利用自行设计的全程透明的火焰加速管系统和细水雾实验系统 ,对不同水雾条件下的气体火焰传播现象进行了实验研究。运用光电传感器与CCD摄像技术 ,笔者分析了不同水雾条件下的甲烷预混气体火焰传播速度、传播火焰阵面轨迹 ;探讨了水雾抑制气体火焰传播的机理及条件。实验发现了在一定条件水雾作用下的气体传播火焰阵面拉伸与火焰驻留的现象与条件 ,实验结果表明 :水雾对气体爆炸火焰传播的抑制是由于水雾作用于火焰阵面反应区 ,降低了反应区内火焰温度和气体燃烧速度 ,减缓了火焰阵面传热与传质的进行 ,从而使传播火焰得以抑制 ;而水雾对气体爆炸火焰传播的抑制效果与水雾通量、雾区浓度。
Propagation of the gas explosion flame under different water spray conditions and its interaction with water droplets have been investigated. The experiments were conducted in a transparent rectangular flame tube with a set of water spray devices. The photodiodes and digital video camera were employed to record the phenomena of the flame propagation. The mechanism and condition of inhibiting the gas flame by water spray were observed through the investigation of the velocity of flame propagation, behavior of flame front during gas flame propagating and the flame structure. In experiment, phenomena and conditions of flame residence and flame stretching were observed under certain water spray conditions when the flame propagating in the tube. The results indicate that the inhibition of the gas explosion flame by water spray is due to the interaction of water spray on the reactivity zone of the flame front. This in turn decreases the combustion velocity of the gas, prolongs the preheating zone of the flame front and prevents the diffusion of heat and substance.
China Safety Science Journal
国家自然科学基金资助 ( 5 0 0 74 0 18)