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Octoradiate Spiral Organisms in the Ediacaran of South China 被引量:35
作者 TANG Feng YIN Chongyu +3 位作者 Stefan bengtson LIU Pengju WANG Ziqiang GAO Linzhi 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期27-34,共8页
Shales of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China contain a new disc-shaped macrofossil, Eoandromeda octobrachiata, characterized by eight spiral arms that were probably housed within an outer membrane. Alth... Shales of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China contain a new disc-shaped macrofossil, Eoandromeda octobrachiata, characterized by eight spiral arms that were probably housed within an outer membrane. Although the presence of eight radiating structures entails a resemblance to cnidarian octocorals as well as to ctenophores, direct homologies with these extant groups are unlikely. Instead we bring attention to the helicospiral morphology of newly reported embryos from the Doushantuo Formation, suggesting that the long-sought adults of the Ediacaran embryonic metazoans have finally been found. 展开更多
关键词 Octoradiate spiral organism Eoandromeda octobrachiata EDIACARAN South China
A new discovery of macroscopic fossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area 被引量:26
作者 TANG Feng YIN Chongyu +4 位作者 bengtson Stefan LIU Yongqing WANG Ziqiang LIU Pengju GAO Linzhi 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第12期1487-1493,共7页
Two new horizons with macroscopic fossils are reported in the Doushantuo Formation, Ediacaran System, from the Yangtze Gorges area. The fossils were discovered in the lower and middle black shales of the Doushantuo Fo... Two new horizons with macroscopic fossils are reported in the Doushantuo Formation, Ediacaran System, from the Yangtze Gorges area. The fossils were discovered in the lower and middle black shales of the Doushantuo Formation in the new section at Sandouping Town, Zigui County, Hubei Province. The new macroscopic assemblages in- clude Chuaria and Tawuia, and occur below the well- known ”Miaohe Biota”. These fossils indicate that after the Nantuo ice age, macroscopic multicellular organisms gradually increased in abundance and diversity. Simple, discoidal carbonaceous compres- sions such as chuarids are present in the initial macrofossil assemblage of the Doushantuo Stage. This assemblage was eventually replaceded by the more diverse Miaohe macrofossils, including unam- biguously branching forms, in the uppermost Dou- shantuo Formation. The new discovery of carbona- ceous compression macrofossils from the Doushan- tuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area provides new evidence for the correlation of late Neoprotero- zoic successions in southern China. 展开更多
关键词 三峡地区 古化石 页岩 湖北
寒武纪大爆发中的磷酸盐化胚胎化石 被引量:11
作者 岳昭 S.bengtson 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第17期1858-1862,共5页
在扬子地台寒武纪最早期 (梅树村期 )发现的磷酸盐化保存的后生动物Olivooides具发育的不同阶段 .从胚胎细胞分裂的囊胚期经可能的原肠胚期至胚胎的组织分化期最后直至幼体孵化 .后生动物胚胎化石的研究为古生物学研究开辟了一个新领域... 在扬子地台寒武纪最早期 (梅树村期 )发现的磷酸盐化保存的后生动物Olivooides具发育的不同阶段 .从胚胎细胞分裂的囊胚期经可能的原肠胚期至胚胎的组织分化期最后直至幼体孵化 .后生动物胚胎化石的研究为古生物学研究开辟了一个新领域———化石胚胎学 . 展开更多
关键词 寒武世 古生物学 磷酸盐化 后生动物 胚胎化石
最早的栉水母动物化石——华南伊迪卡拉纪的“八臂仙母虫” 被引量:11
作者 唐烽 尹崇玉 +4 位作者 Stefan bengtson 刘鹏举 王自强 陈寿铭 高林志 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期543-553,共11页
华南伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组保存的磷酸盐化球状化石中有一部分被认为是最早的后生动物胚胎化石,但由于缺乏成年或幼年过渡期的化石证据,对这些最早微化石的动物属性还一直存在争议。最近在贵州江口县翁会地区伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的页... 华南伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组保存的磷酸盐化球状化石中有一部分被认为是最早的后生动物胚胎化石,但由于缺乏成年或幼年过渡期的化石证据,对这些最早微化石的动物属性还一直存在争议。最近在贵州江口县翁会地区伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的页岩中发现一个与"庙河生物群"相似的宏体碳质压膜化石群,其中包含一个盘状的宏体化石新类型——八臂仙母虫(Eoandromeda octobrachiata,Tang et al.2008),具有八条螺旋状辐射的旋臂,封闭在一个包膜内。这种八辐射结构在八射珊瑚和栉水母动物中都可见到,但同时具有的螺旋特性与现生的所有类群都无法对比。在贵州陡山沱组的"瓮安生物群"中发现的球状胚胎化石同样具有螺旋性状,尽管还没有直接的个体发育证据,但我们认为新属种可能代表这些螺旋状胚胎化石的成年实体化石。最新报道的南澳大利亚Rawnsley石英岩层中也发现相似的印痕化石,被归为同一类别,表明华南的"庙河生物群"与澳大利亚的"伊迪卡拉生物群"时代相当。翁会化石库中少量出露的三辐射化石与俄罗斯"白海生物群"的典型分子—Albumares和Anfesta可以对比。新发现的倾斜保存的八臂仙母虫化石和碳质条带呈子午线状排列的核桃状化石,可能是该类化石归属栉水母类的有力证据,这一发现推测可将栉水母类的最早化石记录从"澄江生物群"的早寒武世推前大约3千万年。 展开更多
关键词 陡山沱组 庙河生物群 八臂仙母虫 伊迪卡拉生物群 栉水母类
激光诱导击穿光谱技术对冶金样品中钢及炉渣的同时分析 被引量:10
作者 bengtson Arne THOMAS Bjork 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期8-13,共6页
本研究的初衷是开发一种不均匀冶金样品中钢和炉渣的快速、同时分析方法,以用于工艺控制。该方法基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)。选择激光诱导击穿光谱技术是因为它既可以分析导电材料又可分析非导电材料,并且相对来说不易受样品形状... 本研究的初衷是开发一种不均匀冶金样品中钢和炉渣的快速、同时分析方法,以用于工艺控制。该方法基于激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)。选择激光诱导击穿光谱技术是因为它既可以分析导电材料又可分析非导电材料,并且相对来说不易受样品形状及表面光洁度的影响。产生的不均匀样品包含大量亚毫米级的渣颗粒,这些颗粒在单次LIBS分析中不能从周围的钢里面分离出来。因此提出了一种方法来对样品表面进行行扫描,扫描以大约0.5mm的分辨率和10 mm的步长来进行。激光的脉冲速率为20 Hz,扫描速度为1 mm/s。炉渣颗粒在行扫描中表现为钢的"污染区",在这个区域中有高浓度的一些元素,如钙、铝及硅。基于单点校准,提出了一种数学模型来逐步评定所得出的数据。首先,辨别出"干净"的钢区域,测定出钢的成分;第二步,测定出扫描总长度范围内的平均成分;最后一步,通过差减法计算出炉渣的成分平均值。这种方法被应用于几个多相取样器采集的样品的分析。发现钢中的碳、硅、锰、磷、硫及铝等元素都可被测定,仅有百分之几的相对标准偏差。而在炉渣中,分析的相对标准偏差会更高,几个重要元素在10%左右。这一方法有望进一步被开发应用于更小的非金属夹杂物的快速分析。 展开更多
关键词 激光烧蚀 光学发射 钢分析
八臂仙母虫(Eoandromeda octobrachiata)新材料及其意义 被引量:4
作者 唐烽 Stefan bengtson +1 位作者 尹崇玉 高林志 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期641-651,共11页
在中国贵州江口地区陡山沱组新发现的化石材料表明,伊迪卡拉/震旦纪(Ediacaran/Sinian)的宏体化石——八臂仙母虫Eoandromeda octobrachiata的原始生活状态可能为一个较高的圆锥形生命体,具有沿着侧面锥状螺旋排列的八条旋臂。旋臂表面... 在中国贵州江口地区陡山沱组新发现的化石材料表明,伊迪卡拉/震旦纪(Ediacaran/Sinian)的宏体化石——八臂仙母虫Eoandromeda octobrachiata的原始生活状态可能为一个较高的圆锥形生命体,具有沿着侧面锥状螺旋排列的八条旋臂。旋臂表面保存有与栉水母动物的栉板可能同源的横向有机质条带,规则排列的旋臂可能与栉板带同源,具有右旋八辐射对称的特征;但是缺乏诸如触手、平衡石、极区构造和两辐射对称等的冠群栉水母类的典型性状,由此,Eoandromeda被解释归属为一类早期的干群栉水母动物。若干精美化石还保存了明显的中央环带,与八条栉板带状的旋臂相联接,和中寒武世栉水母化石的反口面圆环极为相似,推测与神经系统和运动摄食能力的发育有关,表明它有可能具备在近海或远洋浮游掠食的生活方式。在伊迪卡拉/震旦纪早期陡山沱组化石记录中出现八辐射的栉水母类化石,与后生动物种系发生的Planulozoa假设(栉水母动物Ctenophora是刺胞动物Cnidaria+两侧对称动物Bilateria的姐妹群)最为一致。 展开更多
关键词 陡山沱组 八臂仙母虫 伊迪卡拉生物群 栉水母类 后生动物起源
The Key Role of Aptian-Albian Marine Fossils from Eastern Heilongjiang in Marine-Nonmarine Stratigraphic Correlation 被引量:2
作者 Gang Li Peter bengtson 《Open Journal of Geology》 2019年第10期543-546,共4页
The alternating marine and nonmarine coal-bearing Lower Cretaceous successions are well developed in eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China, including the Jixi Group in the west and the Longzhaogou Group in the east... The alternating marine and nonmarine coal-bearing Lower Cretaceous successions are well developed in eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China, including the Jixi Group in the west and the Longzhaogou Group in the east. The correlation of these two lithostratigraphic groups with the nonmarine Jehol Group is important for dating the exceptionally well-preserved Jehol Biota. The Early Cretaceous marine fossils recovered from eastern Heilongjiang include ammonites, bivalves, radiolarians, foraminifers and dinocysts. During the early Aptian transgression the ammonite fauna entered the Hulin and Mishan areas and the bivalve Aucellina fauna in the Jixi area. This enables correlation of the marine lower part of the Chengzihe Formation of the Jixi Group with the Qihulin Formation of the Longzhaogou Group. 展开更多
关键词 Lower Cretaceous Aptian ALBIAN Marine-Nonmarine Correlation MARINE FOSSILS EASTERN Heilongjiang NORTHEASTERN China
用脉冲分布分析发射光谱技术快速表征夹杂物—最新研究进展 被引量:2
作者 Arne bengtson Miroslva Sedlakova Rolf Didriksson 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期7-12,共6页
本文旨在进一步开发和验证脉冲分布分析发射光谱法快速用于钢铁生产中夹杂物的表征。本实验主要对一些操作参数如:火花能量,火花频率和门控时间(TRS)进行研究。结果显示低火花能量有利于检出限的提高,但是由于样品量较小不利于测量统计... 本文旨在进一步开发和验证脉冲分布分析发射光谱法快速用于钢铁生产中夹杂物的表征。本实验主要对一些操作参数如:火花能量,火花频率和门控时间(TRS)进行研究。结果显示低火花能量有利于检出限的提高,但是由于样品量较小不利于测量统计。研究证明测量频率对分析结果没有显著影响,但是一些现有仪器由于电子器件限制不能处理脉冲分布分析模式中最高频率300Hz以上的火花。门控时间对于金属含量以上硅离群值的检出限有微幅改善。本研究还发现因为强度的不对称分布使得测定"假"离群值有风险,这就导致了检测离群值更先进算法的发展,提高了方法的准确性。另一个限制是颗粒物数量密度不可超过约10 000夹杂物/mm3,以便能够有效的检测单个夹杂物。本文提出了可以克服这一限制的方法,但该方法还没有被评估。通过参考方法验证了夹杂物中铝含量定量测定的准确性,结果证明现代化脉冲分布分析是快速表征钢中夹杂物的强大工具。本法分析速度对过程反馈足够快,且可以控制。 展开更多
关键词 发射光谱法 脉冲分布分析 非金属夹杂物
Comparative analysis of planted and unplanted controls for assessment of rhizosphere priming effect 被引量:1
作者 Jian LI Per bengtson 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第6期884-892,共9页
The rhizosphere priming effect(RPE)is increasingly being considered to be an important regulator of soil organic matter(SOM)decomposition and nutrient turnover,with potential importance for the global CO_(2) budget.As... The rhizosphere priming effect(RPE)is increasingly being considered to be an important regulator of soil organic matter(SOM)decomposition and nutrient turnover,with potential importance for the global CO_(2) budget.As a result,studies on the RPE have rapidly increased in number over the last few years.Most of these experiments have been performed using unplanted soil as the control,which could potentially lead to incorrect assessment of the RPE.Therefore,we performed a greenhouse experiment to investigate how the choice of control(i.e.,unplanted control and planted control)influenced the quantification of RPE on SOM decomposition and gross nitrogen(N)mineralization,and to link this to differences in microbial and abiotic soil properties between the two controls.In the planted control,planted seedlings were cut at soil surface 5 d before measurement of the RPE.The RPE on SOM decomposition was positive in pine soil and almost 2-fold higher when calculated from the planted control than from the unplanted control.In spruce soil,a negative RPE on SOM decomposition was found when calculated from the planted control,while the RPE was positive when calculated from the unplanted control.No RPE on gross N mineralization was found when calculated from the planted control,while a positive RPE of more than 100%was found when calculated from the unplanted control.The microbial biomass and growth rate were lower,while the inorganic N content was higher in the unplanted control than in the planted control.The microbial community composition and potential enzyme activity in the planted treatment and planted control were similar,but they differed significantly from those in the unplanted control.The results showed that the RPE varied widely depending on the choice of control;thus,we suggest that a planted control,in which the aboveground plant parts are removed only a few days before the measurement of RPE,should be used as the control when elucidating the RPE on belowground C and N cycling responses to environmental change. 展开更多
关键词 enzyme activity gross nitrogen mineralization microbial community composition nitrogen availability soil organic matter decomposition
Revision of the Clam Shrimp Genus Magumbonia from the Upper Jurassic of the Luanping Basin,Hebei,Northern China 被引量:1
作者 LI Gang SHEN Yanbin +3 位作者 LIU Yongqing Peter bengtson Helmut WILLEMS Hiramichi HIRANO 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第1期46-51,共6页
The diverse clam shrimp Nestoria-Keratestheria fauna is widely distributed in the Dabeigou Formation in northern Hebei and eastern Inner Mongolia of China. Its important component genus Magumbonia from the Dabeigou Fo... The diverse clam shrimp Nestoria-Keratestheria fauna is widely distributed in the Dabeigou Formation in northern Hebei and eastern Inner Mongolia of China. Its important component genus Magumbonia from the Dabeigou Formation in the Luanping Basin, northern Hebei, China, is revised on the basis of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination of the type species M.jingshangensis Wang, 1984, which revealed morphological features not recognized previously. These include coarse reticulation on the umbo and prominent growth lines ornamented with densely spaced, small tubercles and fine lirae. 展开更多
关键词 clam shrimp Magumbonia Dabeigou Formation Upper Jurassic Luanping Basin Hebei China
Survey of the electrostatic tractor research for reorbiting passive GEO space objects 被引量:1
作者 M.bengtson K.Wilson +1 位作者 J.Hughes H.Schaub 《Astrodynamics》 2018年第4期291-305,共15页
The number of operational satellites and debris objects in the valuable geosynchronous ring has increased steadily over time such that active debris removal missions are necessary to ensure long-term stability. These ... The number of operational satellites and debris objects in the valuable geosynchronous ring has increased steadily over time such that active debris removal missions are necessary to ensure long-term stability. These objects are very large and tumbling, making any mission scenarios requiring physical contact very challenging. In the last 10 years, the concept of using an electrostatic tractor has been investigated extensively. With the electrostatic tractor concept, active charge emission is employed to simultaneously charge the tug or services vehicle, while aiming the charge exhaust onto the passive space debris object to charge it as well. The resulting electrostatic force has been explored to actuate this debris object to a disposal orbit or to detumble the object, all without physical contact. This paper provides a survey of the related research and reviews the charging concepts, the associated electrostatic force and torque modeling, and the feedback control developments, as well as the charge sensing research. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROSTATICS geosynchronous orbit DEBRIS control
Toilet habits in kindergarten children in a kindergarten in Hanoi
作者 Thi Kim Anh Nguyen Susan JVernon +1 位作者 Ann bengtson Anna-Lena Hellstrom 《Health》 2013年第11期1760-1767,共8页
Objective: Describe children’s toilet habits in a kindergarten setting. Subjects: Forty-one children aged 4-5 years, parents and six teachers participated. Method: Open-ended interviews and observations. Results: In ... Objective: Describe children’s toilet habits in a kindergarten setting. Subjects: Forty-one children aged 4-5 years, parents and six teachers participated. Method: Open-ended interviews and observations. Results: In school children avoided going to toilet, this could cause incontinence. Related Factors: Inadequate toilet standards and differing cleaning routines as at home. Children were uncomfortable and shy using the toilet, and some children seemed to prefer playing and school work instead of going to the toilet during breaks. Conclusion: Children of 4-5 years of age are sometimes not able to control their bladder and bowel habits in an environment differing to home. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Toilet Habits Interviews OBSERVATIONS
作者 Russ bengtson 《体育健康知识画刊(阳光体育)》 2009年第12期40-41,共2页
我有一个梦想。 我真希望MJ可以退休,他居然成为了一支他从未效力过的球队的缺乏技巧又不做交易的老板。而当他批评球员缺乏心气的时候,居然还会被那些他可以爆得连渣都不剩的球员喷。在经历了一个无奈的赛季后,他终于意识到球队的其... 我有一个梦想。 我真希望MJ可以退休,他居然成为了一支他从未效力过的球队的缺乏技巧又不做交易的老板。而当他批评球员缺乏心气的时候,居然还会被那些他可以爆得连渣都不剩的球员喷。在经历了一个无奈的赛季后,他终于意识到球队的其他老板们根本没有想交易的意思。于是乎,不可阻挡的MJ终于被阻挡住了。 展开更多
关键词 事业 老板 交易 球队 球员
Knowledge of child nutrition when breastfeeding—A study of mothers living outside Hanoi
作者 Thi Thu Huong Nguyen Ulrika Lindmark Ann bengtson 《Health》 2013年第11期1853-1860,共8页
Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of?nutrition?among mothers of children less than two years of age and changes in theoretical knowledge after a nutrition course. Method: A pilot study with a pre-post-test design. ... Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of?nutrition?among mothers of children less than two years of age and changes in theoretical knowledge after a nutrition course. Method: A pilot study with a pre-post-test design. Thirty mothers of children who were less than two years of age from outside Hanoi participated in the study. The mothers’ knowledge of breastfeeding, supplementary food and diet when the child was suffering from diarrhea was collected using 19 self-reported questions. A one-day nutrition course at which the mothers answered the same questions before and after the course was run. Results: All the invited mothers were included in the study. There was a lack of knowledge about breastfeeding and nutrition at baseline, but it improved after the nutrition course. The greatest improvement in knowledge related to breastfeeding less than 30 minutes after delivery, not giving milk or fruit juice instead of breast milk, increasing the frequency of breastfeeding in the event of a smaller amount of milk and knowledge about giving supplementary food after six months. Moreover, the results revealed that the mothers reported better knowledge of the consumption and frequency of more healthy food supplements. Conclusion: There was a lack of knowledge about nutrition among the mothers with children less than two years of age. The course demonstrated effectiveness in every aspect of nutritional knowledge, tested in the posttest. The findings in this study could provide important information for authorities in the health sector to improve the nutritional state of children in the community. 展开更多
关键词 BREASTFEEDING MALNUTRITION Nutrition Education Supplementary Food
Long-Range VNA-Based Channel Sounder: Design and Measurement Validation at MmWave and Sub-THz Frequency Bands
作者 Mikkel bengtson Yejian Lyu Wei Fan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第11期47-59,共13页
With the increasing demand for high bandwidth wireless communication systems,and with a congested spectrum in the sub-6 GHz frequency bands,researchers have been looking into exploration of millimeter wave(mmWave)and ... With the increasing demand for high bandwidth wireless communication systems,and with a congested spectrum in the sub-6 GHz frequency bands,researchers have been looking into exploration of millimeter wave(mmWave)and sub-terahertz(subTHz)frequency bands.Channel modeling is essential for system design and performance evaluation of new wireless communication systems.Accurate channel modeling relies on reliable measured channel data,which is collected by high-fidelity channel sounders.Furthermore,it is of importance to understand to which extent channel parameters are frequency dependent in typical deployment scenario(including both indoor short-range and outdoor long-range scenarios).To achieve this purpose,this paper presents a stateof-art long-range 28 GHz and 300 GHz VNA-based channel sounder using optical cable solutions,which can support a measurement range up to 300 m and 600 m in principle,respectively.The design,development and validation of the long-range channel sounders at mmWave and sub-THz bands are reported,with a focus on their system principle,link budget,and backto-back measurements.Furthermore,a measurement campaign in an indoor corridor is performed using the developed 300 GHz system and 28 GHz channel sounding systems.Both measured channels at the 28 GHz and 300 GHz channels are shown to be highly sparse and specular.A higher number of Multi Path Components(MPC)are observed for the 28 GHz system,while the same main MPC are observed for both systems. 展开更多
关键词 mmWave channel sounding sub-THz radio propagation beyond 5G communications
作者 bengtson Arne HILDEBRAND Lars 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期1-5,共5页
本研究旨在开发一种用于预测锌基涂层耐腐蚀性的通用方法,其可以表示为加速盐雾试验中的总质量损失。本方法仅基于三个分析参数,即锌、铝和镁的总涂层质量。这种限制的原因是这三种参数可能通过在线分析获得。然后,预测的耐腐蚀性被包... 本研究旨在开发一种用于预测锌基涂层耐腐蚀性的通用方法,其可以表示为加速盐雾试验中的总质量损失。本方法仅基于三个分析参数,即锌、铝和镁的总涂层质量。这种限制的原因是这三种参数可能通过在线分析获得。然后,预测的耐腐蚀性被包括在一个过程/质量控制系统。加速腐蚀试验在布雷斯特的Swerea KIMAB IC(腐蚀研究所)以及比利时的冶金研究中心(CRM)进行。试验按照雷诺ECC1试验D172028/--C(12周)以及CRM研发的加速循环腐蚀试验进行。根据总质量损失情况,原材料被分为四个耐腐蚀级别。所有腐蚀试验都清晰、充分地说明了元素镁和铝的正面影响。对于涂层中大多数这些元素来说,元素镁和铝的影响比单独元素锌的影响大很多。因此,引入了一个新的量,叫做"等量元素锌涂层重量"。此量与锌、铝和镁的涂层重量线性相关。使用专家系统开发了一种用于预测耐腐蚀性的模型,此模型基于回归分析和"决策树"算法。根据上述提及的三个分析参数(即锌、铝和镁的总涂层质量),可以使用开发的模型准确对27种材料中的25种进行分类。总之,即使是在线状态,这种方法也有可能准确预测出腐蚀行为。出于材料研发的目的,还扩展了专家系统使其包括其他分析参数。 展开更多
关键词 专家系统 耐腐蚀性 锌涂层 辉光放电
作者 约翰·D·本德森 陈思(译) 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第5期37-51,共15页
1854年,马丁·豪格提出名不见经传的德国神伊尔明(Irmin)与印度小神雅利安门(Aryaman)存在根源联系。从语音兼容性、语义相似性、语用兼容性、个人名称模式化和宇宙学而言,这一假说仍成立。Irmin的简明含义是“伟大的、巨大的、崇... 1854年,马丁·豪格提出名不见经传的德国神伊尔明(Irmin)与印度小神雅利安门(Aryaman)存在根源联系。从语音兼容性、语义相似性、语用兼容性、个人名称模式化和宇宙学而言,这一假说仍成立。Irmin的简明含义是“伟大的、巨大的、崇高的”,且是日耳曼语中印欧语中间分词的唯一残余,该观点并不可信,Irmines-的形式显然是一个名字的属格形式。最古老的资料源和比较神话学证明,Irmin/Irmun是一种与主权、祖先和人民集体生活密切相关的神圣或英雄实体(irmin-diot),在日耳曼和凯尔特人的后基督教文学传统中,这种最初的形式被扭曲和转换。 展开更多
关键词 伊尔明 雅利安门 词源 功能 比较神话学
作者 Jimbengtson FritzSolvang PetterWinsnes 《世界建筑导报》 2014年第1期54-57,共4页
关键词 码头 公共空间 海港区 城市 街道 建筑
作者 R.L.bengtson G.Sabbagh 李健 《水土保持科技情报》 1994年第3期28-29,共2页
1981年~1987年,在美国路易斯安那州的Baton Rong地区,进行了地下排水防蚀试验研究。研究结果表明:地下排水措施可减少土壤侵蚀42%,地下排水作为水土保持措施P=0.60,在常规耕作条件下,青贮作物地的土壤流失率为0.11。试验结果还表明:在... 1981年~1987年,在美国路易斯安那州的Baton Rong地区,进行了地下排水防蚀试验研究。研究结果表明:地下排水措施可减少土壤侵蚀42%,地下排水作为水土保持措施P=0.60,在常规耕作条件下,青贮作物地的土壤流失率为0.11。试验结果还表明:在该地区的冬季气候凉爽,降雨充沛,地下排水措施可通过降低水位从而有效地减少土壤侵蚀。 展开更多
关键词 土壤侵蚀 地下排水 P值 热带地区
作者 Tim R.bengtson 《电子产品世界》 1997年第5期32-32,共1页
开关dc-dc变换器经常用在便携式或电池供电设备中,这是因为它具有宽输入电压范围和高效率。 这些变换器把一个恒定功率负载加给 电池—它们的输入电流随着电池电 压减少而增大。 根据电流的定义,当放电进行时, 电荷快速从电池消除。当然... 开关dc-dc变换器经常用在便携式或电池供电设备中,这是因为它具有宽输入电压范围和高效率。 这些变换器把一个恒定功率负载加给 电池—它们的输入电流随着电池电 压减少而增大。 根据电流的定义,当放电进行时, 电荷快速从电池消除。当然,必须知道 电池将维持多长时间带电,而找出它的 最好方法是在实际的产品中进行试验。 然而,假若在产品开发周期的初期也许 还没有样机可用于试验,则需要某种假负载。 展开更多
关键词 恒定功率 负载 变换器
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