为探明防落素用于柑橘果实贮藏保鲜的效果,为今后广泛推广应用提供科学依据,2012~2015年,以湖南省隆回县‘纽荷尔'脐橙、‘华红'脐橙和‘尾张'温州蜜柑果实为试材进行室内常温贮藏保鲜试验,以湖南省新宁县‘良丰'脐橙果实为试材进行留树贮藏保鲜试验。结果表明,防落素用于柑橘采后浸果,不仅有防腐作用(与杀菌剂食盐、多效唑、高锰酸钾、甲基硫菌灵相当甚至更优),而且对果蒂有保鲜作用(与2,4-D相当),混用杀菌剂(1%食盐或1 000 mg/L多效唑、0.1%高锰酸钾、0.1%甲基硫菌灵)后有增效的现象,其浓度在50~500 mg/L之间均可,防腐和果蒂保鲜作用有随防落素浓度增大而提高的趋势。防落素用于柑橘采前喷施,贮藏期在4个月内,其防腐和果蒂保鲜作用优于采后浸果。生产中,可在采前1~3 d喷施防落素(50 mg/L)+杀菌剂(0.1%甲基硫菌灵),采后不必进行浸果杀菌而直接入库贮藏。防落素用于柑橘留树贮藏,效果优于2,4-D,可明显延长留树时间,与杀菌剂(0.1%甲基硫菌灵)混喷保鲜效果提高。柑橘正常采收期采用防落素(50 mg/L)+杀菌剂(0.1%甲基硫菌灵)喷果,辅以树冠覆盖薄膜、肥水管理等栽培措施,在冬季温度〈0℃的地区可留树贮藏2~3个月不落。因此,防落素适合作柑橘保鲜剂,采前喷施、采后浸果两种处理方式均可,与食盐或多效唑、高锰酸钾、甲基硫菌灵等杀菌剂混用最佳。防落素用于采后浸果,贮藏90~120 d采用50~100 mg/L.的浓度,贮藏4个月以上脐橙等甜橙采用200~250 mg/L、温州蜜柑等宽皮柑橘采用250~500 mg/L的浓度较为适宜。防落素用于采前喷施或留树保鲜,可采用50 mg/L的浓度。今后柑橘贮藏保鲜,可用防落素替代2,4-D。
To study the effects of para-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) on storage of citrus fruits and to provide scientific evidence for its application, fruit samples of 'Newhall' navel orange, 'Huahong' navel orange and 'Owari' satsuma mandarin from Longhui county in Hunan province were used to carry out the preservation and freshness storage at normal atmospheric temperature indoor, and fruits of 'Langfeng' navel orange from Xinning county of Hunan province were used to study the preservation and freshness storage on trees. Results showed immersion of citrus fruits in PCPA after harvest prevented them from rotting (as or better than in bactericides), and kept the pedicel of the fruits fresh (as in 2,4- D). Preservative effect of PCPA could be enhanced by supplement with either 1% of salt, 0.1% KMnO4, or 0.1% TM, or 1 O00mg/L MET, and by increasing its concentration ranging from 50 to 500 mg/L. Spray of PCPA before harvest had better preservative effects than immersion after harvest during 4 months storage. Therefore, in production, fruit should be sprayed with 50 mg/L PCPA supplemented with 0.1% TM before harvest then stored directly. As for on-tree storage, PCPA was better than 2,4-D and could also be enhanced by supplement with 0.1% of TM. Application of PCPA (50 rag/L, combined with 0.1% TM) during conventional harvest time kept citrus fruits from dropping and improved fruit flavor and quality if supported by covering canopy with film and appropriate nutrient and water management, even in regions where temperatures drop below 0 ~C in winter. PCPA could be used as preservative for citrus fruits and applied either before or after harvest. Preservative effects of PCPA could be enhanced when supplemented with bactericides such as salt, MET, KMnO4 and TM. For immersion, concentrations recommended were from 50 to 100 mg/L for 90 ~ 120 d storage, from 200 to 250 mg/L for storage of sweet oranges last over 4 months, and from 250 to 500 mg/L for loose skin mandarins, respectively. While for spray o
Chinese Horticulture Abstracts