According to our present development of economy and actual requirement of environment protection, the new standard GB 19147--2013 "Automobile Diesel Fuels IV" is a revision of the original GB 19147--2009 "Automobile Diesel Fuels" on items such as sulfur content, referred to automobile diesel fuels standard developed by European Union during its execution of Stage IV emission. Sulfur content mass fraction in automobile diesel was changed from no more than 350 mg/kg to no more than 50 mg/kg. The new standard's revision on sulfur content will have impacts on technological improvement of automobile diesel manufacturing in oil refineries, renewal of sulfur content inspection instruments, and training of inspection staff. It also paves ways for catching up with advanced international standards, decreasing sulfur content in automobile diesel, mitigating air pollution caused by vehicle exhaust and reducing hazy weathers.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University:Natural Science Edition