以FID为检测器、HP-5毛细管为色谱柱,在二阶程序升温363.15 K→5 K/min383.15 K→10 K/min443.15 K、进样口与检测器温度均为523.15 K、高纯氮气为载气、分流比50∶1和进样量0.2μL条件下,对重质松节油主要组分β-石竹烯、双戊烯和α-蒎烯进行气相色谱分析。采用面积校正归一法对样品组成进行定量分析,考察了面积校正归一法的精密度与回收率,比较了面积校正归一法与面积归一法分析结果与样品实际组成的偏差。结果表明:β-石竹烯和α-蒎烯相对于基准物双戊烯的相对质量校正因子分别为1.001 2和0.989 9;β-石竹烯、双戊烯和α-蒎烯的相对标准偏差小于1.09%,加标回收率在99.55%~100.25%;面积校正归一法与面积归一法定量结果最大相对偏差分别为0.57%与1.10%。
turpentine, β-Caryophyllene, dipentene and α-pinene, which are the main components of heavy were analyzed by an Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph equipped with an HP-5 capillary 5 K/min column and flame ionization detector. The temperature program was 363.15 K ,383. 15 K 10 K/rain ,443.15 K. The temperature of injector and detector was 523.15 K and injected volume of liquid sample was 0. 2 μL. High purity nitrogen was used as carrier gas. The injection was performed in split mode with split ratio 50 : 1. Components of samples were quantitative analyzed by calibration area normalization method on GC. The calibration factors of β-caryophyllene and α-pinene relative to the reference substance dipentene were determined. The accuracy and recovery of calibration area normalization method were determined. The quantitative methods of area correction normalization and area normalization were compared. The results showed that the relative mass correction factors of β-caryophyllene and α-pinene with dipentene as reference substance were 1. 001 2 and 0. 989 9, respectively. The relative standard deviation of β-caryophyllene, dipentene and α-pinene were less than 1.09% and the recoveries of standard addition were in range of 99. 55% to 100. 25%. The maximum relative deviation of calibration area normalization method and area normalization method was 0. 57% and 1.10% , respectively.
Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)