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种植密度与施氮对河西灌区青贮玉米产量与品质及水分利用效率的影响 被引量:29
作者 王佳 李阳 +5 位作者 贾倩民 常生华 shahzad Ali 张程 刘永杰 侯扶江 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期60-73,共14页
为探索河西灌区青贮玉米高产高效的栽培措施,设置67500株/hm2(L)、82500株/hm2(M)和97500株/hm2(H)3个种植密度及不施氮(N0)、施氮120 kg/hm2(N1)、240 kg/hm2(N2)和360 kg/hm2(N3)4个施氮水平。结果表明:在玉米6叶期和12叶期各施氮处... 为探索河西灌区青贮玉米高产高效的栽培措施,设置67500株/hm2(L)、82500株/hm2(M)和97500株/hm2(H)3个种植密度及不施氮(N0)、施氮120 kg/hm2(N1)、240 kg/hm2(N2)和360 kg/hm2(N3)4个施氮水平。结果表明:在玉米6叶期和12叶期各施氮处理的株高、茎粗、相对叶绿素含量(SPAD)、叶面积指数(LAI)和地上干物质量(ADM)无显著差异,但在灌浆期和收获期M、H密度下,N2和N3的上述指标显著高于N0,且N1、N2和N3的鲜干草产量显著高于N0。在收获期L的SPAD和茎粗显著高于H,而LAI、ADM和鲜干草产量显著低于M和H。N2和N3较N0显著提高粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗灰分含量,显著降低淀粉和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量,从而提高相对饲用价值(RFV),且N2和N3的各营养成分产量显著高于N0。随种植密度的增加,粗蛋白、淀粉和粗脂肪含量降低,而中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和ADF增高,致使RFV下降,但M和H的粗蛋白、淀粉和粗灰分的产量显著高于L。N1、N2和N3的水分利用效率(WUE)显著高于N0,M和H的WUE显著高于L,所有处理中MN2的WUE最高。因此,82500株/hm2的种植密度结合240 kg/hm2的施氮量是一种适宜河西灌区青贮玉米生产的栽培措施。 展开更多
关键词 种植密度 施氮 青贮玉米 粗蛋白 水分利用效率
灌溉模式与种植方式对河西地区青贮玉米生长、产量和经济效益的影响 被引量:20
作者 董姗 王皓 +5 位作者 贾倩民 常生华 shahzad Ali 刘永杰 张程 侯扶江 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期1111-1120,共10页
为探究灌溉模式与种植方式对青贮玉米(Zea mays L.)生长、产量和经济效益的影响,本研究在河西地区设置3个种植方式(S:青贮玉米单播;SM:青贮玉米与秣食豆(Glycine max L.Merr)混播;SL:青贮玉米与拉巴豆(Lablab purpureus L.Sweet)混播)和... 为探究灌溉模式与种植方式对青贮玉米(Zea mays L.)生长、产量和经济效益的影响,本研究在河西地区设置3个种植方式(S:青贮玉米单播;SM:青贮玉米与秣食豆(Glycine max L.Merr)混播;SL:青贮玉米与拉巴豆(Lablab purpureus L.Sweet)混播)和6种灌溉模式(W1:6叶期灌溉;W2:6叶期和12叶期灌溉;W3:6叶期和散粉期灌溉;W4:6叶期、12叶期和散粉期灌溉;W5:6叶期、散粉期和灌浆期灌溉;W6:6叶期、12叶期、散粉期和灌浆期灌溉)进行田间试验。结果表明:SM、SL和S种植下玉米的株高、茎粗和相叶绿素含量差异不显著,但SM和SL较S显著提高了叶面积指数;SM和SL的鲜干草产量和净收益显著高于S;在灌浆期和收获期,W5和W6的株高、茎粗、相对叶绿素含量和叶面积指数显著高于W1;W5、W6的鲜干草产量和净收益显著高于W1,W2和W3。所有处理中,SM-W5获得了最高的干草产量和净收益,是河西地区青贮玉米适宜的栽培模式。 展开更多
关键词 调亏灌溉 青贮玉米 豆科作物 混播 产量 经济效益
施氮和利用方式对黄土高原禾豆混播草地产量、品质和水分利用的影响 被引量:20
作者 徐然然 常生华 +4 位作者 贾倩民 shahzad Ali 张程 刘永杰 侯扶江 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1744-1755,共12页
本研究设置紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.,A)、无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis L.,B)单播及两者混播(AB)3种草地类型,每种类型下设3个施氮水平(N1:0 kg·hm^-2;N2:80 kg·hm^-2;N3:160 kg·hm^-2)和2种利用方式(G:放牧;M:刈割),以... 本研究设置紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.,A)、无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis L.,B)单播及两者混播(AB)3种草地类型,每种类型下设3个施氮水平(N1:0 kg·hm^-2;N2:80 kg·hm^-2;N3:160 kg·hm^-2)和2种利用方式(G:放牧;M:刈割),以探究施氮与利用方式对栽培草地产量、品质和水分利用的影响。结果表明:AB处理的粗蛋白和鲜干草产量及水分利用效率(Water use efficiency,WUE)显著高于A和B;A和AB处理与B相比,显著提高粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗灰分含量,显著降低中性洗涤纤维(Neutral detergent fiber,NDF)含量,进而提高相对饲用价值(Relative feeding value,RFV);N3处理的粗蛋白含量和鲜干草产量及WUE显著高于N1和N2,且N3处理与N1相比,显著提高牧草粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分含量和相对饲用价值,降低NDF和酸性洗涤纤维(Acid detergent fiber,ADF)含量;放牧下的粗蛋白和鲜干草产量及WUE显著高于刈割。因此,紫花苜蓿和无芒雀麦混播草地进行放牧且施氮160 kg·hm^-2是一种适宜黄土高原栽培草地的管理措施。 展开更多
关键词 放牧 刈割 紫花苜蓿 产量 水分利用
基于最小二乘法的光伏逆变器模型辨识 被引量:22
作者 熊小伏 陈康 +2 位作者 郑伟 沈智健 M.shahzad Nazir 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第22期52-57,63,共7页
光伏并网逆变器是实现太阳能发电系统与电网并网的核心装置,准确的光伏逆变器模型对光伏接入电网的运行分析、故障保护等均具有重要的意义。针对目前逆变器模型研究较少,分析现有逆变器建模方法不足。结合7.68kW光伏实验发电系统搭建了... 光伏并网逆变器是实现太阳能发电系统与电网并网的核心装置,准确的光伏逆变器模型对光伏接入电网的运行分析、故障保护等均具有重要的意义。针对目前逆变器模型研究较少,分析现有逆变器建模方法不足。结合7.68kW光伏实验发电系统搭建了光伏逆变器的测试平台,采集了逆变器输入输出数据,建立了基于最小二乘系统辨识算法的逆变器模型和模型参数估计方法,形成了一种基于实验测试的光伏逆变器建模方法。实验验证了此测试和建模方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏逆变器 系统辨识 测试 建模 最小二乘法
番茄产后灰霉病的病原鉴定及生物防治 被引量:15
作者 沈艳 何鹏搏 +5 位作者 何鹏飞 吴毅歆 孔宝华 李兴玉 shahzad Munir 何月秋 《中国农学通报》 2021年第13期102-107,共6页
为探索生物防治番茄产后灰霉病,采用柯赫氏法则从罹病的番茄果实上分离得到菌株FQ-2,基于形态学和rDNA-ITS序列,对该菌株进行病原鉴定,采用小麦内生菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌B9601-Y2(Y2)和球花石斛内生菌贝莱斯芽孢杆菌DJB5(DJB5)对番茄灰霉病... 为探索生物防治番茄产后灰霉病,采用柯赫氏法则从罹病的番茄果实上分离得到菌株FQ-2,基于形态学和rDNA-ITS序列,对该菌株进行病原鉴定,采用小麦内生菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌B9601-Y2(Y2)和球花石斛内生菌贝莱斯芽孢杆菌DJB5(DJB5)对番茄灰霉病进行生物防治。FQ-2被鉴定为灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea),且Y2和DJB5对番茄产后果实灰霉病均有较好的预防和治疗效果,Y21×10^(7) cfu/mL和DJB51×10^(8) cfu/mL悬浮剂在处理当天接种FQ-2,10天后的防效分别达88.10%和73.47%。在接种灰霉病菌当天再接种1×10^(8) cfu/mL的Y2和1×10^(7) cfu/mL的DJB5,10天后灰霉病的防治效果分别达68.56%和78.74%。研究结果对番茄产后灰霉病的生物防治具有参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 生物防治 灰霉病 灰葡萄孢菌 解淀粉芽孢杆菌 贝莱斯芽孢杆菌 病原鉴定
Somatic embryogenesis in wild relatives of cotton (Gossypium Spp.) 被引量:9
作者 RAO Abdul Qayyum HUSSAIN S. Sarfraz +8 位作者 shahzad M. Saqib BOKHARI S. Yassir Abbas RAZA M. Hashim RAKHA Allah MAJEED A. SHAHID A. Ali SALEEM Zafar HUSNAIN Tayyab RIAZUDDIN S. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期291-298,共8页
Wild cotton species can contribute a valuable gene pool for agronomically desirable cultivated tetraploid cultivars. In order to exploit diploid cotton a regeneration system is required to achieve transformation based... Wild cotton species can contribute a valuable gene pool for agronomically desirable cultivated tetraploid cultivars. In order to exploit diploid cotton a regeneration system is required to achieve transformation based goals. The present studies aimed at optimizing the conditions for regeneration of local varieties as well as wild species of cotton. Different callus induction media were tested with varying concentrations of hormones in which sucrose was used as nutritional source. Different explants (hypo-cotyls, cotyledon, root) were used to check the regeneration of both local cotton plants and wild relatives using T & G medium, BAP medium, CIM medium, EMMS medium, and cell suspension medium. Different stages of embryogenicity such as early torpedo stage, late torpedo stage, heart stage, globular stage and cotyledonary stage were observed in wild relatives of cotton. The results of this study pave the way for establishing future transformation methods. 展开更多
关键词 COTTON CALLUS Somatic embryogenic Wild species Cell suspension culture
禾豆混播与调亏灌溉对河西地区饲草产量、品质和水分利用的影响 被引量:10
作者 安昊云 王皓 +5 位作者 贾倩民 常生华 shahzad Ali 刘永杰 张程 侯扶江 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期122-135,共14页
本研究于2019年在河西地区设置青贮玉米(Zea mays)单播(Z)、青贮玉米–秣食豆(Glycine max)混播(ZG)和青贮玉米–拉巴豆(Dolichos lablab)混播(ZD)3个种植方式,每个方式下设置6种灌溉模式,研究不同种植方式和灌溉模式对饲草产量、品质... 本研究于2019年在河西地区设置青贮玉米(Zea mays)单播(Z)、青贮玉米–秣食豆(Glycine max)混播(ZG)和青贮玉米–拉巴豆(Dolichos lablab)混播(ZD)3个种植方式,每个方式下设置6种灌溉模式,研究不同种植方式和灌溉模式对饲草产量、品质和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:1)ZG和ZD的鲜干草产量显著(P<0.05)高于Z,鲜草产量较Z分别增加19.1%和16.4%,干草产量分别增加12.7%和9.0%。同一种植方式下,后期轻度亏水(I4)、前期轻度亏水(I5)和充分灌溉处理(I6)的鲜干草产量显著(P<0.05)高于重度亏水(I1),平均鲜草产量较I1分别增加39.1%、45.9%和46.6%,平均干草产量较I1分别增加35.8%、44.2%和43.8%。2)混播处理较单播提高粗蛋白含量,明显降低淀粉、酸性和中性洗涤纤维含量,进而提高相对饲用价值(RFV),且ZG较Z显著(P<0.05)增加粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗灰分的产量。I5的平均粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量和RFV显著(P<0.05)高于I1,6种灌溉模式中I5的粗蛋白、淀粉、粗脂肪和粗灰分的产量最高。3)ZG和ZD较Z显著提高(P<0.05)水分利用效率(WUE)。I5和I6的收获期土壤贮水量和蒸散量显著(P<0.05)高于I1,且I5的WUE显著(P<0.05)高于I4和I6。所有处理中ZG-I5的WUE以及粗蛋白、粗脂肪和淀粉的产量最高,并且鲜干草产量仅次于ZG-I6,该处理是适宜河西地区青饲玉米生产的栽培模式。 展开更多
关键词 调亏灌溉 秣食豆 拉巴豆 品质 水分利用效率
Effects of uniconazole with or without micronutrient on the lignin biosynthesis,lodging resistance,and winter wheat production in semiarid regions 被引量:12
作者 Irshad AHMAD MENG Xiang-ping +5 位作者 Muhammad KAMRAN shahzad ALI Shakeel AHMAD LIU Tie-ning CAI Tie HAN Qing-fang 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期62-77,共16页
Lodging stress results in grain yield and quality reduction in wheat. Uniconazole, a potential plant growth regulator significantly enhances lignin biosynthesis and thus provides mechanical strength to plants in order... Lodging stress results in grain yield and quality reduction in wheat. Uniconazole, a potential plant growth regulator significantly enhances lignin biosynthesis and thus provides mechanical strength to plants in order to cope with lodging stress. A field study was conducted during the 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 growing seasons, to investigate the effects of uniconazole sole application or with micronutrient on the lignin biosynthesis, lodging resistance, and production of winter wheat. In the first experiment, uniconazole at concentrations of 0(CK), 15(US1), 30(US2), and 45(US3) mg L^-1 was applied as sole seed soaking, while in the second experiment with manganese(Mn) at concentration of 0.06 g L^-1 Mn, 0.06 g L^-1 Mn+ 15 mg L^-1 uniconazole(UMS1), 0.06 g L^-1 Mn+30 mg L^-1 uniconazole(UMS2), and 0.06 g L^-1 Mn+45 mg L^-1 uniconazole(UMS3), respectively. Uniconazole sole application or with micronutrient significantly increased the lignin content by improving the lignin-related enzyme activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, tyrosine ammonialyase, and peroxidase, ameliorating basal internode characteristics, and breaking strength. The spike length, spike diameter, spikes/plant, weight/spike, yield/spike, and grain yield increased and then decreased with uniconazole application at a higher concentration, where their maximum values were recorded with UMS2 and US2 treatments. The lignin accumulation was positively correlated with lignin-related enzyme activities and breaking strength while, negatively correlated with lodging rate. Uniconazole significantly improved the lignin biosynthesis, lodging resistance, and grain yield of winter wheat and the treatments which showed the greatest effects were uniconazole seed soaking with micronutrient at a concentration of 30 mg L^-1 and 0.06 g L^-1 , and uniconazole sole seed soaking at a concentration of 30 mg L^-1 . 展开更多
关键词 lignin biosynthesis lodging resistance semi-arid regions MANGANESE UNICONAZOLE WHEAT
基于Landsat数据的黄河三角洲湿地提取及近30年动态研究 被引量:9
作者 徐振田 Ali shahzad +4 位作者 张莎 白雲 王霄鹏 刘琦 张佳华 《海洋湖沼通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期70-79,共10页
为深入了解黄河三角洲湿地近30a时空分布和动态变化特征,以山东省东营市为研究区,利用1986、1992、1998、2004、2010、2016年六个时期的Landsat遥感影像为数据源,综合利用光谱指数(MNDWI、NDVI)、目视解译、主成分分析(PCA)等方法,构建... 为深入了解黄河三角洲湿地近30a时空分布和动态变化特征,以山东省东营市为研究区,利用1986、1992、1998、2004、2010、2016年六个时期的Landsat遥感影像为数据源,综合利用光谱指数(MNDWI、NDVI)、目视解译、主成分分析(PCA)等方法,构建层次分类判别方法,提取研究区土地覆盖和湿地分类信息,分析研究区域近30a来的土地覆盖和湿地动态变化。结果表明:1)采用提出的层次分类判别方法提高了分类精度,6个时期的土地覆盖和湿地分类总体精度均高于85%;2)1986-2016的近30a间东营地区土地覆盖和湿地分布及面积发生了较大的改变,自然湿地退化现象严重,其中滩涂面积减少872.06 km^2,包括237.06 km^2转化为养殖池塘,114.79 km^2转化为盐田;沼泽湿地面积减少297.10 km^2,其中221.66 km^2转化为农田,河流面积基本变化不大。同时,盐田、养殖池塘、水库坑塘三类人工湿地面积分别增加了225.11 km^2、402.71 km^2,423.51km^2,呈现显著增加态势。自然与人工湿地总面积变化不大。 展开更多
关键词 黄河三角洲湿地 动态变化 层次分类 Landsat数据 光谱指数
枯草芽孢杆菌L1-21在柑橘上的定殖能力及其防治绿霉病效果 被引量:9
作者 李健 何鹏飞 +6 位作者 李咏梅 吴毅歆 何鹏搏 孔宝华 李兴玉 MUNIR shahzad 何月秋 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期31-36,共6页
为明确枯草芽孢杆菌L1-21在柑橘叶片、果实内的定殖能力及其防治果实绿霉病的效果,通过向柑橘叶片喷施10^(6)cfu/mL的L1-21菌株的绿色荧光标记菌(L1-21-GFP)发酵液,测定其在叶片内的定殖数量及传导能力;采用10^(8)cfu/mL的菌液喷施和浸... 为明确枯草芽孢杆菌L1-21在柑橘叶片、果实内的定殖能力及其防治果实绿霉病的效果,通过向柑橘叶片喷施10^(6)cfu/mL的L1-21菌株的绿色荧光标记菌(L1-21-GFP)发酵液,测定其在叶片内的定殖数量及传导能力;采用10^(8)cfu/mL的菌液喷施和浸泡处理柑橘果实,检测其在果实内的定殖情况,用注射法接种Penicillium digitatum孢子并计算发病率,测定其对绿霉病的防控效果。结果显示,处理后10 min,L1-21-GFP在叶表及叶肉中的定殖量分别达到1.36×10^(3)和8.08×10^(2)cfu/cm^(2),并呈现持续增长的趋势。处理后1 h,L1-21-GFP向下传导到叶表的菌含量为1.51×10^(2)cfu/cm^(2),并稳定存在于叶表中;处理后2 h,传导到叶肉的菌含量为5.67 cfu/cm^(2),逐渐增加到30 h时的1.15×10^(3)cfu/cm^(2)。L1-21-GFP能在果实内定殖,浸泡1 h果肉和果皮中的定殖量分别为9.51×10^(3)和3.51×10^(4)cfu/g,但在不同柑橘品种果实间定殖能力有显著性差异,椪柑中定殖量最高。浸泡30 min后,L1-21对果实绿霉病防效第3天为100%,第5天为80.36%。以上结果表明,枯草芽孢杆菌L1-21能高效定殖于柑橘叶片及果实内,可以利用该菌株防治柑橘病害。 展开更多
关键词 枯草芽孢杆菌 内生菌 定殖 防效 绿霉病 柑橘
Manipulation of SlMXl for enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato 被引量:11
作者 Mohamed Ewas Yanqiang Gao +9 位作者 Shouchuang Wang Xianqing Liu Hongyan Zhang Elsayed M. E. Nishawy Farhan Aii Raheel shahzad Khurram Ziaf Hizar Subthain Cathie Martin Jie Luo 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第18期1413-1418,共6页
Plants are the ultimate source of nutrients in the human diet. To ensure adequate availability of high quality food for an increasing world population, traits including improved tolerance of stresses and nutrient leve... Plants are the ultimate source of nutrients in the human diet. To ensure adequate availability of high quality food for an increasing world population, traits including improved tolerance of stresses and nutrient levels need to be selected in crops, both individually and in combination. Here we report the identification of SIMX1 encoding a MIXTA-like MYB transcription factor in tomato that simultaneously modulates drought resistance and metabolic processes through regulating key structural and regulatory genes of the corre- sponding pathways. Over-expression of SIMX1 results in substantially increased drought tolerance and improved fruit quality, while knocking down SIMX1 resulted in the opposite phenotypes. Our study indicates an effective way with multiplebeneficial traits by genetic engineering of a single regulatory gene and can be a novel approach to breeding crops. 展开更多
关键词 TOMATO TRICHOME SlMXI . Abioticstress Nutrient level
Saline-Alkali Tolerance in Rice: Physiological Response, Molecular Mechanism, and QTL Identification and Application to Breeding 被引量:11
作者 Ratan Kumar GANAPATI shahzad Amir NAVEED +2 位作者 Sundus ZAFAR WANG Wensheng XU Jianlong 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第5期412-434,共23页
Salinity-alkalinity is incipient abiotic stress that impairs plant growth and development.Rice(Oryza sativa)is a major food crop greatly affected by soil salinity and alkalinity,requiring tolerant varieties in the sal... Salinity-alkalinity is incipient abiotic stress that impairs plant growth and development.Rice(Oryza sativa)is a major food crop greatly affected by soil salinity and alkalinity,requiring tolerant varieties in the saline-alkali prone areas.Understanding the molecular and physiological mechanisms of saline-alkali tolerance paves the base for improving saline-alkali tolerance in rice and leads to progress in breeding.This review illustrated the physiological consequences,and molecular mechanisms especially signaling and function of regulating genes for saline-alkali tolerance in rice plants.We also discussed QTLs regarding saline-alkali tolerance accordingly and ways of deployment for improvement.More efforts are needed to identify and utilize the identified QTLs for saline-alkali tolerance in rice. 展开更多
关键词 saline-alkali tolerance physiological mechanism molecular mechanism marker-assisted backcrossing RICE
Crop diversity and pest management in sustainable agriculture 被引量:11
作者 HE Han-ming LIU Li-na +4 位作者 shahzad Munir Nawaz Haider Bashir WANG Yi YANG Jing LI Cheng-yun 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第9期1945-1952,共8页
Large-scale crop monocultures facilitate the proliferation and increasing prevalence of diseases and pest insects.Many studies highlight the impacts of plant diversification upon pathogens,and the population dynamics ... Large-scale crop monocultures facilitate the proliferation and increasing prevalence of diseases and pest insects.Many studies highlight the impacts of plant diversification upon pathogens,and the population dynamics of insects and beneficial organism in agricultural ecosystems.These studies provide evidence that habitat manipulation techniques such as intercropping,relay,and rotation can significantly improve disease and pest management.This review introduces the concept of crop diversity,considers recent insights and mechanisms underlying crop diversity,and discusses its potential for improving sustainable agricultural practices.Recently,the phytobiomes resulting from increased crop diversity are increasingly recognized for their contribution to disease and pest control.Further,understanding the interactions between pathogens or pests with their host phytobiome may lead to novel options for the prevention of pests.Recent advances in the agricultural systems include:(i)a better understanding of the mechanisms of interactions between crop species and genotypes;(ii)ecological progress including a better understanding of the context-dependency of those interactions;and(iii)the role of microtopographic variation in agricultural systems for priming basal resistance to multiple pests and pathogens by intercropped crops.We also highlight recent progress in China and the potential options for habitat management and design that enhance the ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 CROP DIVERSITY pattern PEST and disease management PRIMING resistance phytobiome HOLOBIONT SUSTAINABILITY
The emerging role of endoscopic ultrasound for pancreaticobiliary diseases in the pediatric population 被引量:10
作者 Suril Patel Jarred Marshak +1 位作者 Fredric Daum shahzad Iqbal 《World Journal of Pediatrics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期300-306,共7页
Background:Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the pediatric population.Given the high accuracy and sensitivity of EUS,it is particularly effective in evaluating pancreaticobilia... Background:Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the pediatric population.Given the high accuracy and sensitivity of EUS,it is particularly effective in evaluating pancreaticobiliary disease.Published literature in the use of pediatric EUS is limited.Therefore we aimed to review the current literature for EUS indications,safety,and effectiveness for the pediatric population.Data sources:English language articles on the use of pediatric endoscopic ultrasound in evaluating pancreaticobiliary diseases were retrieved from PubMed/MEDLINE.Results:We analyzed various retrospective studies and case series publications.Data were extrapolated for pediatric patients with pancreaticobiliary diseases.Conclusions:EUS offers superior imaging,.It is comparible to magnetic resonance imaging and/or pancreatic-protocol computed tomography.In the current literature,there are a variety of pancreaticobiliary conditions where EUS was utilized to make a diagnosis.These include recurrent pancreatitis,congenital anomalies,microlithiasis,pancreatic pseudocysts,and pancreatic mass lesions.EUS was shown to be a safe and cost-effective modality with both diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities in the pediatric population.EUS is now increasingly being recognized as a standard of care when evaluating pancreaticobiliary conditions in children. 展开更多
不同抽样方法对兴安落叶松立木材积方程预测精度的影响 被引量:7
作者 shahzad Muhammad Khurra 韩斐斐 姜立春 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期99-105,共7页
【目的】研究不同抽样方法对立木材积方程预测精度的影响,为各地编制不同树种材积表及构建立木材积方程提供基础数据抽样技术依据。【方法】以兴安落叶松立木材积方程为例,设计均匀、正态、右偏和左偏4种抽样方法,根据不同数据类型,利用... 【目的】研究不同抽样方法对立木材积方程预测精度的影响,为各地编制不同树种材积表及构建立木材积方程提供基础数据抽样技术依据。【方法】以兴安落叶松立木材积方程为例,设计均匀、正态、右偏和左偏4种抽样方法,根据不同数据类型,利用SAS软件中proc surveyselect模块的简单随机抽样(SRS)并结合条件语句对数据进行分径阶抽样。采用Shapiro-Wilk对不同抽样方法下的胸径统计量进行正态性检验。以异速生长方程为基础材积模型,利用S-PLUS软件的广义非线性GNLS模块对模型进行拟合。采用指数函数、幂函数和常数加幂函数对4种立木材积拟合过程中产生的异方差现象进行校正。利用确定系数(R^2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、平均误差绝对值(MAB)和相对误差绝对值(MPB)对立木材积方程精度进行综合比较分析。【结果】1)指数函数、幂函数和常数加幂函数均能消除4种立木材积方程异方差的影响,加入变量为V^的幂函数消除异方差的效果最好。2)拟合结果表明,相对于均匀模型,正态模型的RMSE下降31.6%,右偏模型的RMSE下降23.1%,左偏模型的RMSE下降33.7%。3)分径阶检验表明,径阶分布在12~28 cm、36~40 cm和44~48 cm时,左偏模型的MAB和MPB均小于均匀、正态和右偏模型,即左偏模型在11组径阶中有6组径阶的MAB和MPB均最小;径阶分布在12~32 cm和44~48 cm时,右偏模型的MAB和MPB均小于均匀和正态模型,即右偏模型在11组径阶中有6组径阶的MAB和MPB均最小;径阶分布在12~32 cm和40~44 cm时,正态模型的MAB和MPB均小于均匀模型,即正态模型在11组径阶中有6组径阶的MAB和MPB均最小。【结论】左偏模型的预测精度比均匀、正态和右偏模型高,右偏模型的预测精度比均匀和正态模型高,正态模型的预测精度比均匀模型高,总体模型检验精度顺序为左偏模型>右偏模型>正态模型>均匀模型。 展开更多
关键词 兴安落叶松 抽样方法 材积 异方差 预测精度
香蕉内生贝莱斯芽孢杆菌YX-11的分离鉴定与功能研究 被引量:7
作者 李万芹 何鹏飞 +5 位作者 吴毅歆 何鹏搏 shahzad Munir 孔宝华 李兴玉 何月秋 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2021年第12期8-13,共6页
为了找到安全有效的防控香蕉枯萎病的生防菌株,采用组织分离法从香蕉叶片中分离出内生细菌菌株YX-11。采用形态学、生物化学和16S rDNA基因序列分析,该菌株被鉴定为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌Bacillus velezensis。YX-11具有溶磷、解钾和固氮的能力... 为了找到安全有效的防控香蕉枯萎病的生防菌株,采用组织分离法从香蕉叶片中分离出内生细菌菌株YX-11。采用形态学、生物化学和16S rDNA基因序列分析,该菌株被鉴定为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌Bacillus velezensis。YX-11具有溶磷、解钾和固氮的能力,还可以促进香蕉的生长,能抑制10种植物病原菌,其中对香蕉枯萎病菌、烟草疫霉病菌和烟草赤星病菌的抑制率分别达71.30%、72.77%和72.19%。它的带菌苗结合生物有机肥施用,以及多次喷施对田间香蕉枯萎病的防治效果达75.56%。 展开更多
关键词 内生菌 香蕉 枯萎病菌 分离鉴定 防治效果
Genetic analysis of yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivated in different ecological regions of China 被引量:9
作者 shahzad Kashif LI Xue +9 位作者 QI Tingxiang GUO Liping TANG Huini ZHANG Xuexian WANG Hailin ZHANG Meng ZHANG Bingbing QIAO Xiuqin XING Chaozhu WU Jianyong 《Journal of Cotton Research》 2019年第2期122-132,共11页
Background:Cotton is an important fiber crop worldwide.The yield potential of current genotypes of cotton can be exploited through hybridization.However,to develop superior hybrids with high yield and fiber quality tr... Background:Cotton is an important fiber crop worldwide.The yield potential of current genotypes of cotton can be exploited through hybridization.However,to develop superior hybrids with high yield and fiber quality traits,information of genetic control of traits is prerequisite.Therefore,genetic analysis plays pivotal role in plant breeding.Results:In present study,North Carolina II mating design was used to cross 5 female parents with 6 male parents to produce 30 intraspecific F1cotton hybrids.All plant materials were tested in three different ecological regions of China during the year of 2016-2017.Additive-dominance-environment(ADE)genetic model was used to estimate the genetic effects and genotypic and phenotypic correlation of yield and fiber quality traits.Results showed that yield traits except lint percentage were mainly controlled by genetic and environment interaction effects,whereas lint percentage and fiber quality traits were determined by main genetic effects.Moreover,dominant and additiveen vironine nt in teraction effects had more influence on yield traits,whereas additive and domi nance-e nviron ment interaction effects were found to be predominant for fiber traits.Broad-sense and its interaction heritability were significant for all yield and most of fiber quality traits.Narrow-sense and its interaction heritability were non-significant for boll number and seed cotton yield.Correlation analysis indicated that seed cotton yield had significant positive correlation with other yield attributes and non-significant with fiber quality traits.All fiber quality traits had signiflcant positive correlation with each other except micronaire.Conclusions:Results of current study provide important information about genetic control of yield and fiber quality traits.Further,this study identified that parental lines,e.g.,SJ48-1,ZB-1,851-2,and DT-8 can be utilized to improve yield and fiber quality traits in cotton. 展开更多
关键词 Cotton Hybrid GENETIC effects ADDITIVE DOMINANCE Correlation
人类白细胞抗原-B等位基因多态性与江苏地区汉族人群2型糖尿病的相关性研究 被引量:9
作者 夏玲芝 曹鹏 +5 位作者 李晓娥 许涛 Khawar Ali shahzad 毛源 张厚智 沈传来 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第6期37-44,共8页
目的探讨人类白细胞抗原(HLA-B)等位基因多态性与江苏地区汉族人群2型糖尿病的相关性。方法采用聚合酶链反应直接测序分型法(PCR-SBT)对118例江苏地区汉族2型糖尿病(T2DM)个体进行HLA-B等位基因分型,计算各等位基因频率和血清型频... 目的探讨人类白细胞抗原(HLA-B)等位基因多态性与江苏地区汉族人群2型糖尿病的相关性。方法采用聚合酶链反应直接测序分型法(PCR-SBT)对118例江苏地区汉族2型糖尿病(T2DM)个体进行HLA-B等位基因分型,计算各等位基因频率和血清型频率,并与中华骨髓库江苏分库汉族志愿者人群(644例和20 248例)进行统计学比较。结果 HLA-B*1501的等位基因频率在江苏地区汉族T2DM人群中明显升高(8.90%vs 3.03%,Pc=0.000,^OR=3.13,95%CI=1.80~5.42,Power=98.23%),而HLA-B*5801的等位基因频率则明显下降(1.69%vs 8.62%,Pc=0.000,^OR=0.18,95%CI=0.07~0.50,Power=91.07%);相对应地,HLA-B*15的血清型频率在江苏地区汉族T2DM人群中明显升高(21.18%vs 13.03%,Pc=0.022,^OR=1.79,95%CI=1.26~2.55,Power=90.15%),而HLA-B*58的血清型频率则明显下降(1.69%vs 8.62%,Pc=0.000,^OR=0.18,95%CI=0.07~0.50,Power=91.09%)。结论 HLA-B*1501等位基因可能与江苏地区汉族人群2型糖尿病的易感性有关,而HLA-B*5801则可能有保护作用。这些结果首次提示HLA-I类基因多态性可能与中国人群2型糖尿病有关。 展开更多
关键词 2型糖尿病 HLA-B 等位基因多态性 PCR-SBT
RNA-seq reveals mechanisms of SlMX1 for enhanced carotenoids and terpenoids accumulation along with stress resistance in tomato 被引量:8
作者 Mohamed Ewas Yangqiang Gao +6 位作者 Farhan Ali Elsayed M. Nishawy Raheel shahzad Hizar Subthain Mohamed Amar Cathie Martin Jie Luo 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期476-485,共10页
Improving nutritional fruit quality and impacts important agro-traits such as biotic or abiotic stresses are extremely important for human civilization.Our previous study reported that manipulation of Sl MX1 gene enha... Improving nutritional fruit quality and impacts important agro-traits such as biotic or abiotic stresses are extremely important for human civilization.Our previous study reported that manipulation of Sl MX1 gene enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato.Here,RNA-Seq analysis proved to be a very useful tool to provide insights into the regulatory mechanisms of Sl MX1 involved in stress resistance and enhanced secondary metabolites.Physiological analysis showed that overexpression of Sl MX1 results in substantially increased broad-spectrum tolerance to a wide-range of abiotic and biotic(fungus,bacteria,virus and insects) stresses in tomato.This research appears to be of remarkable interest because enhanced terpenoids content has been achieved by increasing trichome density.In addition,we reported two types of trichome which seems to be aberrant types in tomato.This study unravels the mechanism of regulation of Sl MX1,which simultaneously modulates resistance and metabolic processes through regulating key structural and regulatory genes of the corresponding pathways. 展开更多
关键词 TOMATO SlMX1 Resistance Carotenoids TERPENOIDS Mechanism RNA Seq
Therapeutic Efficacy of Neurostimulation for Depression:Techniques, Current Modalities, and Future Challenges 被引量:8
作者 Hafsah Akhtar Faiza Bukhari +2 位作者 Misbah Nazir Muhammad Nabeel Anwar Adeeb shahzad 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期115-126,共12页
Depression is the most prevalent debilitating mental illness; it is characterized as a disorder of mood, cognitive function, and neurovegetative function. About one in ten individuals experience depression at some sta... Depression is the most prevalent debilitating mental illness; it is characterized as a disorder of mood, cognitive function, and neurovegetative function. About one in ten individuals experience depression at some stage of their lives. Antidepressant drugs are used to reduce the symptoms but relapse occurs in ~ 20% of patients. However, alternate therapies like brain stimulation techniques have shown promising results in this regard. This review covers the brain stimulation techniques electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial direct current stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, and deep brain stimulation, which are used as alternatives to antide- pressant drugs, and elucidates their research and clinical outcomes. 展开更多
关键词 DEPRESSION Electroconvulsive therapyTranscranial direct current stimulation - Repetitivetranscranial magnetic stimulation ~ Magnetic seizuretherapy . Vagus nerve stimulation. Deep brainstimulation Treatment-resistant depression
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