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凉山州2005-2016年新发现HIV感染者的流行特征及趋势分析 被引量:34
作者 刘伦皓 刘莉 +4 位作者 余刚 胡莹 梁莉 裴晓迪 袁风顺 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期345-347,356,共4页
目的通过分析2005-2016年艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测及感染者的发现情况,了解凉山州艾滋病的流行特点及趋势。方法从"艾滋病综合防治信息系统"中,下载2005-2016年凉山州各年年底历史卡片库和HIV抗体检测份数表,采用描述性分析方法对... 目的通过分析2005-2016年艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测及感染者的发现情况,了解凉山州艾滋病的流行特点及趋势。方法从"艾滋病综合防治信息系统"中,下载2005-2016年凉山州各年年底历史卡片库和HIV抗体检测份数表,采用描述性分析方法对凉山州2005-2016年新发现的HIV感染者的流行特征及趋势进行分析。结果在新发现HIV感染者中,注射吸毒途径传播构成比从2011年的64.42%下降到2016年36.44%,异性传播构成比则从27.19%上升到57.16%;2016年新发现的非商业异性性传播HIV感染者占异性传播构成比为77.45%,商业性行为占19.42%;男女性别比从2005年的9.51∶1降低到2016年的1.46∶1;2005-2016年新发现的病例中,每年均以昭觉县、布拖县、越西县、美姑县病例最多,占50%以上。结论目前凉山州艾滋病传播途径由注射吸毒向非商业异性性传播方式转变,使得艾滋病疫情在一般人群中扩散;凉山州已进入艾滋病广泛流行阶段,特别是在昭觉县、布拖县、越西县等彝族聚居的地区。除吸毒人群的高危行为的干预外,针对一般人群的HIV抗体筛查以及健康教育宣传、干预服务也是凉山州艾滋病防控工作的重点。 展开更多
关键词 凉山彝族自治州 新发现 艾滋病病毒感染者 流行特征 趋势
Corporate Governance, Ownership and Financial Distress of Publicly Listed Companies in China 被引量:12
作者 WangZhen liuli ChenChao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期90-96,共7页
This paper examines the effects of internal control mechanisms on the financial distress of publicly listed companies in China. Using t-test and Logistic regression analysis, we investigated the following aspects: own... This paper examines the effects of internal control mechanisms on the financial distress of publicly listed companies in China. Using t-test and Logistic regression analysis, we investigated the following aspects: ownership by top managers and the CEO, the number of directors, the percentage of inside directors, CEO duality, and ownership concentration. The empirical tests indicate a lower probability of financial distress when ownership by top managers and that by the CEO are higher. The evidence also shows that a combination of two parts, the CEO and the chairman of the board, may influence the internal control system of a publicly listed companies. 展开更多
关键词 Financial distress corporate governance OWNERSHIP
一种GIS与集合覆盖法的消防区优化布局 被引量:10
作者 刘莉 陈晨 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期46-51,共6页
针对城市边缘消防责任区面积大,消防安全薄弱,消防车到达事故区时间长等问题,该文提出采用邻域法,提取消防合理责任区范围与消防空白区,采用邻近度与集合覆盖法对消防站进行优化布局研究,并得出结论:(1)提高消防责任区划分精确度,明确... 针对城市边缘消防责任区面积大,消防安全薄弱,消防车到达事故区时间长等问题,该文提出采用邻域法,提取消防合理责任区范围与消防空白区,采用邻近度与集合覆盖法对消防站进行优化布局研究,并得出结论:(1)提高消防责任区划分精确度,明确消防责任区范围,便于消防指挥调度;(2)缩减消防车到达事故区的平均时间,精确到5min以内;(3)弥补消防空白,优化消防站布局。通过GIS与集合覆盖法可以提高消防责任区责任划分精度,精确减少消防空白区,利于避免浪费火灾资源,有效地建立消防空白区域,特别是为城市边缘地带的消防安全提供科学依据,根据不同道路等级评价消防车的速度,使责任区域划分更加准确。 展开更多
关键词 消防责任区 消防空白区 邻域法 集合覆盖法 长春市主城区 GIS
基于医疗供给角度的重庆市卫生资源配置效率分析 被引量:7
作者 王奕然 刘利 杜晓莉 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2020年第9期626-631,共6页
目的对重庆市38个区(县)卫生资源配置的效率情况进行研究,为提高卫生资源利用效率,优化资源配置提供依据。方法使用数据包络模型(DEA)从横向和纵向两个维度对全市卫生资源配置效率进行研究。结果2017年全市38个区(县)中24个卫生资源配... 目的对重庆市38个区(县)卫生资源配置的效率情况进行研究,为提高卫生资源利用效率,优化资源配置提供依据。方法使用数据包络模型(DEA)从横向和纵向两个维度对全市卫生资源配置效率进行研究。结果2017年全市38个区(县)中24个卫生资源配置效率DEA无效,部分地区存在产出不足及投入冗余;2009-2010年、2014-2016年间卫生资源配置效率DEA无效,2013年之后规模报酬递减。结论当前卫生资源配置效率问题反映出资源供需错配,资源配置效率低的主要影响因素为配置结构不合理,现有资源利用不充分。 展开更多
关键词 卫生资源配置 数据包络 医疗供给
Design of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Grating Connection 被引量:5
作者 Jun ZHU liuli QIN +2 位作者 Shuxiang SONG Junwen ZHONG Siyuan LIN 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期159-165,共7页
Nowdays, the study of measurement of the biological field focuses on the research of improving surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the fields of integration and detection sensitivity. We designed a kind of grating co... Nowdays, the study of measurement of the biological field focuses on the research of improving surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the fields of integration and detection sensitivity. We designed a kind of grating connected surface plasmon resonance sensor. Theoretically, we analyzed the wave vector and the. effective refractive index relations with the diffraction grating structure. Then we obtained the nanoparticles enhancement SPR structure with a resolution 10times higher than that of traditional SPR sensors. Also, we used the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis and simulation which showed that it was obvious with coupling effect by the nanoparticles enhancement SPR structure that the reflectance spectral bandwidth results validated the structure significantly which improved the sensitivity. Experimental results showed that the dynamic response of the designed sensor reached 10^-6 RIU (refractive index unit). This study has the certain significance to long-distance and special sensing applications. 展开更多
关键词 Surface plasmon resonance waveguide grating mode coupling sensitivity RESOLUTION
药食同源品百合、银耳二氧化硫残留量测定及健康风险评估 被引量:5
作者 赵磊 赵艳 +2 位作者 刘丽 马彧 姜大成 《特产研究》 2022年第2期98-101,120,共5页
本文针对市售药食同源品百合、银耳中二氧化硫残留量进行评估。采用二氧化硫测定仪进行蒸馏,过氧化氢吸收,酸碱滴定法测定二氧化硫残留量。结果显示,百合不合格率为71%,银耳不合格率为70%。整体检测结果显示市售百合、银耳质量堪忧,应... 本文针对市售药食同源品百合、银耳中二氧化硫残留量进行评估。采用二氧化硫测定仪进行蒸馏,过氧化氢吸收,酸碱滴定法测定二氧化硫残留量。结果显示,百合不合格率为71%,银耳不合格率为70%。整体检测结果显示市售百合、银耳质量堪忧,应引起重视。 展开更多
关键词 百合 银耳 二氧化硫残留 评估
作者 吴涛 刘立 宋红萍 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第15期1928-1932,共5页
代谢综合征(MS)是以肥胖、糖脂代谢异常以及高血压为主要特征的临床症候群。藏茵陈是我国藏族民间常用药,其功效与MS病机吻合,对MS具有对症治疗潜力。本文对藏茵陈有效成分改善MS的作用机制进行总结发现,龙胆苦苷、獐牙菜苷、獐牙菜苦... 代谢综合征(MS)是以肥胖、糖脂代谢异常以及高血压为主要特征的临床症候群。藏茵陈是我国藏族民间常用药,其功效与MS病机吻合,对MS具有对症治疗潜力。本文对藏茵陈有效成分改善MS的作用机制进行总结发现,龙胆苦苷、獐牙菜苷、獐牙菜苦苷、芒果苷、齐墩果酸等有效成分可通过调节糖脂代谢、改善肥胖、调节心血管系统、抗慢性炎症、抗氧化应激、抗内质网应激、调节自噬、调节肠道菌群紊乱,发挥改善MS的作用。 展开更多
关键词 藏茵陈 有效成分 代谢综合征 肥胖 糖脂代谢 作用机制
始发于头颈部Castleman病的诊疗分析 被引量:4
作者 刘丽 王凌芳 +1 位作者 桑建中 陈磊 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第11期860-864,共5页
目的:提高对始发于头颈部的Castleman病(CD)的诊断和治疗水平。方法:15例始发于头颈部的CD患者,发生于右侧颈部者8例,左侧6例,双侧1例;11例为局灶型CD(UCD),4例为多中心型CD(MCD)。所有患者均接受影像学检查,并于全身麻醉下行颈部肿物... 目的:提高对始发于头颈部的Castleman病(CD)的诊断和治疗水平。方法:15例始发于头颈部的CD患者,发生于右侧颈部者8例,左侧6例,双侧1例;11例为局灶型CD(UCD),4例为多中心型CD(MCD)。所有患者均接受影像学检查,并于全身麻醉下行颈部肿物切除术,4例MCD患者均在术后行药物治疗。结果:随访12~69个月,1例患者因肿块与腮腺关系密切,术后出现轻度面瘫;1例术后瘢痕生长明显,偶有瘙痒;1例肩部轻度疼痛;4例多中心患者带瘤生存;2例分别于随访57个月、65个月后失访,随访期间未见复发;余6例未见异常。结论:CD患者临床表现各异,病理检查为其诊断的重要依据,明确诊断后仍需完善相关检查,避免漏诊。UCD患者一般预后较好,MCD患者预后往往欠佳。对于咽旁间隙肿块并发甲状腺肿瘤患者,可同期手术。 展开更多
关键词 头颈部 CASTLEMAN病 诊断 治疗
国家自然科学基金大气科学学科二级申请代码下设研究方向与关键词解读:D0512地球系统模式发展 被引量:2
作者 林岩銮 俞永强 +2 位作者 陈春刚 刘利 薛巍 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期203-211,共9页
2018年起,国家自然科学基金委员会推进科学基金系统性改革,为更好的助力优化学科布局,2019年大气科学学科率先开展了学科申请代码调整,通过广泛的战略研究与研讨形成了2020年度申请代码设置方案,确定了以“分支学科”“支撑技术”和“... 2018年起,国家自然科学基金委员会推进科学基金系统性改革,为更好的助力优化学科布局,2019年大气科学学科率先开展了学科申请代码调整,通过广泛的战略研究与研讨形成了2020年度申请代码设置方案,确定了以“分支学科”“支撑技术”和“发展领域”三个板块、共15个“二级申请代码”为主要架构的学科资助体系,并组织专家对各“二级申请代码”的下设研究方向和关键词进行系统梳理和分析,经过三年实施和不断优化形成了当前的版本。本文主要针对D0512地球系统模式发展下设的五个研究方向和关键词进行解读,介绍其设置背景,下设研究方向及关键词的总体框架,并基于科睿唯安Web of Science数据库对该申请代码下不同方向关键词的出现频率和研究热点进行了分析和讨论,发现五个方向的主要关键词基本设置合理,在后续工作中需要继续优化和适当调整,不断扩大影响并吸引更多的优秀申请人,促进我国地球系统模式的发展。 展开更多
关键词 国家自然科学基金 地球系统模式发展 申请代码 研究方向 关键词
海南主要林业有害生物风险评估信息系统的开发 被引量:3
作者 刘丽 陈楠 +4 位作者 郑奋 石娟 阎伟 吕宝乾 覃伟权 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期282-289,共8页
近年来,海南林业有害生物危害变化加剧。为了系统掌握海南省主要林业有害生物的危害程度和扩散范围,构建海南省主要林业有害生物风险评估信息系统,本文基于阿里云的在线ECS服务,利用PHP+MySQL技术进行系统开发,同时基于Nginx,进行系统... 近年来,海南林业有害生物危害变化加剧。为了系统掌握海南省主要林业有害生物的危害程度和扩散范围,构建海南省主要林业有害生物风险评估信息系统,本文基于阿里云的在线ECS服务,利用PHP+MySQL技术进行系统开发,同时基于Nginx,进行系统动态部署,实现了系统的前台浏览查询,后台动态对系统维护和风险系数计算发布等功能。系统在"全国林业检疫性有害生物名单"、"全国林业危险性有害生物名单"的基础上,根据近年来海南省林业有害生物发生危害情况普查成果,补充了海南主要林业有害生物名单,建立了各有害生物的信息数据库和风险分析数据库,包括海南省主要林业有害生物的分布与管理现状、扩散蔓延可能性分析(寄主植物及其分布、适生性分析和传播渠道)、天敌分布及制约能力和对经济和非经济方面影响、检疫和监测、定量评估等方面。系统为海南省主要林业有害生物监测预警和危害等级的确定提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 林业有害生物 风险分析 监测预警 动态维护 危害等级评估
1-Methylcyclopropene retards pak choi(Brassica rapa subsp.chinensis)yellowing via BcNAC055-,BcMYB44-,and BcOBF1-mediated regulation of the key chlorophyll degrading gene BcNYC1 during storage at 20℃ 被引量:1
作者 liuli Song Junping Wang +1 位作者 Haitao Yu Zhifang Yu 《Food Quality and Safety》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期75-86,共12页
The objective of this study was to investigate the molecular regulatory mechanism of 1-methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)treatment on leaf yellowing of pak choi during storage at 20°C.In the present study,compared with th... The objective of this study was to investigate the molecular regulatory mechanism of 1-methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)treatment on leaf yellowing of pak choi during storage at 20°C.In the present study,compared with the control and 10μL/L ethylene-treated pak choi,5.0μL/L 1-MCP fumigation alleviated the yellowing process of pak choi as proved by the maintenance of higher levels of colour,chlorophyll content,and appearance.1-MCP treatment decreased chlorophyll breakdown by downregulating the activity of chlorophyll-degrading enzymes(chlorophyll b reductase(CBR)and pheophytinase(PPH))and the expression of their related genes(BcNYC1 and BcPPH).The application of 1-MCP also inhibited the transcript abundance of ethylene biosynthesis and signal transduction genes(BcACO,BcEIN3,and BcERF)and reduced ethylene production,thus helping to maintain the green colour of pak choi;however,ethylene treatment exerted the opposite function.Meanwhile,three transcription factors(BcNAC055,BcMYB44,and BcOBF1)were successfully cloned.Experiments performed using yeast one-hybrid assay,dual-luciferase reporter system and in vivo bioluminescence imaging assay,confirmed that BcNAC055,BcMYB44,and BcOBF1 directly bound to the BcNYC1 promoter.1-MCP inhibited the expression levels of BcNAC055,BcMYB44,BcOBF1,and BcNYC1 during storage,while the application of ethylene activated their expression.In conclusion,1-MCP downregulated the expression of the key chlorophyll degradation gene BcNYC1 by inhibiting the transcript level of its three positive regulators(BcNAC055,BcMYB44,and BcOBF1)and lowered the activity of chlorophyll-degrading enzyme CBR,thereby helping mitigate chlorophyll breakdown to retard leaf yellowing in pak choi.The results of this work extend our understanding of 1-MCP-delayed yellowing in postharvest pak choi. 展开更多
关键词 Yllwing 1-methyIcyclopropene chlorophyIl degradation transcriptional regulation
Study on Technical Measures of Romashkino Oil Field after Entering Ultra-High Water Cut Stage 被引量:2
作者 liuli Lu Zhibin Liu +1 位作者 Haohan Liu Yongqin Yan 《Engineering(科研)》 2013年第7期622-628,共7页
Romashkino oil field has large oilfield area, small formation dip, many reservoir layers, wide oil-water transition zone and complicated sedimentary environment. Since development, 3 overall development plannings and ... Romashkino oil field has large oilfield area, small formation dip, many reservoir layers, wide oil-water transition zone and complicated sedimentary environment. Since development, 3 overall development plannings and adjustments of individual block have been established. This achieves a high oil production. However, the recoverable reserves of major oil layer with high production become smaller and smaller and the water cut increases over time, the production ability of oil layer decreases. The development status of oil layer of mining siltstone, oil-water transition zone and oil layer with upswept injected water cannot be changed under present dilute well network condition, because there is no reinforced measurement to water well. This results the low oil production of Romashkino oil field. In order to improve oil production rate and reach the designed oil recovery, Romashkino oil field has been implemented many added cuttings since development. Resent researches about Romashkino oil field show: in later oilfield development stage, sidetrack and lateral drilling horizontal wells technology is very reasonable;formation hydraulic fracturing technology has been widely used in recent years;in tertiary oil recovery, sweep efficiency and flooding efficiency related technologies have been taken. This offers reference and guidance for the effective and reasonable oil field development in later period. 展开更多
重组九价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗大鼠安全性和免疫原性研究 被引量:2
作者 刘丽 黄瑛 +9 位作者 吕建军 王超 苗玉发 杨艳伟 霍艳 张河战 银飞 张尧 刘永江 李波 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第14期1177-1185,共9页
目的对大鼠重复给予重组九价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(9v HPV疫苗),考察该创新疫苗的非临床安全性和免疫原性,为临床设计人用剂量及临床毒副反应的监测提供参考依据。方法使用Wistar大鼠,设4个主试验组:阴性对照组、佐剂对照组、HPV疫苗低剂量... 目的对大鼠重复给予重组九价人乳头瘤病毒疫苗(9v HPV疫苗),考察该创新疫苗的非临床安全性和免疫原性,为临床设计人用剂量及临床毒副反应的监测提供参考依据。方法使用Wistar大鼠,设4个主试验组:阴性对照组、佐剂对照组、HPV疫苗低剂量组(每只1/2剂)和高剂量组(每只2剂),每组各设1个卫星组。于第0、2、4、6周分别肌肉注射给予重组九价HPV疫苗,试验期间对所有动物观察临床症状和注射部位刺激性,对主试验组动物测定体重、摄食量、体温,末次给药结束及恢复期结束进行眼科检查、尿检查、血液学、血液凝固、血清生化、外周血T淋巴细胞亚群测定,并分别进行剖检、脏器称重,并采集组织样本进行组织病理学检查。卫星组动物进行HPV结合抗体、中和抗体和抗核抗体测定。结果大鼠对低、高剂量HPV疫苗含有的9种抗原均能产生高水平的结合抗体和具有较强活性的中和抗体。低、高剂量HPV疫苗和佐剂引起大鼠外周血中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞增加,在末次免疫后3周基本恢复。佐剂和低、高剂量疫苗均引起大鼠血清ALB轻度降低、球蛋白增加和A/G比值降低。与给予佐剂及疫苗相关的大体病理学改变为双侧注射部位肌肉白色斑块,相关的组织病理学改变为注射部位肌肉肌纤维变性坏死、混合炎性细胞浸润及纤维组织增生,坐骨神经鞘周围混合细胞浸润及纤维组织增生,恢复期结束时部分病变恢复。本疫苗未对其他评价指标产生明显影响。结论九价HPV疫苗对Wistar大鼠有良好的免疫原性。低、高剂量HPV疫苗和佐剂引起大鼠外周血中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞增加、血清球蛋白增加和注射部位刺激性病理改变。在本试验剂量下,九价HPV疫苗对Wistar大鼠有较好的安全性,无明显毒性剂量为每只2剂。 展开更多
关键词 创新疫苗 九价HPV疫苗 大鼠 免疫原性 安全性
Deubiquitinase ubiquitin-specific protease 3 (USP3) inhibits HIV-1 replication via promoting APOBEC3G (A3G) expression in both enzyme activity-dependent and -independent manners 被引量:1
作者 Simin Zhao Baisong Zheng +5 位作者 liuli Wang Wenzhe Cui Chunlai Jiang Zhuo Li Wenying Gao Wenyan Zhang 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第22期2706-2717,共12页
Background: Ubiquitination plays an essential role in many biological processes, including viral infection, and can be reversed by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Although some studies discovered that DUBs inhibit or... Background: Ubiquitination plays an essential role in many biological processes, including viral infection, and can be reversed by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Although some studies discovered that DUBs inhibit or enhance viral infection by various mechanisms, there is lack of information on the role of DUBs in virus regulation, which needs to be further investigated.Methods: Immunoblotting, real-time polymerase chain reaction,in vivo/in vitro deubiquitination, protein immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence, and co-localization biological techniques were employed to examine the effect of ubiquitin-specific protease 3 (USP3) on APOBEC3G (A3G) stability and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication. To analyse the relationship between USP3 and HIV disease progression, we recruited 20 HIV-infected patients to detect the levels of USP3 and A3G in peripheral blood and analysed their correlation with CD4^(+) T-cell counts. Correlation was estimated by Pearson correlation coefficients (for parametric data).Results: The results demonstrated that USP3 specifically inhibits HIV-1 replication in an A3G-dependent manner. Further investigation found that USP3 stabilized 90% to 95% of A3G expression by deubiquitinating Vif-mediated polyubiquitination and blocking its degradation in an enzyme-dependent manner. It also enhances the A3G messenger RNA (mRNA) level by binding to A3G mRNA and stabilizing it in an enzyme-independent manner. Moreover, USP3 expression was positively correlated with A3G expression (r= 0.5110) and CD4^(+) T-cell counts (r= 0.5083) in HIV-1-infected patients.Conclusions: USP3 restricts HIV-1 viral infections by increasing the expression of the antiviral factor A3G. Therefore, USP3 may be an important target for drug development and serve as a novel therapeutic strategy against viral infections. 展开更多
关键词 APOBEC3G Ubiquitin-specific protease 3 DEUBIQUITINATION Human immunodeficiency virus-1 Vif Human immunodeficiency virus Deubiquitinase
Chemical Oxygen Demand of Seawater Determined with a Microwave Heating Method 被引量:1
作者 liuli JIHongwei LIUYing XINHuizhen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期152-156,共5页
This paper investigates a microwave heating method for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in seawater. The influences of microwave-power, heating time and standard substances on the results are studied.... This paper investigates a microwave heating method for the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in seawater. The influences of microwave-power, heating time and standard substances on the results are studied. Using the proposed method, we analyzed the glucose standard solution, the coefficient of variation being less than 2%. Compared with the traditional electric stove heating method, the results of F-test and T-test showed that there was no significant difference between the two methods, but the microwave method had slightly higher precision and reproducibility than the electric stove method. With the microwave heating method, several seawater samples from Jiaozhou Bay and the South Yellow Sea were also analyzed. The recovery was between 97.5% and 104.3%. This new method has the advantages of shortening the heating time, improving the working efficiency and having simple operation and therefore can be used to analyze the COD in seawater. 展开更多
关键词 seawater COD alkalinity potassium permanganate microwave heating method
Concepts for Planning Urban Greening since 1850s
作者 liuli 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2005年第1期85-98,共14页
Urban greening, urban forestry and urban green structure planning all look at a city as a unit andintend to improve the status of green space in the city. Even though they are new terms, their concepts haveevolved ove... Urban greening, urban forestry and urban green structure planning all look at a city as a unit andintend to improve the status of green space in the city. Even though they are new terms, their concepts haveevolved over a rather long period. This paper presents a historical review of western concepts for urbangreening since the 1850s. The first aim is to establish an overview of how the urban greening concept hasdeveloped and what the relationships are between the historical concepts and urban greening, urban forestryand urban green structure planning today. The secondary purpose is to understand some key issues for urbangreening through the examination of historical precedents. Based on a literature review, the paper presentsseveral historical concepts for urban greening rampart area planning, park system, green belts, greenwedges and greenways. The new concept of urban green structure is also introduced. Each concept is defined.The social background and the influence on city development are described. The review shows that theconcept of urban greening has a long history, parallel with the development of the city planning concepts.The scope of urban greening has become larger over the past years. The functions of urban green space havechanged from single-purpose to multi-purpose. The study indicates that historical concepts may still giveinspiration in todays urban greening process. 展开更多
关键词 urban greening urban forestry urban green structure planning rampart area planning parksystem green belt GREENWAY city planning EUROPE AMERICA
Analysis on Cooperative Principle in Chinese Context 被引量:1
作者 liuli 《科技信息》 2010年第28期I0181-I0182,共2页
Some examples of flouting Cooperative Principle (CP) in Chinese people's greeting, requesting, and accepting compliment are presented and the cultural reasons for these violations are explained in this article. By... Some examples of flouting Cooperative Principle (CP) in Chinese people's greeting, requesting, and accepting compliment are presented and the cultural reasons for these violations are explained in this article. By analyzing the Chinese way of flouting CP, the author explores the unique characteristics of CP in Chinese context. 展开更多
关键词 中国 西方 会话原则 文化
Effect of peripheral nerve on the neurite growth from retinal explants in culture 被引量:1
作者 liuli SoKwokfai 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第1期77-87,共11页
The effect of peripheral nerve (PN) on neurite outgrowth from retinal explants of adult hamsters was examined. Cultures of retinal explants, and co-cultures of retinal explants and PN were performed using chick retina... The effect of peripheral nerve (PN) on neurite outgrowth from retinal explants of adult hamsters was examined. Cultures of retinal explants, and co-cultures of retinal explants and PN were performed using chick retinal basement membrane (BM) as substrate. The presence of PN increases the number and length of neurite outgrowth. In addition, a high proportion of neurites situated close to PN tend to grow towards it. Since there was no contact between retinal ex-plants and PN, we suggest that PN might secrete diffusible substances to attract the neurites to grow towards it. 展开更多
关键词 retinal explants peripheral nerve tissue culture neurite outgrowth adult hamster.
Electrical Transport and Magnetoresistance in the Sol-Gel Prepared La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xTExO3 (x=0 and 4%, TE=Cu and Zn) Polycrystalline Samples 被引量:1
作者 YUANSong-Liu liuli ZHONGQiang-Hua CAOHeng XIAOXun CHENWei MIAOJU-Hong NIULe-Yuan ZHANGGuo-Hong XIAZheng-Cai LIUSheng 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第7期1352-1355,共4页
Plasma Boundary Identification by Using Filament-Current Method on HL-2A Tokamak
作者 LIQiang SONGXianming LUOCuiwen YUANBaoshan MAOSuying FANMingjie liuli 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2002年第1期13-14,共2页
The establishment of a divertor configuration is a task for a divertor tokamak. To achieve this goal, we have to identify plasma boundary at first. So, it is important to find a quick approach to calculate plasma boun... The establishment of a divertor configuration is a task for a divertor tokamak. To achieve this goal, we have to identify plasma boundary at first. So, it is important to find a quick approach to calculate plasma boundary and other global parameters. Various 展开更多
关键词 托卡马克 等离子体 实验装置 HL-2A 边界识别 灯丝电流
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