我国从 1 96 5年由青岛海产博物馆首次开始饲养江豚和宽吻海豚。以后中国科学院水生生物研究所等单位先后饲养白既鱼 豚和长江江豚成功 ,1 995年以后 ,由于外国资本和技术的介入 ,使我国鲸类动物的人工饲养水平很快赶上世界先进水平 ,但由于发展速度太快 ,布局也不尽合理 ,因此 ,必须认真研究和探讨 。
In 1965, Qingdao Museum of Marine Products first tried to rear Neophocaena phocaenoides and Tursiops truncatus in captivity in China. The Yangtze River dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) was first successfully reared in captivity in 1980 at the Institute of Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1995, several dolphinariums or aquariums were established with dolphin shows in Qingdao, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Since then, many cities built their own dolphinariums or aquariums, and the scales have become bigger and more modern. With the introduction of foreign capital and techniques , the techniques for rearing dolphins in captivity in China are keeping pace with the world advanced standard quickly. Due to its too fast in development and irrational distribution , it is necessary to study and investigate carefully in the rearing of dolphins in captivity in China so that it can have a healthy and orderly development.
Acta Theriologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 39330 0 2 0 )