The problem of unity of the representations of space and time was originally put forward by H. Vaihinger. H.J.Paton holds that this unity is actually the unity of apperception, but Heidegger thinks that this unity is ...The problem of unity of the representations of space and time was originally put forward by H. Vaihinger. H.J.Paton holds that this unity is actually the unity of apperception, but Heidegger thinks that this unity is a kind of syndotical unity, which is prior to the unity of apperception. This article starts with the mechanism of the representations of space and time and exposes that this unity is actually the absolute unity which belongs to all kinds of intuitive representations. It comes from the construction of imagination, but this construction is based on the unity of apperception.展开更多
莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646—1716)是17世纪德国著名哲学家、数学家,其博学多识、涉猎广泛,谓之"百科全书式人物"。在数学研究领域,其把微分学和积分学紧密联系起来,并创造了一系列优美数学符号。拟分析莱布尼...莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646—1716)是17世纪德国著名哲学家、数学家,其博学多识、涉猎广泛,谓之"百科全书式人物"。在数学研究领域,其把微分学和积分学紧密联系起来,并创造了一系列优美数学符号。拟分析莱布尼茨部分数学手稿和相关著述,探赜其数学思想的筚路蓝缕之程,感受数学大师的"思想魅力"和"火热思考",以滋养我们的求真精神和求善心灵,进而体会数学思维的生动性和辩证性。展开更多
人工智能(artificial intelligence)又叫作智能机器(intelligent machine),我们回顾一下这两个概念的规范主义构成和历史哲学进程。现代规范主义的一般方法是莱布尼茨(1646-1716)的法学博士论文《论组合术》(De arte combinator...人工智能(artificial intelligence)又叫作智能机器(intelligent machine),我们回顾一下这两个概念的规范主义构成和历史哲学进程。现代规范主义的一般方法是莱布尼茨(1646-1716)的法学博士论文《论组合术》(De arte combinatoria,莱比锡大学,1666年)所奠定的,后来德国法学的方法论就受到莱布尼茨"组合术"的决定性影响。展开更多
文摘The problem of unity of the representations of space and time was originally put forward by H. Vaihinger. H.J.Paton holds that this unity is actually the unity of apperception, but Heidegger thinks that this unity is a kind of syndotical unity, which is prior to the unity of apperception. This article starts with the mechanism of the representations of space and time and exposes that this unity is actually the absolute unity which belongs to all kinds of intuitive representations. It comes from the construction of imagination, but this construction is based on the unity of apperception.
文摘莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646—1716)是17世纪德国著名哲学家、数学家,其博学多识、涉猎广泛,谓之"百科全书式人物"。在数学研究领域,其把微分学和积分学紧密联系起来,并创造了一系列优美数学符号。拟分析莱布尼茨部分数学手稿和相关著述,探赜其数学思想的筚路蓝缕之程,感受数学大师的"思想魅力"和"火热思考",以滋养我们的求真精神和求善心灵,进而体会数学思维的生动性和辩证性。
文摘人工智能(artificial intelligence)又叫作智能机器(intelligent machine),我们回顾一下这两个概念的规范主义构成和历史哲学进程。现代规范主义的一般方法是莱布尼茨(1646-1716)的法学博士论文《论组合术》(De arte combinatoria,莱比锡大学,1666年)所奠定的,后来德国法学的方法论就受到莱布尼茨"组合术"的决定性影响。