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煤矿智能化(初级阶段)技术体系研究与工程进展 被引量:221
作者 王国法 任怀伟 +18 位作者 庞义辉 曹现刚 赵国瑞 陈洪月 杜毅博 毛善君 徐亚军 任世华 程建远 刘思平 范京道 吴群英 孟祥军 杨俊哲 余北建 宣宏斌 孙希奎 张殿振 王海波 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1-27,共27页
煤炭是实现清洁高效利用的最经济、最可靠的能源,煤炭资源的智能、安全、高效开发与低碳清洁利用是实现我国煤炭工业高质量发展的核心技术支撑。基于我国煤矿智能化初级阶段的发展要求,开展了煤矿智能化技术体系研究和工程建设,进行了... 煤炭是实现清洁高效利用的最经济、最可靠的能源,煤炭资源的智能、安全、高效开发与低碳清洁利用是实现我国煤炭工业高质量发展的核心技术支撑。基于我国煤矿智能化初级阶段的发展要求,开展了煤矿智能化技术体系研究和工程建设,进行了智能化煤矿顶层设计研究,以"矿山即平台"的理念将智能化煤矿整体架构分为设备层、基础设施层、服务层与应用层,实现煤矿生产、安全、生态、保障的智能化闭环管理。针对智能化煤矿存在的信息孤岛问题,开展了多源异构数据建模、特征提取与数据挖掘等技术研究,研发了基于数据驱动的信息实体建模与更新技术;研究了智能化煤矿高精度三维地质模型构建方法,通过在刮板输送机上布设巡检机器人与三维激光扫描仪,将三维激光扫描数据与地质模型数据、采煤机位姿数据、采煤机摇臂截割数据进行有效融合,获取采煤机的实时截割曲线,通过比对采煤机实际截割曲线与地质模型的煤岩层分界面曲线,实现基于地质模型动态更新的煤层厚度自适应截割控制方法;研发了工作面采掘接续智能设计技术,实现了接续工作面图纸、规程、规范的智能设计,大幅降低了采掘接续过程中的重复劳动;研究了掘锚一体机的位姿检测与导航技术、自动打锚杆技术、自动铺网技术、巷道三维建模与质量监测技术,探索了基于远程视频监控的巷道智能高效掘进技术与装备;以"有人巡视,无人操作"为特征的智能化开采工作面在全国逐渐推广应用,开展了基于三维地质模型动态更新的采煤机自适应截割技术研发与实践,在部分矿区取得较好的试验效果。分析了智能分选技术、智能辅助运输技术、5G通信技术在煤矿井上下应用存在的技术难点及解决的技术路径,从技术研发角度系统分析了制约智能化煤矿建设的关键技术难题。详细阐述 展开更多
关键词 煤矿智能化 顶层设计 智能化开采 智能掘进 三维地质模型 标准体系
我国首例非洲猪瘟的确诊 被引量:194
作者 王清华 任炜杰 +12 位作者 包静月 戈胜强 李金明 李林 樊晓旭 刘春菊 王华 张永强 徐天刚 段亚良 顾贵波 周晨阳 吴晓东 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2018年第9期1-4,共4页
2018年8月1日,辽宁省报告沈阳市一养猪户饲养的猪陆续发生不明原因死亡,病死猪剖检发现脾脏异常肿大,疑似非洲猪瘟病毒感染。国家外来动物疫病研究中心采集病料进行了检测,确诊为非洲猪瘟病毒核酸阳性,序列分析发现,其B646L/p72基因序列... 2018年8月1日,辽宁省报告沈阳市一养猪户饲养的猪陆续发生不明原因死亡,病死猪剖检发现脾脏异常肿大,疑似非洲猪瘟病毒感染。国家外来动物疫病研究中心采集病料进行了检测,确诊为非洲猪瘟病毒核酸阳性,序列分析发现,其B646L/p72基因序列417个碱基与俄罗斯毒株100%匹配,与俄罗斯和东欧目前流行的格鲁吉亚毒株(Georgia 2007)属于同一进化分支。这是我国发现的首例非洲猪瘟。疫情来源有待进一步调查。 展开更多
关键词 非洲猪瘟 非洲猪瘟病毒 荧光定量PCR 普通PCR ASFV特异性抗体
智能化煤矿顶层设计研究与实践 被引量:150
作者 王国法 杜毅博 +2 位作者 任怀伟 范京道 吴群英 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1909-1924,共16页
建设智能化煤矿是实现煤炭工业转型升级和高质量发展的必由之路。针对当前我国智能化煤矿建设初级阶段缺乏体系性与前瞻性的顶层设计的现状,进行了智能化煤矿顶层设计的系统研究,阐述了智能化煤矿应分为数字融合互联,人机主动交互,主要... 建设智能化煤矿是实现煤炭工业转型升级和高质量发展的必由之路。针对当前我国智能化煤矿建设初级阶段缺乏体系性与前瞻性的顶层设计的现状,进行了智能化煤矿顶层设计的系统研究,阐述了智能化煤矿应分为数字融合互联,人机主动交互,主要系统自学习自决策3个阶段分区域分层次实现“物质流、信息流、业务流”的高度一体化协同,构建以人为本的智能生产与生活协调运行的综合生态圈的建设目标和阶段性任务。基于煤矿价值活动分析对智能化煤矿复杂巨系统逻辑关联进行研究和系统归并,提出以泛在网络和大数据云平台为主要支撑,以智能管控一体化系统为核心,能够实现对煤矿开拓、生产、运营全过程进行感知、分析、决策、控制的煤矿十大主要智能系统,包括:煤矿智慧中心及综合管理系统;煤矿安全高效信息网络及地下精准位置服务系统;地质保障及4D-GIS动态信息系统;巷道智能快速掘进系统;开采工作面智能协同控制系统;煤流及辅助运输与仓储智能系统;煤矿井下环境感知及安全管控系统;煤炭洗选智能化系统;固定场所无人值守智能管理系统;煤矿场区及绿色生态智能系统等的智能化煤矿建设顶层架构。通过对数据特征与关联关系研究提出智能化煤矿信息实体特征与抽取方法,并研究智能化煤矿知识图谱构建及数据交互推送方法,构建智能化煤矿数字逻辑模型;研究提出智能化煤矿“云边端”数据处理架构和三层递阶控制策略,在此基础上对煤矿智能化应用系统进行具体设计。以张家峁煤矿生产矿井智能化改造和巴拉素煤矿新建矿井全面智能化建设为典型案例进行了工程实践。 展开更多
关键词 智能化煤矿 顶层设计 数字逻辑模型 边云协同 控制策略
Identification of a novel coronavirus causing severe pneumonia in human:a descriptive study 被引量:113
作者 Li-Li ren Ye-Ming Wang +33 位作者 Zhi-Qiang Wu Zi-Chun Xiang Li Guo Teng Xu Yong-Zhong Jiang Yan Xiong Yong-Jun Li Xing-Wang Li Hui Li Guo-Hui fan Xiao-Ying Gu Yan Xiao Hong Gao Jiu-Yang Xu fan Yang Xin-Ming Wang Chao Wu Lan Chen Yi-Wei Liu Bo Liu Jian Yang Xiao-Rui Wang Jie Dong Li Li Chao-Lin Huang Jian-Ping Zhao Yi Hu Zhen-Shun Cheng Un-Lin Liu Zhao-Hui Qian Chuan Qin Qi Jin Bin Cao Jian-Wei Wang 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第9期1015-1024,共10页
Background:Human infections with zoonotic coronaviruses(CoVs),including severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS)-CoV,have raised great public health concern globally.Here,... Background:Human infections with zoonotic coronaviruses(CoVs),including severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS)-CoV,have raised great public health concern globally.Here,we report a novel batorigin CoV causing severe and fatal pneumonia in humans.Methods:We collected clinical data and bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL)specimens from five patients with severe pneumonia from Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital,Hubei province,China.Nucleic acids of the BAL were extracted and subjected to next-generation sequencing.Virus isolation was carried out,and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees were constructed.Results:Five patients hospitalized from December 18 to December 29,2019 presented with fever,cough,and dyspnea accompanied by complications of acute respiratory distress syndrome.Chest radiography revealed diffuse opacities and consolidation.One of these patients died.Sequence results revealed the presence of a previously unknownβ-CoV strain in all five patients,with 99.8%to 99.9%nucleotide identities among the isolates.These isolates showed 79.0%nucleotide identity with the sequence of SARS-CoV(GenBank NC_004718)and 51.8%identity with the sequence of MERS-CoV(GenBank NC_019843).The virus is phylogenetically closest to a bat SARS-like CoV(SL-ZC45,GenBank MG772933)with 87.6%to 87.7%nucleotide identity,but is in a separate clade.Moreover,these viruses have a single intact open reading frame gene 8,as a further indicator of bat-origin CoVs.However,the amino acid sequence of the tentative receptor-binding domain resembles that of SARS-CoV,indicating that these viruses might use the same receptor.Conclusion:A novel bat-borne CoV was identified that is associated with severe and fatal respiratory disease in humans. 展开更多
关键词 Bat-origin CORONAVIRUS Zoonotic transmission PNEUMONIA ETIOLOGY Next-generation sequencing
2019 Chinese clinical guidelines for the management of hepatocellular carcinoma: updates and insights 被引量:91
作者 Di-Yang Xie Zheng-Gang ren +2 位作者 Jian Zhou Jia fan Qiang Gao 《Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition》 SCIE 2020年第4期452-463,共12页
Importance:Approximately half of newly-diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)cases in the world occur in China,with hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection being the predominant risk factor.Recently,the guidelines for the ma... Importance:Approximately half of newly-diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)cases in the world occur in China,with hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection being the predominant risk factor.Recently,the guidelines for the management of Chinese HCC patients were updated.Objective:The past decade has witnessed a great improvement in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).This study reviews the recommendations in the 2019 Chinese guidelines and makes comparison with the practices from the Western world.Evidence Review:The updated recommendations on the surveillance,diagnosis,and treatment algorithm of HCC in the 2019 Chinese guidelines were summarized,and comparisons among the updated Chinese guidelines,the European Association for the Study of the Liver(EASL)and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases(AASLD)guidelines were made.Findings:Besides imaging and pathological diagnoses,novel biomarkers like the seven-micro-RNA panel are advocated for early diagnoses and therapeutic efficacy evaluation in the updated Chinese guidelines.The China liver cancer(CNLC)staging system,proposed in the 2017 guidelines,continues to be the standard model for patient classification,with subsequent modifications and updates being made in treatment allocations.Compared to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer(BCLC)system,the CNLC staging system employs resection,transplantation,and transarterial chemoembolization(TACE)for more progressed HCC.TACE in combination with other regional therapies like ablation or with systemic therapies like sorafenib are also encouraged in select patients in China.The systemic treatments for HCC have evolved considerably since lenvatinib,regorafenib,carbozantinib,ramucirumab and immune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)were first prescribed as first-line or second-line agents.Conclusions and Relevances:Novel biomarkers,imaging and operative techniques are recommended in the updated Chinese guideline.More aggressive treatment modalities are suggested for more progressed HBV-related HCC in China. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical practice guidelines hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) DIAGNOSIS treatment algorithm
Crop Yield and Soil Responses to Long-Term Fertilization on a Red Soil in Southern China 被引量:78
作者 ZHANG Hui-Min WANG Bo-ren +1 位作者 XU Ming-Gang fan Ting-Lu 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期199-207,共9页
A 15-year fertilization experiment with different applications of inorganic N,P and K fertilizers and farmyard manure (M)was conducted to study the yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization at Qiyang,Hunan P... A 15-year fertilization experiment with different applications of inorganic N,P and K fertilizers and farmyard manure (M)was conducted to study the yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization at Qiyang,Hunan Province,China. Average grain yields of wheat and corn(1 672 and 5 111 kg ha-1,respectively)for the treatment NPKM were significantly higher than those(405 and 310 kg ha-1)of the unfertilized control and single inorganic fertilizer treatments.Compared with the corresponding initial values of the experiment,all treatments showed a yield decline of 9 to 111 kg ha-1 year-1 in wheat and 35 to 260 kg ha-1 year-1 in corn,respectively,and a significant pH decline of 0.07 to 0.12 pH year?1,except for the treatments PK and NPKM.After long-term fertilization,the soil organic C,soil available P,exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+and available Cu2+and Zn2+contents were higher in the treatment NPKM than in the treatments applied with inorganic fertilizer only.Compared to the treatment NPK,the treatment NPKM,where manure partially replaced inorganic N,had a positive impact on arresting the decline of soil pH.This improved grain yields of wheat and corn, suggesting that application of NPK fertilizer in combination with farmyard manure is important to maintain soil fertility and buffering capacity in red soil. 展开更多
关键词 CORN long-term fertilization red soil WHEAT yield
Current pattern of Chinese dialysis units: a cohort study in a representative sample of units 被引量:74
作者 ZHOU Qiu-gen JIANG Jian-ping +14 位作者 WU Sheng-jie TIAN Jian-wei CHEN Jiang-hua YU Xue-qing CHEN Ping-yan MEI Chang-lin XIONG Fei SHI Wei ZHOU Wei LIU Xu-sheng SUN Shi-ren XIE Di LIU Jun XU Xin HOU fan-fan 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第19期3434-3439,共6页
Background Understanding the characteristics of Chinese dialysis patients and the current practice trends is the first step to evaluate the association between practice pattern and outcome in these populations. In the... Background Understanding the characteristics of Chinese dialysis patients and the current practice trends is the first step to evaluate the association between practice pattern and outcome in these populations. In the present study, we evaluated the status of medical treatment and characteristic features of chronic dialysis patients in China. Methods Through a clustering sampling, we selected 9 centers from the largest dialysis facilities in 6 cities around China. All adult undergoing dialysis in the selected units were screened. A total of 2388 (1775 on hemodialysis (HD) and 613 on peritoneal dialysis (PD)) patients were finally enrolled. All data were collected at enrollment on the bases of review of medical records. Results In this cohort, 1313 (55.0%) were male. The mean age was 54 years old. The median time for dialysis was 26 months (12-51 months). Seventy-five percent of patients were on HD and 25.0% on PD. Among PD patients, about 21% patients did not receive dialysis adequacy. For HD patients, about 14.0% of them did not achieve dialysis adequacy when the target of kt/V was set as 1.2. Only 44.7% of patients achieved blood pressure target of 140/90 mmHg. About 60% of patients did not reach the hemoglobin target of 110 g/L even though 85.0% of them were treated with erythropoietin. In addition, 48.5% of the patients had uncontrolled mineral metabolism revealed by the high calcium-phosphate product. Compared with HD patients, higher level of serum glucose, triglyceride, and total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were more common in PD patients. Conclusions This observational study suggests that many Chinese dialysis patients did not achieve the therapeutic target, particularly in blood pressure control, anemia correction, and mineral balance. PD patients were more likely to suffer metabolic disturbance. 展开更多
关键词 chronic dialysis practice pattern OUTCOME China
甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑用于纤维支气管镜检查中深度镇静的有效剂量观察 被引量:74
作者 贾真 任丽霞 +1 位作者 范叶铁 谭志明 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期813-816,共4页
目的评估甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑用于纤维支气管镜(简称纤支镜)检查中深度镇静的安全性和有效性,并计算其半数有效剂量(ED50)和95%有效剂量(ED95)。方法选择2020年4至8月海南省肿瘤医院拟行纤支镜检查和治疗的美国麻醉医师协会分级(ASA)Ⅰ~Ⅱ... 目的评估甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑用于纤维支气管镜(简称纤支镜)检查中深度镇静的安全性和有效性,并计算其半数有效剂量(ED50)和95%有效剂量(ED95)。方法选择2020年4至8月海南省肿瘤医院拟行纤支镜检查和治疗的美国麻醉医师协会分级(ASA)Ⅰ~Ⅱ级、年龄18~65岁患者50例。用试验剂量的甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑复合0.1μg/kg舒芬太尼进行镇静,待患者睫毛反射消失、改良警觉/镇静评分(MOAA/S评分)<1分后进行纤支镜检查或治疗。首例患者所给予的甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑剂量为0.18 mg/kg,其余患者所使用的剂量则依据序贯试验法计算,试验药物的剂量梯度按1∶1的等比序列设计;并计算ED50和ED95。纤支镜检查或治疗过程中使用甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑1 mg/(kg·h)维持。记录序贯试验的结果和患者达到合适镇静深度的时间,以及术后苏醒和不良反应情况。结果50例患者均顺利完成了纤支镜检查和治疗,根据序贯试验结果计算得出回归方程为Y=12.589+16.593X,甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑用于纤支镜检查中深度镇静的ED50为0.174(95%CI:0.162~0.186)mg/kg,ED95为0.219(95%CI:0.199~0.312)mg/kg。患者达到合适镇静深度的时间为(50±11)s,使用氟马西尼拮抗后,平均苏醒时间为(56±16)s。50例患者中,发生呼吸抑制、头晕头痛和乏力的患者各1例。结论基于甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑的中深度镇静策略可以有效地用于纤支镜检查和治疗。甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑复合0.1μg/kg舒芬太尼用于纤支镜检查中深度镇静的ED50为0.174 mg/kg;ED95为0.219 mg/kg。 展开更多
关键词 支气管镜 药物剂量计算 中深度镇静 甲苯磺酸瑞马唑仑
Association of H.pylori infection with gastric carcinoma:a Meta analysis 被引量:66
作者 Fu-Bo Xue~1 Yong-Yong Xu~1 Yi Wan~1 Bo-Rong Pan~2 Jun ren~2 Dai-Ming fan~3 1 Department of Health Statistics,Department of2 Oncology3 Gastroenterology of XiJing Hospital,the Fourth Military Medical University,Xi’an 710032,Shaanxi Province,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第6期801-804,共4页
AIM: To follow the principles of evidence based medicine to reach the integrated results of these studies. METHODS: Twenty-one papers of case-control studies were selected, including 11 on gastric cancer,7 on precance... AIM: To follow the principles of evidence based medicine to reach the integrated results of these studies. METHODS: Twenty-one papers of case-control studies were selected, including 11 on gastric cancer,7 on precancerous lesion of stomach and 3 on lymphoma of stomach. Meta analysis was used to sum up the odds ratios (OR) of these studies. RESULTS: H. pylori vs gastric cancer (intestinal and diffuse type): the odds ratio from the fixed effect model is 3.0016 (95% CI: 2.4197-3.7234, P【0.001). H. pylori vs precancerous lesion of stomach: a random effect model was used to calculate the summary odds ratio and its value is 2.5635 (95% CI: 1.8477-3.5566, P【0.01). H. pylori vs lymphoma of stomach: though the quantity of literature is too small to make Meta analysis, the data of these 3 studies show that lymphoma of stomach is highly associated with H. pylori infections. CONCLUSION: Since it had been revealed that H. pylori infection pre-exists in gastric carcinoma and precancerous lesions, the results of Meta analysis present a strong evidence to support the conclusion that H. pylori infection is a risk factor for gastric carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Case-Control Studies Helicobacter Infections Humans Research Support Non-U.S. Gov't Stomach Neoplasms
Efficacy of cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin in patients with acute cerebral infarction: a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study 被引量:60
作者 Hui Zhang Chuan-Ling Li +11 位作者 Feng Wan Su-Juan Wang Xiu-E Wei Yan-Lei Hao Hui-Lin Leng Jia-Min Li Zhong-Rui Yan Bao-Jun Wang ren-Shi Xu Ting-Min Yu Li-Chun Zhou Dong-Sheng fan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第7期1266-1273,共8页
Cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin(CEGI)injection is a compound preparation formed by a combination of muscle extract from hea lthy rabbits and brain gangliosides from cattle,and it is generally used as a neuropr... Cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin(CEGI)injection is a compound preparation formed by a combination of muscle extract from hea lthy rabbits and brain gangliosides from cattle,and it is generally used as a neuroprotectant in the treatment of central and peripheral nerve injuries.However,there is still a need for high-level clinical evidence from large samples to support the use of CEGI.We therefore carried out a prospective,multicenter,randomized,double-blind,parallel-group,placebo-controlled study in which we recruited 319 patients with acute cerebral infarction from 16 centers in China from October 2013 to May 2016.The patients were randomized at a 3:1 ratio into CEGI(n=239;155 male,84 female;61.2±9.2 years old)and placebo(n=80;46 male,34 female;63.2±8.28 years old)groups.All patients were given standard care once daily for 14 days,including a 200 mg aspirin enteric-coated tablet and 20 mg atorvastatin calcium,both taken orally,and intravenous infusion of 250–500 mL 0.9%sodium chloride containing 40 mg sodium tanshinone IIA sulfonate.Based on conventional treatment,patients in the CEGI and placebo groups were given 12 mL CEGI or 12 mL sterile water,respectively,in an intravenous drip of 250 mL 0.9%sodium chloride(2 mL/min)once daily for 14 days.According to baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores,patients in the two groups were divided into mild and moderate subgroups.Based on the modified Rankin Scale results,the rate of patients with good outcomes in the CEGI group was higher than that in the placebo group,and the rate of disability in the CEGI group was lower than that in the placebo group on day 90 after treatment.In the CEGI group,neurological deficits were decreased on days 14 and 90 after treatment,as measured by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and the Barthel Index.Subgroup analysis revealed that CEGI led to more significant improvements in moderate stroke patients.No drug-related adverse events occurred in the CEGI or placebo groups.In conclusion,CEGI may be a 展开更多
关键词 acute cerebral infarction Barthel Index cattle encephalon glycoside and ignotin modified Rankin Scale National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale NEUROPROTECTANTS recovery rate stroke
近40年来华北平原地下水位演变研究及其超采治理建议 被引量:52
作者 杨会峰 曹文庚 +7 位作者 支传顺 李泽岩 包锡麟 任宇 柳富田 范存良 王树芳 王亚斌 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1142-1155,共14页
华北平原是中国三大平原之一,同时也是粮食主产区之一,京津冀协同发展区,雄安新区皆位于区内,地理位置极其重要。地下水是华北平原主要的供水水源,占总供水量70%左右,自20世纪70年代末以来地下水开采强度不断增大,长期处于严重超采状态... 华北平原是中国三大平原之一,同时也是粮食主产区之一,京津冀协同发展区,雄安新区皆位于区内,地理位置极其重要。地下水是华北平原主要的供水水源,占总供水量70%左右,自20世纪70年代末以来地下水开采强度不断增大,长期处于严重超采状态,形成规模巨大地下水位降落漏斗,进而引发地面沉降、地裂缝、湿地退化、海水入侵等一系列环境地质问题,制约社会经济可持续发展。研究地下水位演变可以为地下水超采治理及降落漏斗修复提供支撑,本文基于华北平原2019—2020年高密度地下水位统测数据及历史水位资料,研究了2020年现状地下水位流场及漏斗分布状况,系统分析了近40年来地下水位变化特征。研究发现:华北平原东西部浅层地下水位呈现差异化发展,20世纪80年代至2014年平原西部浅层地下水位持续快速下降,累计降幅达20~60 m,太行山前冲洪积扇缘一带水位降幅最大,2014年南水北调工程供水后,西部山前主要城市水位止跌回升;中东部地区水位呈现自然波动状态。深层地下水位20世纪80年代至2014年,总体呈下降趋势,中东部地区水位降幅度最大,累计达到40~90 m;2014年后城市区与农业区深层地下水位呈差异化发展,城区水位回升明显,周边农业区仍呈快速下降趋势。此外,在地下水演变分析基础上,以地下水采补平衡及水位恢复为目标,提出了开展超采区防控目标水位阈值研究、制定地下水减采和回补精准治理方案、优化地下水位监测网以及南水北调农业水源置换可行性研究等建议。研究成果对支撑华北平原地下水超采精准治理,地下水位降落漏斗修复和地下水资源合理开发与管理都具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 华北平原 地下水位演变 地下水位降落漏斗 超采治理建议 水文地质调查工程
Transarterial chemoembolization with PD-(L)1 inhibitors plus molecular targeted therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma(CHANCE001) 被引量:47
作者 Hai-Dong Zhu Hai-Liang Li +61 位作者 Ming-Sheng Huang Wei-Zhu Yang Guo-Wen Yin Bin-Yan Zhong Jun-Hui Sun Zhi-Cheng Jin Jian-Jian Chen Nai-Jian Ge Wen-Bin Ding Wen-Hui Li Jin-Hua Huang Wei Mu Shan-Zhi Gu Jia-Ping Li Hui Zhao Shu-Wei Wen Yan-Ming Lei Yu-Sheng Song Chun-Wang Yuan Wei-Dong Wang Ming Huang Wei Zhao Jian-Bing Wu Song Wang Xu Zhu Jian-Jun Han Wei-Xin ren Zai-Ming Lu Wen-Ge Xing Yong fan Hai-Lan Lin Zi-Shu Zhang Guo-Hui Xu Wen-Hao Hu Qiang Tu Hong-Ying Su Chuan-Sheng Zheng Yong Chen Xu-Ya Zhao Zhu-Ting fang Qi Wang Jin-Wei Zhao Ai-Bing Xu Jian Xu Qing-Hua Wu Huan-Zhang Niu Jian Wang Feng Dai Dui-Ping Feng Qing-Dong Li Rong-Shu Shi Jia-Rui Li Guang Yang Hai-Bin Shi Jian-Song Ji Yu-E Liu Zheng Cai Po Yang Yang Zhao Xiao-Li Zhu Li-Gong Lu Gao-Jun Teng 《Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期1198-1207,共10页
There is considerable potential for integrating transarterial chemoembolization(TACE),programmed death-(ligand)1(PD-[L]1)inhibitors,and molecular targeted treatments(MTT)in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).It is necessar... There is considerable potential for integrating transarterial chemoembolization(TACE),programmed death-(ligand)1(PD-[L]1)inhibitors,and molecular targeted treatments(MTT)in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).It is necessary to investigate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of TACE combined with PD-(L)1 inhibitors and MTT in real-world situations.In this nationwide,retrospective,cohort study,826 HCC patients receiving either TACE plus PD-(L)1 blockades and MTT(combination group,n=376)or TACE monotherapy(monotherapy group,n=450)were included from January 2018 to May 2021.The primary endpoint was progression-free survival(PFS)according to modified RECIST.The secondary outcomes included overall survival(OS),objective response rate(ORR),and safety.We performed propensity score matching approaches to reduce bias between two groups.After matching,228 pairs were included with a predominantly advanced disease population.Median PFS in combination group was 9.5 months(95%confidence interval[CI],8.4-11.0)versus 8.0 months(95%CI,6.6-9.5)(adjusted hazard ratio[HR],0.70,P=0.002).OS and ORR were also significantly higher in combination group(median OS,19.2[16.1-27.3]vs.15.7 months[13.0-20.2];adjusted HR,0.63,P=0.001;ORR,60.1%vs.32.0%;P<0.001).Grade 3/4 adverse events were observed at a rate of 15.8%and 7.5%in combination and monotherapy groups,respectively.Our results suggest that TACE plus PD-(L)1 blockades and MTT could significantly improve PFS,OS,and ORR versus TACE monotherapy for Chinese patients with predominantly advanced HCC in real-world practice,with an acceptable safety profile. 展开更多
中国人心理健康素养干预效果的元分析 被引量:48
作者 任志洪 赵春晓 +5 位作者 田凡 闫玉朋 李丹阳 赵子仪 谭梦鸰 江光荣 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期497-512,I0002-I0010,共25页
本研究遵循PRISMA-Protocol,运用元分析的技术,以心理健康素养的知识、污名态度和求助为结果变量,考察干预效果及影响因素,以期为更高效地提升心理健康素养提供参考。元分析共纳入38项研究。结果发现:干预对知识、污名态度和求助的即时... 本研究遵循PRISMA-Protocol,运用元分析的技术,以心理健康素养的知识、污名态度和求助为结果变量,考察干预效果及影响因素,以期为更高效地提升心理健康素养提供参考。元分析共纳入38项研究。结果发现:干预对知识、污名态度和求助的即时效果量达到显著的中到大的效果(知识:g=0.70,污名态度:g=0.52,求助:g=1.18)。亚组分析结果表明:心理健康素养的干预效果受地域、被干预者类型、干预中的互动与接触以及试验类型等多个变量的影响。后续研究应进一步探索心理健康素养的调节变量,并结合中国文化,制定针对不同干预对象的个性化干预方案,以提升干预效益。 展开更多
关键词 心理健康素养 干预效果 互动 接触
Expression of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor in different clinical stages of human esophageal carcinoma 被引量:41
作者 Li Chen Guo-Sheng ren +1 位作者 fan Li Shan-Quan Sun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第37期5749-5754,共6页
AIM: To investigate the role of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human esophageal carcinoma, and analyze its relationship to clinical stages.METHODS: Expression of Livin in fresh esophageal c... AIM: To investigate the role of Livin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in human esophageal carcinoma, and analyze its relationship to clinical stages.METHODS: Expression of Livin in fresh esophageal cancer tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blotting and reverse transcriptasepolyrnerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and VEGF by Western blotting and RT-PCR. All statistical analyses were performed by SPSS version 11.0. RESULTS: Livin positivity was also significantly correlated with tumor stages, increasing with tumor progression. Expression of Livin and VEGF increased with the process of esophageal carcinoma. In the fourth clinical stage, expression of Livin and VEGF was the most significant. Expression of Livin was positively correlated with VEGF. CONCLUSION: Over-expression of Livin and VEGF contributes to the pathogenesis of esophageal carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal carcinoma LIVIN Vascular endothelial growth factor
大规模风电直流送出系统过电压抑制措施及控制方案优化研究 被引量:43
作者 任冲 柯贤波 +2 位作者 樊国伟 刘旭晨 陆海洋 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期163-174,共12页
大规模风电特高压直流集中外送系统中,直流故障时由于扰动大且风电机组抗电压扰动能力差,暂态过电压问题突出,导致直流功率和新能源功率形成互相制约的矛盾关系,严重影响大规模风电特高压直流外送系统安全稳定运行和近区新能源消纳。为... 大规模风电特高压直流集中外送系统中,直流故障时由于扰动大且风电机组抗电压扰动能力差,暂态过电压问题突出,导致直流功率和新能源功率形成互相制约的矛盾关系,严重影响大规模风电特高压直流外送系统安全稳定运行和近区新能源消纳。为解决上述问题,提升大规模直流送出系统稳定水平及新能源消纳能力,分析了大规模风电直流送出系统电网暂态压升机理及影响过电压水平的因素,根据影响过电压水平的关键因素,提出利用风机过压保护差异性,允许部分风机高压保护动作脱网,利用直流FLC(Frequency limit control)功能及联切风电场电容器阻断大规模新能源连锁故障、优化风电机组无功控制特性等多项组合措施以降低过电压的思路。根据上述思路,以祁韶直流风电送出系统为研究对象,制定了直流近区新能源优化控制方案,仿真计算结果证明了文中所提思路的有效性。文中成果已经在祁韶直流运行控制中得到实际应用,有效提升了新能源消纳能力和系统稳定水平。 展开更多
关键词 特高压直流 风电控制 直流故障 暂态过电压 直流FLC
贵州省都匀市滑坡易发性评价研究 被引量:41
作者 任敬 范宣梅 +2 位作者 赵程 周礼 窦向阳 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期165-172,共8页
都匀市是贵州省城镇滑坡地质灾害多发频发区。文章以都匀市沙包堡镇为研究区,采用栅格单元提取高程、坡度、岩性、水系等9项致灾因子,分别使用都基于数学统计模型的定量分析方法(二元逻辑回归模型、信息量模型)和定性分析方法(层次分析... 都匀市是贵州省城镇滑坡地质灾害多发频发区。文章以都匀市沙包堡镇为研究区,采用栅格单元提取高程、坡度、岩性、水系等9项致灾因子,分别使用都基于数学统计模型的定量分析方法(二元逻辑回归模型、信息量模型)和定性分析方法(层次分析模型)对都匀市研究区滑坡地质灾害易发性进行评价。结果表明:二元逻辑回归模型预测精度与预测效果均为最优,其ROC曲线下面积AUC值为0.873,易发性分区中高易发区和中易发区内预测发生滑坡面积比占95.41%,且最符合野外实地调查验证情况。评价方法与结果可为贵州城镇地区滑坡地质灾害评价和防治提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 易发性评价 二元逻辑回归模型 信息量模型 层次分析模型
中国急性阑尾炎2017年诊疗状况分析 被引量:39
作者 吴婕 徐新建 +46 位作者 徐皓 马刚 马驰 朱孝成 任泽强 吴旭东 陈英杰 翁延宏 胡立平 陈飞 蒋勇敢 刘宏斌 王明 杨振华 余雄 李良 张钦增 姚志刚 李为 苗建军 杨鲤光 曹辉 陈帆 吴建军 王仕琛 曾冬竹 张军 何永庆 曹建良 周文星 蒋志龙 张东明 朱建伟 岳文明 张永玺 侯俊岭 钟飞 王军炜 蔡昶 李宏燕 廖卫顺 张海洋 召日格图 刘秦杰 王之伟 陈灿文 任建安 《中华胃肠外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期49-58,共10页
目的分析当前中国急性阑尾炎的诊疗现状。方法采用问卷调查形式,回顾性收集全国43家医疗中心(按提供病例量排序:解放军东部战区总医院、新疆医科大学第一附属医院、安徽省六安市人民医院、山东省滕州市中心人民医院、辽宁省大连市中心... 目的分析当前中国急性阑尾炎的诊疗现状。方法采用问卷调查形式,回顾性收集全国43家医疗中心(按提供病例量排序:解放军东部战区总医院、新疆医科大学第一附属医院、安徽省六安市人民医院、山东省滕州市中心人民医院、辽宁省大连市中心医院、江苏省徐州医科大学附属医院、山东省东营市人民医院、福建省晋江市中医院、安徽省黄山首康医院、江苏省盱眙县人民医院、南京江北人民医院、解放军联勤保障部队第九四〇医院、山东省菏泽市立医院、湖北宜昌市中心人民医院、江西省九江市第一人民医院、合肥市第二人民医院、山东省枣庄矿业集团中心医院、江苏省昆山市第三人民医院、江苏省徐州市第一人民医院、解放军陆军第八十一集团军医院、山东省临沂市中心医院、安徽省淮南东方医院集团总医院、解放军联勤保障部队第九〇八医院、江苏省溧阳市人民医院、解放军联勤保障部队第九〇一医院、重庆医科大学附属第三医院、吉林大学第四医院、黑龙江省阿城区人民医院、郑州大学第一附属医院、南京市六合区人民医院、江苏省泰兴市人民医院、内蒙古自治区包头市中心医院、江苏省南通大学附属医院、山东省临沂市人民医院、解放军陆军第七十二集团军医院、山东省枣庄市立医院、江西省大余县人民医院、江苏省泰兴市中医院、安徽省宿州市立医院、北京中国中医科学院广安门医院、安徽省郎溪县中医院、河南省南阳市中心医院、内蒙古医科大学附属人民医院)2017年全年急性阑尾炎住院治疗病例资料,通过统一汇总,对急性阑尾炎的诊断及治疗情况进行分析。结果共纳入43家医疗中心8766例急性阑尾炎患者的病历资料,其中男性4711例(53.7%),中位年龄39岁,65岁以上患者958例(10.9%)。有5677例(64.6%)接受1项及以上影像学检查,而有 展开更多
关键词 急性阑尾炎 阑尾切除术 保守治疗 预后
Karyotype Stability and Unbiased Fractionation in the Paleo-Allotetraploid Cucurbita Genomes 被引量:38
作者 Honghe Sun Shan WU +14 位作者 Guoyu Zhang Chen Jiao Shaogui Guo Yi ren Jie Zhang Haiying Zhang Guoyi Gong Zhangcai Jia fan Zhang Jiaxing Tian William J. Lucas Jeff J. Doyle Haizhen Li Zhangjun Fei Yong Xu 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1293-1306,共14页
The Cucurbita genus contains several economically important species in the Cucurbitaceae family. Here, we report high-quality genome sequences of C. maxima and C. moschata and provide evidence supporting an allotetrap... The Cucurbita genus contains several economically important species in the Cucurbitaceae family. Here, we report high-quality genome sequences of C. maxima and C. moschata and provide evidence supporting an allotetraploidization event in Cucurbita. We are able to partition the genome into two homoeologous subgenomes based on different genetic distances to melon, cucumber, and watermelon in the Benincaseae tribe. We estimate that the two diploid progenitors successively diverged from Benincaseae around 31 and 26 million years ago (Mya), respectively, and the allotetraploidization happened at some point between 26 Mya and 3 Mya, the estimated date when C. maxima and C. moschata diverged. The subgenomes have largely maintained the chromosome structures of their diploid progenitors. Such long-term karyotype stability after polyploidization has not been commonly observed in plant polyploids. The two subgenomes have retained similar numbers of genes, and neither subgenome is globally dominant in gene expression. Allele-specific expression analysis in the C. maxima ×C. moschata interspecific F1 hybrid and their two parents indicates the predominance of trans-regulatory effects underlying expression divergence of the parents, and detects transgressive gene expression changes in the hybrid correlated with heterosis in important agronomic traits. Our study provides insights into polyploid genome evolution and valuable resources for genetic improvement of cucurbit crops. 展开更多
关键词 Cucurbita maxima Cucurbita moschata paleo-allotetraploid karyotype stability unbiased fractionation allele-specific expression
基于特征量优选与ICA-SVM的变压器故障诊断模型 被引量:38
作者 田凤兰 张恩泽 +4 位作者 潘思蓉 杭颖 任广为 范贤浩 张恒 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期163-170,共8页
为了弥补现有变压器故障诊断方法在油中气体分析(DGA)特征量选取和诊断模型方面的不足,采用 IEC 三比值法中的 3 种气体比值作为变压器故障诊断的特征量。同时从含有 8 种油中溶解气体中任意 3 种及以上的共 254种气体组合中筛选出准确... 为了弥补现有变压器故障诊断方法在油中气体分析(DGA)特征量选取和诊断模型方面的不足,采用 IEC 三比值法中的 3 种气体比值作为变压器故障诊断的特征量。同时从含有 8 种油中溶解气体中任意 3 种及以上的共 254种气体组合中筛选出准确率最高的 3 组最优 DGA 特征气体组合,将其作为对照组特征量。然后采用帝国竞争算法(ICA)优化支持向量机的变压器故障诊断模型(ICA-SVM),与标准支持向量机(SVM)法、粒子群优化向量机(PSO-SVM)以及 IEC 三比值法进行对比。实例结果表明:三气体比值特征量相比 3 组最优 DGA 气体组合,故障识别准确率提高了 10%左右;ICA-SVM 故障诊断模型相比标准 SVM 法、PSO-SVM 和 IEC 三比值法故障识别准确率提高了 7%~35%;综合三比值特征量与 ICA-SVM 故障诊断模型的准确率为 89.3%,相较其他几种方法准确率提升了 7%~35%。结果验证了该方法的有效性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 电力变压器 故障诊断 三比值 帝国竞争算法 支持向量机
植物精油药物作用研究进展 被引量:37
作者 任澎 范宁 +1 位作者 田淼 秦元华 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期2507-2511,共5页
植物精油是存在于植物体中的一类可随水蒸气蒸馏、且具有特殊香气的、在常温下能挥发的油状液体的总称。芳香疗法是将气味芬芳的植物精油制成适当的剂型,作用于全身或者局部用于减轻、预防或治疗人体某些疾病的一种辅助方法。一直以来,... 植物精油是存在于植物体中的一类可随水蒸气蒸馏、且具有特殊香气的、在常温下能挥发的油状液体的总称。芳香疗法是将气味芬芳的植物精油制成适当的剂型,作用于全身或者局部用于减轻、预防或治疗人体某些疾病的一种辅助方法。一直以来,精油在美容、保健养生方面有着广泛的应用并且为人们所熟知。近年来,科研工作者对植物精油在医药卫生领域中的应用进行了较为深入的研究。发现许多植物精油都具有多方面的生物活性,在改善记忆、抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、缓解疼痛等方面均具有一定的作用。现代的国际交流和临床探索使植物精油的研究和应用产生了质的飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 植物精油 芳香疗法 研究进展
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