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GGE叠图法─分析品种×环境互作模式的理想方法 被引量:118
作者 严威凯 盛庆来 +1 位作者 胡跃高 L A hunt 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期21-28,共8页
本文介绍一种分析作物区域试验结果的方法-GGE叠图法。首先,将原始产量数据减去各地 点的平均产量,由此形成的数据集只含品种主效应G和品种-环境互作效应GE,合称为GGE。对GGE 作单值分解,并以第一和第二主成分近似之... 本文介绍一种分析作物区域试验结果的方法-GGE叠图法。首先,将原始产量数据减去各地 点的平均产量,由此形成的数据集只含品种主效应G和品种-环境互作效应GE,合称为GGE。对GGE 作单值分解,并以第一和第二主成分近似之。按照第一和第二主成分值将各品种和各地点放到一个平 面图上即形成GGE叠图。借助于辅助线,可以直观回答以下问题:(1)什么是某一特定环境下最好的 品种;(2)什么是某一特定品种最适合的环境;(3)任意两品种在各环境下的表现如何;(4)试验中品 种×环境互作的总体模式是怎样的;(5)什么是高产、稳产品种;(6)什么是有利于筛选高产、稳产品 种的环境。 展开更多
关键词 品种 环境 品种-环境互作 叠图 作物 区域试验 资料分析
世界胃肠病学组织(WGO-OMGE)临床指南——发展中国家幽门螺杆菌感染 被引量:85
作者 hunt RH Xiao SD +16 位作者 Megraud F Leon-Barua R Bazzoli F Van der Merwe S vaz Coelho LG Fock KM Fedail S Cohen H Malfertheiner P Vakil N Hamid S Goh KL Wong BC Krabshuis JH 杜颖 丛衍群 戴宁 《胃肠病学》 2007年第1期40-52,共13页
关键词 幽门螺杆菌感染 发展中国家 临床指南 胃肠病学 世界 组织 临床经验
胃癌预防亚太地区共识指南 被引量:37
作者 Kwong Ming Fock Nick Talley +18 位作者 Paul Moayyedi Richard hunt Takeshi Azuma Kentaro Sugano Shu Dong Xiao Shiu Kum Lam Khean Lee Goh Tsutomu Chiba Naomi Uemura Jae G Kim Nayoung Kim Tiing Leong Ang Varocha Mahachai Hazel Mitchell Abdul Aziz Rani Jyh Ming Liou Ratha-korn Vilaichone Jose Sollanor 钱本余 《胃肠病学》 2008年第4期231-240,共10页
背景与目的:胃癌是亚太地区的主要健康负担之一,但对其预防策略尚缺乏共识。本共识会议旨在评价预防胃癌的策略。方法:多学科专家组应用德尔菲(Delphi)法制订共识条文,提呈相关数据,对证据等级、推荐强度以及共识水平予以分级。结果:幽... 背景与目的:胃癌是亚太地区的主要健康负担之一,但对其预防策略尚缺乏共识。本共识会议旨在评价预防胃癌的策略。方法:多学科专家组应用德尔菲(Delphi)法制订共识条文,提呈相关数据,对证据等级、推荐强度以及共识水平予以分级。结果:幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染是非贲门胃腺癌必要但非充分的致病因子。盐的高摄入与胃癌强烈相关。新鲜果蔬对胃癌具有预防作用,但维生素和其他饮食补充并不能预防胃癌。H.pylori感染中的宿主-细菌相互作用导致不同类型的胃炎和胃酸分泌,从而决定疾病结局。胃癌阳性家族史是一个重要的危险因素。低血清胃蛋白酶原反映胃萎缩程度,可作为检出胃癌高危人群的标志物。H.pylori筛查和治疗被推荐作为减少高危人群胃癌危险性的一种策略,该策略在萎缩性胃炎发生前实施最为有效,但并不排除对胃癌高危人群的内镜监测。对胃癌低危人群不推荐行H.pylori筛查。H.pylori感染的一线治疗应遵循国家治疗指南。结论:高危人群中H.pylori筛查和根除策略可能会减少胃癌的发生率,本共识根据现有证据予以推荐。 展开更多
关键词 指南 幽门螺杆菌 预防
世界胃肠病学组织全球指南——发展中国家幽门螺杆菌感染 被引量:27
作者 hunt RH Xiao SD +16 位作者 Megraud F Leon-Barua R Bazzoli F van der Merwe S Vaz Coelho LG Fock M Fedail S Cohen H Malfertheiner P Vakil N Hamid S Goh KL Wong BCY Krabshuis J Le Mair A 杜颖 戴宁 《胃肠病学》 2011年第7期423-428,共6页
关键词 幽门螺杆菌感染 发展中国家 胃肠病学 世界 H.PYLORI 指南 组织 社会经济状况
动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血处理指南 美国心脏协会卒中委员会特别写作组给医疗专业人员的声明 被引量:25
作者 Joshua B. Bederson E. Sander Connolly +10 位作者 H. hunt Batjer Ralph G. Dacey Jacques E. Dion Michael N. Diringer John E. Duldner Robert E. Harbaugh Aman B. Patel Robert H. Rosenwasser 高翔(译) 李洛(译) 李海峰(译) 《国际脑血管病杂志》 北大核心 2009年第4期248-278,共31页
蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH)是一种常见病,常常导致严重后果,约占全部卒中病例的5%,在美国每年有多达3万人罹患该病。美国心脏协会(American Heart Association,AHA)曾发表过“动脉瘤性SAH处理指南”。此后... 蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH)是一种常见病,常常导致严重后果,约占全部卒中病例的5%,在美国每年有多达3万人罹患该病。美国心脏协会(American Heart Association,AHA)曾发表过“动脉瘤性SAH处理指南”。此后,在血管内技术、诊断方法以及手术和围手术期管理方面已取得了显著进展。尽管如此,SAH患者的预后依然较差,基于人群研究报告的病死率高达45%,并且存活者会遗留严重残疾。一些多中心前瞻性随机试验和前瞻性队列分析已对SAH的治疗方案产生影响。然而, 展开更多
关键词 动脉瘤性SAH 蛛网膜下腔出血 美国心脏协会 出血处理 医疗专业 指南 卒中 HEMORRHAGE
亚太地区胃食管反流病的处理共识:更新版 被引量:22
作者 Kwong Ming Fock Nicholas J Talley +16 位作者 Ronnie Fass Khean Lee Goh Peter Katelaris Richard hunt Michio Hongo Tiing Leong Ang Gerald Holtmann Sanjay Nandurkar San Ren Lin Benjamin CY Wong Francis KL Chan Abdul Aziz Rani Young-Tae Bak Jose Sollano Khek Yu Ho Sathoporn Manatsathit 钱本余 《胃肠病学》 2008年第7期421-436,共16页
背景与目的:自从2004年亚太地区胃食管反流病(GERD)共识发表以来,更多关于GERD流行病学和处理的文献资料相继出现。有必要对这些资料进行循证综述,对共识作出更新。方法:由多学科专家组应用德尔菲(Delphi)法制定共识条文,提呈相关资料,... 背景与目的:自从2004年亚太地区胃食管反流病(GERD)共识发表以来,更多关于GERD流行病学和处理的文献资料相继出现。有必要对这些资料进行循证综述,对共识作出更新。方法:由多学科专家组应用德尔菲(Delphi)法制定共识条文,提呈相关资料,并对证据质量、推荐力度和共识水平进行分级。结果:亚洲GERD发生率日益增加。其危险因素包括老年、男性、种族、家族史、社会经济地位高、体重指数增加和吸烟。对于有典型症状而无报警症状的患者,对质子泵抑制剂(PPI)试验有症状应答具有诊断意义。如PPI试验失败,停止治疗后pH监测结果阴性可排除GERD。窄带成像、胶囊内镜检查和无线pH监测的作用尚未明确。亚洲诊断策略的制定须考虑到并存的胃癌和消化性溃疡。减轻体质量和抬高床头可改善反流症状。PPIs是最有效的内科治疗手段。对于非糜烂性反流病(NERD)患者,按需治疗较为适宜。有慢性咳嗽、喉炎和典型GERD症状的患者在排除非GERD病因后,应予PPI每天两次治疗。如有经验丰富的外科医师,GERD患者可行胃底折叠术。除临床试验外,GERD不应采用内镜治疗。结论:新的诊断方法和内镜治疗的作用有待进一步研究阐明。亚洲GERD诊断策略的制定须考虑到并存的胃癌和消化性溃疡。PPIs仍为治疗的基石。 展开更多
关键词 共识 糜烂性食管炎 非糜烂性反流病
幽门螺杆菌感染处理的当前观念——MaastrichtⅢ共识报告 被引量:15
作者 P Malfertheiner F Megraud +8 位作者 C O'Morain F Bazzoli E El-Omar D Graham R hunt T Rokkas N Vakil EJ Kuipers 朱琦 《胃肠病学》 2007年第3期159-169,共11页
名词缩写欧洲幽门螺杆菌研究小组:European Helicobacter Study Group,EHSG胃食管反流病:gastro-esophageal reflux disease。
关键词 幽门螺杆菌 感染处理 HELICOBACTER EUROPEAN 胃食管反流病 名词缩写 GERD
炼钢过程含铁尘泥的基本物性与综合利用 被引量:11
作者 庄昌凌 刘建华 +3 位作者 崔衡 刘松涛 Daniele R Attorre Jim hunt 《北京科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S1期185-192,共8页
对国内8家具有行业代表性的长、短流程钢铁企业含铁粉尘利用现状进行调研,并采用X射线荧光光谱、化学分析、激光粒度分析、X射线衍射和扫描电子显微分析等手段对含铁粉尘性状进行了分析.结果表明:炼钢粉尘铁、钙、锌元素含量较高,不仅... 对国内8家具有行业代表性的长、短流程钢铁企业含铁粉尘利用现状进行调研,并采用X射线荧光光谱、化学分析、激光粒度分析、X射线衍射和扫描电子显微分析等手段对含铁粉尘性状进行了分析.结果表明:炼钢粉尘铁、钙、锌元素含量较高,不仅可在钢铁生产中回收利用,还可开发为高附加值产品,用于化工、材料等行业;但产自不同工序的粉尘的粒度、比表面积、水分等物性差异较大;铁主要以磁铁矿、赤铁矿、氧化亚铁、少量金属铁及铁酸钙形式存在,Zn以铁酸锌存在.炼钢粉尘的研发利用必须充分考虑上述诸多因素.目前炼钢粉尘外售比例较大,部分用作烧结配料,少量用于炼钢造渣剂,利用层次较低,需研究高效利用工艺技术. 展开更多
关键词 炼钢 粉尘 固体废弃物 综合利用
薄板类木质材料弹性模量的动态测定 被引量:8
作者 张厚江 郭志仁 +1 位作者 John F hunt 傅峰 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期149-152,共4页
传统的材料弹性模量测定方法都是对材料试件进行静态变形试验,测定过程复杂、消耗时间长。本文以快速测量薄板类木质材料弹性模量为目标,探讨了一种基于悬臂梁自由振动原理的动态无损快速测定方法,研制出1台测量装置样机。首先用垂直悬... 传统的材料弹性模量测定方法都是对材料试件进行静态变形试验,测定过程复杂、消耗时间长。本文以快速测量薄板类木质材料弹性模量为目标,探讨了一种基于悬臂梁自由振动原理的动态无损快速测定方法,研制出1台测量装置样机。首先用垂直悬臂夹持薄板木质材料试件上端,然后对其自由端施加1个初始变形,使其自由振动起来。采集试件振动信号,分析计算出振动的第一阶固有频率和振幅对数减缩,进而计算出试件的动态性能。测定效果表明:测量装置样机达到了研发目的,能快速测量试件的动态弹性模量。 展开更多
关键词 薄板类木质材料 悬臂梁振动 弹性模量
Natural products targeting the p53-MDM2 pathway and mutant p53: Recent advances and implications in cancer medicine 被引量:8
作者 Jiang-Jiang Qin Xin Li +3 位作者 Courtney hunt Wei Wang Hui Wang Ruiwen Zhang 《Genes & Diseases》 SCIE 2018年第3期204-219,共16页
The p53 tumor suppressor plays a major role in controlling the initiation and development of cancer by regulating cell cycle arrest,apoptosis,senescence,and DNA repair.The MDM2 oncogene is a major negative regulator o... The p53 tumor suppressor plays a major role in controlling the initiation and development of cancer by regulating cell cycle arrest,apoptosis,senescence,and DNA repair.The MDM2 oncogene is a major negative regulator of p53 that inhibits the activity of p53 and reduces its protein stability.MDM2,p53,and the p53-MDM2 pathway represent welldocumented targets for preventing and/or treating cancer.Natural products,especially those from medicinal and food plants,are a rich source for the discovery and development of novel therapeutic and preventive agents against human cancers.Many natural product-derived MDM2 inhibitors have shown potent efficacy against various human cancers.In contrast to synthetic small-molecule MDM2 inhibitors,the majority of which have been designed to inhibit MDM2-p53 binding and activate p53,many natural product inhibitors directly decrease MDM2 expression and/or MDM2 stability,exerting their anticancer activity in both p53-dependent and p53-independent manners.More recently,several natural products have been reported to target mutant p53 in cancer.Therefore,identification of natural products targeting MDM2,mutant p53,and the p53-MDM2 pathway can provide a promising strategy for the development of novel cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents.In this review,we focus our discussion on the recent advances in the discovery and development of anticancer natural products that target the p53-MDM2 pathway,emphasizing several emerging issues,such as the efficacy,mechanism of action,and specificity of these natural products. 展开更多
关键词 MDM2 Natural products ONCOGENE p53 Tumor suppressor
Emotional regulation of pain:the role of noradrenaline in the amygdala 被引量:7
作者 STROBEL Cornelia hunt Sarah +2 位作者 SULLIVAN Robert SUN JianYuan SAH Pankaj 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2014年第4期384-390,共7页
The perception of pain involves the activation of the spinal pathway as well as the supra-spinal pathway,which targets brain regions involved in affective and cognitive processes.Pain and emotions have the capacity to... The perception of pain involves the activation of the spinal pathway as well as the supra-spinal pathway,which targets brain regions involved in affective and cognitive processes.Pain and emotions have the capacity to influence each other reciprocally;negative emotions,such as depression and anxiety,increase the risk for chronic pain,which may lead to anxiety and depression.The amygdala is a key-player in the expression of emotions,receives direct nociceptive information from the parabrachial nucleus,and is densely innervated by noradrenergic brain centers.In recent years,the amygdala has attracted increasing interest for its role in pain perception and modulation.In this review,we will give a short overview of structures involved in the pain pathway,zoom in to afferent and efferent connections to and from the amygdala,with emphasis on the direct parabrachio-amygdaloid pathway and discuss the evidence for amygdala’s role in pain processing and modulation.In addition to the involvement of the amygdala in negative emotions during the perception of pain,this brain structure is also a target site for many neuromodulators to regulate the perception of pain.We will end this article with a short review on the effects of noradrenaline and its role in hypoalgesia and analgesia. 展开更多
关键词 PAIN LEARNING STRESS parabrachial
测井分析基础 被引量:7
作者 Ercill hunt 金羽龙 虞绍永 《石油物探译丛》 1997年第4期70-78,共9页
第四部分 用直方图对测井记录标准化 测井记录是层状油藏特征描述所凭藉的基础,因而,必须实行测井记录多井的标准化,以减少在测井分析结果中主要误差和不一致性出现的概率。这些不一致性将导致测井分析结果与岩心、试井和生产资料相综... 第四部分 用直方图对测井记录标准化 测井记录是层状油藏特征描述所凭藉的基础,因而,必须实行测井记录多井的标准化,以减少在测井分析结果中主要误差和不一致性出现的概率。这些不一致性将导致测井分析结果与岩心、试井和生产资料相综合时所出现的错误。 展开更多
关键词 多井标准化 直方图 测井记录 油藏特征描述
《鹿特丹规则》引发的忧虑 被引量:4
作者 Jose M.Alcantara Barry Oland +8 位作者 Douglas G.Schmitt Frazer hunt Kay Pysden William Tetley Svante O.Johansson Jan Ramberg Julio Vidal 李俊(译) 吴焕宁(校) 《国际经济法学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第4期71-88,共18页
本文主要分析了《鹿特丹规则》在适用范围、责任基础、时效期间等方面存在的问题,认为基于上述问题,规则无法实现统一性的目的,反而将全球海商法法律体系置于更加支离破碎的危险境地,因此,本文建议已经签署和尚未签署该规则的国家认真... 本文主要分析了《鹿特丹规则》在适用范围、责任基础、时效期间等方面存在的问题,认为基于上述问题,规则无法实现统一性的目的,反而将全球海商法法律体系置于更加支离破碎的危险境地,因此,本文建议已经签署和尚未签署该规则的国家认真考虑规则存在的问题,应选择涵盖主要运输方式的由现有国际公约与国内法交织构建的并得到广泛使用的全球性法律体系。 展开更多
关键词 国际公约 法律 体系 问题 规则 海商法
Predicting Parotid Dose Changes in Head-and-Neck Radiotherapy Using Machine Learning: Leveraging Anatomical Variations
作者 Binbin Wu Peng Zhang +4 位作者 Pengpeng Zhang Gig Mageras Jillian Tsai James Mechalakos Margie hunt 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2024年第4期53-64,共12页
Purpose: This study describes a machine-learning approach utilizing patients' anatomical changes to predict parotid mean dose changes in fractionated radiotherapy for head-and-neck cancer, thereby facilitating pla... Purpose: This study describes a machine-learning approach utilizing patients' anatomical changes to predict parotid mean dose changes in fractionated radiotherapy for head-and-neck cancer, thereby facilitating plan adaptation decisions. Methods: Parotid mean dose changes during treatment sessions are assumed to correlate with patients’ anatomical changes, quantified by 65 geometrical features in four sets. SET1 is the parotid volumetric changes;SET2 is the distance changes from the parotid to the PTV;SET3 is the length of beam path changes between the parotid and skin near the neck;SET4 is the distance changes from the parotid to the two bony landmarks—the dens of the C2 and tip of the basilar part of the occipital bone. The introduced landmarks in SET4 are used as surrogates for the PTV in SET2 due to PTV’s unavailability at the simulation stage. Signed Euclidean distance is applied to quantify the distance and beam path length. A decision tree classifier to predict an x% increase in parotid mean dose is developed. In a study involving 18 patients (36 parotids) previously treated with adaptive radiotherapy, a leave-one-out cross-validation combined with enumerating 4 combinations of the 65 geometrical features is used to find a feature subset maximizing classifier’s accuracy. The classifier’s accuracy, with and without SET2’s PTV features inclusion, is evaluated to determine the SET4’s bony landmark surrogate feasibility. Results: Under x = 5% (or x = 10%) parotid mean dose increase: without SET2’s PTV features inclusion, one beam path feature from SET3 and one bony landmark feature from SET4 yield maximal accuracy of 86.1%, which is a 30.5% (19.4%) improvement over prevalence = 55.6% (66.7%);TPR = 87.5% (75%), TNR = 85% (91.7%), PPV = 82.3% (81.8%) and NPV = 89.5% (88%). With SET2’s PTV features inclusion, accuracy increases from 86.1% to 91.6%. Conclusion: Under the current 18 enrolled patients’ data, we found that the introduced SET4’s bony landmarks are feasible surrogates for the SET2� 展开更多
关键词 VMAT PAROTID Predict Machine Learning Adaptive
Technology and diabetes self-management: An integrative review 被引量:6
作者 Caralise W hunt 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE CAS 2015年第2期225-233,共9页
Technology can be used to supplement healthcare provider diabetes care by providing both educational and motivational support. Education can be provided using technology allowing patients to learn new practices and ro... Technology can be used to supplement healthcare provider diabetes care by providing both educational and motivational support. Education can be provided using technology allowing patients to learn new practices and routines related to diabetes management. Technology can support daily diabetes self-management activities including blood glucose monitoring, exercising, healthy eating, taking medication, monitoring for complications, and problem-solving. This article describes an integrative review conducted to evaluate the types of technology being used to facilitate diabetes self-management and the effect of that technology on self-management and diabetes outcomes for adults living with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A literature review was conducted by searching Medline, Pub Med, and Psych INFO databases using the search terms: diabetes self-management, technology, type 2 diabetes, smartphones, cell phones, and diabetes mellitus covering the years from 2008-2013. Articles relying on secondary data(editorials, systematic reviews) and articles describing study protocol only were excluded. Fourteen studies including qualitative, quasiexperimental, and randomized controlled trial designs were identified and included in the review. The review found that technological interventions had positive impacts on diabetes outcomes including improvements in hemoglobin A1 C levels, diabetes self-management behaviors, and diabetes self-efficacy. Results indicate that technological interventions can benefit people living with diabetes when used in conjunction with diabetes care delivered by healthcare providers. 展开更多
Visual Analysis of the Daily QA Results of Photon and Electron Beams of a Trilogy Linac over a Five-Year Period 被引量:6
作者 Maria F. Chan Qiongge Li +5 位作者 Xiaoli Tang Xiang Li Jingdong Li Grace Tang Margie A. hunt Joseph O. Deasy 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2015年第4期290-299,共10页
Data visualization technique was applied to analyze the daily QA results of photon and electron beams. Special attention was paid to any trend the beams might display. A Varian Trilogy Linac equipped with dual photon ... Data visualization technique was applied to analyze the daily QA results of photon and electron beams. Special attention was paid to any trend the beams might display. A Varian Trilogy Linac equipped with dual photon energies and five electron energies was commissioned in early 2010. Daily Linac QA tests including the output constancy, beam flatness and symmetry (radial and transverse directions) were performed with an ionization chamber array device (QA Beam Checker Plus, Standard Imaging). The data of five years were collected and analyzed. For each energy, the measured data were exported and processed for visual trending using an in-house Matlab program. These daily data were cross-correlated with the monthly QA and annual QA results, as well as the preventive maintenance records. Majority of the output were within 1% of variation, with a consistent positive/upward drift for all seven energies (^+0.25% per month). The baseline of daily device is reset annually right after the TG-51 calibration. This results in a sudden drop of the output. On the other hand, the large amount of data using the same baseline exhibits a sinusoidal behavior (period = 12 months;amplitude = 0.8%, 0.5% for photons, electrons, respectively) on symmetry and flatness when normalization of baselines is accounted for. The well known phenomenon of new Linac output drift was clearly displayed. This output drift was a result of the air leakage of the over-pressurized sealed monitor chambers for the specific vendor. Data visualization is a new trend in the era of big data in radiation oncology research. It allows the data to be displayed visually and therefore more intuitive. Based on the visual display from the past, the physicist might predict the trend of the Linac and take actions proactively. It also makes comparisons, alerts failures, and potentially identifies causalities. 展开更多
关键词 LINAC QA Data Visualization DAILY Output RADIOTHERAPY
基于整体规划框架的区域综合货运规划建模方法研究 被引量:3
作者 邓桂花 钟鸣 +2 位作者 RAZA Asif hunt John-douglas 周勇 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期30-42,共13页
区域一体化快速发展背景下,如何系统谋划区域综合交通运输规划,使经济、土地/空间及交通与环境协调发展,是实现区域可持续发展亟需深入研究的课题。因此,本文统筹考虑经济、土地/空间及交通和环境要素的动态交互关系,提出大区域综合货... 区域一体化快速发展背景下,如何系统谋划区域综合交通运输规划,使经济、土地/空间及交通与环境协调发展,是实现区域可持续发展亟需深入研究的课题。因此,本文统筹考虑经济、土地/空间及交通和环境要素的动态交互关系,提出大区域综合货运整体规划模型的设计与开发方法。利用PECAS(Production,Exchange and Consumption Allocation System)理论框架分析生产者、消费者、交换商品、土地(空间)和运输方式之间的交互关系,并通过PECAS的集计经济流表设计模型结构,构建相应的宏观经济预测、社会经济活动空间分配、空间开发以及交通运输需求预测这4个模块,模拟区域社会经济活动增长及其空间分布与土地/空间开发及综合交通需求时变等特征之间的互动耦合关系。在社会经济发展目标、土地空间和环境等约束条件下,通过构建空间经济模型和综合交通一体化网络分配模型,实现面向多货品和多方式的综合货运整体规划建模方法,以辅助区域产业布局、土地利用与综合交通系统的整体规划。本文以长江经济带为研究案例,基于相关数据构建相应的大区域综合货运整体规划模型,分析评估2012—2035年模型预测结果。结果显示,预测得到的综合交通年平均日货运量拟合优度超过85%,分担率误差低于1%,验证了本文建模方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 综合运输 综合货运规划模型 土地利用-交通整体规划建模 多货品货物运输 超级网络 区域整体规划
A history of high-power laser research and development in the United Kingdom 被引量:5
作者 Colin N.Danson Malcolm White +64 位作者 John R.M.Barr Thomas Bett Peter Blyth David Bowley Ceri Brenner Robert J.Collins Neal Croxford A.E.Bucker Dangor Laurence Devereux Peter E.Dyer Anthony Dymoke-Bradshaw Christopher B.Edwards Paul Ewart Allister I.Ferguson John M.Girkin Denis R.Hall David C.Hanna Wayne Harris David I.Hillier Christopher J.Hooker Simon M.Hooker Nicholas Hopps Janet Hull David hunt Dino A.Jaroszynski Mark Kempenaars Helmut Kessler Sir Peter L.Knight Steve Knight Adrian Knowles Ciaran L.S.Lewis Ken S.Lipton Abby Littlechild John Littlechild Peter Maggs Graeme P.A.Malcolm OBE Stuart P.D.Mangles William Martin Paul McKenna Richard O.Moore Clive Morrison Zulfikar Najmudin David Neely Geoff H.C.New Michael J.Norman Ted Paine Anthony W.Parker Rory R.Penman Geoff J.Pert Chris Pietraszewski Andrew Randewich Nadeem H.Rizvi Nigel Seddon MBE Zheng-Ming Sheng David Slater Roland A.Smith Christopher Spindloe Roy Taylor Gary Thomas John W.G.Tisch Justin S.Wark Colin Webb S.Mark Wiggins Dave Willford Trevor Winstone 《High Power Laser Science and Engineering》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第2期41-126,共86页
The first demonstration of laser action in ruby was made in 1960 by T.H.Maiman of Hughes Research Laboratories,USA.Many laboratories worldwide began the search for lasers using different materials,operating at differe... The first demonstration of laser action in ruby was made in 1960 by T.H.Maiman of Hughes Research Laboratories,USA.Many laboratories worldwide began the search for lasers using different materials,operating at different wavelengths.In the UK,academia,industry and the central laboratories took up the challenge from the earliest days to develop these systems for a broad range of applications.This historical review looks at the contribution the UK has made to the advancement of the technology,the development of systems and components and their exploitation over the last 60 years. 展开更多
关键词 high-power lasers HISTORY United Kingdom
加拿大阿尔伯塔省土地利用交通模型的发展(英文) 被引量:4
作者 钟鸣 John Douglas hunt John Edward Abraham 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 2007年第1期79-91,共13页
加拿大阿尔伯塔省经济的飞速发展,使得为全省制定合理的交通规划成为一项迫切的任务,在这种情况下,本文提出了全省的土地利用交通模型.该模型以PECAS(生产、交易和消费分派系统)结构为基础,实质是在整体经济的前提下考虑基本的交通需求... 加拿大阿尔伯塔省经济的飞速发展,使得为全省制定合理的交通规划成为一项迫切的任务,在这种情况下,本文提出了全省的土地利用交通模型.该模型以PECAS(生产、交易和消费分派系统)结构为基础,实质是在整体经济的前提下考虑基本的交通需求(商品、服务、劳动力交换的流通过程)而进行交通规划.生产、交易和消费分派系统是一种空间经济模拟系统,它侧重交通规划和发展规划,近几年在美国提出并在一些州和城市得到应用.阿尔伯塔省土地利用交通模型受其模型建立基础,尤其是MEPLAN和TRANUS模型的影响,但该模型在理论基础和行为描述上都做了明显的改进.本文从数据源和标定方法方面介绍加拿大阿尔伯塔省的土地利用交通模型的建立和发展. 展开更多
关键词 土地利用交通模型 变通规划 土地发展规划 空间经济模型 输入-输出表 LOGIT模型
Physical activity and exercise in children with chronic health conditions 被引量:4
作者 William F. Riner Sarah hunt Sellhorst 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第1期12-20,共9页
In the last two or three decades,physical activity(PA) has gained increasing recognition as being essential for maintaining good health and improving quality of life for all ages.Children have traditionally been activ... In the last two or three decades,physical activity(PA) has gained increasing recognition as being essential for maintaining good health and improving quality of life for all ages.Children have traditionally been active in both free play and organized sports.However,there has been a recent decline in the PA levels among children for various reasons.This lifestyle change has resulted in increased obesity accompanied by a rise in diabetes and cardiovascular risk among otherwise healthy children.These lifestyle changes have been shown to be even more a problem when the child is already affected by a chronic disease.Due to medical limitations and contraindications,much care must be taken to make certain that these children are involved in the appropriate volume and intensity of exercise.The type of activity must also be given careful consideration to avoid undue risk for the child who may have problems such as poor balance,limited strength,poor vision,or cognitive disability.Further complications are either caused or exacerbated by lack of sufficient PA.The priority beyond concern for safety should be focused on ensuring the highest quality of life possible.The purpose of this review is to examine how PA can benefit children with selected chronic health conditions. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Chronic health condition EXERCISE Physical activity
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