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青少年早期专项化训练学者共识 被引量:38
作者 李丹阳 赵焕彬 +43 位作者 杨世勇 李春雷 闫琪 史东林 王雄 尹晓峰 牛雪松 曹晓东 李山 李豪杰 孙君志 史衍 李赞 戴剑松 任占兵 史兵 张婧 曲国洋 甄志平 刘俊一 于亮 裘鹏 邹晓峰 张利锋 杜长亮 黄彩华 黄岩 胡晓燕 张卫 牛永刚 马瑞 张秀丽 徐飞 赵华 李恩荆 崔运坤 黄森 黄信嘉 张琰 黄展煜 王川 Georgios Nassis 路文平 吕万刚 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期112-121,共10页
青少年早期专项化训练(Early sport specialization,ESS)是关乎青少年竞技运动训练科学化的重要问题,也是国内外体育科学领域持续关注的热点问题。通过文献资料法,明晰青少年早期专项化的概念,梳理早期专项化的基本内涵,归纳青少年早期... 青少年早期专项化训练(Early sport specialization,ESS)是关乎青少年竞技运动训练科学化的重要问题,也是国内外体育科学领域持续关注的热点问题。通过文献资料法,明晰青少年早期专项化的概念,梳理早期专项化的基本内涵,归纳青少年早期专项化训练的国际经验及可能导致的负面影响,提出青少年专项化训练科学化的应对之策。基于此,拟定如下学者共识:第一、青少年早期专项化训练是指在青春期之前围绕一个特定运动项目进行的高强度的训练;第二、尽管诸如体操、跳水等运动项目要求很早(6~9岁)进行专项化训练,但绝不能忽视早期专项化训练极易对动作技能学习、运动技能学习、体能训练科学化、长期职业生涯发展及身体健康等造成的不良影响;第三、对于大多数运动项目来说,青少年相对较晚的进行专项化训练、或早期进行多样化训练且在晚期进行高水平专项化训练,成年后在竞技体育领域获得成功的概率更高;第四、技术主导类项目可以在正确动作模式基础上开展早期专项化训练,训练过程中应高度关注动作质量,避免出现动作模式异常诱发运动损伤;第五、青少年专项训练科学化的根本在于建立集体能、技术、战术、心理、运动智商及人文素养于一体的训练体系;第六、青少年专项训练科学化的关键在于依据生理年龄和身体机能发育特征,强化青少年各个时期体能训练科学化;第七、青少年早期专项化训练的综合应对策略为:选择合适的早期专项化训练时机、构建青少年长期发展模型、强化青少年多样化训练、训练与监控充分结合,以及建立与年龄相适应的赛事体系;第八、倡导以健康和快乐作为青少年参与体育运动的价值导向,以培养终身体育素养作为青少年参与体育运动的根本目标。 展开更多
关键词 早期专项化训练 多样化训练 青少年体能训练 青少年长期发展模型
富硒区茶树鲜叶中硒累积与土壤因子的相关性分析 被引量:20
作者 张豪杰 郝心愿 +11 位作者 周超 王璐 王新超 杨亚军 曾建明 孙冷雪 戴居会 向俊 罗鸿 王朝阳 张贤贵 刘涛 《茶叶科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期465-477,共13页
茶树是富硒植物,饮用富硒茶是一种安全、有效的补硒途径之一。茶叶的硒含量受多种环境因素影响,但有关富硒茶区茶树硒积累特性及主要影响因子的研究还鲜有报道。以高硒茶区湖北恩施、陕西安康不同地点生产茶园成龄茶树和根际土壤为研究... 茶树是富硒植物,饮用富硒茶是一种安全、有效的补硒途径之一。茶叶的硒含量受多种环境因素影响,但有关富硒茶区茶树硒积累特性及主要影响因子的研究还鲜有报道。以高硒茶区湖北恩施、陕西安康不同地点生产茶园成龄茶树和根际土壤为研究对象,结合土壤及植物样品全硒含量等多种指标,明确了根际土壤硒含量对茶树硒分布特性的影响,分析了富硒区土壤pH、硒含量等9个重要土壤特性相关因子的数值分布规律。通过对186组具有代表性的土壤样品和附生茶树新梢组织检测数据进行分组和整体相关性分析,证实了富硒区茶叶全硒含量与土壤硒含量之间存在极显著相关(相关系数r=0.59,P<0.01),揭示了茶叶全硒含量与土壤有机质含量、水解性氮、锌含量以及茶叶中硫、锌含量的显著相关,同时对安康和恩施地区的土壤和茶叶硒含量相关因素进行了深入分析。提出了茶叶硒含量对土壤有机质含量、硫含量、硒含量和锌含量的数学模型,模型拟合优度为0.5126,达极显著水平(P<0.01)。 展开更多
关键词 富硒茶 硒含量 积累特性 土壤因子 相关性分析
Physical sensors for skin-inspired electronics 被引量:15
作者 Shuo Li Yong Zhang +10 位作者 Yiliang Wang Kailun Xia Zhe Yin Huimin Wang Mingchao Zhang Xiaoping Liang haojie lu Mengjia Zhu Haomin Wang Xinyi Shen Yingying Zhang 《InfoMat》 SCIE CAS 2020年第1期184-211,共28页
Skin,the largest organ in the human body,is sensitive to external stimuli.In recent years,an increasing number of skin-inspired electronics,including wearable electronics,implantable electronics,and electronic skin,ha... Skin,the largest organ in the human body,is sensitive to external stimuli.In recent years,an increasing number of skin-inspired electronics,including wearable electronics,implantable electronics,and electronic skin,have been developed because of their broad applications in healthcare and robotics.Physical sensors are one of the key building blocks of skin-inspired electronics.Typical physical sensors include mechanical sensors,temperature sensors,humidity sensors,electrophysiological sensors,and so on.In this review,we systematically review the latest advances of skin-inspired mechanical sensors,temperature sensors,and humidity sensors.The working mechanisms,key materials,device structures,and performance of various physical sensors are summarized and discussed in detail.Their applications in health monitoring,human disease diagnosis and treatment,and intelligent robots are reviewed.In addition,several novel properties of skin-inspired physical sensors such as versatility,self-healability,and implantability are introduced.Finally,the existing challenges and future perspectives of physical sensors for practical applications are discussed and proposed. 展开更多
关键词 electronics skin flexible electronics humidity sensors mechanical sensors temperature sensors wearable sensors
CVD growth of perovskite/graphene films for high-performance flexible image sensor 被引量:12
作者 Kailun Xia Wenqiang Wu +10 位作者 Mengjia Zhu Xinyi Shen Zhe Yin Haomin Wang Shuo Li Mingchao Zhang Huimin Wang haojie lu Anlian Pan Caofeng Pan Yingying Zhang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第5期343-349,共7页
Hybrid perovskite possesses excellent photoelectric properties,including large light-absorption capacity and high carrier mobility,and is an ideal light-absorbing material for photoelectric devices.The grain size and ... Hybrid perovskite possesses excellent photoelectric properties,including large light-absorption capacity and high carrier mobility,and is an ideal light-absorbing material for photoelectric devices.The grain size and compactness of hybrid perovskite are key factors affecting the performance of photoelectric devices.The photocurrent and photoresponsivity of these devices are relatively low because of the rapidly recombined photoexcited electron-hole pairs in hybrid perovskite.Herein,we develop a facile two-step chemical vapor deposition(CVD)method to synthesize a high-quality van der Waals(vd Ws)MAPb I3/graphene heterostructure for high-performance image sensor.We introduced inorganic sources(PbI2)to vd Ws epitaxially grown Pb I2 film on a seamless graphene monolayer film template through CVD.Methylammonium iodide(MAI)was then reintroduced to prepare the vd Ws MAPb I3/graphene heterostructure.The MAPb I3 layer is composed of densely packed,large-size grains and displays a smooth surface.High photoresponsivity of 107A/W is achieved in the corresponding photodetector.Inspired by the human visual system,we designed a flexible photodetector array containing(24?24)pixels,achieving perfect image recognition and color discrimination.Our study may greatly facilitate the construction of high-performance optoelectronic devices in artificial retina,biomedical imaging,remote sensing,and optical communication. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid PEROVSKITE Chemical vapor deposition GRAPHENE TEMPLATE FLEXIBLE PHOTODETECTOR array Artificial RETINA
合成生物学助力废弃塑料资源生物解聚与升级再造 被引量:12
作者 钱秀娟 刘嘉唯 +9 位作者 薛瑞 刘豪杰 闻小红 杨璐 徐安明 许斌 信丰学 周杰 董维亮 姜岷 《合成生物学》 CSCD 2021年第2期161-180,共20页
石油基合成塑料因高分子量、高疏水性及高化学键能等特性难以被生物降解,在环境中不断累积,由此导致的"白色污染"已经成为一个全球性环境问题。填埋和焚烧是目前塑料垃圾处置最简单、常用的方法,但随之带来的是更为严重的环... 石油基合成塑料因高分子量、高疏水性及高化学键能等特性难以被生物降解,在环境中不断累积,由此导致的"白色污染"已经成为一个全球性环境问题。填埋和焚烧是目前塑料垃圾处置最简单、常用的方法,但随之带来的是更为严重的环境二次污染问题。为解决这一问题,开发绿色高效的废塑料资源回收利用技术,从源头解决塑料污染,成为发展塑料循环经济的关键。利用微生物/酶将塑料降解为寡聚体或单体,或进一步转化为高值化学品,因反应条件温和、不产生二次污染等优点将成为废塑料污染治理与资源化的新途径。本文详细介绍了废塑料生物解聚与转化方面的最新研究进展,包括塑料降解微生物和酶的挖掘、混菌/多酶体系的设计与构建、塑料解聚机制,以及塑料解聚物到化学品、能源、材料等高附加值产品的转化。然而,废塑料生物降解过程中仍存在降解元件匮乏、降解效率低、降解物难以利用等技术瓶颈。随着合成生物学的快速发展,利用高通量筛选、进化代谢、生物信息学等先进的生物技术,解析降解关键酶的催化机制、定向设计与改造降解酶、研究混菌体系中菌株间互利共生关系与适配机制、设计并构建不同塑料降解物的代谢通路成为废塑料生物降解研究的重点方向。通过建立废塑料生物降解与高值化利用平台,可为巨量的废塑料资源循环利用提供新的理论基础和关键技术,为我国塑料循环经济发展提供经济、环保、可行的技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 废塑料 生物解聚 生物转化 混菌/多酶 升级再造
Heterointerface Engineering of β‑Chitin/Carbon Nano‑Onions/Ni-P Composites with Boosted Maxwell‑Wagner‑Sillars Effect for Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Response and Thermal Management 被引量:8
作者 Fei Pan Lei Cai +7 位作者 Yuyang Shi Yanyan Dong Xiaojie Zhu Jie Cheng haojie Jiang Xiao Wang Yifeng Jiang Wei lu 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期206-223,共18页
The rational construction of microstructure and composition with enhanced Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars effect(MWSE)is still a challenging direction for reinforcing electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorption performance,and the rel... The rational construction of microstructure and composition with enhanced Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars effect(MWSE)is still a challenging direction for reinforcing electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorption performance,and the related EMW attenuation mechanism has rarely been elucidated.Herein,MWSE boostedβ-chitin/carbon nano-onions/Ni–P composites is prepared according to the heterointerface engineering strategy via facile layer-by-layer electrostatic assembly and electroless plating techniques.The heterogeneous interface is reinforced from the aspect of porous skeleton,nanomaterials and multilayer construction.The composites exhibit competitive EMW response mechanism between the conductive loss and the polarization/magnetic loss,as describing like the story of“The Hare and the Tortoise”.As a result,the composites not only achieve a minimum reflection loss(RL_(min))of−50.83 dB and an effective bandwidth of 6.8 GHz,but also present remarkable EMW interference shielding effectiveness of 66.66 dB.In addition,diverse functions such as good thermal insulation,infrared shielding and photothermal performance were also achieved in the hybrid composites as a result of intrinsic morphology and chemicophysics properties.Therefore,we believe that the boosted MWSE open up a novel orientation toward developing multifunctional composites with high-efficient EMW response and thermal management. 展开更多
关键词 β-chitin Nano onion carbon Electromagnetic wave absorption Electromagnetic interference shielding Photothermal
儿童肺炎支原体肺炎病原检测的多中心临床研究 被引量:3
作者 董晓艳 邹映雪 +13 位作者 吕芳芳 杨文豪 张海邻 牛艳华 王豪杰 郭润 王旭 黎历 林子豪 罗丽 卢丹莉 陆权 刘瀚旻 陈莉娜 《中华儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期310-316,共7页
目的分析儿童肺炎支原体肺炎(MPP)呼吸道病原检测状况及临床特征。方法前瞻性多中心研究,收集2023年11月15日至12月20日4家医院298例诊断为MPP患儿的一般病例资料、实验室检查及呼吸道多重核酸检测结果,分析不同地区MPP患儿呼吸道病原... 目的分析儿童肺炎支原体肺炎(MPP)呼吸道病原检测状况及临床特征。方法前瞻性多中心研究,收集2023年11月15日至12月20日4家医院298例诊断为MPP患儿的一般病例资料、实验室检查及呼吸道多重核酸检测结果,分析不同地区MPP患儿呼吸道病原检测情况及临床特征。将患儿按照病情程度分为重症组和轻症组,其中重症组中根据呼吸道多重核酸检测是否检出除肺炎支原体(MP)以外的病原体分为单纯MP组和多病原共检出组,分析呼吸道病原共检出状况对病情严重度的影响。组间比较采用Mann-Whitney非参数秩和检验、χ²检验。结果298例患儿中男136例、女162例。重症组204例,起病年龄7.0(6.0,8.0)岁,轻症组94例,起病年龄6.5(4.0,7.8)岁。重症组外周血C反应蛋白、D二聚体、血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)水平均高于轻症组[10.0(5.0,18.0)比5.0(5.0,7.5)mg/L、0.6(0.4,1.1)比0.5(0.3,0.6)mg/L、337(286,431)比314(271,393)U/L,Z=2.02、2.50、3.05,均P<0.05],住院时间长于轻症组[6.0(6.0,7.0)比5.0(4.0,6.0)d,Z=4.37,P<0.05],起病至入院时间则短于轻症组[6.0(5.0,9.5)比9.0(7.0,13.0)d,Z=2.23,P=0.026]。所有患儿均完成了呼吸道病原体多重PCR检测,共有142例(47.7%)MPP患儿检出了21种病原,其中腺病毒25例(8.4%)、人类冠状病毒23例(7.7%)、鼻病毒21例(7.0%)、肺炎链球菌21例(7.0%)、甲型流感病毒18例(6.0%)。天津、上海、温州、成都地区检出率最高的病原分别为金黄色葡萄球菌[10.7%(8/75)]、腺病毒[13.0%(10/77)]、腺病毒[15.3%(9/59)]、鼻病毒和流感嗜血杆菌[均为11.5%(10/87)]。重症组中2种及以上病原体的共检出率高于轻症组[52.9%(108/204)比36.2%(34/94),χ²=10.62,P=0.005]。多病原共检出组89例、单纯MP组73例。多病原共检出组LDH、D二聚体、中性粒细胞计数均高于单纯MP组[348(284,422)比307(270,358)U/L、0.8(0.5,1.5)比0.6(0.4,1.0)mg/L、4.99(3.66,6.89)×10^(9)比4.06(2.91,5.65)×10^(9)/L,Z=5.17、4.99、6.11, 展开更多
关键词 支原体 肺炎 儿童 肺炎 病原共检出率
蚕丝基智能纤维及织物:潜力、现状与未来展望 被引量:7
作者 张勇 陆浩杰 +3 位作者 梁晓平 张明超 梁华润 张莹莹 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期58-73,共16页
纤维及织物因具有良好的柔性、透气性以及适宜的力学性能而成为人们日常生活必不可少的材料。随着柔性电子器件的快速发展,纤维及织物在其自身优势的基础上,开始被人们赋予智能化特征,使得智能纤维和织物逐渐在可穿戴领域占据一席之地... 纤维及织物因具有良好的柔性、透气性以及适宜的力学性能而成为人们日常生活必不可少的材料。随着柔性电子器件的快速发展,纤维及织物在其自身优势的基础上,开始被人们赋予智能化特征,使得智能纤维和织物逐渐在可穿戴领域占据一席之地。天然蚕丝具有产量大、机械性能优异和生物可降解的优势。近年来,面向智能应用的蚕丝基纤维与织物逐渐发展,被用于传感、致动、光学器件、能量收集和储能等领域。本文将首先介绍天然蚕丝的层级结构和性能,并介绍各种形貌结构的再生蚕丝材料;然后根据其在智能纤维及织物中应用领域的不同,详细阐述蚕丝基智能纤维及织物的制备方法、性能及工作机制;最后讨论进一步发展所面临的挑战与机会,并对未来前景进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 蚕丝 制备方法 智能纤维 电子织物 柔性可穿戴器件
基于深度学习的混凝土裂缝检测研究 被引量:6
作者 李岩 杨豪杰 +2 位作者 刘辉 王璐 郭连建 《信息技术与信息化》 2021年第12期233-236,共4页
针对水利设施混凝土裂缝难以检测的问题,基于深度学习模型,设计了一种针对混凝土裂缝自动检测系统。系统使用YOLO V5模型,首先,对已有的训练数据集进行增强;然后,将训练数据集经过backbone、neck提取到数据特征值;特征值经过识别器识别... 针对水利设施混凝土裂缝难以检测的问题,基于深度学习模型,设计了一种针对混凝土裂缝自动检测系统。系统使用YOLO V5模型,首先,对已有的训练数据集进行增强;然后,将训练数据集经过backbone、neck提取到数据特征值;特征值经过识别器识别,获得损失函数;最后,通过反馈网络对模型参数进行训练。经过训练模型识别正确率达到0.96。系统在对混凝土裂缝检测测试中有较高的准确率,具有一定的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 YOLO V5 水利工程 混凝土裂缝
Collagen-based injectable and self-healing hydrogel with multifunction for regenerative repairment of infected wounds 被引量:5
作者 haojie Gu Han Li +2 位作者 Liren Wei Jian lu Qingrong Wei 《Regenerative Biomaterials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第1期626-639,共14页
At present,the development trend of dressing materials is being multifunctional for convenient and long-term nursing care process of some complicated wounds.Here,basing on the theory of wound moist healing,an injectab... At present,the development trend of dressing materials is being multifunctional for convenient and long-term nursing care process of some complicated wounds.Here,basing on the theory of wound moist healing,an injectable and self-healing hydrogel comprising of collagen(COL),chitosan(CS)and oxidation modified Konjac glucomannan(OKGM),which acts as a macromolecular cross-linker to construct dynamic Schiff-base bonds was smartly designed.The strategy of introducing the silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs)into the COL-CS-OKGM hydrogel matrix achieved a markedly enhanced antibacterial activity derived from the synergistical effect between the Ag^(+)and the mild photothermal efficacy of Ag NPs,which also improved the local capillary blood circulation of the wound area to further facilitate wound healing process.The excellent syringeability and self-healing behaviors endowed the COL-CS-OKGM-Ag hydrogel with self-adapting ability for the wounds with irregular and large area needing frequent applying and changing without secondary injuries.In vitro and in vivo evaluations verified that so-designed COL-CS-OKGM-Ag hydrogel also with hemostatic performance is a promising multifunctional dressing for the treatments of infected wound with not only good biocompatibility and convenient use,but also with desired regenerative healing prognoses benefited from hydrogel moist environment and physiotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 collagen injectable and self-healing HYDROGEL regenerative repair WOUNDS
Micro/nano processing of natural silk fibers with near-field enhanced ultrafast laser 被引量:5
作者 Ming Qiao Huimin Wang +6 位作者 haojie lu Shuo Li Jianfeng Yan Liangti Qu Yingying Zhang Lan Jiang Yongfeng lu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第7期1300-1309,M0003,共11页
Silkworm silk fiber is an attractive material owing to its remarkable mechanical characteristics,excellent optical properties,and good biocompatibility and biodegradability.However,nano-processing of the silk fiber is... Silkworm silk fiber is an attractive material owing to its remarkable mechanical characteristics,excellent optical properties,and good biocompatibility and biodegradability.However,nano-processing of the silk fiber is still a challenge limiting its applications in nanoengineering and related fields.Herein,we report localized near-field enhancement-assisted ablation with an ultrafast laser to break this bottleneck.Localized processing of silk fiber,including nano-holing,nano-grooving,and cutting could retain the key molecular structure building blocks and the pristine functionality of the silk fiber.An extremely narrow nanohole with a width of^64 nm was successfully achieved.The processed silk fiber can be used to transfer micro/nanoparticles and drugs,showing potential for biomedical engineering.The processing strategy developed in this study can also be extended to other materials,paving a new way for fabricating functional nanostructures with precisely controlled size and morphology. 展开更多
关键词 ultrafast laser silk fiber laser ablation nano-processing drug delivery
Employing MXene as a matrix for loading amorphous Si generated upon lithiation towards enhanced lithium-ion storage 被引量:5
作者 haojie Li Ming lu +5 位作者 Wenjuan Han Haibo Li Yucheng Wu Wei Zhang Jiaheng Wang Bingsen Zhang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期50-54,共5页
Although Si-based nanomaterials provide incomparable lithium ion storage ability in theory, it suffers from low initial Coulombic efficiency, electrical disconnection, and fracture due to huge volume changes after ext... Although Si-based nanomaterials provide incomparable lithium ion storage ability in theory, it suffers from low initial Coulombic efficiency, electrical disconnection, and fracture due to huge volume changes after extended cycles. As a result, it leads to a severe capacity fading and an increase in internal impedance. Herein, Ti-elemental MXene was employed as a matrix for the intermediate product of Si electrodes. The boundary between the inner core of pristine Si and its outer shell of amorphous Li x Si alloy was reconstructed. Smaller amorphous aggregates were observed in the MXene&Si hybrid electrode after 500 cycles by using transmission electron microscopy. Consequently, an enhanced specific capacity was achieved as MXene as a matrix enables loading amorphous Si. 展开更多
关键词 Silicon Ti3C2 MXene LI-ION
A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Dasypyrum villosum provides insights into its application as a broad-spectrum disease resistance resource for wheat improvement 被引量:4
作者 Xu Zhang Haiyan Wang +13 位作者 haojie Sun Yingbo Li Yilong Feng Chengzhi Jiao Mengli Li Xinying Song Tong Wang Zongkuan Wang Chunxia Yuan Li Sun Ruju lu Wenli Zhang Jin Xiao Xiue Wang 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期432-451,共20页
Dasypyrum villosum is one of the most valuable gene resources in wheat improvement,especially for disease resistance.The mining of favorable genes from D.villosum is frustrated by the lack of a whole genome sequence.I... Dasypyrum villosum is one of the most valuable gene resources in wheat improvement,especially for disease resistance.The mining of favorable genes from D.villosum is frustrated by the lack of a whole genome sequence.In this study,we generated a doubled-haploid line,91C43^(DH),using microspore culture and obtained a 4.05-GB high-quality,chromosome-scale genome assembly for D.villosum.The assembly contains39727 high-confidence genes,and 85.31% of the sequences are repetitive.Two reciprocal translocation events were detected,and 7VS-4VL is a unique translocation in D.villosum.The prolamin seed storage protein-coding genes were found to be duplicated;in particular,the genes encoding low-molecular-weight glutenin at the Glu-V3 locus were significantly expanded.RNA sequencing(RNA-seq)analysis indicated that,after Blumeria graminearum f.sp tritici(Bgt)inoculation,there were more upregulated genes involved in the pattern-triggered immunity and effector-triggered immunity defense pathways in D.villosum than in Triticum urartu.MNase hypersensitive sequencing(MH-seq)identified two Bgt-inducible MH sites(MHSs),one in the promoter and one in the 3'terminal region of the powdery mildew resistance(Pm)gene NLR1-V.Each site had two subpeaks and they were termed MHS1(MHS1.1/1.2)and MHS2(MHS2.1/2.2).Bgt-inducible MHS2.2 was uniquely present in D.villosum,and MHS1.1 was more inducible in D.villosum than in wheat,suggesting that MHSs may be critical for regulation of NLR1-V expression and plant defense.In summary,this study provides a valuable genome resource for functional genomics studies and wheat-D.villosum introgression breeding.The identified regulatory mechanisms may also be exploited to develop new strategies for enhancing Pm resistance by optimizing gene expression in wheat. 展开更多
关键词 D.villosum genome crop wild relative genome evolution disease resistance RNA-seq MNase hy-persensitivityassay
Ultra-sensitive and wide applicable strain sensor enabled by carbon nanofibers with dual alignment for human machine interfaces 被引量:4
作者 Peng Bi Mingchao Zhang +5 位作者 Shuo Li haojie lu Haomin Wang Xiaoping Liang Huarun Liang Yingying Zhang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第3期4093-4099,共7页
Flexible strain sensors with high sensitivity,wide detection range,and low detection limit have continuously attracted great interest due to their tremendous application potential in areas such as health/medical-care,... Flexible strain sensors with high sensitivity,wide detection range,and low detection limit have continuously attracted great interest due to their tremendous application potential in areas such as health/medical-care,human-machine interface,as well as safety and security.While both of a high sensitivity and a wide working range are desired key parameters for a strain sensor,they are usually contrary to each other to be achieved on the same sensor due to the tightly structure dependence of both of them.Here,a flexible strain sensor with both high sensitivity and wide strain detection range is prepared based on the design of an integrated membrane containing both of parallel aligned and randomly aligned carbon nanofibers(CNFs).The parallel aligned CNF membrane(p-CNF)exhibits a low strain detection limit and high sensitivity,while the random aligned CNF membrane(r-CNF)exhibits a large strain detection range.Taking the advantages of both p-CNF and r-CNF,the strain sensor with stacked p-CNF and r-CNF(p/r-CNF)exhibits both high sensitivity and wide working range.Its gauge factor(GF)is 1,272 for strains under 0.5%and 2,266 for strain from 70%to 100%.At the same time,it can work in a wide strain range of 0.005%to 100%,fulfilling the requirements for accurately detecting full-range human motions.We demonstrated its applications in the recognition of facial expressions and joint movements.Furtherly,we constructed an intelligent lip-language recognition system,which can accurately track phonetic symbols and may help people with language disabilities,proving the potential of this strain sensor in health management and medical assistance.Besides,we foresee that the dual-alignment structure design of the p/r-CNF strain sensor may also be applied in the design of other high performance sensors. 展开更多
关键词 nanofiber membrane carbon nanofibers flexible sensor dual-alignment high sensitivity
粪菌移植:中西医诊疗思维的碰撞 被引量:5
作者 徐浩杰 王璐 +1 位作者 陈蓓迪 赵丽丹 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期472-477,共6页
粪菌移植(FMT)是将健康供者粪便中的功能菌群移植到患者胃肠道内,以期重建患者体内正常菌群的一种疾病治疗方式。西医以FMT方式治疗疾病的历史可追溯至20世纪50年代,经过数十年的探索,其疗效已在多种疾病中得到验证;而中医关于人粪入药... 粪菌移植(FMT)是将健康供者粪便中的功能菌群移植到患者胃肠道内,以期重建患者体内正常菌群的一种疾病治疗方式。西医以FMT方式治疗疾病的历史可追溯至20世纪50年代,经过数十年的探索,其疗效已在多种疾病中得到验证;而中医关于人粪入药的记载更可追溯至公元3世纪,相关理论在历代多部中医著作中均有记载。作为一种已经被写入指南的治疗方式,FMT在治疗难辨梭状芽孢杆菌感染中的作用已在美国、英国等部分国家和地区得到认可,且其临床适应证范围有进一步扩展的趋势。中西方医学两种截然不同的思维模式在应用FMT治疗疾病上产生了奇妙的碰撞。综合中西医医学实践中的菁华,探索更加规范、有效的FMT方式,既是以患者健康为中心的体现,也是中西医学相互促进的体现。 展开更多
关键词 肠道菌群 粪菌移植 中医 西医
GTF2H4 regulates partial EndMT via NF-κB activation through NCOA3 phosphorylation in ischemic diseases
作者 Zheyan Fang Gang Zhao +27 位作者 Shuang Zhao Xueting Yu Runyang Feng You-en Zhang Haomin Li Lei Huang Zhenyang Guo Zhentao Zhang Mukaddas Abdurahman Hangnan Hong Peng Li Bing Wu Jinhang Zhu Xin Zhong Dong Huang Hao lu Xin Zhao Zhaoyang Chen Wenbin Zhang Junjie Guo Hongchao Zheng Yue He Shengying Qin haojie lu Yun Zhao Xiangdong Wang Junbo Ge Hua Li 《The Innovation》 EI 2024年第2期27-41,共15页
Partial endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition(EndMT)is an intermediate phenotype observed in endothelial cells(ECs)undergoing a transition toward a mesenchymal state to support neovascularization during(patho)physiolo... Partial endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition(EndMT)is an intermediate phenotype observed in endothelial cells(ECs)undergoing a transition toward a mesenchymal state to support neovascularization during(patho)physiological angiogenesis.Here,we investigated the occurrence of partial EndMT in ECs under hypoxic/ischemic conditions and identified general transcription factor IIH subunit 4(GTF2H4)as a positive regulator of this process.In addition,we discovered that GTF2H4 collaborates with its target protein excision repair cross-complementation group 3(ERCC3)to co-regulate partial EndMT.Furthermore,by using phosphorylation proteomics and site-directed mutagenesis,we demonstrated that GTF2H4 was involved in the phosphorylation of receptor coactivator 3(NCOA3)at serine 1330,which promoted the interaction between NCOA3 and p65,resulting in the transcriptional activation of NF-κB and the NF-kB/Snail signaling axis during partial EndMT.In vivo experiments confirmed that GTF2H4 significantly promoted partial EndMT and angiogenesis after ischemic injury.Collectively,our findings reveal that targeting GTF2H4 is promising for tissue repair and offers potential opportunities for treating hypoxic/ischemic diseases. 展开更多
基于改进天牛须搜索算法的路径规划方法 被引量:4
作者 方泗喃 高萍萍 +2 位作者 肜郝捷 周心怡 鲁海燕 《信息技术与信息化》 2021年第11期23-28,共6页
针对天牛须搜索算法易陷入局部最优、寻优精度低、后期收敛速度慢等缺点,提出了一种带有预判机制和权重因子的改进天牛须算法PreWBAS(beetle antennae search algorithm with pre-determination and weight),并基于该算法给出了一种求... 针对天牛须搜索算法易陷入局部最优、寻优精度低、后期收敛速度慢等缺点,提出了一种带有预判机制和权重因子的改进天牛须算法PreWBAS(beetle antennae search algorithm with pre-determination and weight),并基于该算法给出了一种求解路径规划问题的方法。首先在PreWBAS中引入预判机制使算法在每一次迭代预走一定步数,然后引入非线性递减的权重因子来平衡全局搜索能力和局部寻优能力。仿真实验结果表明,对于函数优化问题,改进后的算法相较于传统天牛须搜索算法具有更高的求解精度和收敛速度,不易陷入局部最优;对于路径规划问题,改进后的算法也拥有更好的寻优性能。 展开更多
关键词 天牛须搜索算法 函数优化 全局最优解 路径规划
作者 周欣康 位浩杰 +3 位作者 陈晓龙 王佳鑫 卢大伟 谢辉 《复合材料科学与工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期111-116,共6页
为了保证碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)加工质量,研究刀具磨损对CFRP制孔质量的影响,本文制备了CFRP层压板样件,对刀具磨损规律、刀具磨损与CFRP制孔质量的关联性进行定量试验研究。使用数字显微镜跟踪标定制孔过程中的后刀面磨损量VB... 为了保证碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)加工质量,研究刀具磨损对CFRP制孔质量的影响,本文制备了CFRP层压板样件,对刀具磨损规律、刀具磨损与CFRP制孔质量的关联性进行定量试验研究。使用数字显微镜跟踪标定制孔过程中的后刀面磨损量VB,绘制了刀具磨损曲线,对不同转速下的后刀面磨损规律进行了定量对比分析。同时通过对制孔后的出口毛刺长度和分层情况进行试验标定,分别利用出口毛刺缺陷因子和制孔分层缺陷因子对制孔质量进行评价,绘制了缺陷因子与VB的相关曲线,对刀具磨损因素及对制孔质量的影响进行了定量分析。结果表明:高转速下刀具更早进入急剧磨损,但在急剧磨损阶段,低转速下刀具磨损更快;刀具进入急剧磨损阶段后,刀具磨损逐渐成为出口缺陷的主要原因,且刀具磨损量相同时高转速下制孔质量更高。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料 刀具磨损 缺陷因子 钻削 制孔质量
作者 周媚 曾浩桀 +2 位作者 卢俊宁 蒲婷 刘宝玉 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期76-86,共11页
传统微孔分子筛具有均一孔径、较高比表面积、良好的择形选择性等优点,但受到传质扩散阻力限制,导致其性能严重降低。而等级孔分子筛具有多级孔道结构,可以强化大分子的扩散,减少焦炭堆积,从而改善催化剂利用率、寿命和催化性能。等级... 传统微孔分子筛具有均一孔径、较高比表面积、良好的择形选择性等优点,但受到传质扩散阻力限制,导致其性能严重降低。而等级孔分子筛具有多级孔道结构,可以强化大分子的扩散,减少焦炭堆积,从而改善催化剂利用率、寿命和催化性能。等级孔分子筛通常采用“自上而下法”和“自下而上法”进行制备。本文主要对近年来等级孔分子筛的合成方法进行梳理,并重点介绍了具有较高应用潜力的“自上而下法”。综合评述了等级孔分子筛在催化应用中的扩散过程强化研究,指出等级孔分子筛在提升催化性能方面(如活性、选择性、稳定性等)具有独特优势。通过在分子筛骨架中引入等级孔道,缩短晶内扩散路程,减少传质扩散限制,减少二次副反应和积炭。此外,等级孔道结构也有利于金属活性物种的稳定,在催化反应中抑制其烧结,增加了负载型分子筛催化剂的稳定性。最后,总结了等级孔分子筛的独特优势(强化内扩散性能和提升分子筛内部中心利用率),并对等级孔分子筛的制备方法和绿色生产进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 等级孔分子筛 传质限制 扩散强化 催化
Biphase-to-monophase structure evolution of Na_(0.766+x)Li_(x)Ni_(0.33-x)Mn_(0.5)Fe_(0.1)Ti_(0.07)O_(2) toward ultradurable Na-ion batteries
作者 Mengting Liu Zhiwei Cheng +10 位作者 Xu Zhu haojie Dong Tianran Yan Liang Zhang lu Zheng Hu-Rong Yao Xian-Zuo Wang Lianzheng Yu Bing Xiao Yao Xiao Peng-Fei Wang 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期66-79,共14页
Layered composite oxide materials with O3/P2 biphasic crystallographic structure typically demonstrate a combination of high capacities of the O3 phase and high operation voltages of the P2 phase.However,their practic... Layered composite oxide materials with O3/P2 biphasic crystallographic structure typically demonstrate a combination of high capacities of the O3 phase and high operation voltages of the P2 phase.However,their practical applications are seriously obstructed by difficulties in thermodynamic phase regulation,complicated electrochemical phase transition,and unsatisfactory cycling life.Herein,we propose an efficient structural evolution strategy from biphase to monophase of Na_(0.766+x)Li_(x)Ni_(0.33-x)Mn_(0.5)Fe_(0.1)Ti_(0.07)O_(2) through Li+substitution.The role of Li+substitution not only simplifies the unfavorable phase transition by altering the local coordination of transition metal(TM)cations but also stabilizes the cathode–electrolyte interphase to prevent the degradation of TM cations during battery cycling.As a result,the thermodynamically robust O_(3)-Na_(0.826)Li_(0.06)Ni_(0.27)Mn_(0.5)Fe_(0.1)Ti_(0.07)O_(2) cathode delivers a high capacity of 139.4 mAh g^(-1) at 0.1 C and shows prolonged cycling life at high rates,with capacity retention of 81.6%at 5 C over 500 cycles.This work establishes a solid relationship between the thermodynamic structure evolution and electrochemistry of layered cathode materials,contributing to the development of long-life sodium-ion batteries. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Li+substitution Na-ion batteries O_(3)phase phase transition
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