针对使用专用芯片导致EtherCAT从站成本增加、硬件集成度下降、软件复杂、调试困难的问题,提出了新的EtherCAT从站软硬件设计方法。该方法使用AM3359 ARM芯片,在一块芯片内实现了EtherCAT从站通信功能和应用层功能,使硬件成本降低;使用分层的软件设计方法,软件编程简单,调试方便。通过搭建EtherCAT测试网络对所设计的从站功能进行测试,从站能够完好地工作。
The use of dedicated EtherCAT slave chip leads to high cost, low hardware integration, software complexity and diglculty in debugging, so a new hardware and software design method of EtherCAT slave station was presented. In the method, the AM3359 ARM chip was used, in which all functions including EtherCAT slave communication and application layer ware achieved, so the hardware cost was greatly reduced. A layered approach was used in software design, so it became simple and convenient to program and debug software. EtherCAT slave was implemented, at the same time, a EtherCAT network was designed to test and analyze the performance of EtherCAT slave. The EtherCAT slave station could work well.
journal of Computer Applications