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新疆北部后碰撞构造演化与成矿 被引量:360
作者 王京彬 徐新 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期23-31,共9页
以夹于陆块间的蛇绿岩套构造就位及其伴随的区域变形变质、同碰撞花岗岩侵入时期,作为主碰撞期。后碰撞发生在主碰撞之后,并随大规模花岗质岩浆作用的结束而结束。依此标志,新疆北部后碰撞阶段的主体时限为早石炭世维宪期—晚二叠世。... 以夹于陆块间的蛇绿岩套构造就位及其伴随的区域变形变质、同碰撞花岗岩侵入时期,作为主碰撞期。后碰撞发生在主碰撞之后,并随大规模花岗质岩浆作用的结束而结束。依此标志,新疆北部后碰撞阶段的主体时限为早石炭世维宪期—晚二叠世。研究表明,新疆北部后碰撞阶段具有明显的继承性、旋回性、阶段性和方向性,经历了早石炭世伸展—晚石炭世挤压(隆升)和早二叠世伸展—晚二叠世挤压(隆升)两个伸展—挤压旋回。其中,早石炭世伸展可能与主碰撞导致的岩石圈板片拆沉有关,早二叠世伸展则可能与刚性增强的新陆壳下幔源岩浆的底侵作用有关。由多陆块碰撞过程中产生的巨大挤压应力,被后碰撞期不同机制幔源岩浆作用导致的阶段性伸展所消耗,由此逐步完成了碰撞后新陆壳的固结。新疆北部后碰撞的伸展阶段和挤压—伸展转变期,是大规模成矿的高峰期,并具有独特的成矿时空分布规律性。 展开更多
关键词 后碰撞时限 构造演化 造山作用 成矿作用 新疆北部
库车再生前陆盆地的构造演化 被引量:164
作者 刘志宏 卢华复 +5 位作者 李西建 贾承造 雷刚林 陈楚铭 王国强 范湘涛 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期482-492,共11页
库车再生前陆盆地位于塔里木盆地的北缘 ,其沉积和构造特征具有典型的前陆盆地性质。库车再生前陆盆地开始形成于吉迪克组沉积早期 (距今 2 5Ma) ,叠置于晚二叠世 -三叠纪前陆盆地之上 ,是始新世末印度 -西藏碰撞的远距离构造效应所致... 库车再生前陆盆地位于塔里木盆地的北缘 ,其沉积和构造特征具有典型的前陆盆地性质。库车再生前陆盆地开始形成于吉迪克组沉积早期 (距今 2 5Ma) ,叠置于晚二叠世 -三叠纪前陆盆地之上 ,是始新世末印度 -西藏碰撞的远距离构造效应所致。其中的前陆逆冲带是由浅部和深部两个层次的构造组成的 ,其构造特征具有不一致性和不协调性。库车再生前陆逆冲带内的台阶状逆断层及其相关褶皱都是伴随着中新世以来的造山运动形成的 ,由山前向盆地以背驮式渐次连续扩展 ,自渐新世晚期一直持续到现在。印度 -西藏碰撞作用引起的陆内俯冲及壳内拆离 展开更多
关键词 再生前陆盆地 前陆逆冲带 造山运动 构造演化
Tectonics of South China Continent and its implications 被引量:154
作者 ZHANG GuoWei GUO AnLin +7 位作者 WANG YueJun LI SanZhong DONG YunPeng LIU ShaoFeng HE DengFa CHENG ShunYou LU RuKui YAO AnPing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1804-1828,共25页
This paper aims at exploring the tectonic characteristics of the South China Continent (SCC) and extracting the universal tec- tonic rules from these characteristics,to help enrich the plate tectonic theory and bett... This paper aims at exploring the tectonic characteristics of the South China Continent (SCC) and extracting the universal tec- tonic rules from these characteristics,to help enrich the plate tectonic theory and better understand the continental dynamic system. For this purpose, here we conduct a multi-disciplinary investigation and combine it with the previous studies to reas- sess the tectonics and evolution of SCC and propose that the tectonic framework of the continent comprises two blocks, three types of tectonic units, four deformation systems, and four evolutionary stages with distinctive mechanism and tectonic characteris- tics since the Neoproterozoic. The four evolutionary stages are: (1) The amalgamation and break-up of the Neoproterozoic plates, typically the intracontinental rifting. (2) The early Paleozoic and Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny confined by plate tectonics, forming two composite tectonic domains. (3) The parallel operation of the Yangtze cratonization and intracontinental orogeny, and multi-phase reactivation of the Yangtze craton. (4) The association and differentiation evolution of plate tectonics and intraconti- nental tectonics, and the dynamic characteristics under the Meso-Cenozoic modem global plate tectonic regime. 展开更多
关键词 tectonics of South China Continent intracontinental orogeny medium- and small-sized plate tectonics continental dynamics
中国喜马拉雅运动的期次及其动力学背景 被引量:84
作者 贾承造 何登发 陆洁民 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期121-125,169,共6页
黄汲清先生于 194 5年提出用喜马拉雅运动表示中国境内新生代的造山运动。这一概念为地球科学家普遍接受 ,但在构造运动分期与地球动力学背景的认识上存在分歧。在对前人的基本观点进行分析的基础上 ,结合地质地貌、岩浆活动、构造变形... 黄汲清先生于 194 5年提出用喜马拉雅运动表示中国境内新生代的造山运动。这一概念为地球科学家普遍接受 ,但在构造运动分期与地球动力学背景的认识上存在分歧。在对前人的基本观点进行分析的基础上 ,结合地质地貌、岩浆活动、构造变形等大量资料 ,提出喜马拉雅运动可以分为早、中、晚三期 ,分别对应于始新世晚期、古近纪与新近纪之间、新近纪与第四纪之间的构造活动。印度与欧亚的碰撞及其持续挤压作用导致了青藏高原及其东南缘与北缘强烈挤压缩短与隆升 ,东亚大陆向东挤出。 展开更多
关键词 喜马拉雅运动 造山运动 期次 动力学背景 构造特征
构造动力体制与复合造山作用——兼论三江复合造山带时空演化 被引量:70
作者 邓军 葛良胜 杨立强 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期1099-1114,共16页
构造动力体制是研究区域大地构造演化和成矿地质环境的基础,而造山带作为全球金属矿产资源集中产出的地带,同时保留了地球地质构造演化最为丰富的记录,因而是用来解剖不同构造动力体制及相关成矿环境和成矿作用的主要对象。板块构造源... 构造动力体制是研究区域大地构造演化和成矿地质环境的基础,而造山带作为全球金属矿产资源集中产出的地带,同时保留了地球地质构造演化最为丰富的记录,因而是用来解剖不同构造动力体制及相关成矿环境和成矿作用的主要对象。板块构造源于大洋,描述和解释的是以水平运动为主导的板块构造导致的大陆边缘增生和大洋板块消失及与其相关的地质现象,其动力学体制称为大洋动力体制;大陆构造描述和解释的主要是大陆内部而不是边缘发生的以垂直运动(壳幔相互作用)为主导的的大陆物质增生和消失及其相关的地质现象,其动力学体制称为大陆动力体制;而洋陆转换则是水平和垂直运动相互耦合、共同作用的动力学体制,描述和解释的是洋陆转换及其相关的地质现象,可以将其称为转换动力体制。不同构造动力体制在全球范围内具有同区转承和异区并存特点。每一种构造动力体制都可以激发造山作用,因此,地球上同时存在着不同类型的造山作用和造山带,可以归结为俯冲造山(带)、碰撞造山(带)、伸展造山(带)和陆内造山(带)等完整反映造山带演化过程的4种类型。复合造山概念科学地描述了全球不同造山带的复杂性。它具有三种涵义,一是不同时期相同或不同类型造山带在空间上的复合(叠置);二是同一造山带在不同地质历史阶段、不同构造动力体制下造山作用的时间复合(叠加);三是同时具有时空复合特征的复合造山带。对三江造山带时空结构的解析表明,它是具有时空复合特征的巨型复合造山带的典型代表。 展开更多
关键词 构造动力体制 造山带 复合造山 三江
龙门山印支运动主幂辨析——再论安县构造运动 被引量:65
作者 王金琪 《四川地质学报》 2003年第2期65-69,共5页
根据龙门山前山保存大量地层不整合及盆内深井钻探和地震剖面等资料,进行盘—山耦合研究,注意到该区构造、沉积发展程序清晰,再次确认在三叠系上统须家河组四段沉积之前,本区有一次最强烈的造山运动(安县构造运动)。流行的“多期论”、... 根据龙门山前山保存大量地层不整合及盆内深井钻探和地震剖面等资料,进行盘—山耦合研究,注意到该区构造、沉积发展程序清晰,再次确认在三叠系上统须家河组四段沉积之前,本区有一次最强烈的造山运动(安县构造运动)。流行的“多期论”、“递变论”长期冲淡、淹没这一极其重要的地质事件,应正本清源。 展开更多
关键词 龙门山印支运动 安县构造运动 “多期论” “递变论” 地质事件 地震剖面 盆-山耦合 造山作用
福建省区域地质构造特征 被引量:64
作者 韦德光 揭育金 黄廷淦 《中国区域地质》 CSCD 1997年第2期162-170,共9页
福建自晚太古代以来经受了多次造山运动影响,尤以燕山期构造—岩浆活动最为强烈和频繁,以致省内华夏古陆不断发生裂解及增生。省内的北北东—北东东、北西—东西及南—北走向断裂十分发育,形成大小不同的断块(地体)。最突出的是南... 福建自晚太古代以来经受了多次造山运动影响,尤以燕山期构造—岩浆活动最为强烈和频繁,以致省内华夏古陆不断发生裂解及增生。省内的北北东—北东东、北西—东西及南—北走向断裂十分发育,形成大小不同的断块(地体)。最突出的是南平—宁化(北东)断裂带与政和—大埔(北北东)构造—岩浆带相交汇,将福建省割切为闽西北、闽西南及闽东3个地体。本文对主要断裂及三大地体的构造—岩浆活动、变质—变形、岩浆侵入与喷发、地体的分离与拼接的演化历史进行概略阐述。总之。 展开更多
关键词 福建 区域地质构造 断裂带 地体 地质构造
大别造山带燕山期造山作用的岩浆岩石学证据 被引量:52
作者 戴圣潜 邓晋福 +3 位作者 吴宗絮 赵海玲 陈江峰 杜建国 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期159-165,共7页
在区域地质填图基础上研究了大别地区燕山期岩浆岩,重新划分了该区燕山期岩浆作用期次,发现大别地区在燕山期存在一个完整的造山岩浆旋回。首次提出本区燕山晚期岩浆岩为双峰式组合,与燕山早期岩浆岩属高钾钙(碱)性-钾玄岩组合一起构成... 在区域地质填图基础上研究了大别地区燕山期岩浆岩,重新划分了该区燕山期岩浆作用期次,发现大别地区在燕山期存在一个完整的造山岩浆旋回。首次提出本区燕山晚期岩浆岩为双峰式组合,与燕山早期岩浆岩属高钾钙(碱)性-钾玄岩组合一起构成一个从挤压到伸展的造山岩浆旋回,成为燕山期造山的重要佐证。岩浆岩成因特点揭示出本区的岩石圈结构在燕山期存在一个从双倍陆壳到正常陆壳的过程,深部地质过程则是底侵作用和拆沉作用的继续。 展开更多
关键词 大别造山带 燕山期 造山作用 岩浆岩 底侵作用 拆沉作用
Jurassic Tectonic Revolution in China and New Interpretation of the “Yanshan Movement” 被引量:50
作者 DONG Shuwen ZHANG Yueqiao +5 位作者 LONG Changxing YANG Zhenyu JI Qiang WANG Tao HU Jianmin CHEN Xuanhua 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期334-347,共14页
With acquisition and accumulation of new data of structural geological investigations and high-resolution isotopic dating data, we have greatly improved our understanding of the tectonic events occurring in eastern Ch... With acquisition and accumulation of new data of structural geological investigations and high-resolution isotopic dating data, we have greatly improved our understanding of the tectonic events occurring in eastern China during the period from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and may give a new interpretation of the nature, timing and geodynamic settings of the “Yanshan Movement”. During the Mid-Late Jurassic (165±5 Ma), great readjustment of plate amalgamation kinematics took place in East Asia and the tectonic regime underwent great transformation, thus initiating a new tectonic regime in which the North China Block was the center and different plates converged toward it from the north, east and southwest and forming the “East Asia convergent” tectonic system characterized by intracontinental subduction and orogeny. As a consequence, the crustal lithosphere of the East Asian continent thickened considerably during the Late Jurassic, followed immediately by Early Cretaceous substantial lithospheric thinning and craton destruction featured by drastic lithospheric extension and widespread volcano-magmatic activities, resulting in a major biotic turnover from the Yanliao biota to Jehol Biota. Such a tremendous tectonic event that took place in the continent of China and East Asia is the basic connotation of the “Yanshan Movement”. In the paper, according to the deformation patterns, geodynamic settings and deep processes, the “Yanshan Movement” is redefined as the Late Jurassic East Asian multi-directional plate convergent tectonic regime and its associated extensive intracontinental orogeny and great tectonic change that started at -165±5 Ma. The substantial lithospheric attenuation in East China is considered the post-effect of the Yanshanian intracontinental orogeny and deformation. 展开更多
关键词 Late Jurassic Yanshan Movement East Asian multi-directional convergence intracontinental orogeny lithospheric thickening and thinning
造山作用与沉积响应 被引量:41
作者 李勇 王成善 曾允孚 《矿物岩石》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期49-56,共8页
造山带与沉积盆地是大陆上最基本的两个构造单元 ,具有盆山转换和盆山耦合的地质特征。造山作用主要体现为逆冲作用和走滑作用 ,造山带逆冲推覆作用所产生的构造负荷是前陆盆地生长的构造动力 ,控制前陆盆地的沉降 ,形成可容空间 ,并提... 造山带与沉积盆地是大陆上最基本的两个构造单元 ,具有盆山转换和盆山耦合的地质特征。造山作用主要体现为逆冲作用和走滑作用 ,造山带逆冲推覆作用所产生的构造负荷是前陆盆地生长的构造动力 ,控制前陆盆地的沉降 ,形成可容空间 ,并提供物源 ,导致盆地的沉降和物源在垂直造山带方向的迁移 ;造山带走滑作用不仅控制造山带内走滑挤压盆地的形成 ,而且控制前陆盆地的沉降和物源在平行造山带方向的迁移 ,以及盆地的抬升与侵蚀。沉积盆地地层记录是研究和再造造山带造山作用的窗口 ,本文总结了利用沉积响应再造造山带造山作用的不同尺度的地层标识 ,它们是 :盆地充填地层格架、不整合面、构造层序、粗碎屑楔状体、相及沉降中心的迁移、沉积物特征碎屑组分的变化、沉积物通量和沉积速率的增减、河流梯度、前缘隆起 ,以及放射性测量与裂变径迹年代测定。 展开更多
关键词 盆山耦合 沉积响应 地层标识 造山作用
新疆准噶尔造山带多旋回开合构造特征 被引量:44
作者 梁云海 李文铅 李卫东 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期279-285,共7页
新疆准噶尔造山带是位于西伯利亚与塔里木两大陆壳之间的多旋回造山带,是古亚洲洋的主要部分。该造山带是在新元古代早期形成的克拉通基底上裂解、扩张成洋的,在其发展历史进程中,经历了多旋回手风琴式开合运动,此开彼合,首尾衔接,几经... 新疆准噶尔造山带是位于西伯利亚与塔里木两大陆壳之间的多旋回造山带,是古亚洲洋的主要部分。该造山带是在新元古代早期形成的克拉通基底上裂解、扩张成洋的,在其发展历史进程中,经历了多旋回手风琴式开合运动,此开彼合,首尾衔接,几经洋陆转化,由一系列沟弧盆体系挤压拼贴到一起,于石炭纪末最终固结成新的古亚洲大陆。成陆后并不稳定,在中—新生代时期仍有强烈的活动性与造山过程,表现为发育多时期的蛇绿岩、多时期的造山花岗岩和多种不同类型的造山作用。 展开更多
关键词 多旋回 手风琴式运动 此开彼合 首尾衔接 造山作用 准噶尔造山带
东天山-北山造山带中大型韧性剪切带属性及形成演化时限与过程 被引量:47
作者 蔡志慧 许志琴 +1 位作者 何碧竹 王瑞瑞 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1875-1895,共21页
塔里木盆地北缘的东天山-北山造山带中发育多条近E-W走向的大型韧性剪切带,它们构成了造山带中不同地体单元的主要边界,是碰撞造山及造山后的产物。本文在野外调查基础上,通过微观/宏观构造、几何学/运动学/动力学/年代学相结合的研究... 塔里木盆地北缘的东天山-北山造山带中发育多条近E-W走向的大型韧性剪切带,它们构成了造山带中不同地体单元的主要边界,是碰撞造山及造山后的产物。本文在野外调查基础上,通过微观/宏观构造、几何学/运动学/动力学/年代学相结合的研究、厘定了东天山北山造山带中的7条大型韧性剪切带,阐述了剪切带的延伸、规模、剪切变形特征、变形条件以及形成与演化时限。并讨论了这7条不同类型韧性剪切带的形成过程以及东天山和北山古生代造山过程中所起的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 韧性剪切带 造山作用 东天山-北山造山带
中国东部中生代软流层上涌造山作用 被引量:45
作者 肖庆辉 邱瑞照 +3 位作者 伍光英 邢作云 张昱 童劲松 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期730-750,共21页
中国东部中生代造山带不同于陆缘俯冲作用和陆间大陆碰撞造山带,也不是陆缘和陆间碰撞造山带发展演化的某一个特定阶段的产物。它是一种由深部软流层上涌造山作用形成的一个新类型的造山带,又称东亚型造山作用。它的造山作用过程是:(1)... 中国东部中生代造山带不同于陆缘俯冲作用和陆间大陆碰撞造山带,也不是陆缘和陆间碰撞造山带发展演化的某一个特定阶段的产物。它是一种由深部软流层上涌造山作用形成的一个新类型的造山带,又称东亚型造山作用。它的造山作用过程是:(1)早中生代(230~180Ma)的前和初始造山幕,深部软流层物质上涌和底侵作用导致冷、强的大陆岩石圈地幔线状破裂与局部拆沉;(2)中、晚侏罗世(180~140Ma)主造山幕,软流层大规模上涌并沿着岩石圈底部壳-幔边界横向侵入和伸展,使垂向差异运动转变为水平挤压作用,结果地壳表层发生大规模的褶皱构造变形和推覆构造,使陆壳加厚形成山根,岩石圈根发生部分拆沉;(3)白垩纪(140~65Ma)的晚期造山幕,加厚的陆壳山根与岩石圈根的大规模拆沉,岩石圈进入全新的从挤压向伸展转变和巨大减薄阶段,软流层大规模上涌成山。 展开更多
关键词 造山作用 岩石圈 软流层上涌 中国东部
Magmatism during continental collision, subduction, exhumation and mountain collapse in collisional orogenic belts and continental net growth: A perspective 被引量:45
作者 SONG ShuGuang WANG MengJue +1 位作者 WANG Cao NIU YaoLing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1284-1304,共21页
Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogeni... Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogenic collapse.Continental collision requires the existence of prior oceanic subduction zone.It is generally assumed that the prerequisite of continental deep subduction is oceanic subduction and its drag force to the connecting passive-margin continental lithosphere during continental collision.Continental subduction and collision lead to the thickening and uplift of crust,but the formation time of the related magmatism in orogens depends on the heating mechanism of lithosphere.The accretionary orogens,on the other hand,have no strong continental collision,deep subduction,no large scale of crustal thrusting,thickening and uplift,and no UHP eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks related to continental deep subduction.Even though arc crust could be significantly thickened during oceanic subduction,it is still doubtful that syn-or post-collisional magmatism would be generated.In collisional orogens,due to continental deep subduction and significant crustal thickening,the UHP metamorphosed oceanic and continental crusts will experience decompression melting during exhumation,generating syn-collisional magmatism.During the orogen unrooting and collapse,post-collisional magmatism develops in response to lithosphere extension and upwelling of asthenospheric mantle,marking the end of an orogenic cycle.Therefore,magmatism in orogens can occur during the continental deep subduction,exhumation and uplift after detachment of subducted oceanic crust from continental crust,and extensional collapse.The time span from continental collision to collapse and erosion of orogens(the end of orogenic cycle)is 50–85 Myr.Collisional orogens are the key sites for understanding continental deep subduction,exhumation,uplift and orogenic collapse.Magmatism in collisional orogens plays important roles in continental reworking and net g 展开更多
关键词 collisional orogeny continental deep subduction orogen unrooting and collapse MAGMATISM continental net growth
江南造山带东段新元古代至早中生代多期造山作用特征 被引量:43
作者 徐先兵 汤帅 +1 位作者 李源 章泽军 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期33-50,共18页
新元古代江南造山带远离晚中生代活动大陆边缘,是研究华南地区新元古代至早中生代多期造山作用的理想对象。文章通过对江南造山带东段沉积建造、岩浆活动、构造变形以及同位素年代学数据的综合分析,总结了其晋宁期、广西期以及印支期造... 新元古代江南造山带远离晚中生代活动大陆边缘,是研究华南地区新元古代至早中生代多期造山作用的理想对象。文章通过对江南造山带东段沉积建造、岩浆活动、构造变形以及同位素年代学数据的综合分析,总结了其晋宁期、广西期以及印支期造山作用的特征。江南造山带东段在晋宁期经历了南北两侧大洋俯冲和两期碰撞造山作用。新元古代早期(880-860 Ma)双溪坞岛弧与扬子陆块东南缘发生弧-陆碰撞作用,形成淡色花岗岩、高压蓝片岩、NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造以及弧后前陆盆地。新元古代中期(约850 Ma),扬子陆块北缘开始发育由北向南的大洋俯冲。随着俯冲作用的进行,弧后盆地发生关闭,扬子陆块与华夏陆块发生陆-陆碰撞并形成新元古代(820-810Ma)江南造山带,导致近E-W走向褶皱-逆冲构造、韧性变形以及过铝质花岗岩的发育。江南造山带东段在约810Ma开始发生后造山垮塌和裂谷作用,以发育南华纪早期(805-750 Ma)花岗岩、中酸性火山岩、基性岩以及裂谷盆地为特征。江南造山带东段万载—南昌—景德镇—歙县断裂带以南地区卷入了华南广西期造山作用,发育近E-W走向由南向北的逆冲构造(465-450 Ma)、NNE向正花状构造(449-430 Ma)以及后造山近E-W走向韧性走滑剪切带(429-380 Ma)。印支期造山作用导致了NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造和花岗岩的发育,并奠定了江南造山带东段的基本构造面貌。 展开更多
关键词 造山作用 沉积建造 岩浆作用 构造变形 年代学 江南造山带东段
试论陆内型造山作用──以秦岭-大别山造山带为例 被引量:36
作者 赵宗溥 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期19-28,共10页
关键词 秦岭-大别山 造山带 陆内型 造山作用
The Yanshan orogeny and late Mesozoic multi-plate convergence in East Asia—Commemorating 90th years of the “Yanshan Orogeny” 被引量:38
作者 Shuwen DONG Yueqiao ZHANG +5 位作者 Hailong LI Wei SHI Huaimin XUE Jianhua LI Shiqi HUANG Yongchao WANG 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第12期1888-1909,共22页
The Yanshan movement/orogeny has been proposed for 90 years, which is of special significance in the history of geological research in China. This study conducted a review by synthesizing major achievements regarding ... The Yanshan movement/orogeny has been proposed for 90 years, which is of special significance in the history of geological research in China. This study conducted a review by synthesizing major achievements regarding episodic deformation features, sedimentary and magmatic records of the Yanshan orogeny in China, and clarified the episodic tectono-magmatism and its geodynamic origins. The tectonic implications of the Yanshan orogeny are discussed in the context of global plate tectonics and supercontinent reconstruction. Lines of evidence from structural, sedimentary and magmatic data suggest that the Yanshan orogeny represents a regional-scale tectonic event that affected the entire China continent in late Mesozoic period. Numerous age and structural constraints consistently indicate that the Yanshan orogeny was initiated in the Jurassic(at ~170±5 Ma). and was characterized by alternating stages of crustal shortening at ~170–136 Ma, crustal extension at ~135–90 Ma, and weak shortening at ~80 Ma. The 170–136 Ma crustal shortening was reflected in the generation of two regional stratigraphic unconformities(the Tiaojishan and Zhangjiakou unconformities), which were initially named the A and B episodes of "the Yanshan Orogeny" by Mr.Wong Wenhao in 1928. Geodynamically, the Yanshan orogeny in East Asia was associated with nearly coeval oceanic subduction and continental convergence in the Paleo-Pacific, Neo-Tethys, and Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic domains. As a consequence, three giant accretionary-collisional tectonic systems were formed along the continental margins of East Asia, i.e., the Mongol-Okhotsk, Bangonghu-Nujiang, and SE China subduction-and collision-related accretionary systems. The Yanshan orogeny induced widespread crustal-scale folding and thrusting, tectonic reactivation of long-lived zones of crustal weakness,and extensive magmatism and mineralization in intraplate regions. Based on the time principle of supercontinent assembly and break-up, we propose that the mid-Late Jurassic multi-plat 展开更多
关键词 Yanshan orogeny Mid-Late JURASSIC EAST ASIA plate convergence Intracontinental orogeny Amasia SUPERCONTINENT
Regional Tectonic Transformation in East Kunlun Orogenic Belt in Early Paleozoic: Constraints from the Geochronology and Geochemistry of Helegangnaren Alkali-feldspar Granite 被引量:38
作者 LI Ruibao PEI Xianzhi +6 位作者 LI Zhuochen SUN Yu PEI Lei CHEN Guochao CHEN Youxin LIU Chengjun WEI Fanghui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期333-345,共13页
The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace eleme... The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace elements analysis shows that the granite is depleted extremely in Ba, Sr and Eu, and rich in some large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. Besides, the granite has high Ga contents, the values of 104(Ga/AI) vary from 2.50 to 2.77, which is mainly greater than the lower limit of A-type granites (2.6), and is higher than the I- and S- type granites' average (2.1 and 2.28, respectively). Rare earth element (REE) is characterized by relatively high fractionations of light REE (LREE) and heavy REE (HREE) (LREE/HREE=9.3-13.60, (La/Yb)N=10.92-18.02), pronounced negative Eu anomalies (JEn=0.08-0.13), and exhibits right- dipping gull pattern. Major elements, rare elements and trace elements features show the granite is ascribed to A-type granite and A2 subtype in tectonic genetic type. They are plotted into post-collision or within-plate area in a variety of tectonic discriminations. Geological and geochemical data comprehensively suggest that the granite is formed in a post-collision extensive tectonic setting. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U-Pb dating yields a weighted mean age of 425 Ma, belonging to Middle Silurian, which is similar to the age of the post- collision geological events in the region. The differences of magmatic rocks in formation age, rocks assemblage and rocks series systematically indicate that the regional tectonic stress regime in the East Kunlun orogenic belt experienced a major transformation from compress to extension in Middle Silurianin, and the Helegangnaren feldspar granite intruded in the early stage of tectonic transformation. 展开更多
关键词 A-type granite post orogeny compound orogeny East Kunlun
C-俯冲带及对中国中西部造山带形成的作用 被引量:32
作者 罗志立 宋鸿彪 赵锡奎 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第2期1-7,共7页
C-俯冲带处于造山带和前陆盆地之间,形成于中国大陆拼结之后,因前陆盆地深层次构造失稳而向造山带俯冲挤压,导致造山带中、浅层次构造向前陆盆地方向道冲及浅表层次滑覆。C型俯冲属陆内俯冲性质,具有中国大陆地质构造演化特色,... C-俯冲带处于造山带和前陆盆地之间,形成于中国大陆拼结之后,因前陆盆地深层次构造失稳而向造山带俯冲挤压,导致造山带中、浅层次构造向前陆盆地方向道冲及浅表层次滑覆。C型俯冲属陆内俯冲性质,具有中国大陆地质构造演化特色,不仅在中国中西部造山带的形成及其前陆盆地的发展中有重要作用,而且对前陆盆地油气富集条件有重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 造山运动 俯冲带 前陆盆地 地质构造
The timing of continental collision between India and Asia 被引量:36
作者 Yongfei Zheng Fuyuan Wu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第24期1649-1654,共6页
The timing of continental collision between India and Asia has been controversial for a long time because of the difficulty in screening isotopic ages for different types of tectonothermal event along the convergent c... The timing of continental collision between India and Asia has been controversial for a long time because of the difficulty in screening isotopic ages for different types of tectonothermal event along the convergent continental boundary. After distinguishing the collisional orogeny from the precollisional accretionary orogeny and the postcollisional rifting orogeny, an age range of 55 ± 10 Ma is obtained to mark the collisional orogeny in the Early Cenozoic rather than throughout the Cenozoic. This age range provides the resolution to the timing of tectonic reactivation not only for reworking of the marginal arc systems in the Early Cenozoic but also for overprinting of granulite facies metamorphism on eclogites in the Late Cenozoic. In particular, superimposition of the rifting orogeny on both accretionary and collisional orogens in the Late Cenozoic is the key to the reactivation of both Gangdese and Himalayan orogens for contemporaneous metamorphism and magmatism at high thermal gradients. Therefore, rise of the plateau may be caused by underplating of the asthenospheric mantle for rifting orogeny in the composite Himalayan–Tibetan orogens after foundering of their roots in the Late Cenozoic. 展开更多
关键词 Himalayan OROGEN GANGDESE OROGEN NEO-TETHYS Ocean ACCRETIONARY orogeny Collisional orogeny RIFTING orogeny
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