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电磁阻尼器惯性质量对汽车馈能悬架减振性能的影响 被引量:9
作者 蒲晓晖 徐俊 +1 位作者 李士盈 梅雪松 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期62-68,84,共8页
为了研究阻尼器惯性质量对汽车馈能悬架系统减振性能及馈能特性的影响,优化电磁阻尼器选型,根据汽车悬架系统动力学方程推出阻尼器惯性质量表达,并引入惯性质量,以悬架系统车身加速度、悬架动行程和车轮动变形量作为系统输出,建立了精... 为了研究阻尼器惯性质量对汽车馈能悬架系统减振性能及馈能特性的影响,优化电磁阻尼器选型,根据汽车悬架系统动力学方程推出阻尼器惯性质量表达,并引入惯性质量,以悬架系统车身加速度、悬架动行程和车轮动变形量作为系统输出,建立了精确化馈能悬架系统的状态空间模型,通过状态空间模型系统输出的频域传递特性分析了惯性质量等级对悬架系统主要性能的影响。仿真结果表明:随着阻尼器等效惯性质量的增大,悬架系统平均馈能功率降低;虽然低频段主要性能指标的幅频传递特性有小幅改善,但中频段传递特性恶化严重;过高的阻尼器等效惯性质量会引起悬架系统总体性能恶化。通过1/4悬架系统台架实验对仿真结果进行验证,结果表明:在相同激励条件下,电磁阻尼器惯性质量使馈能悬架系统平均能量回收功率产生最高44%的衰减;较高等级的惯性质量导致悬架系统关键性能指标传递特性在中频段产生不同程度的恶化,共振频率发生小幅前移,悬架系统总体性能变差。实验结果验证了仿真结果的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 汽车悬架 电磁阻尼器 惯性质量 馈能悬架 频域传递特性
辐射阻尼力和电磁质量的动力学本质 被引量:6
作者 黄沛天 马善钧 胡利云 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第2期99-101,共3页
关键词 辐射阻尼力 电磁质量 力变率 猝量 辐射场 变加速动力学
应用Bertozzi实验研究电子的电磁质量 被引量:6
作者 苑新喜 《实验科学与技术》 2016年第2期4-7,共4页
电子的电磁质量构成仍是物理学中一个悬而未决的问题,一般认为电子的电荷分布具有球对称性。由于球对称分布的电荷体系在其运动时的电磁场的相对论能量-速度关系完全不同于相对论(机械)质量-速度关系,那么运动电子的相对论总能量不仅是... 电子的电磁质量构成仍是物理学中一个悬而未决的问题,一般认为电子的电荷分布具有球对称性。由于球对称分布的电荷体系在其运动时的电磁场的相对论能量-速度关系完全不同于相对论(机械)质量-速度关系,那么运动电子的相对论总能量不仅是其速度的函数,也是其电磁质量与已知的电子静质量的比率的函数。基于以上认识,该文采用Bertozzi实验来研究电子的电磁质量,并对这一方法进行了初步的尝试,对电子的电磁质量给出了一个具有一定参考价值的定量结果。 展开更多
关键词 Bertozzi实验 电子 电磁质量 电荷体系
Mathematical Wave Functions and 3D Finite Element Modelling of the Electron and Positron
作者 Declan Traill 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第4期1134-1162,共29页
The wave/particle duality of particles in Physics is well known. Particles have properties that uniquely characterize them from one another, such as mass, charge and spin. Charged particles have associated Electric an... The wave/particle duality of particles in Physics is well known. Particles have properties that uniquely characterize them from one another, such as mass, charge and spin. Charged particles have associated Electric and Magnetic fields. Also, every moving particle has a De Broglie wavelength determined by its mass and velocity. This paper shows that all of these properties of a particle can be derived from a single wave function equation for that particle. Wave functions for the Electron and the Positron are presented and principles are provided that can be used to calculate the wave functions of all the fundamental particles in Physics. Fundamental particles such as electrons and positrons are considered to be point particles in the Standard Model of Physics and are not considered to have a structure. This paper demonstrates that they do indeed have structure and that this structure extends into the space around the particle’s center (in fact, they have infinite extent), but with rapidly diminishing energy density with the distance from that center. The particles are formed from Electromagnetic standing waves, which are stable solutions to the Schrödinger and Classical wave equations. This stable structure therefore accounts for both the wave and particle nature of these particles. In fact, all of their properties such as mass, spin and electric charge, can be accounted for from this structure. These particle properties appear to originate from a single point at the center of the wave function structure, in the same sort of way that the Shell theorem of gravity causes the gravity of a body to appear to all originate from a central point. This paper represents the first two fully characterized fundamental particles, with a complete description of their structure and properties, built up from the underlying Electromagnetic waves that comprise these and all fundamental particles. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTRON POSITRON Wave Function Solution electromagnetic Spin mass Charge Proof Fundamental Particle Properties Quantum Mechanics Classical Physics Computer 3D Model Schrödinger Equation RMS KLEIN GORDON Electric Magnetic Lorentz Invariant Hertzian Vector Point Potential Field Density Phase Flow Attraction REPULSION Shell Theorem Ehrenfest VIRIAL Normalization Harmonic Oscillator
Mass Increase with Strong and Gravitational Potentials, and Mass Defect with Electromagnetic Potential
作者 Hany Ali Hussein 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第3期1079-1094,共16页
The proposal is “mass increases due to strong and gravitational potentials, while it decreases due to Electromagnetic potential”. This proposal explains the big difference in mass between hadrons (protons, neutrons,... The proposal is “mass increases due to strong and gravitational potentials, while it decreases due to Electromagnetic potential”. This proposal explains the big difference in mass between hadrons (protons, neutrons, & mesons) and their components (quarks), mass difference between nucleus and its individual components (protons and neutrons), massless of gamma photons, abnormal masses of mesons and bosons, and the excess in galaxy masses (dark matter). Also, this proposal shows the exact relation between mass and energy: Strong Potential=−3.04mc2| Electric Potential |=−5.57×10−3mc2Gravitational Potential=−1.22×10−7mc2where m represents the excess in mass due to strong potential, or gravitational potential and represents the decrease in mass due to electromagnetic potential. Released energy here equals potential energy and doesn’t equal decrease in mass using the formula E = mc2. Released energy is transferred to heat, photons, kinetic energy… Finally, proposal will try to describe the relation between photon energy and mass of its components using the general equation of kinetic energy: Photon Energy=1/2mc2m is the sum of the individual masses of its components, while the total mass of photon is zero. 展开更多
关键词 mass Defect Dark Matter PHOTON Gamma Photon Strong Potential Gravitational Potential electromagnetic Potential QUARKS Mesons BOSONS Deuterium Proton Neutron
戴维孙-革末电子衍射实验数据的一点启示 被引量:1
作者 苑新喜 《科技创新与应用》 2024年第15期92-95,共4页
1927年戴维孙(C.Davisson)和革末(L.H.Germer)的电子衍射实验第一次可争辩地验证实物粒子的波动性。事实上,与德布罗意(de Broglie)假设的理论计算相比,戴维孙-革末的电子衍射实验数据存在着一种明显的系统性偏离。在近百年之后的今天,... 1927年戴维孙(C.Davisson)和革末(L.H.Germer)的电子衍射实验第一次可争辩地验证实物粒子的波动性。事实上,与德布罗意(de Broglie)假设的理论计算相比,戴维孙-革末的电子衍射实验数据存在着一种明显的系统性偏离。在近百年之后的今天,该偏离或许为当前电子的电磁质量的研究提供一个有价值的启示和实验依据。 展开更多
关键词 戴维孙-革末实验 电子衍射 电子 电磁质量 实验数据
The World Physical Triad: Matter, Antimatter and “Dark Energy” in the Processes of Climatic Changes on the Earth 被引量:3
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第6期558-572,共15页
The opening and many years of research of magnetic spinor particles (real magnetic charges) in atoms and substance have enabled the author to formulate the conception of the Physical Triad, according which the real Wo... The opening and many years of research of magnetic spinor particles (real magnetic charges) in atoms and substance have enabled the author to formulate the conception of the Physical Triad, according which the real World consists of three fundamental phases: Matter, Antimatter and Energo-phase (Energo-medium). Particles of Matter are called spinors and particles of Antimatter are called antispinors. Energo-medium is a gasiform phase of high density that fills by himself all the infinite space of the real World. It consists of spinless and massless particles-energions. Spinor fields can be both flows energions (fields of Matter), so and anti-flow energions (fields of Antimatter). Atomic-shaped structures consisting of electric and magnetic spinor particles represent a Physical Mass (atoms, nucleons, etc.). The main characteristic of all varieties of Mass is its ability radiate gravitational field, which is a vortex electromagnetic field. All spinor particles are massless so as individually generate a gravitational field they can’t. All primary forces in the real World are implemented by means of Energo-medium, i.e. contact pressure its particles—energions. The spinor fields, including the gravitational field, myself the real of the power significance, have not. They are only intermediaries, inducing in Energo-medium its active (power) education, which is called “Dark Energy”. “Dark Energy” can be both positive, so and negative. Namely, a positive “Dark Energy”, which is associated with the technical activity of man, is responsible for stable climatic changes on Earth. Greenhouse gases are not the main “culprit” of climatic changes on our planet. However, these gases are the simplest indicator of the overall level of irreversible physical processes that stimulate the growth of the positive “Dark Energy” and are responsible for the negative thermal scenario on Earth. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic and Electric Spinorial Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Antielectrons Magnetons Antimagnetons Bispinor Physical mass Vortex electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field MATTER ANTIMATTER Energo-Medium Energions “Dark Energy” Climatic Changes
作者 徐春 耿彦红 +1 位作者 董亮华 王瑞 《上海计量测试》 2024年第5期58-60,共3页
文章叙述了微量氧分析仪自动检测装置的研究,装置由PLC控制模块、触摸屏模块、电磁阀组模块、流量控制模块、压力控制模块、气体储存模块、气流排模块、标准气输出模块和UPS供电模块组成。将微量氧分析仪的RS485或RS232接口通过数据线... 文章叙述了微量氧分析仪自动检测装置的研究,装置由PLC控制模块、触摸屏模块、电磁阀组模块、流量控制模块、压力控制模块、气体储存模块、气流排模块、标准气输出模块和UPS供电模块组成。将微量氧分析仪的RS485或RS232接口通过数据线与自动检测装置相连,通过电磁阀和质量流量计来控制不同浓度的标准气通入微量氧分析仪,仪器显示浓度值发生变化,通过RS485或RS232接口将仪器的浓度信号返回到控制器,控制器再对仪器反馈的信号进行自动采集分析,通过一套算法计算仪器在规定时间内的浓度变化率,自动记录仪器的示值并判断仪器是否进入稳定状态,达到稳定状态后记录仪器稳定值。实现了微量氧分析仪检测过程中由手动控制人工分析向自动化的转变。 展开更多
关键词 微量氧 自动检测 电磁阀 质量流量计 浓度 信号
一款电动汽车电磁兼容工程化整改案例浅析 被引量:4
作者 郭建东 顾国微 +1 位作者 孙凯燚 国晨 《中国汽车(英文版)》 2018年第9期36-40,共5页
本文主要针对电动汽车依据GB/T 18387-2017和GB 14023-2011标准要求测试,测试时未通过国家标准要求。依据科学的排除方法,得出电机控制器(PMU)和空调压缩机(ACCM)为主要的电磁骚扰源,并且对骚扰产生的机理进行分析和研究。最后,考虑影... 本文主要针对电动汽车依据GB/T 18387-2017和GB 14023-2011标准要求测试,测试时未通过国家标准要求。依据科学的排除方法,得出电机控制器(PMU)和空调压缩机(ACCM)为主要的电磁骚扰源,并且对骚扰产生的机理进行分析和研究。最后,考虑影响车辆量产的关键要素,推出一种工程化的优化方案,达到能满足国家标准限制的要求。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 电磁兼容 量产化 整改
Classical Interpretations of Relativistic Phenomena 被引量:1
作者 Sankar Hajra 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2012年第2期187-199,共13页
Electric charges, electric & magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy possess momentum and energy which we could experience with our sense organs. Therefore, all these are real physical entities (objects). All p... Electric charges, electric & magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy possess momentum and energy which we could experience with our sense organs. Therefore, all these are real physical entities (objects). All physical objects are sub- ject to gravitation. Therefore, electromagnetic entities should similarly be subject to gravitation. In this paper, we have shown that classical physics with this simple consideration is equivalent to the theory of relativity—special & general— to explain many puzzling electrodynamic as well as gravitational phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 electromagnetic Entities electromagnetic mass GRAVITATION Old Physics Special RELATIVITY General RELATIVITY
Electromagnetic Shells of Atoms and the Periodic System of Elements 被引量:2
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第16期2374-2397,共24页
Experimental and theoretical researches performed by the author (period: 1969-present) showed that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immedia... Experimental and theoretical researches performed by the author (period: 1969-present) showed that the magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources of all mag-netic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature. Magnetic charges, which constitute together with electrical charges the atomic shells, got of the Author’s title: magnetons and antimagnetons (respectively, with magnetic charges g<sup>&minus;</sup> and g<sup>+</sup>, under fundamental condition: g = e). Besides, together with electrons and magnetic charges in the structures of atomic shells, in the same quantities as the electrons, exist real electric antispinors, i.e. the true antielectrons. In the structures of the atomic shells on each electron fitted still three a real spinor particles: two magnetic (magneton and antimagneton) and one electric, i.e. true antielectron with a charge of e<sup>+</sup>. The spinor particles in atomic shells exist in the form of the two spinor associations: the electromagnetic dibispinors or S-Gravitons and magnetic bispinors (spinorial magnetic dipoles). Magnetic bispinors, which inhabited on the 3d and 4f-shells are the sources of the atomic magnetic fields and are responsible at all magnetic manifestations of the so-called magnetic atoms (iron, nickel, cobalt and others). In composition of S-Graviton is two related bispinor (electric and magnetic). S-Gravitons make up bulk of the charged density of atomic shells and are direct sources of the atomic gravitational field.If to replace all electrons on known of the atomic levels and sub-levels on S-Gravitons, can get an idea about the real electromagnetic device atomic shells most of the elements making up the Periodic Table. In article shows features the structural organization real (electromagnetic) shells of atoms that make up the periodic system of elements, as well as is considered the possibility of adaptation of the well-known quantum numbers, the Pauli’s principle and Hund’s rule, i 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Spinor Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Magneton and Antimagneton Bispinor Dibispinor S-Graviton Physical mass Vortex electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field Paragravitation and Ferrogravitation Gravito-Levitation Quantum Numbers
基于BP神经网络的电磁阀多目标优化设计 被引量:2
作者 沈丹峰 郝祖茂 +1 位作者 赵刚 李许锋 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2023年第2期79-86,共8页
电磁阀在织机气流引纬喷射系统中起着关键性的作用。为提高织机的织造效率,解决电磁阀响应滞后的问题,提出基于BP神经网络预测电磁力结合多目标优化遗传算法的优化方法。首先,针对电磁阀衔铁结构及位置的改变造成磁场内磁阻发生复杂性... 电磁阀在织机气流引纬喷射系统中起着关键性的作用。为提高织机的织造效率,解决电磁阀响应滞后的问题,提出基于BP神经网络预测电磁力结合多目标优化遗传算法的优化方法。首先,针对电磁阀衔铁结构及位置的改变造成磁场内磁阻发生复杂性变化导致难以通过理论模型计算出准确的电磁力,利用BP神经网络对电磁阀电磁力进行预测;其次,采用NSGA-II对保存好的BP神经网络预测模型和求得的衔铁质量的数学模型进行优化,获得电磁阀电磁力和衔铁质量的Pareto前沿解;最后,以最接近原衔铁质量的标准选取电磁力最优值,并与原结构电磁力进行比较。结果表明,优化后的电磁力提高了11.5%,但衔铁质量却降低1%。仿真实验也验证了该优化方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 气流引纬 BP神经网络 NSGA-Ⅱ 电磁力 衔铁质量
质量概念的形成与发展 被引量:1
作者 蒋学华 《泰山学院学报》 2003年第3期54-58,共5页
关键词 质量 概念 物理学 计量学 测度质量 物质之量 惯性质量 引力质量 电磁质量
On the Interaction of Extended Charges in Classical Relativistic Theory
作者 Magomed B. Ependiev 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2017年第4期654-667,共14页
Basic set of equations of motion for particles in the case when charge distribution of a particle at rest is spherically symmetric and localized is formulated. Various approximations for interaction forces are derived... Basic set of equations of motion for particles in the case when charge distribution of a particle at rest is spherically symmetric and localized is formulated. Various approximations for interaction forces are derived. The basic approximation is justified by the fact that particle velocities vary little on a time scale &sigma;0/c ( &sigma;0~localization radius). Examples of large and small (with respect to &sigma;0) distances between particles are considered. In both cases the slow motion approximation is derived. Apart from calculation of the corrections to the point charge interaction at large distances an approach to the analysis of neutral particles (missing in the point particle theory) containing charged fragments is proposed. In addition, it is shown that at small distances charges of the same sign may attract if their mechanical masses are substantially small. 展开更多
关键词 EXTENDED Charge electromagnetic Interaction Equations of Motion CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS electromagnetic mass
The Relation between Thermodynamics and Gravitational Constant (<i>G</i>)
作者 Abed El Karim S. Abou Layla 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2020年第4期680-691,共12页
Although many centuries have elapsed since Newton set forth his gravitational law, physics has been unable so far to create an exact theoretical value for the universal gravitational constant (<i>G</i>). T... Although many centuries have elapsed since Newton set forth his gravitational law, physics has been unable so far to create an exact theoretical value for the universal gravitational constant (<i>G</i>). Through a simple thought experience (<i>i.e</i>. it may not be possible to perform it), it can be concluded a mathematical formula which links three different physical sciences with each other: mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics in a simple form, it is possible to find an exact value for the gravitational constant using this form. In fact, the importance of this research is that it also tells us more information about the electromagnetic and gravitomagnetic origin of masses, the negative and positive masses (<i>i.e.</i> matter and dark matter), and the smallest possible distance in the universe, which equals 1.0252 × 10<sup>-56</sup> m. 展开更多
关键词 THERMODYNAMICS Gravitational Constant electromagnetic mass Radiation mass Khromatic Theory
“Electrical” and “Magnetic” Worlds in Universe 被引量:1
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2017年第7期1072-1086,共15页
Magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges), which are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature, were experimentally discovered by the author in the structures of atoms and subs... Magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges), which are the direct sources of all magnetic fields and magnetic manifestations in Nature, were experimentally discovered by the author in the structures of atoms and substance. The main reasons that the real magnetic charges were “buried alive” in modern theoretical concepts are the Physics their of confinement in the structures of substance, which is cardinally different from the confinement of electrons, as well as electromagnetic concept of Maxwell, in which magnetic field was erroneously deprived of its own source, i.е. of magnetic pole or magnetic charge. Magnetic and electric charges form atomic shells, which are electromagnetic, and not electronic, as is commonly assumed in the existing physical theory. Namely, the magnetic and electric charges in the joint physical processes form all the varieties of the physical mass, i.е. atoms, nucleons, substance and others. The main feature of physical mass is its ability to radiate gravitational field, which in reality is of the vortex electromagnetic field. The immediate sources of gravitational field are joint orbital currents of electric and magnetic charges in compositions of atomic shells. In 2008 the author for the first time introduced the concepts of “electric” and “magnetic” worlds. So, in the “magnetic” world the processes of condensing all elementary varieties of physical mass: atoms, nucleons and others are initiated not by electric charges as in our “electric” world, but by means of magnetic charges. Electric and magnetic charges in the compositions of physical mass, in differently charged worlds are changing their functional roles and, for example, detect electrons in the “magnetic” world also difficult as the magnetic charges in our of “electric” world. According to conceptions of the author and in our Universe existence of both “electric” so and “magnetic” masses, including charged differently of biological masses is quite possible. It is impossible to exclude and th 展开更多
关键词 MAGNETIC and ELECTRIC SPINOR Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Antielectrons Magnetons Antimagnetons Bispinors Physical mass Vortex electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field “Electric” and “Magnetic” WORLDS
Nuclear Physics with Magnetic Charges 被引量:1
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2018年第2期145-171,共27页
The magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are the real structural components all varieties of the Mass, for example, atoms, nucleons, positrons and neutrinos. Atomic-shaped device of Mass is the natural and the... The magnetic spinor particles (magnetic charges) are the real structural components all varieties of the Mass, for example, atoms, nucleons, positrons and neutrinos. Atomic-shaped device of Mass is the natural and the only possible organization of electric and magnetic charges which can create a gravitational field. At level of a popular language one can define nucleons as “small atoms”, and positron and neutrino as “very small atoms”. The electric and magnetic fundamental particles in neutron and proton shells which by tradition should be called quarks have charges of smaller magnitude than the charges of particles in atomic shells. Positron which participates in the gravitational interaction and, consequently, has an atomic-shaped device is the most likely candidate for the role of the proton nucleus. The most likely candidate particles on the participation in nuclei of proton and neutron as well as in nuclei of the positron and neutrino are presented in the article. So-called abnormal magnetic moment of neutron is formed by the quark magnetic dipoles which are like to unpaired electrons in the so-called magnetic atoms rotate on the outer orbitals of the neutron shell. The participation of the “magnetic electron” (magneton) in the neutrino core assumes the existence of the so-called anomalous magnetic moment and in the neutrino shell. The existence of real magnetic charges in the structures of the Mass draws our attention on such important problem as interaction between charges in the framework of electromagnetic dipoles such as and in which manifest the weak attraction. Weak interaction by its nature is electromagnetic. So-called electromagnetic interaction, manifested in pairs of homogeneous charges of opposite signs, is either electric or magnetic, but not electromagnetic. The explanation of the weak interaction in the marked pairs of charges is based on the author’s concept of the World Physical Triad and “Dark Energy”. Forces responsible for the interaction of the charges composing the el 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic and Electric CHARGES Antielectrons Magnetons Antimagnetons Bispinor Physical mass Vortex electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field QUARKS PROTONS Neutrons Positrons NEUTRINO MESONS Weak and Strong Interactions “Dark Energy”
The Confirmation of Hypothesis of the Absolute Reference System 被引量:1
作者 Konstantinos Patrinos 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2020年第6期999-1015,共17页
The <span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;">purpose of the research in this article is the examination of the agreement of the hypothesis of the absolute reference system with the results of ... The <span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;">purpose of the research in this article is the examination of the agreement of the hypothesis of the absolute reference system with the results of experiments that have been implemented in the past in order to confirm the special theory of relativity. To achieve this goal, we have chosen for discuss</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ing</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> a theoretical topic of electromagnetism, that of electromagnetic mass</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> calculation, and some experiments, some of which concern the transverse Doppler effect in a rotated system, two experiments that concern the kinetic energy measurement of accelerated electrons, one of which is the well known Bertozzis experiment, one experiment that concern</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> the propagation of Coulomb fields and one more experiment that</span><span style="font-size:14pt;font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">concern</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">s</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> the effect of annihilation. The basic principles of the hypothesis of the absolute reference system, and the electromagnetic theory derived from these principles, are used to explain the experimental results. In these examples, the hypothesis of the absolute reference system is confirmed, since the experimental results agree with the predictions of this hypothesis. Also, in the discussion of calculation of electromagnetic mass is addressed the difficulty of solving this problem, when someone tr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">ies</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> to solve this according to the energy-mass relation of the theory of relativity.</span> 展开更多
关键词 Absolute Reference System electromagnetic mass Transverse Doppler Effect Kinetic Energy of Accelerated Electrons
Real Magnetic Poles (Magnetic Charges) in the Physics of Magnetism, Gravitation and Levitation 被引量:1
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第8期1013-1022,共10页
Experiments executed by author of the present article (period 1968-1992) showed that the magnetic spinorial particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources ... Experiments executed by author of the present article (period 1968-1992) showed that the magnetic spinorial particles (magnetic charges) are real structural components of atoms and substance and are immediate sources of all magnetic fields in Nature. Joint orbital currents of electric and magnetic charges within atomic shells are the natural sources of gravitational field which is a vortical electromagnetic field. The vector nature of the gravitational field, in essence, is analogous to the vortical magnetic field that allows entering in the physical representations of such States of the gravitational field as paragravitation and ferrogravitation. Physical masses (atoms, substance, etc.), which emit ferrogravitational field, are repelled by sources paragravitational field, for example, from Earth. It is a manifestation of the effect of levitation, which was discovered by the author of this article. The forces of the technical levitation, which are formed by technical ferrogravitational fields, can be used in transport, lifting and space technology, energy and many other areas of human activity. The main reason that the real magnetic charges were “buried alive” in modern theoretical physics is the conditions of their confinement in the structures of atoms and substance, which is radically different from the confinement of electrons. Very negative role is played here by erroneous electromagnetic concept Maxwell, in which the magnetic field was officially deprived of their own source: magnetic pole or magnetic charge. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic Spinorial Particles (Spinors and Antispinors) Magneton and Antimagneton Bispinor Physical mass Vortical electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field Paragravitation and Ferrogravitation LEVITATION Effect
Gravitational Chemical Bond with Real Magnetic Charges and True Antielectrons 被引量:1
作者 Robert A. Sizov 《Open Journal of Physical Chemistry》 2020年第1期48-67,共20页
The detection by the author of real magnetic charges, as well as true antielectrons in of atomic structures allowed him to establish that atomic shells, as well as shells of nucleons are electromagnetic, and not elect... The detection by the author of real magnetic charges, as well as true antielectrons in of atomic structures allowed him to establish that atomic shells, as well as shells of nucleons are electromagnetic, and not electronic. Namely electromagnetic shells are the sources of gravitational field which is the vortex electromagnetic field. The elementary source of gravitational field is the electromagnetic quasiparticle (S-Graviton) which consists of two coupled dipoles (the magnetic and electric) rotating in antiphase in the same atomic or nucleonic orbit. Electrons in atomic shells are rigidly embedded in the compositions of S-Gravitons and, as a rule, cannot individually participate, for example, in processes of interatomic chemical bonding. Depending on the vector conditions the gravitational fields can be both paragravitational (PGF) so and ferrogravitational (FGF). The overwhelming number of atomic shells and all shells nucleons emit PGF. Between the masses (bodies, atoms, nucleons, etc.) emitting of PGF is realized a force of gravitational “Dark energy” pressing masses to each other. It is the compression of masses by forces of the gravitational “Dark energy” that lies at basis Physics of chemical bond. Depending on implementation in atoms of the effects intra-atomic gravitational shielding/lensing (IAGS/L) discovered and investigated by the author, the gravitational interatomic bonding mechanisms are divided into two groups: non-covalent bonds (IAGS effect) and covalent bonds (IAGL effect). Within the framework of the gravitational bond mechanism of the latter group which is implemented with participation paragravitational orbitals, such chemical concept as valence acquires a real physical meaning. The replacing the erroneous electronic concept of chemical bonding by the gravitational concept implies replacing the notion “electronegativity” of element by the notion the “gravitational activity” while maintaining existing quantitative ability of atoms in molecules to attract atoms of other element 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic CHARGES Magnetons Antimagnetons TRUE Antielectrons Physical mass Vortex electromagnetic (Gravitational) Field “Dark Energy” Chemical Bonding VALENCE
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