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卒中和短暂性脑缺血发作患者的卒中预防指南美国心脏协会/美国卒中协会为医疗卫生专业人员制定的指南 被引量:610
作者 Walter N.Kernan Bruce Ovbiagele +14 位作者 Henry R.Black Dawn M.Bravata Marc I.Chimowitz Michael D.Ezekowitz Margaret C.Fang Marc fisher Karen L.Furie 洪道俊 黄招君 李小兵 周美鸿 吴成斯 王博 卢艺 吴裕臣 《国际脑血管病杂志》 北大核心 2014年第11期805-841,共37页
本更新版指南旨在为缺血性卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作存活者的卒中预防提供全面和及时的循证推荐.本指南适用于所有为上述患者提供二级预防的临床医生.这些循证推荐包括危险因素的控制、血管闭塞的干预、心源性栓塞的抗栓治疗以及非心源性... 本更新版指南旨在为缺血性卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作存活者的卒中预防提供全面和及时的循证推荐.本指南适用于所有为上述患者提供二级预防的临床医生.这些循证推荐包括危险因素的控制、血管闭塞的干预、心源性栓塞的抗栓治疗以及非心源性栓塞性卒中的抗血小板治疗.还对各种特殊情况下复发性卒中的预防提供了推荐意见,包括主动脉弓粥样硬化、动脉夹层分离、卵圆孔未闭、高同型半胱氨酸血症、高凝状态、抗心磷脂抗体综合征、镰状细胞病、脑静脉窦血栓形成以及妊娠.此外,还有专门的章节对颅内出血后抗栓和抗凝治疗的应用以及指南的实施进行了讨论. 展开更多
关键词 美国心脏协会声明 心房颤动 颈动脉狭窄 高血压 缺血 短暂性脑缺血发作 预防 卒中
种植密度和降水对冬小麦田N_2O排放的影响 被引量:37
作者 黄耀 蒋静艳 +3 位作者 宗良纲 周权锁 Ronald L.Sass Frank M.fisher 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期19-23,共5页
为研究种植密度对农田N2 O排放的影响和探讨N2 O排放季节性波动的原因 ,于 1 999~ 2 0 0 0年小麦生长季在南京市郊江宁县进行了不同播种量 ( 0、90、1 80和 2 70kg/hm2 )的大田试验 .观测分析结果表明 :在相同的气象条件和田间管理下 ... 为研究种植密度对农田N2 O排放的影响和探讨N2 O排放季节性波动的原因 ,于 1 999~ 2 0 0 0年小麦生长季在南京市郊江宁县进行了不同播种量 ( 0、90、1 80和 2 70kg/hm2 )的大田试验 .观测分析结果表明 :在相同的气象条件和田间管理下 ,播种~越冬阶段的N2 O排放不受播种量的影响 ,返青~成熟阶段的N2 O排放通量与播种量成正比 .裸地条件下的N2 O排放与播量为 90kg/hm2 下的排放无明显差异 .造成该生长季内N2 O排放季节性波动的主要原因是降水 ,返青~成熟阶段的N2 O排放通量随观测日前 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦田 N2O排放 麦田 种植密度 降水 大气污染 温室气体
近50年气候变化对中国小麦生产潜力的影响分析 被引量:40
作者 田展 梁卓然 +2 位作者 史军 Gunter fisher 顾婷婷 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第9期61-69,共9页
为了定量评估气候变化背景下中国小麦生产潜力变化主要特征和气候归因,将1961—2010年分为1961—1990年和1991—2010年2个时段,对比分析近50年气候变化背景下中国农业气候资源变化,并基于IIASA最新开发的农业生态区模型AEZ3.0模拟气候... 为了定量评估气候变化背景下中国小麦生产潜力变化主要特征和气候归因,将1961—2010年分为1961—1990年和1991—2010年2个时段,对比分析近50年气候变化背景下中国农业气候资源变化,并基于IIASA最新开发的农业生态区模型AEZ3.0模拟气候变化对中国小麦生产潜力的影响。结果表明,由于热量、水分条件以及小麦生育期的变化,近50年中国雨养和灌溉小麦单产潜力增加的区域主要为东北、华北和四川盆地,单产潜力减少的区域为西北和东南地区。中国冬小麦的适宜区域出现较明显的北扩南收态势,而雨养春小麦适宜面积在中国半湿润半干旱的过渡带显著减少。全国雨养小麦总生产潜力减少5%,而灌溉小麦总生产潜力变化不大。东北区域雨养和灌溉小麦总生产潜力增加都最为明显,是气候变化背景下实现中国小麦增产的重点区域。中国小麦生产需要合理利用气候资源和优化布局,以适应气候变化带来的影响。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 AEZ模型 农业气候资源 小麦 生产潜力
2016年国际抗癫痫联盟癫痫发作分类的更新及介绍 被引量:26
作者 Robert S fisher J +3 位作者 Helen Cross 陈佳 王玉平 吴逊 《癫痫杂志》 2017年第1期60-69,共10页
国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)提出了癫痫发作类型的操作性修订方案。此修订的目的包括认识到一些发作类型既可以是局灶起源亦可以为全面起源,允许临床在不能观察到发作起源的情况下进行发作分类,纳入某些尚不了解的发作类型,以及采用更加易懂... 国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)提出了癫痫发作类型的操作性修订方案。此修订的目的包括认识到一些发作类型既可以是局灶起源亦可以为全面起源,允许临床在不能观察到发作起源的情况下进行发作分类,纳入某些尚不了解的发作类型,以及采用更加易懂的命名。由于现有知识不足以形成一个科学的分类方案,2016年的分类方案是在1981年和2010年分类的基础上进行的操作性(实用性)修订。新分类的变化包括:(1)"部分性"改为"局灶性";(2)起源未知的癫痫发作也可以归类;(3)知觉状态用作局灶性发作的区分因素;(4)删除"认知障碍性"、"简单部分性"、"复杂部分性"、"精神性"、"继发全面性"等术语;(5)认识到局灶性强直、阵挛、失张力、肌阵挛和癫痫性痉挛发作,这些发作也有双侧性类型;(6)增加了新的全面性发作类型:伴眼睑肌阵挛的失神发作,肌阵挛失神发作,肌阵挛-失张力发作,阵挛-强直-阵挛发作,癫痫性痉挛;癫痫性痉挛可以是局灶性、全面性或起源不明性;(7)双侧强直阵挛发作取代了继发全面性发作。新的分类方案并未进行根本性的改变,但可以使癫痫发作类型的命名有较大的灵活性和透明度。 展开更多
关键词 癫痫发作类型 更新 分类
土壤理化特性对稻田CH_4排放的影响 被引量:22
作者 焦燕 黄耀 +3 位作者 宗良纲 周权锁 Ronald L.Sass Frank M.fisher 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期1-7,共7页
为了研究土壤理化特性对稻田CH4 排放的影响 ,室外盆栽试验于 2 0 0 0年水稻生长季在南京农业大学实施 ,1 8个供试水稻土分别取自江苏宜兴、江宁、六合、仪征及宝应等地 .所有供试土壤的季节性CH4 平均排放通量为 6 42± 2 70mg... 为了研究土壤理化特性对稻田CH4 排放的影响 ,室外盆栽试验于 2 0 0 0年水稻生长季在南京农业大学实施 ,1 8个供试水稻土分别取自江苏宜兴、江宁、六合、仪征及宝应等地 .所有供试土壤的季节性CH4 平均排放通量为 6 42± 2 70mg·(m2 ·h) - 1,最低和最高值分别为 1 96mg·(m2 ·h) - 1和 1 1 0 6mg·(m2 ·h) - 1,两者相差约 5 6倍 .单相关分析结果表明 :影响CH4 排放的主要土壤参数为质地、氮素状况及铜含量 .CH4 排放与土壤砂粒含量呈正相关 (r =0 5 2 8,p =0 0 2 4) ,与粘粒含量呈负相关 (r =-0 484,p =0 0 42 ) .氮素含量高的土壤CH4 排放较低 ,CH4 排放与土壤全氮、速效氮和铵态氮含量的线性相关系数分别为 -0 449(p =0 0 62 )、-0 61 1 (p =0 0 0 7)和 -0 649(p =0 0 0 4) .土壤铜含量直接影响CH4 的排放 ,CH4 排放与有效态铜和全铜含量的线性相关系数分别为 -0 5 94(p =0 0 0 9)和 -0 5 47(p =0 0 1 9) .本研究并未观测到CH4 排放与土壤有机碳含量有相关关系 ,这与前人报道的实验室培养测定结果及稻田CH4 排放随土壤有机质含量提高而增加的假设完全不同 .逐步回归分析表明 ,不同土壤间CH4 排放的变异性有 75 5 %可由土壤有效态铜含量、镁 (全量 ) 展开更多
关键词 土壤 理化特性 稻田 CH4排放 盆栽试验 温室气体
Psychological and social aspects of infertility in men: an overview of the evidence and implications for psychologically informed clinical care and future research 被引量:21
作者 Jane RW fisher Karin Hammarberg 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期121-129,179,共10页
Research concerning the psychosocial aspects of infertility and infertility treatment focuses more often on women than men. The aim of this review was to synthesize the English-language evidence related to the psychol... Research concerning the psychosocial aspects of infertility and infertility treatment focuses more often on women than men. The aim of this review was to synthesize the English-language evidence related to the psychological and social aspects of infertility in men and discuss the implications of these reports for clinical care and future research. A structured search identified 73 studies that reported data concerning the desire for fatherhood and the psychological and social aspects of diagnosis, assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment and unsuccessful treatment among men with fertility difficulties. The studies are diverse in conceptualisation, design, setting and data collection, but the findings were reasonably consistent. These studies indicated that fertile and infertile childless men of reproductive age have desires to experience parenthood that are similar to those of their female counterparts; in addition, diagnosis and initiation of treatment are associated with elevated infertility-specific anxiety, and unsuccessful treatment can lead to a state of lasting sadness. However, rates of clinically significant mental health problems among this patient population are no higher than in the general population. Infertile men who are socially isolated, have an avoidant coping style and appraise stressful events as overwhelming, are more vulnerable to severe anxiety than men without these characteristics. Men prefer oral to written treatment information and prefer to receive emotional support from infertility clinicians rather than from mental health professionals, self-help support groups or friends. Nevertheless, structured, facilitated psycho-educational groups that are didactic but permit informal sharing of experiences might be beneficial. There are gaps in knowledge about factors governing seeking, persisting with and deciding to cease treatment; experiences of invasive procedures; parenting after assisted conception; adoption and infertility-related grief and shame among men. Few resource-cons 展开更多
关键词 assisted reproductive technologies male infertility psychologically-informed clinical care psychosocial aspects
Beyond the Pediatric end-stage liver disease system: Solutions for infants with biliary atresia requiring liver transplant 被引量:14
作者 Mary Elizabeth M Tessier Sanjiv Harpavat +4 位作者 Ross W Shepherd Girish S Hiremath Mary L Brandt Amy fisher John A Goss 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第32期11062-11068,共7页
Biliary atresia(BA), a chronic progressive cholestatic disease of infants, is the leading cause for liver transplant in children, especially in patients under two years of age. BA can be successfully treated with the ... Biliary atresia(BA), a chronic progressive cholestatic disease of infants, is the leading cause for liver transplant in children, especially in patients under two years of age. BA can be successfully treated with the Kasai portoenterostomy; however most patients still require a liver transplant, with up to one half of BA children needing a transplant by age two. In the current pediatric end-stage liver disease system, children with BA face the risk of not receiving a liver in a safe and timely manner. In this review, we discuss a number of possible solutions to help these children. We focus on two general approaches:(1) preventing/delaying need for transplantation, by optimizing the success of the Kasai operation; and(2) expediting transplantation when needed, by performing techniques other than the standard deceased-donor, whole, ABO-matched organ transplant. 展开更多
关键词 Biliary atresia Liver transplantation Pediatric liver disease Pediatric end-stage liver disease Kasai operation Newborn screening Surgical outcomes Living-related donor transplantation Split liver transplantation ABO-incompatible liver transplantation
Delayed gastric emptying following pancreaticoduodenectomy:Incidence,risk factors,and healthcare utilization 被引量:13
作者 Somala Mohammed George Van Buren II +2 位作者 Amy Mc Elhany Eric J Silberfein William E fisher 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE CAS 2017年第3期73-81,共9页
AIM To characterize incidence and risk factors for delayed gastric emptying(DGE) following pancreaticoduodenectomy and examine its implications on healthcare utilization. METHODS A prospectively-maintained database wa... AIM To characterize incidence and risk factors for delayed gastric emptying(DGE) following pancreaticoduodenectomy and examine its implications on healthcare utilization. METHODS A prospectively-maintained database was reviewed. DGE was classified using International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery criteria. Patients who developed DGE and those who did not were compared. RESULTS Two hundred and seventy-six patients underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy(PD)(> 80% pyloruspreserving, antecolic-reconstruction). DGE developed in 49 patients(17.8%): 5.1% grade B, 3.6% grade C. Demographic, clinical, and operative variables were similar between patients with DGE and those without. DGE patients were more likely to present multiplecomplications(32.6% vs 4.4%, ≥ 3 complications, P < 0.001), including postoperative pancreatic fistula(POPF)(42.9% vs 18.9%, P = 0.001) and intra-abdominal abscess(IAA)(16.3% vs 4.0%, P = 0.012). Patients with DGE had longer hospital stay(median, 12 d vs 7 d, P < 0.001) and were more likely to require transitional care upon discharge(24.5% vs 6.6%, P < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, predictors for DGE included POPF [OR = 3.39(1.35-8.52), P = 0.009] and IAA [OR = 1.51(1.03-2.22), P = 0.035].CONCLUSION Although DGE occurred in < 20% of patients after PD, it was associated with increased healthcare utilization. Patients with POPF and IAA were at risk for DGE. Anticipating DGE can help individualize care and allocate resources to high-risk patients. 展开更多
关键词 Delayed gastric emptying PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY Post-operative pancreatic fistula
数字技术支持的教师学习:研究与项目综述(上) 被引量:9
作者 Tony fisher Chris Higgins +1 位作者 Avril Loveless 焦建利(译) 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2008年第4期4-11,共8页
本文在系统回顾教师知识与教师学习本质的基础上,讨论了数字技术与教师学习活动之间的关系,主张将数字技术的效用描述为教师学习中有目的的一组活动,即:知识建构、分布式认知、社群与沟通以及约定,通过对五个技术支持的教师学习的典型案... 本文在系统回顾教师知识与教师学习本质的基础上,讨论了数字技术与教师学习活动之间的关系,主张将数字技术的效用描述为教师学习中有目的的一组活动,即:知识建构、分布式认知、社群与沟通以及约定,通过对五个技术支持的教师学习的典型案例,分析了数字技术对教师学习的支持作用。最后指出了数字技术支持的教师学习与专业发展之方向。 展开更多
关键词 数字技术 教师学习 教师专业发展
Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus/rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome 被引量:10
作者 Alpha A Fowler Ⅲ Christin Kim +8 位作者 Lawrence Lepler Rajiv Malhotra Orlando Debesa Ramesh Natarajan Bernard J fisher Aamer Syed Christine DeWilde Anna Priday Vigneshwar Kasirajan 《World Journal of Critical Care Medicine》 2017年第1期85-90,共6页
We report a case of virus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) treated with parenteral vitamin C in a patient testing positive for enterovirus/rhinovirus on viral screening. This report outlines the first... We report a case of virus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) treated with parenteral vitamin C in a patient testing positive for enterovirus/rhinovirus on viral screening. This report outlines the first use of high dose intravenous vitamin C as an interventional therapy for ARDS, resulting from enterovirus/rhinovirus respiratory infection. From very significant preclinical research performed at Virginia Commonwealth Universitywith vitamin C and with the very positive results of a previously performed phase Ⅰ safety trial infusing high dose vitamin C intravenously into patients with severe sepsis, we reasoned that infusing identical dosing to a patient with ARDS from viral infection would be therapeutic. We report here the case of a 20-year-old, previously healthy, female who contracted respiratory enterovirus/rhinovirus infection that led to acute lung injury and rapidly to ARDS. She contracted the infection in central Italy while on an 8-d spring break from college. During a return flight to the United States, she developed increasing dyspnea and hypoxemia that rapidly developed into acute lung injury that led to ARDS. When support with mechanical ventilation failed, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) was initiated. Twelve hours following ECMO initiation, high dose intravenous vitamin C was begun. The patient's recovery was rapid. ECMO and mechanical ventilation were discontinued by day-7 and the patient recovered with no long-term ARDS sequelae. Infusing high dose intravenous vitamin C into this patient with virus-induced ARDS was associated with rapid resolution of lung injury with no evidence of post-ARDS fibroproliferative sequelae. Intravenous vitamin C as a treatment for ARDS may open a new era of therapy for ARDS from many causes. 展开更多
关键词 INTRAVENOUS vitamin C ACUTE respiratory distress syndrome Enterovirus/rhinovirus ACUTE lung injury EXTRACORPOREAL membrane OXYGENATION
Micro RNA in inflammatory bowel disease: Translational research and clinical implication 被引量:9
作者 Kurt fisher Jingmei Lin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第43期12274-12282,共9页
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) predominantly includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The pathogenesis of IBD is complex and not completely understood. Micro RNAs belong to a class of noncoding... Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) predominantly includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The pathogenesis of IBD is complex and not completely understood. Micro RNAs belong to a class of noncoding small RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Unique micro RNA expression profiles have been explored in IBD. In this review,we focus on the unique micro RNA expression pattern in both tissue and peripheral blood from IBD patients and emphasize the potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The discovery of micro RNAs has contributed to our understanding of IBD pathogenesis and might lead to clinical advance in new therapeutics. 展开更多
Pancreatitis: Preventing catastrophic haemorrhage 被引量:8
作者 Richard PT Evans Moustafa Mabrouk Mourad +2 位作者 Gunraj Pall Simon G fisher Simon R Bramhall 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第30期5460-5468,共9页
Pancreatitis represents nearly 3% of acute admissions to general surgery in United Kingdom hospitals and has a mortality of around 1%-7% which increases to around 10%-18% in patients with severe pancreatitis. Patients... Pancreatitis represents nearly 3% of acute admissions to general surgery in United Kingdom hospitals and has a mortality of around 1%-7% which increases to around 10%-18% in patients with severe pancreatitis. Patients at greatest risk were those identified to have infected pancreatic necrosis and/or organ failure. This review seeks to highlight the potential vascular complications associated with pancreatitis that despite being relatively uncommon are associated with mortality in the region of 34%-52%. We examine the current evidence base to determine the most appropriate method by which to image and treat pseudo-aneurysms that arise as the result of acute and chronic inflammation of pancreas. We identify how early recognition of the presence of a pseudo-aneurysm can facilitate expedited care in an expert centre of a complex pathology that may require angiographic, percutaneous, endoscopic or surgical intervention to prevent catastrophic haemorrhage. 展开更多
关键词 Complication of pancreatitis Splenicartery PANCREATITIS HAEMORRHAGE PSEUDOANEURYSM
Pancreatic cancer: Advances in treatment 被引量:8
作者 Somala Mohammed George Van Buren Ⅱ William E fisher 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第28期9354-9360,共7页
Pancreatic cancer is a leading cause of cancer mortality and the incidence of this disease is expected to continue increasing.While patients with pancreatic cancer have traditionally faced a dismal prognosis,over the ... Pancreatic cancer is a leading cause of cancer mortality and the incidence of this disease is expected to continue increasing.While patients with pancreatic cancer have traditionally faced a dismal prognosis,over the past several years various advances in diagnosis and treatment have begun to positively impact this disease.Identification of effective combinations of existing chemotherapeutic agents,such as the FOLFIRINOX and the gemcitabine+nab-paclitaxel regimen,has improved survival for selected patients although concerns regarding their toxicity profiles remain.A better understanding of pancreatic carcinogenesis has identified several pre-malignant precursor lesions,such as pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias,intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms,and cystic neoplasms.Imaging technology has also evolved dramatically so as to allow early detection of these lesions and thereby facilitate earlier management.Surgery remains a cornerstone of treatment for patients with resectable pancreatic tumors,and advances in surgical technique have allowed patients to undergo resection with decreasing perioperative morbidity and mortality.Surgery has also become feasible in selected patients with borderline resectable tumors as a result of neoadjuvant therapy.Furthermore,pancreatectomy involving vascular reconstruction and pancreatectomy with minimally invasive techniques have demonstrated safety without significantly compromising oncologic outcomes.Lastly,a deeper understanding of molecular aberrations contributing to the development of pancreatic cancer shows promise for future development of more targeted and safe therapeutic agents. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic cancer PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY Treatment advances Pancreatic oncology Chemotherapy FOLFIRINOX Pancreatic resection
给断奶仔猪饲喂颗粒料加粉料的混合料 被引量:6
作者 刘建辉 Ioannis Mavromichalis Rich fisher 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2003年第2期24-25,共2页
断奶仔猪的日粮多为颗粒料.当然,这有很多理由,不仅仅是因为采用颗粒料可减少饲料浪费并提高养分的消化率.采用颗粒料的结果就是饲料利用率可得到改善,并且因而生长率也可在断奶后最初几周这一关键时期内改善5~15%.美国300多万头断奶... 断奶仔猪的日粮多为颗粒料.当然,这有很多理由,不仅仅是因为采用颗粒料可减少饲料浪费并提高养分的消化率.采用颗粒料的结果就是饲料利用率可得到改善,并且因而生长率也可在断奶后最初几周这一关键时期内改善5~15%.美国300多万头断奶猪今年不再简单地接受颗粒饲料,它们在进入保育舍内最初几天内被喂给一种颗粒料和粉料的混合料. 展开更多
关键词 断奶仔猪 饲喂 颗粒料 粉料 混合料
Hepatic intra-arterial infusion of yttrium-90 microspheres in the treatment of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation: A case report 被引量:6
作者 Louis Rivera Huan Giap +4 位作者 William Miller Jonathan fisher Donald J Hillebrand Christopher Marsh Randolph L Schaffer 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第35期5729-5732,共4页
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurs with a reported frequency of 12%-18% after liver transplantation. Recurrence is associated with a mortality rate exceeding 75%. Approximately one-third of recurrences develop in... Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurs with a reported frequency of 12%-18% after liver transplantation. Recurrence is associated with a mortality rate exceeding 75%. Approximately one-third of recurrences develop in the transplanted liver and are therefore amenable to local therapy. A variety of treatment modalities have been reported including resection, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), ethanol ablation, cryoablation, and external beam irradiation. Goals of treatment are tumor control and the minimization of toxic effect to functional parenchyma. Efficacy of treatment is mitigated by the need for ongoing immunosuppression. Yttrium-90 microspheres have been used as a treatment modality both for primary HCC and for pre-transplant management of HCC with promising results. Twenty-two months after liver transplantation for hepatitis C cirrhosis complicated by HCC, a 42-year old man developed recurrence of HCC in his transplant allograft. Treatment of multiple right lobe lesions with anatomic resection and adjuvant chemotherapy was unsuccessful. Multifocal recurrence in the remaining liver allograft was treated with hepatic intra-arterial infusion of yttrium-90 microspheres (SIR-Spheres, Sirtex Medical Inc., Lake Forest, IL, USA). Efficacy was demonstrated by tumor necrosis on imaging and a decrease in alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level. There were no adverse consequences of initial treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma Yttrium-90 microspheres Liver transplantation
Pancreatic endometrial cyst mimics mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas 被引量:7
作者 Michael A Mederos Nicole Villafane +4 位作者 Sadhna Dhingra Carlos Farinas Amy Mc Elhany William E fisher George Van Buren II 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第6期1113-1118,共6页
Pancreatic cysts include a variety of benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions. Endometrial cysts in the pancreas are exceedingly rare lesions that are difficult to diagnose pre-operatively. This report describes t... Pancreatic cysts include a variety of benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions. Endometrial cysts in the pancreas are exceedingly rare lesions that are difficult to diagnose pre-operatively. This report describes the findings in a 43-year-old patient with a recent episode of acute pancreatitis who presented with a large cyst in the tail of the pancreas. Imaging demonstrated a loculated pancreatic cyst, and cyst fluid aspiration revealed an elevated amylase and carcinoembryonic antigen. The patient experienced an interval worsening of abdominal pain, fatigue, diarrhea, and a 15-pound weight loss 3 mo after the initial episode of pancreatitis. With concern for a possible pre-malignant lesion, the patient underwent a laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy, which revealed a 16cm×12cm×4cm lesion. Final histopathology was consistent with an intra-pancreatic endometrial cyst. Here we discuss the overlapping imaging and laboratory features of pancreatic endometrial cysts and mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic cyst Pancreatic endometrial cyst ENDOMETRIOSIS Mucinous cystic neoplasm of the pancreas Distal pancreatectomy
Opening the“Black Box”:How Out-of-Class Use of Duolingo Impacts Chinese Junior High School Students'Intrinsic Motivation for English 被引量:1
作者 曾成 Linda fisher 《ECNU Review of Education》 2024年第2期283-307,共25页
Purpose:Mobile-assisted language learning(MALL)apps such as Duolingo have great potential for promoting learners'motivation to learn a second language(L2).However,little research has investigated how this motivati... Purpose:Mobile-assisted language learning(MALL)apps such as Duolingo have great potential for promoting learners'motivation to learn a second language(L2).However,little research has investigated how this motivational impact takes place.Additionally,despite the flexibility of mobile learning,most existing studies are conducted in classroom settings,with less attention paid to out-of-school technology usage.Design/Approach/Methods:To address these gaps,we present a model based on self-determination theory and propose the idea of“motivational transfer”to explain the psychological mechanism underpinning the impact of technology.To examine the model,we conducted a case study with 20 Year 8 Chinese junior school students who used Duolingo to learn English as a foreign language(EFL)after school for 6 weeks.Findings:Questionnaire and group interview data support our hypothesized mechanism:learners'activity-specific intrinsic motivation(IM)for using Duolingo and their underlying psychological need for autonomy and competence can be transferred to a more general level,thereby enhancing learners'global IMforL2.OriginalityValue:The proposed theoretical model expands our understanding of how digital technology stimulates learners'L2 motivation;it can help L2 educators design better technological affordances to promote learners'motivation both in and outside the classroom. 展开更多
关键词 Digital game-based learning L2 motivation MALL self-determination theory
Rationale and design of Tenecteplase Reperfusion Therapy in Acute Ischaemic Cerebrovascular Events III (TRACE III): a randomised, phase III, open- label, controlled trial 被引量:2
作者 Yunyun Xiong Bruce C V Campbell +7 位作者 Marc fisher Lee H Schwamm Mark Parsons Hao Li Yuesong Pan Xia Meng Xingquan Zhao Yongjun Wang 《Stroke & Vascular Neurology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期82-89,共8页
Background and purpose Recombinant human TNK tissue-type plasminogen activator(rhTNK-tPA)was not inferior to alteplase for ischaemic stroke within 4.5hours.Our study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of rhT... Background and purpose Recombinant human TNK tissue-type plasminogen activator(rhTNK-tPA)was not inferior to alteplase for ischaemic stroke within 4.5hours.Our study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of rhTNK-tPA in patients who had an ischaemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion(LVO)of anterior circulation beyond 4.5hours.Methods and design Tenecteplase Reperfusion Therapy in Acute Ischaemic Cerebrovascular Events-III(TRACE III)is a multicentre,prospective,randomised,open-label,blind endpoint,controlled clinical trial.Patients who had an ischaemic stroke due to anterior circulation LVO(internal carotid artery,middle cerebral artery M1 and M2 segments)within 4.5–24hours from last known well(including wake-up stroke and no witness stroke)and with salvageable tissue(ischaemic core volume<70mL,mismatch ratio≥1.8 and mismatch volume≥15mL)based on CT perfusion or MRI perfusion-weighted imaging(PWI)were included and randomised to rhTNK-tPA 0.25mg/kg(single bolus)to a maximum of 25mg or standard medical therapy.Specially,we will exclude patients who are intended for direct thrombectomy.All will be followed up for 90 days.Study outcomes Primary efficacy outcome is modified Rankin Scale(mRS)score≤1 at 90 days.Secondary efficacy outcomes include ordinal distribution of mRS at 90 days,major neurological improvement defined by a decrease≥8 points compared with the initial deficit or a score≤1 on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS)at 72 hours,mRS score≤2 at 90 days,the rate of improvement on Tmax>6s at 24 hours and NIHSS score change from baseline at 7days.Safety outcomes are symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage within 36 hours and mortality at 90 days.Discussion TRACE III will provide evidence for the efficacy and safety of rhTNK-tPA in patients who had an ischaemic strokes due to anterior circulation LVO beyond 4.5hours.Trial registration number NCT05141305. 展开更多
关键词 Therapy random Rational
卒中治疗专业学术圆桌会议临床前推荐更新版 被引量:6
作者 Marc fisher Giora Feuerstein +6 位作者 David W. Howells Patricia D. Hum Thomas A. Kent Sean I. Savitz Eng H. Lo 吕志宿(译) 罗本燕(译) 《国际脑血管病杂志》 北大核心 2009年第8期561-567,共7页
首份卒中治疗专业学术圆桌会议(Stroke Yherapy Academic Industry Roundtable,STAIR)推荐于1999年出版,旨在提高潜在的急性卒中治疗方法的临床前研究质量。虽然这些推荐意见被认为是合理的,但并未得到严格的遵循和验证。为了更好... 首份卒中治疗专业学术圆桌会议(Stroke Yherapy Academic Industry Roundtable,STAIR)推荐于1999年出版,旨在提高潜在的急性卒中治疗方法的临床前研究质量。虽然这些推荐意见被认为是合理的,但并未得到严格的遵循和验证。为了更好地向临床转化,有关候选急性卒中疗法的临床前试验的质量和广度已取得实质性进展。更新后的STAIR临床前推荐进一步强调了最初提出的建议,即通过适当的生理学监测在多种动物物种中采用组织学和功能结局来确定可重复的剂量反应和时间窗。更新后的STAIR推荐意见包括:高质量科学研究的基本原则应消除随机和评价偏倚,预先确定纳入和排除标准,计算合适的效能和样本量,并公开潜在的利益冲突。应在年轻的健康雄性动物中进行初步评价之后,在雌性、高龄动物和伴有合并症(如高血压、糖尿病和高胆固醇血症)的动物中做进一步研究。此外还要在动物实验中应用临床相关生物学标志物。尽管只有通过临床试验产生基于此的有效疗法之后才能证实该推荐意见的有效性,但遵循这些推荐有望提高成功的机会。 展开更多
关键词 临床前 卒中模型 治疗
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: from translocation to targeted therapy 被引量:6
作者 Jonathan Noujaim Khin Thway +1 位作者 Cyril fisher Robin L.Jones 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期375-384,共10页
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP), the most common dermal sarcoma, is a low-grade, slow growing fibroblastic malignant neoplasm that most frequently affects middle aged adults and is characterized by a high local ... Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP), the most common dermal sarcoma, is a low-grade, slow growing fibroblastic malignant neoplasm that most frequently affects middle aged adults and is characterized by a high local recurrence rate and a low propensity for metastasis. Wide surgical resection or Mohs micrographic surgery(MMS) are the preferred approaches for localized disease, while radiation therapy is warranted for inoperable disease or for cases with positive margins where re-excision is not possible. DFSP is generally regarded as refractory to conventional chemotherapy. Treatment options for systemic disease were limited until the discovery of a unique translocation, t(17;22)(q22;q13)(COL1A1;PDGFB) found in a majority of cases. In recent years, imatinib, a PDGFβR, ABL and KIT inhibitor, has revolutionized systemic therapy in DFSP. In this review, we summarize the epidemiological, clinical, histological and genetic characteristics of DFSP and update the readers on its current management. 展开更多
关键词 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP) imatinib Mohs micrographic surgery(MMS) translocation targeted therapy
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