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煤矿采空区液态CO_2灌注防灭火关键参数研究 被引量:16
作者 邓军 习红军 +1 位作者 翟小伟 张嬿妮 《西安科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第5期605-609,共5页
液态CO_2用于防治煤矿采空区火灾,相比传统的注氮防灭火有诸多优势,是一种有较好发展前景的采空区防灭火方法,为解决其在气化过程中易结冰及爆震,灌注量难于计算,气化吸热量较难确定这几个关键问题,对液态CO_2物性参数及其相变规律作了... 液态CO_2用于防治煤矿采空区火灾,相比传统的注氮防灭火有诸多优势,是一种有较好发展前景的采空区防灭火方法,为解决其在气化过程中易结冰及爆震,灌注量难于计算,气化吸热量较难确定这几个关键问题,对液态CO_2物性参数及其相变规律作了深入分析,结果表明:液态CO_2气化过程中易结冰的主要原因是其三相点温度(-56.6℃)较高,压力快速降低时气化导致的大量吸热使其温度达到三相点从而结冰,故防结冰首要措施是布设旁路气化增压系统及气相均压连通系统,并保持压力在1.2 MPa以上;防灭火灌注量需要控制采空区氧浓度为3%~5%以下,并参照液氮灌注防灭火计算方法求出灌注量;液态CO_2气化潜热跟其压力(温度)关系密切且变化较大,在考虑其对采空区的降温效果时应严格以压力(温度)为基准计算它的气化吸热量。通过这些研究为液态CO_2采空区灌注防灭火这一新技术的可靠应用及量化计算提供了一种新的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 液态CO2 采空区 结冰 灌注量 气化吸热量
麻醉胃镜检查中低氧血症的危险因素分析 被引量:14
作者 封莉莉 丁文霞 +5 位作者 孙媛媛 张莹莹 袁宁平 张丽君 韩文军 席惠君 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2019年第7期427-434,共8页
背景麻醉胃镜检查已经作为一种常规胃镜检查方式在国内开展.低氧血症仍然是麻醉胃镜检查中发生率较高的不良事件,但国外就其发生率的报道情况相差较大(<1%至85%),国内缺乏相关高质量报道.丙泊酚作为用于门诊患者麻醉胃镜检查的镇静药... 背景麻醉胃镜检查已经作为一种常规胃镜检查方式在国内开展.低氧血症仍然是麻醉胃镜检查中发生率较高的不良事件,但国外就其发生率的报道情况相差较大(<1%至85%),国内缺乏相关高质量报道.丙泊酚作为用于门诊患者麻醉胃镜检查的镇静药物,其安全、有效性已经得到认可,《中国消化内镜诊疗镇静/麻醉的专家共识意见》(2014年)推荐使用,国外仍然有对其安全性的质疑,本研究中,我们将其作为门诊患者胃镜检查的镇静药物使用,观察其对低氧血症发生率的影响.目的观察麻醉胃镜检查中低氧血症的发生率,并分析其危险因素.方法纳入上海长海医院消化内镜中心2018-09-01/2018-11-30经麻醉医师施行丙泊酚镇静的门诊麻醉胃镜检查患者,共计580例.观察患者在检查过程中有无低氧血症,记为发生低氧血症(110例)和未发生低氧血症(470例)两组,记录两组患者的基本信息、麻醉过程和内镜操作相关信息.结果单因素分析发现打鼾史、活检、年龄、体重指数、腹围、内镜操作时间、丙泊酚的量、患者A S A分级、内镜医师分级在两组间存在差异(P <0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析,发现年龄(>75岁, OR值8.955, 95%CI:2.070-38.746)和丙泊酚用量(>197 mg,OR值2.360,95%CI:1.320-4.219)是低氧血症的独立危险因素.结论对高龄患者(特别是>75岁患者)和需要较大量丙泊酚(特别是>197mg)镇静的患者需要加以主动干预,以预防低氧血症的发生. 展开更多
关键词 麻醉/镇静 胃镜 低氧血症 危险因素
PBL教学法在消化内科住院医师规范化培训中的应用 被引量:7
作者 刘娟 凌颖 +2 位作者 王俊 席春晖 袁聪 《中国现代医生》 2017年第33期141-144,共4页
目的评价PBL教学法在消化内科住院医师规范化培训中的应用效果。方法选择在川北医学院附属医院消化内科进行住院医师规范化培训的住院医师(包括专业学位硕士研究生)56人。随机分为实验组(采用PBL教学法)及对照组(采用传统教学法),每组... 目的评价PBL教学法在消化内科住院医师规范化培训中的应用效果。方法选择在川北医学院附属医院消化内科进行住院医师规范化培训的住院医师(包括专业学位硕士研究生)56人。随机分为实验组(采用PBL教学法)及对照组(采用传统教学法),每组各28人。采用出科成绩及问卷调查进行应用效果的评估。结果 PBL教学组规培医师的总成绩和病例分析成绩均高于传统教学组,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组规培医师理论知识成绩和基本技能成绩比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。PBL教学组规培医师在提高学习主动性、自学能力、归纳分析能力、提高沟通和团队协作能力等方面的评价较传统教学组高(P<0.05)。结论在消化内科住院医师规范化培训中PBL教学法有助于促进规培医师临床思维能力的形成,提高其学习主动性和自学能力,提高教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 消化内科 PBL教学法 住院医师规范化培训 应用效果
睾丸扭转的超声造影特征及其临床应用研究 被引量:6
作者 李嘉俊 席勇 陈吉东 《实用医院临床杂志》 2017年第4期232-233,共2页
目的探讨睾丸扭转超声造影特征及其在指导临床治疗方案选择方面的应用价值。方法对30例疑诊睾丸扭转患者行超声造影,判断有无睾丸扭转及其严重程度。根据超声造影结果进行相应的临床治疗。结果超声造影诊断为睾丸扭转26例,表现为睾丸实... 目的探讨睾丸扭转超声造影特征及其在指导临床治疗方案选择方面的应用价值。方法对30例疑诊睾丸扭转患者行超声造影,判断有无睾丸扭转及其严重程度。根据超声造影结果进行相应的临床治疗。结果超声造影诊断为睾丸扭转26例,表现为睾丸实质内见完全性或区域性造影剂充盈缺损;4例排除睾丸扭转并诊断为睾丸炎。超声造影提示睾丸不全扭转14例,行手法复位全部治愈;完全扭转8例,行患侧睾丸切除术治愈;慢性扭转4例,行睾丸部分切术治愈;睾丸炎4例,经抗炎治疗取得满意疗效。结论超声造影能敏感地显示睾丸实质血流灌注,有助于睾丸扭转患者临床治疗方案的正确选择。 展开更多
关键词 超声造影 超声谐波成像 睾丸扭转
Bimodal growth of Fe islands on graphene
作者 顾翊晟 俞俏滟 +16 位作者 刘荡 孙蓟策 席瑞骏 陈星森 薛莎莎 章毅 杜宪 宁旭辉 杨浩 管丹丹 刘晓雪 刘亮 李耀义 王世勇 刘灿华 郑浩 贾金锋 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期553-557,共5页
Magnetic metals deposited on graphene hold the key to applications in spintronics. Here, we present the results of Fe islands grown on graphene/Si C(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy, which are investigated by scanning ... Magnetic metals deposited on graphene hold the key to applications in spintronics. Here, we present the results of Fe islands grown on graphene/Si C(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy, which are investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy. The two types of islands distinguished by flat or round tops are revealed, indicating bimodal growth of Fe. The atomic structures on the top surfaces of flat islands are also clearly resolved. Our results may improve the understanding of the mechanisms of metals deposited on graphene and pave the way for future spintronic applications of Fe/graphene systems. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE MAGNETISM molecular beam epitaxy scanning tunneling microscopy
培养生物技术实践能力的《生物工程下游技术》教学研究与实践 被引量:3
作者 梁猛 毛颖基 +1 位作者 王文锐 席珺 《黄山学院学报》 2021年第5期129-132,共4页
基于提高学生生物技术实践能力,以《生物工程下游技术》课程为载体,对教学方法、特色实践教学、网络自主学习平台和考核体制等进行教学研究与改革,以此提升生物工程下游技术课程教学效果,提高学生的生物工程素养及合作交流能力,培养出... 基于提高学生生物技术实践能力,以《生物工程下游技术》课程为载体,对教学方法、特色实践教学、网络自主学习平台和考核体制等进行教学研究与改革,以此提升生物工程下游技术课程教学效果,提高学生的生物工程素养及合作交流能力,培养出符合时代和社会要求的复合型人才。 展开更多
关键词 教学研究与实践 生物技术 实践能力 生物工程下游技术
基于普鲁士蓝修饰碳糊电极的电化学传感器对偏二甲肼检测研究 被引量:2
作者 董超 任向红 胡莉军 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2016年第36期99-104,共6页
在偏二甲肼的氧化中使用普鲁士蓝作为合适的电子转移调节剂,应用普鲁士蓝修饰碳糊电极(PB/CPE)作为工作电极,循环伏安法技术可以应用在偏二甲肼的电催化氧化上。通过观察PB/CPE的电化学行为和偏二甲肼在工作电极上的电化学响应,来具体评... 在偏二甲肼的氧化中使用普鲁士蓝作为合适的电子转移调节剂,应用普鲁士蓝修饰碳糊电极(PB/CPE)作为工作电极,循环伏安法技术可以应用在偏二甲肼的电催化氧化上。通过观察PB/CPE的电化学行为和偏二甲肼在工作电极上的电化学响应,来具体评估PB/CPE对偏二甲肼溶液浓度测定的可靠性。结果表明,普鲁士蓝可以作为促进偏二甲肼氧化的催化剂,利用电流测定法得出测定的线性范围为0.3~80 mg·L^(-1),检测限为4.6×10^(-5)g·L^(-1)。该传感器表现出许多优势,其中包括很少的干扰、简单的准备和良好的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 普鲁士蓝 碳糊电极 偏二甲肼 循环伏安 峰值电流 扫描速率
消化内镜麻醉风险评估现状及展望 被引量:1
作者 封莉莉 马苏 +2 位作者 丁文霞 刘毅 席惠君 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2018年第21期1289-1294,共6页
麻醉消化内镜诊疗在胃肠癌防治中发挥重要作用.麻醉消化内镜安全性很高,但诊疗前的麻醉风险评估仍然是保障被检查者安全的关键环节.在国内外缺乏麻醉风险评估流程和具体方法的背景下,我国需要建立有中国特色的麻醉护士培训管理体系,可... 麻醉消化内镜诊疗在胃肠癌防治中发挥重要作用.麻醉消化内镜安全性很高,但诊疗前的麻醉风险评估仍然是保障被检查者安全的关键环节.在国内外缺乏麻醉风险评估流程和具体方法的背景下,我国需要建立有中国特色的麻醉护士培训管理体系,可以进行方便且节约成本的麻醉前门诊或者电话评估.同时应该探讨消化内镜麻醉风险评估系统的建立.相信在消化内镜及麻醉专业领域的共同推进下,我国会尽快得构建出完善的消化内镜麻醉风险评估系统和评估形式. 展开更多
关键词 消化内镜 麻醉风险 麻醉前评估 美国医师协会麻醉分级
Serum vaspin level in relation to postprandial plasma glucose concentration in subjects with diabetes 被引量:40
作者 YE Yin HOU Xu-hong PAN xiao-ping LU jun-xi JIA Wei-ping 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2530-2533,共4页
Background Vaspin is a newly-identified adipocytokine related to obesity and insulin sensitivity. However, its pathophysiologic role in humans remains largely unknown. The aim of our study was to investigate the relat... Background Vaspin is a newly-identified adipocytokine related to obesity and insulin sensitivity. However, its pathophysiologic role in humans remains largely unknown. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between serum vaspin level and glucose metabolism or obesity in Chinese adults. Methods A total of 123 subjects, including 84 subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and 39 subjects with diabetes, were enrolled in this study. Anthropometric parameters, abdominal fat areas, plasma glucose concentration, serum insulin, lipids, and vaspin level were measured in each participant. Results Serum vaspin concentration was significantly higher in diabetic patients than that in NGT subjects (592 (438-695) pg/ml vs 380 (294-517) pg/ml, P=0.020) in women. In all participants, age, fasting plasma glucose concentration (FPG), 2-hour post-load plasma glucose (PG2h), hemoglobin Alc (HbAlc) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) significantly increased from the lower tertile to the higher tertile of vaspin. Univariate linear regression analyses revealed that vaspin level was only positively correlated with age (β=0.340, P=0.002) in NGT subjects. And vaspin was positively associated with FPG (β=0.365, P=0.023), PG2h (β=0.526, P=0.001), HbAlc (β=0.388, P=0.016), and HDL-c (β=0.353, P=0.027), while negatively with homeostasis model assessment of beta cell function (HOMA-β) (β=-0.361, P=-0.024) in diabetic patients. In stepwise multivariate regression analyses, age was independently associated with circulating vaspin in NGT subjects, whereas PG2h was an independent predictor of vaspin in diabetic patients. In addition, there was no significant difference of serum vaspin level between men and women. And no significant correlations between vaspin and body fat indexes were detected. Conclusions Serum vaspin level is higher in diabetic patients than that in NGT subjects in women. Age predicts serum vaspin level in NGT subjects, while PG 展开更多
关键词 vaspin protein human blood glucose diabetes mellitus OBESITY
Relationship between the level of fasting plasma glucose and beta cell functions in Chinese with or without diabetes 被引量:35
作者 PANG Can BAO Yu-qian WANG Chen LU jun-xi JIA Wei-ping xiANG Kun-san 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第21期2119-2123,共5页
Background Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by a progressive loss of beta cell functions. However, the evaluation of beta cell functions is either expensive or inconvenient for clinical practice. We ... Background Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by a progressive loss of beta cell functions. However, the evaluation of beta cell functions is either expensive or inconvenient for clinical practice. We aimed to elucidate the association between the changes of insulin responsiveness and the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) during the development of diabetes. Methods A total of 1192 Chinese individuals with normal blood glucose or hyperglycemia were enrolled for the analysis. The early insulinogenic index (△I30/△G30), the area under the curve of insulin (AUC-Ⅰ), and homeostasis model assessment were applied to evaluate the early phase secretion, total insulin secretion, and insulin resistance respectively. Polynomial regression analysis was performed to estimate the fluctuation of beta cell functions. Results The △I30/△G30 decreased much more rapidly than the AUC-Ⅰ accompanying with the elevation of FPG. At the FPG of 110 mg/dl (a pre-diabetic stage), the AI30/AG30 lost 50% of its maximum while the AUC-Ⅰ was still at a compensated normal level. The AUC-Ⅰ exhibited abnormal and decreased gradually at the FPG of from 130 mg/dl to higher (overt diabetes), while the △I30/△G30 almost remained at 25% of its maximum value. When hyperglycemia continuously existed at 〉 180 mg/dl, both the AI30/AG30 and AUC-Ⅰ were totally lost. Conclusion The increased fasting plasma glucose reflects progressive decompensation of beta cell functions, and could be used to guide the strategy of clinical treatments. 展开更多
关键词 fasting plasma glucose beta cell failure diabetes mellitus
Impact of cigarette smoking on recurrence of hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis 被引量:14
作者 jun-xi xiang Liang-Shuo Hu +7 位作者 Peng Liu Bo-Yan Tian Qing Su Yi-Chun Ji Xu-Feng Zhang Xue-Min Liu Zheng Wu Yi Lv 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第47期8387-8394,共8页
AIM To investigate the impact of cigarette smoking on the recurrence rate and recurrence-free survival in patients with hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis(HLAP).METHODS A total of 863 patients were admitted to our hosp... AIM To investigate the impact of cigarette smoking on the recurrence rate and recurrence-free survival in patients with hyperlipidemic acute pancreatitis(HLAP).METHODS A total of 863 patients were admitted to our hospital for acute pancreatitis(AP) from January 2013 to March2016, of whom 88 diagnosed with HLAP were enrolled in this retrospective study. Demographic data, medical history, previous episodes of pancreatitis, consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as biochemical and hematological data were carefully recorded for univariate and multivariate analyses. During followup, the information on current smoking status and recurrent AP was gathered. Recurrence-free survival(RFS) was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the differences between groups were compared using the log-rank test.RESULTS No significant differences were observed between the three groups in age or medical history of hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or AP. The current smokers had a remarkably higher recurrence rate and a greater incidence of repeated episodes of AP(50.0% and 77.8%, respectively) than non-smokers(9.8% and 39.0%), and these two percentages were reduced to 9.1% and 36.4% for patients who gave up smoking. The median follow-up time was 13.5 mo and HLAP recurred after hospital discharge in 23(26.1%) patients. Multivariate analysis identified current smoking(HR = 6.3, P = 0.020) as an independent risk factor contributing to HLAP recurrence. Current smokers had significantly worse RFS than non-smokers(23 mo vs 42 mo), but no significant difference was documented between ex-smokers(34 mo) and non-smokers. The RFS was not significantly different between light and heavy smokers.CONCLUSION Smoking is associated with worse RFS and an increased rate of HLAP recurrence. Continued smoking correlates with a compromised survival and smoking cessation should be recommended. 展开更多
Intravitreal bevacizumab and Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation in patients with neovascular glaucoma 被引量:12
作者 Hai-Tao Zhang Yu-xin Yang +3 位作者 Ying-Ying Xu Rui-Min Yang Bao-jun Wang jun-xi Hu 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期837-842,共6页
AIM:To explore the efficacy of preoperative intravitreal bevacizumab(IVB) injection combined with Ahmed glaucoma valve(AGV) implantation in the treatment of neovascular glaucoma(NVG).METHODS:This retrospective study i... AIM:To explore the efficacy of preoperative intravitreal bevacizumab(IVB) injection combined with Ahmed glaucoma valve(AGV) implantation in the treatment of neovascular glaucoma(NVG).METHODS:This retrospective study included 35 eyes from 35 patients who underwent preoperative IVB and AGV implantation for treatment of NVG. Findings such as intraocular pressure(IOP) number of anti-glaucoma medications, visual acuity(VA), surgical success rates,and complications were recorded.RESULTS:AfterAGVimplantation,IOPwas18.2±4.0mmHg,15.5±3.3 mm Hg and 9.8±2.6 mm Hg at 6, 12 and 36 mo,significantly decreased compared with pre-IOP(P 【0.01).The number of anti-glaucoma medications was 0.9 ±0.5,0.8 ±0.9 and 0.8 ±0.6 at 6, 12 and 36 mo, significantly decreased compared to pre-treatment(P 【0.01). At last visit, there were 19 eyes with stable VA, 4 with VA improvement, 12 with diminished VA and 3 with complete loss light perception. There were 7 cases that failed during 3-year fellow up period. Cumulative probabilities of valve survival by Kaplan-Meier analysis were 82.9%,74.1% and 71.0% at 12, 24 and 36 mo, respectively. Cox stepwise regression analysis found that the survival time was significant associated with the pre-visual acuity 【2/400(P 【0.05). Post-operative complications occurred in 8eyes, of which hyphema presented in 2 eyes, choroidal effusion in 2 eyes.CONCLUSION:The procedure of preoperative IVB andAGV implantation should be one of treatments for NVG because of its safety and effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 Ahmed glaucoma valve BEVACIZUMAB intravitreal injection neovascular glaucoma
Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress alleviates secondary injury after traumatic brain injury 被引量:9
作者 Hong-Ping Tan Qiang Guo +2 位作者 Gang Hua jun-xi Chen jun-Chao Liang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期827-836,共10页
Apoptosis after traumatic brain injury has been shown to be a major factor influencing prognosis and outcome. Endoplasmic reticulum stress may be involved in mitochondrial mediated neuronal apoptosis. Therefore, endop... Apoptosis after traumatic brain injury has been shown to be a major factor influencing prognosis and outcome. Endoplasmic reticulum stress may be involved in mitochondrial mediated neuronal apoptosis. Therefore, endoplasmic reticulum stress has become an important mechanism of secondary injury after traumatic brain injury. In this study, a rat model of traumatic brain injury was established by lateral fluid percussion injury. Fluorescence assays were used to measure reactive oxygen species content in the cerebral cortex. Western blot assays were used to determine expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress-related proteins. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to detect pathological changes in the cerebral cortex. Transmission electron microscopy was used to measure ultrastructural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Our results showed activation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress-related unfolded protein response. Meanwhile, both the endoplasmic reticulum stress response and mitochondrial apoptotic pathway were activated at different stages post-traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, pretreatment with the endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibitor, salubrinal(1 mg/kg), by intraperitoneal injection 30 minutes before injury significantly inhibited the endoplasmic reticulum stress response and reduced apoptosis. Moreover, salubrinal promoted recovery of mitochondrial function and inhibited activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway post-traumatic brain injury. These results suggest that endoplasmic reticulum stress might be a key factor for secondary brain injury post-traumatic brain injury. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration traumatic brain injury endoplasmic reticulum stress APOPTOSIS MITOCHONDRIA reactive oxygen species unfolded protein response secondary brain injury salubrinal neural regeneration
Miniature magnetically anchored and controlled camera system for trocar-less laparoscopy 被引量:8
作者 ding-hui dong hao-yang zhu +5 位作者 yu luo hong-ke zhang jun-xi xiang fei xue rong-qian wu yi lv 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第12期2168-2174,共7页
AIM To design a miniature magnetically anchored and controlled camera system to reduce the number of trocars which are required for laparoscopy.METHODS The system consists of a miniature magnetically anchored camera w... AIM To design a miniature magnetically anchored and controlled camera system to reduce the number of trocars which are required for laparoscopy.METHODS The system consists of a miniature magnetically anchored camera with a 30° downward angle, an external magnetically anchored unit, and a vision output device. The camera weighs 12 g, measures Φ10.5 mm × 55 mm and has two magnets, a vision model, a light source, and a metal hexagonal nut. To test the prototype, the camera was inserted through a 12-mm conventional trocar in an ex vivo real liver laparoscopic training system. A trocar-less laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed 6 times using a 12-mm and a 5-mm conventional trocar. In addition, the same procedure was performed in four canine models.RESULTS Both procedures were successfully performed using only two conventional laparoscopic trocars. The cholecystectomy was completed without any major complication in 42 min(38-45 min) in vitro and in 50 min(45-53 min) using an animal model. This camera was anchored and controlled by an external unit magnetically anchored on the abdominal wall. The camera could generate excellent image. with no instrument collisions.CONCLUSION The camera system we designed provides excellent optics and can be easily maneuvered. The number of conventional trocars is reduced without adding technical difficulties. 展开更多
关键词 Trocar-less laparoscopy Magnetically anchored and controlled camera Minimally invasive surgery
Influence of graphene oxide(GO)on microstructure and biodegradation of ZK30-xGO composites prepared by selective laser melting 被引量:7
作者 jun-xi Tao Ming-Chun Zhao +5 位作者 Ying-Chao Zhao Deng-Feng Yin Long Liu Chengde Gao Cijun Shuai Andrej Atrens 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS 2020年第3期952-962,共11页
Different graphene oxide(GO)contents were chosen as the addition to prepare ZK30-xGO composites by selective laser melting(SLM).The microstructure and biodegradation of the SLMed ZK30-xGO composites were investigated.... Different graphene oxide(GO)contents were chosen as the addition to prepare ZK30-xGO composites by selective laser melting(SLM).The microstructure and biodegradation of the SLMed ZK30-xGO composites were investigated.The results indicated that(i)SLM effectively produced a small grain size,(ii)the incorporation of GO into ZK30 caused a further decrease in grain size,and(iii)GO has a strong effect on the formation of the MgZn2 precipitates.The SLMed ZK30-0.6GO had the lowest biodegradation rate,which is attributed to the fact that the effect of the increased grain refinement and decreased amount of the MgZn?precipitates counteracted the effect of the increased GO content on the biodegradation rate.Furthermore,the SLMed ZK30-xGO composites had good cytocompatibility.This work provided a novel approach to the composition design and fabrication of novel biodegradable GO reinforced Mg-based biomedical implants. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy ZK30-xGO composite Selective laser melting(SLM) BIODEGRADATION CYTOCOMPATIBILITY
A case with insulinoma localized by combined use of various means 被引量:5
作者 HAN jun-feng ZHANG Feng +8 位作者 BAO Yu-qian ZHOU Jian LU Wei LU jun-xi ZHAO jun-gong HUANG xin-yu BAO Zhao-kang HU Bing JIA Wei-ping 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期476-479,共4页
A patient with insulinoma diagnosed by clinical features and localized preoperatively using a combination of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS), dual phase contrast enhanced spiral computed tomography (DPSCT... A patient with insulinoma diagnosed by clinical features and localized preoperatively using a combination of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS), dual phase contrast enhanced spiral computed tomography (DPSCT) and arterial stimulation and venous sampling (ASVS) was reported. A 37-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of hypoglycemic attacks, palpitations, and muscular weakness. Fajans' ratio reported to be an index for insulinoma was positive. Transabdominal computed tomography and ultrasonography failed to detect any abnormalities. CEUS showed a small low echoic lesion in the pancreatic body with blood flow and the early arterial phase of DPSCT revealed a small strengthening focus, which mimicked a pancreatic tumor in the pancreatic body. ASVS showed that the insulin levels in the hepatic vein were extremely increased by calcium injection to the gastroduodenal artery. An open intra-abdominal operation was performed and an insulinoma was confirmed in the pancreatic body. Enucleation of tumor was undertaken and histopathological examination showed an adenoma, insulin expression was positive in immunofluorescence staining.Symptomatic hypoglycemia never happened even without glucose infusion since the operation. His blood glucose level improved to within the normal range. 展开更多
关键词 INSULINOMA contrast-enhanced ultrasonography dual phase contrast enhanced spiral computed tomography arterial stimulation and venous sampling
抗热应激饲料添加剂对猪生长性能的影响及作用机理研究 被引量:6
作者 郑秋红 薛小波 +4 位作者 常娟 尹清强 刘俊熙 王潇 Qiu-hong xiao-bo Qing-qiang jun-xi 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2010年第12期153-156,共4页
将112头育肥猪随机地分为7组,在1~6组的日粮中分别添加以下抗热应激添加剂:γ-氨基丁酸0.004%、γ-氨基丁酸0.008%、γ-氨基丁酸0.004%+巴氯芬0.001%、巴氯芬0.001%、γ-氨基丁酸0.004%+巴氯芬0.001%+维生素C(Vc)0.01%、微生态制剂0.0... 将112头育肥猪随机地分为7组,在1~6组的日粮中分别添加以下抗热应激添加剂:γ-氨基丁酸0.004%、γ-氨基丁酸0.008%、γ-氨基丁酸0.004%+巴氯芬0.001%、巴氯芬0.001%、γ-氨基丁酸0.004%+巴氯芬0.001%+维生素C(Vc)0.01%、微生态制剂0.05%,第7组为对照组.结果表明:第3、5、6组的日增重分别比对照组提高了15%、18%、18%(P<0.05).无论哪一种添加剂,都可提高猪的采食量,但根据料肉比的结果,以第5组的效果最好.与对照组相比,各处理组皆可使猪消化道内的大肠杆菌和乳酸菌的数量有不同程度的降低(P<0.05),而使饲料中蛋白质、钙和磷等营养物质的消化率有不同程度的升高(P<0.05).血清学分析结果表明:与对照组相比,第3组的碱性磷酸酶活力明显升高(P<0.05),第4组的球蛋白含量和第6组的葡萄糖含量明显地低于对照组(P<0.05),其它血清学指标无明显差异.综上所述,最佳的抗热应激和促生长饲料添加剂为γ-氨基丁酸+巴氯芬+Vc组合. 展开更多
关键词 抗热应激添加剂 饲料添加剂 生长性能 机理研究 Growth Performance PIG 氨基丁酸 对照组 巴氯芬 碱性磷酸酶活力 血清学指标 分析结果 微生态制剂 葡萄糖含量 猪消化道 营养物质 升高 蛋白含量 大肠杆菌 育肥猪
Relationship of plasma creatinine and lactic acid in type 2 diabetic patients without renal dysfunction 被引量:5
作者 LIU Fang LU jun-xi TANG jun-ling LI Li LU Hui-juan HOU Xu-hong JIA Wei-ping xiANG Kun-san 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2547-2553,共7页
Background As one of most widely-used biguanides, metformin can induce the lactic acidosis in patients with renal failure though its incidence is very low. However, lactic acidemia induced by metformin was reported in... Background As one of most widely-used biguanides, metformin can induce the lactic acidosis in patients with renal failure though its incidence is very low. However, lactic acidemia induced by metformin was reported in patients without renal dysfunction. It is unclear that whether lactatemia exists in diabetic patients with normal renal function in Chinese or not and its influencing factors. This study aimed to clarify the influencing factors of lactic acid, and identify a practiced clinical marker to predict the hyperlactacidemia in diabetics with normal renal function. Methods The clinical data and venous blood samples of 1024 type 2 diabetic patients treated with (n=426) or without metformin (n=599) were collected. The lactic acid was assayed by enzyme-electrode method. The biochemical indexes included creatinine (Cr) and hepatase were measured with enzymatic procedures. The lactic acid concentrations of different Cr subgroups were compared, and the correlation and receiver operating characteristic curve analysis were used. Results The mean lactic acid level and the proportion of hyperlactatemia of metformin group were significantly higher than that of non-metformin group (P 〈0.01), but no lactic acidosis was found in all patients. The correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that the correlative factors of lactic acid in turn were Cr, metformin, alanine transferase (ALT), body mass index (BMI), Urine albumin (Ualb), and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in total patients; and Cr, ALT, BMI and BUN in non-metformin treated patients; Cr and ALT in metformin-group. The lactate concentration increased with the increment of Cr levels, and reached its peak at Cr 111-130 μmol/L, and the optimal cutoff of Cr in predicting hyperlactacidemia was 96.5 μmol/L. Conclusions Metformin can increase the incidence of lactatemia in type 2 diabetic patients without renal dysfunction. Cr, ALT, and BMI are independent associated factors of blood lactic acid levels. There is low prop 展开更多
关键词 diabetes mellitus lactic acid CREATININE METFORMIN CUTOFF
青藏高原高寒草地植物的群落性状和功能在降水梯度上调控了生物量的分配权衡 被引量:4
作者 Le Sun Jian Sun +6 位作者 jun-xi Wu Zi-Yin Du You-jun Chen Yi Wang Miao Liu Wen-Cheng Li Er-Yuan Liang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第5期44-57,共14页
了解在不同生态系统中植物生物量分配的调控机制是阐明植物适应性策略的重要理论基础。目前,虽然生境条件对植物生物量分配的影响已被广泛研究,但对植物群落性状和功能(plant community traits and functions,PCTF)如何调控生物量分配,... 了解在不同生态系统中植物生物量分配的调控机制是阐明植物适应性策略的重要理论基础。目前,虽然生境条件对植物生物量分配的影响已被广泛研究,但对植物群落性状和功能(plant community traits and functions,PCTF)如何调控生物量分配,特别是在高寒草地生态系统中的研究却较少。本研究计算了在群落水平上的5种叶片功能性状的群落加权平均值(community-weighted means,CWM),并利用相关分析、方差分解分析和结构方程模型探讨了PCTF与生物量权衡之间的关系。研究结果发现,高寒草甸(alpine meadow,AM)和高寒草原(alpine steppe,AS)的权衡值都大于零,但两者存在显著差异,AM的权衡值(0.203)明显高于AS(0.088)。此外,决定AS生物量分配的关键因素是物种丰富度(0.69)和叶片干物质含量(CWM_(LDMC),0.42),而在AM中,关键因素是叶片干物质含量(CWM_(LDMC),0.48)和叶片碳含量(CWM_(LC)-0.45)。值得注意的是,无论AS中的CWM_(LDMC)和物种丰富度,还是AM中的CWM_(LDMC)和CWM_(LC)都主要受气候因素中的降水调节。总而言之,降水往往通过对PCTF的影响来调控高寒草地的生物量分配,因此强调了PCTF在调节降水梯度上植物生物量分配策略的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 群落加权平均 权衡 生物量分配 植物群落性状和功能 高寒草地 青藏高原
Study of Individual Characteristic Abdominal Wall Thickness Based on Magnetic Anchored Surgical Instruments 被引量:4
作者 Ding-Hui Dong Wen-Yan Liu +4 位作者 Hai-Bo Feng Yi-Li FU Shi Huang jun-xi xiang Yi Lyu 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第15期2040-2044,共5页
Background:Magnetic anchored surgical instruments (MASI),relying on magnetic force,can break through the limitations of the single port approach in dexterity.Individual characteristic abdominal wall thickness (IC... Background:Magnetic anchored surgical instruments (MASI),relying on magnetic force,can break through the limitations of the single port approach in dexterity.Individual characteristic abdominal wall thickness (ICAWT) deeply influences magnetic force that determines the safety of MASI.The purpose of this study was to research the abdominal wall characteristics in MASI applied environment to find ICAWT,and then construct an artful method to predict ICAWT,resulting in better safety and feasibility for MASI.Methods:For MASI,ICAWT is referred to the thickness of thickest point in the applied environment.We determined ICAWT through finding the thickest point in computed tomography scans.We also investigated the traits of abdominal wall thickness to discover the factor that can be used to predict ICAWT.Results:Abdominal wall at C point in the middle third lumbar vertebra plane (L3) is the thickest during chosen points.Fat layer thickness plays a more important role in abdominal wall thickness than muscle layer thickness."BMI-ICAWT" curve was obtained based on abdominal wall thickness of C point in L3 plane,and the expression was as follow:f(x) =P1 × x^2 + P2 x x + P3,where P1 =0.03916 (0.01776,0.06056),P2 =1.098 (0.03197,2.164),P3 =-18.52 (-31.64,-5.412),R-square:0.99.Conclusions:Abdominal wall thickness of C point at L3 could be regarded as ICAWT.BMI could be a reliable predictor of ICAWT.In the light of "BMI-ICAWT" curve,we may conveniently predict ICAWT by BMI,resulting a better safety and feasibility for MASI. 展开更多
关键词 Individual Characteristic Abdominal Wall Thickness Magnetic Anchored Surgical Instruments Minimally Invasive Surgery
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