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农村生活污水地埋式无动力厌氧处理技术研究 被引量:92
作者 沈东升 贺永华 +1 位作者 冯华军 周旭辉 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期111-115,共5页
该文根据厌氧生物膜技术和推流原理,采用内充空心球状填料的地下厌氧管道式或折流式反应器为处理设备,研究了农村生活污水地埋式无动力厌氧达标处理技术(UUAR).经过一年多的小试、中试及实际应用,结果表明:在水力停留时间1d及常温条件下... 该文根据厌氧生物膜技术和推流原理,采用内充空心球状填料的地下厌氧管道式或折流式反应器为处理设备,研究了农村生活污水地埋式无动力厌氧达标处理技术(UUAR).经过一年多的小试、中试及实际应用,结果表明:在水力停留时间1d及常温条件下,UUAR对农村生活污水CODCr、BOD5、SS、T-N、T-P、大肠菌群、细菌总数和蛔虫卵的平均去除率分别达到66.1%~68.3%、70.8%~76.8%、80.5%~90.2%、18.26%~23.0%、33.9%~35.2%、95.8%~99.8%、37.4%~82.9%和78.7%~100%,出水水质稳定达到国家二级排放标准;通过优化设计和调节球状填料的配比,并延长水力停留时间至2d,出水可达到国家一级排放标准,且未出现剩余厌氧污泥的积累问题.UUAR无日常运行费用,适宜于农村生活污水的分散处理. 展开更多
关键词 农村生活污水 厌氧处理 地埋式 无动力
中国地下储气库现状与发展展望 被引量:79
作者 丁国生 谢萍 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期111-113,共3页
地下储气库包括枯竭油气藏、含水层、盐穴和矿坑等四种类型,经过50多年的发展已经成为一种成熟的应用技术,目前地下储气库技术正朝着以下趋势发展:①加强气库的上下游协调优化,提高储气库的协调能力;②加强地下储气库优化管理,提高储气... 地下储气库包括枯竭油气藏、含水层、盐穴和矿坑等四种类型,经过50多年的发展已经成为一种成熟的应用技术,目前地下储气库技术正朝着以下趋势发展:①加强气库的上下游协调优化,提高储气库的协调能力;②加强地下储气库优化管理,提高储气库的利用效率;③在油藏和含水层储气库领域进行实验和摸索;④盐穴储气库建库技术将得到进一步发展。中国地下储气库技术发展已有近10年的历史,在气藏改建储气库方面技术基本成熟,但在油藏改建储气库、含水层建设储气库和盐穴建库方面还存在着技术不完善等方面的不足。由于中国主要天然气消费区建库目标资源缺乏,因而储气库的建设在技术和建库目标资源两个方面还存在一定的挑战。未来15年内,中国的天然气需求激增将促进储气库需求量的不断加大,预计将有300×108m3工作气的储气库建库需求量,应在满足调峰和应急供气的基础上向战略储备延伸,并在中国中东部形成区域协调的地下储气库群。 展开更多
关键词 中国 地下 储气库 技术 现状 发展 展望
The Beishan underground research laboratory for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in China:Planning, site selection,site characterization and in situ tests 被引量:76
作者 Ju Wang Liang Chen +1 位作者 Rui Su Xingguang Zhao 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 CSCD 2018年第3期411-435,共25页
With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the disposal of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) has become an important issue for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Deep geological disposal is inte... With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the disposal of high-level radioactive waste(HLW) has become an important issue for nuclear safety and environmental protection. Deep geological disposal is internationally accepted as a feasible and safe way to dispose of HLW, and underground research laboratories(URLs) play an important and multi-faceted role in the development of HLW repositories. This paper introduces the overall planning and the latest progress for China's URL. On the basis of the proposed strategy to build an area-specific URL in combination with a comprehensive evaluation of the site selection results obtained during the last 33 years, the Xinchang site in the Beishan area,located in Gansu Province of northwestern China, has been selected as the final site for China's first URL built in granite. In the process of characterizing the Xinchang URL site, a series of investigations,including borehole drilling,geological mapping, geophysical surveying,hydraulic testing and in situ stress measurements, has been conducted. The investigation results indicate that the geological,hydrogeological, engineering geological and geochemical conditions of the Xinchang site are very suitable for URL construction. Meanwhile, to validate and develop construction technologies for the Beishan URL, the Beishan exploration tunnel(BET), which is a 50-m-deep facility in the Jiujing sub-area, has been constructed and several in situ tests, such as drill-and-blast tests, characterization of the excavation damaged zone(EDZ), and long-term deformation monitoring of surrounding rocks, have been performed in the BET. The methodologies and technologies established in the BET will serve for URL construction.According to the achievements of the characterization of the URL site, a preliminary design of the URL with a maximum depth of 560 m is proposed and necessary in situ tests in the URL are planned. 展开更多
关键词 Beishan Xinchang site GRANITE underground research laboratory(URL) High-level radioactive waste(HLW) Geological disposal
Prediction of rockburst classification using Random Forest 被引量:72
作者 董陇军 李夕兵 彭康 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期472-477,共6页
The method of Random Forest (RF) was used to classify whether rockburst will happen and the intensity of rockburst in the underground rock projects. Some main control factors of rockburst, such as the values of in-s... The method of Random Forest (RF) was used to classify whether rockburst will happen and the intensity of rockburst in the underground rock projects. Some main control factors of rockburst, such as the values of in-situ stresses, uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of rock, and the elastic energy index of rock, were selected in the analysis. The traditional indicators were summarized and divided into indexes I and 1I. Random Forest model and criterion were obtained through training 36 sets of rockburst samples which come from underground rock projects in domestic and abroad. Another 10 samples were tested and evaluated with the model. The evaluated results agree well with the practical records. Comparing the results of support vector machine (SVM) method, and artificial neural network (ANN) method with random forest method, the corresponding misjudgment ratios are 10%, 20%, and 0, respectively. The misjudgment ratio using index I is smaller than that using index II. It is suggested that using the index I and RF model can accurately classify rockburst grade. 展开更多
关键词 mining engineering tunnel engineering underground caverns ROCKBURST Random Forest
深部低透气性煤层上向穿层水力压裂强化增透技术 被引量:64
作者 蔡峰 刘泽功 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期113-119,共7页
煤层气的长时间、高效抽采的是当前煤层气灾害治理与煤层气资源利用过程中亟需解决的问题。利用数值模拟实验与工程试验相结合的方法,系统地研究了井下底抽巷对目标煤层进行水力压裂强化增透技术。研究发现,水力压裂的裂隙扩展过程经历... 煤层气的长时间、高效抽采的是当前煤层气灾害治理与煤层气资源利用过程中亟需解决的问题。利用数值模拟实验与工程试验相结合的方法,系统地研究了井下底抽巷对目标煤层进行水力压裂强化增透技术。研究发现,水力压裂的裂隙扩展过程经历了能量与应力累积、微裂隙产生、局部压裂损伤、煤体抵抗失效与裂隙迅速拓展以及压裂水能量再蓄集再扩张循环5个阶段,水力压裂产生了大量的裂隙,再加上顶底板碎胀作用而使煤层卸压,使得煤体透气性大幅提高。水力压裂工程试验验证了压裂水的运移轨迹,与数值模拟与分析结果相吻合,实现了大范围增透和长时效的煤层气抽采,从而为深部低透气性煤层强化增透和煤层气高效抽采提供了技术保障。 展开更多
关键词 低透气性煤层 井下 水力压裂 增透
国外地铁火灾事故案例统计分析 被引量:59
作者 杜宝玲 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 2007年第2期214-217,共4页
关键词 地铁 火灾事故 案例分析
论新时代我国城市地下空间高质量开发和可持续利用 被引量:61
作者 王成善 周成虎 +6 位作者 彭建兵 樊杰 朱合华 李晓昭 程光华 戴春森 徐能雄 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期1-8,共8页
开发利用城市地下空间,开辟城镇化发展新资源,是解决城市病、改善城市生态环境、优化城市空间结构、提高城市韧性的重要途径。本文深入分析了新时代中国城市地下空间开发利用的现状,认为存在冒进式开发与总体供给不足、碎片化利用与协... 开发利用城市地下空间,开辟城镇化发展新资源,是解决城市病、改善城市生态环境、优化城市空间结构、提高城市韧性的重要途径。本文深入分析了新时代中国城市地下空间开发利用的现状,认为存在冒进式开发与总体供给不足、碎片化利用与协同规划缺位、被动式应对与科技支撑薄弱、无序化管理与法律法规匮乏等若干紧迫问题,明确了'立法为本、规划引领、调查先行、管理智能、科研支撑'的开发利用原则,提出了全面开展城市地下空间调查评价、尽快建立地下空间协同规划体系、加速构建地下空间智慧管理体系、超前布局地下空间科技发展战略、尽早健全城市地下空间法律法规等五个方面的具体对策建议,充分利用中国体制上的优势,集成国际城市地下空间开发利用先进的理念和技术,从而推动我国新时代城市地下空间产业快速发展、科技水平不断提高和地下空间体系日趋完善,在全球树立城市地下空间资源可持续开发利用的典范。 展开更多
关键词 地下空间 开发 利用 城市
现今地应力与断层封闭效应 被引量:43
作者 周新桂 孙宝珊 +3 位作者 谭成轩 孙宏斌 郑荣植 马常星 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期127-131,共5页
简要介绍了断层封闭性研究现状和主要研究方法 ,阐述了油田现今地应力作用方向、大小对断层封闭性的影响 ,即在某一应力大小的条件下 ,现今水平主压应力方向与断层走向的交角越大 ,断层封堵油气的可能性越大 ,反之则越小 ;在某一断层产... 简要介绍了断层封闭性研究现状和主要研究方法 ,阐述了油田现今地应力作用方向、大小对断层封闭性的影响 ,即在某一应力大小的条件下 ,现今水平主压应力方向与断层走向的交角越大 ,断层封堵油气的可能性越大 ,反之则越小 ;在某一断层产状条件下 ,作用于断层面的联合压应力大于或等于岩石抗压强度 ,有利于增强断层封闭作用 ,反之不利于断层封闭。以辽河坳陷西部凹陷笔架岭油田为例 ,选取该地区 4口井4 6个层段 ,计算了钻孔井壁崩落的优选方位及相应的现今最大水平主压应力作用方向 ,分析认为最大水平主压应力方向总体为北西向 ,与主干断层走向呈大角度相交或近于垂直 ,据此评价 4条主干断层总体上对油气的封闭性在沙河街组一段和东营组三段好 ,向浅部变差。采用声发射法测量了该区 10口井 4个层位现今最大水平主压应力数值和岩石抗压强度 ,据计算所得联合压应力评价了其中 3条主干断层的封闭性 ,总的变化趋势是深部好而浅部差。笔架岭油田的油气藏实际分布证实了评价结果是可靠的 ,这对于该区井位选择、区块评价。 展开更多
关键词 油田 地应力 断层封闭性 应力场 油气运移
State-of-the-art review of soft computing applications in underground excavations 被引量:50
作者 Wengang Zhang Runhong Zhang +4 位作者 Chongzhi Wu Anthony Teck Chee Goh Suzanne Lacasse Zhongqiang Liu Hanlong Liu 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1095-1106,共12页
Soft computing techniques are becoming even more popular and particularly amenable to model the complex behaviors of most geotechnical engineering systems since they have demonstrated superior predictive capacity,comp... Soft computing techniques are becoming even more popular and particularly amenable to model the complex behaviors of most geotechnical engineering systems since they have demonstrated superior predictive capacity,compared to the traditional methods.This paper presents an overview of some soft computing techniques as well as their applications in underground excavations.A case study is adopted to compare the predictive performances of soft computing techniques including eXtreme Gradient Boosting(XGBoost),Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines(MARS),Artificial Neural Networks(ANN),and Support Vector Machine(SVM) in estimating the maximum lateral wall deflection induced by braced excavation.This study also discusses the merits and the limitations of some soft computing techniques,compared with the conventional approaches available. 展开更多
关键词 Soft computing method(SCM) underground excavations Wall deformation Predictive capacity
地下空间方向诱导设计的研究 被引量:29
作者 王保勇 束昱 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期111-115,共5页
城市地下空间的开发利用已越来越受到人们的重视 ,但人们在地下空间定位定向较为困难 .对此原因进行分析 ,提出可以从空间导向系统设计和方向诱导标示系统设计进行分析和研究 ,并提出了相应的设计原则 .
关键词 地下空间 定位定向 方向诱导 空间导向系统 方向诱导标示系统 设计原则
Intelligent Mining Technology for an Underground Metal Mine Based on Unmanned Equipment 被引量:41
作者 Jian-guo Li Kai Zhan 《Engineering》 2018年第3期381-391,共11页
This article analyzes the current research status and development trend of intelligent technologies for underground metal mines in China, where such technologies are under development for use to develop mineral resour... This article analyzes the current research status and development trend of intelligent technologies for underground metal mines in China, where such technologies are under development for use to develop mineral resources in a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly manner. We analyze and summarize the research status of underground metal mining technology at home and abroad, including some specific examples of equipment, technology, and applications. We introduce the latest equipment and technolo- gies with independent intellectual property rights for unmanned mining, including intelligent and unmanned control technologies for rock-drilling jumbos, down-the-hole (DTH) drills, underground scrapers, underground mining trucks, and underground charging vehicles. Three basic platforms are used for intelligent and unmanned mining: the positioning and navigation platform, information-acquisition and communication platform, and scheduling and control platform. Unmanned equipment was tested in the Fankou Lead-Zinc Mine in China, and industrial tests on the basic platforms of intelligent and unmanned mining were carried out in the mine. The experiment focused on the intelligent scraper, which can achieve autonomous intelligent driving by relying on a wireless communication system, location and navigation system, and data-acquisition system. These industrial experiments indicate that the technol- ogy is feasible. The results show that unmanned mining can promote mining technology in China to an intelligent level and can enhance the core competitive ability of China's mining industry. 展开更多
煤矿矿井水井下处理及废水零排放技术进展 被引量:41
作者 郭强 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2018年第1期33-37,56,共6页
为解决我国煤矿矿井水利用率低和排放污染环境等问题,促进矿井水的处理利用,论述了矿井水井下处理相关技术的基本原理、工艺路线、技术特点和工程案例,针对矿井水井下处理存在问题提出解决思路,并对矿井水井下处理发展前景进行展望。高... 为解决我国煤矿矿井水利用率低和排放污染环境等问题,促进矿井水的处理利用,论述了矿井水井下处理相关技术的基本原理、工艺路线、技术特点和工程案例,针对矿井水井下处理存在问题提出解决思路,并对矿井水井下处理发展前景进行展望。高密度沉淀、超磁分离和采空区过滤等技术能够实现悬浮物高效低成本脱除;成熟的膜处理和低温多效蒸发技术可广泛应用于矿井水浓缩脱盐;利用煤矿地下水库存储浓盐废水是实现矿井水处理废水零排放的一种有效方式。进一步开发适用于井下空间的高效化、模块化、可移动化的处理单元,增强处理单元的防爆性能、自动控制性能、安全监测性能,采用多种处理技术耦合,实现矿井水分级处理与分质利用,将是未来矿井水井下处理利用发展的必然趋势。 展开更多
关键词 矿井水 井下 悬浮物 高矿化度 废水 零排放
Groundwater Pollution from Underground Coal Gasification 被引量:39
作者 LIU Shu-qin LI Jing-gang MEI Mei DONG Dong-lin 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第4期467-472,共6页
In situ coal gasification poses a potential environmental risk to groundwater pollution although it depends mainly on local hydrogeological conditions. In our investigation,the possible processes of groundwater pollut... In situ coal gasification poses a potential environmental risk to groundwater pollution although it depends mainly on local hydrogeological conditions. In our investigation,the possible processes of groundwater pollution origi-nating from underground coal gasification (UCG) were analyzed. Typical pollutants were identified and pollution con-trol measures are proposed. Groundwater pollution is caused by the diffusion and penetration of contaminants generated by underground gasification processes towards surrounding strata and the possible leaching of underground residue by natural groundwater flow after gasification. Typical organic pollutants include phenols,benzene,minor components such as PAHs and heterocyclics. Inorganic pollutants involve cations and anions. The natural groundwater flow after gasification through the seam is attributable to the migration of contaminants,which can be predicted by mathematical modeling. The extent and concentration of the groundwater pollution plume depend primarily on groundwater flow ve-locity,the degree of dispersion and the adsorption and reactions of the various contaminants. The adsorption function of coal and surrounding strata make a big contribution to the decrease of the contaminants over time and with the distance from the burn cavity. Possible pollution control measures regarding UCG include identifying a permanently,unsuitable zone,setting a hydraulic barrier and pumping contaminated water out for surface disposal. Mitigation measures during gasification processes and groundwater remediation after gasification are also proposed. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater pollution underground coal gasification STRATA
地下污水处理厂优势分析与前景展望 被引量:35
作者 谭学军 唐利 郭东军 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 2006年第B08期1313-1319,1345,共8页
本文从减少环境污染、节约土地资源和改善出水水质的角度,分析了地上污水处理厂存在的问题和地下污水处理厂的优点;从地下建筑的投资与维护管理方面,探讨了地下污水处理厂建造模式的技术经济可行性;根据现有的地下污水处理厂建设情况,... 本文从减少环境污染、节约土地资源和改善出水水质的角度,分析了地上污水处理厂存在的问题和地下污水处理厂的优点;从地下建筑的投资与维护管理方面,探讨了地下污水处理厂建造模式的技术经济可行性;根据现有的地下污水处理厂建设情况,介绍了国内外地下污水处理厂的发展概况;根据污水治理趋势和我国国情,分析了地下污水处理厂在我国的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 地上 地下 污水处理厂 水污染
Safety risk management of underground engineering in China:Progress, challenges and strategies 被引量:34
作者 Qihu Qian Peng Lin 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期423-442,共20页
Underground construction in China is featured by large scale, high speed, long construction period,complex operation and frustrating situations regarding project safety. Various accidents have been reported from time ... Underground construction in China is featured by large scale, high speed, long construction period,complex operation and frustrating situations regarding project safety. Various accidents have been reported from time to time, resulting in serious social impact and huge economic loss. This paper presents the main progress in the safety risk management of underground engineering in China over the last decade, i.e.(1) establishment of laws and regulations for safety risk management of underground engineering,(2) implementation of the safety risk management plan,(3) establishment of decision support system for risk management and early-warning based on information technology, and(4) strengthening the study on safety risk management, prediction and prevention. Based on the analysis of the typical accidents in China in the last decade, the new challenges in the safety risk management for underground engineering are identified as follows:(1) control of unsafe human behaviors;(2) technological innovation in safety risk management; and(3) design of safety risk management regulations. Finally, the strategies for safety risk management of underground engineering in China are proposed in six aspects, i.e. the safety risk management system and policy, law, administration, economy, education and technology. 展开更多
关键词 underground engineering Safety risk management Safety behaviors Safety challenges Safety progress and strategies
深基坑支护结构和施工新技术 被引量:32
作者 应惠清 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第13期1-5,共5页
关键词 地下工程 深基坑 支护 逆作法 时空效应 施工技术
Infrastructure-based localisation of automated coal mining equipment 被引量:31
作者 Chad O. Hargrave Craig A. James Jonathon C. Ralston 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第3期252-261,共10页
A novel radar-based system for longwall coal mine machine localisation is described. The system, based on a radar-ranging sensor and designed to localise mining equipment with respect to the mine tunnel gate road infr... A novel radar-based system for longwall coal mine machine localisation is described. The system, based on a radar-ranging sensor and designed to localise mining equipment with respect to the mine tunnel gate road infrastructure, is developed and trialled in an underground coal mine. The challenges of reliable sensing in the mine environment are considered, and the use of a radar sensor for localisation is justified. The difficulties of achieving reliable positioning using only the radar sensor are examined. Several probabilistic data processing techniques are explored in order to estimate two key localisation parameters from a single radar signal, namely along-track position and across-track position, with respect to the gate road structures. For the case of across-track position, a conventional Kalman filter approach is sufficient to achieve a reliable estimate. However for along-track position estimation, specific infrastructure elements on the gate road rib-wall must be identified by a tracking algorithm. Due to complexities associated with this data processing problem, a novel visual analytics approach was explored in a 3D interactive display to facilitate identification of significant features for use in a classifier algorithm. Based on the classifier output, identified elements are used as location waypoints to provide a robust and accurate mining equipment localisation estimate. 展开更多
关键词 Localisation · Waypoint navigation · Machine learning · Radar ·underground · Longwall mining· Automation
Experimental simulation investigation of influence of depth on spalling characteristics in circular hard rock tunnel 被引量:30
作者 LUO Yong GONG Feng-qiang +1 位作者 LI Xi-bing WANG Shan-yong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期891-910,共20页
A series of true-triaxial compression tests were performed on red sandstone cubic specimens with a circular hole to investigate the influence of depth on induced spalling in tunnels.The failure process of the hole sid... A series of true-triaxial compression tests were performed on red sandstone cubic specimens with a circular hole to investigate the influence of depth on induced spalling in tunnels.The failure process of the hole sidewalls was monitored and recorded in real-time by a micro-video monitoring equipment.The general failure evolution processes of the hole sidewall at different initial depths(500 m,1000 m and 1500 m)during the adjustment of vertical stress were obtained.The results show that the hole sidewall all formed spalling before resulting in strain rockburst,and ultimately forming a V-shaped notch.The far-field principal stress for the initial failure of the tunnel shows a good positive linear correlation with the depth.As the depth increases,the stress required for the initial failure of the tunnels clearly increased,the spalling became more intense;the size and mass of the rock fragments and depth and width of the V-shaped notches increased,and the range of the failure zone extends along the hole sidewall from the local area to the entire area.Therefore,as the depth increases,the support area around the tunnel should be increased accordingly to prevent spalling. 展开更多
关键词 deep underground engineering circular tunnels SPALLING strain rockburst true-triaxial loading V-shaped notch
利用岩盐层建设盐穴地下储气库 被引量:27
作者 李建中 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第9期119-121,共3页
为保证我国西部天然气对长江三角洲的江苏省、浙江省、上海市等安全、稳定供气 ,并满足这些省市的用气量变化需求 ,决定在该区建设足够容量的地下储气库。文章介绍了利用该区金坛岩盐构造建造盐穴储气库的建库原则、建库地质条件、水溶... 为保证我国西部天然气对长江三角洲的江苏省、浙江省、上海市等安全、稳定供气 ,并满足这些省市的用气量变化需求 ,决定在该区建设足够容量的地下储气库。文章介绍了利用该区金坛岩盐构造建造盐穴储气库的建库原则、建库地质条件、水溶采卤处理、盐穴设计等。同时还介绍了应用模拟计算设计方法进行计算所取得的盐穴设计几何高度、平均直径、最大高宽比 ,以及在运行压力范围内安全围岩矿柱宽度等重要参数。 展开更多
关键词 盐穴 地下储气库 盐层 盐构造 天然气 用气量 建库 长江三角洲 建设 需求
天津地区超深地下连续墙成槽施工技术 被引量:28
作者 杨宝珠 张淑朝 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期89-91,共3页
天津地区土层存在上软下硬的情况,超深地下连续墙成槽施工存在上部软土易塌槽、深部砂土难抓取、垂直度难以保证等困难。通过总结国内超深地下连续墙成槽施工经验,针对天津地区地质条件,总结出适用于天津地区的超深地下连续墙成槽技术,... 天津地区土层存在上软下硬的情况,超深地下连续墙成槽施工存在上部软土易塌槽、深部砂土难抓取、垂直度难以保证等困难。通过总结国内超深地下连续墙成槽施工经验,针对天津地区地质条件,总结出适用于天津地区的超深地下连续墙成槽技术,以用于指导天津地区超深地下连续墙的成槽施工。 展开更多
关键词 地下工程 地下连续墙 成槽 施工机械 施工技术
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