Luo Xuejuan, nicknamed “Luoluo,” is a 23-year-old female from Zhejiang Province, who announced her retirement due to health problems, and is going to Peking University for further study. When it comes to her experie...Luo Xuejuan, nicknamed “Luoluo,” is a 23-year-old female from Zhejiang Province, who announced her retirement due to health problems, and is going to Peking University for further study. When it comes to her experience as an outstanding swimmer, she has devoted herself to swimming since she was young, showing an extraordinary talent in 2000. Three years later, her diligence[勤奋], persistence[坚持] and genius[天赋] eventually paid off-three gold medals at the Barcelona World Championships. Besides, she broke the world record in 2004, becoming the champion of swimming at the Athens Olympics.展开更多
文摘Luo Xuejuan, nicknamed “Luoluo,” is a 23-year-old female from Zhejiang Province, who announced her retirement due to health problems, and is going to Peking University for further study. When it comes to her experience as an outstanding swimmer, she has devoted herself to swimming since she was young, showing an extraordinary talent in 2000. Three years later, her diligence[勤奋], persistence[坚持] and genius[天赋] eventually paid off-three gold medals at the Barcelona World Championships. Besides, she broke the world record in 2004, becoming the champion of swimming at the Athens Olympics.