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仔猪教槽(一):不同教槽持续时间对窝采食仔猪比例及仔猪断奶前生长性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 冯占雨 R.C.Sulabo +6 位作者 M.D.Tokach E.j.Wiedemann j.Y.jacelal j.L.Nelssen S.S.Dritzl j.M.derouchey R.D.Goodband 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2009年第1期28-31,共4页
本研究共选用54头PIC1050系母猪及其所产仔猪,以研究不同的教槽持续时间对教槽窝的仔猪教槽料采食量和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验进行时根据胎次和分娩日期将母猪分成2组,并利用随机化完全区组设计法将它们分成3个处理。试验仔猪从出... 本研究共选用54头PIC1050系母猪及其所产仔猪,以研究不同的教槽持续时间对教槽窝的仔猪教槽料采食量和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验进行时根据胎次和分娩日期将母猪分成2组,并利用随机化完全区组设计法将它们分成3个处理。试验仔猪从出生后第7、14和18天开始教槽,持续时间依次为13、6和2d。利用带有送料斗的旋转式教槽料饲喂器给仔猪供应添加了氧化铬的教槽日粮(含1585大卡代谢能/lb、1.56%真回肠可消化赖氨酸),直至断奶时(20日龄)结束。教槽期间仔猪实行自由采食,自由饮水。母猪在整个哺乳期采取自由采食,哺乳期日粮含1586大卡代谢能/lb和0.97%真回肠可消化赖氨酸。仔猪在出生当日、出生后第7、14、18和20天进行个体称重,以计算总增重和日增重,记录并计算每窝仔猪的每日教槽料采食量。用无菌棉拭分别在仔猪出生后第14、18和20天(第一处理组)、或第18和20天(第二处理组)、或第20天(第三处理组)每天两次对所有仔猪采集粪样。在采样日的任一天中,凡仔猪粪便有一次呈绿色,则该仔猪就被认定为"采食仔猪"。总体而言,采用不同教槽持续时间的试验仔猪,在断奶体重(P<0.61)、总增重(P<0.38)和日增重(P<0.38)上无显著差异。教槽持续13d和6d的仔猪其每窝教槽料总采食量高于教槽持续2d的每窝仔猪教槽料采食量(P<0.0001)。教槽13d和6d的仔猪在窝教槽料采食量上无显著差异(P<0.69)。教槽持续13d的仔猪在每窝"采食仔猪"比例上比教槽持续6d和2d的多10%(80%比70%;P<0.03);教槽6d和2d的仔猪在窝采食仔猪百分比上无显著差异(P<0.98)。总之,较长的教槽持续时间并不会影响仔猪断奶前增重和断奶体重,但的确会提高整窝仔猪中的采食仔猪数;然而,在断奶前仅教槽持续2d的仔猪窝中具有相对较高的采食仔猪比例(70%)。 展开更多
关键词 饲养管理 教槽料饲喂 饲喂持续时间
Effect of Complete Feed Feeding Level and Morning Glory on Growing Pig Performance
作者 Samorn Sreng Sath Keo +3 位作者 j. M. derouchey M. D. Tokach Lyda Hok j. L. Vipham 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2020年第3期493-501,共9页
A total of 60 castrated male pigs (Yorkshire x Duroc, initially 17.36 kg) were used in a 42-day trial to evaluate the effect of complete feed feeding level and morning glory on growth performance of growing pigs. Pigs... A total of 60 castrated male pigs (Yorkshire x Duroc, initially 17.36 kg) were used in a 42-day trial to evaluate the effect of complete feed feeding level and morning glory on growth performance of growing pigs. Pigs were allotted to pens and randomly assigned to three dietary treatments: A) completed feed fed <em>ad libitum</em>;B) complete feed fed at 75% of intake of treatment A, and C) treatment B with <em>ad libitum</em> availability of morning glory. The design was a completely randomized design (CRD) with five pens (replications) of each treatment with four pigs per pen. Average daily feed intake (dry matter basis) was higher (P < 0.001) for pigs fed treatment A (1420 g/d) compared to treatment B (1048 g/d) as expected, with treatment C intermediate (1178 g/d;1048 g/d complete feed + 130 g/d morning glory). Average daily weight gain of pigs fed <em>ad libitum</em> was greater (P < 0.001) than pigs restricted fed with pigs which provide morning glory intermediate (871, 674 and 714 g, respectively). Feed efficiency improved (P < 0.024) for pigs fed the restricted feed level compared to pigs fed complete feed <em>ad libitum</em> or pigs restricted fed but provided morning glory (1.63, 1.56 and 1.65, respectively). For economics, feeding complete feed <em>ad libitum</em> improved (P < 0.001) income over feed cost compared to restricted feeding or providing morning glory (USD 41.48, 33.42, and 33.89/pig, respectively). In conclusion, feeding growing pigs a complete diet <em>ad libitum </em>resulted in the greatest growth rate and profitability. Offering morning glory <em>(Ipomoea. aquatica</em>) to pigs fed a restricted level of complete feed did improve final body weight, but the extra cost of feeding morning glory offset this advantage resulting in similar profitability on an income over feed cost basis. 展开更多
关键词 Complete Feed Feed Restriction Growing Pig Growth Performance Morning Glory
Effect of Dietary Supplement, Base Mix, and/or Soybean Meal on Growing Pig Performance
作者 Samorn Sreng Sath Keo +5 位作者 j. M. derouchey M. D. Tokach Bunna Chea Kroesna Kang Lyda Hok j. L. Vipham 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2020年第3期535-544,共10页
A total of 60 crossbred pigs (Yorkshire × Duroc, initially 56.5 kg) were used in a 42-day trial to evaluate the effect of replacing a commercial high protein supplement with soybean meal and/or a base mix in rice... A total of 60 crossbred pigs (Yorkshire × Duroc, initially 56.5 kg) were used in a 42-day trial to evaluate the effect of replacing a commercial high protein supplement with soybean meal and/or a base mix in rice bran-based diets on pig growth performance. Pigs were allotted to pens by body weight and pens were randomly assigned to dietary treatments in completely randomized design. There were 4 dietary treatments with 3 or 4 replicate pens per treatment and 4 pigs per pen. Dietary treatments were: 1) 80% rice bran with 20% high protein supplement (RBS20), 2) 95% rice bran with 5% high protein supplement (RBS5), 3) 97.5% rice bran with 2.5% base mix (RBB2.5), and 4) 92.5% rice bran with 5% soybean meal and 2.5% base mix (RBSBB). The base mix included vitamins, macro and trace minerals, L-Lysine, L-Threonine, and DL-Methionine. Overall (d 0 to 42) average daily gain was greater (P < 0.001) for pigs fed RBSBB and RBS20 diets than pigs fed the RBS5 or RBB2.5 diets. Pigs fed the RBS5 diet had reduced (P < 0.004) average daily feed intake compared to all other treatments. Similarly, feed efficiency (feed/gain) was improved (P < 0.004) for pigs fed RBSBB and RBS20 diets compared with pigs fed RBS5 or RBB2.5. For economics, income over feed cost was the greatest (P < 0.01) for the diet containing soybean meal and base mix compared to pigs fed the RBS20 diet, SBS5, and RBB2.5. In conclusion, feeding pigs a rice bran diet with base mix and soybean meal had similar growth performance and increased economic return compared to feeding a rice bran diet with high protein supplement. Use of soybean meal and base mix provides an opportunity for increased economic return for pig farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Base Mix Growing Pigs Growth Performance Rice Bran Soybean Meal
作者 孙亚楠(编译) 刘双(编译) +5 位作者 K.M.Gourley j.C.Woodworth j.M.derouchey M.D.Tokach S.S.Dritz R.D.Goodband 《猪业科学》 2020年第4期18-21,共4页
采用131头母猪(Line 241;DNA,Columbus,NE)来评价哺乳母猪日粮中增加豆粕添加比例对母猪和仔猪生产性能的影响。在母猪妊娠112 d时,依据母猪体重和胎次平均分为3个处理组,对应日粮豆粕添加比例依次为25%、30%和35%。日粮按1.05%回肠可消... 采用131头母猪(Line 241;DNA,Columbus,NE)来评价哺乳母猪日粮中增加豆粕添加比例对母猪和仔猪生产性能的影响。在母猪妊娠112 d时,依据母猪体重和胎次平均分为3个处理组,对应日粮豆粕添加比例依次为25%、30%和35%。日粮按1.05%回肠可消化(SID)赖氨酸的标准进行配制,随着豆粕添加比例的增加,降低L-赖氨酸盐酸盐添加比例,其他氨基酸和营养素依据营养推荐量添加。试验日粮从妊娠112 d饲喂到断奶(20 d±2),产仔后48 h内完成寄养,使得每窝仔猪头数相等。结果显示,随着日粮中豆粕比例的增加,母猪体重损失增加(线性,P=0.017),分娩到断奶的背膘损失增加(二次方程,P=0.052)。不同处理组间,母猪分娩后0~7 d采食量相近(P>0.10)。然而,随着日粮豆粕比例的增加,母猪分娩后7~14 d,14 d~断奶的日采食量下降(线性,P=0.01)。数据表明,不同处理组断奶后发情率、断奶头数、断奶窝重、窝增重间存在差异(P>0.10)。哺乳母猪分娩后第14天的血清尿素氮浓度随豆粕比例的增加而增加(线性,P=0.001)。然而,无论哪种处理,母猪肌酐浓度均无差异(P>0.05),表明尿素氮增加是日粮中粗蛋白质水平增加的反映,与蛋白质分解代谢增强相反。总之,随着日粮中豆粕比例从25%增加到35%,哺乳母猪的采食量下降、体重损失增加,窝仔猪生产性能无差异。 展开更多
关键词 哺乳期 母猪 豆粕
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