为了解决集中式网络故障管理固有的缺陷 ,提出了一种基于 SNMP网络管理环境、使用分布式智能代理进行网络设备告警关联的算法 .算法分成 3步 :1智能代理驻留在设备本地 ,对设备发出的告警进行分类 ,作为相应协议对象的故障模型 FSM的输入 ,运行这个 FSM以产生该协议对象的当前状态 ;2按照关联关系的形式化定义 ,尝试对状态不正常的协议对象进行关联 ;3为了给关联的结果增加一个可信度的度量 ,计算关联结果的信念 ,将关联的结果及其信念报告给网络管理平台 .该算法将告警关联和故障标识的难度进行了分解 。
In order to avoid the intrinsic drawbacks of the centralized fault management in a computer network or a communication network, an alarm correlation algorithm using distributed intelligent agents in a SNMP network management environment is proposed in this paper. The algorithm can be divided into three steps. (1) The intelligent agent resides on a network device. Once it receives an alarm emitted by the device, it classifies the alarm according to its meaning and its severity level, and then inputs the result to a finite state machine (FSM) of the fault model of a certain protocol object. Next, it runs the FSM in order to establish the current state of the protocol object. (2) Using the formal definition of a correlation relation, the intelligent agent tries to correlate the protocol objects whose current states are abnormal. (3) In order to add a reliability measurement to the correlation result, the intelligent agent computes a belief of the correlation result protocol object, and then reports the object and its belief to a network manager. This algorithm decomposes the complexity of the alarm correlation and fault identification, so it is of great benefit to realize real time and automated network management.
Journal of Computer Research and Development
国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划基金资助!(项目编号 86 3 -3 0 6 -ZD0 8-0 1-2 )