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Genome-wide variants of Eurasian facial shape differentiation and a prospective model of DNA based face prediction 被引量:9
作者 lu Qiao Yajun Yang +14 位作者 Pengcheng Fu Sile Hu Hang Zhou Shouneng Peng jingze Tan Yan lu Haiyi Lou Dongsheng lu Sijie Wu Jing Guo Li Jin Yaqun Guan Sijia Wang Shuhua Xu Kun Tang 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第8期419-432,共14页
It is a long-standing question as to which genes define the characteristic facial features among different ethnic groups. In this study, we use Uyghurs, an ancient admixed population to query the genetic bases why Eur... It is a long-standing question as to which genes define the characteristic facial features among different ethnic groups. In this study, we use Uyghurs, an ancient admixed population to query the genetic bases why Europeans and Han Chinese look different. Facial traits were analyzed based on high-dense 3D facial images; numerous biometric spaces were examined for divergent facial features between European and Han Chinese, ranging from inter-landmark distances to dense shape geometrics, Genome-wide associ- ation studies (GWAS) were conducted on a discovery panel of Uyghurs, Six significant loci were iden- tified, four of which, rs1868752, rs118078182, rs60159418 at or near UBASH3B, COL23A1, PCDH7 and rs17868256 were replicated in independent cohorts of Uyghurs or Southern Han Chinese. A prospective model was also developed to predict 3D faces based on top GWAS signals and tested in hypothetic forensic scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 Genome-wide association study Dense 3D facial image Ancestry-divergent phenotypes Face prediction Forensic scenario
石油石化含油废水混凝气浮处理系统研究进展 被引量:3
作者 王庆吉 胡景泽 +6 位作者 孙秀梅 李东 陈曦 李颖 陆浩然 王列 魏炜 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期45-56,共12页
随着我国油气开发过程中主力区块油气含水率的不断攀升以及非常规油气资源的深入开发,油气开采伴生废水水量逐年增加。油气开采技术的不断更迭致使废水水质呈现油含量高且乳化稳定性强、悬浮物含量高且密度变小的特性。针对乳化油、分... 随着我国油气开发过程中主力区块油气含水率的不断攀升以及非常规油气资源的深入开发,油气开采伴生废水水量逐年增加。油气开采技术的不断更迭致使废水水质呈现油含量高且乳化稳定性强、悬浮物含量高且密度变小的特性。针对乳化油、分散油和轻质悬浮固体的去除成为含油废水处理工艺中较为关键的环节。概述了混凝和气浮除油的原理及影响因素,综述了混凝气浮系统的研究现状,包括对气浮气泡产生方式、气浮池结构以及气浮耦合工艺等方面的研究进展,在此基础上提出通过旋流场与涡流场相结合,同时强化复合功能性药剂体系在涡流场中的破胶与聚结分离效果,实现集氧化、破胶、絮凝、气浮和分离等多种功能于一体的混凝气浮反应系统的开发及应用将是未来油气田污水处理的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 含油污水 混凝 气浮 反应装置 一体化
卸荷条件下层状岩体层厚变化规律及机制研究 被引量:7
作者 刘高 李京泽 +3 位作者 李璐 杨雄兵 杨星月 蔡明君 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2772-2784,共13页
以黄河上游某水电站层状岩体斜坡为对象,通过90个勘探平硐和地表大量变质砂岩和板岩层厚的现场测量和统计,揭示层厚的空间变化规律,分析岩层薄化的影响因素及影响范围,并基于地应力测量、岩体波速测试、三轴应力–弹性波耦合试验和数值... 以黄河上游某水电站层状岩体斜坡为对象,通过90个勘探平硐和地表大量变质砂岩和板岩层厚的现场测量和统计,揭示层厚的空间变化规律,分析岩层薄化的影响因素及影响范围,并基于地应力测量、岩体波速测试、三轴应力–弹性波耦合试验和数值计算,探讨卸荷作用下陡倾层状岩体斜坡的岩层薄化机制。结果表明:岩层薄化是岩性、构造、卸荷和风化等因素综合作用的结果,软硬相间岩层及其潜在弱面是岩层薄化的基础,构造作用使潜在弱面剪切,卸荷作用使潜在弱面显性张裂,风化使地表岩层进一步变薄,其中卸荷作用是主要和全局性的。河流下切使软硬相间陡立层状岩体斜坡内的地应力场非常复杂,坡顶和坡面岩层内潜在弱面直接拉张,斜坡内一定深度范围内岩层沿潜在弱面发生压致拉裂,斜坡内陡立层状岩体发生大范围岩层薄化。受之影响,层状岩体斜坡内层厚总体上随深度增加振荡式增加并在一定深度达到原生厚度而趋于稳定,层间错动带、褶皱带、卸荷裂隙带附近的层厚普遍较薄并也随埋深增大而增加,岩层厚度及影响范围随高程增加而增加,左岸反倾岩层的厚度和影响范围大于右岸顺倾岩层。层厚、埋深、纵波速度和应力状态之间具有较好的相关性,表明层状岩体的单层厚度始终受地应力场控制。研究成果为层状岩体力学性质与变形破坏研究以及工程设计提供基础。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 层状岩体 岩层厚度 岩层薄化 地应力场 卸荷 应力–弹性波耦合试验
作者 王丽彬 陈俊飞 +4 位作者 袁方 王景泽 刘鹿 王学武 袁增强 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期511-516,共6页
目的探讨Yes相关蛋白(YAP)在电离辐射(IR)后表皮干细胞(EPSC)分化中的作用。方法①利用打孔器建立小鼠背部皮肤损伤,随后分为IR组(给予^(60)Coγ射线局部照射),对照组(不照射);照射后0,1,3,6,9和12 d收集创面皮肤组织提取RNA和蛋白,West... 目的探讨Yes相关蛋白(YAP)在电离辐射(IR)后表皮干细胞(EPSC)分化中的作用。方法①利用打孔器建立小鼠背部皮肤损伤,随后分为IR组(给予^(60)Coγ射线局部照射),对照组(不照射);照射后0,1,3,6,9和12 d收集创面皮肤组织提取RNA和蛋白,Western印迹法检测创面愈合过程中YAP蛋白变化;实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)检测创面愈合过程中Yap及其下游靶基因结缔组织生长因子(Ctgf)和富含半胱氨酸蛋白61(Cyr61)的mRNA变化。②将EPSC给予60Coγ射线照射,细胞对照组不照射;4或8 Gy剂量照射后4,12,24和36 h收集细胞提取RNA,RT-qPCR检测YAP mRNA变化。4或8 Gy剂量照射36 h收集细胞提取蛋白,Western印迹法检测YAP蛋白水平;③短发夹RNA(shRNA)构建稳定的YAP基因敲低细胞,Western印迹法验证shYAP的敲低效率;RT-qPCR检测IR后YAP敲低对K1和K10 mRNA的影响。结果①与对照组相比,IR组小鼠在创面愈合过程中YAP蛋白水平显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01),Yap及其下游靶基因Ctgf和Cyr61的mRNA水平显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01)。②与细胞对照组相比,IR组细胞YAP mRNA和蛋白水平显著降低(P<0.01)。③在shYAP稳转细胞中,YAP蛋白水平显著降低(P<0.01);shYAP在IR后EPSC分化标志物K1和K10的mRNA水平明显降低(P<0.01)。结论YAP调控IR后创面愈合过程中EPSC的分化。 展开更多
关键词 Yes相关蛋白 电离辐射 表皮干细胞 细胞分化
外施植物生长调节剂对山荆子扦插生根的影响 被引量:4
作者 喻振宇 范俊俊 +5 位作者 马敬泽 邓梦 李奇阳 陆影 蔡军火 宰学明 《中国野生植物资源》 CSCD 2021年第6期25-30,共6页
目的:本研究旨在筛选适宜山荆子硬枝扦插生根的植物生长调节剂配方,从生理水平探讨其促进扦插生根原因。方法:采用萘乙酸(NAA)、3-吲哚丁酸、双吉尔的不同浓度处理,对插穗生根效果及生理生化指标动态测定。结果:300 mg·L-1NAA处理... 目的:本研究旨在筛选适宜山荆子硬枝扦插生根的植物生长调节剂配方,从生理水平探讨其促进扦插生根原因。方法:采用萘乙酸(NAA)、3-吲哚丁酸、双吉尔的不同浓度处理,对插穗生根效果及生理生化指标动态测定。结果:300 mg·L-1NAA处理的插穗生根效果最佳,生根率83%,生根数23.7条,分别为对照组的3.6倍、6.2倍。最佳处理显著促进了可溶性蛋白的合成积累,峰值(插后30 d)比同期CK提高了35.2%;显著加快了淀粉和可溶性糖的消耗速度,谷值(插后30 d)分别比同期CK降低了6.3%、5.4%;显著提高了超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶活性,峰值比CK提高了52.4%~61.2%;各指标峰值出现时间均比CK提前了20 d。研究结果为山荆子无性繁殖体系的建立提供了技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 山荆子 植物生长调节剂 生根效果 营养物质 抗氧化酶活性
Alterations of the Ca2+ signaling pathway in pancreatic beta-cells isolated from db/db mice 被引量:2
作者 Kuo Liang Wen Du +5 位作者 jingze lu Fei Li lu Yang Yanhong Xue Bertil Hille Liangyi Chen 《Protein & Cell》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期783-794,共12页
Upon glucose elevation, pancreatic beta-cells secrete insulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner. In diabetic animal models, different aspects of the calcium signaling path- way in beta-cells are altered, but there is no con... Upon glucose elevation, pancreatic beta-cells secrete insulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner. In diabetic animal models, different aspects of the calcium signaling path- way in beta-cells are altered, but there is no consensus regarding their relative contributions to the development of beta-cell dysfunction. In this study, we compared the increase in cytosolic Ca2* ([Ca2*]~) via Ca2+ influx, Ca2* mobilization from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium stores, and the removal of Ca2+ via multiple mechanisms in beta-cells from both diabetic db/db mice and non- diabetic C57BL/6J mice. We refined our previous quan- titative model to describe the slow [Ca2+]i recovery after depolarization in beta-cells from db/db mice. According to the model, the activity levels of the two subtypes of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) pump, SERCA2 and SERCA3, were severely down-reg- ulated in diabetic cells to 65% and 0% of the levels in normal cells. This down-regulation may lead to a reduc- tion in the Ca2+ concentration in the ER, a compensatory up-regulation of the plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and a reduction in depolarizationevoked Ca2+ influx. As a result, the patterns of glucosestimulated calcium oscillations were significantly different in db/db diabetic beta-cells compared with normal cells. Overall, quantifying the changes in the calcium signaling pathway in db/db diabetic beta-cells will aid in the development of a disease model that could provide insight into the adaptive transformations of beta-cell function during diabetes development. 展开更多
关键词 diabetic beta-cells calcium signalingalterations SERCA pump db/db mice
Effects of urea-N and CO_(2) coupling fertilization on the growth,photosynthesis,yield and anthocyanin content of hydroponic purple cabbage Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis 被引量:1
作者 Danyan Chen Yuanyuan Feng +8 位作者 Ya Liu Juan Hu Shilong Li jingze Ma Xinyu lu Xiaorui Jiang Shuhui Sun Zhi Yang Changyi Wang 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE 2023年第5期123-131,共9页
Water and fertilizer coupling is a high-efficiency technology for the development of facility agriculture.However,the interaction effect of nitrogen(N)and air carbon dioxide(CO_(2))on hydroponic purple cabbage,especia... Water and fertilizer coupling is a high-efficiency technology for the development of facility agriculture.However,the interaction effect of nitrogen(N)and air carbon dioxide(CO_(2))on hydroponic purple cabbage,especially on its leaf anthocyanins under hydroponic solution systems,remains unexplored.In this study,six treatments were set as C0N0,C0N2,C0N4,C1N0,C1N2 and C1N4,with N0,N2 and N4 being 0.0 g/L,0.2 g/L and 0.4 g/L exogenous urea-N to hydroponic solution dilution,respectively.C0 and C1 were set as with and without CO_(2)fertilizer(i.e.,800 g CO_(2)agent added one week after transplanting and 600 g CO_(2)agent added when the plant reached 15 cm in height),respectively.Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the interaction effect of N and air CO_(2)(N×CO_(2))on the growth,photosynthesis,yield and anthocyanin content of hydroponic purple cabbage Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis.The results showed N×CO_(2)extremely significantly influenced plant height(H),net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),intercellular oxidation concentration(Ci),transpiration rate(Tr),leaf water use efficiency(LWUE)and yield.The C1N0 treatment had the largest yield at 262.5 g/plant,with higher values for root length,root weight,plant height and leaf number than the other treatments.The Pn,Ci and Tr of C1N4 were the highest at 3.05μmol CO_(2)/m2·s,352.8μmol CO_(2)/m2·s and 2.31 mmol H2O/m2·s,respectively.The C1N2 treatment received the largest Gs value of 0.70 mol H2O/m2·s and the largest Tr of 2.31 mmol H2O/m2·s.There was the highest LWUE for C0N2(1.41)and the highest anthocyanin content for C1N2(1.35 mg/kg).There was a significant negative correlation between leaf number and anthocyanin(r=-0.414,p<0.05).The findings demonstrated that adding CO_(2)fertilizer and 0.2 g/L exogenous urea-N to hydroponic solution dilution is a potential N×CO_(2)coupling strategy to increase anthocyanin and the yield of purple cabbage. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen concentration carbon dioxide purple cabbage hydroponic solution anthocyanins
HID-1 is a peripheral membrane protein primarily associated with the medial-and transGolgi apparatus 被引量:2
作者 Lifen Wang Yi Zhan +7 位作者 Eli Song Yong Yu Yaming Jiu Wen Du jingze lu Pingsheng Liu Pingyong Xu Tao Xu 《Protein & Cell》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期74-85,共12页
Caenorhabditis elegans hid-1 gene was first identified in a screen for mutants with a high-temperature-induced dauer formation(Hid)phenotype.Despite the fact that the hid-1 gene encodes a novel protein(HID-1)which is ... Caenorhabditis elegans hid-1 gene was first identified in a screen for mutants with a high-temperature-induced dauer formation(Hid)phenotype.Despite the fact that the hid-1 gene encodes a novel protein(HID-1)which is highly conserved from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals,the domain structure,subcellular localization,and exact function of HID-1 remain unknown.Previous studies and various bioinformatic softwares predicted that HID-1 contained many transmembrane domains but no known functional domain.In this study,we revealed that mammalian HID-1 localized to the medial-and transGolgi apparatus as well as the cytosol,and the localization was sensitive to brefeldin A treatment.Next,we demonstrated that HID-1 was a peripheral membrane protein and dynamically shuttled between the Golgi apparatus and the cytosol.Finally,we verified that a conserved N-terminal myristoylation site was required for HID-1 binding to the Golgi apparatus.We propose that HID-1 is probably involved in the intracellular trafficking within the Golgi region. 展开更多
关键词 HID-1 GOLGI peripheral membrane protein fluorescent recovery after photobleaching N-MYRISTOYLATION
hTAC internalizes via both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent endocytosis in mammalian cells 被引量:2
作者 Xinyu Zhu Min Li +7 位作者 Xiaojun Xu Rui Zhang Xiaofei Zhang Zhuo Ma jingze lu Tao Xu Junjie Hou Eli Song 《Protein & Cell》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第10期896-901,共6页
Dear Editor, Endocytosis is a crucial process employed by cells to internal- ize nutrients and turnover membrane components and is essential for many functions, including nutrient uptake, signal transduction, cytokine... Dear Editor, Endocytosis is a crucial process employed by cells to internal- ize nutrients and turnover membrane components and is essential for many functions, including nutrient uptake, signal transduction, cytokinesis, morphogenesis, cell adhesion and migration. Endocytosis is classified as clathrin-dependent endocytosis (CDE) or clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE) according to its dependence on clathrin. Several different CIE pathways have been proposed, including caveolin-dependent endocytosis, flotillin-dependent endocytosis, the clathrin-inde- pendent carrier pathway, ARF6-dependent endocytosis, phagocytosis, macropinocytosis, the IL2RI3 pathway (Doherty and McMahon, 2009), the newly identified fast endophilin-me- diated endocytosis pathway (Boucrot et al., 2015) and the EGFR-NCE pathway (Caldieri et al., 2017). 展开更多
I-BAR protein IRSp53 regulates clathrin-independent endocytosis in a biphasic manner
作者 Xinyu Zhu Xiaojun Xu +2 位作者 Kang Du jingze lu Eli Song 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第3期149-151,共3页
Endocytosis is a fundamental cellular activity that plays crucial roles in a variety of biological processes,including nutrient uptake,signal transduction,immune response,morphogenesis,neurotransmission,cell migration... Endocytosis is a fundamental cellular activity that plays crucial roles in a variety of biological processes,including nutrient uptake,signal transduction,immune response,morphogenesis,neurotransmission,cell migration and tissue development[1–3].Endocytosis has been classified into two subtypes:the 展开更多
关键词 蛋白质 酒吧 调整 形态发生 织物开发 种子类型 免疫力 细胞
Bulk-like endocytosis plays an important role in the recycling of insulin granules in pancreatic beta cells
作者 Du Wen Yanhong Xue +5 位作者 Kuo Liang Tianyi Yuan jingze lu Wei Zhao Tao Xu Liangyi Chen 《Protein & Cell》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第8期618-626,共9页
Although bulk endocytosis has been found in a number of neuronal and endocrine cells,the molecular mechanism and physiological function of bulk endocytosis remain elusive.In pancreatic beta cells,we have observed bulk... Although bulk endocytosis has been found in a number of neuronal and endocrine cells,the molecular mechanism and physiological function of bulk endocytosis remain elusive.In pancreatic beta cells,we have observed bulk-like endocytosis evoked both by flash photolysis and trains of depolarization.Bulk-like endocytosis is a clathrin-independent process that is facilitated by enhanced extracellular Ca^(2+) entry and suppressed by the inhibition of dynamin function.Moreover,defects in bulklike endocytosis are accompanied by hyperinsulinemia in primary beta cells dissociated from diabetic KKAy mice,which suggests that bulk-like endocytosis plays an important role in maintaining the exo-endocytosis balance and beta cell secretory capability. 展开更多
关键词 bulk-like endocytosis clathrin-independent endocytosis DYNAMIN diabetic KKAy mice
作者 吴雄伟 李竞泽 +9 位作者 游检卫 陈麒丞 谈中宽 胡自信 马宇森 陈龙 彭天健 后俊明 张嘉男 陆卫兵 《电波科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期878-884,共7页
电磁多物理场计算在模拟高功率微波器件方面至关重要。为了快速且精确地获取高功率腔体滤波器中由电磁引发的多物理场响应,本文构建了一种基于数据驱动的电磁多物理场代理模型。首先利用有限元方法建立腔体滤波器的多物理场响应数据库,... 电磁多物理场计算在模拟高功率微波器件方面至关重要。为了快速且精确地获取高功率腔体滤波器中由电磁引发的多物理场响应,本文构建了一种基于数据驱动的电磁多物理场代理模型。首先利用有限元方法建立腔体滤波器的多物理场响应数据库,随后基于该数据库构建数据驱动的人工神经网络代理模型。结果对比表明:该代理模型能够精确且快速地预测高功率腔体滤波器在不同输入功率下的S参数曲线,预测精度超过98%,预测时间少于0.2 s;相较于传统的电磁多物理场数值计算方法,计算速度提升了3个数量级以上。因此,本文代理模型的快速精确预测能力对新型高功率微波器件的稳定性分析、可靠性评估和优化设计具有重要的理论指导意义和实际工程应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 电磁多物理场 高功率微波器件 数据驱动智能计算 腔体滤波器 代理模型
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