针对贫信息、不确定性系统存在的不确定性、随机干扰以及系统特征参数随工作环境的变化而变化的特点 ,将具有广阔发展前景的灰色系统理论和广义预测控制理论结合起来 ,提出了一种新型的计算机控制策略 :灰色广义预测控制算法 (GGPC)。所做的工作主要有 :提出单变量单步GGPC算法 ,并在Matlab环境下对其进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明 ,该GGPC算法适用于线性系统以及非线性系统 ,具有较强的抗干扰能力 ,有较好的鲁棒性以及自适应能力 ,通过调整参数 ,可以获得非常满意的动态和静态性能。图 2参
To the poor information and uncertain system featured by significant uncertainties and random disturbances and to the system eigenparameters varying greatly with the working conditions and surroundings,a computer control method is firstly designed,which is named as grey generalized prediction control method(GGPC),by combining the research of grey system theory with generalized prediction control theory.Main work includes:a single step GGPC method about single input single output system is put forward,and the simulation experiment is done under the Matlab environment.Effectiveness of the GGPC model and its power are demonstrated well.The simulation results show that this new control method has very strong robustness and adaptability as well as good resistant disturbances and satisfied performances.It is useful for the real time control of the poor information and uncertain system.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College