强制许可是我国专利制度中的一个重要组成部分 ,但从实施的情况来看 ,自我国实施专利制度以来 ,其实施率为零 ,从而导致了法律界、知识产权界的人士对我国制定强制许可制度的必要性产生了怀疑 ,是否有必要继续保留强制许可制度的问题也油然而生。本文根据专利强制许可的形成依据、所产生的效果 ,结合国内外知识产权法律制度中对强制许可的规定、限制和要求等 ,对我国实行强制许可制度的必要性进行了论述 ;同时 ,结合与国际条约、国际公约以及国与国之间的协定等对强制许可制度法律条款的制定、协调 ,以及国内对强制许可的认识规定等 ,进行了协调研究。论证了在我国现行历史阶段 ,应当保留强制许可的观点 ,并对强制许可法律、法规的修改提出了建议。
The compulsory license is an important part of patent system in China. But the rate of compulsory license to exploit is zero since the patent system put into force in 1985. This lead up to misdoubt even in the peoples who are in the fields of law and intellectual property that if the compulsory license system should be reserved. This article point out the compulsory license system is needing kept in China, according to the dependencies formed and the results generated of compulsory license to exploit the patent for invention or utility model, combining the stipulations, restrictions, requirement etc. The article also do some harmonization research, linkup to the constituted, harmonized of compulsory license system law clauses used by international treaties, conventions and international treaty to which both countries are party, and the interior recognition. More over, the author demonstrate the viewpoint that the compulsory license system would keep in China and bring up some suggestions to modified the law and regulations for compulsory license.
Science Research Management
国家自然科学基金!项目 (No .79730 0 10 )资助