入世之后 ,我国经济将在更大程度上融入世界经济 ,面临国际的竞争越来越激烈 ,我国企业要想角逐国际市场并占有一席之地 ,必须跨越倾反销这道“坎”。与此同时 ,面对国内市场频频面临海外的倾销的局面 ,为保障我国的经济利益 。
The paper analyses the reasons of anti-dumpling against China's export enterprises of western countries, and then it puts forward countermeasures of prevention and resolution of foreign countries' anti-dumpling Also, it shows the importance of carrying out anti-dumpling work against foreign countries of China in order to protect our economic benefits after China's entry to WTO
Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic