带状疱疹疾病是临床常见的以身体一侧出现带状的红斑、水疱及明显神经痛为特征的病毒性皮肤病。文章基于玄府理论探析带状疱疹的病因病机及其治疗,认为玄府郁闭,脏腑失调,气血津精不行,内外合邪伤人,邪壅肌表不散,发为疱疹。因此,对于...带状疱疹疾病是临床常见的以身体一侧出现带状的红斑、水疱及明显神经痛为特征的病毒性皮肤病。文章基于玄府理论探析带状疱疹的病因病机及其治疗,认为玄府郁闭,脏腑失调,气血津精不行,内外合邪伤人,邪壅肌表不散,发为疱疹。因此,对于带状疱疹的治疗以开玄通府为基本原则,行气、健脾、通络以开玄门,内调诸脏,行气液、和阴阳,外理肌表,固腠理、散毒邪。Herpes zoster disease is a common clinical viral skin disease characterized by banded erythema, blisters and obvious neuralgia on one side of the body. Based on the theory of Xuanfu, the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of herpes zoster were analyzed. It was believed that the Xuanfu was closed, the viscera were disordered, the qi, blood and essence were not good, the internal and external pathogenic factors were harmful, and the pathogenic obstructions of the muscle surface were not diffused, causing herpes. Therefore, for the treatment of shingles to open the Xuantong Fu as the basic principle, qi, spleen, Tongluo to open the gate, the internal regulation of the viscera, Qi liquid, and Yin and Yang, the external management of muscle surface, solid Cou Li, disperse toxic evil.展开更多
文摘带状疱疹疾病是临床常见的以身体一侧出现带状的红斑、水疱及明显神经痛为特征的病毒性皮肤病。文章基于玄府理论探析带状疱疹的病因病机及其治疗,认为玄府郁闭,脏腑失调,气血津精不行,内外合邪伤人,邪壅肌表不散,发为疱疹。因此,对于带状疱疹的治疗以开玄通府为基本原则,行气、健脾、通络以开玄门,内调诸脏,行气液、和阴阳,外理肌表,固腠理、散毒邪。Herpes zoster disease is a common clinical viral skin disease characterized by banded erythema, blisters and obvious neuralgia on one side of the body. Based on the theory of Xuanfu, the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of herpes zoster were analyzed. It was believed that the Xuanfu was closed, the viscera were disordered, the qi, blood and essence were not good, the internal and external pathogenic factors were harmful, and the pathogenic obstructions of the muscle surface were not diffused, causing herpes. Therefore, for the treatment of shingles to open the Xuantong Fu as the basic principle, qi, spleen, Tongluo to open the gate, the internal regulation of the viscera, Qi liquid, and Yin and Yang, the external management of muscle surface, solid Cou Li, disperse toxic evil.