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应用海绵垫干扰本体觉分析正常人姿势平衡中的感觉整合作用 被引量:27
作者 刘波 孔维佳 邹宇 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期162-165,共4页
目的:探讨正常人直立于坚硬平板和海绵垫时,视觉、本体觉和前庭觉在维持姿势平衡中的整合作用。方法:106名正常人分别站立于坚硬平板和海绵垫上,每种站立在平面条件下,睁眼和闭眼各站立30s。分别记录不同感觉干扰条件下足底压力中心平... 目的:探讨正常人直立于坚硬平板和海绵垫时,视觉、本体觉和前庭觉在维持姿势平衡中的整合作用。方法:106名正常人分别站立于坚硬平板和海绵垫上,每种站立在平面条件下,睁眼和闭眼各站立30s。分别记录不同感觉干扰条件下足底压力中心平均晃动速度(SV),作为姿势稳定性的参数,并定量分析视觉、本体觉和前庭觉在维持姿势平衡中的整合作用。结果:①在视觉或(和)本体觉受到干扰时,SV均增加,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);②当本体觉未被干扰及被干扰时,视觉条件的变化引起SV增加程度分别是(12.12±6.19)%和(30.58±9.69)%;当视觉条件未被干扰及被干扰时,本体觉变化导致的SV增加程度分别是(18.31±6.56)%和(36.25±8.90)%;而当视觉和本体觉同时受到干扰时,SV增加程度是(46.21±8.67)%;③在姿势平衡中起作用较大的是前庭觉,其次是本体觉和视觉,三者呈非线性关系。结论:利用海绵垫干扰本体觉,结合姿势描记可以记录不同感觉条件下姿势稳定性,并可定量分析视觉、本体觉和前庭觉在姿势平衡中的整合作用;人体维持平衡过程中,应用3种外周感觉的姿势策略差异较大;当1种或2种外周感觉信息被干扰时,中枢神经系统为维持姿势稳定,存在复杂的感觉整合机制。 展开更多
关键词 平衡 姿势描记 海绵 视觉 本体觉 前庭
静态平衡功能定量分析 被引量:15
作者 张素珍 赵承君 《中华耳科学杂志》 CSCD 2006年第4期258-261,共4页
目的测试正常人各年龄段之姿势图,并比较正常人与眩晕者姿势图的各参数。方法采用日本An-ima公司G5500型静态平衡仪对164名正常人及167名眩晕病人进行重心动摇测试。受试者直立于平衡台上,足底中心与平台之基准点一致,睁闭眼各测60s,计... 目的测试正常人各年龄段之姿势图,并比较正常人与眩晕者姿势图的各参数。方法采用日本An-ima公司G5500型静态平衡仪对164名正常人及167名眩晕病人进行重心动摇测试。受试者直立于平衡台上,足底中心与平台之基准点一致,睁闭眼各测60s,计算机绘制人体重心移动的图形,重心移动的外周面积、轨迹长度、XY轴偏离基准点的距离;重心摇动波谱的谱质量分析。结果(1)睁闭眼立于平台60s的各参数中,以重心移动的外周面积及轨迹长度的变量能最精确地代表平衡功能,20 ̄49岁正常人较20岁以下、50岁以上者重心移动的外周面积小、轨迹短,有统计学差异;(2)正常人重心在矢状面(Y轴)位移,大于冠状面(X轴)位移,且有统计学差异;(3)重心动摇的频谱分析,正常人与病人谱质量集中于0.2 ̄1.9Hz的中频段,约占54 ̄62%;其次是0.02 ̄0.19Hz的低频约占24 ̄30%;2 ̄10Hz的高频段只点12 ̄16%;(4)正常人睁闭眼轨迹长度比值均在1.32以下,末梢与中枢眩晕病人之比值分别为1.49及1.5,与正常人有统计学差异,说明眩晕者维持平衡更多依赖于视觉代偿。结论姿势图测定是无创性、定量检查方法,可以判断前庭功能状态,是继眼震电图以后,了解前庭系统功能的另一途径。 展开更多
关键词 前庭 姿势图检查法 晃动轨迹
Treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. A clinical review 被引量:12
作者 Paz Perez-Vazquez Virginia Franco-Gutierrez 《Journal of Otology》 CSCD 2017年第4期165-173,共9页
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV) is the most frequent episodic vestibular disorder. It is due to otolith rests that are free into the canals or attached to the cupulas. Well over 90% of patients can be succe... Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV) is the most frequent episodic vestibular disorder. It is due to otolith rests that are free into the canals or attached to the cupulas. Well over 90% of patients can be successfully treated with manoeuvres that move the particles back to the utriculus. Among the great variety of procedures that have been described, the manoeuvres that are supported by evidenced-based studies or extensive series are commented in this review. Some topics regarding BPPV treatment, such as controlling the accuracy of the procedures or the utility of post-manoeuvre restrictions are also discussed. 展开更多
Multidisciplinary experts consensus for assessment and management of vestibular migraine 被引量:14
作者 Stroke and Vertigo Association of Chinese Stroke Association Xiao-Kun Qi Xing-Quan Zhao 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第2期183-189,共7页
Introduction Vestibular migraine (VM), a common disorder with familiar predisposition, is characterized by recurrent episode of dizziness or vertigo and accompanying symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and/or headaches.The ... Introduction Vestibular migraine (VM), a common disorder with familiar predisposition, is characterized by recurrent episode of dizziness or vertigo and accompanying symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and/or headaches.The patients with VM may require neurologic, emergency, or otorhinolaryngologic services, and the disorder is often misdiagnosed with posterior circulation ischemia (PCI) or transient ischemic attack (TIA), peripheral vestibular vertigo, Meniere’s disease (MD), and multiple (lacunar) cerebral infarctions.Report from population-based study showed that the prevalence of VM was up to 1%,^[1] which was one of the common disorders causing dizziness/vertigo, and the rate of misdiagnosis was up to 80%.[2] Thus, a multidisciplinary expert consensus about the definition, characteristics, related work-ups, and diagnostic criteria is needed for the accurate diagnosis and standardized management. 展开更多
关键词 INTRODUCTION vestibular familiar PREDISPOSITION characterized
飞行变压性眩晕动物模型的建立 被引量:13
作者 金占国 徐先荣 +3 位作者 张扬 马哓莉 张素红 王淑红 《中华航空航天医学杂志》 CSCD 2006年第2期92-96,F0003,共6页
目的建立变压性眩晕的动物模型,观察前庭功能和前庭终器形态学的变化。方法20只健康豚鼠描记前庭功能后随机分成4组,每组各5只动物。A组行右鼓膜造孔,B组行左咽鼓管阻塞,C组行右鼓膜造孔并左咽鼓管阻塞,D组为对照组。实验组动物建模后... 目的建立变压性眩晕的动物模型,观察前庭功能和前庭终器形态学的变化。方法20只健康豚鼠描记前庭功能后随机分成4组,每组各5只动物。A组行右鼓膜造孔,B组行左咽鼓管阻塞,C组行右鼓膜造孔并左咽鼓管阻塞,D组为对照组。实验组动物建模后和对照组动物置于低压舱内,反复升降3次,观察动物躯体反应和自发性眼震,出舱后即刻复查前庭功能,最后行前庭终器的形态学观察。结果①在低压舱上升时,实验组动物均出现了前庭躯体异常反应;15只动物中有12只(A组3只,B组4只,C组5只)出现了快相向左的水平性眼震,持续数十余秒到数分钟;出舱后即刻复查前庭功能,A组正弦摆动实验4只动物左右向眼震不对称比大于正常,B组和C组正弦摆动实验和旋转急停实验5只动物不对称比均大于正常。②光镜和透射电镜显示实验组动物前庭终器毛细胞胞浆及线粒体空泡样变,扫描电镜示毛细胞纤毛局限性倒伏、缺失(C组最明显,B组于A组和C组之间)。结论双侧中耳不平衡压力及中耳相对高压,引起了前庭功能变化和前庭终器的形态学改变。本设计可作为深入研究变压性眩晕的动物模型。 展开更多
关键词 眩晕 前庭 压力 疾病模型 动物 眼震 低压舱实验
Original article: Removal of vestibular schwannoma and facial nerve preservation using small suboccipital retrosigmoid craniotomy 被引量:10
作者 CHEN Ling CHEN Li-hua +3 位作者 LING Feng LIU Yun-sheng Madjid Samii Amir Samii 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期274-280,共7页
Background Vestibular schwannoma, the commonest form of intracranial schwannoma, arises from the Schwann cells investing the vestibular nerve. At present, the surgery for vestibular schwannoma remains one of the most ... Background Vestibular schwannoma, the commonest form of intracranial schwannoma, arises from the Schwann cells investing the vestibular nerve. At present, the surgery for vestibular schwannoma remains one of the most complicated operations demanding for surgical skills in neurosurgery. And the trend of minimal invasion should also be the major influence on the management of patients with vestibular schwannomas. We summarized the microsurgical removal experience in a recent series of vestibular schwannomas and presented the operative technique and cranial nerve preservation in order to improve the rates of total tumor removal and facial nerve preservation. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed in 145 patients over a 7-year period who suffered from vestibular schwannomas that had been microsurgically removed by suboccipital retrosigmoid transmeatus approach with small craniotomy. CT thinner scans revealed the tumor size in the internal auditory meatus and the relationship of the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus to the bone labyrinths preoperatively. Brain stem evoked potential was monitored intraoperatively. The posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus was designedly drilled off. Patient records and operative reports, including data from the^electrophysiological monitoring, follow-up audiometric examinations, and neuroradiological findings were analyzed. Results Total tumor resection was achieved in 140 cases (96.6%) and subtotal resection in 5 cases. The anatomical integrity of the facial nerve was preserved in 91.0% (132/145) of the cases. Intracranial end-to-end anastomosis of the facial nerve was performed in 7 cases. Functional preservation of the facial nerve was achieved in 115 patients (Grade ! and Grade ]I, 79.3%). No patient died in this series. Preservation of nerves and vessels were as important as tumor removal during the operation. CT thinner scan could show the relationship between the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus and bone labyrinths, that is 展开更多
关键词 vestibular schwannoma internal auditory meatus retrosigmoid transmeatal approach facial nerve MONITORING
大前庭水管综合征的诊断与遗传咨询 被引量:12
作者 王秋菊 杜婉 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期630-635,共6页
在前篇介绍的常染色体隐性遗传性耳聋中,大前庭水管综合征(large vestibular aqueduct syndrome,LVAS)是一种典型的符合该遗传方式的临床常见疾病,本篇将详细介绍大前庭水管综合征的定义、研究历史、诊断策略、病因学研究、临床遗传... 在前篇介绍的常染色体隐性遗传性耳聋中,大前庭水管综合征(large vestibular aqueduct syndrome,LVAS)是一种典型的符合该遗传方式的临床常见疾病,本篇将详细介绍大前庭水管综合征的定义、研究历史、诊断策略、病因学研究、临床遗传咨询要点、预防和治疗等内容。大前庭水管综合征是一种临床常见的非综合征型耳聋,表现为感音神经性听力下降伴前庭水管口扩大的内耳畸形, 展开更多
关键词 遗传咨询 前庭水管 内耳畸形 vestibular 听力损失 听性脑干反应 耳聋基因 纯音测听 基因突变 听力学
Aging and the peripheral vestibular system 被引量:9
作者 Lingchao Ji Suoqiang Zhai 《Journal of Otology》 CSCD 2018年第4期138-140,共3页
Whereas much has been learned about age-related auditory changes in the inner ear, relatively little is known about the aging effects on the vestibular part of the inner ear-the peripheral vestibular system. Here we r... Whereas much has been learned about age-related auditory changes in the inner ear, relatively little is known about the aging effects on the vestibular part of the inner ear-the peripheral vestibular system. Here we review relevant literature with regard to the prevalence of vestibular dysfunction, vestibular functional and structural changes in the elderly. The prevalence of vestibular dysfunction increases with age. Functionally, as age increases, VEMP amplitudes decrease, VEMP thresholds increase, VOR gain of HIT decreases. Due to the complexity of the vestibular system, variations in subject age and measurement techniques, findings in VEMP latency and caloric tests are conflicting. To address this, a direct measure of the peripheral vestibular system should be applied. Structurally, age-related loss in vestibular ganglion and otoconia have been noted; hair cell changes are not well defined; while subcellular changes remain to be explored. Defining how the onset of vestibular dysfunction correlates with structural degeneration will offer insights into the mechanisms underlying vestibular aging. 展开更多
关键词 AGING vestibular organs
100例前庭型偏头痛患者临床特征分析 被引量:11
作者 陈进城 龚德贵 +4 位作者 蔡树河 吴子明 刘兴健 马晓彦 于立群 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期399-401,共3页
目的:分析前庭型偏头痛(VM)患者的临床特征,了解听觉与前庭功能受累的情况。方法:以100例肯定或可能诊断为VM的患者为研究对象,常规检查包括纯音测听、前庭双温试验、前庭诱发肌源性电位(VEMP)及视频头脉冲试验(v-HIT)。结果:... 目的:分析前庭型偏头痛(VM)患者的临床特征,了解听觉与前庭功能受累的情况。方法:以100例肯定或可能诊断为VM的患者为研究对象,常规检查包括纯音测听、前庭双温试验、前庭诱发肌源性电位(VEMP)及视频头脉冲试验(v-HIT)。结果:男女发病比例约为1.00:2.57,发病年龄为19-74岁。93例患者有前庭敏感的表现;42例发病时或既往有偏头痛;34例有耳蜗症状(耳鸣、耳闷或耳聋);17例劳累、紧张或睡眠差易引起眩晕发作;9例有血压低,7例有高血压;2例眩晕发作与体位变化关系密切,1例有视觉先兆。实验室检查中94例查VEMP,44例VEMP值异常;79例查v-HIT,2例异常(均为出现增益降低);100例均行纯音测听及前庭双温检查,其中35例纯音测听异常,5例前庭双温检查异常。结论:VM多发于女性,以青中年为主,可伴有耳蜗症状,前庭功能检查(低频及高频)基本正常。 展开更多
关键词 偏头痛 眩晕 前庭
Advantages of Short-term Personalized Vestibular Rehabilitation at Home Guided by Professional Therapist for Treatment of Decompensated Vestibular Vertigo 被引量:8
作者 Chen-ru DING Ying-qi GAO +2 位作者 Yu-juan ZHOU Jun GU Jing WANG 《Current Medical Science》 2021年第4期687-694,共8页
Objective Patients suffered a lot from decompensated vestibular vertigo.Pharmacotherapy and vestibular rehabilitation training have been proven to be effective in prompting vestibular compensation.Routine rehabilitati... Objective Patients suffered a lot from decompensated vestibular vertigo.Pharmacotherapy and vestibular rehabilitation training have been proven to be effective in prompting vestibular compensation.Routine rehabilitation training is faced with the challenges of patients’compliance,completion,the average recuperation time and so on.This study is aimed to investigate advantages of short-term personalized vestibular rehabihitation at home guided by professional therapist.Methods A short-term personalized vestibular rehabilitation program(ST-PVR)was designed for patients with decompensated vestibular vertigo in this study.Results Patients experiencing the ST-PVR program showed significant improvement of Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS),Dizziness Handicap Inventory(DHI),Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale(ABC)scores by the second follow-up(at 2nd week after treatment,P<0.05).However-improvement in the medication group occurred slightly later,DHI for 1 month and SAS for 2 months after treatment(P<0.05).Also,the improvement in the onset time of unilateral weakness(UW)at 2nd week after treatment in the personalized vestibular rehabilitation(PVR)group was faster than that in the medication group.Conclusion In general,the short-term PVR program showed great advantages by prompting vestibular compensation quickly and putting forward future direction for clinical treatment on decompensated vestibular vertigo. 展开更多
关键词 VERTIGO personalized program MEDICATION vestibular compensation therapy vestibular rehabilitation
倾斜综合征的研究进展 被引量:10
作者 刘四维 关敏 +2 位作者 张静 杨美 高强 《华西医学》 CAS 2019年第11期1315-1320,共6页
倾斜综合征(pusher syndrome,PS)是脑卒中后出现的一种姿势控制障碍,主要表现为难以纠正的平衡功能障碍,导致卒中患者活动安全性明显下降,阻碍康复治疗进程,应尽早对PS进行适当的干预。基于国内外对PS的研究成果,该文首先总结了PS发生... 倾斜综合征(pusher syndrome,PS)是脑卒中后出现的一种姿势控制障碍,主要表现为难以纠正的平衡功能障碍,导致卒中患者活动安全性明显下降,阻碍康复治疗进程,应尽早对PS进行适当的干预。基于国内外对PS的研究成果,该文首先总结了PS发生机制的多种理论基础,阐述了存在的相关争议;其次,系统介绍了PS目前主流的评估方法与治疗方案,总结了相关临床实践中存在的问题,并在此基础上,对未来可能的研究方向给出了建议,旨在为临床应用及未来研究方向提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 倾斜综合征 前庭 平衡 姿势控制
前庭旋转训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者平衡功能的影响 被引量:10
作者 龙耀斌 《内科》 2007年第4期501-503,共3页
目的探讨前庭旋转训练对脑卒中患者平衡功能的影响。方法46例脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分成两组:治疗组23例,采用前庭旋转训练,配合常规康复训练;对照组23例,仅进行常规康复训练。每天1次,每周训练6次,共4周。评价指标采用Berg平衡量表、Fugl-... 目的探讨前庭旋转训练对脑卒中患者平衡功能的影响。方法46例脑卒中偏瘫患者随机分成两组:治疗组23例,采用前庭旋转训练,配合常规康复训练;对照组23例,仅进行常规康复训练。每天1次,每周训练6次,共4周。评价指标采用Berg平衡量表、Fugl-Meyer运动评分和Barthel指数法。每位患者均在治疗开始前和全部治疗结束后进行评定。结果两组对象在试验开始前评价指标比较差异无统计学意义,训练4周后治疗组的平衡、运动功能和生活活动能力均有明显改善,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论前庭旋转训练对脑卒中患者的平衡功能恢复比单纯常规康复训练具有更佳的疗效,且平衡能力的改善有助于脑卒中患者下肢运动功能及日常生活活动能力的提高。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 旋转训练 前庭 平衡功能
Relationship between the external aperture and hearing loss in large vestibular aqueduct syndrome 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Su-zhen YANG Wei-yan WU Zi-ming 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期211-216,共6页
Backgroud Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) is a major cause of hearing loss in childhood. This study aimed at measuring external aperture of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct (EVA) and analyzing rela... Backgroud Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) is a major cause of hearing loss in childhood. This study aimed at measuring external aperture of enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct (EVA) and analyzing relationship between the size of external aperture and hearing loss. Methods Diagnostic criteria of LVAS were based on hearing loss and CT images. CT images of temporal bone of 100 LVAS patients were collected and 60 control subjects were reviewed retrospectively in the past 10 years. A battery of audiometric and vestibular function tests were performed. The width of the vestibular aqueduct (VA) was measured on axial CT images of the temporal bone. Results One hundred patients (65 men, 35 women) were diagnosed as having the isolated EVA. Hearing loss mostly occurred in early childhood. The diagnosis age of LVAS was 7.7 years on average. The causes of hearing loss could not be confirmed by initial consult. Typically, audiometric curve is the high-frequency down-sloping configuration. 92% of the cases had severe or profound sonsorineural hearing loss (SNHL). The mean size of the external aperture was (7.5±1.2) mm in present LVAS. Statistical analysis showed that the degree of hearing loss is unrelated to the width of VA. Conclusions LVAS is a distinct clinical entity characterized by fluctuating, progressive SNHL. The degree of hearing loss is unrelated to the size of external aperture of VA. The protective management and hearing aid have become the main therapies. The cochlear implantation might be performed if the hearing loss affected learning at school. 展开更多
关键词 large vestibular aqueduct syndrome external aperture endolymphetic sac sensorineural hearing loss
Changes in Endolymphatic Hydrops Visualized by Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Sac Surgery 被引量:7
作者 张园 崔永华 +4 位作者 胡颖 毛忠瑶 王秋霞 潘初 刘爱国 《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2016年第5期736-740,共5页
The purpose of the study was to observe changes in endolymphatic hydrops by using intratympanic injection of gadolinium and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) before and after endolymphatic sac surgery in patients with... The purpose of the study was to observe changes in endolymphatic hydrops by using intratympanic injection of gadolinium and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) before and after endolymphatic sac surgery in patients with unilateral Meniere's disease. Thirteen patients with unilateral Meniere's disease undergoing endolymphatic sac surgery were retrospectively and prospectively analyzed. Three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery or three-dimensional real inversion recovery MRI was performed 24 h after an intratympanic injection of gadolinium to grade the presence of endolymphatic hydrops. Among the 13 patients with hydrops confirmed by preoperative MRI, vestibular hydrops had no significant change in all patients; cochlear hydrops became negative in 2 patients, and remained unchanged in the other 11 patients after surgery. Definite vertigo attacks were substantially controlled in one patient and completely controlled in 12 patients during a follow-up period of 8-34 months after surgery. The hearing levels were improved in 3 patients, remained unchanged in 7 patients, and decreased in 3 patients. In conclusion, endolymphatic sac surgery does not always alleviate endolymphatic hydrops in patients with Meniere's disease. Relief from vertigo cannot always be attributed to the remission of hydrops. A change in hearing levels cannot be explained by hydrops status alone. 展开更多
关键词 vertigo hearing cochlear vestibular unilateral alone inversion attenuated canal conclusion
Autoinflammatory characteristics and short-term effects of delivering high-dose steroids to the surface of the intact endolymphatic sac and incus in refractory Ménière’s disease 被引量:6
作者 Jing Zou 《Journal of Otology》 CSCD 2019年第2期40-50,共11页
Objective:To investigate immune-related genetic background in intractable Meniere’s disease(MD)and the immediate results of a novel therapy by delivering steroids to the surface of the intact endolymphatic sac(ES)and... Objective:To investigate immune-related genetic background in intractable Meniere’s disease(MD)and the immediate results of a novel therapy by delivering steroids to the surface of the intact endolymphatic sac(ES)and incus in a sustainable manner.Case report and methods:Candidate genes involved in immune regulation were sequenced using a nextgeneration sequencing method in a patient with intractable MD.Mutations were confirmed using the Sanger sequencing method.The ES was exposed,and gelatin sponge particles were immersed in highdose methylprednisolone solution and placed onto the surface of ES.“L”-shaped gelatin sponge strips were immersed in dexamethasone solution and served as a guiding device for the steroids by touching the incus and gelatin sponge particles on the surface of the ES.Gelatin sponge particles immersed in dexamethasone solution were placed around the gelatin sponge strips and sealed using fibrin glue.Results:Autoinflammation in the refractory MD case was indicated by genotype,including novel heterozygous mutations of PRF1,UNC13D,SLC29A3,ITCH,and JAK3,as well as phenotype.The vertigo was fully relieved immediately after operation.Tinnitus and aural fullness were resolved 3 weeks after operation,whereas hearing improved in 2 mon postoperation.No recurrence was noted during the 5-monfollow-up,and the final MRI supported the novel therapeutic hypothesis.Conclusion:Autoinflammation was involved in a refractory MD.This novel therapy,which involves the delivery of steroids to the surface of the intact ES and incus,is effective in relieving vertigo and tinnitus and improves hearing function of refractory MD. 展开更多
关键词 vestibular function TINNITUS Genetic disorders Hearing
Quick repositioning maneuver for horizontal semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 被引量:6
作者 Jinrang Li Pengfei Guo +2 位作者 Shiyu Tian Keliang Li Hao Zhang 《Journal of Otology》 CSCD 2015年第3期115-117,共3页
Objective:To investigate the efficacy of quick repositioning maneuver for horizontal semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (H-BPPV). Methods:Clinical data of 67 patients with H-BPPV who underwent qu... Objective:To investigate the efficacy of quick repositioning maneuver for horizontal semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (H-BPPV). Methods:Clinical data of 67 patients with H-BPPV who underwent quick repositioning maneuver in our hospital from July 2009 to November 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. The maneuver involved rotating the patient in the axial plane for 180? from the involved side towards contralateral side as quickly as possible. Results:Complete symptom resolution was achieved in 61 patients (91.0%) at one week and in 64 patients (95.5%) at 3 months post-treatment. During the repositioning maneuver process, there were no obvious untoward responses except transient nausea with or without vomiting in a few patients. Conclusion:The results indicate that the quick repositioning maneuver is an easy and effective alternative treatment in the management of H-BPPV. Copyright ? 2015 The Authors. Production & hosting by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd On behalf of PLA General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 VERTIGO vestibular diseases Horizontal semicircular canal Repositioning maneuver
噪音性内耳损伤的前庭病理分析 被引量:6
作者 徐进 黄魏宁 +1 位作者 高波 周金梅 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期639-642,共4页
目的探讨噪音致内耳损伤后前庭系统的病理状态。方法回顾性分析68例具有噪音性听力损失(NIHL)的眩晕或平衡障碍患者的传统前庭功能检查及高频前庭自旋转试验结果。结果469例眩晕患者中合并NIHL者68例(14.5%);NIHL眩晕患者4000Hz纯音阈值... 目的探讨噪音致内耳损伤后前庭系统的病理状态。方法回顾性分析68例具有噪音性听力损失(NIHL)的眩晕或平衡障碍患者的传统前庭功能检查及高频前庭自旋转试验结果。结果469例眩晕患者中合并NIHL者68例(14.5%);NIHL眩晕患者4000Hz纯音阈值在30~80dBHL,4000Hz平均阈值左耳(46.7±17.6)dBHL,右耳(37.3±16.7)dBHL,4000Hz听力损失双耳对称占41.7%,非对称占58.3%;前庭病理类型表现为良性阵发性位置性眩晕45.7%,单侧外周前庭功能损害20.0%,双侧外周前庭功能低下26.7%,前庭脊髓反射功能异常28.6%,前庭功能反应亢进3.0%和高频前庭眼反射异常97.0%。结论强声刺激能引起内耳听、前庭感受器损伤,合并前庭症状的NIHL患者均显示出一种或多种前庭病理。前庭病理与听力损失程度及是否左右对称无相关性,但与前庭系统主观症状有一致性。 展开更多
关键词 前庭 病理 噪音性听力损失 前庭自旋转试验
经口腔前庭腔镜手术与颈部开放手术治疗甲状腺乳头状癌的临床研究 被引量:8
作者 张海超 陈隽 +1 位作者 周秦毅 王家东 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 CSCD 2021年第8期514-516,共3页
目的探讨经口腔前庭入路腔镜甲状腺切除术(endoscopic thyroidectomy using the oral vestibular approach,ETOVA)与传统颈部开放手术治疗女性甲状腺乳头状癌的安全性、有效性及美容效果。方法回顾性分析2019年1~12月行甲状腺乳头状癌... 目的探讨经口腔前庭入路腔镜甲状腺切除术(endoscopic thyroidectomy using the oral vestibular approach,ETOVA)与传统颈部开放手术治疗女性甲状腺乳头状癌的安全性、有效性及美容效果。方法回顾性分析2019年1~12月行甲状腺乳头状癌根治术的120例女性患者的临床资料,分为经口腔前庭入路腔镜甲状腺手术组(腔镜组,n=60)和传统颈部开放手术组(开放组,n=60),对比两组患者术中及术后相关临床资料。结果两组患者年龄、肿瘤直径、中央区淋巴结清扫时间、中央区淋巴结清扫总数、中央区转移淋巴结数量、术后并发症、术后24 h疼痛评分、术后6个月疼痛评分均无统计学差异(P均>0.05)腔镜组手术总时长、术中失血量、术后引流量均大于开放组(P均<0.001),腔镜组术后满意度高。结论ETOVA在治疗甲状腺乳头状癌是安全、有效的,具有更好的美容效果,患者满意度高,可以考虑作为部分患者,尤其是年轻女性甲状腺乳头状癌患者的首选手术方案。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺肿瘤(Thyroid Neoplasms) 对比研究(Comparative Study) 外科手术(Surgical Procedures Operative) 经口腔前庭入路腔镜甲状腺切除术(endoscopic thyroidectomy using the oral vestibular approach)
A study on vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials via galvanic vestibular stimulation in normal people 被引量:4
作者 Ying Cheng Yusuke Kimura Kimitaka Kaga 《Journal of Otology》 CSCD 2018年第1期16-19,共4页
Objectives: The aim of our study is to examine vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials(VEMPs) elicited by the galvanic vestibular stimulation in the sternocleidomastoid muscle(SCM) in healthy subjects for clinical appli... Objectives: The aim of our study is to examine vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials(VEMPs) elicited by the galvanic vestibular stimulation in the sternocleidomastoid muscle(SCM) in healthy subjects for clinical applications of auditory neuropathy or vestibular neuropathy in the future.Methods: We enrolled sixteen healthy subjects to record the average responses of SCM to galvanic vestibular stimulation(GVS) [current 3 mA;duration 1 ms] by electromyography(EMG). SPSS 18.0 software was used to analyze the obtained data for mean and standard deviation.Results: In all healthy subjects mastoid-forehead galvanic vestibular stimulation produced a positive-negative biphasic EMG responses on SCM ipsilateral to the cathodal electrode. The latency of p13 was 11.7 ± 3.0 ms. The latency of n23 was 17.8 ± 3.4 ms. The amplitude of p13-n23 was147.0 ± 69.0 μV. The interaural asymmetry ratio(AR) of p13, n23 latency and the amplitude was respectively 0.12 ± 0.09, 0.08 ± 0.08 and0.16 ± 0.10.Discussions: Galvanic vestibular stimulation could elicit biphasic EMG responses from SCM via the vestibular nerve but not from the otolith organs. Galvanic stimulation together with air conducted sound(ACS) or bone conducted vibration(BCV) can elicit VEMPs and may enable the differentiation of retrolabyrinthine lesions from labyrinthine lesions in vestibular system. 展开更多
关键词 Galvanic vestibular stimulation vestibular nerve vestibular-evoked MYOGENIC POTENTIALS STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID muscle INTERAURAL asymmetry ratio (AR)
Significance of Vestibular Testing on Distinguishing the Nerve of Origin for Vestibular Schwannoma and Predicting the Preservation of Hearing 被引量:4
作者 Yu-Bo He Chun-Jiang Yu +2 位作者 Hong-Ming Ji Yan-Ming Qu Ning Chen 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第7期799-803,共5页
Background: Determining the nerve of origin for vestibular schwannoma (VS), as a method for predicting hearing prognosis, has not been systematically considered. The vestibular test can be used to investigate the f... Background: Determining the nerve of origin for vestibular schwannoma (VS), as a method for predicting hearing prognosis, has not been systematically considered. The vestibular test can be used to investigate the function of the superior vestibular nerve (SVN) and the inferior vestibular nerve (IVN). This study aimed to preoperatively distinguish the nerve of origin for VS patients using the vestibular test, and determine if this correlated with hearing preservation. Methods: A total of 106 patients with unilateral VS were enrolled in this study prospectively. Each patient received a caloric test, vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) test, and cochlear nerve function test (hearing) before the operation and 1 week, 3, and 6 months, postoperatively. All patients underwent surgical removal of the VS using the suboccipital approach. During the operation, the nerve of tumor origin (SVN or IVN) was identified by the surgeon. Tumor size was measured by preoperative magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The nerve of tumor origin could not be unequivocally identified in 38 patients (38/106, 35.80%). These patients were not subsequently evaluated. In 26 patients (nine females, seventeen males), tumors arose from the SVN and in 42 patients (18 females, 24 males), tumors arose from the IVN. Comparing with tile nerve of origins (SVN and IVN) of tumors, the results of the caloric tests and VEMP tests were significantly different in tumors originating from the SVN and the IVN in our study. Hearing was preserved in 16 of 26 patients (61.54%) with SVN-originating tumors, whereas hearing was preserved in only seven of 42 patients (16.67%) with IVN-originating tumors. Conclusions: Our data suggest that caloric and VEMP tests might help to identify whether VS tumors originate from the SVN or IVN. These tests could also be used to evaluate the residual function of the nerves after surgery. Using this information, we might better predict the preservation of hearing for pati 展开更多
关键词 Caloric Test Hearing Preservation Inferior vestibular Nerve Superior vestibular Nerve vestibular-evoked MyogenicPotential
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