Acupuncture anesthesia is a great breakthrough in the development history of acupuncture science in China. It has promoted the development of acupuncture science, promoted the study on acupuncture from multiple subjec...Acupuncture anesthesia is a great breakthrough in the development history of acupuncture science in China. It has promoted the development of acupuncture science, promoted the study on acupuncture from multiple subjects of modem natural sciences and has become an important component part in the studies of modem life scienceIll. Pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia is an important component part of the research outcomes in acupuncture anesthesia, and the research professionals of Shanghai Lung Hospital and Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridians used to cooperate in the study of pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia and to be in the leading position domestically. This article reviews the research process of pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia, analyzes the issues existing in the study and the difficult points needed to be solved and explores the solving measures and research orientation.展开更多
基金State 973 plan(2007CB512507)Shanghai Medical Leading Talent(IJ06019)Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project(T0302)
文摘Acupuncture anesthesia is a great breakthrough in the development history of acupuncture science in China. It has promoted the development of acupuncture science, promoted the study on acupuncture from multiple subjects of modem natural sciences and has become an important component part in the studies of modem life scienceIll. Pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia is an important component part of the research outcomes in acupuncture anesthesia, and the research professionals of Shanghai Lung Hospital and Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture and Meridians used to cooperate in the study of pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia and to be in the leading position domestically. This article reviews the research process of pneumonectomy under acupuncture anesthesia, analyzes the issues existing in the study and the difficult points needed to be solved and explores the solving measures and research orientation.