玉米杂交种主要农艺性状遗传相关与通径分析结果表明 ,行粒数、穗行数、百粒重、果穗长在影响籽粒产量诸因素中占主导地位。认为单株籽粒产量改良应在稳定穗数的基础上 ,着重提高行粒数 ;适当增加穗行数以利提高百粒重 ;协调好穗行数、行粒数、百粒重三者关系 ,实现单株产量的较大幅度增长。
The genetic correclation and path analysis on agronomic traits and kernel yield of maize hybrids show that the factors namely the number of kernal per row, the number of row per ear,100-grain weight and the ear length are dominant in affecting kernel yield.so,it is reco mmended to be better put emphsis on increasing the number of kernel per ear with the number of ear per plant unchanged to improve kernel yield per plant;upgrade the number of row to raise 100-grain weight;corrdinate the relationships among the number of row per ear;the number of kernel among the number of yow per ear and 100-grain weight to rationally achieve the improvement of kernel yield per plant greatly.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
国家 8 6 3计划批准项目 (2 0 0 1AA2 410 5 4)