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世界生物精神病学会联合会(WFSBP)关于焦虑障碍、强迫症和创伤后应激障碍的药物治疗指南 被引量:30
作者 Borwin Bandelow Josef Zohar +5 位作者 Eric Hollander siegfried Kasper Hans-J¨urgen M¨oller WFSBP Task 项志清 何燕玲 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期485-507,共23页
这篇文章根据现有的随机、安慰剂或参照药物对照临床研究 ,向大家推荐焦虑障碍、强迫症的药物治疗。 5-HT再摄取抑制剂 (SSRI)是治疗惊恐障碍的一线药物。三环类抗抑郁药 (TCA)与SSRI疗效相当 ,但耐受性差。难治性患者 ,如没有药物依赖... 这篇文章根据现有的随机、安慰剂或参照药物对照临床研究 ,向大家推荐焦虑障碍、强迫症的药物治疗。 5-HT再摄取抑制剂 (SSRI)是治疗惊恐障碍的一线药物。三环类抗抑郁药 (TCA)与SSRI疗效相当 ,但耐受性差。难治性患者 ,如没有药物依赖和耐受史 ,则可使用苯二氮 艹卓 类药物如阿普唑仑。由于单胺氧化酶抑制剂 (MAOI)苯乙肼会产生严重的不良反应 ,且会与其他药物和食物成分相互作用 ,因此只有当一线药物无效时才使用。广泛性焦虑者可用万拉法新和SSRI,也可选用丁螺环酮和丙咪嗪。SSRI可作为社交恐怖症的一线药物 ,MAOI、吗氯贝胺和苯二氮 艹卓 类药物作为二线药物。强迫症最好用SSRI或氯丙咪嗪治疗。 展开更多
关键词 焦虑障碍 强迫症 创伤后应激障碍 药物治疗 5-HT再摄取抑制剂 三环类抗抑郁药 单胺氧化酶抑制剂
在材料研制中的连续介质细观力学有限元建模现状评论 被引量:9
作者 Leon L Mishnaevsky Jr siegfried Schmauder +1 位作者 陈少华 魏悦广 《力学进展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期444-466,共23页
评述了机械载荷下材料力学行为有限元模拟的先进技术.分析了考虑材料微观及细观结构情况下,对材料变形、损伤、断裂进行模拟时各种方法的优缺点及发展前景.阐述了对材料行为模拟方法的发展,包括基本的及先进的方法,如体胞方法、真实结... 评述了机械载荷下材料力学行为有限元模拟的先进技术.分析了考虑材料微观及细观结构情况下,对材料变形、损伤、断裂进行模拟时各种方法的优缺点及发展前景.阐述了对材料行为模拟方法的发展,包括基本的及先进的方法,如体胞方法、真实结构模拟、粘结区模型等. 展开更多
关键词 连续介质 细观力学 有限元 材料力学行为 多相材料
弹性基底上受非均匀荷载加劲板的局部屈曲特性 被引量:12
作者 张宁 刘永健 +1 位作者 李慧 STIEMER siegfried F 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期36-44,共9页
针对弹性基底上板的局部稳定问题,应用能量法推导了非均匀荷载作用下矩形加劲板的局部屈曲非线性特征方程,建立了考虑弹性基底接触和纵向加劲肋作用的屈曲板迦辽金表达式;基于牛顿迭代法,建立了局部屈曲的非线性特征方程的增量迭代格式... 针对弹性基底上板的局部稳定问题,应用能量法推导了非均匀荷载作用下矩形加劲板的局部屈曲非线性特征方程,建立了考虑弹性基底接触和纵向加劲肋作用的屈曲板迦辽金表达式;基于牛顿迭代法,建立了局部屈曲的非线性特征方程的增量迭代格式与屈曲荷载特征值的附加迭代方程。分析结果表明:屈曲系数计算结果与有限元分析结果误差小于2%,并且避免了有限元模拟的接触分析过程,计算效率较高;当荷载梯度为1时,设置加劲肋的偏心构件的局部稳定性明显增强,临界屈曲系数增加到51.1,是普通板件的2.5倍;加劲板件的纵向鼓曲波的长宽比约为0.6,鼓曲波纵向排列相对密集,而普通板件每个鼓曲波的长宽比约为1.0;在不增加加劲肋材料用量的前提下,设置纵向加劲肋的最优位置为距离板件受压侧边缘的2/5板宽处,临界屈曲系数增加为78.9,是普通板件的4倍;加劲肋的设置可将矩形钢管混凝土壁板的宽厚比增加到172,将界限值提高2倍以上。可见,在矩形钢管混凝土管壁设置纵向加劲肋能够有效提高偏压作用下管壁的局部稳定性,改善矩形钢管混凝土的截面尺寸。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 钢管混凝土 迦辽金法 屈曲系数 加劲肋 弹性基底 非均匀受压
Contemporaneous assembly of Western Gondwana and final Rodinia break-up:Implications for the supercontinent cycle 被引量:13
作者 Sebastián Oriolo Pedro Oyhantcabal +1 位作者 Klaus Wemmer siegfried Siegesmund 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1431-1445,共15页
Geological,geochronological and isotopic data are integrated in order to present a revised model for the Neoproterozoic evolution of Western Gondwana.Although the classical geodynamic scenario assumed for the period 8... Geological,geochronological and isotopic data are integrated in order to present a revised model for the Neoproterozoic evolution of Western Gondwana.Although the classical geodynamic scenario assumed for the period 800-700 Ma is related to Rodinia break-up and the consequent opening of major oceanic basins,a significantly different tectonic evolution can be inferred for most Western Gondwana cratons.These cratons occupied a marginal position in the southern hemisphere with respect to Rodinia and recorded subduction with back-arc extension,island arc development and limited formation of oceanic crust in internal oceans.This period was thus characterized by increased crustal growth in Western Gondwana,resulting from addition of juvenile continental crust along convergent margins.In contrast,crustal reworking and metacratonization were dominant during the subsequent assembly of Gondwana.The Rio de la Plata,Congo-Sao Francisco,West African and Amazonian cratons collided at ca.630-600 Ma along the West Gondwana Orogen.These events overlap in time with the onset of the opening of the Iapetus Ocean at ca.610-600 Ma,which gave rise to the separation of Baltica,Laurentia and Amazonia and resulted from the final Rodinia break-up.The East African/Antarctic Orogen recorded the subsequent amalgamation of Western and Eastern Gondwana after ca.580 Ma,contemporaneously with the beginning of subduction in the Terra Australis Orogen along the southern Gondwana margin.However,the Kalahari Craton was lately incorporated during the Late Ediacaran-Early Cambrian.The proposed Gondwana evolution rules out the existence of Pannotia,as the final Gondwana amalgamation postdates latest connections between Laurentia and Amazonia.Additionally,a combination of introversion and extroversion is proposed for the assembly of Gondwana.The contemporaneous record of final Rodinia break-up and Gondwana assembly has major implications for the supercontinent cycle,as supercontinent amalgamation and break-up do not necessarily represent alternating epis 展开更多
关键词 Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny NEOPROTEROZOIC Collisional tectonics Pannotia Metacratonization Introversion-extroversion
PE100管材料的聚集态结构和性能的固体NMR分析 被引量:11
作者 严小伟 历伟 +4 位作者 任晓红 王靖岱 阳永荣 siegfried Stapf Bernhard Blumich 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期157-163,共7页
PE100管材料基体树脂中界面区的含量比较高(高于10%),而完全无定形区的含量极低.界面区含量表征非晶区中运动部分受阻的链段所占的比重,因而上述结果意味着PE100管材料中非晶区中链段表现出强烈的缠结倾向.界面区的含量(或非晶区的组成... PE100管材料基体树脂中界面区的含量比较高(高于10%),而完全无定形区的含量极低.界面区含量表征非晶区中运动部分受阻的链段所占的比重,因而上述结果意味着PE100管材料中非晶区中链段表现出强烈的缠结倾向.界面区的含量(或非晶区的组成特征)决定了材料的耐慢速裂纹增长性能,而固相区含量则决定了材料的力学强度,两种影响因素的平衡决定了最终管材料的长期使用性能. 展开更多
关键词 有机高分子材料 PE100管材料 固体核磁共振 聚集态结构 力学性能
自动温度记录技术在斑尾榛鸡产卵孵卵节律研究中的应用 被引量:10
作者 孙悦华 方昀 +2 位作者 siegfried Klaus 贾陈喜 郑光美 《北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期260-265,共6页
以莲花山斑尾榛鸡 (Bonasasewerzowi)的研究结果为例 ,介绍了利用自动温度记录器技术研究鸟类产卵孵卵节律的方法 .研究表明 ,斑尾榛鸡雌鸟每隔 2d产 1枚卵 ,通过分析 1只斑尾榛鸡雌鸟整个孵卵期的孵卵节律 ,发现它平均每天出巢 (5 .5 5... 以莲花山斑尾榛鸡 (Bonasasewerzowi)的研究结果为例 ,介绍了利用自动温度记录器技术研究鸟类产卵孵卵节律的方法 .研究表明 ,斑尾榛鸡雌鸟每隔 2d产 1枚卵 ,通过分析 1只斑尾榛鸡雌鸟整个孵卵期的孵卵节律 ,发现它平均每天出巢 (5 .5 5± 0 .80 )次 (4~ 7次 ,n =2 2 ) ,平均每次出巢时间为 (17.6± 6 .77)min .雌鸟早晨出巢的时刻平均为 6 :0 7± 2 3min ,傍晚出巢的回巢时刻平均为 19:4 0± 2 2min ,日活动期平均为 (812 .5± 35 .1)min .雌鸟出巢的时间长度与环境温度呈正相关 (Spearman相关检验 ,r =0 .2 6 4 ,p =0 .0 0 4 ) 。 展开更多
关键词 自动温度记录技术 孵卵节律 繁殖生态学 斑尾榛鸡
正交胶合木填充墙--钢框架体系受力性能 被引量:12
作者 沈银澜 牟在根 +2 位作者 siegfried F.Stiemer 李相杰 张爵扬 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期155-165,共11页
采用开源地震工程模拟系统(Open Sees)对以正交胶合木作填充墙的钢框架结构进行探索性数值研究,主要研究该填充墙钢框架单元在单调和循环加载作用下的受力性能,墙体与钢框架之间的协同工作性能以及连接个数对整体结构受力性能的影响.结... 采用开源地震工程模拟系统(Open Sees)对以正交胶合木作填充墙的钢框架结构进行探索性数值研究,主要研究该填充墙钢框架单元在单调和循环加载作用下的受力性能,墙体与钢框架之间的协同工作性能以及连接个数对整体结构受力性能的影响.结果表明:正交胶合木填充墙能够提高钢框架的抗侧刚度和水平承载力;柔性连接的设置使整体结构耗能性能良好;工作缝的设置减缓墙体的开裂,更大程度上发挥连接件的耗能和变形能力;连接个数对构件的抗侧能力影响较大,可以通过调整连接数量和连接间距设计出具有多种刚度和耗能能力的框架单元. 展开更多
关键词 胶合木结构 填充墙 性能分析 耗能 抗侧刚度 连接
Plants as concept generators for biomimetic light-weight structures with variable stiffness and self-repair mechanisms 被引量:11
作者 Thomas Speck Tom Masselter +3 位作者 Bettina Prim Olga Speck Rolf Luchsinger siegfried Fink 《Journal of Bionic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2004年第4期199-205,共7页
Plants possess many structural and functional properties that have a high potential to serve as concept generators for the production of biomimetic technical materials and structures. We present data on two features... Plants possess many structural and functional properties that have a high potential to serve as concept generators for the production of biomimetic technical materials and structures. We present data on two features of plants (variable stiffness due to pressure changes in cellular structures and rapid self-repair functions) that may be used as models for biomimetic projects. 展开更多
关键词 BIONICS biomimetics SELF-REPAIR pneumatic structures Tensairity ARISTOLOCHIA
Investigation of reinforcement of the modified carbon black from wasted tires by nuclear magnetic resonance 被引量:10
作者 ZHOU Jie YANG Yong-rong +1 位作者 REN Xiao-hong STAPF siegfried 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1440-1446,共7页
Pyrolysis has the potential of transforming waste into recyclable products. Pyrolytic carbon black (PCB) is one of the most important products from the pyrolysis of used tires. Techniques for surface modifications of ... Pyrolysis has the potential of transforming waste into recyclable products. Pyrolytic carbon black (PCB) is one of the most important products from the pyrolysis of used tires. Techniques for surface modifications of PCB have been developed. One of the most significant applications for modified PCB is to reinforce the rubber matrix to obtain high added values. The transverse relaxation and the chain dynamics of vulcanized rubber networks with PCB and modified PCB were studied and compared with those of the commercial carbon blacks using selective 1H transverse relaxation (T2) experiments and dipolar correlation effect (DCE) experiments on the stimulated echo. Demineralization and coupling agent modification not only intensified the interactions between the modified PCB and the neighboring polyisoprene chains, but also increased the chemical cross-link density of the vulcanized rubber with modified PCB. The mechanical testing of the rubbers with different kinds of carbon blacks showed that the maximum strain of the rubber with modified PCB was improved greatly. The mechanical testing results confirmed the conclusion obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). PCB modified by the demineralization and NDZ-105 titanate coupling agent could be used to replace the commercial semi-reinforcing carbon black. 展开更多
关键词 Pyrolytic carbon black (PCB) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) RELAXATION Dipolar correlation effect (DCE) Reinforcement
Enhanced migration of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase overexpressing hepatoma cells is attributed to gelatinases: Relevance to intracellular signaling pathways 被引量:7
作者 Elke Roeb Anja-Katrin Bosserhoff +4 位作者 Sabine Hamacher Bettina Jansen Judith Dahmen Sandra Wagner siegfried Matern 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第8期1096-1104,共9页
AIM: To study the effect of gelatinases (especially MMP-9) on migration of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP-1) overexpressing hepatoma cells. METHODS: Wild type HepG2 cells, cells stably transfected with TI... AIM: To study the effect of gelatinases (especially MMP-9) on migration of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP-1) overexpressing hepatoma cells. METHODS: Wild type HepG2 cells, cells stably transfected with TIMP-1 and TIMP-1 antagonist (MMP-9-H401A, a catalytically inactive matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) which still binds and neutralizes TIMP-1) were incubated in Boyden chambers either with or without Galardin (a synthetic inhibitor of MMP-1, -2, -3, -8, -9) or a specific inhibitor of gelatinases. RESULTS: Compared to wild type HepG2 cells, the cells overexpressing TIMP-1 showed 115% migration (P<0.05) and the cells overexpressing MMP-9-H401A showed 62% migration (P<0.01). Galardin reduced cell migration dose dependently in all cases. The gelatinase inhibitor reduced migration in TIMP-1 overexpressing cells predominantly. Furthermore, we examined intracellular signal transduction pathways of TIMP-1-dependent HepG2 cells. TIMP-1 deactivates cell signaling pathways of MMP-2 and MMP-9 involving p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Specific blockade of the ERK pathway suppresses gelatinase expression either in the presence or absence of TIMP-1. CONCLUSION: Overexpressing functional TIMP-1-enhanced migration of HepG2-TIMP-l cells depends on enhanced MMP-activity, especially MMP-9. 展开更多
关键词 HepG2 MMP-2 MMP-9 P38MAPK Galardin GENISTEIN
Understanding the effects of radiative preheat and self-emission from shock heating on equation of state measurement at 100s of Mbar using spherically converging shock waves in a NIF hohlraum 被引量:7
作者 Joseph Nilsen Andrea L.Kritcher +11 位作者 Madison EMartin Robert E.Tipton Heather D.Whitley Damian C.Swift Tilo Doppner Benjamin L.Bachmann Amy E.Lazicki Natalie B.Kostinski Brian R.Maddox Gilbert W.Collins siegfried H.Glenzer Roger W.Falcone 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE CAS 2020年第1期16-22,共7页
Over the last six years many experiments have been done at the National Ignition Facility to measure the Hugoniot of materials,such asCHplastic at extreme pressures,up to 800 Mbar.The“Gbar”design employs a strong sp... Over the last six years many experiments have been done at the National Ignition Facility to measure the Hugoniot of materials,such asCHplastic at extreme pressures,up to 800 Mbar.The“Gbar”design employs a strong spherically converging shock launched through a solid ball of material using a hohlraum radiation drive.The shock front conditions are characterized using x-ray radiography.In this paper we examine the role of radiation in heating the unshocked material in front of the shock to understand the impact it has on equation of state measurements and how it drives the measured data off the theoretical Hugoniot curve.In particular,the two main sources of radiation heating are the preheating of the unshocked material by the high-energy kilo-electron-volt x-rays in the hohlraum and the heating of the material in front of the shock,as the shocked material becomes hot enough to radiate significantly.Using our model,we estimate that preheating can reach 4 eV in unshocked material,and that radiation heating can begin to drive data off the Hugoniot significantly,as pressures reach above 400 Mb. 展开更多
作者 siegfried Ripperger Konrad Hein 《China Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期3-9,共7页
The vibration method represents a practical method for the measurement of adhesion forces and adhesion force distributions. This method causes sinusoidally alternating stresses and yields detachment and contact forces... The vibration method represents a practical method for the measurement of adhesion forces and adhesion force distributions. This method causes sinusoidally alternating stresses and yields detachment and contact forces between particles and substrate of the same order of magnitude. Alternating contact forces of the vibration method can cause an adhesion force intensification through flattening of asperities. The measuring principle of the vibration method and the analysis of experimental results are described in the article. Normal adhesion forces (pull-off forces) are measured using the vibration method and the colloidal probe technique. The results of both methods show good agreement for small particle sizes. The influence of the detachment force direction is shown by comparing tangential and normal adhesion forces measured using particle reentrainment in a turbulent air flow and the vibration method, respectively. The surface roughness of the substrate and the relative humidity are shown to significantly influence the measured adhesion forces. For the calculation of the adhesion forces, an approach by Rabinovich was combined with approximations of plastic micro asperity flattening. The Rabinovich approach accounts for roughness effects on the van der Waals force by incorporating the rms roughness of the interacting surfaces, rms-values of the particles and substrates were measured with atomic force microscopy at different scanning areas. 展开更多
关键词 adhesion force vibration method ROUGHNESS
新型木建筑材料——交叉层积木介绍及其连接的试验研究 被引量:7
作者 沈银澜 牟在根 +1 位作者 Johannes Schneider siegfried F.Stiemer 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1504-1512,共9页
交叉层积木作为一种新型木建筑材料已经在北美地区推广开来,然而在我国还没有得到引进和推广.本文介绍了这种新型材料的性能特点,总结其生产工艺、设计方法和研究进展,重点对交叉层积木七种半刚性连接的抗震性能进行试验研究.研究表明:... 交叉层积木作为一种新型木建筑材料已经在北美地区推广开来,然而在我国还没有得到引进和推广.本文介绍了这种新型材料的性能特点,总结其生产工艺、设计方法和研究进展,重点对交叉层积木七种半刚性连接的抗震性能进行试验研究.研究表明:紧固件全部被拔出的失效模式为理想的延性破坏模式,滞回曲线表现出高度非线性、刚度退化、强度退化以及捏拢现象.通过试验数据分析,给出了在延性和承载能力两方面最佳的连接. 展开更多
关键词 层积木结构 生产工艺 设计方法 连接 抗震性能 破坏模式
Recurrent thrombotic occlusion of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt due to activated protein C resistance 被引量:7
作者 Elmar Siewert Jan Salzmann +2 位作者 Edmund Purucker Karl Schürmann siegfried Matern 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第32期5064-5067,共4页
The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) has successfully been used in the management of refractory variceal bleeding and ascites in patients with portal hypertension. Major drawbacks are the ind... The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) has successfully been used in the management of refractory variceal bleeding and ascites in patients with portal hypertension. Major drawbacks are the induction of hepatic encephalopathy and shunt dysfunction. We present a 59-year-old woman with alcoholic liver cirrhosis who received a TIPS because of recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices. Stent occlusion occurred 4 mo after placement of the TIPS. Laboratory testing revealed resistance to activated protein C (APC). Combination therapy with low-dose enoxaparin and clopidogrel could not prevent her recurrent stent occlusion. Finally, therapy with high-dose enoxaparin was sufficient to prevent further shunt complications up to now (follow-up period of 1 year). In conclusion, early occlusion of a TIPS warrants testing for thrombophilia. If risk factors are confirmed,anticoagulation should be intensified. There are currently no evidence-based recommendations regarding the best available anticoagulant therapy and surveillance protocol for patients with TIPS. 展开更多
关键词 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stentshunt Resistance to activated protein C Factor V-Leiden THROMBOPHILIA THROMBOSIS
Cholesterol crystal binding of biliary immunoglobulin A: visualization by fluorescence light microscopy 被引量:6
作者 Frank Lammert Stefan Südfeld +1 位作者 Norbert Busch siegfried Matern 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期198-202,共5页
AIM: To assess potential contributions of biliary IgA for crystal agglomeration into gallstones, we visualized cholesterol crystal binding of biliary IgA. METHODS: Crystal binding biliary proteins were extracted from ... AIM: To assess potential contributions of biliary IgA for crystal agglomeration into gallstones, we visualized cholesterol crystal binding of biliary IgA. METHODS: Crystal binding biliary proteins were extracted from human gallbladder bile using lectin affinity chromatography.Biliary IgA was isolated from the bound protein fraction by immunoaffinity chromatography. Pure cholesterol monohydrate crystals were incubated with biliary IgA and fluoresceine isothiocyanate (FITC)conjugated anti IgA at 37 degree. Samples were examined under polarizing and fluorescence light microscopy with digital image processing. RESULTS: Binding of biliary IgA to cholesterol monohydrate crystals could be visualized with FITC conjugated anti IgA antibodies.Peak fluorescence occurred at crystal edges and dislocations. Controls without biliary IgA or with biliary IgG showed no significant fluorescence. CONCLUSION: Fluorescence light microscopy provided evidence for cholesterol crystal binding of biliary IgA. Cholesterol crystal binding proteins like IgA might be important mediators of crystal agglomeration and growth of cholesterol gallstones by modifying the evolving crystal structures in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 Crystallization Bile CHOLELITHIASIS CHOLESTEROL Chromatography Affinity Fluorescent Antibody Technique Humans Image Processing Computer-Assisted Immunoglobulin A Secretory Microscopy Fluorescence Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't
高通量透析膜蛋白质通透性的研究 被引量:6
作者 徐筱琪 siegfried Stiller +2 位作者 Helmut Mann 钱家麒 Heinrich Melzer 《中华肾脏病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期548-551,共4页
目的评估高通量透析膜的蛋白质通透性。方法所有的透析模式均设为单纯超滤,在应用不同的透析膜透析时于透析器的出液口留取滤出液标本,同时进行蛋白质浓度测定和十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)作蛋白质电泳分析。SDS-PAG... 目的评估高通量透析膜的蛋白质通透性。方法所有的透析模式均设为单纯超滤,在应用不同的透析膜透析时于透析器的出液口留取滤出液标本,同时进行蛋白质浓度测定和十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)作蛋白质电泳分析。SDS-PAGE采用银染色的方法并根据Melzer的方法作了改良,结果应用激光吸光度测定仪进行条带分析。结果透析膜滤出液中蛋白质条带与经肾小球膜滤出的蛋白质相似,含IgG、转铁蛋白、视黄醇结合蛋白和β2-微球蛋白。由于不同的透析膜的分子截留量、电荷和吸附能力不同,其蛋白质条带的分布亦不同。随着透析的进行,所有膜的通透性都逐渐下降。结论高通量透析膜的蛋白质通透性与肾小球滤过膜相似,但受孔径、表面所带电荷、吸附能力和透析时间的影响而发生改变。与人体的肾小球滤过膜不同,随着透析的进行,透析膜的蛋白质通透性下降。 展开更多
关键词 人工 通透性 血液透析 电泳 聚丙烯酰氨凝胶 高通量 高通量透析 膜蛋白质 SDS-PAGE 肾小球滤过膜 十二烷基硫酸钠
Immunohistochemical study in dural arteriovenous fistula and possible role of ephrin-B2 for development of dural arteriovenous fistula 被引量:5
作者 王宝隆 卞留贯 +2 位作者 Helmut Bertalanffy siegfried Bien Ulrich Sure 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第12期1815-1820,共6页
Background Although there were several clinical and experimental studies discussing the pathogenesis of dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF), the pathological process leading to intracranial DAVF so far remains unknown ... Background Although there were several clinical and experimental studies discussing the pathogenesis of dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF), the pathological process leading to intracranial DAVF so far remains unknown In this study, we investigated the expression of vascular growth factors in order to elucidate the possible role of these factors for the development of DAVF and to study the biological activity of this uncommon lesion Methods We examined the histological features, proliferative and angiogenic capacities of the tissue specimens obtained from 6 patients who underwent surgery at our institution Immunohistochemical staining for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), its receptors Flk 1 and Flt 1, ephrin B2, MIB 1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was performed using standard immunohistochemical techniques Results A positive immunostaining was found for all antibodies studied except MIB 1, whereas nuclear endothelial expression of PCNA was observed in only 3/6 cases VEGF stained positive in all of the available specimens (6/6) Flk 1 showed a positive immunoreaction in only 2/6 cases and Flt 1 in 4/6 cases Ephrin B2 was expressed in the majority (5/6) of the cases Conclusions These results support the hypothesis that DAVFs might be acquired dynamic vascular malformations with low biological activity Vascular growth factors like VEGF and ephrin B2 might play a pivotal role in the formation of DAVF 展开更多
关键词 central nervous system vascular malformations · neovascularization pathologic · ephrin B2
抗硫化返原剂在天然橡胶中的应用研究 被引量:5
作者 顾培霜 siegfried Ratzeburg +2 位作者 吴忠成 朱家顺 刘华侨 《橡胶科技》 2019年第7期410-413,共4页
研究抗硫化返原剂WY808,WK901,WY9188,HT-K在全天然橡胶体系配方中的应用,对比其抗硫化返原效果。结果表明:在4种抗硫化返原剂中,抗硫化返原剂WY9188和WK901的抗硫化返原效果具有明显优势;抗硫化返原剂WY9188在硫化返原后期和整体阶段... 研究抗硫化返原剂WY808,WK901,WY9188,HT-K在全天然橡胶体系配方中的应用,对比其抗硫化返原效果。结果表明:在4种抗硫化返原剂中,抗硫化返原剂WY9188和WK901的抗硫化返原效果具有明显优势;抗硫化返原剂WY9188在硫化返原后期和整体阶段的抗硫化返原效果较好;抗硫化返原剂WK901在硫化返原前期的抗硫化返原效果优良;4种抗硫化返原剂均能改善过硫化状态硫化胶的物理性能;在0.5~1.5份用量范围内,抗硫化返原剂WK901的最佳用量为1.5份,抗硫化返原剂WY808的最佳用量为1份。抗硫化返原剂WK901,WY808,HT-K可以直接添加,不需要对原硫化体系进行调整。使用抗硫化返原剂WY9188时需要适当减小促进剂用量。 展开更多
关键词 抗硫化返原剂 天然橡胶 过硫化状态 抗硫化返原性能 物理性能
排凝在轮胎氮气硫化工艺中的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 张恒 siegfried Ratzeburg 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2021年第7期452-454,共3页
在轮胎氮气硫化工艺中,设定不同的排凝间隔时间和排凝时间,通过内温变化确定合理的硫化工艺步序。结果表明,排凝间隔时间和排凝时间对硫化内温的影响较大。在硫化步序设定时,应首先设置排凝,排凝时间应根据蒸汽含水量和管路布局等因素确... 在轮胎氮气硫化工艺中,设定不同的排凝间隔时间和排凝时间,通过内温变化确定合理的硫化工艺步序。结果表明,排凝间隔时间和排凝时间对硫化内温的影响较大。在硫化步序设定时,应首先设置排凝,排凝时间应根据蒸汽含水量和管路布局等因素确定,蒸汽进的最后阶段不需要排凝,而氮气阶段必须根据测温设定合理的排凝时间。 展开更多
关键词 轮胎 氮气硫化工艺 蒸汽排凝 氮气排凝 排凝时间
Parvovirus B19 induced hepatic failure in an adult requiring liver transplantation 被引量:4
作者 Darin S Krygier Urs P Steinbrecher +5 位作者 Martin Petric siegfried R Erb Stephen W Chung Charles H Scudamore Andrzej K Buczkowski Eric M Yoshida 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期4067-4069,共3页
Parvovirus B19 induced acute hepatitis and hepatic failure have been previously reported, mainly in children. Very few cases of parvovirus induced hepatic failure have been reported in adults and fewer still have requ... Parvovirus B19 induced acute hepatitis and hepatic failure have been previously reported, mainly in children. Very few cases of parvovirus induced hepatic failure have been reported in adults and fewer still have required liver transplantation. We report the case of a 55-year-old immunocompetent woman who developed fulminant hepatic failure after acute infection with Parvovirus B19 who subsequently underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. This is believed to be the first reported case in the literature in which an adult patient with fulminant hepatic failure associated with acute parvovirus B19 infection and without hematologic abnormalities has been identified prior to undergoing liver transplantation. This case suggests that Parvovirus B19 induced liver disease can affect adults, can occur in the absence of hematologic abnormalities and can be severe enough to require liver transplantation. 展开更多
关键词 Parvovirus B19 Fulminant hepatic failure Orthotopic liver transplant Fulminant hepatitis
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