Since the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan City,China,by January 30,2020,a total of 9692 confirmed cases and 15,238 suspected cases have been reported around 31 provinces or cities in ...Since the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan City,China,by January 30,2020,a total of 9692 confirmed cases and 15,238 suspected cases have been reported around 31 provinces or cities in China.Among the confirmed cases,1527 were severe cases,171 had recovered and been discharged at home,and 213 died.And among these cases,a total of 28 children aged from 1 month to 17 years have been reported in China.For standardizing prevention and management of 2019-nCoV infections in children,we called up an experts' committee to formulate this experts' consensus statement.This statement is based on the Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Standards (the fourth edition) (National Health Committee) and other previous diagnosis and treatment strategies for pediatric virus infections.The present consensus statement summarizes current strategies on diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of 2019-nCoV infection in children.展开更多
目的:系统更新中国大陆结直肠癌筛查的卫生经济学评价证据。方法:基于2015年发表的系统综述(2004-2014年),扩大检索数据库范围(PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中文科技...目的:系统更新中国大陆结直肠癌筛查的卫生经济学评价证据。方法:基于2015年发表的系统综述(2004-2014年),扩大检索数据库范围(PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中文科技期刊数据库和中国生物医学文献数据库),延展时间至2018年12月,重点呈现近10年证据(2009-2018年)。系统摘录研究基本特征及主要结果。成本数据采用医疗保健类居民消费价格指数均贴现至2017年,计算增量成本效果比(ICER)与对应年份全国人均GDP的比值。结果:最终纳入12篇文献(新增8篇),其中9篇基于人群(均为横断面研究),3篇基于模型。起始年龄多为40岁(7篇),筛查频率多为终生1次(11篇)。筛查技术涉及问卷评估、免疫法粪便隐血试验和结肠镜。经济学评价指标以每检出1例结直肠癌的成本最为常见,中位数(范围,筛查方案数)为52307元(12967~3769801,n=20);每检出1例腺瘤的成本为9220元(1859~40535,n=10)。3篇文献报告了与不筛查相比,每挽救1个生命年的成本,其ICER与GDP比值为0.673(-0.013~2.459,n=11),是WHO认为的非常经济有效;不同筛查技术间及不同频率间该比值的范围重叠较大,但起始年龄50岁(0.002,-0.013~0.015,n=3)比40岁(0.781,0.321~2.459,n=8)筛查方案更经济有效。结论:人群研究提示腺瘤检出成本仅为癌症检出成本的1/6,有限的ICER证据提示在我国人群开展结直肠癌筛查经济有效;尽管最优初筛技术无法定论,但初步提示筛查起始年龄50岁优于40岁。未见随机对照试验评价等高级别证据。展开更多
Using a dedicated data sample taken in 2018 on the J/ψpeak,we perform a detailed study of the trigger efficiencies of the BESIII detector.The efficiencies are determined from three representative physics processes,na...Using a dedicated data sample taken in 2018 on the J/ψpeak,we perform a detailed study of the trigger efficiencies of the BESIII detector.The efficiencies are determined from three representative physics processes,namely Bhabha scattering,dimuon production and generic hadronic events with charged particles.The combined efficiency of all active triggers approaches 100%in most cases,with uncertainties small enough not to affect most physics analyses.展开更多
Introduction Human serum albumin(HSA)is a non-glycosylated,negatively charged,single-chain polypeptide composed of 585 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 66.438 kD.It is synthesized by the liver at ...Introduction Human serum albumin(HSA)is a non-glycosylated,negatively charged,single-chain polypeptide composed of 585 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 66.438 kD.It is synthesized by the liver at a rate of approximately 200 mg·kg^(-1)·day^(-1),with a half-life of 21 days,and subjected to catabolism in the muscles,liver,and kidneys at a rate of 4%per day.[1]Albumin,accounting for 60%of the total plasma protein,has various physiological functions,[2]such as maintaining 70%to 80%of effective plasma colloid osmotic pressure,coordinating vascular endothelial integrity,anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities,maintaining the acidbase balance,and participating in the transport,distribution,and metabolism of a variety of endogenous and exogenous substances.展开更多
Background: The increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer(CRC) in China and the paucity of information about relevant expenditure highlight the necessity of better understanding the financial burden and effect of CRC...Background: The increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer(CRC) in China and the paucity of information about relevant expenditure highlight the necessity of better understanding the financial burden and effect of CRC diagnosis and treatment. We performed a survey to quantify the direct medical and non-medical expenditure as well as the resulting financial burden of CRC patients in China.Methods: We conducted a multicenter, cross-sectional survey in 37 tertiary hospitals in 13 provinces across China between 2012 and 2014. Each enrolled patient was interviewed using a structured questionnaire. All expenditure data were inflated to the 2014 Chinese Yuan(CNY; 1 CNY = 0.163 USD). We quantified the overall expenditure and financial burden and by subgroup(hospital type, age at diagnosis, sex, education, occupation, insurance type, household income, clinical stage, pathologic type, and therapeutic regimen). We then performed generalized linear modeling to determine the factors associated with overall expenditure.Results: A total of 2356 patients with a mean age of 57.4 years were included, 57.1 % of whom were men; 13.9% of patients had stage I cancer; and the average previous-year household income was 54,525 CNY.The overall average direct expenditure per patient was estimated to be 67,408 CNY, and the expenditures for stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ disease were 56,099 CNY, 59,952 CNY, 67,292 CNY, and 82,729 CNY, respectively. Non-medical expenditure accounted for 8.3%of the overall expenditure. The 1-year out-of-pocket expenditure of a newly diagnosed patient was 32,649 CNY, which accounted for 59.9% of their previous-year household income and caused 75.0% of families to suffer an unmanageable financial burden. Univariate analysis showed that financial burden and overall expenditure differed in almost all subgroups(P < 0.05), except for sex. Multivariate analysis showed that patients who were treated in specialized hospitals and those who were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma or diagnosed at a later stage were likely to spen展开更多
Granulomatous lobular mastitis(GLM) is a rare and chronic benign inflammatory disease of the breast. Difficulties exist in the management of GLM for many front-line surgeons and medical specialists who care for patien...Granulomatous lobular mastitis(GLM) is a rare and chronic benign inflammatory disease of the breast. Difficulties exist in the management of GLM for many front-line surgeons and medical specialists who care for patients with inflammatory disorders of the breast. This consensus is summarized to establish evidence-based recommendations for the management of GLM. Literature was reviewed using PubMed from January 1, 1971 to July 31, 2020. Sixty-six international experienced multidisciplinary experts from 11 countries or regions were invited to review the evidence.Levels of evidence were determined using the American College of Physicians grading system, and recommendations were discussed until consensus. Experts discussed and concluded 30 recommendations on historical definitions,etiology and predisposing factors, diagnosis criteria, treatment, clinical stages, relapse and recurrence of GLM. GLM was recommended as a widely accepted definition. In addition, this consensus introduced a new clinical stages and management algorithm for GLM to provide individual treatment strategies. In conclusion, diagnosis of GLM depends on a combination of history, clinical manifestations, imaging examinations, laboratory examinations and pathology.The approach to treatment of GLM should be applied according to the different clinical stage of GLM. This evidencebased consensus would be valuable to assist front-line surgeons and medical specialists in the optimal management of GLM.展开更多
The Large sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) general survey is a spectroscopic survey that will eventually cover approximately half of the celestial sphere and collect 10 million spectra of ...The Large sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) general survey is a spectroscopic survey that will eventually cover approximately half of the celestial sphere and collect 10 million spectra of stars, galaxies and QSOs. Objects in both the pilot survey and the first year regular survey are included in the LAMOST DR1. The pilot survey started in October 2011 and ended in June 2012, and the data have been released to the public as the LAMOST Pilot Data Release in August 2012. The regular survey started in September 2012, and completed its first year of operation in June 2013. The LAMOST DR1 includes a total of 1202 plates containing 2 955 336 spectra, of which 1 790 879 spectra have observed signalto-noise ratio(SNR) ≥ 10. All data with SNR ≥ 2 are formally released as LAMOST DR1 under the LAMOST data policy. This data release contains a total of 2 204 696 spectra, of which 1 944 329 are stellar spectra, 12 082 are galaxy spectra and 5017 are quasars. The DR1 not only includes spectra, but also three stellar catalogs with measured parameters: late A,FGK-type stars with high quality spectra(1 061 918 entries), A-type stars(100 073 entries), and M-type stars(121 522 entries). This paper introduces the survey design, the observational and instrumental limitations, data reduction and analysis, and some caveats. A description of the FITS structure of spectral files and parameter catalogs is also provided.展开更多
青海湖湖东地区广泛分布着风成沉积物,区域内典型风成沉积剖面的年代数据和环境代用指标准确记录了区域古环境变化。沉积物粒度端元分析方法能够将复杂的粒度数据分离出多个具有特定指示意义的粒度端元组分,广泛应用于古环境的重建研究...青海湖湖东地区广泛分布着风成沉积物,区域内典型风成沉积剖面的年代数据和环境代用指标准确记录了区域古环境变化。沉积物粒度端元分析方法能够将复杂的粒度数据分离出多个具有特定指示意义的粒度端元组分,广泛应用于古环境的重建研究。基于多次野外综合考察,选取青海湖湖东沙地厚度为500 cm的全新世典型风成砂-古土壤剖面,采用粒度端元分析方法对粒度数据进行分离,筛选出3个代表不同沉积动力特征的端元组分。通过分析各端元的粒度分布特征,并结合色度、磁化率和有机质指标进行对比分析发现,端元1与区域暖湿气候条件下的风化成壤作用有关,可以间接指示区域的水分条件;端元2和端元3代表了近地面风力的强弱,共同指示区域风沙活动的强弱。结合剖面年代和其他代用指标以及已有研究结果,可将研究区全新世以来的气候变化大致分为4个阶段:9.5 ka B.P.以前,气候整体以冷干为主;9.5~3.5 ka B.P.,气候温暖湿润,成壤作用明显增强;3.5~1.5 ka B.P.,气候经历暖湿-冷干的转变;1.5 ka B.P.以来,气候总体冷干。展开更多
文摘Since the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan City,China,by January 30,2020,a total of 9692 confirmed cases and 15,238 suspected cases have been reported around 31 provinces or cities in China.Among the confirmed cases,1527 were severe cases,171 had recovered and been discharged at home,and 213 died.And among these cases,a total of 28 children aged from 1 month to 17 years have been reported in China.For standardizing prevention and management of 2019-nCoV infections in children,we called up an experts' committee to formulate this experts' consensus statement.This statement is based on the Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Standards (the fourth edition) (National Health Committee) and other previous diagnosis and treatment strategies for pediatric virus infections.The present consensus statement summarizes current strategies on diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of 2019-nCoV infection in children.
文摘目的:系统更新中国大陆结直肠癌筛查的卫生经济学评价证据。方法:基于2015年发表的系统综述(2004-2014年),扩大检索数据库范围(PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中文科技期刊数据库和中国生物医学文献数据库),延展时间至2018年12月,重点呈现近10年证据(2009-2018年)。系统摘录研究基本特征及主要结果。成本数据采用医疗保健类居民消费价格指数均贴现至2017年,计算增量成本效果比(ICER)与对应年份全国人均GDP的比值。结果:最终纳入12篇文献(新增8篇),其中9篇基于人群(均为横断面研究),3篇基于模型。起始年龄多为40岁(7篇),筛查频率多为终生1次(11篇)。筛查技术涉及问卷评估、免疫法粪便隐血试验和结肠镜。经济学评价指标以每检出1例结直肠癌的成本最为常见,中位数(范围,筛查方案数)为52307元(12967~3769801,n=20);每检出1例腺瘤的成本为9220元(1859~40535,n=10)。3篇文献报告了与不筛查相比,每挽救1个生命年的成本,其ICER与GDP比值为0.673(-0.013~2.459,n=11),是WHO认为的非常经济有效;不同筛查技术间及不同频率间该比值的范围重叠较大,但起始年龄50岁(0.002,-0.013~0.015,n=3)比40岁(0.781,0.321~2.459,n=8)筛查方案更经济有效。结论:人群研究提示腺瘤检出成本仅为癌症检出成本的1/6,有限的ICER证据提示在我国人群开展结直肠癌筛查经济有效;尽管最优初筛技术无法定论,但初步提示筛查起始年龄50岁优于40岁。未见随机对照试验评价等高级别证据。
基金Supported in part by National Key Basic Research Program of China(2015CB856700)National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(11625523,11635010,11735014,11822506,11835012,11935015,11935016,11935018,11961141012)+15 种基金the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)Large-Scale Scientific Facility ProgramJoint Large-Scale Scientific Facility Funds of the NSFC and CAS(U 1732263,U 1832207)CAS Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences(QYZDJ-SSWSLH003,QYZDJ-SSW-SLH040)100 Talents Program of CASINPAC and Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and CosmologyERC(758462)German Research Foundation DFG under Contracts Nos.Collaborative Research Center CRC 1044,FOR 2359Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,ItalyMinistry of Development o f Turkey(DPT2006K-120470)National Science and Technology fundOlle Engkvist Foundation(200-0605)STFC(United Kingdom)The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation(Sweden)(2016.0157)The Royal Society,UK(DH140054,DH160214)The Swedish Research CouncilU.S.Department of Energy(DEFG02-05ER41374,DE-SC-0012069)。
文摘Using a dedicated data sample taken in 2018 on the J/ψpeak,we perform a detailed study of the trigger efficiencies of the BESIII detector.The efficiencies are determined from three representative physics processes,namely Bhabha scattering,dimuon production and generic hadronic events with charged particles.The combined efficiency of all active triggers approaches 100%in most cases,with uncertainties small enough not to affect most physics analyses.
基金the Wisdom Medical Research Project of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission(No.2018ZHYL0227)the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission(No.20DZ2200500).
文摘Introduction Human serum albumin(HSA)is a non-glycosylated,negatively charged,single-chain polypeptide composed of 585 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 66.438 kD.It is synthesized by the liver at a rate of approximately 200 mg·kg^(-1)·day^(-1),with a half-life of 21 days,and subjected to catabolism in the muscles,liver,and kidneys at a rate of 4%per day.[1]Albumin,accounting for 60%of the total plasma protein,has various physiological functions,[2]such as maintaining 70%to 80%of effective plasma colloid osmotic pressure,coordinating vascular endothelial integrity,anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities,maintaining the acidbase balance,and participating in the transport,distribution,and metabolism of a variety of endogenous and exogenous substances.
基金supported by the grants from the Beijing Hope Run Special Fund(#LC2012YF44)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81402740)+1 种基金Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No.20131106120014)The National Health and Family Planning Committee of P.R.China
文摘Background: The increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer(CRC) in China and the paucity of information about relevant expenditure highlight the necessity of better understanding the financial burden and effect of CRC diagnosis and treatment. We performed a survey to quantify the direct medical and non-medical expenditure as well as the resulting financial burden of CRC patients in China.Methods: We conducted a multicenter, cross-sectional survey in 37 tertiary hospitals in 13 provinces across China between 2012 and 2014. Each enrolled patient was interviewed using a structured questionnaire. All expenditure data were inflated to the 2014 Chinese Yuan(CNY; 1 CNY = 0.163 USD). We quantified the overall expenditure and financial burden and by subgroup(hospital type, age at diagnosis, sex, education, occupation, insurance type, household income, clinical stage, pathologic type, and therapeutic regimen). We then performed generalized linear modeling to determine the factors associated with overall expenditure.Results: A total of 2356 patients with a mean age of 57.4 years were included, 57.1 % of whom were men; 13.9% of patients had stage I cancer; and the average previous-year household income was 54,525 CNY.The overall average direct expenditure per patient was estimated to be 67,408 CNY, and the expenditures for stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ disease were 56,099 CNY, 59,952 CNY, 67,292 CNY, and 82,729 CNY, respectively. Non-medical expenditure accounted for 8.3%of the overall expenditure. The 1-year out-of-pocket expenditure of a newly diagnosed patient was 32,649 CNY, which accounted for 59.9% of their previous-year household income and caused 75.0% of families to suffer an unmanageable financial burden. Univariate analysis showed that financial burden and overall expenditure differed in almost all subgroups(P < 0.05), except for sex. Multivariate analysis showed that patients who were treated in specialized hospitals and those who were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma or diagnosed at a later stage were likely to spen
基金supported by Improving the Ability of Diagnosis and Treatment of Difficult Diseases (ZLYNXM202009)。
文摘Granulomatous lobular mastitis(GLM) is a rare and chronic benign inflammatory disease of the breast. Difficulties exist in the management of GLM for many front-line surgeons and medical specialists who care for patients with inflammatory disorders of the breast. This consensus is summarized to establish evidence-based recommendations for the management of GLM. Literature was reviewed using PubMed from January 1, 1971 to July 31, 2020. Sixty-six international experienced multidisciplinary experts from 11 countries or regions were invited to review the evidence.Levels of evidence were determined using the American College of Physicians grading system, and recommendations were discussed until consensus. Experts discussed and concluded 30 recommendations on historical definitions,etiology and predisposing factors, diagnosis criteria, treatment, clinical stages, relapse and recurrence of GLM. GLM was recommended as a widely accepted definition. In addition, this consensus introduced a new clinical stages and management algorithm for GLM to provide individual treatment strategies. In conclusion, diagnosis of GLM depends on a combination of history, clinical manifestations, imaging examinations, laboratory examinations and pathology.The approach to treatment of GLM should be applied according to the different clinical stage of GLM. This evidencebased consensus would be valuable to assist front-line surgeons and medical specialists in the optimal management of GLM.
基金funded by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2014CB845700)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11390371)Funding for the project has been provided by the National Development and Reform Commission
文摘The Large sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST) general survey is a spectroscopic survey that will eventually cover approximately half of the celestial sphere and collect 10 million spectra of stars, galaxies and QSOs. Objects in both the pilot survey and the first year regular survey are included in the LAMOST DR1. The pilot survey started in October 2011 and ended in June 2012, and the data have been released to the public as the LAMOST Pilot Data Release in August 2012. The regular survey started in September 2012, and completed its first year of operation in June 2013. The LAMOST DR1 includes a total of 1202 plates containing 2 955 336 spectra, of which 1 790 879 spectra have observed signalto-noise ratio(SNR) ≥ 10. All data with SNR ≥ 2 are formally released as LAMOST DR1 under the LAMOST data policy. This data release contains a total of 2 204 696 spectra, of which 1 944 329 are stellar spectra, 12 082 are galaxy spectra and 5017 are quasars. The DR1 not only includes spectra, but also three stellar catalogs with measured parameters: late A,FGK-type stars with high quality spectra(1 061 918 entries), A-type stars(100 073 entries), and M-type stars(121 522 entries). This paper introduces the survey design, the observational and instrumental limitations, data reduction and analysis, and some caveats. A description of the FITS structure of spectral files and parameter catalogs is also provided.
文摘青海湖湖东地区广泛分布着风成沉积物,区域内典型风成沉积剖面的年代数据和环境代用指标准确记录了区域古环境变化。沉积物粒度端元分析方法能够将复杂的粒度数据分离出多个具有特定指示意义的粒度端元组分,广泛应用于古环境的重建研究。基于多次野外综合考察,选取青海湖湖东沙地厚度为500 cm的全新世典型风成砂-古土壤剖面,采用粒度端元分析方法对粒度数据进行分离,筛选出3个代表不同沉积动力特征的端元组分。通过分析各端元的粒度分布特征,并结合色度、磁化率和有机质指标进行对比分析发现,端元1与区域暖湿气候条件下的风化成壤作用有关,可以间接指示区域的水分条件;端元2和端元3代表了近地面风力的强弱,共同指示区域风沙活动的强弱。结合剖面年代和其他代用指标以及已有研究结果,可将研究区全新世以来的气候变化大致分为4个阶段:9.5 ka B.P.以前,气候整体以冷干为主;9.5~3.5 ka B.P.,气候温暖湿润,成壤作用明显增强;3.5~1.5 ka B.P.,气候经历暖湿-冷干的转变;1.5 ka B.P.以来,气候总体冷干。