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秦岭造山带主要构造岩石地层单元的构造性质及其大地构造意义 被引量:378
作者 张国伟 张宗清 董云鹏 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第2期101-114,共14页
秦岭造山带由三大套构造岩石地层单位所构成,即1、二类不同的前寒武纪基底岩系;2、晚元古代-中三叠世主造山时期受板块构造和垂向增生构造控制的相关构造岩石地层单元;3、中新生代后造山期的陆内断陷与前陆和后陆盆地沉积及广泛... 秦岭造山带由三大套构造岩石地层单位所构成,即1、二类不同的前寒武纪基底岩系;2、晚元古代-中三叠世主造山时期受板块构造和垂向增生构造控制的相关构造岩石地层单元;3、中新生代后造山期的陆内断陷与前陆和后陆盆地沉积及广泛的花岗岩浆活动。它们反映着秦岭带三个主要演化时期,在不同构造体制下的三种不同的基本地壳物质组成与结构。它们记录着秦岭造山带长期发展历史中的不同演化阶段的多种造山作用及其不同动力学机制的丰富信息。 展开更多
关键词 造山带 岩石 构造地层单元 大地构造 板块构造
青藏高原碰撞造山带成矿作用:构造背景、时空分布和主要类型 被引量:244
作者 侯增谦 莫宣学 +4 位作者 杨志明 王安建 潘桂棠 曲晓明 聂凤军 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期340-351,共12页
大陆成矿作用是当代区域成矿学研究的重大前沿,增进对大陆碰撞造山带成矿作用的理解和认识是孕育和建立大陆成矿理论框架的核心和关键。长期以来,由于对系统完整地记录大陆碰撞过程的典型造山带的成矿作用缺乏深入系统的研究,对碰撞造... 大陆成矿作用是当代区域成矿学研究的重大前沿,增进对大陆碰撞造山带成矿作用的理解和认识是孕育和建立大陆成矿理论框架的核心和关键。长期以来,由于对系统完整地记录大陆碰撞过程的典型造山带的成矿作用缺乏深入系统的研究,对碰撞造山过程及壳/幔相互作用与成矿作用的耦合关系和成因联系缺乏深刻的理解,导致了对碰撞成矿阶段以及各阶段动力学过程认识不清,引发了较多争议。青藏高原造山带,成矿规模大、形成时代新、矿床类型多、保存条件好,为系统地研究大陆成矿作用、解决上述存在的问题提供了天然实验室。“印度-亚洲主碰撞带成矿作用”973项目组通过对青藏高原碰撞造山带成矿作用历时3年的系统研究,建立了青藏高原重要成矿事件的时空坐标,初步建立了成矿作用的地球动力学模型或构造控制模型,提出了一套完整的大陆碰撞带成矿理论新框架,包括三大成矿作用和12种矿床类型:同碰撞造山成矿作用(65-41 Ma,4种矿床类型),晚碰撞转换成矿作用 (40-26Ma,4种矿床类型),后碰撞伸展成矿作用(25-0 Ma,4种矿床类型)。其主控因素分别为:碰撞造山背景、壳源岩浆活动和大规模剪切变形;陆内转换背景、幔源岩浆活动和大规模走滑-推覆-剪切作用;后碰撞伸展环境、壳/幔岩浆作用和热液对流系统。 展开更多
关键词 造山带 成矿作用 矿床类型 时空分布 主控因素 青藏高原
后碰撞花岗岩类的多样性及其构造环境判别的复杂性 被引量:169
作者 韩宝福 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期64-72,共9页
造山带中普遍存在着相当数量的后碰撞花岗岩类。它们在时间上晚于碰撞事件形成,在空间上可以不受构造单元的严格控制,而是可以跨构造单元分布,有时可以侵入在蛇绿岩之中。后碰撞花岗岩类的主元素特征属于中—高钾钙碱性系列和钾玄岩系列... 造山带中普遍存在着相当数量的后碰撞花岗岩类。它们在时间上晚于碰撞事件形成,在空间上可以不受构造单元的严格控制,而是可以跨构造单元分布,有时可以侵入在蛇绿岩之中。后碰撞花岗岩类的主元素特征属于中—高钾钙碱性系列和钾玄岩系列,但以钙碱性系列为主。按照MISA分类,后碰撞花岗岩类可以有I、S和A等3种类型,有的造山带以发育I型花岗岩类为主,而另一些造山带可以广泛发育S型花岗岩,而碱性A型花岗岩并不是在每个造山带都会出现。在微量元素构造环境判别图解上,后碰撞花岗岩类可以落在多种构造环境的区域。因此,仅仅依靠花岗岩类构造环境的地球化学判别图解会得出似是而非的结果。文中强调时空分布特征及区域地质构造的全面分析可能是厘定后碰撞花岗岩类最重要的依据,而在区域地质研究基础上的高精度锆石U-Pb年代学研究能够建立区域构造演化的年代学框架,进而准确地限定后碰撞花岗岩类岩浆活动的时限。 展开更多
关键词 造山带 后碰撞 花岗岩类 构造环境判别
秦岭造山带金属成矿系统 被引量:116
作者 姚书振 丁振举 +1 位作者 周宗桂 陈守余 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期599-604,共6页
秦岭造山带是一个多旋回复合大陆碰撞造山带 ,是我国重要的多金属成矿带之一 .自太古代以来秦岭经历了四大构造演化阶段及多种构造体制的转化 ,导致了多期构造热事件和成矿作用的发生 ,形成了多个构造成矿旋回 ,为秦岭金属元素的大规模... 秦岭造山带是一个多旋回复合大陆碰撞造山带 ,是我国重要的多金属成矿带之一 .自太古代以来秦岭经历了四大构造演化阶段及多种构造体制的转化 ,导致了多期构造热事件和成矿作用的发生 ,形成了多个构造成矿旋回 ,为秦岭金属元素的大规模富集成矿创造了条件 .根据构造、建造、成矿作用及矿床组合特征 ,从早到晚可将秦岭区域成矿划分为六大成矿系统 .其中 ,中晚元古代与海相火山岩及岛弧岩浆活动有关的成矿系统、早古生代与海相火山热液有关的成矿系统、海西期与海底热液及岩浆作用有关的成矿系统及中生代与陆内造山体制构造 -岩浆活动有关的成矿系统对成矿的贡献最大 .成矿系统的叠加是区内大多数大型。 展开更多
关键词 秦岭造山带 成矿系统 金属矿床 成矿作用 岩浆活动 富集条件
北阿尔金地区米兰红柳沟蛇绿岩的岩石学特征和SHRIMP定年 被引量:119
作者 杨经绥 史仁灯 +4 位作者 吴才来 苏德辰 陈松永 王希斌 WOODEN Joseph 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1567-1584,共18页
米兰红柳沟蛇绿岩是北阿尔金蛇绿岩带中发育和保留最好的蛇绿岩,主要由地幔橄榄岩、镁铁-超镁铁质堆晶杂岩、岩墙群和基性熔岩等组成。它们以规模不等的构造岩块产出,大者长十余km,宽近1km,组成一条近100km长的蛇绿混杂岩带。地幔... 米兰红柳沟蛇绿岩是北阿尔金蛇绿岩带中发育和保留最好的蛇绿岩,主要由地幔橄榄岩、镁铁-超镁铁质堆晶杂岩、岩墙群和基性熔岩等组成。它们以规模不等的构造岩块产出,大者长十余km,宽近1km,组成一条近100km长的蛇绿混杂岩带。地幔橄榄岩以方辉橄榄岩为主,有少量纯橄岩,主要由橄榄石(Fo=91.2~92.7),斜方辉石(En=93~98)和少量单斜辉石(En=46)组成;副矿物尖晶石Cr^#为43~69(平均55),Mg^#为43~64(平均58),表现出深海橄榄岩(Abyssal peridotite)和俯冲带环境(SSZ)橄榄岩成分特点。深成堆晶岩主要由异剥橄榄岩-橄榄二辉石岩-(橄榄)辉石岩-辉长岩-斜长岩,该组合的堆晶岩通常被认为是SSZ构造背景的产物。席状岩墙群的岩石成分与熔岩一致,其TiO2(1%~1.5%)和低含量的K2O〈0.3%和P2O5表明具有MORB型的岩石特征,并得到了不相容元素和LREE平坦型和亏损型的球粒陨石标准化模型等证据的支持。该地区另存在一套高Ti的洋岛型拉斑玄武岩。两类熔岩的存在,以及地幔橄榄岩和堆晶岩的不同特征,表明米兰红柳沟蛇绿岩组合可能来自不同构造背景。带中与洋壳俯冲有关的蓝片岩和榴辉岩组成的高压变质带的存在,以及与俯冲碰撞有关的不同类型花岗岩类的产出,表明米兰红柳沟蛇绿混杂岩带代表了一个复杂的板块缝合带。蛇绿岩中辉长岩的锆石SHRIMP年代为479±8Ma,这是获得的第一个北阿尔金蛇绿岩的锆石SHRIMP U—Pb同位素年龄,认为代表蛇绿岩的形成时代。因此。北阿尔金缝合带无论在年龄和特征等方面,均可以与阿尔金断裂带东部的北祁连缝合带对比,证实两个带曾经是一个带,被阿尔金断裂左旋错断了约400km。 展开更多
关键词 蛇绿岩 造山带 红柳沟 阿尔金 青藏高原
博格达陆内碰撞造山带挤压-拉张构造转折期的侵入活动 被引量:114
作者 顾连兴 胡受奚 +3 位作者 于春水 赵明 吴昌志 李宏宇 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期187-198,共12页
博格达造山带位于准噶尔与吐鲁番 -哈密前寒武纪地块之间 ,是一个早 -中石炭世的陆内裂谷带 ,该裂谷带于中 -晚石炭世闭合。岩相学、岩石化学、稀土元素、微量元素和同位素研究表明 ,该造山带侵入岩以辉绿岩岩床、岩株和岩墙为主 ,仅有... 博格达造山带位于准噶尔与吐鲁番 -哈密前寒武纪地块之间 ,是一个早 -中石炭世的陆内裂谷带 ,该裂谷带于中 -晚石炭世闭合。岩相学、岩石化学、稀土元素、微量元素和同位素研究表明 ,该造山带侵入岩以辉绿岩岩床、岩株和岩墙为主 ,仅有少数中 -酸性岩岩株。这些侵入岩的橄榄拉斑玄武质原始岩浆可能来自轻度亏损的地幔源区 ,并在地壳深部形成过分层岩浆房。辉绿岩和中 -酸性岩分别是分层岩浆房的上部和下部层位岩浆先后上侵和演化产物。野外地质关系及上大河沿中 -酸性侵入体的 2 98.4± 0 .76 Ma Rb- Sr等时线年龄 ,不但表明博格达地区晚于海西期的侵入活动并不重要 ,还表明该造山带侵入岩的定位紧随博格达裂谷的陆内碰撞 ,并代表了地球动力学环境由挤压变为拉张这个重大转折时期。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩 辉绿岩 侵入岩 大陆裂谷 造山带 侵入活动
中国造山带内生金属矿床类型、特点和成矿过程探讨 被引量:106
作者 毛景文 李晓峰 +8 位作者 李厚民 曲晓明 张长青 薛春纪 王志良 余金杰 张作衡 丰成友 王瑞廷 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期342-372,共31页
中国是造山带最为发育的国家之一,尤其是在西部地区分布广泛。本文从成矿地球动力学演化角度对中国造山带中矿床类型、特点和成矿过程进行了初步的综合研究,将造山带矿床分为碰撞造山型和俯冲造山型两种。前者进一步可分为同碰撞造山过... 中国是造山带最为发育的国家之一,尤其是在西部地区分布广泛。本文从成矿地球动力学演化角度对中国造山带中矿床类型、特点和成矿过程进行了初步的综合研究,将造山带矿床分为碰撞造山型和俯冲造山型两种。前者进一步可分为同碰撞造山过程成矿和后碰撞造山成矿。以青藏高原为例,又将同碰撞造山过程成矿分为碰撞造山期成矿、松弛期(伸展)成矿、走滑拉分盆地成矿和剪切带扩容成矿。以西秦岭和东天山为例,剖析了后碰撞成矿特点、过程和成矿规律。在扬子克拉通西南缘发育有中国颇具特色的低温成矿域,包括广泛分布的卡林型金矿、密西西比型铅锌矿和玄武岩型铜矿,本文研究提出这些矿床形成于中生代大陆边缘造山带弧后伸展盆地。 展开更多
关键词 矿床类型 成矿过程 造山带 中国 碰撞造山过程 地球动力学演化 金属 内生 低温成矿域 扬子克拉通 卡林型金矿 地区分布 综合研究 青藏高原 拉分盆地 成矿特点 成矿规律 伸展盆地 大陆边缘 矿床形成 造山期 剪切带 东天山
新元古时期Rodinia超大陆研究进展述评 被引量:96
作者 陆松年 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第5期489-495,共7页
新元古时期Rodinia超大陆的假说自1990年提出以来,引起国外许多地质学家的关注,其研究程度不断提高。本文在回顾Rodinia超大陆研究历史的基础上,介绍了Rodinia超大陆的古地理再造图,并着重介绍中国大陆古地块在超大陆中古地理位置的最... 新元古时期Rodinia超大陆的假说自1990年提出以来,引起国外许多地质学家的关注,其研究程度不断提高。本文在回顾Rodinia超大陆研究历史的基础上,介绍了Rodinia超大陆的古地理再造图,并着重介绍中国大陆古地块在超大陆中古地理位置的最新研究动向。文中对建立Rodinia超大陆的标志,特别是中元古代晚期—新元古代早期的造山运动和新元古代晚期的裂谷作用进行了评述。同时对我国中—新元古代与Rodinia超大陆研究相关的几个地质问题进行了简略的分析。 展开更多
关键词 新元古代 超大陆 造山运动 裂解 裂谷作用
North Qinling Paleozoic granite associations and their variation in space and time: Implications for orogenic processes in the orogens of central China 被引量:88
作者 WANG Tao WANG XiaoXia +3 位作者 TIAN Wei ZHANG ChengLi LI WuPing LI Shan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第9期1359-1384,共26页
Integrated zircon U-Pb dating and whole rock geochemical analyses have been carried out for two typical S-and I-type granitoids in the north Qinling. Zircon dating by SIMS of the Piaochi S-type grani- toids yields an ... Integrated zircon U-Pb dating and whole rock geochemical analyses have been carried out for two typical S-and I-type granitoids in the north Qinling. Zircon dating by SIMS of the Piaochi S-type grani- toids yields an emplacement age of 495±6 Ma. The granitoids show whole-rock εNd(t)=-8.2--8.8, zircon εHf(t)=-6―-39. The Huichizi I-type granitoids have emplacement ages of 421±27 Ma and 434±7 Ma es- tablished by LA-ICP-MS and SIMS methods, respectively. Their whole-rock εNd(t)=-0.9-0.9 and zircon εHf(t)=-11-8.4. Combined with statistical analyses of 28 zircon ages of granitoid plutons collected from the literature, Paleozoic magmatism in the north Qinling can be divided into three stages. The first-stage magmatism (~505-470 Ma) mainly occurred in the east part of the north Qinling and has features of an I-type arc, associated with which are S-type granitoids such as Piaochi pluton. The early granitoids (~505-490 Ma) have close spatio-temporal relations to ultra-high-pressure (UHP) rocks, and thus are interpreted as an oceanic subduction system along a continental margin. The second-stage magmatism (~450-422 Ma) occured through the whole north Qinling, and is characterized by I-type granitoids represented by the Huichizi pluton. The magma is interpreted as partial melting of lower crust mixed by mantle-derived magma in a collisional setting with the uplift of terranes. The third-stage magmatism (~415-400 Ma) is dominated by I-type granitoids and only took place in the middle part of the north Qinling, and is regarded as a late-stage collision. The spatial and temporal variations of the Qinling Paleozoic magmatism reveal protracted subduction/collision. The subduction was initiated from the east part of the north Qinling, earlier than that in the Qilian-northern Qaidam, Kunlun, and northern Dabie regions. This demonstrates variations in time of subduction, accretion and collision of separate blocks or terranes in the orogenic systems in central China. 展开更多
关键词 zircon GEOCHRONOLOGY GRANITE association Nd Hf isotopes QINLING orogen
Sr and O isotopic characteristics of porphyries in the Qinling molybdenum deposit belt and their implication to genetic mechanism and type 被引量:71
作者 陈衍景 李超 +2 位作者 张静 李震 王海华 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2000年第S1期82-94,共13页
A great deal of Mesozoic hypobatholithic granites and hypabyssal porphyries develop in the Qinling Mountains. The former has long been regarded as transformation type (or S-type), and the latter associated with Mo-min... A great deal of Mesozoic hypobatholithic granites and hypabyssal porphyries develop in the Qinling Mountains. The former has long been regarded as transformation type (or S-type), and the latter associated with Mo-mineralization regarded as syntexis type (or l-type) granitoids. Statistics show that Sr, andδ18O of hypabyssal porphyries respectively range from 0.705 to 0.714, and from 7.2‰ to 12.1‰, agreeing with those of hypobatholithes (Sr1=0.705-0.710, δ18O = 6.1‰-10.4‰), which indicates that they share similar material sources and petrogenic mechanism. Based on analysis of lithological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of these granitoids and on study of their petrogenic tectonic background and regional geophysical data, we argue that both the shallow-seated porphyries and deep-seated batholithes were the products of Mesozoic collision between South China and North China paleocontinents. Subsequently, all these granti-toids should be attributed to collision type. 展开更多
关键词 QINLING Mountains Mesozoic GRANITOID SR and O isotopes PORPHYRY molybdenum deposit collision orogen.
Granitoid magmatism in the Qinling orogen, central China and its bearing on orogenic evolution 被引量:68
作者 WANG XiaoXia WANG Tao ZHANG ChengLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1497-1512,共16页
The Qinling orogen is a typical composite orogen for understanding multi-stages of magmatism and orogenic processes. Many studies have been carried out on the magmatic rocks in the Qinling orogen but their petrogenesi... The Qinling orogen is a typical composite orogen for understanding multi-stages of magmatism and orogenic processes. Many studies have been carried out on the magmatic rocks in the Qinling orogen but their petrogenesis is still controversial. This pa- per presents a review of all granitoid rocks based on previous and new studies of geochronology and geochemistry. Four dis- tinct periods of granitoid magmatism, Neoproterozoic (979-711 Ma), Paleozoic (507-400 Ma), Early Mesozoic (250-185 Ma) and Late Mesozoic (160-100 Ma), have been recognized from the Qinling orogen according to zircon U-Pb ages, intrusion as- sociations and deformation, as well as regional geology. The Neoproterozoic granitic rocks consist of three stages at 979-911, 894-815 and 759-711 Ma, respectively, corresponding to strongly deformed S-type, weakly deformed I-type and A-type gran- itoids. They can be interpreted as magmatic occurrences in syn-collisional, post-collisional and extensional settings, respec- tively, in response to old continental terranes of the Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic events in the old continents of China, such as South China and Tarim cratons. Although this continental terrane would be involved in the Phanerozoic Qinling orog- eny, the Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks are not the products of the Qinling orogenic processes. The Paleozoic magmatic rocks can be classified into three stages at 507-470, 460-422 and 415-400 Ma, respectively. The first-stage magmatism is temporal- ly associated with ultra-high pressure metamorphism in the North Qinling terrane. These magmatic rocks are interpreted as magmatic occurrences in subductional, syn-collisional and post-collisional settings, respectively. The Early Mesozoic mag- matic rocks occur in two stages at 252-185 and 225-200 Ma, respectively. The first-stage granitoids are mainly represented by I-type quartz diorites and granodiorites, and the second stage by granodiorites and monzogranites with the 1- to A-type charac- teristics and some with rapakivi textures. 展开更多
关键词 GRANITOID zircon age magmatism evolution TECTONICS Qinling orogen
辽河群区域变质特征及其大陆动力学意义 被引量:61
作者 李三忠 韩宗珠 +2 位作者 刘永江 杨振升 马瑞 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期9-18,共10页
辽河群是胶辽吉古元古代造山带的主要组成部分。近年来对其区域变质作用的PTt轨迹研究发现:同一造山带内PTt轨迹具多样性。进一步研究认为,这一碰撞造山带南、北空间上PTt轨迹的逆向性起因于造山带南、北部的结构构造、变形过程和同变... 辽河群是胶辽吉古元古代造山带的主要组成部分。近年来对其区域变质作用的PTt轨迹研究发现:同一造山带内PTt轨迹具多样性。进一步研究认为,这一碰撞造山带南、北空间上PTt轨迹的逆向性起因于造山带南、北部的结构构造、变形过程和同变形变质花岗岩空间分布上的差异。就南辽河群和盖县岩组而言,早期、中期变质阶段,因中深部地壳大面积“辽吉花岗岩”的底垫式侵位及其诱发的沉积盖层顺层滑脱减薄作用,变质作用表现为近等压或小幅度增压而温度快速上升的过程;峰期变质阶段,又因收缩挤压增厚,表现为等温升压过程(盖县岩组)或升温升压过程(南辽河群);最后晚期变质阶段,差异剥蚀引起降温降压(盖县岩组)或近等压降温过程(南辽河群)。对北辽河群而言,早期、中期变质阶段,因盖层南辽河群及盖县岩组的大规模向北滑覆增厚作用及花岗岩浆不发育,仅有正常传导热及放射热,因而ΔP>ΔT;峰期变质阶段温、压同时达峰值,之后为等温快速降压过程,与构造剥蚀有关;至晚期变质阶段,同盖县岩组一样,经历降温降压过程。通过对比上述北、南辽河群及盖县岩组的大陆动力学过程,表明其早期大陆动力学过程正好是一个互为消长的过程,从而也决定了它们的PTt轨迹的逆反性。最后,本文提出了辽河群变质的底侵+拆沉模型。 展开更多
关键词 辽河群 PTT轨迹 大陆动力学 区域变质作用 造山带 底侵-拆沉模型 岩浆作用
对“华夏古陆”、“华夏地块”及“扬子-华夏古陆统一体”等观点的质疑 被引量:56
作者 胡受奚 叶瑛 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期432-439,共8页
关於华南大地构造格架及地壳演化存在两种对立的观点:其一,认为华南的基底是“华夏古陆”,或古元古—太古代的“华夏地块”,或“扬子-华夏古陆”。另一种意见认为除小的古老地体外,华南不存在古老基底,而是在洋壳基础上发展起来的地槽... 关於华南大地构造格架及地壳演化存在两种对立的观点:其一,认为华南的基底是“华夏古陆”,或古元古—太古代的“华夏地块”,或“扬子-华夏古陆”。另一种意见认为除小的古老地体外,华南不存在古老基底,而是在洋壳基础上发展起来的地槽褶皱区。华南地槽褶皱区开始于造山纪(2050Ma),它的西部边界是武陵断裂带,与西南地台相邻;其北边界一般认为是长江断裂带,其实很可能是华北地台。对持“华夏古陆”及相似观点进行了质疑和评论,对华南地质一些关键的问题进行了探讨。在此基础上,根椐长期地质研究积累,如地槽相沉积、复理石或浊积岩的巨厚沉积、蛇绿岩套、细碧-角斑岩系、安山岩带、许多下古生代等地层标准化石,以及大量可信的同位素年代学资料等,提出华南从元古代到新生代的主要大地构造单元可分为5个造山带,即:①武陵—双桥山—双溪坞—舟山造山带;②震旦—早古生代造山带;③海西造山带;④印支—燕山火山岩带;⑤台东—喜马拉雅火山弧。 展开更多
关键词 “华夏古陆” 华南 地槽褶皱区 造山带
Geology and D-O-C Isotope Systematics of the Tieluping Silver Deposit,Henan, China: Implications for Ore Genesis 被引量:44
作者 CHENYanjing FrancoPIRAJNO SUIYinghui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期106-119,共14页
The Tieluping silver deposit, which is sited along NE-trending faults within the high-grade metamorphic basement of the Xiong'er terrane, is part of an important Mesozoic orogenic-type Ag-Pb and Au belt recently d... The Tieluping silver deposit, which is sited along NE-trending faults within the high-grade metamorphic basement of the Xiong'er terrane, is part of an important Mesozoic orogenic-type Ag-Pb and Au belt recently discovered. Ore formation includes three stages: Early (E), Middle (M) and Late (L), which include quartz-pyrite (E), polymetallic sulfides (M) and carbonates (L), respectively. The E-stage fluids are characterized by δD=-90‰, and δ 18 O=9‰ at 373°C, and are deeply sourced; the L-stage fluids, with δD=-70‰, and δ 18 O=-2‰, are shallow-sourced meteoric water; whereas the M-stage fluids, with δD=-109‰, and δ 18 O=2‰, are a mix of deep-sourced and shallow-sourced fluids. Comparisons of the D-O-C isotopic systematics of the E- stage ore-forming fluids with the fluids derived from Mesozoic granites, Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement and Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group, show that these units cannot generate fluids with the measured isotopic composition (highδ 18 O and δ 13 C ratios and lowδD ratios) characteristic of the ore-forming fluids. This suggests that the E-stage ore-forming fluids originated from metamorphic devolatilization of a carbonate-shale-chert lithological association, locally rich in organic matter, which could correspond to the Meso-Neoproterozoic Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups, rather than to geologic units in the Xiong'er terrane, the lower crust and the mantle. This supports the view that the rocks of the Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups south of the Machaoying fault might be the favorable sources. A tectonic model that combines collisional orogeny, metallogeny and hydrothermal fluid flow is proposed to explain the formation of the Tieluping silver deposit. During the Mesozoic collision between the South and North China paleocontinents, a crustal slab containing a lithological association consisting of carbonate-shale-chert, locally rich in organic matter (carbonaceous shale) was thrust northwards beneath the Xiong'er terrane along the Machaoying faul 展开更多
关键词 orogenic silver deposit stable isotopes FLUID Xiong'er terrane Qinling orogen China
Magmatism during continental collision, subduction, exhumation and mountain collapse in collisional orogenic belts and continental net growth: A perspective 被引量:45
作者 SONG ShuGuang WANG MengJue +1 位作者 WANG Cao NIU YaoLing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1284-1304,共21页
Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogeni... Continental orogens on Earth can be classified into accretionary orogen and collisional orogen.Magmatism in orogens occurs in every periods of an orogenic cycle,from oceanic subduction,continental collision to orogenic collapse.Continental collision requires the existence of prior oceanic subduction zone.It is generally assumed that the prerequisite of continental deep subduction is oceanic subduction and its drag force to the connecting passive-margin continental lithosphere during continental collision.Continental subduction and collision lead to the thickening and uplift of crust,but the formation time of the related magmatism in orogens depends on the heating mechanism of lithosphere.The accretionary orogens,on the other hand,have no strong continental collision,deep subduction,no large scale of crustal thrusting,thickening and uplift,and no UHP eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks related to continental deep subduction.Even though arc crust could be significantly thickened during oceanic subduction,it is still doubtful that syn-or post-collisional magmatism would be generated.In collisional orogens,due to continental deep subduction and significant crustal thickening,the UHP metamorphosed oceanic and continental crusts will experience decompression melting during exhumation,generating syn-collisional magmatism.During the orogen unrooting and collapse,post-collisional magmatism develops in response to lithosphere extension and upwelling of asthenospheric mantle,marking the end of an orogenic cycle.Therefore,magmatism in orogens can occur during the continental deep subduction,exhumation and uplift after detachment of subducted oceanic crust from continental crust,and extensional collapse.The time span from continental collision to collapse and erosion of orogens(the end of orogenic cycle)is 50–85 Myr.Collisional orogens are the key sites for understanding continental deep subduction,exhumation,uplift and orogenic collapse.Magmatism in collisional orogens plays important roles in continental reworking and net g 展开更多
关键词 collisional orogeny continental deep subduction orogen unrooting and collapse MAGMATISM continental net growth
西昆仑-塔西南坳陷晚古生代以来的沉积构造演化 被引量:42
作者 方爱民 马建英 +2 位作者 王世刚 赵越 胡健民 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期3396-3406,共11页
自柯克亚深层油气勘探取得突破以来,塔西南坳陷一直受到各类地质学家的广泛关注,有关该盆地的形成和演化历史及其油气资源评价近年来更是成为人们的研究热点。本文在总结前人资料的基础上,探讨塔西南和西昆仑地区自晚古生代以来所经历... 自柯克亚深层油气勘探取得突破以来,塔西南坳陷一直受到各类地质学家的广泛关注,有关该盆地的形成和演化历史及其油气资源评价近年来更是成为人们的研究热点。本文在总结前人资料的基础上,探讨塔西南和西昆仑地区自晚古生代以来所经历的构造及沉积格架的演变过程,对塔西南坳陷性质及其演化阶段划分所存在的争议进行了归纳,分析了塔西南-西昆仑这一盆山体系形成和演化中的构造变形和沉积记录。总体来说,根据现有沉积和构造变形资料,中生代之前西昆仑和塔西南坳陷分别处于同一构造背景下的不同沉积单元;二者之间盆山体系的形成主要自晚侏罗世-早白垩世,中-上新世是造盆造山作用机制发生重大转折的时期,或者说早更新世末的构造运动基本上奠定了西昆仑-塔里木盆地南缘现今的盆-山构造格架。 展开更多
关键词 西昆仑地区 塔西南坳陷 晚古生代以来 沉积构造演化 LATE Paleozoic west KUNLUN orogen Tarim BASIN BASIN system KUNLUN orogenic belt tectonic movements structural geology sedimentary strata Early Pleistocene 盆山体系 构造变形 Early Cretaceous 塔里木盆地南缘 LATE Jurassic 油气资源评价 深层油气勘探
造山带沉积地质学研究的新进展 被引量:39
作者 杜远生 颜佳新 韩欣 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期29-34,59,共7页
造山带沉积学是造山带研究的一个重要方面。随着板块学说和活动论思想在大陆造山带研究中的应用和深化,造山带沉积地质学领域出现了理论和方法论上的重大革新和突破。本文从造山带非史密斯地层学、沉积盆地分析、大地构造相分析、造山... 造山带沉积学是造山带研究的一个重要方面。随着板块学说和活动论思想在大陆造山带研究中的应用和深化,造山带沉积地质学领域出现了理论和方法论上的重大革新和突破。本文从造山带非史密斯地层学、沉积盆地分析、大地构造相分析、造山带层序地层学、造山带古海洋学、造山带动力沉积学及造山带沉积地质研究内容和技术路线等诸方面扼要介绍了造山带沉积地质学的新进展。 展开更多
关键词 造山带 沉积地质学 动力沉积学 层序地层学
勉县地区勉略带内麻粒岩的发现及构造意义 被引量:37
作者 李三忠 张国伟 +1 位作者 李亚林 杨永成 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期220-226,共7页
勉县菜马河南部徐家坪附近勉略带中多处发现基性麻粒岩岩块 ,其矿物共生组合为 :Cpx+Gt+Pl(An30 ) +Qz+Rut。采用 Ellis等温度计获得 T为 6 5 7~ 772℃ ,采用 Newton等压力计获得峰值 P达 0 .82~ 1.17GPa,考虑到该压力计获得值往往偏... 勉县菜马河南部徐家坪附近勉略带中多处发现基性麻粒岩岩块 ,其矿物共生组合为 :Cpx+Gt+Pl(An30 ) +Qz+Rut。采用 Ellis等温度计获得 T为 6 5 7~ 772℃ ,采用 Newton等压力计获得峰值 P达 0 .82~ 1.17GPa,考虑到该压力计获得值往往偏低 ,校正后压力最高达 0 .97~ 1.32 GPa。基性麻粒岩中存在 Gt+Cpx=Hb+Pl的退变反应 ,表明经历了等温降压过程 ,PTt轨迹为顺时针 。 展开更多
关键词 麻粒岩 勉略带 秦岭 造山带
Tectonic evolution of the Tongbai-Hong'an orogen in central China: From oceanic subduction/accretion to continent-continent collision 被引量:40
作者 LIU XiaoChun LI SanZhong JAHN Bor-Ming 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1477-1496,共20页
The Tongbai-Hong'an orogen is located in a key tectonic position linking the Qinling orogen to the west and the Dabie-Sulu orogen to the east. Because the orogen preserves a Paleozoic accretionary orogenic system ... The Tongbai-Hong'an orogen is located in a key tectonic position linking the Qinling orogen to the west and the Dabie-Sulu orogen to the east. Because the orogen preserves a Paleozoic accretionary orogenic system in the north and a latest PaleozoicMesozoic collisional orogenic system in the south, it may serve as an ideal place to study the tectonic evolution between the North and South China Blocks. The available literature data in the past 20 years indicate that the tectonic processes of the Tongbai-Hong'an orogen involved four stages during the Phanerozoic:(1) Early Paleozoic(490–420 Ma) oceanic subduction, arc magmatism and arc-continent collision created a new Andean-type active continental margin on the North China Block;(2) Late Paleozoic(340–310 Ma) oceanic subduction and accretion generated separated paired metamorphic belts: a medium P/T Wuguan-Guishan complex belt in the south of the Shandan-Songpa fault and a high P/T Xiongdian eclogite belt in the northern edge of the Mesozoic HP metamorphic terrane;(3) Latest Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic(255–200 Ma) continental subduction and collision formed the Tongbai HP terrane in the west and the Hong'an HP/UHP terrane in the east as a consequence of deep subduction towards the east and syn-subduction detachment/exhumation of the down-going slab;(4) Late Mesozoic(140–120 Ma) extension, voluminous magma intrusion and tectonic extrusion led to the final exhumation of the Tongbai-Hong'an-Dabie HP/UHP terrane and the wedge-shaped architecture of the terrane narrowing towards the west. However, many open questions still remain about the details of each evolutionary stage and earlier history of the orogen. Besides an extensive study directly on the Tongbai-Hong'an orogen in the future, integrated investigation on the "soft-collisional" Qinling orogen in the west and the "hard-collisional" Dabie-Sulu orogen in the east is required to establish a general tectonic model for the whole Qinling-TongbaiHong'an-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. 展开更多
关键词 oceanic subduction ACCRETION continental subduction COLLISION Tongbai-Hong'an orogen
The timing of continental collision between India and Asia 被引量:36
作者 Yongfei Zheng Fuyuan Wu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第24期1649-1654,共6页
The timing of continental collision between India and Asia has been controversial for a long time because of the difficulty in screening isotopic ages for different types of tectonothermal event along the convergent c... The timing of continental collision between India and Asia has been controversial for a long time because of the difficulty in screening isotopic ages for different types of tectonothermal event along the convergent continental boundary. After distinguishing the collisional orogeny from the precollisional accretionary orogeny and the postcollisional rifting orogeny, an age range of 55 ± 10 Ma is obtained to mark the collisional orogeny in the Early Cenozoic rather than throughout the Cenozoic. This age range provides the resolution to the timing of tectonic reactivation not only for reworking of the marginal arc systems in the Early Cenozoic but also for overprinting of granulite facies metamorphism on eclogites in the Late Cenozoic. In particular, superimposition of the rifting orogeny on both accretionary and collisional orogens in the Late Cenozoic is the key to the reactivation of both Gangdese and Himalayan orogens for contemporaneous metamorphism and magmatism at high thermal gradients. Therefore, rise of the plateau may be caused by underplating of the asthenospheric mantle for rifting orogeny in the composite Himalayan–Tibetan orogens after foundering of their roots in the Late Cenozoic. 展开更多
关键词 Himalayan orogen GANGDESE orogen NEO-TETHYS Ocean ACCRETIONARY orogenY Collisional orogenY RIFTING orogenY
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