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马鞍山市大学生HIV检测认知及检测意愿调查 被引量:11
作者 秦其荣 高媛 +4 位作者 宗美 朱宏斌 张振 孔剑 陈佰峰 《职业与健康》 CAS 2017年第24期3407-3410,3414,共5页
目的了解马鞍山市大学生人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者检测率、检测认知、检测意愿及影响因素,为高校在大学生中开展HIV检测提供决策依据。方法在马鞍山市4所高校中采取整群抽样的方法对2 928名学生进行匿名问卷调查。结果调查对象2 928... 目的了解马鞍山市大学生人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者检测率、检测认知、检测意愿及影响因素,为高校在大学生中开展HIV检测提供决策依据。方法在马鞍山市4所高校中采取整群抽样的方法对2 928名学生进行匿名问卷调查。结果调查对象2 928人中有437人做过HIV检测,占14.9%,曾经参加过付费的HIV检测的有225人,占检测人数的51.5%,近1年(2015年10月—2016年10月)参加过HIV检测的有83人,占检测人数的19.0%;今后想去做HIV检测的有1 102人,占37.6%,其中最愿意接受HIV血液快速检测的有529人,占48.0%,HIV唾液快速检测的有377人,占34.2%,HIV酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)测定的有196人,占17.8%。如果想做HIV检测,最愿意在各级各类医院中进行HIV检测的有239人,占21.7%,疾病预防控制中心的有570人,占51.7%,艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)门诊的有268人,占24.3%,高校医院的有23人,占2.1%,其他的有2人,占0.2%。调查对象中听说过HIV检测、听说过艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)、听说过HIV快速检测、知道提供HIV检测机构的检测组明显高于未检测组的(χ~2=30.089,P<0.01;χ~2=71.416,P<0.01;χ~2=118.763,P<0.01;χ~2=188.038,P<0.01);男生HIV检测率17.5%(254/1 451)明显高于女生HIV检测率12.4%(183/1 477)(χ~2=15.083,P<0.01)。非条件logistic回归分析显示听说过HIV快速检测(OR=1.740,95%CI:1.347~2.248)、知道提供HIV检测机构(OR=2.879,95%CI:2.272~3.648)差异有统计学意义。结论马鞍山市大学生HIV检测率较低,HIV检测相关知识低是影响大学生HIV检测的主要因素,HIV快速检测是大学生最愿意接受的检测方式。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 人类免疫缺陷病毒 检测 影响因素
马鞍山市大学生安全套认知与性行为现状 被引量:6
作者 秦其荣 高媛 +4 位作者 宗美 朱宏斌 张振 孔剑 文育锋 《职业与健康》 CAS 2018年第6期784-787,791,共5页
目的了解马鞍山市大学生对于安全套知识的知晓、安全套使用、恋爱及婚前性行为态度、性行为情况,为高校加强对大学生关于安全套相关知识的普及与预防艾滋病提供决策依据。方法在马鞍山市4所高校中采取整群抽样的方法对学生进行匿名问卷... 目的了解马鞍山市大学生对于安全套知识的知晓、安全套使用、恋爱及婚前性行为态度、性行为情况,为高校加强对大学生关于安全套相关知识的普及与预防艾滋病提供决策依据。方法在马鞍山市4所高校中采取整群抽样的方法对学生进行匿名问卷调查。结果调查对象自报性取向为异性的有2 682人,占91.6%;同性的有83人,占2.3%;双性的有61人,占2.1%;不确定的有102人,占3.5%;其中男生有同性性取向的占5.4%,女性有同性性取向的占4.4%。自报有过性行为(指阴道交、肛交、口交)经历的有122人,占4.2%;第1次发生性行为时使用安全套的有57人,占46.7%;最近1年与临时性伴发生过性行为的有34人,占1.2%,占有过性行为的27.9%;最近1年发生过商业性行为的有13人,占0.4%,占有过性行为的10.7%;调查对象中吸毒的有10人,占0.3%;最近1年与同性发生过肛交性行为的有10人,占自报同性恋总数的6.9%。结论大学生安全套认知高,但婚外性行为发生率高而安全套使用率较低。应加大高校大学生安全性行为宣传教育力度,促进其不安全性行为发生改变。 展开更多
关键词 大学生 安全套 性行为
作者 樊启荣 郭梦圆 《保险研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期116-127,共12页
当下保险业高速发展,保险消费者权益受侵害的问题日益凸显。《保险法》明定消费者保护原则的必要性,由保险交易之特点决定,体现于保险制度功能的变迁中,并在现代保险立法强调保险消费者保护的理念中得到印证。保险交易中,受保险合同的... 当下保险业高速发展,保险消费者权益受侵害的问题日益凸显。《保险法》明定消费者保护原则的必要性,由保险交易之特点决定,体现于保险制度功能的变迁中,并在现代保险立法强调保险消费者保护的理念中得到印证。保险交易中,受保险合同的附合性、信息偏在问题以及消费者自身局限等因素的影响,保险消费者劣势地位明显。保险制度的功能经历了从“分散海上风险”到“防范道德风险”,再到“保护被保险大众”的演进。海上保险属商人保险,立法更多考虑保险人利益;现代保险中消费者保险占据重要地位,立法更侧重保险消费者权益保护。现行《保险法》第1条虽然确立了保护保险活动当事人合法权益的立法目的,但忽视了保险消费者相较于保险人的劣势地位。未来应以《保险法》第五次修改为契机,在总则立法目的中明定消费者保护原则,申明保险消费者保护的重要性,以期对保险消费者保护理念的深入及相关规则之适用有所助益。 展开更多
关键词 商人保险 消费者保险 信息不对称 消费者保护原则 消费者权益保护
美墨加协定对中国经济的影响及对策研究 被引量:5
作者 朱启荣 孙明松 袁其刚 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期53-62,147,148,共12页
为了减少新冠肺炎疫情对美国经济的影响,在特朗普极限施压下,美墨加协定于2020年7月1日正式生效。对美国、加拿大、墨西哥与中国的贸易现状进行分析,采用GTAP模型评估美墨加协定对中国经济的影响,并模拟分析中国采取扩大国内需求与加强... 为了减少新冠肺炎疫情对美国经济的影响,在特朗普极限施压下,美墨加协定于2020年7月1日正式生效。对美国、加拿大、墨西哥与中国的贸易现状进行分析,采用GTAP模型评估美墨加协定对中国经济的影响,并模拟分析中国采取扩大国内需求与加强国际经济合作来对冲美墨加协定影响的效果,得到如下结论:美墨加协定可能对我国GDP、居民收入和消费支出、社会福利水平、资本净收益率以及进出口贸易、贸易条件和产出具有负面影响;中国采取扩大国内需求与加强国际合作相结合的方法,可以减少甚至消除美墨加协定对中国经济的负面影响。 展开更多
关键词 美墨加协定 经济影响 应对策略 GTAP模型
汽车用6060铝合金吸能盒的压溃性能试验研究 被引量:5
作者 浦俭英 李其荣 +3 位作者 怯喜周 吴桂兰 袁鹏 周晓俊 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第11期46-49,共4页
作为汽车防撞梁的关键部件6060铝合金吸能盒,它的压溃性能是衡量防撞梁安全性的重要指标。吸能盒是用挤压型材制造的,试验研究了6060铝合金的熔铸、铸锭均匀化、挤压及热处理工艺对吸能盒型材力学性能和压溃性能的影响。研究结果表明:... 作为汽车防撞梁的关键部件6060铝合金吸能盒,它的压溃性能是衡量防撞梁安全性的重要指标。吸能盒是用挤压型材制造的,试验研究了6060铝合金的熔铸、铸锭均匀化、挤压及热处理工艺对吸能盒型材力学性能和压溃性能的影响。研究结果表明:铸锭均匀化温度565℃-575℃、保温时间5 h.冷却方式水冷,可以使铸锭获得细小均匀的组织,其晶界和晶粒内部析出相也较少;挤压工艺参数为坯锭温度510℃±5℃、出口冷却方式为风冷;型材进行175℃、8h时效处理,可以获得满足客户要求的力学性能,且压溃性能也最好。 展开更多
关键词 6060铝合金型材 热处理 压溃性能
2018年茂名地区放射作业人员甲状腺功能水平分析 被引量:5
作者 吴圻荣 林芝源 吴智君 《职业与健康》 CAS 2020年第2期244-246,共3页
目的了解茂名地区长期职业接触低剂量电离辐射对放射作业人员甲状腺功能的影响。方法对2018年1-12月在茂名市职业病防治院进行职业健康检查的1 672名放射作业人员进行调查,用免疫化学发光法测定血清中游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离... 目的了解茂名地区长期职业接触低剂量电离辐射对放射作业人员甲状腺功能的影响。方法对2018年1-12月在茂名市职业病防治院进行职业健康检查的1 672名放射作业人员进行调查,用免疫化学发光法测定血清中游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)和促甲状腺素(TSH)的水平,并以非接触电离辐射的942名健康检查者为对照组,进行统计分析。结果放射作业人员平均FT3和FT4水高于对照组(t=19.317、4.251,均P<0.01),TSH水平低于对照组(t=6.327,P<0.01)。放射作业人员中,男性的FT3和FT4水平高于女性(t=13.859、7.342,均P<0.01),而TSH水平低于女性(t=11.038,P<0.01)。放射作业人员的甲状腺功能与性别有关,与工种和射龄无相关性。结论长期接触低剂量电离辐射会对放射作业人员的甲状腺功能产生一定的影响。 展开更多
关键词 放射作业人员 职业接触 电离辐射 甲状腺功能
药物代谢诱导毒性的体外预测方法研究进展 被引量:2
作者 孙亚奇 陆启荣 +4 位作者 刘爱梅 刘振利 王旭 潘源虎 袁宗辉 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第11期1000-1006,共7页
药物代谢诱导的毒性反应是导致候选化合物在药物开发中失败的一个主要原因,建立简便、快速、准确的毒性预测方法是毒理学研究的重点之一。本文对由药物代谢物诱导的毒性体外预测方法进行综述,主要包括计算毒理学方法、肝样细胞模型、高... 药物代谢诱导的毒性反应是导致候选化合物在药物开发中失败的一个主要原因,建立简便、快速、准确的毒性预测方法是毒理学研究的重点之一。本文对由药物代谢物诱导的毒性体外预测方法进行综述,主要包括计算毒理学方法、肝样细胞模型、高通量芯片模型和三维细胞培养法等。计算毒理学基于计算机技术、生物信息学以及现有的实验数据对先导化合物和候选药物对人体产生的代谢毒性进行预测,它能缩短研发周期,降低开发成本,提高新药开发成功率,但高度依赖于现有的实验数据。高通量芯片技术利用生物化学以及细胞培养技术对一系列化合物的生物活性进行筛选和检测,此模型目前还处于初级阶段,还需继续进行深入研究。三维细胞模型可模拟体内细胞的生长微环境,很好地表现出细胞在体内的生理状态,尤其是对中空纤维三维生物反应器以及器官芯片系统技术的开发,使得体外预测药物代谢与毒性更加准确真实,但需要在细胞活力和稳定性、关键代谢以及信号通路等方面对平台进行比较。基于计算毒理学方法、肝样细胞模型、高通量芯片模型和三维细胞培养等模型的研究将为代谢物毒性体外预测提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 药物 代谢 毒性 体外 预测方法
Al-Si-Mg-Mn合金型材氧化物夹杂缺陷的原因分析 被引量:1
作者 李其荣 浦俭英 +3 位作者 怯喜周 吴桂兰 袁鹏 周晓俊 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 2022年第2期52-54,共3页
针对Al-Si-Mg-Mn合金型材中发现有异物掉落缺陷的问题,采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及EDS分析研究缺陷的形貌和组织。研究结果表明:该异物为氧化铝夹杂,是由于在熔炼和铸造过程当中,铝合金熔体表面与空气接触,并重复发生高温氧化反应而形... 针对Al-Si-Mg-Mn合金型材中发现有异物掉落缺陷的问题,采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及EDS分析研究缺陷的形貌和组织。研究结果表明:该异物为氧化铝夹杂,是由于在熔炼和铸造过程当中,铝合金熔体表面与空气接触,并重复发生高温氧化反应而形成氧化膜,这些氧化薄膜浮在熔体表面,不分解且不易溶于熔体,当操作不当时,浮在熔体表面的氧化皮会被卷入熔体内,最后留在铸锭中,形成氧化铝夹杂。 展开更多
关键词 Al-Si-Mg-Mn合金 氧化铝 夹杂
About 300 days Optical Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the Long-term Light Curves of the Blazar PKS 2155-304
作者 qi Zheng Xue-Guang Zhang qi-rong yuan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第8期284-293,共10页
Based on the long-term light curves collected from the Catalina Sky Survey(CSS)(from 2005 to 2013)and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae(ASAS-SN)(from 2014 to 2018),optical quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs)ab... Based on the long-term light curves collected from the Catalina Sky Survey(CSS)(from 2005 to 2013)and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae(ASAS-SN)(from 2014 to 2018),optical quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs)about 300 days can be well determined in the well-known blazar PKS 2155-304 through four different methods:the generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram(GLSP)method,the weighted wavelet Z-transform technique,the epoch-folded method and the redfit method.The GLSP determined significance level for the periodicity is higher than 99.9999%based on a false alarm probability.The redfit provided confidence level for the periodicity is higher than 99%in the ASAS-SN light curve,after considering the effects of red noise.Based on continuous autoregressive process created artificial light curves,the probability of detecting fake QPOs is lower than 0.8%.The determined optical periodicity of 300 days from the CSS and ASAS-SN light curves is well consistent with the reported optical periodicity in the literature.Moreover,three possible models are discussed to explain the optical QPOs in PKS 2155-304:the relativistic frame-dragging effect,the binary black hole model and the jet precession model. 展开更多
关键词 (galaxies:)BL Lacertae objects:individual(PKS 2155-304) galaxies:active (galaxies:)quasars:supermassive black holes
基于容量限幅的三相四线制DSTATCOM不平衡补偿策略 被引量:1
作者 赵荔 魏应冬 +3 位作者 姜齐荣 马慧远 于希娟 袁志昌 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期8-15,共8页
为灵活补偿低压配电系统中存在的大量不平衡电流并防止装置过流,提出了一种基于容量限幅的三相四线制DSTATCOM不平衡补偿策略。当DSTATCOM容量不足以补偿全部不平衡电流时,将优先补偿零序电流,使配电变压器中性线电流满足行业标准,并在... 为灵活补偿低压配电系统中存在的大量不平衡电流并防止装置过流,提出了一种基于容量限幅的三相四线制DSTATCOM不平衡补偿策略。当DSTATCOM容量不足以补偿全部不平衡电流时,将优先补偿零序电流,使配电变压器中性线电流满足行业标准,并在最大程度上补偿负序电流。与比例限流保护相比,该策略限流效果无时延,且能灵活地设定负序电流和零序电流补偿量。基于MATLAB的数值仿真和基于PSCAD/EMTDC的电磁暂态仿真均验证了该算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 不平衡补偿 三相四线制 有限容量 零序优先
50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂喷洒法杀灭钉螺效果观察 被引量:1
作者 李秋平 李之阳 +5 位作者 杨其荣 廖远志 贾铁武 周杰 王慧岚 李胜明 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2018年第9期1043-1046,共4页
目的观察50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂喷洒法在湖沼型外洲的现场灭螺效果。方法在湖南省安乡县安丰乡黄家台外洲芦苇区分别设立实验组、对照组和空白组,实验组为50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂,按2 g/m2和1 g/m2施药量分为2组;对照组为50%杀螺胺... 目的观察50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂喷洒法在湖沼型外洲的现场灭螺效果。方法在湖南省安乡县安丰乡黄家台外洲芦苇区分别设立实验组、对照组和空白组,实验组为50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂,按2 g/m2和1 g/m2施药量分为2组;对照组为50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂,试验剂量为2 g/m2,空白组不进行现场灭螺处理,仅作钉螺自然死亡率观察。结果灭螺后3、7、15 d观察50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂2 g/m2组与1 g/m2组,钉螺校正死亡率均高于50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂2 g/m2组,且差异均有统计学意义(χ~2=19.35,25.59、27.77,均P<0.01)。15 d后活螺密度50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂2 g/m2组下降93.60%,1 g/m2组下降86.86%,50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉剂2 g/m2组下降82.99%。2 g/m2杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂活螺密度下降率高2 g/m2可湿粉剂10.61%。100 m2灭螺费用:每1%钉螺死亡率和活螺平均密度每下降1%所需费用均以50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂2 g/m2组为低。结论悬浮剂灭螺效果优于可湿性粉剂,50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂是一种高效、溶解度高、灭螺成本低的杀螺新型剂,可推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 钉螺 50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐悬浮剂 50%杀螺胺乙醇胺盐可湿性粉 杀螺效果 钉螺湖沼型外洲
Multicolor photometry of the galaxy cluster A98: substructures and star formation properties
作者 Li Zhang qi-rong yuan +5 位作者 Xu Zhou Zhao-Ji Jiang Yan-Bin Yang Jun Ma Jiang-Hua Wu Zhen-Yu Wu 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期1-21,共21页
An optical photometric observation with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan- Connecticut (BATC) multicolor system is carried out for A98 (z =0.104), a galaxy cluster with two large enhancements in X-ray surface brightness.... An optical photometric observation with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan- Connecticut (BATC) multicolor system is carried out for A98 (z =0.104), a galaxy cluster with two large enhancements in X-ray surface brightness. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) covering 15 intermediate bands are obtained for all sources detected down to V - 20 mag in a field of 58′× 58′. After star-galaxy separation with colorcolor diagrams, a photometric redshift technique is applied to the galaxy sample for further membership determination. The color-magnitude relation is taken as a further restriction of the early-type cluster galaxies. As a result, a list of 198 faint member galaxies is achieved. Based on the newly generated sample of member galaxies, the dynamical substructures, A98N, A98S, and A98W, are investigated in detail. A separate galaxy group, A98X, is also found to the south of the main concentration of A98, which is gravitationally unbound to A98. For 74 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies, the environmental effect on the star formation history is investigated. The bright galaxies in the core region are found to have shorter time scales of star formation, longer mean stellar ages, and higher interstellar medium metallicities, which can be interpreted in the context of the hierarchical cosmological scenario. 展开更多
关键词 GALAXIES CLUSTERS individual (A98) - galaxies distances and redshifts - galaxies kinematics and dynamics - galaxies evolution - methods data analysis
The abundance of massive compact galaxies at 1.0
作者 Shi-Ying Lu Yi-Zhou Gu +1 位作者 Guan-Wen Fang qi-rong yuan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第10期109-120,共12页
Based on a large sample of massive(M* 1010 M⊙) compact galaxies at 1.0 < z < 3.0 in five 3 D-HST/CANDELS fields, we quantify the fractional abundance and comoving number density of massive compact galaxies as a... Based on a large sample of massive(M* 1010 M⊙) compact galaxies at 1.0 < z < 3.0 in five 3 D-HST/CANDELS fields, we quantify the fractional abundance and comoving number density of massive compact galaxies as a function of redshift. The samples of compact quiescent galaxies(cQGs) and compact star-forming galaxies(cSFGs) are constructed by various selection criteria of compact galaxies in the literature, and the effect of compactness definition on abundance estimate has proven to be remarkable,particularly for the cQGs and cSFGs at high redshifts. Regardless of the compactness criteria adopted,their overall redshift evolutions of fractional abundance and number density are found to be rather similar.Large samples of the cQGs exhibit a sustained increase in number density from z ~ 3 to 2 and a plateau at 1 < z < 2. For massive cSFGs, a plateau in the number density at 2 < z < 3 can be found, as well as a continuous drop from z ~ 2 to 1. The evolutionary trends of the cQG and cSFG abundances support the scenario that the cSFGs at z≥ 2 may have been rapidly quenched into quiescent phase via violent dissipational processes, such as major merger and disk instabilities. The rarity of the cSFGs at lower redshifts(z < 1) can be interpreted by the decrease of gas reservoirs in dark matter halos and the consequent low efficiency of gas-rich dissipation. 展开更多
关键词 GALAXIES high-redshift-galaxies massive-compact-galaxies evolution-galaxies
Metal abundance and kinematical properties of the M81 globular cluster system
作者 Jun Ma Zhen-Yu Wu +7 位作者 Tian-Meng Zhang Song Wang Zhou Fan Jiang-Hua Wu Hu Zou Cui-Hua Du Xu Zhou qi-rong yuan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期399-410,共12页
We present metal abundance properties of 144 globular clusters associated with M81. These globulars represent the largest globular cluster sample in M81 till now. Our main results are: the distribution of metalliciti... We present metal abundance properties of 144 globular clusters associated with M81. These globulars represent the largest globular cluster sample in M81 till now. Our main results are: the distribution of metallicities is bimodal, with metallicity peaks at [Fe/H] -1.51 and -0.58, and the metal-poor globular clusters tend to be less spatially concentrated than the metal-rich ones; the metal-rich globular clusters in M81 do not demonstrate a centrally concentrated spatial distribution like the metalrich ones in M31 do; like our Galaxy and M31, the globular clusters in M81 have a small radial metallicity gradient. These results are consistent with those obtained from a small sample of M81 globular clusters. In addition, this paper shows that there is evidence that a strong rotation of the M81 globular cluster system around the minor axis exists, and that rotation is present in the metal-rich globular cluster subsample, but the metal-poor globular cluster subsample shows no evidence of rotation. The most significant difference between the rotation of the metal-rich and metal-poor globular clusters occurs at intermediate projected galactocentric radii. Our results confirm the conclusion of Schroder et al. that M81's metal-rich globular clusters at intermediate projected radii are associated with a thick disk of M81. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies: individual (M81) -galaxies: star clusters globular clusters:general
A Fourteen-Band Photometric Study of A2443
作者 Zhong-Lue Wen Yan-Bin Yang +3 位作者 qi-rong yuan Xu Zhou Jun Ma Zhao-Ji Jiang 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2007年第1期71-80,共10页
We present a multi-color photometric study of the galaxy cluster A2443 (z = 0.108) with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) system. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in 14 intermediate bands are... We present a multi-color photometric study of the galaxy cluster A2443 (z = 0.108) with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) system. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in 14 intermediate bands are obtained for 5975 detected from -ldeg^2 of the BATC images. Color-color diagrams are used for star-galaxy separation, then a photometric redshift technique is applied to the galaxy sample for cluster membership determination. There are 301 galaxies with photometric redshifts between 0.08 and 0.14 determined as member candidates of A2443, including 289 new ones. Based on this enlarged sample, the luminosity function and color magnitude relation of the cluster are studied. With an evolutionary synthesis model, we find that the fainter galaxies tend to have longer time scales of star formation than the brighter ones. Morphologically, we show an elongated spatial distribution associating with the galaxy cluster ZwCl 2224.2+1651, which contains more blue galaxies. This result indicates that galaxy cluster ZwCl 2224.2+1651 may be falling into A2443, and cluster-cluster interaction could have triggered star formation activities in ZwCl 2224.2+1651. 展开更多
关键词 GALAXIES CLUSTERS INDIVIDUAL A2443-galaxies distances and redshifts
Star formation properties of galaxy cluster A1767
作者 Peng-Fei Yan Feng Li qi-rong yuan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第11期1773-1783,共11页
Abell 1767 is a dynamically relaxed, c D cluster of galaxies with a redshift of 0.0703. Among 250 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies within a projected radius of 2.5r200, 243 galaxies( Digital Sky Survey. Ba... Abell 1767 is a dynamically relaxed, c D cluster of galaxies with a redshift of 0.0703. Among 250 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies within a projected radius of 2.5r200, 243 galaxies( Digital Sky Survey. Based on this ~97%) are spectroscopically covered by the Sloanhomogeneous spectral sample, the stellar evolutionary synthesis code STARLIGHT is applied to investigate the stellar populations and star formation histories of galaxies in this cluster. The star formation properties of galaxies, such as mean stellar ages, metallicities, stellar masses, and star formation rates, are presented as functions of local galaxy density. A strong environmental effect is found such that massive galaxies in the high-density core region of the cluster tend to have higher metallicities, older mean stellar ages, and lower specific star formation rates(SSFRs), and their recent star formation activities have been remarkably suppressed. In addition, the correlations of the metallicity and SSFR with stellar mass are confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 galaxy galaxies stellar luminosity galactic SDSS dynamically nearby stars older
Statistical Cluster-QSO Weak Lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
作者 Zhong-Lue Wen Yan-Bin Yang +2 位作者 Xu Zhou qi-rong yuan Jun Ma 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2006年第5期521-529,共9页
We investigate the cross-correlation between galaxy clusters and QSOs using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR4 - 5000 deg^2 data. With photometric redshifts of galaxies, we select galaxy clusters based on the local... We investigate the cross-correlation between galaxy clusters and QSOs using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR4 - 5000 deg^2 data. With photometric redshifts of galaxies, we select galaxy clusters based on the local projected densities of LRGs brighter than Mr′ = -22. The QSOs are from the main sample of SDSS QSO spectroscopic survey to i′ = 19. A significant positive correlation is found between the clusters and QSOs. Under the assumption that the signal is caused by gravitational lensing, we fit the signal with singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model and NFW profile halo model. The velocity dispersion σv = 766 km s^-1 is derived for the best-fit of SIS model. Best-fit for the NFW model requires the dark matter halo mass within 1.5 h^-1 Mpc to be 4.6 × 10^14 h^-1 M⊙. The mass parameter Ωcl of the cluster sample is deduced as 0.077 with the SIS model and 0.083 with the NFW model. Our results of Ωcl are smaller than those given by Croom & Shanks and by Myers et al. 展开更多
关键词 COSMOLOGY observations - galaxies clusters general - quasars general - gravitational lensing
作者 浦俭英 李其荣 +3 位作者 怯喜周 吴桂兰 袁鹏 周晓俊 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第9期38-40,共3页
6082铝合金圆棒坯料经模锻后进行阳极氧化处理,发现模锻件阳极氧化表面出现小黑点缺陷。对小黑点缺陷进行宏观形貌和显微组织观察,以及扫描电镜和EDS分析一结果表明:小黑点为不规则形状的小孔洞,直径约为100»m,其周围主要元素为O... 6082铝合金圆棒坯料经模锻后进行阳极氧化处理,发现模锻件阳极氧化表面出现小黑点缺陷。对小黑点缺陷进行宏观形貌和显微组织观察,以及扫描电镜和EDS分析一结果表明:小黑点为不规则形状的小孔洞,直径约为100»m,其周围主要元素为O、Si、Mg、Al,还有少量的Na和K等元素。 展开更多
关键词 6082铝合金 小黑点 孔洞 阳极氧化
Multicolor photometry of the nearby galaxy cluster A119
作者 Jin-Tao Tian qi-rong yuan +6 位作者 Xu Zhou Zhao-Ji Jiang Jun Ma Jiang-Hua Wu Zhen-Yu Wu Tian-Meng Zhang Hu Zou 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第10期1381-1401,共21页
This paper presents multicolor optical photometry of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 119 (z = 0.0442) with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut system of 15 intermediate bands. Within the BATC field of view of 58... This paper presents multicolor optical photometry of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 119 (z = 0.0442) with the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut system of 15 intermediate bands. Within the BATC field of view of 58'× 58', there are 368 galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts, including 238 member galaxies (called sample I). Based on the spectral energy distributions of 1376 galaxies brighter than iBATC ---- 19.5, the photometric redshift technique and the color-magnitude relation of early-type galaxies are applied to select faint member galaxies. As a result, 117 faint galaxies were selected as new member galaxies. Combined with sample I, an enlarged sample (called sample II) of 355 member galaxies is obtained. Spatial distribution and localized velocity structure for two samples demonstrate that A119 is a dynami- cally complex cluster with at least three prominent substructures in the central region within 1 Mpc. A large velocity dispersion for the central clump indicates a merging along the line of sight. No significant evidence for morphology or luminosity segrega- tions is found in either sample. With the PEGASE evolutionary synthesis model, the environmental effect on the properties of star formation is confirmed. Faint galaxies in the low-density region tend to have longer time scales of star formation, smaller mean stellar ages, and lower metallicities in their interstellar medium, which is in agreement with the context of the hierarchical cosmological scenario. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies: clusters: individual (A119)- galaxies: distances and redshifts-- galaxies: evolution-- galaxies: kinematics and dynamics-- methods: data analysis
作者 浦俭英 李其荣 +3 位作者 怯喜周 吴桂兰 袁鹏 周晓俊 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 2021年第1期50-53,共4页
针对4032铝合金挤压圆棒锻造加工后表面出现凹坑缺陷的问题,使用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱仪(EDS)分析锻件缺陷的形貌和组织。分析结果表明:表面凹坑缺陷为亮黑色不规则片状非金属物质,大小约为2.69 mm的Si。其产生的原因是... 针对4032铝合金挤压圆棒锻造加工后表面出现凹坑缺陷的问题,使用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱仪(EDS)分析锻件缺陷的形貌和组织。分析结果表明:表面凹坑缺陷为亮黑色不规则片状非金属物质,大小约为2.69 mm的Si。其产生的原因是合金在熔炼时补加的Si未完全熔化所致。因此熔炼过程严格规定:若发现Si.成分不合格,可以补加Al-Si中间合金,严禁补加纯Si。 展开更多
关键词 4032铝合金 凹坑缺陷 SI
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