者 裴凌暄 黄文宗 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期169-175,共7页
对现代正负形标志形式与"有无相生"传统思想的关联性进行探讨,其意义在于外化传统思想之实践品格。研究过程首先藉由文献分析将"有无相生"分为"有无对立""有无同根""有无转换"三类;... 对现代正负形标志形式与"有无相生"传统思想的关联性进行探讨,其意义在于外化传统思想之实践品格。研究过程首先藉由文献分析将"有无相生"分为"有无对立""有无同根""有无转换"三类;其次对国际知名标志设计权威网站LogoLounge十年中抽样的32个正负形标志的构成形式进行案例评析,并在可体现"有无相生"思想的地方做出可视标注;最后将"有无相生"的"有"与"无"上升到有形之标志的形象与无形之标志的象征内容的层次,并采用索绪尔的符号学理论中能指与所指的概念对正负形标志案例进行诠释分析。研究目的在于探索"有无相生"思想在不同类型正负形标志设计中的转化效果,并从传统哲学思想中追根溯源,汲取养分,为现代标志设计注入文化内涵。 展开更多
关键词 有无相生 标志设计 正负形标志
Age and Origin of Paleogene Granitoids from Western Yunnan Province,China:Geochemistry,SHRIMP Zircon Ages,and Hf-in-Zircon Isotopic Compositions 被引量:3
作者 SHI Yuruo WU Zhonghai +2 位作者 Alfred KRoNER FAN taoyuan YANG Zhenyu 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1601-1615,共15页
We report geochemical data, SHRIMP zircon ages and Hf-in-zircon isotopic compositions for Cenozoic granitoids from major fault systems in the Tethyan belt in western Yunnan Province, southwestern China.Four magmatic p... We report geochemical data, SHRIMP zircon ages and Hf-in-zircon isotopic compositions for Cenozoic granitoids from major fault systems in the Tethyan belt in western Yunnan Province, southwestern China.Four magmatic pulses occurred in the Paleogene, namely at ca.57 Ma, ca.50 Ma, 45–40 Ma, and 38–34 Ma.Early magmatism of this episode(57–50 Ma) produced S-type granites whose zircons yielded εHf(t) values of-5.0 to-0.3.In contrast, late magmatism of this episode reflects heterogeneous sources.Zircons from a granite porphyry along the Ailaoshan-Red River fault system have slightly positive εHf(t) values suggesting derivation from relatively young crust and/or a juvenile source.However, zircons from a granite along the Gaoligong fault system have strongly negative εHf(t) values and suggest derivation from a Paleoproterozoic crustal source.The composition of the granitoids varies with age(from ca.57 Ma to ca.34 Ma) from peraluminous to metaluminous and also suggests a change from syn-collisional to late-orogenic tectonic setting.A new tectonic model, impacting lithospheric wedge(ILW) is shown for the origin of Paleogene granitoids in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOGENE magmatism SHRIMP zircon ages Hf-in-zircon isotopic compositions western Yunnan
The Novel Y-Branch With Two Reflectors 被引量:3
作者 Ruei-Chang Lu Yu-Pin Liao Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Lan Institute of Technology, 1, Shen-Nung Rd., ILan, 260,Taiwan, Tel: 886-03-9357400-653, Fax: 886-03-9369507, E-Mail: rclu@ilantech.edu.twDepartment of Electronic Engineering, Ching Yun Institute of Technology, 229, Chien-Hsin Rd., Jung-Li, taoyuan,32020,Taiwan 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第S1期297-298,共2页
A novel Y-branch waveguide with two reflectors is proposed. The normalized transmitted power for the branching angle of 50?is greater than 70%, which is higher than conventional Y-branch with such wide angle.
关键词 THAN in et IEEE for The Novel Y-Branch With Two Reflectors with
Spatial and temporal distribution of trace elements in Yangtze Estuary,China: Significance of diluted setting 被引量:3
作者 WANG Zhanghua CHEN Zhongyuan +1 位作者 LI Luqian WEI taoyuan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第S1期65-73,共9页
The present study is to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of eight trace elements (Sr, Ba, B, Ga, Ni, V, Cu, and F) in various Holocene marine subfacies in the Yangtze Estuary, including its subaqueous del... The present study is to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of eight trace elements (Sr, Ba, B, Ga, Ni, V, Cu, and F) in various Holocene marine subfacies in the Yangtze Estuary, including its subaqueous delta by sediment borehole and vibrocore. Results demonstrate that grain size is the determinant factor in controlling the concentration of most trace elements discussed. Prodelta mud that occurs usually below the normal wave base can serve as a depository sink for trapping trace elements over the long-term time period. For example, copper concentration is 5-6 times higher than those found in the estuarine sediment. Boron, which is used to be a salinity indicator, shows a strong negative correlation with paleosalinity (using sediment phosphate method), implying desalinized water setting in the Yangtze Estuary, into which a large quantity of the Yangtze freshwater (924×109 m3/a) has discharged. Trace element concentrations of the study area were compared with those collected from the middle 展开更多
关键词 boron DEPOSITORY SINK HOLOCENE PALAEOSALINITY prodelta mud trace elements transit environment Yangtze Estuary.
基于CAD/CAE注射成型扁平薄壁零件参数的优化设计 被引量:3
作者 刘志伟 陈俊生 张良超 《塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期96-99,共4页
针对扁平薄壁零件容易产生翘曲变形和断裂的问题,对厚度为2 mm、宽度为50 mm、长度为450 mm的薄壁零件进行注射成型参数的优化设计。选取了影响公差精度最大且最容易变形的A截面,采用Creo软件和Moldflow软件对零件的注射成型工艺进行分... 针对扁平薄壁零件容易产生翘曲变形和断裂的问题,对厚度为2 mm、宽度为50 mm、长度为450 mm的薄壁零件进行注射成型参数的优化设计。选取了影响公差精度最大且最容易变形的A截面,采用Creo软件和Moldflow软件对零件的注射成型工艺进行分析,以最常见的ABS作为注射材料(Lustran ABS Elite HH 1827),建立双层冷却水道,提高冷却效果,在材料厂家推荐的注射参数基础上,改变不同的材料温度、模具温度、保压压力和射出速度等参数,通过对扁平薄壁零件最薄弱的A截面的内应力和收缩率进行比较分析,得到了扁平薄壁零件注射成型的优化参数。结果表明,该薄壁零件的内应力主要集中在中心线±0.4 mm的位置,两侧的应力方向相反,材料温度和保压压力对收缩率的影响最大。 展开更多
关键词 MOLDFLOW 扁平薄壁零件 内应力 收缩率 注射成型
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