Barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV),vectored by several aphid species,is the most significant viral pathogen of wheat and other grain cereals.Significant economic losses resulting from BYDV in wheat,barley and oats have b...Barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV),vectored by several aphid species,is the most significant viral pathogen of wheat and other grain cereals.Significant economic losses resulting from BYDV in wheat,barley and oats have been reported in many countries.The most economic means of controlling BYDV is to develop wheat varieties with resistance to BYDV. So far no BYDV resistance has been described in wheat collections except one gene in some cultivars tolerant to BYDV. However, Thinopyrum intermedium ,two octoploids Zhong 4 awnless and TAF46,and the disomic addition lines,L1,Z1,Z2 and Z6 all showed resistance to BYDV. We developed several wheat Th.Intermedium translocation lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1 by inducing homologous pairing using CS Ph1 mutant. It was found that their BYDV resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene. Characterization of these wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The results of GISH showed that the lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., were homozygous wheat Th.intermedium translocation lines containing 20 pairs of wheat chromosomes and 1 pair of wheat Th.intermedium translocation chromosomes,in which the chromosome segments of Th intermedium were transferred to the distal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that the translocation chromosome of the wheat lines was T7DS·7DL 7XL translocation. The breakpoint of translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL,between Xpsr965 and Xpsr680,about 90 99 cM from the centromere. The BYDV gene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680,Xpsr687 and Xwg380.The RFLP markers of psr680,psr687 and wg380 co segregated with the BYDV resistance and could be used for marker assisted selection(MAS)in wheat breeding program for BYDV resistance.展开更多
硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.AABB)和中间偃麦革[Elytrigia intermedium(Host)Nevski BBEEFF]的杂种 F_1——小偃麦的幼穗诱导的胚性愈伤组织继代培养近两年后,转入修改的 MS 液体培养基建成胚性细胞悬浮系。从此悬浮系分离的原生质...硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.AABB)和中间偃麦革[Elytrigia intermedium(Host)Nevski BBEEFF]的杂种 F_1——小偃麦的幼穗诱导的胚性愈伤组织继代培养近两年后,转入修改的 MS 液体培养基建成胚性细胞悬浮系。从此悬浮系分离的原生质体在修改的 KM_(8p)培养基中培养48小时后出现第一次分裂。15天后,在液体浅层培养条件下的细胞分裂频率为2%;而用1.2%琼脂糖固化进行固体平板培养时,细胞的分裂频率则为12.14%。20—30天后,添加渗透压降低的原生质体培养液。当从原生质体再生的愈伤组织长至2—4mm 大小时,逐步转至生长及分化培养基上再生出完整植株。展开更多
偃麦草属是小麦近缘种属中应用较为广泛的野生资源之一,作为小麦遗传改良和种质创新的重要基因源,在创制小麦桥梁材料和遗传育种方面发挥了重要作用。小偃麦创制工作始于20世纪20年代,是通过远缘杂交,将偃麦草属植物的染色体或染色体组...偃麦草属是小麦近缘种属中应用较为广泛的野生资源之一,作为小麦遗传改良和种质创新的重要基因源,在创制小麦桥梁材料和遗传育种方面发挥了重要作用。小偃麦创制工作始于20世纪20年代,是通过远缘杂交,将偃麦草属植物的染色体或染色体组遗传成分导入到普通小麦中,培育小偃麦(部分)双二倍体、异附加系、异代换系、易位系和渐渗系。小偃麦(部分)双二倍体主要是八倍体小偃麦(AABBDDXX, 2n=8x=56)和六倍体小偃麦(AABBXX,2n=6x=42),来源于偃麦草的染色体组(XX)多为混合染色体组(异源染色体组)。我国自20世纪50年代开始小麦与偃麦草远缘杂交工作,创制了类型丰富的小偃麦,在小麦抗病研究和新种质创制方面表现突出,在此基础上培育出一系列高产优质的小麦品种。小偃麦创制过程中,中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth&D. R. Dewey)和3种长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum (Host) D. R.Dewey×ponticum(Podp.) Barkworth&D. R. Dewey)因易于同小麦杂交,具有抗寒、抗旱、耐盐碱、抗小麦多种病虫害等特性,成为创制小偃麦的主要亲本来源,应用范围最广。本研究从5部分综述小偃麦的创制与应用研究进展,旨在为小偃麦的研发利用和小麦遗传资源创新提供科学依据。展开更多
文摘Barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV),vectored by several aphid species,is the most significant viral pathogen of wheat and other grain cereals.Significant economic losses resulting from BYDV in wheat,barley and oats have been reported in many countries.The most economic means of controlling BYDV is to develop wheat varieties with resistance to BYDV. So far no BYDV resistance has been described in wheat collections except one gene in some cultivars tolerant to BYDV. However, Thinopyrum intermedium ,two octoploids Zhong 4 awnless and TAF46,and the disomic addition lines,L1,Z1,Z2 and Z6 all showed resistance to BYDV. We developed several wheat Th.Intermedium translocation lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1 by inducing homologous pairing using CS Ph1 mutant. It was found that their BYDV resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene. Characterization of these wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The results of GISH showed that the lines, Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243 etc., were homozygous wheat Th.intermedium translocation lines containing 20 pairs of wheat chromosomes and 1 pair of wheat Th.intermedium translocation chromosomes,in which the chromosome segments of Th intermedium were transferred to the distal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that the translocation chromosome of the wheat lines was T7DS·7DL 7XL translocation. The breakpoint of translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL,between Xpsr965 and Xpsr680,about 90 99 cM from the centromere. The BYDV gene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680,Xpsr687 and Xwg380.The RFLP markers of psr680,psr687 and wg380 co segregated with the BYDV resistance and could be used for marker assisted selection(MAS)in wheat breeding program for BYDV resistance.
文摘硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf.AABB)和中间偃麦革[Elytrigia intermedium(Host)Nevski BBEEFF]的杂种 F_1——小偃麦的幼穗诱导的胚性愈伤组织继代培养近两年后,转入修改的 MS 液体培养基建成胚性细胞悬浮系。从此悬浮系分离的原生质体在修改的 KM_(8p)培养基中培养48小时后出现第一次分裂。15天后,在液体浅层培养条件下的细胞分裂频率为2%;而用1.2%琼脂糖固化进行固体平板培养时,细胞的分裂频率则为12.14%。20—30天后,添加渗透压降低的原生质体培养液。当从原生质体再生的愈伤组织长至2—4mm 大小时,逐步转至生长及分化培养基上再生出完整植株。
文摘偃麦草属是小麦近缘种属中应用较为广泛的野生资源之一,作为小麦遗传改良和种质创新的重要基因源,在创制小麦桥梁材料和遗传育种方面发挥了重要作用。小偃麦创制工作始于20世纪20年代,是通过远缘杂交,将偃麦草属植物的染色体或染色体组遗传成分导入到普通小麦中,培育小偃麦(部分)双二倍体、异附加系、异代换系、易位系和渐渗系。小偃麦(部分)双二倍体主要是八倍体小偃麦(AABBDDXX, 2n=8x=56)和六倍体小偃麦(AABBXX,2n=6x=42),来源于偃麦草的染色体组(XX)多为混合染色体组(异源染色体组)。我国自20世纪50年代开始小麦与偃麦草远缘杂交工作,创制了类型丰富的小偃麦,在小麦抗病研究和新种质创制方面表现突出,在此基础上培育出一系列高产优质的小麦品种。小偃麦创制过程中,中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth&D. R. Dewey)和3种长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum (Host) D. R.Dewey×ponticum(Podp.) Barkworth&D. R. Dewey)因易于同小麦杂交,具有抗寒、抗旱、耐盐碱、抗小麦多种病虫害等特性,成为创制小偃麦的主要亲本来源,应用范围最广。本研究从5部分综述小偃麦的创制与应用研究进展,旨在为小偃麦的研发利用和小麦遗传资源创新提供科学依据。