
新公共管理视角下的历史环境保护——英国邻里规划实践的启示 被引量:2

Historic Environment Conservation under the Perspective of New Public Management:Learning from the Practice of England's Neighborhood Planning
摘要 在我国加强社会治理体系建设的宏观背景下,重点探讨社区、居民等多元主体如何更好地参与历史风貌保护管理。分析英国近年来在新公共管理视角下以《国家规划政策框架》为核心的城乡规划体系变革中,如何通过多层级的规划体系协作,以邻里团体为主体,通过邻里规划构建历史环境的保护管理措施。以《莱德伯里邻里规划》为例,分析如何落实上位规划的要求,通过聚焦空间肌理的成片保护、功能业态的控制引导,构建目标可持续发展,强调实施性、具有综合性的历史环境保护管理策略。依据对英国的案例研究,从丰富城乡规划体系层级,加强社区、原住民的作用,提升保护管理政策的实施性等方面,为我国未来在社会治理背景下开展历史风貌保护工作提出建议。 Regarding China’s encouraging multi-main-body’s participation in historic conservation during the construction of social management as background,this paper analyzes the experience of England’s historic conservation management under the perspective of new public management.The paper combs how England uses the combination of historic environment conservation in the new urban planning system coring by the National Planning Policy Framework,and uses Ledbury Neighborhood Planning as an example to see how to build sustainable and practicable conservation management policies focusing on the conservation of local context while promoting and controlling the functions.The paper puts out suggestions for the historic conservation in China such as fruiting the planning system,conserving the locals and enhancing the historic conservation management.
作者 陈鹏 CHEN Peng
出处 《上海城市规划》 2019年第6期80-86,共7页 Shanghai Urban Planning Review
关键词 新公共管理 历史环境保护管理措施 邻里规划 城乡规划体系 new public management historic environment conservation management neighborhood planning urban planning system
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