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辣椒热泵干燥特性及工艺参数优化 被引量:35
作者 姬长英 蒋思杰 +2 位作者 张波 郭俊 Muhammad sohail Memon 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第13期296-302,共7页
为了提高干制辣椒品质,降低干燥能耗,该文应用热泵干燥技术干燥辣椒。首先探究干燥温度和铺料厚度对干燥特性的影响,绘制出含水率和干燥速率变化曲线。在此基础上,将分阶段控温和改变铺料厚度结合起来对辣椒进行热泵干燥,运用响应面法中... 为了提高干制辣椒品质,降低干燥能耗,该文应用热泵干燥技术干燥辣椒。首先探究干燥温度和铺料厚度对干燥特性的影响,绘制出含水率和干燥速率变化曲线。在此基础上,将分阶段控温和改变铺料厚度结合起来对辣椒进行热泵干燥,运用响应面法中的Box-Behnken设计,考察第一阶段温度、第二阶段温度、铺料厚度和三者的交互作用对品质得分、单位能耗、干燥时间的影响,并建立回归方程,得出最佳工艺参数。结论如下:温度越高,干燥速率越大,含水率下降越快;铺料厚度越大,干燥速率越小,含水率下降越慢;第一阶段温度是影响单位能耗的主要因素(P<0.05),较低的第一阶段温度能降低单位能耗;第二阶段温度对品质得分影响显著(P<0.05),对干燥时间影响极显著(P<0.01),第二阶段温度在60℃左右时能得到品质较佳的干辣椒,且在一定程度上提高了干燥效率;铺料厚度对品质得分、干燥时间的影响极显著(P<0.01),对单位能耗的影响显著(P<0.05),铺料厚度在45 mm左右干燥获得的辣椒品质较佳,而且能节约能耗,提高干燥效率。综合优化参数为:第一阶段温度48℃、第二阶段温度61℃、铺料厚度44 mm,在此工艺条件下获得的干燥辣椒品质得分为8.64,单位能耗为92.05 k J/kg,干燥时间为896.02 min。研究结果为热泵干燥技术应用于辣椒干制提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 干燥 品质控制 优化 辣椒 热泵 参数
仿鼹鼠足趾排列的旋耕-秸秆粉碎锯齿刀片设计与试验 被引量:29
作者 郭俊 张庆怡 +2 位作者 Muhammad sohail Memon 姬长英 赵正 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期43-50,共8页
随着保护性耕作的不断发展,实际作业中对旋耕刀性能要求愈发严格,该文在国标旋耕刀基础上,将正、侧切削刃上设计成锯齿状,然后考察实际作业过程中功耗、受力以及作业质量,检测仿鼹鼠足趾排列的旋耕-秸秆粉碎锯齿刀片的田间作业功耗和作... 随着保护性耕作的不断发展,实际作业中对旋耕刀性能要求愈发严格,该文在国标旋耕刀基础上,将正、侧切削刃上设计成锯齿状,然后考察实际作业过程中功耗、受力以及作业质量,检测仿鼹鼠足趾排列的旋耕-秸秆粉碎锯齿刀片的田间作业功耗和作业质量。针对该锯齿刀片和国标旋耕刀片在有秸秆颗粒和无秸秆颗粒下进行仿真分析,对比可知:在有秸秆颗粒下,由于刀具要与秸秆接触并发生挤压和剪切作用,从而导致受力以及扭矩值较大。结合理论分析,利用扭矩传感器对仿生锯齿刀和国标旋耕刀进行田间试验。根据0.5 m×0.5 m地表设置不同质量秸秆,分别为0、0.375和0.75 kg(0%、50%、100%),测定拖拉机输出扭矩以及功耗,并依照国标测试方法测定作业质量。田间试验得到扭矩与仿真变化趋势一致。当地表无秸秆和地表含50%秸秆时,锯齿刀片扭矩分别为404.05和438.33 N·m;国标旋耕刀片上扭矩分别为389.27和443.79 N·m。当地表秸秆质量分数为100%时,锯齿刀和国标旋耕刀片上扭矩分别为557.92和507.34 N·m。耕作后地表秸秆和土壤评价结果显示:不同质量含量秸秆覆盖下,仿生锯齿刀耕作后的秸秆掩埋率、土壤破碎率、长度≤15 cm秸秆比例等方面都优于国标旋耕刀。田间试验和仿真结果都显示当地表覆盖秸秆量为0%和100%时,仿生锯齿刀的扭矩高于国标旋耕刀。虽然仿生锯齿刀只在秸秆覆盖量为50%时扭矩与功耗优于国标旋耕刀,但在3种秸秆覆盖量下仿生锯齿刀的耕后地表质量都明显优于国标旋耕刀。综上考虑,在实际作业中,可适当收集田间秸秆。该研究为实现只应用一种刀片来完成旋耕和秸秆粉碎2种不同作业目标提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 农业机械 仿生 扭矩 锯齿刀 旋耕刀 离散元仿真 作业质量
中小型规模智慧农业物联网终端节点设计 被引量:24
作者 万雪芬 郑涛 +3 位作者 崔剑 蒋学芹 Sardar Muhammad sohail 杨义 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第13期306-314,共9页
为了能够向中小规模农业生产经营者提供深度定制的农业物联网技术,该研究研发了一种可用于农业设备信息化的智慧农业物联网终端节点。通过该终端节点将农业设备柔性接入物联网体系,并依托管理服务层App实现应用层App功能开发。系统硬件... 为了能够向中小规模农业生产经营者提供深度定制的农业物联网技术,该研究研发了一种可用于农业设备信息化的智慧农业物联网终端节点。通过该终端节点将农业设备柔性接入物联网体系,并依托管理服务层App实现应用层App功能开发。系统硬件利用可编程片上系统的IP核重用技术实现对各种农业设备的接入,实现各农业场景中根据设备具体情况进行定制化应用。系统传输层采用LoRa广域网与蓝牙技术,支撑集中式与分布式农业管理服务体系。管理服务层App对底层节点设备操作与Android功能操作进行封装,实现应用层与底层功能结构的解耦,避免了应用层App开发时结构复杂、对底层功能结构变化适应性差、开发周期长等问题。实践应用结果表明,该农业物联网终端节点可有效实现对农业设备的接入,具有1500VDC的电磁隔离能力;节点的LoRa无线数据通道在无严重降雨的天气中数据包传输成功率接近100%,蓝牙可支持周围3m范围内的移动设备现场接入;管理服务层App可有效支撑应用层功能快速开发;在直连上位机模式下,应用层App到节点设备间的功能延时分别小于400与1700 ms,系统运行稳定,功能支撑可靠。该方法可为国内中小规模农业经营者的物联网信息化建设提供支持与参考。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 农业 智能化 可编程片上系统 LoRa 移动智能设备
中国电动拖拉机研究进展 被引量:23
作者 沈文龙 周俊 +2 位作者 姬长英 顾宝兴 Muhammad sohail Memon 《中国农机化学报》 2017年第10期102-107,共6页
作为解决能源短缺和环境污染的主要措施,电动车辆发展得到世界各国广泛认同。与电动汽车相比,电动拖拉机发展较为缓慢,随着相关基础研究的不断进步,电动拖拉机经过电网供电第一发展阶段,已经进入车载电源供电第二发展阶段。通过筛选第... 作为解决能源短缺和环境污染的主要措施,电动车辆发展得到世界各国广泛认同。与电动汽车相比,电动拖拉机发展较为缓慢,随着相关基础研究的不断进步,电动拖拉机经过电网供电第一发展阶段,已经进入车载电源供电第二发展阶段。通过筛选第二发展阶段相关研究成果,从整机结构设计及其性能分析、电池及能量管理、电机驱动及其控制、系统仿真技术和其他相关研究等五个方面总结中国电动拖拉机研究进展。电动拖拉机整机结构不必完全遵循拖拉机传统方式,应以适应农业作业环境为导向,提升作业性能为要求为方向。加快第二代动力锂电池在电动拖拉机中的应用,设计符合农业工况的拖拉机用电池能量管理系统。紧密联系电机研发厂商,开发适合农用的电机及其驱动和控制技术。进一步探索电动拖拉机系统仿真技术,以加快电动拖拉机开发速度。要以第三代智能控制理论为发展方向,全面提升电动拖拉机的智能化作业能力和使用性能,实现我国农业机械的跨越式发展。 展开更多
关键词 电动拖拉机 结构设计 电池及能量管理 电机驱动及其控制 系统仿真
地下LoRa无线传感器网络的传输测试系统研究 被引量:19
作者 万雪芬 崔剑 +2 位作者 杨义 蒋学芹 Sardar Muhammad sohail 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期118-124,共7页
【目的】以智能手机为核心,研制成本低、使用简单的面向LoRa地下无线数据传输的测试系统。【方法】该测试系统由安装了测试用的App智能手机和与之匹配的地下测试节点组成。利用该系统进行场景测试,测定影响土壤中LoRa无线数据传输效果... 【目的】以智能手机为核心,研制成本低、使用简单的面向LoRa地下无线数据传输的测试系统。【方法】该测试系统由安装了测试用的App智能手机和与之匹配的地下测试节点组成。利用该系统进行场景测试,测定影响土壤中LoRa无线数据传输效果的因素并讨论对应的数据传输方法。【结果】测试结果表明,该系统运行可靠、使用方便灵活,LoRa低功耗广域网技术亦可以较为可靠地满足土壤介质中的无线传感器网络数据传输需求。【结论】本系统可为未来地下LoRa无线传感器网络的工程应用提供相应的测试手段。 展开更多
关键词 无线传感器 LoRa 智能手机 无线数据传输 低功耗 广域网
基于智能聚类算法的UHF法变电站空间多源局部放电定位方法 被引量:13
作者 吴诗优 郑书生 +2 位作者 钟爱旭 戴雯菊 Sajeelbin sohail 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期4309-4318,共10页
基于特高频法(ultra high frequency, UHF)的变电站内局部放电定位技术已获得应用,但目前研究主要集中在单源(单局放源)定位,对于多源定位的问题缺乏探索。该文研究了聚类算法在多源局放定位中的应用,首先,综合阈值法与能量累积函数法... 基于特高频法(ultra high frequency, UHF)的变电站内局部放电定位技术已获得应用,但目前研究主要集中在单源(单局放源)定位,对于多源定位的问题缺乏探索。该文研究了聚类算法在多源局放定位中的应用,首先,综合阈值法与能量累积函数法计算双、三源UHF信号到达时间差,采集时间差数据用于聚类分析;将常用的K-mean聚类算法与Twostep算法进行聚类对比,结果表明后者平均误差相比前者低18.7%,基于Twostep算法以及2维高斯正态分布的思想提出了适用于单、多源的3σ-Two step算法,相比Two step算法平均误差低22.5%。其次,在实验室内将改进的算法应用于多源局放的定位测试,利用不动点迭代法求解局放源坐标,定位结果表明:经过多次测试求得定位误差的平均值,双源2组测试的每点误差分别为0.34 m、0.49 m,两源之间距离增大2.62 m,误差减小了30.6%,三源每点误差为0.72 m;将双源与传感器之间的距离增大1倍,平均每点定位误差为0.46 m,相比未增大双源与传感器的距离误差增大了35.3%。最后,将此算法和设备应用在福州新建变电站,经过多次测试定位到一处支柱绝缘子电晕放电,在一处隔离开关定位到偶发性的放电,每点定位误差在0.6~2.2m范围内,相比实验室定位精度更低但依然满足实际要求,验证了算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 UHF法 变电站 局部放电 定位 K-mean 3σ-Two step
基于智能手机的LoRa无线传输效能测试研究 被引量:11
作者 万雪芬 崔剑 +2 位作者 杨义 蒋学芹 SARDAR Muhammad sohail 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2018年第21期7-11,共5页
基于LoRa的低功耗广域网技术有望成为未来物联网的主干支撑技术之一。为了给工作在不同应用环境中的LoRa无线传感器网络节点间的传输提供简单有效、易于使用、成本低廉的测试手段,提出一种基于智能手机的LoRa无线传输效能测试系统。该... 基于LoRa的低功耗广域网技术有望成为未来物联网的主干支撑技术之一。为了给工作在不同应用环境中的LoRa无线传感器网络节点间的传输提供简单有效、易于使用、成本低廉的测试手段,提出一种基于智能手机的LoRa无线传输效能测试系统。该系统由智能手机及与之配套的低成本测试节点组成。对组成系统的智能手机端App及测试节点设计进行讨论,系统完成后利用其在智能楼宇与智慧农业的应用场景下进行测试。测试结果表明,LoRa无线传输在不同的应用环境中会受到外界因素的干扰,通过本系统可方便、有效、快捷地获得分散在较长时间周期内的数据,为基于LoRa的无线传感器网络在设计、安装与维护中提供以数据传输效果为表征的参考测试数据。 展开更多
关键词 LoRa 无线传感器网络 智能手机 无线传输测量 低功耗广域网 蓝牙
“新医科”背景下泌尿外科双语教学模式在“5+3”一体化医学生规培中的应用 被引量:8
作者 张连栋 李和程 +4 位作者 高明 张鹏 种铁 Muhammad sohail Khan 王子明 《医学教育研究与实践》 2022年第1期16-20,共5页
目的研究“新医科”背景下泌尿外科双语教学模式在“5+3”一体化医学生规培轮转中的应用效果,探索提高专业英语水平的方法。方法选择于我院泌尿外科规培的“5+3”一体化医学生70人,随机分为对照组及观察组,分别有35人,对照组采用常规住... 目的研究“新医科”背景下泌尿外科双语教学模式在“5+3”一体化医学生规培轮转中的应用效果,探索提高专业英语水平的方法。方法选择于我院泌尿外科规培的“5+3”一体化医学生70人,随机分为对照组及观察组,分别有35人,对照组采用常规住院医师规范化培训带教模式,观察组采用双语教学模式并有留学生参与,规培1月后分别进行英文水平测试、教育环境量表评估并进行教学评价。结果干预后对照组英文翻译、病例分析较干预前未见显著性差异(P>0.05),干预后观察组英文翻译、病例分析较干预前显著升高(P<0.05),显著高于对照组干预后成绩(P<0.05)。比较两组DREEM评分,观察组对学习的知觉、对教师的知觉、对学术的知觉评分较对照组均有显著性升高(P<0.05)。观察组增加学习兴趣、拓宽国际化视野和学习气氛评分较对照组均有明显升高(P<0.05)。结论采用双语教学模式可以提高“新医科”背景下“5+3”一体化医学生的专业英语水平、英文学习能力和对学术认知,采用双语教学对提高泌尿外科规培带教质量有积极的意义。 展开更多
关键词 双语教学 “5+3”一体化 规培 泌尿外科 新医科
Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Their Charge Carrier Mobilities in Field-Effect Transistors 被引量:11
作者 sohail Ahmed Jiabao Yi 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2017年第4期152-174,共23页
Two-dimensional(2D) materials have attracted extensive interest due to their excellent electrical, thermal,mechanical, and optical properties. Graphene has been one of the most explored 2D materials. However, its zero... Two-dimensional(2D) materials have attracted extensive interest due to their excellent electrical, thermal,mechanical, and optical properties. Graphene has been one of the most explored 2D materials. However, its zero band gap has limited its applications in electronic devices. Transition metal dichalcogenide(TMDC), another kind of 2D material,has a nonzero direct band gap(same charge carrier momentum in valence and conduction band) at monolayer state,promising for the efficient switching devices(e.g., field-effect transistors). This review mainly focuses on the recent advances in charge carrier mobility and the challenges to achieve high mobility in the electronic devices based on 2DTMDC materials and also includes an introduction of 2D materials along with the synthesis techniques. Finally, this review describes the possible methodology and future prospective to enhance the charge carrier mobility for electronic devices. 展开更多
关键词 2D materials TMDC layers Charge carrier mobility Field-effect transistor HETEROSTRUCTURE Charge carrier scattering
Assessing Wind Erosion: A Review of Recent Measurement Techniques
作者 Hetti Hewage Suranjith Ariyasena Xuerui Gao +2 位作者 sohail Ahmad Jiaqiong Zhang Xining Zhao 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2024年第9期499-529,共31页
Wind erosion represents a formidable environmental challenge and has serious negative impacts on soil health and agricultural productivity, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. The complex dynamics of wind erosio... Wind erosion represents a formidable environmental challenge and has serious negative impacts on soil health and agricultural productivity, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. The complex dynamics of wind erosion make its large-scale monitoring and quantification a daunting task. To facilitate the monitoring and quantification of wind erosion, various scientific approaches and methods have been employed. These include sophisticated wind erosion equations and models, wind tunnel experiments, and the application of radionuclides. Additionally, researchers have assessed soil physicochemical properties, used anemometers for wind speed measurement, and deployed dust collectors for particle capture. Remote sensing technologies, wind erosion monitoring stations, and evaluations of wind barriers have also been utilized. Recently, the adoption of machine learning methods has gained popularity. Despite their value, each of these techniques has limitations in capturing the full spectrum of the wind erosion process. This paper examines these limitations and assesses the effectiveness of each method in the context of wind erosion studies. It also outlines directions for future research and suggests pathways that could enhance the understanding and management of wind erosion. 展开更多
关键词 Wind Erosion Wind Erosion Models Remote Sensing Machine Learning
Impact of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease on COVID-19 hospitalizations:A propensity-matched analysis of the United States
作者 Abdullah sohail Hassam Ali +5 位作者 Pratik Patel Subanandhini Subramanium Dushyant Singh Dahiya Amir H sohail Manesh Kumar Gangwani Sanjaya K Satapathy 《World Journal of Virology》 2024年第1期51-60,共10页
BACKGROUND Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease(MASLD),formally known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,is the most common chronic liver disease in the United States.Patients with MASLD have been... BACKGROUND Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease(MASLD),formally known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,is the most common chronic liver disease in the United States.Patients with MASLD have been reported to be at a higher risk of developing severe coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)and death.However,most studies are single-center studies,and nationwide data in the AIM To study the influence of MASLD on COVID-19 hospitalizations during the initial phase of the pandemic.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed the 2020 National Inpatient Sample(NIS)database to identify primary COVID-19 hospitalizations based on an underlying diagnosis of MASLD.A matched comparison cohort of COVID-19 hospit-alizations without MASLD was identified from NIS after 1:N propensity score matching based on gender,race,and comorbidities,including hypertension,heart failure,diabetes,and cirrhosis.The primary outcomes included inpatient mortality,length of stay,and hospitalization costs.Secondary outcomes included the prevalence of systemic complications.RESULTS A total of 2210 hospitalizations with MASLD were matched to 2210 hospitalizations without MASLD,with a good comorbidity balance.Overall,there was a higher prevalence of severe disease with more intensive care unit admissions(9.5%vs 7.2%,P=0.007),mechanical ventilation(7.2%vs 5.7%,P=0.03),and septic shock(5.2%vs 2.7%,P<0.001)in the MASLD cohort than in the non-MASLD cohort.However,there was no difference in mortality(8.6%vs 10%,P=0.49),length of stay(5 d vs 5 d,P=0.25),and hospitalization costs(42081.5$vs 38614$,P=0.15)between the MASLD and non-MASLD cohorts.CONCLUSION The presence of MAFLD with or without liver cirrhosis was not associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 hospitalizations;however,there was an increased incidence of severe COVID-19 infection.This data(2020)predates the availability of COVID-19 vaccines,and many MASLD patients have since been vaccinated.It will be interesting to see if these trends are present in the subsequent years of the pandemic 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease Prevalence Hospital charges Inpatient resource utilization
Cost-Efficient Medium Frequency Propagation Research with Software Defined Radio
作者 Casey M. Hess sohail Anwar 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2024年第1期158-169,共12页
Medium Frequency radio holds significance in modern society as it supports broadcasting and individual communications in the public, government, and military sectors. Enhancing the availability and quality of these co... Medium Frequency radio holds significance in modern society as it supports broadcasting and individual communications in the public, government, and military sectors. Enhancing the availability and quality of these communications is only possible by enhancing the understanding of medium frequency propagation. While traditional methods of radio wave propagation research can have a high material demand and cost, software defined radio presents itself as a versatile and low-cost platform for medium frequency signal reception and data acquisition. This paper details a research effort that utilizes software defined radio to help characterize medium frequency signal strength in relation to ionospheric and solar weather propagation determinants. Signal strength data from seven medium frequency stations of unique transmission locations and varying transmission powers were retrieved in 24-hour segments via a receiving loop antenna, Airspy HF+ Discovery software defined radio, and SDR Sharp software interface network. Retrieved data sets were visualized and analyzed in MATLAB for the identification of signal strength trends, which were subsequently compared to historical ionospheric and space weather indices in pursuit of a quantifiable correlation between such indices and medium frequency signal strengths. The results of the investigation prove that software defined radio, when used in conjunction with a receiving antenna and data analysis program, provides a versatile mechanism for cost-efficient propagation research. 展开更多
关键词 IONOSPHERE Space Weather Airspy SDR SDR Sharp MATLAB Analysis
Bullous Pemphigoid Induced by Doxycycline: Case Report and Literature Review
作者 Mishal Al Mebayadh Rahaf Aldawish +1 位作者 sohail A. Butt Abdulrahman Saad Aljahhan 《Case Reports in Clinical Medicine》 2024年第5期187-192,共6页
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most prevalent autoimmune sub-epidermal blistering disease that affects mainly the elderly and could lead to serious morbidity. It has numerous risk factors and triggers, including an ag... Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most prevalent autoimmune sub-epidermal blistering disease that affects mainly the elderly and could lead to serious morbidity. It has numerous risk factors and triggers, including an aging population with several comorbidities and drug exposure. In the published paper, we reported a case about a 32 years old male patient with unknown medical conditions who presented with erythematous patches and plaques on the scalp, face, and trunk with scattered blisters two weeks after initiating doxycycline treatment for folliculitis. The exact pathogenesis of the drug-reaction in drug- associated bullous pemphigoid (DABP) remains controversial. In conclusion, it is crucial for clinicians to be aware of DABP when prescribing doxycycline. The purpose of this case report is to raise awareness of the possible association between bullous pemphigoid and doxycycline. 展开更多
关键词 Bullous Pemphigoid DOXYCYCLINE Drug-Associated Bullous Pemphigoid
分层跨链结构:一种面向区块链系统监管的可行架构 被引量:2
作者 经普杰 王良民 +3 位作者 董学文 张玉书 王骞 Muhammad sohail 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期93-104,共12页
研究区块链监管存在的问题是至关重要的。鉴于此,提出了一种分层跨链的监管架构(CHA),设计了“监管链-业务链”跨链协作的以链治链的监管模式。该架构以构建去中心化的监管链的方式改善了信息系统监管的集权特性;以策略层和监管层、业... 研究区块链监管存在的问题是至关重要的。鉴于此,提出了一种分层跨链的监管架构(CHA),设计了“监管链-业务链”跨链协作的以链治链的监管模式。该架构以构建去中心化的监管链的方式改善了信息系统监管的集权特性;以策略层和监管层、业务层分离的方式,实现了监管行为和监管技术的分离,从而保证了区块链监管结构的通用性。最后,通过形式化分析方法论证了该架构的分布式可行性,进而证明了方案在跨链监管可靠性方面的技术可行性、适用于不同监管业务的通用可行性及可扩展性。 展开更多
关键词 区块链 监管 治理 分层监管架构 跨链
用于煤矿设备信息化升级的无线数据传输节点 被引量:8
作者 万雪芬 崔剑 +1 位作者 杨义 SARDAR Muhammad sohail 《工矿自动化》 北大核心 2019年第6期37-41,51,共6页
针对现有煤矿无线数据传输技术存在多径效应显著、传输距离短、耐噪特性较差和灵敏度较低等不足,以及煤炭行业大规模设备信息互联互通的需求,设计了用于煤矿设备信息化升级的无线数据传输节点。该节点通过LoRa-CSS技术建立设备间的可靠... 针对现有煤矿无线数据传输技术存在多径效应显著、传输距离短、耐噪特性较差和灵敏度较低等不足,以及煤炭行业大规模设备信息互联互通的需求,设计了用于煤矿设备信息化升级的无线数据传输节点。该节点通过LoRa-CSS技术建立设备间的可靠无线数据通道,利用基于IP核结构的可编程片上系统PSoC灵活适配各种煤矿设备的数据接口,并采用统一规格化数据格式进行指令和数据信息交互。电磁隔离特性测试结果表明,该节点具有较强的隔离特性,不受冲击电压影响,可以有效地将短时高强度浪涌信号降到设备容限值以下。实际应用结果表明,各无线数据传输节点与上位机和煤矿设备之间的数据通信效果较为理想,可以有效地构建由中心站到设备的稳定数据传输通道。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿设备 信息化升级 无线数据传输节点 LoRa-CSS技术 可编程片上系统 PSOC
Intensivist-based deep sedation using propofol for pediatric outpatient flexible bronchoscopy 被引量:8
作者 Kamal Abulebda Samer Abu-Sultaneh +3 位作者 Sheikh sohail Ahmed Elizabeth A S Moser Renee C McKinney Riad Lutfi 《World Journal of Critical Care Medicine》 2017年第4期179-184,共6页
AIM To evaluate the safety and efficacy of sedating pediatric patients for outpatient flexible bronchoscopy.METHODS A retrospective chart review was conducted for all children, age 17 years or under who underwent flex... AIM To evaluate the safety and efficacy of sedating pediatric patients for outpatient flexible bronchoscopy.METHODS A retrospective chart review was conducted for all children, age 17 years or under who underwent flexible bronchoscopy under deep sedation in an outpatient hospital-based setting. Two sedation regimens were used; propofol only or ketamine prior to propofol. Patients were divided into three age groups; infants(less than 12 mo), toddlers(1-3 years) and children(4-17 years). Demographics, indication for bronchoscopy, sedative dosing, sedation and recovery time and adverse events were reviewed.RESULTS Of the total 458 bronchoscopies performed, propofol only regimen was used in 337(74%) while propofol and ketamine was used in 121(26%). About 99% of the procedures were successfully completed. Children in the propofol + ketamine group tend to be youngerand have lower weight compared to the propofol only group. Adverse events including transient hypoxemia and hypotension occurred in 8% and 24% respectively. Median procedure time was 10 min while the median discharge time was 35 min. There were no differences in the indication of the procedure, propofol dose, procedure or recovery time in either sedative regimen. When compared to other age groups, infants had a higher incidence of hypoxemia.CONCLUSION Children can be effectively sedated for outpatient flexible bronchoscopy with high rate of success. This procedure should be performed under vigilance of highly trained providers. 展开更多
茶多酚和花青素在湖羊精液常温保存中的应用效果 被引量:7
作者 张柳明 褚长江 +3 位作者 Tariq sohail 马金亮 冯云奎 李拥军 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第17期69-73,77,共6页
为了研究茶多酚和花青素对湖羊精液常温保存效果的影响,试验通过假阴道法采集健康湖羊精液,在基础稀释液中单独添加不同质量浓度的茶多酚(0,0.02,0.04,0.08,0.16 g/L)和花青素(0,0.01,0.03,0.05,0.07 g/L)以及0.08 g/L茶多酚+0.01 g/L... 为了研究茶多酚和花青素对湖羊精液常温保存效果的影响,试验通过假阴道法采集健康湖羊精液,在基础稀释液中单独添加不同质量浓度的茶多酚(0,0.02,0.04,0.08,0.16 g/L)和花青素(0,0.01,0.03,0.05,0.07 g/L)以及0.08 g/L茶多酚+0.01 g/L花青素的联合添加进行常温(17℃)保存,每隔8 h检查1次精子活力、存活率、质膜完整率、畸形率。结果表明:添加茶多酚和花青素均能提高精液品质,而且单独添加0.08 g/L的茶多酚和0.01 g/L的花青素效果最佳。精液保存16 h后,0.08 g/L的茶多酚组精子活力、存活率、畸形率、质膜完整率分别为0.644 5,71.94%,2.08%,70.27%;0.01 g/L的花青素组精子活力、存活率、畸形率、质膜完整率分别为0.691 3,81.50%,18.33%,80.41%;0.08 g/L茶多酚+0.01 g/L花青素的联合添加组精子活力、存活率、畸形率、质膜完整率分别为0.588 9,90.98%,3.95%,66.94%。说明茶多酚和花青素能有效提高湖羊精液常温保存效果,且最适添加量分别为0.08 g/L和0.01 g/L,单独添加0.08 g/L茶多酚或者0.01 g/L花青素对精液的保存效果要优于0.08 g/L茶多酚+0.01 g/L花青素的联合添加。 展开更多
关键词 茶多酚 花青素 抗氧化能力 精子活力 质膜完整率
Role of fecal microbiota transplant in management of hepatic encephalopathy: Current trends and future directions 被引量:1
作者 Yash R Shah Hassam Ali +11 位作者 Angad Tiwari David Guevara-Lazo Natalia Nombera-Aznaran Bhanu Siva Mohan Pinnam Manesh Kumar Gangwani Harishankar Gopakumar Amir H sohail SriLakshmiDevi Kanumilli Ernesto Calderon-Martinez Geetha Krishnamoorthy Nimish Thakral Dushyant Singh Dahiya 《World Journal of Hepatology》 2024年第1期17-32,共16页
Fecal microbiota transplantation(FMT)offers a potential treatment avenue for hepatic encephalopathy(HE)by leveraging beneficial bacterial displacement to restore a balanced gut microbiome.The prevalence of HE varies w... Fecal microbiota transplantation(FMT)offers a potential treatment avenue for hepatic encephalopathy(HE)by leveraging beneficial bacterial displacement to restore a balanced gut microbiome.The prevalence of HE varies with liver disease severity and comorbidities.HE pathogenesis involves ammonia toxicity,gut-brain communication disruption,and inflammation.FMT aims to restore gut microbiota balance,addressing these factors.FMT's efficacy has been explored in various conditions,including HE.Studies suggest that FMT can modulate gut microbiota,reduce ammonia levels,and alleviate inflammation.FMT has shown promise in alcohol-associated,hepatitis B and C-associated,and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Benefits include improved liver function,cognitive function,and the slowing of disease progression.However,larger,controlled studies are needed to validate its effectiveness in these contexts.Studies have shown cognitive improvements through FMT,with potential benefits in cirrhotic patients.Notably,trials have demonstrated reduced serious adverse events and cognitive enhancements in FMT arms compared to the standard of care.Although evidence is promising,challenges remain:Limited patient numbers,varied dosages,administration routes,and donor profiles.Further large-scale,controlled trials are essential to establish standardized guidelines and ensure FMT's clinical applications and efficacy.While FMT holds potential for HE management,ongoing research is needed to address these challenges,optimize protocols,and expand its availability as a therapeutic option for diverse hepatic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic encephalopathy Fecal microbiota transplant Cognitive impairment Liver cirrhosis Chronic liver disease
National guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma 被引量:1
作者 Faisal Saud Dar Zaigham Abbas +30 位作者 Irfan Ahmed Muhammad Atique Usman Iqbal Aujla Muhammad Azeemuddin Zeba Aziz Abu Bakar Hafeez Bhatti Tariq Ali Bangash Amna Subhan Butt Osama Tariq Butt Abdul Wahab Dogar Javed Iqbal Farooqi Faisal Hanif Jahanzaib Haider Siraj Haider Syed Mujahid Hassan Adnan Abdul Jabbar Aman Nawaz Khan Muhammad Shoaib Khan Muhammad Yasir Khan Amer Latif Nasir Hassan Luck Ahmad Karim Malik Kamran Rashid sohail Rashid Mohammad Salih Abdullah Saeed Amjad Salamat Ghias-un-Nabi Tayyab Aasim Yusuf Haseeb Haider Zia Ammara Naveed 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第9期1018-1042,共25页
A consensus meeting of national experts from all major national hepatobiliary centres in the country was held on May 26,2023,at the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute&Research Centre(PKLI&RC)after initial con... A consensus meeting of national experts from all major national hepatobiliary centres in the country was held on May 26,2023,at the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute&Research Centre(PKLI&RC)after initial consultations with the experts.The Pakistan Society for the Study of Liver Diseases(PSSLD)and PKLI&RC jointly organised this meeting.This effort was based on a comprehensive literature review to establish national practice guidelines for hilar cholangiocarcinoma(hCCA).The consensus was that hCCA is a complex disease and requires a multidisciplinary team approach to best manage these patients.This coordinated effort can minimise delays and give patients a chance for curative treatment and effective palliation.The diagnostic and staging workup includes high-quality computed tomography,magnetic resonance imaging,and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreato-graphy.Brush cytology or biopsy utilizing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is a mainstay for diagnosis.However,histopathologic confirmation is not always required before resection.Endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration of regional lymph nodes and positron emission tomography scan are valuable adjuncts for staging.The only curative treatment is the surgical resection of the biliary tree based on the Bismuth-Corlette classification.Selected patients with unresectable hCCA can be considered for liver transplantation.Adjuvant chemotherapy should be offered to patients with a high risk of recurrence.The use of preoperative biliary drainage and the need for portal vein embolisation should be based on local multidisciplinary discussions.Patients with acute cholangitis can be drained with endoscopic or percutaneous biliary drainage.Palliative chemotherapy with cisplatin and gemcitabine has shown improved survival in patients with irresectable and recurrent hCCA. 展开更多
关键词 Hilar cholangiocarcinoma Bismuth-Corlette classification Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre Staging Preoperative biliary drainage Portal vein embolisation Surgical resection HEPATECTOMY
谷胱甘肽对湖羊精液低温保存效果的影响 被引量:4
作者 龚常亮 张柳明 +4 位作者 王彦虎 康言 郭裕娇 Tariq sohail 李拥军 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2021年第5期23-26,36,共5页
为探究谷胱甘肽(GSH)对湖羊精液低温保存效果的影响,在基础稀释液中分别添加了0(对照组)、2、4、8、10 mM的GSH,在4℃保存过程中对精子的活率、活力及直线速率等运动性能指标进行了检测。结果表明,与对照组相比,在保存1~3 d时,4~8 mM的... 为探究谷胱甘肽(GSH)对湖羊精液低温保存效果的影响,在基础稀释液中分别添加了0(对照组)、2、4、8、10 mM的GSH,在4℃保存过程中对精子的活率、活力及直线速率等运动性能指标进行了检测。结果表明,与对照组相比,在保存1~3 d时,4~8 mM的GSH显著提高了精子活率(P<0.05),10 mM的GSH对精子活率没有显著影响(P>0.05);保存4~6 d时,4 mM的GSH显著提高了精子活率和精子运动性能(P<0.05)。说明GSH可以提高湖羊精液在低温保存下的质量,且以4 mM的GSH对湖羊精液的低温保存效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 湖羊精液 低温保存 谷胱甘肽 活率 运动性能
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