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作者 彭雨晴 海诚 《中华女子学院学报》 2022年第1期80-86,共7页
海外华人文学和艺术作品大多离不开文化认同和时代感召下的进步意识问题,而教育、语言、服饰、饮食等层面都是体现这两个命题的主要维度。就此而言,娘惹形象的建构则更容易在上述维度找到切入点。以娘惹影视剧传播为例,通过对教育、语... 海外华人文学和艺术作品大多离不开文化认同和时代感召下的进步意识问题,而教育、语言、服饰、饮食等层面都是体现这两个命题的主要维度。就此而言,娘惹形象的建构则更容易在上述维度找到切入点。以娘惹影视剧传播为例,通过对教育、语言、服饰、饮食等层面的展示,表现出“娘惹”与中华文化既亲近又疏离的矛盾,反映了海外华人文化根性焦虑本质。娘惹文化正在经历以下三方面的调适:一是在全球化过程中始终坚守自身的文化内核,二是凭借丰富的传播形式以适应不同时代的审美需求,三是擅长借鉴各国优秀文化因子。这种调试为娘惹文化的在地书写和区域传播做出了开拓性实践,也为影视剧对华人女性文化的建构与传播实践提供了参考经验。 展开更多
关键词 娘惹文化 文化认同 文化疏离 在地书写 区域化传播
心率减速力及连续心率减速力对冠心病心脏性猝死的预警价值 被引量:18
作者 王春光 罗兴才 +5 位作者 要彤 刘玉玉 赵社海 程佳媛 李跃 赵小祺 《中国应用生理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期244-247,共4页
目的:通过心率减速力(DC)及连续心率减速力(DRs)检测技术对老年冠心病患者进行风险分层,探讨其对心脏性猝死的预警价值。方法:随机选择经冠状动脉造影(CAG)确诊为冠心病(CHD)的患者218例作为观察组,其中隐匿性CHD 55例,急性心肌梗死(AMI... 目的:通过心率减速力(DC)及连续心率减速力(DRs)检测技术对老年冠心病患者进行风险分层,探讨其对心脏性猝死的预警价值。方法:随机选择经冠状动脉造影(CAG)确诊为冠心病(CHD)的患者218例作为观察组,其中隐匿性CHD 55例,急性心肌梗死(AMI)56例,心绞痛(AP)53例,缺血性心力衰竭(IHF)54例。同期选取在本院进行健康体检者55例(对照组),对各组患者行24 h动态心电图检查,应用软件系统分析并计算出DC值及DRs值进行统计分析。结果:CHD各亚组(AMI组、AP组、IHF组、隐匿性CHD组)的DC值及DRs值均明显降低,与正常组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);DC值与DRs值所提示CAD各亚组的危险分级明显高于正常组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);冠状动脉造影显示冠脉病变数量越多范围越大,病情越重,这与DC、DRs所提示CHD各亚组的危险分级相一致。结论:心率减速力和连续心率减速力能够测定分析迷走神经功能,对冠心病患者进行危险分级,对高危人群有较高的预警价值,可作为预警冠心病患者发生心脏性猝死的敏感指标。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 急性心肌梗死 心率减速力 连续心率减速力 冠状动脉造影 心脏性猝死
针药并用外治法治疗消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫的疗效观察 被引量:15
作者 杨国旺 郭佼 +4 位作者 郑朝旭 叶霈智 张洪海 程培育 徐咏梅 《中国肿瘤临床与康复》 2017年第5期513-517,共5页
目的探讨针药并用外治法治疗消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫患者的临床疗效。方法选取2013年8月至2016年8月间首都医科大学附属北京中医医院及中国医学科学院肿瘤医院收治的106例消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫患者,采用前瞻性和随机对照的研究设计,采用随机... 目的探讨针药并用外治法治疗消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫患者的临床疗效。方法选取2013年8月至2016年8月间首都医科大学附属北京中医医院及中国医学科学院肿瘤医院收治的106例消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫患者,采用前瞻性和随机对照的研究设计,采用随机数表法进行随机分组,用不透光的信封进行分配隐藏,将患者分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组患者在基本治疗的基础上加用针刺联合中药穴位贴敷。对照组患者在基本治疗的基础上加用甲氧氯普胺注射液肌内注射。连续使用至胃瘫缓解,最长疗程为21天。观察胃瘫缓解率、症状积分、胃液引流量、胃管拔出时间及体力状态得分。结果在干预第1周、第2周和第3周治疗组患者胃瘫缓解痊愈率和有效率均高于对照组,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。第2周、第3周和第4周时,治疗组患者胃瘫症状积分总分低于对照组患者,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。治疗后第3、5、7、9、14及21天时,治疗组患者的胃液引流量均低于对照组患者,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。治疗组患者的胃管拔除时间低于对照组患者,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗第2周、第3周和第4周,治疗组患者体力状况评分高于对照组患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论针药并用外治法可改善消化道肿瘤术后胃瘫患者术后消化道症状,减少胃液引流量。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤 术后胃瘫综合征 中医外治 老十针 穴位贴敷
气质联用结合化学计量学对中国白菊特征挥发性成分的研究 被引量:4
作者 海城英 白秀云 +3 位作者 陈亨业 杨小龙 杨健 付海燕 《化学试剂》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期584-589,共6页
为探究不同产地中国白菊的特征挥发性成分,利用吹扫捕集-气相色谱质谱联用技术(Purge-and-trap-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, P&T-GC-MS)对江苏如东、湖北蒋场、湖北黄潭、河南武涉、北京延庆5个产地的菊花样品的挥发性... 为探究不同产地中国白菊的特征挥发性成分,利用吹扫捕集-气相色谱质谱联用技术(Purge-and-trap-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, P&T-GC-MS)对江苏如东、湖北蒋场、湖北黄潭、河南武涉、北京延庆5个产地的菊花样品的挥发性成分进行检测,利用autoGCMSDataAnal策略及化学计量算法对其特征挥发性成分进行筛选。结果获得醇、烯、酯、烷烃等多种共有化合物。其中,如东县菊花中α-蒎烯、菊油环酮等化合物含量最高,延庆菊花中胺叶油醇、樟脑和2,6-二甲基-5,7-辛二烯-2-醇等化合物含量最高,蒋场镇菊花中姜烯、α-姜黄烯等含量最高。另外,基于上述特征化合物的判别模型可对菊花的产地进行精准判别,准确率可达98%以上。研究筛选的特征挥发性成分可为菊花的产地溯源提供一定的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 菊花 气相色谱-质谱联用 化学计量学 挥发性成分 风味物质
MVR耙式干燥系统设计及蒸发性能研究 被引量:3
作者 陈海 程榕 +2 位作者 郑燕萍 杨阿三 孙勤 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期174-177,共4页
设计的MVR耙式干燥系统采用罗茨蒸汽压缩机替换耙式干燥系统中的真空泵,将干燥过程脱出的二次蒸汽压缩以提高压力和温度后作为热源使用。节省了大量热能,节能效果显著。该系统干燥物料可以是粉粒状、膏状、浆状,也可以是溶液(此时包含... 设计的MVR耙式干燥系统采用罗茨蒸汽压缩机替换耙式干燥系统中的真空泵,将干燥过程脱出的二次蒸汽压缩以提高压力和温度后作为热源使用。节省了大量热能,节能效果显著。该系统干燥物料可以是粉粒状、膏状、浆状,也可以是溶液(此时包含蒸发、结晶和干燥过程)。为了探索MVR耙式干燥系统干燥溶液的规律,首先以水为对象进行了实验研究。结果表明,适当减小压缩比、控制过热度、降低干燥压力均有利于提高系统的运行效率。在实验范围内,MVR耙式干燥系统的能效比(COP)为4.4~8.8,单位能耗除湿量(SMER)为2.0~3.4 kg/k Wh。按照目前的蒸汽电价比及能源状况,该工艺在干燥中仍有很大的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 机械蒸汽再压缩技术 耙式干燥 节能 蒸发 能效比 单位能耗除湿量
质谱与光谱技术高精度测试水中三氧同位素的对比 被引量:2
作者 段鹏珍 Sasadhar Mahata +4 位作者 宗保云 沙丽娟 张普 宁有丰 程海 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第36期4691-4699,共9页
高精度测定水中氧同位素组成对于了解区域和全球水文气候变化过程具有重要意义.近年来,随着测试技术的不断发展,稳定同位素比值质谱(质谱法)和波长扫描光腔衰荡光谱(光谱法)技术均被证明可以获得高精度的水中三氧同位素指标(^(17)O-exce... 高精度测定水中氧同位素组成对于了解区域和全球水文气候变化过程具有重要意义.近年来,随着测试技术的不断发展,稳定同位素比值质谱(质谱法)和波长扫描光腔衰荡光谱(光谱法)技术均被证明可以获得高精度的水中三氧同位素指标(^(17)O-excess).本研究在国内率先建立了高精度水三氧同位素测试新技术,使用质谱和光谱两种技术测量多个国际标准水样三氧同位素组成,并将数据与已有研究结果对比.结果表明,两种测试技术的精度均能够达到低于10 per meg(1 per meg=10^(-6)),但在样品需求量、测试效率、受外界干扰程度等方面各有优劣.使用质谱法测试GISP的标准化值为δ^(18)O_(VSMOW-SLAP)=-24.82‰±0.04‰、δ^(17)O_(VSMOW-SLAP)=-13.16‰±0.03‰、^(17)O-excess=21±6 per meg(1σ);使用光谱法测定的GISP的标准值为δ^(18)O_(VSMOW-SLAP)=-24.80‰±0.03‰、δ^(17)O_(VSMOW-SLAP)=-13.15‰±0.02‰、^(17)O-excess=26±8 per meg(1σ).两种技术的测定值均与IAEA推荐值或已有研究结果在误差范围内一致.对于USGS 45和USGS 47的测定结果与已有数据或推荐值接近,特别是两者之间大于20per meg的^(17)O-excess值的差异也与已有研究结果一致.本研究使用两种技术测试中国不同气候区的冬夏季节降水,结果显示两种技术所测同一样品的值均具有良好的一致性,并初步观测到不同季节降水样品的^(17)O-excess值的变化,为利用三氧同位素指标研究水文循环过程提供重要的技术支撑. 展开更多
关键词 水循环 三氧同位素 光谱分析仪(Picarro) 质谱分析仪 国际标准水 降水
炮用象限仪角度测量不确定度的评定方法 被引量:2
作者 文海 程斌 张开维 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期817-823,共7页
竞争择优任务要求炮用象限仪角度测量结果给出不确定度,以便于不同行业领域的理解、交流和比对。在评定测量不确定度的过程中,鉴于实际工程测量样本量小而难以实施A类评定的问题,提出用实验室校准过程近似实际测量过程,利用历史校准数... 竞争择优任务要求炮用象限仪角度测量结果给出不确定度,以便于不同行业领域的理解、交流和比对。在评定测量不确定度的过程中,鉴于实际工程测量样本量小而难以实施A类评定的问题,提出用实验室校准过程近似实际测量过程,利用历史校准数据和线性回归方法,建立了基于统计过程控制技术的A类评定方法,以某型炮用象限仪的历史校准数据并结合MATLAB工具验证该方法可行。用测量不确定传递率法得到了该型炮用象限仪测量范围内任意角度上的扩展不确定度曲线,并用蒙特卡洛法对其进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 兵器科学与技术 炮用象限仪 测量不确定度 统计过程控制 GUM法 蒙特卡洛法
大肠杆菌可溶性表达人鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原的制备及应用 被引量:2
作者 陈春野 刘剑 +7 位作者 朱瑞 李姝璇 叶江辉 王玮 潘德全 徐飞海 程通 夏宁邵 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期252-258,共7页
旨在建立基于大肠杆菌表达系统的高效可溶性表达人鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原(SCCAg)方法,获得具有较好活性的重组SCCAg抗原并应用于建立抗原检测方法。基于pGEX-6P-1载体和大肠杆菌E.coliER2566菌株开展重组SCCAg抗原可溶性表达纯化方法研究,... 旨在建立基于大肠杆菌表达系统的高效可溶性表达人鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原(SCCAg)方法,获得具有较好活性的重组SCCAg抗原并应用于建立抗原检测方法。基于pGEX-6P-1载体和大肠杆菌E.coliER2566菌株开展重组SCCAg抗原可溶性表达纯化方法研究,评价纯化抗原活性,筛选特异性单克隆抗体,初步建立并评价SCCAg抗原检测方法。结果显示,pGEX-6P-1载体和E.coliER2566菌株可用于建立较高效的可溶性表达和纯化SCCAg抗原的方法,获得了具有较高纯度和活性的重组SCCAg抗原,筛选获得特异性单克隆抗体并初步建立了SCCAg管式化学发光检测方法。建立了有效的基于大肠杆菌表达系统的可溶性表达和纯化SCCAg的方法。 展开更多
关键词 人鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原 大肠杆菌表达系统 可溶性表达 单克隆抗体
基于分形声学超材料的宽带声聚焦透镜 被引量:1
作者 宋刚永 黄蓓 +1 位作者 宋海 程强 《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期61-68,共8页
声学超材料,是一种用于操纵声波的人工声学结构,具有诸多自然界所不具备的超常物理性质.不同于早期的局域共振声学单元结构,基于希尔伯特分形曲线提出了一种具有低损耗、高折射率的分形声学超材料,给出了分形结构声学单元的进化过程,并... 声学超材料,是一种用于操纵声波的人工声学结构,具有诸多自然界所不具备的超常物理性质.不同于早期的局域共振声学单元结构,基于希尔伯特分形曲线提出了一种具有低损耗、高折射率的分形声学超材料,给出了分形结构声学单元的进化过程,并运用等效媒质理论,提取了具有亚波长的分形超材料单元的相对折射率、相对阻抗、等效密度及等效模量等材料参数.由于分形结构具有的自相似性和空间折叠特性,所提出的分形超材料具有宽带工作频率响应,为众多应用场合比如声超分辨率成像及声隧穿效应器件提供了候选材料.为检验分形声学超材料特性,应用分形声学超材料设计了梯度折射率分布的声聚焦透镜,并由固体方块阵列仿真对比、实验测量、以及点声源入射等三种手段验证了分形声学超材料参数特性及其聚焦透镜在2~5kHz宽频带内良好的聚焦能力. 展开更多
关键词 声学超材料 分形结构 聚焦透镜 渐变折射率
禽白血病病毒衣壳蛋白表达载体的构建及应用 被引量:1
作者 孙舒 胡海 +2 位作者 程晓薇 秦爱建 钱琨 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2017年第18期18-22,共5页
为利用分段表达载体鉴定禽白血病病毒(ALV)衣壳蛋白单克隆抗体识别区域,构建ALV衣壳蛋白p27全长及分段真核表达载体。将实验室保存的pGEX-6p-1-p27质粒双酶切亚克隆到pcDNA3.1真核表达载体中,构建pcDNA3.1-p27全长表达质粒。同时设计引... 为利用分段表达载体鉴定禽白血病病毒(ALV)衣壳蛋白单克隆抗体识别区域,构建ALV衣壳蛋白p27全长及分段真核表达载体。将实验室保存的pGEX-6p-1-p27质粒双酶切亚克隆到pcDNA3.1真核表达载体中,构建pcDNA3.1-p27全长表达质粒。同时设计引物,扩增p27基因1~480 bp的A片段以及241~720 bp的B片段,构建pcDNA3.1-p27A和pcDNA3.1-p27B分段表达载体,并在DF-1细胞中暂态表达,利用IFA和Western blot方法鉴定病毒衣壳蛋白单克隆抗体的识别区域。结果表明:重组质粒均能正确表达,并鉴定出两株单克隆抗体5D3和4F12的抗原识别区域均位于衣壳蛋白p27蛋白碳端161~240位氨基酸区域。研究成功构建并表达了ALV衣壳蛋白p27的全长和分段真核表达载体,并利用分段表达质粒鉴定了两株单克隆抗体的抗原识别区域,为深入研究衣壳蛋白p27的生物学功能提供了生物材料。 展开更多
关键词 衣壳蛋白p27 真核表达载体 单克隆抗体 抗原识别区域
作者 田野 张海伟 +7 位作者 宗保云 段鹏珍 Hubert B.Vonhof Yuri V.Dublyansky 宁有丰 Christoph Spotl 蔡演军 程海 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第32期3626-3634,共9页
基于当前石笋包裹体水提取测试过程中面临的制约条件,本研究设计了用于提取石笋包裹体水的真空装置,将其与水同位素分析仪Picarro L2140-i相连接组成石笋包裹体水氢、氧同位素(δD、δ18O)测试系统.该系统能够快速地提取石笋包裹体中的... 基于当前石笋包裹体水提取测试过程中面临的制约条件,本研究设计了用于提取石笋包裹体水的真空装置,将其与水同位素分析仪Picarro L2140-i相连接组成石笋包裹体水氢、氧同位素(δD、δ18O)测试系统.该系统能够快速地提取石笋包裹体中的水,并对其δD和δ18O的值进行测量.包裹体水真空提取装置使用了以高压气缸为驱动的破碎研磨器,具有良好的破碎效果;在120°C真空条件下破碎获得的包裹体水随后被高纯氮气带入到Picarro L2140-i中进行测量分析.为了验证包裹体水测试系统的可靠性和准确性,本研究分别将石笋包裹体水真空提取装置以及Picarro液态水自动进样器与Picarro L2140-i主机连接,对相同的水样品进行了对比测试.两种方法测得的δ18O和δD值在误差范围内接近.使用该系统对东亚季风区石笋样品进行的测试结果显示:石笋包裹体水的δ18O和δD值分布在全球大气降水线附近,表明测试过程中分馏作用较小;包裹体含水量对测试精度有一定影响,对于水汽浓度为2500~50000 ppm(1 ppm=1μL/L)的样品,δ18O、δD的标准差分别为0.5‰、2‰,与同类型系统相当.研究结果表明该系统能如实测量石笋包裹体水的δ18O和δD值,将为利用水-碳酸钙平衡分馏方程重建古温度提供重要的技术支撑. 展开更多
关键词 石笋包裹体 稳定同位素 水同位素分析仪(Picarro) 波长扫描光腔衰荡光谱 古温度
Physiological basis for the differences of productive capacity among tillers in winter wheat 被引量:7
作者 XU hai-cheng CAI Tie +1 位作者 WANG Zhen-lin HE Ming-rong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第10期1958-1970,共13页
The quality or structure of a wheat population is significantly affected by the compositions of tillers. Little has been known about the physiological basis for the differences of productive capacity among tillers. Tw... The quality or structure of a wheat population is significantly affected by the compositions of tillers. Little has been known about the physiological basis for the differences of productive capacity among tillers. Two winter wheat cultivars, Shannong 15(SN15) and Shannong 8355(SN8355), were used to investigate the differences of productive capacity among tillers and analyze the physiological mechanisms that determine the superior tiller group. Low-position tillers(early initiated tillers) had a higher yield per spike than high-position tillers(late initiated tillers) in both cultivars, which was due to their more grain number per spike, more fertile spikelet per spike, less sterile spikelet per spike and higher grain weight. According to cluster analysis, tillers of SN15 were classified into 2 groups: superior tiller group including main stem(0), the first primary tiller(I) and the second primary tiller(II); and inferior tiller group including the third primary tiller(III) and the first secondary tiller(I-p). Tillers of SN8355 were classified into 3 groups: superior tiller group(0 and I), intermediate tiller group(II and III) and inferior tiller group(I-p). In comparison with other tiller groups, the superior tiller group had higher photosynthetic rate of flag leaves, higher antioxidant enzyme(SOD, POD and CAT) activities and lower levels of lipid peroxidation in leaves, higher grain filling rate in both superior and inferior grains during grain filling, higher single-stem biological yield and larger single-stem economic coefficient. Correlation analysis showed that yield per spike was positively and significantly correlated with the flag leaf photosynthetic rate, grain filling rate, the antioxidant enzyme activities and soluble protein content(except for SN15 at 5 days post-anthesis(DPA)) of flag leaf, the single-stem biological yield, and the single-stem economic coefficient. Remarkable negative correlation was also found between yield per spike a 展开更多
关键词 enzyme activities grain filling photosynthetic rate productive capacity TILLERS wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)
Meta-analysis of factors influencing anterior knee pain after total knee arthroplasty
作者 Hui Feng Ming-Li Feng +2 位作者 Jing-Bo cheng Xiang Zhang hai-cheng Tao 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2024年第2期180-191,共12页
BACKGROUND Total knee arthroplasty(TKA)is a mature procedure recommended for correcting knee osteoarthritis deformity,relieving pain,and restoring normal biomechanics.Although TKA is a successful and cost-effective pr... BACKGROUND Total knee arthroplasty(TKA)is a mature procedure recommended for correcting knee osteoarthritis deformity,relieving pain,and restoring normal biomechanics.Although TKA is a successful and cost-effective procedure,patient dissatisfaction is as high as 50%.Knee pain after TKA is a significant cause of patient dissatisfaction;the most common location for residual pain is the anterior region.Between 4%and 40%of patients have anterior knee pain(AKP).AIM To investigate the effect of various TKA procedures on postoperative AKP.METHODS We searched PubMed,EMBASE,and Cochrane from January 2000 to September 2022.Randomized controlled trials with one intervention in the experimental group and no corresponding intervention(or other interventions)in the control group were collected.Two researchers independently read the title and abstract of the studies,preliminarily screened the articles,and read the full text in detail according to the selection criteria.Conflicts were resolved by consultation with a third researcher.And relevant data from the included studies were extracted and analyzed using Review Manager 5.4 software.RESULTS There were 25 randomized controlled trials;13 were comparative studies with or without patellar resurfacing.The meta-analysis showed no significant difference between the experimental and control groups(P=0.61).Six studies were comparative studies of circumpatellar denervation vs non-denervation,divided into three subgroups for meta-analysis.The two-subgroup meta-analysis showed no significant difference between the experimental and the control groups(P=0.31,P=0.50).One subgroup meta-analysis showed a significant difference between the experimental and control groups(P=0.001).Two studies compared fixed-bearing TKA and mobile-bearing TKA;the results meta-analysis showed no significant difference between the experimental and control groups(P=0.630).Two studies compared lateral retinacular release vs non-release;the meta-analysis showed a significant difference between the experimental and c 展开更多
关键词 Total knee arthroplasty Anterior knee pain Knee osteoarthritis Interventions META-ANALYSIS
Effects of soybean meal replacement with fermented alfalfa meal on the growth performance,serum antioxidant functions,digestive enzyme activities,and cecal microflora of geese 被引量:6
作者 YIN hai-cheng HUANG Jin 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2077-2086,共10页
Fermented forages are important feedstuffs. Bacillus subtilis inoculants are often used to improve the value of forage legume fermentation. The present work was conducted to study the effects of replacing soybean meal... Fermented forages are important feedstuffs. Bacillus subtilis inoculants are often used to improve the value of forage legume fermentation. The present work was conducted to study the effects of replacing soybean meal with solid-state fermented alfalfa meal(FAM) with B. subtilis ACCC 01746 on growth performance, serum antioxidant and digestive enzyme activities, and cecal microflora in goose. 300 healthy geese with similar body weights were randomly assigned to six treatment groups with five replicates of 10 geese(five males and five females) each. Geese were fed ad libitum for 35 days. Results showed that the geese fed with 4 and 8% FAM exhibited no significant effects on their final body weights(FBW) and average day gain(ADG)(P〉0.05), whereas 12% or higher FAM caused poor growth of the geese compared with control diet(linear(L): P〈0.05). The average daily feed intake(ADFI)(quadratic(Q): P〈0.05) and feed conversion ratio(FCR)(L: P〈0.05) with 8% or higher supplementation level were higher than those of the control group. The activities of antioxidant enzyme in serum increased, and the level of malondialdehyde(MDA) significantly decreased with increasing dietary FAM level(L: P〈0.05). However, no significant differences were observed at 8% or lower supplementation level for glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) and superoxide dismutase(SOD)(P〉0.05) and at 4% for catalase(CAT) supplementation level compared with the control group. All diets containing FAM increased digestive enzyme activities in geese. However, geese fed diets with 12% FAM supplementation showed the highest trypsin activities in pancreas(Q: P〈0.05). Supplementation with 12% or higher FAM significantly increased amylase activities in pancreas(L: P〈0.05) and duodenum(L: P〈0.05) compared with the control group. Significant differences were not observed in total anaerobic bacteria between geese fed with FAM and control diets on day 35(P〉0.05� 展开更多
关键词 fermented alfalfa meal geese growth performance serum antioxidant enzyme digestive enzyme cecal microflora
Expert Consensus on Wenxin Granule for Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias 被引量:6
作者 Guo, Ji-Hong Yan, Gan-Xin +20 位作者 Wu, Lin Zhao, Bu-Chang Wang, Yi-Min Gu, Fu-Sheng Zhou, Yu-Ping Antzelevitch, Charles Guo, Jing-Xuan Yang, Jie-Fu Yang, Xin-Chun Ding, Yan-Sheng Zhang, Ping Zhang, hai-cheng Liu, Hong-Xu Lu, Wei-Xing Xing, Yan-Wei Fan, Jian-Feng Ze, Feng Li, Guang-ping Li, Yi-Gang Liao, De-Ning Xue, Xiao-Lin 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期203-210,共8页
INTRODUCTIONAntiarrhythmic drugs remain a critically important component of the approach to therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. Over the past 20 years, despite their antiarrhythmic efficacy in many pathological settings, ... INTRODUCTIONAntiarrhythmic drugs remain a critically important component of the approach to therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. Over the past 20 years, despite their antiarrhythmic efficacy in many pathological settings, Class Ⅰ and Ⅲ antiarrhythmic drugs have been shown to be associated with the development of proarrhythmias and an increase in the likelihood of causing higher mortality by inducing torsade de pointes ventricular tachycardia and other serious adverse reactions. Consequently, the development of safe and effective antiarrhythmic regimens remains a primary focus of contemporary cardiovascular research. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiac Arrhythmias TREATMENT Wenxin Granule
Establishing a nonlethal and efficient mouse model of male gonadotoxicity by intraperitoneal busulfan injection 被引量:5
作者 Yun Xie Cun-Can Deng +8 位作者 Bin Ouyang Lin-Yan Lv Jia-Hui Yao Chi Zhang hai-cheng Chen Xiao-Yan Liang Xiang-Zhou Sun Chun-Hua Deng Gui-Hua Liu 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第2期184-191,共8页
An ideal animal model of azoospermia would be a powerful tool for the evaluation of spermatogonial stem cell(SSC)transplantation.Busulfan has been commonly used to develop such a model,but 30%–87%of mice die when adm... An ideal animal model of azoospermia would be a powerful tool for the evaluation of spermatogonial stem cell(SSC)transplantation.Busulfan has been commonly used to develop such a model,but 30%–87%of mice die when administered an intraperitoneal injection of 40 mg kg^?1.In the present study,hematoxylin and eosin staining,Western blot,immunofluorescence,and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction were used to test the effects of busulfan exposure in a mouse model that received two intraperitoneal injections of busulfan at a 3-h interval at different doses(20,30,and 40 mg kg^?1)on day 36 or a dose of 40 mg kg^?1 at different time points(0,9,18,27,36,and 63 days).The survival rate of the mice was 100%.When the mice were treated with 40 mg kg^?1 busulfan,dramatic SSC depletion occurred 18 days later and all of the germ cells were cleared by day 36.In addition,the gene expressions of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor(GDNF),fibroblast growth factor 2(FGF2),chemokine(C-X-C Motif)ligand 12(CXCL12),and colony-stimulating factor 1(CSF1)were moderately increased by day 36.A 63-day,long-term observation showed the rare restoration of endogenous germ cells in the testes,suggesting that the potential period for SSC transplantation was between day 36 and day 63.Our results demonstrate that the administration of two intraperitoneal injections of busulfan(40 mg kg^?1 in total)at a 3-h interval to mice provided a nonlethal and efficient method for recipient preparation in SSC transplantation and could improve treatments for infertility and the understanding of chemotherapy-induced gonadotoxicity. 展开更多
关键词 AZOOSPERMIA BUSULFAN gonadotoxicity INFERTILITY RECIPIENT preparation spermatogonial stem cell
Wetting of molten Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu on Ni-P(-SiC) coatings deposited on high volume faction SiC/Al composite 被引量:5
作者 Xiang-zhao ZHANG Xiao-lang WU +4 位作者 Gui-wu LIU Wen-qiang LUO Ya-jie GUO hai-cheng SHAO Guan-jun QIAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1784-1792,共9页
The wetting of molten Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu alloy on the Ni-P(-SiC)coated SiCp/Al substrates was investigated by electroless Ni plating process,and the microstructures of the coating and the interfacial behavior of wetting s... The wetting of molten Sn-3.5Ag-0.5Cu alloy on the Ni-P(-SiC)coated SiCp/Al substrates was investigated by electroless Ni plating process,and the microstructures of the coating and the interfacial behavior of wetting systems were analyzed.The SiC particles are evenly distributed in the coating and enveloped with Ni.No reaction layer is observed at the coating/SiCp/Al composite interfaces.The contact angle increases from^19°with the Ni-P coating to 29°,43°and 113°with the corresponding Ni-P-3SiC,Ni-P-6SiC and Ni-P-9SiC coatings,respectively.An interaction layer containing Cu,Ni,Sn and P forms at the Sn-Ag-Cu/Ni-P-(0,3,6)SiC coated SiCp/Al interfaces,and the Cu-Ni-Sn and Ni-Sn-P phases are detected in the interaction layer.Moreover,the molten Sn-Ag-Cu can penetrate into the Ni-P(-SiC)coatings through the Ni-P/SiC interface and dissolve them to contact the SiCp/Al substrate. 展开更多
关键词 Ni coating Sn-Ag-Cu alloy SiCp/Al composite WETTING microstructures interface
Global trends and hot topics in clinical applications of perovskite materials:a bibliometric analysis 被引量:1
作者 Tai-Long Shi Yi-Fan Zhang +6 位作者 Meng-Xuan Yao Chao Li hai-cheng Wang Chuan Ren Jun-Sheng Bai Xu Cui Wei Chen 《Biomaterials Translational》 2023年第3期131-141,共11页
In recent years,perovskite has received increasing attention in the medical field.However,there has been a lack of related bibliometric analysis in this research field.This study aims to analyse the research status an... In recent years,perovskite has received increasing attention in the medical field.However,there has been a lack of related bibliometric analysis in this research field.This study aims to analyse the research status and hot topics of perovskite in the medical field from a bibliometric perspective and explore the research direction of perovskite.This study collected 1852 records of perovskite research in the medical field from 1983 to 2022 in the Web of Science(WOS)database.The country,institution,journal,cited references,and keywords were analysed using CiteSpace,VOS viewer,and Bibliometrix software.The number of articles related to perovskite research in the medical field has been increasing every year.China and USA have published the most papers and are the main forces in this research field.The University of London Imperial College of Science,Technology,and Medicine is the most active institution and has contributed the most publications.ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces is the most prolific journal in this field.“Medical electronic devices”,“X-rays”,and“piezoelectric materials”are the most researched directions of perovskite in the medical field.“Performance”,“perovskite”,and“solar cells”are the most frequently used keywords in this field.Advanced Materials is the most relevant and academically influential journal for perovskite research.Halide perovskites have been a hot topic in this field in recent years and will be a future research trend.X-ray,electronic medical equipment,and medical stents are the main research directions. 展开更多
State of health and remaining useful life prediction for lithiumion batteries based on differential thermal voltammetry and a long and short memory neural network
作者 Bin Ma Han-Qing Yu +6 位作者 Wen-Tao Wang Xian-Bin Yang Li-Sheng Zhang hai-cheng Xie cheng Zhang Si-Yan Chen Xin-Hua Liu 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期885-901,共17页
As the lithium-ion battery is widely applied,the reliability of the battery has become a high-profile content in recent years.Accurate estimation and prediction of state of health(SOH)and remaining useful life(RUL)pre... As the lithium-ion battery is widely applied,the reliability of the battery has become a high-profile content in recent years.Accurate estimation and prediction of state of health(SOH)and remaining useful life(RUL)prediction are crucial for battery management systems.In this paper,the core contribution is the construction of a datadriven model with the long short-term memory(LSTM)network applicable to the time-series regression prediction problem with the integration of two methods,data-driven methods and feature signal analysis.The input features of model are extracted from differential thermal voltammetry(DTV)curves,which could characterize the battery degradation characteristics,so that the accurate prediction of battery capacity fade could be accomplished.Firstly,the DTV curve is smoothed by the Savitzky-Golay filter,and six alternate features are selected based on the connection between DTV curves and battery degradation characteristics.Then,a correlation analysis method is used to further filter the input features and three features that are highly associated with capacity fade are selected as input into the data driven model.The LSTM neural network is trained by using the root mean square propagation(RMSprop)technique and the dropout technique.Finally,the data of four batteries with different health levels are deployed for model construction,verification and comparison.The results show that the proposed method has high accuracy in SOH and RUL prediction and the capacity rebound phenomenon can be accurately estimated.This method can greatly reduce the cost and complexity,and increase the practicability,which provides the basis and guidance for battery data collection and the application of cloud technology and digital twin. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) State of health(SOH) Remaining useful life(RUL) Differential thermal voltammetry(DTV) Long short-term memory(LSTM)
Toward a function realization of multi-scale modeling for lithium-ion battery based on CHAIN framework
作者 Bin Ma Han-Qing Yu +8 位作者 Lu-Hua Yang Qi Liu hai-cheng Xie Si-Yan Chen Zheng-Jie Zhang cheng Zhang Li-Sheng Zhang Wen-Tao Wang Xin-Hua Liu 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第2期368-386,共19页
As the most mature portable power source,lithium-ion battery has become the mainstream of power source for electric vehicles(EVs)by virtue of its high energy density,long cycle life and relatively low cost.However,an ... As the most mature portable power source,lithium-ion battery has become the mainstream of power source for electric vehicles(EVs)by virtue of its high energy density,long cycle life and relatively low cost.However,an excellent battery management system remained to be a problem for the operational states monitoring and safety guarantee for EVs.In this paper,a function realization of multi-scale modeling is proposed based on cyber hierarchy and interactional network framework,realizing basic functions such as multi-scale mapping and cloud-based modeling.Furthermore,to solve the problem of limited computing capability of the conventional vehicle-end battery management system,the novel system consists of hierarchies of side,edge and cloud,which are designed to take on different computing tasks methodically and swap data iteratively,providing specific services for drivers,enterprise users,etc.Due to a series of promising features,this system has a large range of application scenarios as well as some critical bottlenecks,which will be discussed at the end of the article.Please check and confirm D.-B.Shan"is correctly identified in author group.It’s not correct.There is no"D.-B.Shan"in author group,please just remove it. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) Electrode material Digital twins Algorithm Battery management Cyber hierarchy and interactional network(CHAIN)
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