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近40年我国暴雨的年代际变化特征 被引量:176
作者 鲍名 黄荣辉 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1057-1067,共11页
利用1961-2000年全国610个测站逐日降水资料和暴雨定义,分析我国近40年暴雨发生频率的年代际时空变化特征。分析结果表明,我国夏季暴雨多发生在长江中下游、华南、四川中东部、黄淮地区和华北东部,夏季暴雨发生频率具有明显的年代际... 利用1961-2000年全国610个测站逐日降水资料和暴雨定义,分析我国近40年暴雨发生频率的年代际时空变化特征。分析结果表明,我国夏季暴雨多发生在长江中下游、华南、四川中东部、黄淮地区和华北东部,夏季暴雨发生频率具有明显的年代际变化,且各地区暴雨的年代际变化有一定差异。分析结果还表明,我国东部季风区夏季暴雨与洪涝的关系非常密切,特别是90年代江淮流域暴雨对洪涝的贡献明显增大。作者还初步讨论了夏季暴雨发生频率年代际变化的气候背景,指出:70年代末开始的华北暴雨减少可能与赤道中、东太平洋海表面温度的年代际变化有关,而90年代长江以南暴雨增多则可能与热带西太平洋偏东方向热对流的年代际变化有关。 展开更多
关键词 暴雨 年代际变化 季风 海表面温度
The Interannual Variability of East Asian Winter Monsoon and Its Relation to the Summer Monsoon 被引量:163
作者 陈文 Han-F.Graf 黄荣辉 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期48-60,共13页
Based on the NCEP/ NCAR reanalysis data the interannual variability of the East Asian winter mon-soon (EAWM) is studied with a newly defined EAWM intensity index. The marked features for a strong (weak) winter monsoon... Based on the NCEP/ NCAR reanalysis data the interannual variability of the East Asian winter mon-soon (EAWM) is studied with a newly defined EAWM intensity index. The marked features for a strong (weak) winter monsoon include strong (weak) northerly winds along coastal East Asia, cold (warm) East Asian continent and surrounding sea and warm (cold) ocean from the subtropical central Pacific to the trop-ical western Pacific, high (low) pressure in East Asian continent and low (high) pressure in the adjacent ocean and deep (weak) East Asian trough at 500 hPa. These interannual variations are shown to be closely connected to the SST anomaly in the tropical Pacific, both in the western and eastern Pacific. The results suggest that the strength of the EAWM is mainly influenced by the processes associated with the SST anom-aly over the tropical Pacific. The EAWM generally becomes weak when there is a positive SST anomaly in the tropical eastern Pacific (El Ni?o), and it becomes strong when there is a negative SST anomaly (La Ni?a). Moreover, the SST anomaly in the South China Sea is found to be closely related to the EAWM and may persist to the following summer. Both the circulation at 850 hPa and the rainfall in China confirm the connection between the EAWM and the following East Asian summer monsoon. The possible reason for the recent 1998 summer flood in China is briefly discussed too. Key words East Asian winter monsoon - Interannual variability - SST - Summer monsoon This study was supported by “ National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences” G1998040900 part 1, and by key project (KZ 952-S1-404) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian winter monsoon Interannual variability SST Summer monsoon
Climatology and Interannual Variability of the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon 被引量:132
作者 K. M. Lau Song Yang 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第2期18-26,28-39,共21页
In this paper, results from a pilot study for the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment are reported. Based on analyses of 9 years of pentad and monthly mean data, the climatology of subseasonal features and interannual ... In this paper, results from a pilot study for the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment are reported. Based on analyses of 9 years of pentad and monthly mean data, the climatology of subseasonal features and interannual variability of the Southeast Asian monsoon (SEAM) are documented. The present analysis is focused on the sudden onset of the South China Sea monsoon and its relation to the atmospheric and oceanic processes on the entire Asian monsoon region. \ \ It is found that the onset of the SEAM occurs around mid-May, signaling the earliest stage of the entire Asian summer monsoon system. The establishment of monsoon rainfall over the South China Sea is abrupt, being accompanied by substantial changes in the large scale atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature in the adjacent oceans. The onset and fluctuations of SEAM involve the interaction and metamorphosis of the large scale convection over the Indo-China, the South China Sea and the southern Bay of Bengal. Results show that the onset time of the SEAM differs greatly from one year to another. The delayed (advanced) onset of the monsoon may be related to basin-wide warm (cold) events of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. We also present evidence showing that the SEAM fluctuations in May may foreshadow the development of the full-scale Asian summer monsoon during the subsequent months. 展开更多
关键词 Southeast Asian monsoon South China Sea CLIMATOLOGY ONSET Interannual variability
晚第三纪中国西北干旱化的发展及其与北极冰盖形成演化和青藏高原隆升的关系 被引量:111
作者 郭正堂 彭淑贞 +2 位作者 郝青振 陈习慧 刘东生 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期556-567,共12页
对甘肃酉峰晚第三纪红土标准剖面的研究揭示出,该区红土下部(6.2MaB.P.前)是红化的土壤物质与其它物质一起经水流搬运(坡积作用为主)再堆积的产物;中部(6.2~3.4MaB.P.)未发现再搬运的痕迹,是风尘堆积经... 对甘肃酉峰晚第三纪红土标准剖面的研究揭示出,该区红土下部(6.2MaB.P.前)是红化的土壤物质与其它物质一起经水流搬运(坡积作用为主)再堆积的产物;中部(6.2~3.4MaB.P.)未发现再搬运的痕迹,是风尘堆积经风化和频繁地下水位波动作用所形成,不具明显的土壤发生学层次,其中的碳酸盐富积层不是成壤碳酸盐,而与地下水作用密切相关;上部(34~2.6MaB.P.)是典型的风尘堆积-土壤序列。由于中国西北和中亚干旱区的存在是黄河中游风尘堆积的前提条件,该区风尘物质的堆积起始于6.2MaB.P.前后标志着源区干旱化的加剧,并已达到相当高的程度。对整个序列的分析表明,源区干旱化程度在6.2~5.4MaB.P.期间较高,此后降低,在3.4MaB.P.和2.6MaB.P.又两次显著增强。上述历史与北极冰盖的起源和演化历史具有高度的一致性,若干重大转变与青藏高原隆升也有时代上的耦合性。本文认为,北极冰盖的形成演化和高原隆升都是中国西北和中亚地区干旱化发展的重要驱动因素,二者对西伯利亚高压的形成和发展的影响及高原对暖湿气流的阻挡可能是导致于旱化的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 晚第三纪 中国 干旱化 北极 冰盖形成 高原隆升
南北两半球大气的相互作用和季风的本质 被引量:106
作者 曾庆存 李建平 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期433-448,共16页
理性分析和利用NCEP/NCAR资料进行统计分析表明:大气环流的季节变化和越赤道气流即两半球的相互作用首先是由于赤道面与黄道面有交角而使太阳辐射有年变化所致,行星热对流环流是热带季风的“第一推动力”,而地表面特性差异(海陆热力特... 理性分析和利用NCEP/NCAR资料进行统计分析表明:大气环流的季节变化和越赤道气流即两半球的相互作用首先是由于赤道面与黄道面有交角而使太阳辐射有年变化所致,行星热对流环流是热带季风的“第一推动力”,而地表面特性差异(海陆热力特性差异以及地形高度等)所导致的准定常行星波为“第二推动力”。如以推动大气质量跨纬圈传输的效力来看,平均来说二推动力的功效之比为2:1。第二推动力在亚澳季风区与第一推动力合拍,使热带季风在亚澳区内最明显,而各经圈环流圈的上下及南北关联及与中高纬准定常行星波的配置则使全球范围内从低纬到高纬、从低空到高空有地域性的明显季节变化区,从而构成三度空间的全球季风系统。 展开更多
关键词 南北两半球 大气 相互作用 季风 大气环境
青藏高原大气热源和冬春积雪与中国东部降水的年代际变化关系 被引量:109
作者 朱玉祥 丁一汇 徐怀刚 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期946-958,共13页
利用NCEP 1950—2004年逐日再分析资料,采用倒算法,对青藏高原大气热源的长期变化进行了计算,结果发现,青藏高原及附近地区上空大气春夏季热源在过去50年里,尤其是最近20年,表现为持续减弱的趋势。而1960—2004年青藏高原50站的冬春雪... 利用NCEP 1950—2004年逐日再分析资料,采用倒算法,对青藏高原大气热源的长期变化进行了计算,结果发现,青藏高原及附近地区上空大气春夏季热源在过去50年里,尤其是最近20年,表现为持续减弱的趋势。而1960—2004年青藏高原50站的冬春雪深却出现了增加,尤其是春季雪深在1977年出现了由少到多的突变。用SVD方法对高原积雪和高原大气热源关系的分析表明,二者存在非常显著的反相关关系,即高原冬春积雪偏多,高原大气春夏季热源偏弱。高原大气春夏季热源和中国160站降水的SVD分析表明,高原大气春夏季热源和夏季长江中下游降水呈反相关,与华南和华北降水呈正相关;而高原冬春积雪和中国160站降水的SVD分析显示,高原冬春积雪和夏季长江流域降水呈显著正相关,与华南和华北降水呈反相关。在年代际尺度上,青藏高原大气热源和冬春积雪与中国东部降水型的年代际变化(南涝北旱)有很好的相关。最后讨论了青藏高原大气热源影响中国东部降水的机制。青藏高原春夏季热源减弱,使得海陆热力差异减小,致使东亚夏季风强度减弱,输送到华北的水汽减少,而到达长江流域的水汽却增加;同时,高原热源减弱,使得副热带高压偏西,夏季雨带在长江流域维持更长时间。导致近20年来长江流域降水偏多,华北偏少,形成"南涝北旱"雨型。高原冬春积雪的增加,降低了地表温度,减弱了地面热源,并进而使得青藏高原及附近地区大气热源减弱。 展开更多
关键词 高原热源 季风 高原积雪 南涝北旱
基于MJO的延伸预报 被引量:110
作者 丁一汇 梁萍 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期111-122,共12页
近10年来,2~4周的延伸预报成为天气和气候业务预报发展的一个方向。目前比较有效的方法是根据季节内振荡的传播,尤其是MJO振荡(30~60天周期)的传播来制作延伸期预报。国际上一些天气-气候预报中通过数年的业务试验已取得了初步结果。... 近10年来,2~4周的延伸预报成为天气和气候业务预报发展的一个方向。目前比较有效的方法是根据季节内振荡的传播,尤其是MJO振荡(30~60天周期)的传播来制作延伸期预报。国际上一些天气-气候预报中通过数年的业务试验已取得了初步结果。作者首先介绍了MJO振荡及季风的季节内振荡(MISO)特征,并从季节内振荡与中纬度相互作用的角度讨论了制作延伸预报的理论依据;进一步对延伸预报的可预报性、预报方法及国内外业务应用进展进行了综述,并以江淮梅雨为例探讨了我国延伸预报的可预报性及信号;最后阐述了延伸预报的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 延伸预报 季节内振荡 MJO 季风
A Diagnostic Study of the Impact of El Nion on the Precipitation in China 被引量:102
作者 张人禾 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期229-241,共13页
The impact of E1 Nino on the precipitation in China for different seasons are investigateddiagnostically. It is found that E1 Nino can influence the precipitation in China significantly duringits mature phase. In the ... The impact of E1 Nino on the precipitation in China for different seasons are investigateddiagnostically. It is found that E1 Nino can influence the precipitation in China significantly duringits mature phase. In the Northern winter, spring and autumn, the positive precipitation anomaliesare found in the southern part of China during the E1 Nino mature phase. In the Northernsummer, the patterns of the precipitation anomalies in the E1 Nifio mature phase are different fromthose in the other seasons. The negative precipitation anomalies appear in both southern andnorthern parts of China, while in between around the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and theHuaihe River valleys the precipitation anomalies tend to be positive.In the Northern winter, spring and autumn, the physical process by which E1 Nino affects theprecipitation in the southern part of China can be explained by the features of the circulationanomalies over East Asia during the E1 Nino mature phase (Zhang et al. 1996). The appearance ofan anticyclonic anomaly to the north of the maritime continent in the lower troposphere during theE1 Nino mature phase intensifies the subtropical high in the western Pacific and makes it shiftwestward. The associated southwesterly flow is responsible for the positive precipitation anomaliesin the southern part of China. In the Northern summer, the intensified western Pacific subtropicalhigh covers the southeastern periphery of China so that the precipitation there becomes less. In addition, the weakening of the indian monsoon provides less moisture inflow to the northern part ofChina. 展开更多
关键词 El Nio Precipitation in China East Asian monsoon
The Weakening of the Asian Monsoon Circulation after the End of 1970's 被引量:91
作者 王会军 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期376-386,共11页
The transition of the global atmospheric circulation in the end of 1970's can clearly be detected in the atmospheric temperature, wind velocity, and so on. Wavelet analysis reveals that the temporal scale of this ... The transition of the global atmospheric circulation in the end of 1970's can clearly be detected in the atmospheric temperature, wind velocity, and so on. Wavelet analysis reveals that the temporal scale of this change is larger than 20 years. Studies in this work indicate that the trend of the transition over the mid-latitude Asia is opposite to that of global average for some variables at the middle troposphere. Another finding of this research is that the African-Asian monsoon circulation is weaker and the trade wind over the tropical eastern Pacific is weaker as well after this transition. Such a signal may be found in the summer precipitation over China as well. Key words Asian monsoon circulation - Weakening - Transition This research was supported by the key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Contract KZCX2-203 and the key program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract 49894170. 展开更多
关键词 Asian monsoon circulation WEAKENING TRANSITION
Indo-Western Pacific Ocean Capacitor and Coherent Climate Anomalies in Post-ENSO Summer: A Review 被引量:96
作者 Shang-Ping XIE Yu KOSAKA +3 位作者 Yan DU Kaiming HU Jasti S.CHOWDARY Gang HUANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期411-432,共22页
ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provi... ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provides historical accounts of major milestones and synthesizes recent advances in the endeavor to understand summer variability over the Indo-Northwest Pacific region. Specifically, a large-scale anomalous anticyclone (AAC) is a recurrent pattern in post-E1 Nifio summers, spanning the tropical Northwest Pacific and North Indian oceans. Regarding the ocean memory that anchors the summer AAC, competing hypotheses emphasize either SST cooling in the easterly trade wind regime of the Northwest Pacific or SST warming in the westerly monsoon regime of the North Indian Ocean. Our synthesis reveals a coupled ocean- atmosphere mode that builds on both mechanisms in a two-stage evolution. In spring, when the northeast trades prevail, the AAC and Northwest Pacific cooling are coupled via wind-evaporation-SST feedback. The Northwest Pacific cooling persists to trigger a summer feedback that arises from the interaction of the AAC and North Indian Ocean warming, enabled by the westerly monsoon wind regime. This Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor (IPOC) effect explains why E1 Nifio stages its last act over the monsoonal Indo-Northwest Pacific and casts the Indian Ocean warming and AAC in leading roles. The IPOC displays interdecadal modulations by the ENSO variance cycle, significantly correlated with ENSO at the turn of the 20th century and after the 1970s, but not in between. Outstanding issues, including future climate projections, are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Indian Ocean western Pacific ocean-atmosphere interaction ENSO Asian monsoon
南海西南季风爆发日期及其影响因子 被引量:77
作者 梁建茵 吴尚森 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期829-844,共16页
利用1950~1999年NCEP全球格点日平均资料,在总结南海西南季风爆发前后850hPa大气环流特征的基础上,提出了一个较为客观的确定南海西南季风爆发日期的大气环流方法。在与1980~1991年其他多种指标确定的爆发日期比较后,作者认为该大气... 利用1950~1999年NCEP全球格点日平均资料,在总结南海西南季风爆发前后850hPa大气环流特征的基础上,提出了一个较为客观的确定南海西南季风爆发日期的大气环流方法。在与1980~1991年其他多种指标确定的爆发日期比较后,作者认为该大气环流方法所确定的爆发日期基本合理,并给出了1950~1999年各年南海西南季风爆发的日期。通过合成对比分析和相关分析发现,前期热带太平洋地区海温异常分布是影响南海西南季风爆发早晚的重要因素。菲律宾以东洋面海温偏高,赤道太平洋中部偏东地区海温偏低,可以使低层西太平洋副高减弱、高层中东太平洋洋中槽加深,印度洋热带地区偏西风偏强,印度洋-太平洋热带地区Walker环流偏强,为热带对流在孟加拉湾-南海地区发展提供了有利的环境。在孟加拉湾南部偏西气流的作用下,南海地区对流活动较为容易发展起来,低层较弱的西太平洋副热带高压也容易较早地撤出南海上空,使得南海西南季风较早爆发。反之亦然。 展开更多
关键词 爆发日期 南海 季风 大气环流 相关分析 对流活动
Characteristics and Variations of the East Asian Monsoon System and Its Impacts on Climate Disasters in China 被引量:80
作者 黄荣辉 陈际龙 黄刚 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第6期993-1023,共31页
Recent advances in studies of the structural characteristics and temporal-spatial variations of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system and the impact of this system on severe climate disasters in China are reviewed. Pr... Recent advances in studies of the structural characteristics and temporal-spatial variations of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system and the impact of this system on severe climate disasters in China are reviewed. Previous studies have improved our understanding of the basic characteristics of horizontal and vertical structures and the annual cycle of the EAM system and the water vapor transports in the EAM region. Many studies have shown that the EAM system is a relatively independent subsystem of the Asian- Australian monsoon system, and that there exists an obvious quasi-biennial oscillation with a meridional tripole pattern distribution in the interannual variations of the EAM system. Further analyses of the basic physical processes, both internal and external, that influence the variability of the EAM system indicate that the EAM system may be viewed as an atmosphere-ocean-land coupled system, referred to the EAM climate system in this paper. Further, the paper discusses how the interaction and relationships among various components of this system can be described through the East Asia Pacific (EAP) teleconnection pattern and the teleconnection pattern of meridional upper-tropospheric wind anomalies along the westerly jet over East Asia. Such reasoning suggests that the occurrence of severe floods in the Yangtze and Hualhe River valleys and prolonged droughts in North China are linked, respectively~ to the background interannual and interdecadal variability of the EAM climate system. Besides, outstanding scientific issues related to the EAM system and its impact on climate disasters in China are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian monsoon system climate disaster persistent drought severe flood EAP pattern teleconnection
关于季风动力学以及季风与ENSO循环相互作用的研究 被引量:73
作者 黄荣辉 陈文 +1 位作者 丁一汇 李崇银 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期484-502,共19页
季风和ENSO是影响亚洲和中国气候变化的两大系统,随着气候动力学研究的深入,国内外学者对季风及其与ENSO循环相互作用的研究取得了很大进展。作者回顾了近年来国内外关于季风动力学以及季风与ENSO循环相互作用的研究进展,主要综述了中... 季风和ENSO是影响亚洲和中国气候变化的两大系统,随着气候动力学研究的深入,国内外学者对季风及其与ENSO循环相互作用的研究取得了很大进展。作者回顾了近年来国内外关于季风动力学以及季风与ENSO循环相互作用的研究进展,主要综述了中国学者关于亚洲季风的认识与表述的深化,特别是对于季风的特征、系统性和年循环现象的认识。还回顾了中国关于亚洲季风的季内、年际和年代际变化、亚洲季风与ENSO循环相互作用等方面的研究进展。此外,还提出在季风动力学以及季风与ENSO循环相互作用方面需进一步研究的问题。 展开更多
关键词 季风 动力学 ENSO 循环 大气环流
南海的季节环流──TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高应用研究 被引量:71
作者 李立 吴日升 郭小钢 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期13-26,共14页
应用1992~1996年的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计遥感资料,研究了 冬、夏季风强盛期多年平均的南海上层环流结构.研究结果表明,南海上层流结构呈 明显的季节变化,在很大程度上受该海区冬、夏交替的季风支配.冬... 应用1992~1996年的TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计遥感资料,研究了 冬、夏季风强盛期多年平均的南海上层环流结构.研究结果表明,南海上层流结构呈 明显的季节变化,在很大程度上受该海区冬、夏交替的季风支配.冬季总环流呈气旋 型,并发育有两个次海盆尺度气旋型环流;夏季总环流大致呈反气旋型、但在南海东 部18°N以南海域未见明显流系发育.研究还表明,南海环流的西向强化趋势明显, 无论冬、夏在中南半岛沿岸和巽他陆架外缘均存在急流,其流向冬、夏相反,是南海上 层环流中最强劲的一支.鉴于该海流的动力特征与海洋动力学中定义的漂流不同, 有相当大的地转成分,建议称为“南海季风急流(South China Sea Monsoon Jet)”.冬 季南下的季风急流在南海南部受巽他陆架阻挡折向东北,沿加里曼丹岛和巴拉望岛 外海有较强东北向流发育.夏季北上的季风急流在海南岛东南分为两支:北支沿陆 架北上,似为传统意义上的南海暖流;南支沿18°N向东横穿南海后折向东北;二者 之间(陆架坡折附近)为弱流区.两分支在汕头外海汇合后,南海暖流流速增强.就 多年平均而言,黑潮只在冬季侵入南海东北部,并在南海北部诱生一个次海盆尺度的 气旋型环流。 展开更多
关键词 南海 环流 卫星高度计 季风 黑潮 海流
青藏高原积雪对气候影响的研究进展和问题 被引量:77
作者 朱玉祥 丁一汇 《气象科技》 2007年第1期1-8,共8页
系统地回顾了青藏高原积雪对天气气候影响的国内外研究进展,并对研究中存在的一些问题做出了评述。认识到积雪增加将导致亚洲夏季风减弱或爆发推迟,这是通过积雪-季风关系实现的。对反射率和融雪的相对重要性,尚未有一致意见。高原积雪... 系统地回顾了青藏高原积雪对天气气候影响的国内外研究进展,并对研究中存在的一些问题做出了评述。认识到积雪增加将导致亚洲夏季风减弱或爆发推迟,这是通过积雪-季风关系实现的。对反射率和融雪的相对重要性,尚未有一致意见。高原积雪作为一种重要的陆面强迫因子,和副高、阻高、冬夏季风、ENSO、海温等影响中国天气气候的因子有密切关系。在全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原积雪却出现了增加,对这一问题的研究具有重要的现实意义。高原积雪年代际变化的研究,有助于揭示我国近年来“南涝北旱”雨型的原因,同时有利于雨型反转时间的预测。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 风气候变化 旱涝 积雪
An Index Measuring the Interannual Variation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon-The EAP Index 被引量:75
作者 黄刚 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期41-52,共12页
Based on the EAP (East Asia/Pacific) teleconnection in the summer circulation anomalies over the Northern Hemisphere, an index measuring the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon, i.e., the so-called EAP index, is... Based on the EAP (East Asia/Pacific) teleconnection in the summer circulation anomalies over the Northern Hemisphere, an index measuring the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon, i.e., the so-called EAP index, is defined in this paper. From the analyses of observed data, it is clearly shown that the EAP index defined in this study can well describe the interannual variability of summer rainfall and surface air temperature in East Asia, especially in the Yangtze River valley and the Huaihe River valley, Korea, and Japan. Moreover, this index can also reflect the interannual variability of the East Asian summer monsoon system including the monsoon horizontal circulation and the vertical-meridional circulation cell over East Asia. From the composite analyses of climate and monsoon circulation anomalies for high EAP index and for low EAP index, respectively, it is well demonstrated that the EAP index proposed in this study can well measure the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon. 展开更多
关键词 East Asia/Pacific index East Asian summer monsoon interannual variability
Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and environmental changes 被引量:73
作者 Jijun Li Xiaomin Fang 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1999年第23期2117-2124,共8页
Major progress, problems, and challenges of recent investigation of the Tibetan Plateau uplift processes and resulting environmental changes are reviewed and summarized briefly, which especially covers the National Ti... Major progress, problems, and challenges of recent investigation of the Tibetan Plateau uplift processes and resulting environmental changes are reviewed and summarized briefly, which especially covers the National Tibetan Research Projects of the Chinese Eighth (1992-1996) and Ninth (1997-2001) 'Five-Year Projects'. The Tibetan Plateau uplift is a complicated multiple cyclic process. The Gangdise and Himalayas began to uplift in the 展开更多
关键词 TIBETAN PLATEAU UPLIFT process Asian monsoon.
Characteristics,Processes,and Causes of the Spatio-temporal Variabilities of the East Asian Monsoon System 被引量:71
作者 黄荣辉 陈际龙 +1 位作者 王林 林中达 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期910-942,共33页
Recent advances in the study of the characteristics, processes, and causes of spatio-temporal variabilities of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system are reviewed in this paper. The understanding of the EAM system has ... Recent advances in the study of the characteristics, processes, and causes of spatio-temporal variabilities of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system are reviewed in this paper. The understanding of the EAM system has improved in many aspects: the basic characteristics of horizontal and vertical structures, the annual cycle of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) system and the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) system, the characteristics of the spatio-temporal variabilities of the EASM system and the EAWM system, and especially the multiple modes of the EAM system and their spatio-temporal variabilities. Some new results have also been achieved in understanding the atmosphere-ocean interaction and atmosphere-land interaction processes that affect the variability of the EAM system. Based on recent studies, the EAM system can be seen as more than a circulation system, it can be viewed as an atmosphere-ocean-land coupled system, namely, the EAM climate system. In addition, further progress has been made in diagnosing the internal physical mechanisms of EAM climate system variability, especially regarding the characteristics and properties of the East Asia-Pacific (EAP) teleconnection over East Asia and the North Pacific, the "Silk Road" teleconnection along the westerly jet stream in the upper troposphere over the Asian continent, and the dynamical effects of quasi-stationary planetary wave activity on EAM system variability. At the end of the paper, some scientific problems regarding understanding the EAM system variability are proposed for further study. 展开更多
关键词 East Asian monsoon system spatio-temporal variations climate system EAP teleconnection
近10年中国大陆MODIS遥感气溶胶光学厚度特征 被引量:72
作者 罗宇翔 陈娟 +1 位作者 郑小波 T.L.Zhao 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期876-883,共8页
应用2001—2010年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,分析中国550 nm AOD年和季节平均分布。还选取了10个代表性区域,分析AOD变化特征。这些分析建立起了近10年来中国气溶胶光学厚度的气候学特征:中国年平均AOD空间区域分布中心大体呈... 应用2001—2010年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,分析中国550 nm AOD年和季节平均分布。还选取了10个代表性区域,分析AOD变化特征。这些分析建立起了近10年来中国气溶胶光学厚度的气候学特征:中国年平均AOD空间区域分布中心大体呈现两低两高。两低中心位于植被覆盖度高和人烟稀少的(1)黑龙江和内蒙古东北高纬度地区(~0.2);(2)川、滇与青藏高原交界的西南高海拔地区(0.1~0.2)。一个AOD低值带(0.2~0.3)连接这两个低中心,呈东北西南走向跨过中国大陆。在此低值带两侧,各有一片AOD高值中心(~0.8):(1)人口密集和工业化发展带来的大量人为气溶胶形成了一个覆盖了华北、长江流域(从四川盆地,两湖地区到长三角)到华南珠江三角洲相联的大片高AOD中心区域;(2)以沙尘为主的自然气气溶胶造就了西北塔克拉玛干沙漠及周边高AOD区。中国AOD这一两低两高区域分布特征基本保持四季不变,但其中心强度呈现各自区域性季节变化。中国春季AOD高值区的面积最大,其次是夏季,然后是秋季,面积最小的是冬季。南方AOD月变化规律多为双峰型,即3—5和8—9月出现2次高峰,5—7月从南向北先后出现波谷,变化规律与季风响应。北方为单峰型,6—7月为高峰,11到来年2月为低谷。用弱季风年(2002)和强季风年(2003)季风影响区域气象条件和气溶胶数据对比分析表明,大陆AOD的月空间分布和变化与季风气候,以及风速、风向、降水、温度和湿度等的变化有关。 展开更多
关键词 中国 气溶胶光学厚度 气候学特征 MODIS 季风
晚新生代黄土高原风尘序列的粒度和沉积速率与中国北方大气环流演变 被引量:64
作者 孙东怀 鹿化煜 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期251-262,共12页
文章以风尘沉积的粗粒和细粒组分与季风和西风环流的联系为基础,利用黄土高原中部的洛川剖面、西峰剖面和灵台剖面的粒度和沉积速率记录,讨论了晚新生代中国北方季风环流和西风环流的演变历史,总结了这一时期大气环流演变的基本规律... 文章以风尘沉积的粗粒和细粒组分与季风和西风环流的联系为基础,利用黄土高原中部的洛川剖面、西峰剖面和灵台剖面的粒度和沉积速率记录,讨论了晚新生代中国北方季风环流和西风环流的演变历史,总结了这一时期大气环流演变的基本规律和大气环流演变的动力机制。研究表明,自8—7Ma风尘沉积发育至5Ma左右,西风环流和季风环流都有减弱的趋势;自5Ma以来,西风环流和季风环流的强度都在逐步加强;与此同步,季风环流对风尘沉积的贡献增加,而西风环流对风尘的贡献逐渐减小,这一逐渐发展的大气环流趋势与北半球高纬冰盏的逐步发展有关;大气环流的这种趋势变化在8—7Ma,3.4Ma和1.2—0.9Ma这几个时期存在着突变,可能反映了青藏高原的阶段性隆升对中国北方季风环流演化的决定性作用以及对西风环流结构和强度的重要影响。中国北方大气环流在轨道尺度变化的基本特征是,低空季风环流在冰期加强,在间冰期减弱。西风环流和季风环流在冰期和间冰期的强度和格局可能主要与全球冰量的基本状况和青藏高原原面的性质有关。黄土高原的风尘记录在万年尺度和千年尺度的气候事件上都表现出相当明显的区域差异,可能主要与局部地形的大气环流效应有关。 展开更多
关键词 黄土 粒度分布 季风环流 西风环流
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