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全活性石灰强化烧结技术在超厚料层中的应用 被引量:22
作者 张建良 阚永海 +3 位作者 张士军 刘征建 牛乐乐 王桂林 《钢铁》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期56-61,共6页
为了实现超厚料层烧结的高效稳定,从生石灰在烧结料层中发挥作用的理论分析出发,摒弃了部分传统烧结观念,提出了“全活性石灰强化烧结技术(FALIS)”。该技术以全生石灰熔剂结构为基础,以高效消化技术和提高料温技术为辅助,形成了一套完... 为了实现超厚料层烧结的高效稳定,从生石灰在烧结料层中发挥作用的理论分析出发,摒弃了部分传统烧结观念,提出了“全活性石灰强化烧结技术(FALIS)”。该技术以全生石灰熔剂结构为基础,以高效消化技术和提高料温技术为辅助,形成了一套完整的综合性烧结技术理念。FALIS在天钢联合特钢的两台230m2烧结机上投入实践几年以来,实现了1000mm超厚料层烧结的长期高效和稳定,利用系数达到1.87t/(m2·h),固体燃耗仅为41.85kg/t,烧结矿质量指标也均达到优质水平。理论和实践都已证明了FALIS技术及其理念在超厚料层烧结领域的可行性和优越性,在环保限产形势严峻的当下,该技术值得被广泛地发展应用。 展开更多
关键词 全活性石灰 强化烧结 超厚料层烧结 透气性 消化 料温
氨基酸水溶肥对复壮杨梅树势和改善果实品质的作用 被引量:15
作者 张建斌 戚行江 +2 位作者 吴世军 郑锡良 任海英 《湖南农业科学》 2021年第5期27-29,共3页
以仙居县主栽品种‘荸荠种’和‘东魁’杨梅衰弱树为材料,以清水为对照,研究在杨梅果实膨大期和转色期喷施稀释800倍的氨基酸水溶肥料对衰弱树复壮树势和改良果实品质的作用。结果表明:喷施氨基酸水溶肥料能显著增加2个杨梅品种的枝梢... 以仙居县主栽品种‘荸荠种’和‘东魁’杨梅衰弱树为材料,以清水为对照,研究在杨梅果实膨大期和转色期喷施稀释800倍的氨基酸水溶肥料对衰弱树复壮树势和改良果实品质的作用。结果表明:喷施氨基酸水溶肥料能显著增加2个杨梅品种的枝梢长度和光合速率,‘荸荠种’和‘东魁’的梢长分别增加32.02%和13.24%,光合速率分别增加54.48%和13.23%;增加了2个品种的单果重、总糖含量和维生素C含量,‘荸荠种’和‘东魁’的单果重分别增加2.62%和15.25%,总糖含量分别增加9.48%和4.30%,维生素C含量分别增加8.30%和7.45%,可滴定酸含量分别降低10.68%和9.52%。综上所述,在杨梅衰弱树果实膨大期和转色期喷施氨基酸水溶肥能在一定程度上复壮树势,显著改善果实品质,值得适度推广。 展开更多
关键词 杨梅衰弱树 氨基酸水溶肥 复壮树势 果实品质
Survey for late-onset hypogonadism among old anti middle-aged males in Shanghai communities 被引量:14
作者 Kai Sun GuoTQing Liang +6 位作者 Xiang-Feng Chen Ping Ping Wen-Liang Yao shi-jun Zhang Bo Wang Ying-Hao Sun zheng Li 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期338-340,共3页
This study sought to investigate late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) in old and middle-aged males in Shanghai communities, using symptom score evaluation systems and measurements of sex hormone levels. One thousand cases ... This study sought to investigate late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) in old and middle-aged males in Shanghai communities, using symptom score evaluation systems and measurements of sex hormone levels. One thousand cases of males aged 40-70 years were investigated. The aging male symptoms (AMS) scale and androgen deficiency in aging males (ADAM) questionnaire were used at the beginning of the investigation, followed by measurement of the sex hormone-related factors (total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (fT), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and bioavailability of testosterone (Bio-T)). There were 977 valid questionnaires. The LOH-positive rates shown by AMS and ADAM were 59.88% and 84.65%, respectively; values increased with the age of the patients. There were 946 results related to sex hormone measurements, which showed the following results: TT was not related to aging (P〉O.05); levels of SHBG increased with age; and fT and Bio-T decreased with age. There was a significant difference in fT between LOH-positive and LOH-negative patients, as shown by the ADAM. In summary, TT levels were not related to aging, even though SHBG did increase while fT and Bio-T decreased with aging. Clinically, the diagnosis of LOH cannot be based on serum TT level. 展开更多
关键词 ADAM AMS late-onset of hypogonadism male aging old and middle-aged males SURVEY
Measurement of wireless pressure sensors fabricated in high temperature co-fired ceramic MEMS technology 被引量:13
作者 Ji-jun XIONG shi-jun zheng +4 位作者 Ying-ping HONG jun LI Ying-lin WANG Wei WANG Qiu-lin TAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers and Electronics)》 SCIE EI 2013年第4期258-263,共6页
High temperature co-fired ceramics(HTCCs) have wide applications with stable mechanical properties,but they have not yet been used to fabricate sensors.By introducing the wireless telemetric sensor system and ceramic ... High temperature co-fired ceramics(HTCCs) have wide applications with stable mechanical properties,but they have not yet been used to fabricate sensors.By introducing the wireless telemetric sensor system and ceramic structure embedding a pressure-deformable cavity,the designed sensors made from HTCC materials(zirconia and 96% alumina) are fabricated,and their capacities for the pressure measurement are tested using a wireless interrogation method.Using the fabricated sensor,a study is conducted to measure the atmospheric pressure in a sealed vessel.The experimental sensitivity of the device is 2 Hz/Pa of zirconia and 1.08 Hz/Pa of alumina below 0.5 MPa with a readout distance of 2.5 cm.The described sensor technology can be applied for monitoring of atmospheric pressure to evaluate important component parameters in harsh environments. 展开更多
关键词 High temperature co-fired ceramic (HTCC) WIRELESS Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
探讨血清tPSA、fPSA及其比值在淮安地区进行前列腺疾病筛查以及前列腺癌鉴别的合理运用 被引量:13
作者 王志粉 王书中 +3 位作者 杨士军 傅广波 郑云会 张金华 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2018年第3期329-332,共4页
目的探讨血清总前列腺特异性抗原(total prostatic specific antigen,t PSA)、游离前列腺特异性抗原(free prostatic specific antigen,f PSA)及其比值(%f PSA)在淮安地区对前列腺良恶性疾病筛查及诊断的合理使用方案。方法应用电化学... 目的探讨血清总前列腺特异性抗原(total prostatic specific antigen,t PSA)、游离前列腺特异性抗原(free prostatic specific antigen,f PSA)及其比值(%f PSA)在淮安地区对前列腺良恶性疾病筛查及诊断的合理使用方案。方法应用电化学发光法(electrochemiluminescence,ECLIA)对160例病理确诊的前列腺增生、160例前列腺癌患者治疗前以及160例健康体检者的血清t PSA及f PSA进行检测,计算%f PSA比值并进行统计分析。结果 t PSA、f PSA及%f PSA各组中位数及四分位值分别为,前列腺癌组:54.48(13.69~100.00)μg/L,5.50(1.67~17.27)μg/L,及0.16(0.11~0.28),前列腺增生组:6.50(2.73~11.37)μg/L,0.88(0.45~1.59)μg/L,0.16(0.10~0.22)及对照组:1.45(0.5~2.6)μg/L,0.35(0.19~0.76)μg/L、0.34(0.19~0.66)。其中前列腺癌组与对照组t PSA、f PSA及%f PSA比较,前列腺癌组与增生组t PSA、f PSA比较差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05);针对三组整体结果进行ROC分析,三项指标的曲线下面积分别为:AUC(t PSA)=0.938,AUC(f PSA)=0.941,AUC(%f PSA)=0.733,单独检测t PSA或f PSA对前列腺疾病的筛查具备良好的检测效果。而对t PSA介于4~10μg/L的85例前列腺增生和38例前列腺癌进行三项指标的ROC分析,AUC(t PSA)=0.569,AUC(f PSA)=0.712,AUC(%f PSA)=0.855,提示对t PSA灰区结果,%f PSA对前列腺癌的鉴别有明显优势。结论 t PSA、f PSA及%f PSA套餐作为简便、快捷、无创的方法,广泛用于前列腺疾病的早期判断,但针对不同的临床使用需求,三项检测的合理化使用在保证疾病判断准确性的同时,减少不必要的医疗负担。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤标志物 前列腺癌 总PSA 游离PSA ROC分析
短期头盆环牵引配合手术治疗重度脊柱畸形的临床疗效 被引量:7
作者 徐贝宇 漆龙涛 +6 位作者 王宇 李淳德 孙浩林 王诗军 于峥嵘 赵耀 刘龙龙 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期875-880,共6页
目的:探讨短期头盆环牵引配合手术治疗重度脊柱畸形的临床疗效。方法:选择北京大学第一医院2015年1月—2018年5月应用一期头盆环牵引配合二期手术治疗的重度脊柱畸形患者病例资料进行回顾性分析,共收集到病例24例,其中男性9例,女性15例... 目的:探讨短期头盆环牵引配合手术治疗重度脊柱畸形的临床疗效。方法:选择北京大学第一医院2015年1月—2018年5月应用一期头盆环牵引配合二期手术治疗的重度脊柱畸形患者病例资料进行回顾性分析,共收集到病例24例,其中男性9例,女性15例,平均年龄(28.8±10.0)岁(12~48岁)。分别测量牵引前、一期牵引后及矫形手术后身高、脊柱侧凸Cobb角、脊柱后凸Cobb角,比较患者牵引前、牵引后及手术后的身高、脊柱侧凸Cobb角和脊柱后凸Cobb角变化情况。结果:24例患者牵引时间(2.5±1.1)周(1~5周),牵引前及牵引后身高分别为(141.7±11.2)cm(116~167 cm)和(154.1±9.5)cm(136~176 cm),牵引后身高增加值为(12.4±4.6)cm(4~20 cm),牵引后身高与牵引前差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。牵引前、牵引后及手术后脊柱侧凸Cobb角分别为104.9°±35.0°(25°~158°)、64.8°±21.0°(19°~92°)、39.3°±17.0°(10°~70°),牵引后及手术后脊柱侧凸Cobb角与牵引前差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),冠状位牵引矫形率为37.2%±10.9%(11.9%~51.2%),冠状位总矫形率为61.9%±12.6%(26.9%~79.0%)。牵引前、牵引后及手术后脊柱后凸Cobb角分别为106.9°±29.2°(54°~163°)、63.1°±17.1°(32°~92°)、39.0°±16.8°(10°~68°),牵引后及手术后脊柱后凸Cobb角与牵引前差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),矢状位牵引矫形率为40.0%±10.7%(16.7%~55.5%),矢状位总矫形率为64.3%±10.7%(49.0%~87.5%)。结论:一期短期头盆环牵引配合二期手术是治疗重度脊柱侧凸一种安全、有效的方法,其临床矫形效果满意。 展开更多
关键词 短期 头盆环牵引 脊柱畸形 重度 矫形手术 矫形率
带翼板掏挖基础转动中心位置的分析 被引量:7
作者 丁士君 王虎长 +3 位作者 胡建明 管顺清 李正 鲁先龙 《电网与水力发电进展》 2007年第3期40-42,共3页
关键词 带翼板掏挖基础 转动中心 抗倾覆稳定
Relationship between age and prostate size 被引量:6
作者 shi-jun Zhang Hai-Ning Qian +5 位作者 Yah Zhaos Kai Sun Hui-Qing Wang Guo-Qing Liang Feng-Hua Li zheng Li 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期116-120,共5页
In a community-based study, the relationship between age and human prostate size was investigated in a population of men between the ages of 40 and 70 years to determine the normal prostate increase curve equation. On... In a community-based study, the relationship between age and human prostate size was investigated in a population of men between the ages of 40 and 70 years to determine the normal prostate increase curve equation. One thousand male volunteers were randomly recruited from the Shanghai community, and the length, width, height, volume of the transition zone (TZ) and the whole prostates were measured by transrectal ultrasound (TRUS). Each volunteer was evaluated bythe International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Among those who completed the examination, the mean prostate parameters were all positively associated with increased age. There were statistically significant differences between each age group (P〈O.05). The mean transition zone volume (TZV) had a higher increase rate with age than the mean total prostate volume (TPV), indicating that the enlargement of the TZ contributed the most to the increase in TPV. While all prostate parameters were positively correlated with the IPSS, the strongest correlation was associated with the TZ length (TZL) and TZV. The growth curve equations for prostate width, height and length were also positively associated with increasing 展开更多
关键词 benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) growth equation International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) PROSTATE transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
OsNLP3 enhances grain weight and reduces grain chalkiness in rice
作者 Liang-Qi Sun Yu Bai +12 位作者 Jie Wu shi-jun Fan Si-Yan Chen zheng-Yi Zhang Jin-Qiu Xia shi-Mei Wang Yu-Ping Wang Peng Qin shi-Gui Li Ping Xu Zhong Zhao Cheng-Bin Xiang Zi-Sheng Zhang 《Plant Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第10期82-99,共18页
Grain weight,a key determinant of yield in rice(Oryza sativa L.),is governed primarily by genetic factors,whereas grain chalkiness,a detriment to grain quality,is intertwined with environmental factors such as mineral... Grain weight,a key determinant of yield in rice(Oryza sativa L.),is governed primarily by genetic factors,whereas grain chalkiness,a detriment to grain quality,is intertwined with environmental factors such as mineral nutrients.Nitrogen(N)is recognized for its effect on grain chalkiness,but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain to be clarified.This study revealed the pivotal role of rice NODULE INCEPTION-LIKE PROTEIN 3(OsNLP3)in simultaneously regulating grain weight and grain chalkiness.Our investigation showed that loss of OsNLP3 leads to a reduction in both grain weight and dimension,in contrast to the enhancement observed with OsNLP3 overexpression.OsNLP3 directly suppresses the expression of OsCEP6.1 and OsNF-YA8,which were identified as negative regulators associated with grain weight.Consequently,two novel regulatory modules,OsNLP3-OsCEP6.1 and OsNLP3-OsNF-YA8,were identified as key players in grain weight regulation.Notably,the OsNLP3-OsNF-YA8 module not only increases grain weight but also mitigates grain chalkiness in response to N.This research clarifies the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate grain weight through the OsNLP3-OsCEP6.1 and OsNLP3-OsNF-YA8 modules,highlighting the pivotal role of the OsNLP3-OsNF-YA8 module in alleviating grain chalkiness.These findings reveal potential targets for simultaneous enhancement of rice yield and quality. 展开更多
关键词 OsNLP3 OsCEP6.1 OsNF-YA8 grain weight grain chalkiness RICE Oryza sativa L.
蜂针疗法治疗强直性脊柱炎研究进展 被引量:5
作者 韩诗筠 李索咪 +3 位作者 诸佳燕 郑程 沈悦忠 胡雪琴 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2017年第3期62-65,共4页
文章对单纯蜂针、蜂针四联、蜂针合补肾化瘀方、蜂针联合西药、子午流注蜂针法、蜂针配合电温针、蜂针配合热敏灸等方法治疗强直性脊柱炎(AS)进行综述,认为以蜂针为主治疗AS,可以恢复已破坏的骨组织,降低致残率,具有一定的疗效。今后应... 文章对单纯蜂针、蜂针四联、蜂针合补肾化瘀方、蜂针联合西药、子午流注蜂针法、蜂针配合电温针、蜂针配合热敏灸等方法治疗强直性脊柱炎(AS)进行综述,认为以蜂针为主治疗AS,可以恢复已破坏的骨组织,降低致残率,具有一定的疗效。今后应进一步加强对蜂针治疗机制及规范的研究,以利于蜂针疗法的临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 强直性脊柱炎 蜂针 综述
作者 邱佳辉 程非池 +4 位作者 项世骏 韩超 张人超 裘正军 黄陈 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期608-610,共3页
低位直肠癌(距肛门≤5 cm)由于其位置的特殊性,既往根治性切除手术为保证肿瘤远端切缘的彻底性,需要同时切除肛门,严重影响了患者的生活质量[1]。微创手术的发展使低位直肠癌在根治性切除的基础上保留肛门成为可能[2-3]。微创手术可有... 低位直肠癌(距肛门≤5 cm)由于其位置的特殊性,既往根治性切除手术为保证肿瘤远端切缘的彻底性,需要同时切除肛门,严重影响了患者的生活质量[1]。微创手术的发展使低位直肠癌在根治性切除的基础上保留肛门成为可能[2-3]。微创手术可有效减少低位直肠癌患者盆底重要神经血管损伤及更好地保留远端肠管,增高低位直肠癌患者保肛概率,并减少术后并发症的发生;机器人手术作为微创手术的突破性成果,相较腹腔镜手术,其在低位直肠癌手术中的优劣性尚存争议[4-6]。本研究对机器人与腹腔镜在低位直肠癌保肛手术中的短期疗效进行比较,阐述机器人手术在低位直肠癌保肛手术中的优势。 展开更多
关键词 机器人手术 低位直肠癌 保肛 腹腔镜
双磷酸盐对高糖环境下BMSCs自噬相关因子Beclin1和LC3Ⅱ影响的研究 被引量:4
作者 刘艳 胡赟 +5 位作者 张夏 丁俐丹 唐世俊 杨兰 陈杨 郑雷蕾 《四川大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期694-699,共6页
目的研究双磷酸盐对高糖环境下骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)自噬相关因子Beclin1和微管相关蛋白1轻链3(microtubule-associated protein 1light chain 3,LC3)Ⅱ的影响。方法 BMSCs体外分离与培养,进行... 目的研究双磷酸盐对高糖环境下骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)自噬相关因子Beclin1和微管相关蛋白1轻链3(microtubule-associated protein 1light chain 3,LC3)Ⅱ的影响。方法 BMSCs体外分离与培养,进行成骨、成软骨及成脂三向分化诱导与鉴定,配置含浓度梯度10-6~10-9 mmol/L双磷酸盐的高糖(30mmol/L)培养基,采用CCK-8检测BMSCs的增殖活性后选定用于实验的双磷酸盐浓度为10-9 mmol/L。另取BMSCs分为3组:正常对照组(D-葡萄糖5.6mmol/L),高糖组(D-葡萄糖30mmol/L),高糖(D-葡萄糖30mmol/L)+双磷酸盐(10-9 mmol/L)组。用real time-PCR检测3组细胞LC3和Beclin1的基因表达,Western blot检测3组细胞LC3Ⅱ和Beclin1蛋白的表达水平,透射电镜观察自噬体。结果鉴定结果示所得BMSCs具有成骨、成软骨及成脂分化能力。高糖组LC3和Beclin1mRNA、LC3Ⅱ和Beclin1蛋白的表达较正常对照组增高(P<0.01),而高糖组+双磷酸盐组较高糖组低(P<0.05);透射电镜显示高糖组细胞中自噬体数量最多,高糖+双磷酸盐组其次,正常对照组最少。结论高糖环境下BMSCs自噬水平升高,而双磷酸盐能下调高糖环境下BMSCs自噬相关因子Beclin1和LC3Ⅱ的表达。 展开更多
关键词 自噬 双磷酸盐 糖尿病性骨质疏松
基于SA-LSTM的水电站站间流量动态滞时关系 被引量:4
作者 魏勤 陈仕军 +2 位作者 谭政宇 黄炜斌 马光文 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2021年第6期16-19,共4页
在梯级水电站短期优化调度的水力联系描述中,目前实际应用的固定滞时方法未考虑水流滞时与上游电站出库流量大小和河道状态等因素的动态关系,且有关动态滞时方法的研究亦常忽略各种输入因子的时间因次。因此,引入长短期记忆网络(LSTM)... 在梯级水电站短期优化调度的水力联系描述中,目前实际应用的固定滞时方法未考虑水流滞时与上游电站出库流量大小和河道状态等因素的动态关系,且有关动态滞时方法的研究亦常忽略各种输入因子的时间因次。因此,引入长短期记忆网络(LSTM)作为描述站间动态滞时关系的工具,同时针对数据挖掘模型参数难以确定的问题选取模拟退火算法(SA)作为网络超参数的选取方法,建立了一种模拟退火-长短期记忆网络(SA-LSTM)模型。以梯级水电站实际运行数据进行测试,同时与BP神经网络模型及固定滞时模型进行对比分析。结果表明,与固定滞时和BP神经网络模型相比,SA-LSTM模型能更准确地描述水电站站间的动态滞时关系,是分析计算梯级水电站站间水力联系的一种新的简明实用的方法。 展开更多
关键词 梯级水电站 动态滞时 长短期记忆网络 模拟退火算法
High-entropy carbide ceramics: a perspective review 被引量:4
作者 Zhe Wang Zhong-Tao Li +1 位作者 shi-jun Zhao zheng-Gang Wu 《Tungsten》 2021年第2期131-142,共12页
High-entropy carbide ceramics(HECCs)exhibited a series of property superiority,such as high hardness,high oxidation resistance and adjustable range of thermal conductivity,making them great candidates for structural m... High-entropy carbide ceramics(HECCs)exhibited a series of property superiority,such as high hardness,high oxidation resistance and adjustable range of thermal conductivity,making them great candidates for structural materials used in extreme service conditions.However,current HECC-related reports can only provide limited guidance for the design of HECC materials with promising properties and stable structure or for their high-quality fabrication.To fill this gap,we proposed in the current review that integrated efforts should be taken in the following three aspects to advance the design and fabrication of high-performance HECCs.First,the rule for the single-phase formation needs to be theoretically identified using high-throughput density functional theory calculations(HTDFT)and a highly accurate predictive model for rapid compositional design warrants establishment through the combination of HTDFT and machine-learning studies.In parallel with the compositional design,the lack of theoretical foundation and guidance for the synthesis of highly dense and highly pure HECC materials necessitates extensive studies focusing on the principle for the synthesis of HECC pre-alloy powders and on the powder densification mechanisms during high-temperature sintering.Moreover,great attentions are to be paid to the mechanistic understandings on the mechanical,oxidation and thermal conduction behaviors of HECC materials;for example,the toughening and strengthening mechanisms of HECC materials could be elucidated through discerning the"HECC composition-stacking fault energy distribution/bonding state-dislocation behavior"correlations. 展开更多
关键词 High-entropy carbide ceramics Phase formation Mechanical property Oxidation behavior Thermal conduction Fabrication
数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植治疗牙槽嵴裂的临床研究 被引量:3
作者 张彦升 于兰 +3 位作者 王娟 赵世俊 时炳正 梁亮 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2018年第9期84-87,共4页
目的:探究数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植治疗牙槽嵴裂的可行性。方法:选择2016年1月-2017年11月笔者科室收治的64例接受过唇裂、腭裂修复的单侧完全性牙槽嵴裂患者,分别接受数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植和传统的泥沙状骨移植... 目的:探究数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植治疗牙槽嵴裂的可行性。方法:选择2016年1月-2017年11月笔者科室收治的64例接受过唇裂、腭裂修复的单侧完全性牙槽嵴裂患者,分别接受数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植和传统的泥沙状骨移植修复牙槽嵴裂,对比两组患者的临床效果。结果:术后6个月时,研究组的植骨成活率为93.75%,而对照组仅为87.5%,差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组患者术后的骨剩余量呈现逐渐减少的趋势,且术后1个月、3个月、6个月时,研究组的骨吸收量均明显低于对照组,具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论:对于牙槽嵴裂的治疗,相比传统的治疗方法,使用数字化外科技术辅助下的块状骨移植治疗可显著减少骨量的吸收,提高植骨的成活,为后续的牙列正畸或种植义齿打下良好的基础,值得临床推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 数字化外科技术 块状骨移植 泥沙状骨移植 牙槽嵴裂 植骨成活率
3D打印技术辅助改良牙槽嵴裂植骨术与传统术式临床效果的比较研究 被引量:3
作者 张彦升 于兰 +3 位作者 王娟 赵世俊 时炳正 梁亮 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2018年第11期134-136,共3页
目的:探讨3D打印技术辅助改良牙槽嵴裂术治疗牙槽嵴裂的临床效果。方法:将80例单侧完全性牙槽嵴裂患者分为两组,研究组接受块状骨移植的改良牙槽嵴裂植骨术,对照组接受传统的"泥状"松质骨移植的牙槽嵴植骨术。比较两组患者的... 目的:探讨3D打印技术辅助改良牙槽嵴裂术治疗牙槽嵴裂的临床效果。方法:将80例单侧完全性牙槽嵴裂患者分为两组,研究组接受块状骨移植的改良牙槽嵴裂植骨术,对照组接受传统的"泥状"松质骨移植的牙槽嵴植骨术。比较两组患者的术后疗效,术后1周、6个月均行CBCT检查,对比两组各测量时点梨状孔底对称性、原裂隙内成骨的牙槽嵴高度与厚度。结果:研究组梨状孔下缘对称性、原裂隙区成骨的高度与厚度均优于对照组。研究组患者的术后疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:牙槽嵴裂的治疗过程中,3D打印技术辅助改良牙槽嵴裂术较传统术式临床效果取得了一定提高,应进一步临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 3D打印技术 改良牙槽嵴裂术 效果 牙槽嵴裂
Liquid crystal character controlled by complementary discotic molecules mixtures: Columnar stacking type and mesophase temperature range 被引量:2
作者 Yan Li Ming-Guang Li +4 位作者 Ya-jun Su Jian-Gang Liu Yan-Chun Han shi-jun zheng Li-Xiang Wang 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期475-480,共6页
In this work, the mesophase properties were tuned via mixing two discotic molecules with structural complementarity. Compared with the liquid crystalline hexakis(n-hexyloxy)triphenylene(H6TP)materials(columnar he... In this work, the mesophase properties were tuned via mixing two discotic molecules with structural complementarity. Compared with the liquid crystalline hexakis(n-hexyloxy)triphenylene(H6TP)materials(columnar hexagonal phase from 53 ℃ to 91 ℃), mesophase types as well as phase transition temperatures varied with the introduction of crystalline hexaazatriphenylene derivative(PBH)molecules. The introduction of less than 33% amount of PBH disrupted the columnar hexagonal phase formed by H6 TP remarkably, followed by the decreased clearing temperatures of liquid crystals. As the PBH amount was further increased, the destroyed columnar hexagonal phase was turned into the columnar rectangular phase, in which H6 TP and PBH molecules together formed the columnar mesophase. The formation of new mesophase contributed to the enlarged mesophase temperature(from44 ℃ to 144 ℃). We speculated that the alkyl chains interaction induced by the PBH component competed with the strong p–p stacking between H6 TP molecules, thus altering the liquid crystalline properties including mesophase types and phase transition temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Alkyl chains packing Mesophase type Liquid crystals Phase transitions Mixture
Preparation of Fe_(3)O_(4)@SW-MIL-101-NH_(2) for selective preconcentration of chlorogenic acid metabolites in rat plasma,urine,and feces samples 被引量:1
作者 shi-jun Yin Xi Zhou +4 位作者 Li-Jing Peng Fang Li Guo-Can zheng Feng-Qing Yang Yuan-Jia Hu 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第4期617-626,共10页
An innovative sandwich-structural Fe-based metal-organic framework magnetic material(Fe_(3)O_(4)@SWMIL-101-NH_(2))was fabricated using a facile solvothermal method.The characteristic properties of the material were in... An innovative sandwich-structural Fe-based metal-organic framework magnetic material(Fe_(3)O_(4)@SWMIL-101-NH_(2))was fabricated using a facile solvothermal method.The characteristic properties of the material were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy(TEM),energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,X-ray powder diffraction,vibrating sample magnetometry,and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurements.Fe_(3)O_(4)@SW-MIL-101-NH_(2) is associated with advantages,such as robust magnetic properties,high specific surface area,and satisfactory storage stability,as well as good selective recognition ability for chlorogenic acid(CA)and its metabolites via chelation,hydrogen bonding,and p-interaction.The results of the static adsorption experiment indicated that Fe_(3)O_(4)@SW-MIL-101-NH_(2) possessed a high adsorption capacity toward CA and its isomers,cryptochlorogenic acid(CCA)and neochlorogenic acid(NCA),and the adsorption behaviors were fitted using the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model.Then,a strategy using magnetic solid-phase extraction(MSPE)and ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q-TOF MS/MS)was developed and successfully employed for the selective pre-concentration and rapid identification of CA metabolites in rat plasma,urine,and feces samples.This work presents a prospective strategy for the synthesis of magnetic adsorbents and the high-efficiency pretreatment of CA metabolites. 展开更多
关键词 Sandwich structure Metal-organic framework Chlorogenic acid Magnetic solid-phase extraction Metabolic pathway
高血压颅内肿瘤患者预防性吸入七氟醚术中脑血流及颅内压变化分析 被引量:1
作者 马世军 范晓英 +2 位作者 郑仲磊 张万平 杜克信 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2021年第8期1576-1579,共4页
目的:分析高血压颅内肿瘤患者预防性吸入七氟醚术中脑血流及颅内压变化情况。方法:选取2018年8月至2019年8月我院收治的80例高血压颅内肿瘤患者作为研究对象,随机将其分为两组,对照组40例,给予丙泊酚维持麻醉;研究组40例,给予七氟醚维... 目的:分析高血压颅内肿瘤患者预防性吸入七氟醚术中脑血流及颅内压变化情况。方法:选取2018年8月至2019年8月我院收治的80例高血压颅内肿瘤患者作为研究对象,随机将其分为两组,对照组40例,给予丙泊酚维持麻醉;研究组40例,给予七氟醚维持麻醉,观察两组患者的脑血流及颅内压变化情况。结果:1)两组患者大脑前动脉(anteriorcerebral artery,ACA)、大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)、大脑后动脉(posterior cerebral artery,PCA)血流动力学指标比较,麻醉前(T0)阻力指数(resistance Index,RI)和时间平均流速(the average velocity,Vm)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);诱导麻醉(T1)、维持麻醉(T2)、手术结束(T3)时间点RI和Vm比较,研究组均明显优于对照组(P<0.05);2)两组患者麻醉前颅内压(intracranial pressure,ICP)比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);T1、T2、T3时间点,两组患者ICP进行比较,研究组明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:预防性吸入七氟醚对于高血压颅内肿瘤患者术中能够维持脑血流稳定,同时降低患者的颅内压,使患者深度麻醉,避免术中一些风险事件的发生,具有很好的临床意义,值得推广和应用。 展开更多
关键词 高血压颅内肿瘤 七氟醚 脑血流 颅内压
双轴应变调控二维单层C_(2)X_(2)TM(X=O,H;TM=Fe,Cr)的多铁性研究 被引量:1
作者 耿晨铎 张诗俊 +3 位作者 吴春香 卿晓梅 董正超 仲崇贵 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期71-76,共6页
基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算,系统地研究了过渡金属原子插层的单层氧化/氢化石墨烯的磁学性质和铁电性质.在考虑了电子在位库仑作用和自旋轨道耦合作用下,得到了过渡金属Fe、Cr插层形成的C_(2)X_(2)TM二维单层膜的稳定结构以及基... 基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算,系统地研究了过渡金属原子插层的单层氧化/氢化石墨烯的磁学性质和铁电性质.在考虑了电子在位库仑作用和自旋轨道耦合作用下,得到了过渡金属Fe、Cr插层形成的C_(2)X_(2)TM二维单层膜的稳定结构以及基态磁性结构,研究了不同应变作用下C_(2)X_(2)TM的磁性、能带、铁电极化以及电子结构的变化.结果发现,对于任何应变下的C_(2)X_(2)TM其基态磁性都为手性逆时针反铁磁结构.在无应变时体系存在一个较大的离子翻转势垒,通过外加双轴应变,可有效调控体系的势垒高度和能隙,发现25%应变下C_(2)O_(2) Cr和30%应变时C_(2)O_(2) Fe单层薄膜具有与GeS等二维铁电材料相近的铁电极化和翻转势垒,这些研究结果表明C_(2)O_(2) Fe(Cr)单层薄膜是一种新型二维多铁性材料. 展开更多
关键词 磁性结构 极化翻转 能带结构 二维多铁
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