
“双一流”建设背景下省属高校青年教师发展困境及解决路径 被引量:8

Research on the Development Difficulties and Solutions of Young Teachers in Provincial Universities Under the Background of"Double Top-class"Construction
摘要 在“双一流”建设的大背景下,不少省属高校都面临着转型升级的压力。在人才引进逐渐市场化的冲击下,部分位于省会之外的省属高校发展存在不少瓶颈,在青年教师引进和培养方面难度较大。具体原因包括:地方政府财政投入不足,高校区位优势不佳和对外筹措资金欠缺等因素。基于此,稳定省属高校人才队伍,要优先满足青年教师发展的合理需求。在分析青年教师发展困境时,可从青年教师发展需求现状切入,围绕教学、专业、组织和个人发展四个维度予以探讨。通过青年教师自身努力、高校加大培养、现代技术综合应用等途径,可有效解决省属高校青年教师发展需求。 Under the background of"double top-class"construction,many provincial universities are facing the pressure of transforming and upgrading.Under the impact of the gradual marketization of talent introduction,some provincial universities located outside the provincial capital have met bottlenecks in introducing and training young teachers.The specific reasons are as follows:insufficient local government financial input,poor university location advantage and insufficient external financing.For the above reasons,to stabilize the talent team of provincial universities,the priority should be given to meet the reasonable needs of young teachers'development.To analyze the development dilemma of young teachers,the research should be made into the current situation of the development needs of young teachers from four aspects:teaching,professional,organizational and personal development.The development needs of young teachers in provincial universities can be effectively solved through the application of such methods as the efforts of young teachers themselves,the increase of training in universities,and the comprehensive application of modern technology.
作者 李向玉 李雅静 LI Xiangyu;LI Yajing(Department of Public Order,Guangdong Police College,Guangzhou 510232,China;Yangtze University,Social Assistance Center,Jingzhou 434023,China)
出处 《赣南师范大学学报》 2020年第1期48-52,共5页 Journal of Gannan Normal University
基金 湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究专项任务项目(18Z615) 湖北省教育厅教改课题(2017284)。
关键词 双一流 省属高校 青年教师 发展困境 double top-class university provincial universities young teachers the development dilemma
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