The post structure aligned carbon nanotube(ACNT) film was prepared by CVD. it was a ultra-hydrophobic film with a higher contact angle(166°) and lower sliding angle(less than 3°). The post structure ACNT fil...The post structure aligned carbon nanotube(ACNT) film was prepared by CVD. it was a ultra-hydrophobic film with a higher contact angle(166°) and lower sliding angle(less than 3°). The post structure ACNT film showed discrete pillar composed of carbon nanotubes, these pillar formed microstructure in the film, which affected both the contact angle and the sliding angle.展开更多
Wettability is a very important property governed by both the chemical composition and the geometrical structure of solid surfaces. Super-hydrophobic surface[with water contact angle(CA) larger than 150°] have be...Wettability is a very important property governed by both the chemical composition and the geometrical structure of solid surfaces. Super-hydrophobic surface[with water contact angle(CA) larger than 150°] have been extensively investigated due to their importance for industrial applications. In the present study, we describe a rather simple method for synthesizing separated alignments of polymer nanopole films, which has super-hydrophobic property with water a contact angle as high as 152.0°. Nanostructures that induce the large fraction of air on the surface cause this unique property.展开更多
为探究中国工夫红茶主要品质成分含量特征,建立茶汤滋味品质综合评价方法。对17个国内主产茶区工夫红茶的多酚类、氨基酸、茶色素类、香气组分等品质指标进行测定,运用主成分分析、聚类分析和偏最小二乘-判别分析(partial least squares...为探究中国工夫红茶主要品质成分含量特征,建立茶汤滋味品质综合评价方法。对17个国内主产茶区工夫红茶的多酚类、氨基酸、茶色素类、香气组分等品质指标进行测定,运用主成分分析、聚类分析和偏最小二乘-判别分析(partial least squares-discrimination analysis,PLS-DA)对其品质进行综合评价。结果表明:不同产区工夫红茶的品质成分组成与含量存在明显差异,多酚类及其氧化产物是主要的品质成分,茶黄素和茶红素之和与茶褐素的比值为1.05~1.12,是其滋味鲜醇、汤色红亮的物质基础;英红、海红、信阳红、宜红、越红、黔红和祁红的可溶性糖质量分数均高于4%,是其茶汤甜醇滋味的重要物质基础;黄酮在大叶种红茶(滇红、英红和海红)中的质量分数较高且大于2.7%。醇类和醛类是主要的香气化合物,尤其是呈现甜香、花香的萜烯醇含量较高。利用主成分分析法建立滋味品质评价模型,该预测模型对红茶滋味品质评价结果与感官审评结果较为相似,存在极显著相关(P<0.01),相关系数为0.735;茶黄素和茶多酚含量是进行工夫红茶品质分析的重要指标。系统聚类分析显示闽红自为一类,滇红、英红和海红等大叶种红茶聚为一类,其他中小叶种红茶聚为一类。PLS-DA可将2类不同品种工夫红茶明显区分,并获得8种差异性指标,尤其是芳樟醇、香叶醇和己醛等,可作为区分大叶种和中小叶种工夫红茶的指标物质。该研究丰富了工夫红茶风味品质的基础理论,同时为红茶品质的科学评价提供新的思路和方法。展开更多
文摘The post structure aligned carbon nanotube(ACNT) film was prepared by CVD. it was a ultra-hydrophobic film with a higher contact angle(166°) and lower sliding angle(less than 3°). The post structure ACNT film showed discrete pillar composed of carbon nanotubes, these pillar formed microstructure in the film, which affected both the contact angle and the sliding angle.
文摘Wettability is a very important property governed by both the chemical composition and the geometrical structure of solid surfaces. Super-hydrophobic surface[with water contact angle(CA) larger than 150°] have been extensively investigated due to their importance for industrial applications. In the present study, we describe a rather simple method for synthesizing separated alignments of polymer nanopole films, which has super-hydrophobic property with water a contact angle as high as 152.0°. Nanostructures that induce the large fraction of air on the surface cause this unique property.
文摘为探究中国工夫红茶主要品质成分含量特征,建立茶汤滋味品质综合评价方法。对17个国内主产茶区工夫红茶的多酚类、氨基酸、茶色素类、香气组分等品质指标进行测定,运用主成分分析、聚类分析和偏最小二乘-判别分析(partial least squares-discrimination analysis,PLS-DA)对其品质进行综合评价。结果表明:不同产区工夫红茶的品质成分组成与含量存在明显差异,多酚类及其氧化产物是主要的品质成分,茶黄素和茶红素之和与茶褐素的比值为1.05~1.12,是其滋味鲜醇、汤色红亮的物质基础;英红、海红、信阳红、宜红、越红、黔红和祁红的可溶性糖质量分数均高于4%,是其茶汤甜醇滋味的重要物质基础;黄酮在大叶种红茶(滇红、英红和海红)中的质量分数较高且大于2.7%。醇类和醛类是主要的香气化合物,尤其是呈现甜香、花香的萜烯醇含量较高。利用主成分分析法建立滋味品质评价模型,该预测模型对红茶滋味品质评价结果与感官审评结果较为相似,存在极显著相关(P<0.01),相关系数为0.735;茶黄素和茶多酚含量是进行工夫红茶品质分析的重要指标。系统聚类分析显示闽红自为一类,滇红、英红和海红等大叶种红茶聚为一类,其他中小叶种红茶聚为一类。PLS-DA可将2类不同品种工夫红茶明显区分,并获得8种差异性指标,尤其是芳樟醇、香叶醇和己醛等,可作为区分大叶种和中小叶种工夫红茶的指标物质。该研究丰富了工夫红茶风味品质的基础理论,同时为红茶品质的科学评价提供新的思路和方法。