Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine t...Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos which turns out to be intimately linked to the new theory’s fractal dimension via non-integer irrational Lorentzian-like factor: where is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Consequently, the energy density is found from a limiting classical kinetic energy to be Here, is ‘tHooft’s renormalon of dimensional regularization. The immediate logical, mathematical and physical implication of this result is that the dark energy density of the cosmos must be in astounding agreement with cosmic measurements and observations.展开更多
The paper presents a very simple and straight forward yet pure mathematical derivation of the structure of actual spacetime from quantum set theory. This is achieved by utilizing elements of the topological theory of ...The paper presents a very simple and straight forward yet pure mathematical derivation of the structure of actual spacetime from quantum set theory. This is achieved by utilizing elements of the topological theory of cobordism and the Menger-Urysohn dimensional theory in conjunction with von Neumann-Connes dimensional function of Klein-Penrose modular holographic boundary of the E8E8 exceptional Lie group bulk of our universe. The final result is a lucid sharp mental picture, namely that the quantum wave is an empty set representing the surface, i.e. boundary of the zero set quantum particle and in turn quantum spacetime is simply the boundary or the surface of the quantum wave empty set. The essential difference of the quantum wave and quantum spacetime is that the wave is a simple empty set while spacetime is a multi-fractal type of infinitely many empty sets with increasing degrees of emptiness.展开更多
Realizing the physical reality of ‘tHooft’s self similar and dimensionaly regularized fractal-like spacetime as well as being inspired by a note worthy anecdote involving the great mathematician of Alexandria, Pytha...Realizing the physical reality of ‘tHooft’s self similar and dimensionaly regularized fractal-like spacetime as well as being inspired by a note worthy anecdote involving the great mathematician of Alexandria, Pythagoras and the larger than life man of theoretical physics Einstein, we utilize some deep mathematical connections between equivalence classes of equivalence relations and E-infinity theory quotient space. We started from the basic principles of self similarity which came to prominence in science with the advent of the modern theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, deterministic chaos and fractals. This fundamental logico-mathematical thread related to partially ordered sets is then applied to show how the classical Newton’s kinetic energy E = 1/2mv<sup>2</sup> leads to Einstein’s celebrated maximal energy equation E = mc<sup>2</sup> and how in turn this can be dissected into the ordinary energy density E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22 and the dark energy density E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup>(21/22) of the cosmos where m is the mass;v is the velocity and c is the speed of light. The important role of the exceptional Lie symmetry groups and ‘tHooft-Veltman-Wilson dimensional regularization in fractal spacetime played in the above is also highlighted. The author hopes that the unusual character of the analysis and presentation of the present work may be taken in a positive vein as seriously attempting to propose a different and new way of doing theoretical physics by treating number theory, set theory, group theory, experimental physics as well as conventional theoretical physics on the same footing and letting all these diverse tools lead us to the answer of fundamental questions without fear of being labelled in one way or another.展开更多
In a one-dimension Mauldin-Williams Random Cantor Set Universe, the Sigalotti topological speed of light is where . It follows then that the corresponding topological acceleration must be a golden mean downscali...In a one-dimension Mauldin-Williams Random Cantor Set Universe, the Sigalotti topological speed of light is where . It follows then that the corresponding topological acceleration must be a golden mean downscaling of c namely . Since the maximal height in the one-dimensional universe must be where is the unit interval length and note that the topological mass (m) and topological dimension (D) where m = D = 5 are that of the largest unit sphere volume, we can conclude that the potential energy of classical mechanics translates to . Remembering that the kinetic energy is , then by the same logic we see that when m = 5 is replaced by for reasons which are explained in the main body of the present work. Adding both expressions together, we find Einstein’s maximal energy . As a general conclusion, we note that within high energy cosmology, the sharp distinction between potential energy and kinetic energy of classical mechanics is blurred on the cosmic scale. Apart of being an original contribution, the article presents an almost complete bibliography on the Cantorian-fractal spacetime theory.展开更多
The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacet...The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacetime be four-dimensional on all scales. It is true that on our classical scale, the 4D decouples into 3D plus one time dimension and that on very large scale only the curvature of spacetime becomes noticeable. However the critical problem is that such spacetime must remain 4D no matter how small the scale we are probing is. This is something of crucial importance for quantum physics. The present work addresses this basic, natural and logical requirement and shows how many contradictory results and shortcomings of relativity and quantum gravity could be eliminated when we “complete” Einstein’s spacetime in such a geometrical gauge invariant way. Concurrently the work serves also as a review of the vast Literature on E-Infinity theory used here.展开更多
The present paper is basically written as a non-apologetic strong defence of the thesis that computation is part and parcel of a physical theory and by no means a mere numerical evaluation of the prediction of a theor...The present paper is basically written as a non-apologetic strong defence of the thesis that computation is part and parcel of a physical theory and by no means a mere numerical evaluation of the prediction of a theory which comes towards the end. Various general considerations as well as specific examples are given to illustrate and support our arguments. These examples range from the practical aspect to almost esoteric considerations but at the end, everything converges towards a unity of theory and computation presented in the form of modern fractal logic and transfinite quantum field theory in a Cantorian spacetime. It is true that all our examples are taken from physics but our discussion is applicable in equal measure to a much wider aspect of life.展开更多
We utilize homology and co-homology of a K3-Kähler manifold as a model for spacetime to derive the cosmic energy density of our universe and subdivide it into its three fundamental constituents, namely: 1) or...We utilize homology and co-homology of a K3-Kähler manifold as a model for spacetime to derive the cosmic energy density of our universe and subdivide it into its three fundamental constituents, namely: 1) ordinary energy;2) pure dark energy and 3) dark matter. In addition, the fundamental coupling of dark matter to pure dark energy is analyzed in detail for the first time. Finally, the so-obtained results are shown to be in astounding agreement with all previous theoretical analysis as well as with actual accurate cosmic measurements.展开更多
The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be in...The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.展开更多
The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of...The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of high energy particle physics and quantum cosmology to keep non-physical negative norms, the so called ghosts completely out of that theory. The present work takes the completely contrary view by admitting these supposedly spurious states as part of the physical Hilbert space. It is further shown that rethinking the ghost free condition with the two critical spacetime dimensions D<sub>1</sub> = 26 and D<sub>2</sub> = 25 together with the corresponding intercept a<sub>1</sub> = 1 and a<sub>2</sub> ≤ 1 respectively and in addition imposing, as in Gross et al. heterotic superstrings, an overall 496 dimensional exceptional Lie symmetry group, then one will discover that there are two distinct types of energy. The first is positive norm ordinary energy connected to the zero set quantum particles which is very close to the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos, namely E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22. The second is negative norm (i.e. ghost) energy connected to the empty set quantum wave and is equal to the conjectured dark energy density of the cosmos E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup> (21/22) presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion. That way we were able to not only explain the physics of dark energy without adding any new concepts or novel additional ingredients but also we were able to compute the dark energy density accurately and in full agreement with measurements and observations.展开更多
The measured 95.5% dark energy density of the cosmos presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion is determined theoretically based upon Witten’s five branes in eleven dimensions theory. We show th...The measured 95.5% dark energy density of the cosmos presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion is determined theoretically based upon Witten’s five branes in eleven dimensions theory. We show that the said dark energy density is easily found from the ratio of the 462 states of the five dimensional Branes to the total number of states, namely 528 minus the 44 degrees of freedom of the vacuum, i.e. , almost exactly as found in WMAP and Type 1a supernova measurements.展开更多
The quintessence of hyperbolic geometry is transferred to a transfinite Cantorian-fractal setting in the present work. Starting from the building block of E-infinity Cantorian spacetime theory, namely a quantum pre-pa...The quintessence of hyperbolic geometry is transferred to a transfinite Cantorian-fractal setting in the present work. Starting from the building block of E-infinity Cantorian spacetime theory, namely a quantum pre-particle zero set as a core and a quantum pre-wave empty set as cobordism or surface of the core, we connect the interaction of two such self similar units to a compact four dimensional manifold and a corresponding holographic boundary akin to the compactified Klein modular curve with SL(2,7) symmetry. Based on this model in conjunction with a 4D compact hy- perbolic manifold M(4) and the associated general theory, the so obtained ordinary and dark en- ergy density of the cosmos is found to be in complete agreement with previous analysis as well as cosmic measurements and observations such as WMAP and Type 1a supernova.展开更多
The paper suggests that quantum relativistic gravity (QRG) is basically a higher dimensionality (HD) simulating relativity and non-classical effects plus a fractal Cantorian spacetime geometry (FG) simulating quantum ...The paper suggests that quantum relativistic gravity (QRG) is basically a higher dimensionality (HD) simulating relativity and non-classical effects plus a fractal Cantorian spacetime geometry (FG) simulating quantum mechanics. This more than just a conceptual equation is illustrated by integer approximation and an exact solution of the dark energy density behind cosmic expansion.展开更多
The paper suggests that E = mc<sup>2</sup> may be open to misinterpretation and that in this form it is not what Einstein advanced first. It is further suggested to return to the slightly less compact form...The paper suggests that E = mc<sup>2</sup> may be open to misinterpretation and that in this form it is not what Einstein advanced first. It is further suggested to return to the slightly less compact formula E = Kmc<sup>2</sup> where a < K < 1 which has the merit of accounting for the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos (K = 1/22) and the conjectured missing dark energy density of the universe (K = 21/22) from the view point of economical notation.展开更多
Dark energy is explained using familiar notions and concepts used in quantum field theory, string theory and the exact mathematical theory of spacetime. The main result of the present work is first a new mathematical ...Dark energy is explained using familiar notions and concepts used in quantum field theory, string theory and the exact mathematical theory of spacetime. The main result of the present work is first a new mathematical definition of pre-quantum spacetime (QST) as a multiset made of infinitely many empty Cantor sets connected to pre-quantum wave empty set (QW) and the pre-quantum particle (QP) zero set via the cobordism equation ∂(QW) = (QP)U(QST). Second, and in turn, this new path of reasoning is used to validate the quantum splitting of Einstein’s E = mc<sup>2</sup> into the sum of the ordinary energy E = mc<sup>2</sup>/22 of the quantum particle and the dark energy E = mc<sup>2</sup>(21/22) of the quantum wave, used predominantly to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe.展开更多
By viewing spacetime as a transfinite Turing computer, the present work is aimed at a generalization and geometrical-topological reinterpretation of a relatively old conjecture that the wormholes of general relativity...By viewing spacetime as a transfinite Turing computer, the present work is aimed at a generalization and geometrical-topological reinterpretation of a relatively old conjecture that the wormholes of general relativity are behind the physics and mathematics of quantum entanglement theory. To do this we base ourselves on the comprehensive set theoretical and topological machinery of the Cantorian-fractal E-infinity spacetime theory. Going all the way in this direction we even go beyond a quantum gravity theory to a precise set theoretical understanding of what a quantum particle, a quantum wave and quantum spacetime are. As a consequence of all these results and insights we can reason that the local Casimir pressure is the difference between the zero set quantum particle topological pressure and the empty set quantum wave topological pressure which acts as a wormhole “connecting” two different quantum particles with varying degrees of entanglement corresponding to varying degrees of emptiness of the empty set (wormhole). Our final result generalizes the recent conceptual equation of Susskind and Maldacena ER = EPR to become ZMG = ER = EPR where ZMG stands for zero measure Rindler-KAM geometry (of spacetime). These results were only possible because of the ultimate simplicity of our exact model based on Mauldin-Williams random Cantor sets and the corresponding exact Hardy’s quantum entanglement probability P(H) = where is the Hausdorff dimension of the topologically zero dimensional random Cantor thin set, i.e. a zero measure set and . On the other hand the positive measure spatial separation between the zero sets is a fat Cantor empty set possessing a Hausdorff dimension equal while its Menger-Urysohn topological dimension is a negative value equal minus one. This is the mathematical quintessence of a wormhole paralleling multiple connectivity in classical topology. It is both physically there because of the positive measure and not there because of the negative topological dimension.展开更多
The work gives a natural explanation for the ordinary and dark energy density of the cosmos based on conventional quantum mechanical considerations which dates back as far as the early days of the quantum theory and s...The work gives a natural explanation for the ordinary and dark energy density of the cosmos based on conventional quantum mechanical considerations which dates back as far as the early days of the quantum theory and specifically the work of Max Planck who seems to be the first to propose the possibility of a half quanta corresponding to the ground state, i.e. the energy zero point of the vacuum. Combining these old insights with the relatively new results of Hardy’s quantum entanglement and Witten’s topological quantum field theory as well as the fractal version of M-theory, we find a remarkably simple general theory for dark energy and the Casimir effect.展开更多
Quantum Physics (QP) was invented in the early years of the Twentieth century by physicists born and educated in the western world. We examine the possibility that this is the main reason—or at least one of the main ...Quantum Physics (QP) was invented in the early years of the Twentieth century by physicists born and educated in the western world. We examine the possibility that this is the main reason—or at least one of the main reasons—which caused QP to go astray from the start. We present the ABC for a renovated Quantum Physics.展开更多
In a recent publication in this journal one of us introduced the concept of “half quanta” and used it to provide a new insight into the origin and nature of the presence of dark energy in the cosmos. We investigate ...In a recent publication in this journal one of us introduced the concept of “half quanta” and used it to provide a new insight into the origin and nature of the presence of dark energy in the cosmos. We investigate in the present note the possibility that, in spite of this success, the concept of half quanta should be regarded to be an illegitimate intruder in the realm of modern Quantum Physics.展开更多
文摘Starting from Witten’s eleven dimensional M-theory, the present work develops in an analogous way a corresponding dimensional fractal version where . Subsequently, the new fractal formalism is utilized to determine the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos which turns out to be intimately linked to the new theory’s fractal dimension via non-integer irrational Lorentzian-like factor: where is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement. Consequently, the energy density is found from a limiting classical kinetic energy to be Here, is ‘tHooft’s renormalon of dimensional regularization. The immediate logical, mathematical and physical implication of this result is that the dark energy density of the cosmos must be in astounding agreement with cosmic measurements and observations.
文摘The paper presents a very simple and straight forward yet pure mathematical derivation of the structure of actual spacetime from quantum set theory. This is achieved by utilizing elements of the topological theory of cobordism and the Menger-Urysohn dimensional theory in conjunction with von Neumann-Connes dimensional function of Klein-Penrose modular holographic boundary of the E8E8 exceptional Lie group bulk of our universe. The final result is a lucid sharp mental picture, namely that the quantum wave is an empty set representing the surface, i.e. boundary of the zero set quantum particle and in turn quantum spacetime is simply the boundary or the surface of the quantum wave empty set. The essential difference of the quantum wave and quantum spacetime is that the wave is a simple empty set while spacetime is a multi-fractal type of infinitely many empty sets with increasing degrees of emptiness.
文摘Realizing the physical reality of ‘tHooft’s self similar and dimensionaly regularized fractal-like spacetime as well as being inspired by a note worthy anecdote involving the great mathematician of Alexandria, Pythagoras and the larger than life man of theoretical physics Einstein, we utilize some deep mathematical connections between equivalence classes of equivalence relations and E-infinity theory quotient space. We started from the basic principles of self similarity which came to prominence in science with the advent of the modern theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, deterministic chaos and fractals. This fundamental logico-mathematical thread related to partially ordered sets is then applied to show how the classical Newton’s kinetic energy E = 1/2mv<sup>2</sup> leads to Einstein’s celebrated maximal energy equation E = mc<sup>2</sup> and how in turn this can be dissected into the ordinary energy density E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22 and the dark energy density E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup>(21/22) of the cosmos where m is the mass;v is the velocity and c is the speed of light. The important role of the exceptional Lie symmetry groups and ‘tHooft-Veltman-Wilson dimensional regularization in fractal spacetime played in the above is also highlighted. The author hopes that the unusual character of the analysis and presentation of the present work may be taken in a positive vein as seriously attempting to propose a different and new way of doing theoretical physics by treating number theory, set theory, group theory, experimental physics as well as conventional theoretical physics on the same footing and letting all these diverse tools lead us to the answer of fundamental questions without fear of being labelled in one way or another.
文摘In a one-dimension Mauldin-Williams Random Cantor Set Universe, the Sigalotti topological speed of light is where . It follows then that the corresponding topological acceleration must be a golden mean downscaling of c namely . Since the maximal height in the one-dimensional universe must be where is the unit interval length and note that the topological mass (m) and topological dimension (D) where m = D = 5 are that of the largest unit sphere volume, we can conclude that the potential energy of classical mechanics translates to . Remembering that the kinetic energy is , then by the same logic we see that when m = 5 is replaced by for reasons which are explained in the main body of the present work. Adding both expressions together, we find Einstein’s maximal energy . As a general conclusion, we note that within high energy cosmology, the sharp distinction between potential energy and kinetic energy of classical mechanics is blurred on the cosmic scale. Apart of being an original contribution, the article presents an almost complete bibliography on the Cantorian-fractal spacetime theory.
文摘The four-dimensional character of Einstein’s spacetime is generally accepted in mainstream physics as beyond reasonable doubt correct. However the real problem is when we require scale invariance and that this spacetime be four-dimensional on all scales. It is true that on our classical scale, the 4D decouples into 3D plus one time dimension and that on very large scale only the curvature of spacetime becomes noticeable. However the critical problem is that such spacetime must remain 4D no matter how small the scale we are probing is. This is something of crucial importance for quantum physics. The present work addresses this basic, natural and logical requirement and shows how many contradictory results and shortcomings of relativity and quantum gravity could be eliminated when we “complete” Einstein’s spacetime in such a geometrical gauge invariant way. Concurrently the work serves also as a review of the vast Literature on E-Infinity theory used here.
文摘The present paper is basically written as a non-apologetic strong defence of the thesis that computation is part and parcel of a physical theory and by no means a mere numerical evaluation of the prediction of a theory which comes towards the end. Various general considerations as well as specific examples are given to illustrate and support our arguments. These examples range from the practical aspect to almost esoteric considerations but at the end, everything converges towards a unity of theory and computation presented in the form of modern fractal logic and transfinite quantum field theory in a Cantorian spacetime. It is true that all our examples are taken from physics but our discussion is applicable in equal measure to a much wider aspect of life.
文摘We utilize homology and co-homology of a K3-Kähler manifold as a model for spacetime to derive the cosmic energy density of our universe and subdivide it into its three fundamental constituents, namely: 1) ordinary energy;2) pure dark energy and 3) dark matter. In addition, the fundamental coupling of dark matter to pure dark energy is analyzed in detail for the first time. Finally, the so-obtained results are shown to be in astounding agreement with all previous theoretical analysis as well as with actual accurate cosmic measurements.
文摘The topological speed of light which may be used to compute the density of ordinary energy and dark energy of the cosmos is replaced by dimensionless quantity taken from Special Relativity. The said quantity may be interpreted as akin to time dilation ergo a notion topologically equivalent to the speed of the passing of time or the difference of elapsed time between two events in Einstein’s Relativity Theory. This results via Newton’s kinetic energy into the well-known observationally confirmed and accurately measured 4.5 and 95.5 percent of ordinary and dark Cosmic Energy density respectively.
文摘The present short paper is concerned with accurate explanation as well as quantification of the so called missing dark energy of the cosmos. It was always one of the main objectives of any successful general theory of high energy particle physics and quantum cosmology to keep non-physical negative norms, the so called ghosts completely out of that theory. The present work takes the completely contrary view by admitting these supposedly spurious states as part of the physical Hilbert space. It is further shown that rethinking the ghost free condition with the two critical spacetime dimensions D<sub>1</sub> = 26 and D<sub>2</sub> = 25 together with the corresponding intercept a<sub>1</sub> = 1 and a<sub>2</sub> ≤ 1 respectively and in addition imposing, as in Gross et al. heterotic superstrings, an overall 496 dimensional exceptional Lie symmetry group, then one will discover that there are two distinct types of energy. The first is positive norm ordinary energy connected to the zero set quantum particles which is very close to the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos, namely E(O) = mc<sup>2</sup>/22. The second is negative norm (i.e. ghost) energy connected to the empty set quantum wave and is equal to the conjectured dark energy density of the cosmos E(D) = mc<sup>2</sup> (21/22) presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion. That way we were able to not only explain the physics of dark energy without adding any new concepts or novel additional ingredients but also we were able to compute the dark energy density accurately and in full agreement with measurements and observations.
文摘The measured 95.5% dark energy density of the cosmos presumed to be behind the observed accelerated cosmic expansion is determined theoretically based upon Witten’s five branes in eleven dimensions theory. We show that the said dark energy density is easily found from the ratio of the 462 states of the five dimensional Branes to the total number of states, namely 528 minus the 44 degrees of freedom of the vacuum, i.e. , almost exactly as found in WMAP and Type 1a supernova measurements.
文摘The quintessence of hyperbolic geometry is transferred to a transfinite Cantorian-fractal setting in the present work. Starting from the building block of E-infinity Cantorian spacetime theory, namely a quantum pre-particle zero set as a core and a quantum pre-wave empty set as cobordism or surface of the core, we connect the interaction of two such self similar units to a compact four dimensional manifold and a corresponding holographic boundary akin to the compactified Klein modular curve with SL(2,7) symmetry. Based on this model in conjunction with a 4D compact hy- perbolic manifold M(4) and the associated general theory, the so obtained ordinary and dark en- ergy density of the cosmos is found to be in complete agreement with previous analysis as well as cosmic measurements and observations such as WMAP and Type 1a supernova.
文摘The paper suggests that quantum relativistic gravity (QRG) is basically a higher dimensionality (HD) simulating relativity and non-classical effects plus a fractal Cantorian spacetime geometry (FG) simulating quantum mechanics. This more than just a conceptual equation is illustrated by integer approximation and an exact solution of the dark energy density behind cosmic expansion.
文摘The paper suggests that E = mc<sup>2</sup> may be open to misinterpretation and that in this form it is not what Einstein advanced first. It is further suggested to return to the slightly less compact formula E = Kmc<sup>2</sup> where a < K < 1 which has the merit of accounting for the measured ordinary energy density of the cosmos (K = 1/22) and the conjectured missing dark energy density of the universe (K = 21/22) from the view point of economical notation.
文摘Dark energy is explained using familiar notions and concepts used in quantum field theory, string theory and the exact mathematical theory of spacetime. The main result of the present work is first a new mathematical definition of pre-quantum spacetime (QST) as a multiset made of infinitely many empty Cantor sets connected to pre-quantum wave empty set (QW) and the pre-quantum particle (QP) zero set via the cobordism equation ∂(QW) = (QP)U(QST). Second, and in turn, this new path of reasoning is used to validate the quantum splitting of Einstein’s E = mc<sup>2</sup> into the sum of the ordinary energy E = mc<sup>2</sup>/22 of the quantum particle and the dark energy E = mc<sup>2</sup>(21/22) of the quantum wave, used predominantly to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe.
文摘By viewing spacetime as a transfinite Turing computer, the present work is aimed at a generalization and geometrical-topological reinterpretation of a relatively old conjecture that the wormholes of general relativity are behind the physics and mathematics of quantum entanglement theory. To do this we base ourselves on the comprehensive set theoretical and topological machinery of the Cantorian-fractal E-infinity spacetime theory. Going all the way in this direction we even go beyond a quantum gravity theory to a precise set theoretical understanding of what a quantum particle, a quantum wave and quantum spacetime are. As a consequence of all these results and insights we can reason that the local Casimir pressure is the difference between the zero set quantum particle topological pressure and the empty set quantum wave topological pressure which acts as a wormhole “connecting” two different quantum particles with varying degrees of entanglement corresponding to varying degrees of emptiness of the empty set (wormhole). Our final result generalizes the recent conceptual equation of Susskind and Maldacena ER = EPR to become ZMG = ER = EPR where ZMG stands for zero measure Rindler-KAM geometry (of spacetime). These results were only possible because of the ultimate simplicity of our exact model based on Mauldin-Williams random Cantor sets and the corresponding exact Hardy’s quantum entanglement probability P(H) = where is the Hausdorff dimension of the topologically zero dimensional random Cantor thin set, i.e. a zero measure set and . On the other hand the positive measure spatial separation between the zero sets is a fat Cantor empty set possessing a Hausdorff dimension equal while its Menger-Urysohn topological dimension is a negative value equal minus one. This is the mathematical quintessence of a wormhole paralleling multiple connectivity in classical topology. It is both physically there because of the positive measure and not there because of the negative topological dimension.
文摘The work gives a natural explanation for the ordinary and dark energy density of the cosmos based on conventional quantum mechanical considerations which dates back as far as the early days of the quantum theory and specifically the work of Max Planck who seems to be the first to propose the possibility of a half quanta corresponding to the ground state, i.e. the energy zero point of the vacuum. Combining these old insights with the relatively new results of Hardy’s quantum entanglement and Witten’s topological quantum field theory as well as the fractal version of M-theory, we find a remarkably simple general theory for dark energy and the Casimir effect.
文摘Quantum Physics (QP) was invented in the early years of the Twentieth century by physicists born and educated in the western world. We examine the possibility that this is the main reason—or at least one of the main reasons—which caused QP to go astray from the start. We present the ABC for a renovated Quantum Physics.
文摘In a recent publication in this journal one of us introduced the concept of “half quanta” and used it to provide a new insight into the origin and nature of the presence of dark energy in the cosmos. We investigate in the present note the possibility that, in spite of this success, the concept of half quanta should be regarded to be an illegitimate intruder in the realm of modern Quantum Physics.