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CONSORT 2010说明与详述:报告平行对照随机临床试验指南的更新 被引量:348
作者 David Moher Sally Hopewell +9 位作者 Kenneth F Schulz Victor Montori Peter C Gφtzsche P J Devereaux Diana Elbourne matthias Egger Douglas G Altman 周庆辉 卞兆祥 刘建平 《中西医结合学报》 CAS 2010年第8期701-741,共41页
大量证据显示随机对照临床试验(randomised controlled trial,RCT)的报告质量不理想。报告不透明,则读者既不能评判试验结果是否真实可靠,也不能从中提取可用于系统综述的信息。最近的方法学分析表明,报告不充分和设计不合理与对治疗效... 大量证据显示随机对照临床试验(randomised controlled trial,RCT)的报告质量不理想。报告不透明,则读者既不能评判试验结果是否真实可靠,也不能从中提取可用于系统综述的信息。最近的方法学分析表明,报告不充分和设计不合理与对治疗效果产生评价偏倚有关。这种系统误差对RCT损害严重,而RCT正是以其能减少或避免偏倚而被视为评价干预措施的金标准。为了提高RCT的报告质量,一个由专家和编辑组成的工作组制定了临床试验报告的统一标准(Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials,CONSORT)声明。CONSORT声明于1996年首次发表,并于2001年更新。声明由对照检查清单和流程图组成,供作者在报告RCT时使用。许多核心医学期刊和主要国际性编辑组织都已认可CONSORT声明。该声明促进了对RCT的严格评价和解释。2001年,在对CONSORT进行修订时,人们就已经清楚地认识到,解释和说明制定CONSORT声明的原理,有助于研究人员等撰写或评价临床试验报告。一篇CONSORT说明与详述文章于2001年同2001版CONSORT声明一起发表。2007年1月的专家会议之后,对CONSORT声明作了进一步修订并已发表,即"CONSORT2010声明"。这次更新对原版对照检查清单作了文字上的修改,使其更为明晰,并收入了与一些新近才认识到的主题相关的建议,如选择性报告结局产生的偏倚。说明与详述文件旨在加强人们对CONSORT声明的理解、应用和传播,这次也作了大量修订,对每一项新增或更新的清单条目的含义和增改理由进行了解释,提供了优秀的报告实例,还尽可能地提供了相关的经验性研究的参考文献。文中收入了若干流程图实例。"CONSORT2010声明"、其说明与详述文件,以及相关网站(www.consort-statement.org),对于改进随机临床试验报告必将有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 临床试验 随机对照试验 指南 CONSORT
一个新的林分空间结构参数——大小比数 被引量:321
作者 惠刚盈 Klaus von Gadow matthias Albert 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期1-6,共6页
提出了模拟林分空间结构的大小比数。该结构参数量化了参照树与其相邻木的关系,以大于参照树的相邻木数占所考察的全部相邻木的比例表示。大小比数是对直径分布和至今所延用的描述相邻木关系的大小分化度的完善和补充,它能准确地判断... 提出了模拟林分空间结构的大小比数。该结构参数量化了参照树与其相邻木的关系,以大于参照树的相邻木数占所考察的全部相邻木的比例表示。大小比数是对直径分布和至今所延用的描述相邻木关系的大小分化度的完善和补充,它能准确地判断出参照树是否比其相邻木大。其优点在于。 展开更多
关键词 林分空间 结构参数 大小比数 大小分化度
稻-鱼系统的发展与未来思考 被引量:49
作者 胡亮亮 唐建军 +8 位作者 张剑 任伟征 郭梁 matthias Halwart 李可心 朱泽闻 钱银龙 吴敏芳 陈欣 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期268-275,共8页
耕地和淡水是保证全球食物可持续供应所必不可少的资源,如何有效利用有限的水土资源、在保障食物供给的同时降低农业生产过程对资源环境的负面影响,是当今世界农业面临的重大挑战。稻-鱼系统(本文的"鱼"是水产生物的统称)是... 耕地和淡水是保证全球食物可持续供应所必不可少的资源,如何有效利用有限的水土资源、在保障食物供给的同时降低农业生产过程对资源环境的负面影响,是当今世界农业面临的重大挑战。稻-鱼系统(本文的"鱼"是水产生物的统称)是通过有效利用水土资源同时产出稻谷和水产品的重要农业方式,对保障区域食物供给和保护当地资源和环境有重要作用。近几十年来全球稻鱼-系统迅速发展,至目前全球六大洲的稻作区共28个国家都有了稻-鱼系统的分布;在中国稻-鱼系统也正由原来传统、规模小、养殖单一的模式逐渐发展为规模化、专业化、机械化和养殖多样化的模式。大量研究表明,稻-鱼系统可实现水稻产量稳定和获得水产品,稻-鱼系统同时具有化肥农药减量和农业面源污染降低等效应;稻-鱼系统也有助于解决水产单一养殖而产生的面源污染。虽然全球1.63亿hm2稻田面积90%以上具有发展稻-鱼系统的潜力,但目前稻-鱼系统的比例仍很低,我国稻-鱼系统面积也仅占稻田面积的4.48%。因此,保障稳产高效可持续的稻-鱼系统发展,需要对不同稻作区发展稻-鱼系统的生态经济可行性和适应性进行评估,同时必须建立新的技术体系(田间设施、种养结合技术、农业机械等),并适当扩大规模和创建品牌以增加农民收益。 展开更多
关键词 水稻生产 水产养殖 稻-鱼系统 生态效应 技术体系
中国首例冻存卵巢组织移植报告 被引量:33
作者 阮祥燕 杜娟 +12 位作者 卢丹 孔为民 代荫梅 阴赪宏 严松彪 金凤羽 金婧 崔亚美 费秀珍 matthias Korell Jana Liebenthron Markus Montag Alfred O.Mueck 《首都医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第6期840-842,共3页
随着癌症医学的发展,细胞毒性抗癌药物与放射治疗在临床上的普遍应用使癌症患者的生存率大幅提高,如49岁以下乳腺癌患者5年生存率约90%。超过70%的年轻癌症患者有生育要求,但性腺毒性治疗会对卵巢功能造成严重的不可逆性损伤。例如,乳... 随着癌症医学的发展,细胞毒性抗癌药物与放射治疗在临床上的普遍应用使癌症患者的生存率大幅提高,如49岁以下乳腺癌患者5年生存率约90%。超过70%的年轻癌症患者有生育要求,但性腺毒性治疗会对卵巢功能造成严重的不可逆性损伤。例如,乳腺癌患者经FEC或FAC方案化学药物治疗(以下简称化疗)后,闭经的发生率高达50%-65%。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢组织移植 卵巢窝 不可逆性损伤 造血干细胞移植 放射治疗 细胞毒性 化学药物治疗 妇科内分泌 异位移植 原位移植
长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物中重金属元素含量分布及其影响因素 被引量:29
作者 董爱国 翟世奎 +1 位作者 ZABEL matthias 于增慧 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期54-68,共15页
根据2003和2006年长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物样品的粒度组成和元素铬、铜、镍、铅、锌、铝、钙和锶的含量,分析了重金属元素含量的分布特征,探讨了含量的变化趋势及其对人类活动的响应。自2003年三峡工程一期蓄水完成到2006年6月,长江... 根据2003和2006年长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物样品的粒度组成和元素铬、铜、镍、铅、锌、铝、钙和锶的含量,分析了重金属元素含量的分布特征,探讨了含量的变化趋势及其对人类活动的响应。自2003年三峡工程一期蓄水完成到2006年6月,长江输沙量逐年减少,长江口海域沉积物中黏土的百分含量明显增加,但是沉积物分布的总体格局并没有发生明显的变化。重金属元素大多在泥质区沉积物中富集,高值区沿岸线呈带状分布,在最大浑浊带和口外羽状锋处达到峰值。在长江大量物质输入的背景下,研究区沉积物中重金属元素含量相对其他类似河口较低。河流的陆源颗粒输入、水动力条件、细颗粒物质的吸附以及絮凝作用是控制沉积物中重金属元素含量分布的主要因素,氧化还原条件也对重金属元素含量变化有一定的影响。人类活动(重大工程的建设和人为污染)对长江口外泥质区中重金属元素含量有重要影响,尤其对铅和锌的含量及其分布的影响显著。自2003年三峡工程一期蓄水以来,长江口海域表层沉积物中重金属元素沉积机制未有明显的变化,但是重金属元素含量有逐渐降低的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 长江口海域 表层沉积物 重金属元素 三峡工程一期蓄水
道路交通运输安全发展报告(2017) 被引量:28
作者 matthias Gsul 胡予红 +7 位作者 周旋 宁丙文 米建英 刘佳 王光远 王静 董晨 张露丹 《中国应急管理》 2018年第2期48-58,共11页
前言 自中国改革开放至今30多年的时间里,国家实力和人民生活水平都得到了长足的发展。现代社会的繁荣对高效安全的物资流通提出了更高要求。保障交通运输安全既是建设现代物流产业的基石,也是提升社会满意度的必然要求。
关键词 交通运输安全 发展报告 道路 人民生活水平 现代物流产业 社会满意度 改革开放 国家实力
中德学生数学建模能力水平的比较分析——以中国上海和德国巴登符腾堡州学生为例 被引量:25
作者 徐斌艳 matthias Ludwig 《上海教育科研》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第8期66-69,共4页
近期参照的数学建模能力水平分析框架,对中国上海以及德国巴州的一千余名9~11年级学生进行实验研究。结果表明,中德学生的数学建模能力的平均水平非常接近,但是从各个不同的能力水平看,两国学生的成绩存在着一定的差异;另外发现学生的... 近期参照的数学建模能力水平分析框架,对中国上海以及德国巴州的一千余名9~11年级学生进行实验研究。结果表明,中德学生的数学建模能力的平均水平非常接近,但是从各个不同的能力水平看,两国学生的成绩存在着一定的差异;另外发现学生的数学建模能力随着年级的升高也不断发展。透过结果发现,中学生数学建模能力薄弱,上海学生的基本技能有滑坡倾向;另外需把握开展数学建模教学的最佳时机。 展开更多
关键词 数学建模能力 能力水平 中学生 上海 德国 中国 中德 巴登
Plant Surfaces:Structures and Functions for Biomimetic Innovations 被引量:24
作者 Wilhelm Barthlott matthias Mail +1 位作者 Bharat Bhushan Kerstin Koch 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2017年第2期116-155,共40页
An overview of plant surface structures and their evolution is presented. It combines surface chemistry and architecture with their functions and refers to possible biomimetic applications. Within some 3.5 billion yea... An overview of plant surface structures and their evolution is presented. It combines surface chemistry and architecture with their functions and refers to possible biomimetic applications. Within some 3.5 billion years biological species evolved highly complex multifunctional surfaces for interacting with their environments: some 10 million living prototypes(i.e., estimated number of existing plants and animals) for engineers. The complexity of the hierarchical structures and their functionality in biological organisms surpasses all abiotic natural surfaces: even superhydrophobicity is restricted in nature to living organisms and was probably a key evolutionary step with the invasion of terrestrial habitats some 350–450 million years ago in plants and insects. Special attention should be paid to the fact that global environmental change implies a dramatic loss of species and with it the biological role models. Plants, the dominating group of organisms on our planet, are sessile organisms with large multifunctional surfaces and thus exhibit particular intriguing features.Superhydrophilicity and superhydrophobicity are focal points in this work. We estimate that superhydrophobic plant leaves(e.g., grasses) comprise in total an area of around 250 million km^2, which is about 50% of the total surface of our planet. A survey of structures and functions based on own examinations of almost 20,000 species is provided, for further references we refer to Barthlott et al.(Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A 374: 20160191, 1). A basic difference exists between aquatic nonvascular and land-living vascular plants; the latter exhibit a particular intriguing surface chemistry and architecture. The diversity of features is described in detail according to their hierarchical structural order. The first underlying and essential feature is the polymer cuticle superimposed by epicuticular wax and the curvature of single cells up to complex multicellular structures. A descriptive terminology for this diversity is provided. Simplified, the fun 展开更多
关键词 BIONICS SUPERHYDROPHOBICITY Hierarchical structuring Lotus effect Salvinia effect Evolution
中国冻存卵巢组织自体移植后首例活产报道 被引量:24
作者 阮祥燕 杜娟 +21 位作者 卢丹 段微 金凤羽 孔为民 吴玉梅 代荫梅 严松彪 阴赪宏 李扬璐 程姣姣 贾婵维 刘晓巍 吴青青 谷牧青 鞠蕊 许新 杨瑜 金婧 matthias Korell Markus Montag Jana Liebenthron Alfred OMueck 《中国临床医生杂志》 2021年第10期1258-1260,共3页
全球每年新增女性恶性肿瘤患者约920万例[1],抗癌治疗的性腺毒性可导致卵巢功能严重受损[2-3],因此开展生育力保护技术尤为重要。卵巢组织冻存是青春期前女童与疾病治疗无法延迟的患者惟一的生育力保护方法[4],自2004年全球首例活产报... 全球每年新增女性恶性肿瘤患者约920万例[1],抗癌治疗的性腺毒性可导致卵巢功能严重受损[2-3],因此开展生育力保护技术尤为重要。卵巢组织冻存是青春期前女童与疾病治疗无法延迟的患者惟一的生育力保护方法[4],自2004年全球首例活产报道至今[5],累计出生的婴儿数已超过200例[6],其有效性与安全性得到广泛的验证,成为一项临床常规技术[7]。首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院阮祥燕团队建立了首个卵巢组织冻存库[8],并于2016年完成了中国首例卵巢组织冻存移植[9],至今已成功移植10例,术后患者卵巢功能均得以恢复[10]。2021年,阮祥燕团队报道了中国首例自体卵巢组织冻存移植后自然妊娠病例[11-12],该患者现已顺利分娩,报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢组织冻存 卵巢组织移植 妊娠 活产 首例
The Qitai radio telescope 被引量:22
作者 Na Wang Qian Xu +25 位作者 Jun Ma Zhiyong Liu Qi Liu Hailong Zhang Xin Pei Maozheng Chen Richard N.Manchester Kejia Lee Xingwu Zheng Hans J.Kärcher Wulin Zhao Hongwei Li Dongwei Li Martin Süss matthias Reichert Zhongyi Zhu Congsi Wang Mingshuai Li Rui Li Ning Li Guljaina Kazezkhan Wenming Yan Gang Wu Lang Cui Ming Zhang Haitao Li 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第8期150-161,共12页
This study presents a general outline of the Qitai radio telescope(QTT)project.Qitai,the site of the telescope,is a county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China,located in the east Tianshan Mountains at an elev... This study presents a general outline of the Qitai radio telescope(QTT)project.Qitai,the site of the telescope,is a county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China,located in the east Tianshan Mountains at an elevation of about 1800 m.The QTT is a fully steerable,Gregorian-type telescope with a standard parabolic main reflector of 110 m diameter.The QTT has adopted an umbrella support,homology-symmetric lightweight design.The main reflector is active so that the deformation caused by gravity can be corrected.The structural design aims to ultimately allow high-sensitivity observations from 150 MHz up to115 GHz.To satisfy the requirements for early scientific goals,the QTTwill be equipped with ultra-wideband receivers and large field-of-view multi-beam receivers.A multi-function signal-processing system based on RFSo C and GPU processor chips will be developed.These will enable the QTT to operate in pulsar,spectral line,continuum and Very Long Baseline Interferometer(VLBI)observing modes.Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)and radio frequency interference(RFI)control techniques are adopted throughout the system design.The QTT will form a world-class observational platform for the detection of lowfrequency(nano Hertz)gravitational waves through pulsar timing array(PTA)techniques,pulsar surveys,the discovery of binary black-hole systems,and exploring dark matter and the origin of life in the universe.The QTT will also play an important role in improving the Chinese and international VLBI networks,allowing high-sensitivity and high-resolution observations of the nuclei of distant galaxies and gravitational lensing systems.Deep astrometric observations will also contribute to improving the accuracy of the celestial reference frame.Potentially,the QTT will be able to support future space activities such as planetary exploration in the solar system and to contribute to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 radio telescope radio astronomy OBSERVATION RECEIVER RFI
Phosphorus recovery from municipal and fertilizer wastewater:China's potential and perspective 被引量:22
作者 Kuangxin Zhou matthias Barjenbruch +2 位作者 Christian Kabbe Goulven Inial Christian Remy 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期151-159,共9页
Phosphorus(P) is a limited resource, which can neither be synthesized nor substituted in its essential functions as nutrient. Currently explored and economically feasible global reserves may be depleted within gener... Phosphorus(P) is a limited resource, which can neither be synthesized nor substituted in its essential functions as nutrient. Currently explored and economically feasible global reserves may be depleted within generations. China is the largest phosphate fertilizer producing and consuming country in the world. China’s municipal wastewater contains up to 293,163 Mg year of phosphorus, which equals approximately 5.5% of the chemical fertilizer phosphorus consumed in China. Phosphorus in wastewater can be seen not only as a source of pollution to be reduced, but also as a limited resource to be recovered. Based upon existing phosphorus-recovery technologies and the current wastewater infrastructure in China, three options for phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge, sludge ash and the fertilizer industry were analyzed according to the specific conditions in China. 展开更多
关键词 Phosphorus recovery Municipal Wastewater Fertilizer Industry Sewage sludge China
Ureteral stents in urolithiasis 被引量:22
作者 matthias Beysens Thomas O.Tailly 《Asian Journal of Urology》 2018年第4期274-286,共13页
Ever since the ureteral stent design was fitted with a curl on both sides to prevent it from migrating up or down the ureter some 40 years ago,its use has gained tremendous momentum,aiding in the rise and evolution of... Ever since the ureteral stent design was fitted with a curl on both sides to prevent it from migrating up or down the ureter some 40 years ago,its use has gained tremendous momentum,aiding in the rise and evolution of endourology and has confidently kept its place in modern time urology.Over the past four decades,several designs,coating and biomaterials have been developed,trying to reduce infection,encrustation and other stent related symptoms.As the ideal stent has not yet been discovered,different ways of helping patients with their complaints have been researched.This review will cover these aspects of stent use in urolithiasis. 展开更多
关键词 Ureteral stent PROSTHESIS UROLITHIASIS Stent-related symptom ALPHA-BLOCKER
Beam switching and bifocal zoom lensing using active plasmonic metasurfaces 被引量:22
作者 Xinghui Yin Tobias Steinle +4 位作者 Lingling Huang Thomas Taubner matthias Wuttig Thomas Zentgraf Harald Giessen 《Light(Science & Applications)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期363-369,共7页
Compact nanophotonic elements exhibiting adaptable properties are essential components for the miniaturization of powerful optical technologies such as adaptive optics and spatial light modulators.While the larger cou... Compact nanophotonic elements exhibiting adaptable properties are essential components for the miniaturization of powerful optical technologies such as adaptive optics and spatial light modulators.While the larger counterparts typically rely on mechanical actuation,this can be undesirable in some cases on a microscopic scale due to inherent space restrictions.Here,we present a novel design concept for highly integrated active optical components that employs a combination of resonant plasmonic metasurfaces and the phase-change material Ge3Sb2Te6.In particular,we demonstrate beam switching and bifocal lensing,thus,paving the way for a plethora of active optical elements employing plasmonic metasurfaces,which follow the same design principles. 展开更多
关键词 ACTIVE BEAM-FORMING metasurfaces phase-change material PLASMONICS
Contrasting Effects of Ethylene Biosynthesis on Induced Plant Resistance against a Chewing and a Piercing-Sucking Herbivore in Rice 被引量:20
作者 Jing Lu Jiancai Li +4 位作者 Hongping Ju Xiaoli Liu matthias Erb Xia Wang Yonggen Lou 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第11期1670-1682,共13页
Ethylene is a stress hormone with contrasting whether these differences are plant- or herbivore-specific. effects on herbivore resistance. However, it remains unknown We cloned a rice 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic ... Ethylene is a stress hormone with contrasting whether these differences are plant- or herbivore-specific. effects on herbivore resistance. However, it remains unknown We cloned a rice 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene, OsACS2, whose transcripts were rapidly up-regulated in response to mechanical wounding and infestation by two important pests: the striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis and the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens. Antisense expression of OsACS2 (as-acs) reduced elicited ethylene emission, SSB-elicited trypsin protease inhibitor (TrypPI) activity, SSB-induced volatile release, and SSB resistance. Exogenous application of ACC restored TrypPI activity and SSB resistance. In contrast to SSB, BPH infestation increased volatile emission in as-acs lines. Accordingly, BPH preferred to feed and oviposit on wild-type (WT) plants--an effect that could be attributed to two repellent volatiles, 2-hep- tanone and 2-heptanol, that were emitted in higher amounts by as-acs plants. BPH honeydew excretion was reduced and natural enemy attraction was enhanced in as-acs lines, resulting in higher overall resistance to BPH. These results demonstrate that ethylene signaling has contrasting, herbivore-specific effects on rice defense responses and resistance against a chewing and a piercing-sucking insect, and may mediate resistance trade-offs between herbivores of different feeding guilds in rice. 展开更多
关键词 RICE OsACS2 ethylene direct defense indirect defense herbivore resistance.
报告随机对照试验的CONSORT声明修订版:说明与详述(一) 被引量:19
作者 Douglas G.Altman Kenneth F.Schulz +7 位作者 David Moher matthias Egger Frank Davidoff Diana Elbourne Peter C.Gφtzsch Thomas Lang the CONSORT Group 刘雪梅 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第9期712-714,共3页
有充分的证据表明目前随机对照试验(RCT)的报告质量不尽如人意。最近的方法学调查表明,不恰当的报告及试验设计将使治疗措施的效果产生偏倚。这种系统偏差正严重损害RCT本可摒弃系统偏差的特征。RCT中的系统偏差反映出了科学性差,而科... 有充分的证据表明目前随机对照试验(RCT)的报告质量不尽如人意。最近的方法学调查表明,不恰当的报告及试验设计将使治疗措施的效果产生偏倚。这种系统偏差正严重损害RCT本可摒弃系统偏差的特征。RCT中的系统偏差反映出了科学性差,而科学性差会严重影响正确的伦理标准。科学家和编辑们共同制定了CONSORT(试验报告统一标准,ConsolidatedStandardsofReportingTrials,)声明以提高RCT报告质量。CONSORT声明由清单和流程图组成,作者可用来报告RCT。许多优秀期刊和重要国际性编辑组织已经采用CONSORT声明。CONSORT声明为作者提高临床试验报告质量提供指南,使得评价和解释RCT结果更方便。此文旨在增强大家对CONSORT声明的理解、应用和传播,并对每个清单项目的意义和原理进行了说明。很多项目都列出优秀报告的示例,并尽可能参考相关的经验性研究,还列出几个流程图的示例。CONSORT声明的说明和详述文件在以下网址可找到:http://www.consort-statement.org,这是提高随机对照试验报告质量的有益资源。 展开更多
关键词 随机对照试验 临床试验报告 报告质量 系统偏差
Endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated pathways to both apoptosis and autophagy: Significance for melanoma treatment 被引量:16
作者 Mohamed Hassan Denis Selimovic +3 位作者 matthias Hannig Youssef Haikel Robert T Brodell Mossaad Megahed 《World Journal of Experimental Medicine》 2015年第4期206-217,共12页
Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer.Disrupted intracellular signaling pathways are responsible for melanoma's extraordinary resistance to current chemotherapeutic modalities. The pathophysiologic b... Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer.Disrupted intracellular signaling pathways are responsible for melanoma's extraordinary resistance to current chemotherapeutic modalities. The pathophysiologic basis for resistance to both chemo- and radiation therapy is rooted in altered genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that, in turn, result in the impairing of cell death machinery and/or excessive activation of cell growth and survival-dependent pathways. Although most current melanoma therapies target mitochondrial dysregulation,there is increasing evidence that endoplasmic reticulum(ER) stress-associated pathways play a role in the potentiation,initiation and maintenance of cell death machinery and autophagy. This review focuses on the reliability of ER-associated pathways as therapeutic targets for melanoma treatment. 展开更多
Lesion-symptom mapping with NIHSS sub-scores in ischemic stroke patients 被引量:16
作者 Deepthi Rajashekar matthias Wilms +6 位作者 M Ethan MacDonald Serena Schimert Michael D Hill Andrew Demchuk Mayank Goyal Sean P Dukelow Nils Daniel Forkert 《Stroke & Vascular Neurology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期124-131,共8页
Background Lesion-symptom mapping(LSM)is a statistical technique to investigate the population-specific relationship between structural integrity and post-stroke clinical outcome.In clinical practice,patients are comm... Background Lesion-symptom mapping(LSM)is a statistical technique to investigate the population-specific relationship between structural integrity and post-stroke clinical outcome.In clinical practice,patients are commonly evaluated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS),an 11-domain clinical score to quantitate neurological deficits due to stroke.So far,LSM studies have mostly used the total NIHSS score for analysis,which might not uncover subtle structure–function relationships associated with the specific sub-domains of the NIHSS evaluation.Thus,the aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility to perform LSM analyses with sub-score information to reveal category-specific structure–function relationships that a total score may not reveal.Methods Employing a multivariate technique,LSM analyses were conducted using a sample of 180 patients with NIHSS assessment at 48-hour post-stroke from the ESCAPE trial.The NIHSS domains were grouped into six categories using two schemes.LSM was conducted for each category of the two groupings and the total NIHSS score.Results Sub-score LSMs not only identify most of the brain regions that are identified as critical by the total NIHSS score but also reveal additional brain regions critical to each function category of the NIHSS assessment without requiring extensive,specialised assessments.Conclusion These findings show that widely available sub-scores of clinical outcome assessments can be used to investigate more specific structure–function relationships,which may improve predictive modelling of stroke outcomes in the context of modern clinical stroke assessments and neuroimaging. 展开更多
关键词 patients SCORE category
近自然森林经营在德国的应用成效分析 被引量:13
作者 王秋丽 matthias Albert 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期127-134,共8页
[目的]分析德国推行近自然森林经营20年来的经营效果,总结德国推行近自然森林经营的经验。[方法]在明晰近自然森林经营原则的基础上,基于两期(间隔期10年)资源清查数据对比,对德国大面积推行近自然森林经营20年的经营效果进行分析。[结... [目的]分析德国推行近自然森林经营20年来的经营效果,总结德国推行近自然森林经营的经验。[方法]在明晰近自然森林经营原则的基础上,基于两期(间隔期10年)资源清查数据对比,对德国大面积推行近自然森林经营20年的经营效果进行分析。[结果]两期资源清查数据表明,德国采用近自然经营20年后,针叶林如挪威云杉和欧洲赤松的面积显著减少,阔叶林和针阔混交林面积持续增加;阔叶树种蓄积平均增长量约为15m^3·hm^-2,针叶树种蓄积平均增长4m^3·hm^-2,挪威云杉是唯一蓄积下降的树种,下降了5m^3·hm^-2;近自然度等级变化表明,人工林面积在减少,而近自然森林的面积在增加,甚至符合原始林等级的森林面积也在增加。[结论]实现近自然森林经营的目标是一个长期的过程,联邦政府促进和保护森林的政策以及林场主所采用的先进的森林经营技术也是德国森林每公顷蓄积达到336m^3的重要原因;在近自然森林经营的原则下,德国森林中针阔混交林比例显著增加;将近自然程度不高的人工林经营转化为近自然的森林生态系统是德国森林经营所面临的主要问题。 展开更多
关键词 近自然森林经营 经营成效 德国
冻存卵巢组织移植成功--首次报道 被引量:13
作者 阮祥燕 杜娟 +17 位作者 李扬璐 金凤羽 孔为民 卢丹 吴玉梅 代荫梅 周琦 赵群 阴赪宏 严松彪 matthias Korell Jana Liebenthron Markus Montag 王虎生 程姣姣 李雪 谷牧青 Alfred O.Mueck 《中华生殖与避孕杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期724-729,共6页
目的通过卵巢组织冻存技术及自体移植手术保护癌症患者生育力与内分泌功能。方法对1例40岁宫颈鳞癌IIb期患者在放化疗前进行卵巢组织取材、冻存,待其癌症痊愈后进行冻存卵巢组织自体移植手术,随访监测患者的激素水平、卵泡发育情况、月... 目的通过卵巢组织冻存技术及自体移植手术保护癌症患者生育力与内分泌功能。方法对1例40岁宫颈鳞癌IIb期患者在放化疗前进行卵巢组织取材、冻存,待其癌症痊愈后进行冻存卵巢组织自体移植手术,随访监测患者的激素水平、卵泡发育情况、月经恢复情况以及绝经相关症状。结果卵巢组织移植4个月后,改良Kupperman评分由20分降低至<5分,绝经相关症状基本消失,卵泡刺激素(FSH)降低至22.79 IU/L,此后继续下降至6 IU/L,雌二醇(E_2)由<11.8 ng/L升高至84.46 ng/L,B超监测到有卵泡发育且月经恢复。结论卵巢组织冻存移植4个月后卵巢功能恢复正常,证明卵巢组织在临床上移植成功。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢组织冻存 移植 宫颈癌 卵巢储备功能
Hybrid multi-chip assembly of optical communication engines by in situ 3D nanolithography 被引量:12
作者 matthias Blaicher Muhammad Rodlin Billah +16 位作者 Juned Kemal Tobias Hoose Pablo Marin-Palomo Andreas Hofmann Yasar Kutuvantavida Clemens Kieninger Philipp-Immanuel Dietrich matthias Lauermann Stefan Wolf Ute Troppenz Martin Moehrle Florian Merget Sebastian Skacel Jeremy Witzens Sebastian Randel Wolfgang Freude Christian Koos 《Light(Science & Applications)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期1340-1350,共11页
Three-dimensional(3D)nano-printing of freeform optical waveguides,also referred to as photonic wire bonding,allows for efficient coupling between photonic chips and can greatly simplify optical system assembly.As a ke... Three-dimensional(3D)nano-printing of freeform optical waveguides,also referred to as photonic wire bonding,allows for efficient coupling between photonic chips and can greatly simplify optical system assembly.As a key advantage,the shape and the trajectory of photonic wire bonds can be adapted to the mode-field profiles and the positions of the chips,thereby offering an attractive alternative to conventional optical assembly techniques that rely on technically complex and costly high-precision alignment.However,while the fundamental advantages of the photonic wire bonding concept have been shown in proof-of-concept experiments,it has so far been unclear whether the technique can also be leveraged for practically relevant use cases with stringent reproducibility and reliability requirements.In this paper,we demonstrate optical communication engines that rely on photonic wire bonding for connecting arrays of silicon photonic modulators to InP lasers and single-mode fibres.In a first experiment,we show an eight-channel transmitter offering an aggregate line rate of 448 Gbit/s by low-complexity intensity modulation.A second experiment is dedicated to a four-channel coherent transmitter,operating at a net data rate of 732.7 Gbit/s-a record for coherent silicon photonic transmitters with co-packaged lasers.Using dedicated test chips,we further demonstrate automated mass production of photonic wire bonds with insertion losses of(0.7±0.15)dB,and we show their resilience in environmental-stability tests and at high optical power.These results might form the basis for simplified assembly of advanced photonic multi-chip systems that combine the distinct advantages of different integration platforms. 展开更多
关键词 communication LITHOGRAPHY BONDING
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